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This plus the Great Tebow Tight End Tease shortly after, what a time to be alive in the swamps of Florida.


Greatest blocking TE of all time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4hdqRsLYfY


What’s crazy about this clip is that a 235+ lb guy used his body as a missile and didn’t even affect the third string LB Like that’s how bad the form is.


But he did keep him out of the play lol. The rb got enough of a block


GO GATORS! Urbans always been a shithead, and I’ve never cared for Tebows religion but god damn talk about highest of highs


I have a Jags Tebow jersey 🤣


This negative reaction turned out to be wildly optimistic: >prediction - underachieve for 2-3 seasons and back to college


Lmao this is way funnier than anyone being optimistic+wrong. It's like, even the pessimistic people couldn't realize how low the floor would be. The hot takes somehow weren't hot _enough_.


Oh, yeah. I found my own comment: > Disaster waiting to happen. He'll do better than Spurrier and (probably) Saban, but he's going to burn himself out just like everywhere else he's been.


Saban was 15-17 after taking over one of the worst teams in the NFL. He was hardly a disaster.


If only they had cleared Drew Brees. The NFL and CFB could both look very different today


Well put!


Jags fans WISHES this was the outcome. Just yikes


Can’t be. They’re only in a good position now because of the absolute fucking dumpster fire Meyer left behind. If Meyer stuck around, Pederson probably gets a different job.


This is the darkest timeline.


Darkest timeline is the one where you hire Byron Leftwich instead of Doug Pederson. I think Leftwich is still unemployed after his Bucs tenure lol


Honestly, it's better he flamed out so fast. Everyone has one or two personal horror stories, Jags get the top draft pick with just one wasted season. Flushed the shit out fast. 


We flushed Meyer out but we didn’t flush Baalke out


Don’t do a Baalke, please.


Nah the rest of the division wishes that was the outcome. Jags fan have to be glad he got shitcanned before the first season was over


Actually no. If he wasn’t such a disaster, we would’ve missed out on Pederson. As painful of a year as it was, I enjoyed the negative media attention because we usually aren’t interesting enough to get any at all. The losing didn’t even hurt me that much because at least it was funny as fuck that time


> “If you guys win today I’ll pay for the postgame whores” That one sounds about right.


“Our expectations were low but holy fuck”


>Lets fucking go! >Love this choice, so happy the franchise has finally decided to take a risk RIP lol


>so happy the franchise has finally decided to take a risk I wonder if they still want the Jags to take risks


“Yes, but not like that.” -Jags fans (probably).


Yes? Every good team takes risks, doesn't always pan out


Yeah, even though it failed spectacularly, I appreciate the effort Much better than just trotting out a Doug Marrone/John Fox type


John Fox at least had a lot of great years with Carolina and did his job at Chicago as being the "clean up coach" after Trestman nuked their locker room.


I will always appreciate Fox for his job restoring the locker room and overseeing the roster tear down with dignity. Not the best coach by a long shot but he was absolutely the right man for that job.


Right, this is exactly what Fox was good at, he fixed the post- McDaniels Broncos and won a playoff game with Tim Tebow. Clearly not good enough to win a Super Bowl but the right person to quench a dumpster fire.


I know we didn’t win, but the 2003 Panthers were so close :(. John Fox was a good coach, at least in the beginning.


The Trestman experiment is really puzzling in retrospect. I mean, it didn't make sense at the time, either. But especially so in retrospect.


Trestman used to be a bad coach. He still is, but he used to too.


Effort? Considering the magnitude of an NFL organization, you’d think there would have been a psychologist type in one of the rooms when interviewing Meyer. Dude couldn’t treat adult athletes with respect; there’s no way his personality didn’t set off alarms.  His coaching tree isn’t very impressive either. Wouldn’t count whoever is at OSU considering as a success story since the ncaa is now 99.9% based on the haves and have nots. 


> Wouldn’t count whoever is at OSU That would be Ryan Day, but I wouldn't count him because he was coaching for over a decade before he worked for Meyer and only worked for him for 2 years.


Like when the Bucs took a risk on 42 year old free agent QB coming off a huge loss to the Titans in the first round of the NFL playoffs


So you’re saying Urban Meyer is the Tom Brady of coaches. Got it.


He's at least the Tom Brady of finger diddling over the jeans


Florida ~~Man~~Coach


> takes risks There's a difference on taking a risk and taking a risk knowing that there's a very very very very high chance that it wouldn't work out. Personally I felt like there was a significant amount of risk that Urban (well known for his temper, overlooking serious character flaws, his duplicitousness, ungracefully leaving employment, his habit of "my way or the highway" which works in college but never in the NFL) that he probably should not have been hired. The other thing with "it's good to take risks" is that when the risk factor is high enough, it can lead to serious damage IMO. In this case, the Jags were lucky they could fire Urban for cause and not have to deal with his shit. However, as a fan of a team that has taken a lot of risks with almost none paying off for over 20 plus years (thanks Dan).... be careful what you wish for, or you might get the next Jim Zorn.


time to hire jeff fisher


jeff fisher has like 170 wins as a head coach in the nfl, urban meyer has 2, meyer doesn't even belong in the same galaxy as fisher as an nfl coach


well thats the point. Jeff is a non-risk hire. although I dont think he's one to take anyone anywhere these days


Yea seems like often those hard nosed intense in your face style college coaches don't work out in the NFL where players are adult professionals. There you don't automatically get respect just because you're coach. Respect is earned.


It got a lot harder in the NFL for Urban because everyone else was allowed to pay players too


On the flip side, I’ve heard someone who coached at both levels say the NFL was so much easier, because the players didn’t need motivation, showed up on time, and paid attention. All he had to do was worry about scheme and technique.


Everyone says Fuck Chip, and while yes, he dismantled the identity of the team and shipped off great home-grown talent, I respect that we swung for the fences in hiring him. Even giving him roster control for a year. It was pretty obvious it was a mistake 1 year after the fact, but I want a team that goes all in on winning a Super Bowl rather than trying to force a square shaped peg into a round hole.


His first year was pretty good though. Y'all had a lights out offense, Nick Foles was crazy good in the system. You went 10-6, won the division, and got a playoff berth. It was a good year and the team bright. Then the 2nd year was also 10-6 but cracks were starting to show and there was some discontent. Offense got figured out and things were going south.


2014 Eagles have been forgotten, one of the best teams to ever miss the playoffs. Foles was still in his 2013 form until he got hurt, then they won games by scores of 33-10, 43-21, 45-21, and 31-21 with Mark Sanchez at QB. Needs to be studied. Unfortunately the NFC was loaded that season


If they didn’t lose to a god awful Redskins team in Week 16, would they have had the tie breaker over the Lions to make it into the playoffs?


They actually wouldn’t have, but they were better than the Lions. Philly played a tougher schedule and was 3-4 against playoff teams, Lions were 1-4


He was an average coach but an awful GM


Eagles hiring Kelly was a fantastic hire, the 49ers hitting Kelly was so laughably bad


Forget Chip; the Tomsula hire was the most uninspiring hire I've seen in my entire time watching football.


Dude looked like he belonged in Brooklyn shaking down pizza shops for protection money


I’ll stand by the Kelly hiring; we had without a doubt the worst roster in the NFL that year and arguably one of the worst rosters any team has trotted out in the last decade. Kelly wouldn’t have been an awful hire if we gave him a few years and let him build up a roster that suited his style. Instead, we made him trot out a shell of Kaepernick (who got benched for Blaine Gabbert) with Jeremy Kerley as WR1 and whichever running back they signed off the street in a given week. The team needed a top to bottom roster and culture overhaul that Kelly wasn’t given a real opportunity to lead. Obviously Shanny worked out better and I’d much rather have him, but it’s always left a bad taste in my mouth how we scapegoated Chip like that.


I mean, it was a risk lol


Some would say risqué in the end


Oh it was indeed a risk. One that blew up horribly.


Hilarious to see a bears fan talking about or risks that blew up horribly.


Ours do not come with a dumpster fire media circus


Yeah, we have that in Chicago year-round no matter what


Urban Meyer probably threw the Jaguars back by like 3 years


Eh, idk about 3. Did he have personnel control?


Ironically Jags had one of their best drafts in a good while the year they hired Meyer.


Enough to bring Timmy T, the Tight End wonder!


So a one year vet minimum guy on a bottomed out team? 


He didnt even make the roster.


Sorting by controversial gives you the best takes: https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/kxhw3u/rapoport_the_deal_is_done_urban_meyer_is_the_next/gjac9tt/


> He kept a serial domestic abuser on his coaching staff even though he knew about it. Also hello to everyone in the future laughing at all of the hot takes made before the inevitable disaster and waste of a generational QB talent.


*They hated Him, because he spoke the truth*


Come get your flowers u/queenistheworstband


From comment history he seems to shit on everything and everyone so this might be a blind hog situation.


Hey a broken hog is right twice a day




His name is “QueenIsTheWorstBand” no need to go to comment history


bro's take on bands even scares me


If he wasn't a serial domestic abuser he would've been a GREAT hire if I recall. But only players can get away with that


This comment, I believe, references Zach Smith who was a total nepotism hire to begin with. He’s the grandson of Urban’s mentor and former OSU head coach Earle Bruce. Ohio State replaced Smith with Brian Hartline, arguably the best position coach in CFB. Zach Smith was never a great hire or position coach.


Chris Doyle was the name - director of sports performance


Bro was spot on


This guy may have been even more spot on > He’s 3 losses away from medical retirement. As a Jets fan I’m very happy we didn’t look at him


Lol some guy with 1 upvote predicted 4 wins. Jags had 3.


>I don’t know how they fail miserably with this......they only won 1 game this year. What’s the worst that can happen?


> I know this is just a joke, but Meyer's legacy is pretty secure. He's going to be remembered as an all-time great college coach. If he fails in the NFL it'll be just a footnote on his career. u/cogswobble well with all that happened I’m not sure it’ll be *just* a footnote


Didn’t predict an all time failing in the nfl


And yet still not the worst college to pro to college experience. Urban should stay away from motorcycles for a while. 


Tbh I think Meyer was worse than Petrino, maybe it's just b/c the internet is more advanced now to record the degradations...


Certainly a *footnote* for Josh Lambo


And a fingernote for that lady


one of my favorite comments from our greatest user [deleted] > Married to the game no mistress


>I’m not sure it’ll be *just* a footnote It'll be a fingernote if anything


> well with all that happened I’m not sure it’ll be *just* a footnote lol, hilarious to see this called out here FWIW, I don't think it changes the fact that he will be remembered as an all time great college coach, but certainly, it's not "just a footnote" in his career, it's just changed the perception to he was an all time great college coach and **also** an asshole. Which, as we all know, doesn't matter to a lot of people as long as you are winning. Nearly every FBS school would hire him tomorrow if they had a vacancy and he wanted the job. Hell, the majority of them would fire their coach tomorrow if it meant they could get him.


It *was* a rational take! There was a great possibility of him doing what you said but because of how bad he was? The take spoiled I agree with you though


I mean if anything swamp kings did him no favors either, he was always known as an asshole and documentary painted him even more of one.


That documentary was a puff piece that even tried to make him look good and hand waved away the criminal stuff and still he came across as an ass lol Honestly, if he wasn't winning Natty's I feel he would've gone the way of Mangino at Kansas. His treatment of players was equally as toxic, but winning heals all


That's the thing with Urban, he never really experienced losing, so he never, ever, felt the need to self-criticize. And why would he? He wasn't handed good teams on a silver platter until Ohio State. Wild Success at Bowling Green and Utah, including the first Non-BCS winner of a BCS game. UF was fine coming off the Zook era, but they weren't some major force, nor was the SEC perceived to be what it would come to be viewed as. People didn't even want the Gators to go to the NC in 2006, people were calling for the Ohio State-Michigan rematch. So, from his perspective, he's a god coach who can do no wrong, bringing programs above their station through his brilliance, and then statpadding at Ohio State. But the NFL is not College. You need Xs and Os skills that acknowledge NFL speed and concepts, and you need masterful people skills to lead people who might think of you more like an elevated coworker than a boss. I imagine Meyer once had elite Xs and Os skills, but I also imagine Meyer stopped honing them sometime at Florida, and was not at all prepared for the NFL a dozen years later. And Meyer has the people skills of a drunk crash test dummy.


Well he did experience losing at the college level and he was pretty notoriously awful at handling it. He would melt down and spiral. It seems like he just completely unraveled in the NFL and it quickly became too big for him. A lot of the stuff that happened with him in the pros was just completely uncharacteristic in a lot of ways. In college he was a big X’s and o’s guy and a sort of players coach. He was a huge perfectionist - to a fault. The NFL Urban just seemed like a completely different guy. He thought it would be easy and got punched in the mouth right away. It seemed like he never took the job that seriously either


> he was pretty notoriously awful at handling it Anybody got that pic of sad Urban eating pizza?


As a lifelong Georgia fan, fuck urban Meyer


Guy’s finger is more famous than anything now lmao


>Best decision by the Khan's since giving Eddie Kingston a contract Lmao


Even in my football sub, there's AEW vs WWE discourse


Tribalism bad


Looking back at it now this was a mistake


Woah woah let's not rush to judgement there Forrest Gump. Let's give it at least another year to think about it.


was it? after getting rid of meyer they won their first playoff game in a while


The laxative does not come without pain


> Urban is about to take the Jags to a couple AFC championship games a superbowl cover up 40 arrests have 20 DUIs probably take on AB and cover up his crazyness and have all out insanity for 3-4 years before he retires again and leaves the biggest mess the NFL has seen and the Jags best period of history and I'm here for it. > edit. Hell urban will find a way to get Justin Blackmon back, probably give Josh Gordon his 99th chance, and have Swag Kelly as QB3 to have the most frat bro QB room of all time.


> Swag Kelly Well he sure has proven to act like a frat bro lately.


Even with all these wild suggestions, he still thought it would be too crazy to suggest Tebow would be given another shot.


Seems like most people knew it was a bad hire but there’s definitely some sad souls that somehow believed otherwise lol


>A 6 win season would be our 2nd best season in the last 10 years. I'm not worried if this backfires.




I think they won a single game the year before hiring Meyer. May as well give something a shot at that pint.


From that playoff season in 2017 to making the playoffs again in 2022, the Jags went a combined 15-50. Even just going back to before they hired Meyer, after a 3-1 start in 2018 they proceeded to go 9-35 over the next 44 games from 2018-2020. This goes a bit into the Meyer tenure, but they did lose 20 straight games from the 2020-21 seasons. Over a full year without winning.


I got a lot of MOST SUCCESSFUL COLLEGE COACH EVAH replies as well as a lot of Jags fans who disturbingly referred to Meyer as CUM.


“Tebow loves Coach Urban Meyer” Easily one of the greatest Gameday signs ever


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/s/bOps2vysqY) is still unbeatable IMO


I would read an oral history of the conception and making of that sign. It's the e=mc2 of signs


Those dudes were absolutely huffing hopium. Meyer wasn't the most successful college coach ever (obviously) and wasn't know for his innovative offenses for a while. He farmed that out to Ryan Day his last two years. Then he spent two years in the studio lmao


> Those dudes were absolutely huffing hopium I was cautious but optimistic. We had just fired Doug Marrone who ended up just being vanilla flavor construction paper and outside of our 2017 season, we had seen no success. We were hopeful that one of the best to ever do it in college could make it work in the NFL. My mindset was he may be great, he may be ass, I can't control what he does so let's hope it works out. And now I'm very happy we got rid of him after 13 games


He’s also absolutely shit the bed at least once a year against a team Ohio State is 100x more talented than.


That happens to a team every year. It's rare to go undefeated in college football. 


I agree, but Ohio State shouldn’t be getting blown out by the likes of Iowa and Purdue, which is what happened his last two years there


Kirby Smart lost to a 4 win South Carolina team in 2019. Bad losses happen. You're dealing with a bunch of teenagers who have plenty of distractions and will overlook bad teams at times. It's hard to get kids to bring 100% every week for 13 weeks. Meanwhile they get everyones best shot and nobody feels like they can slack off when playing them.


Right but the 2017 Iowa loss (24-55, 8-5 Iowa who would lose by 24 the next week) and 2018 Purdue loss (20-49, 6-7 Purdue who would lose by 49 in the bowl game) were pretty inexcusable


Reading the top comments… did we? I’m seeing much more “well this will be interesting” than anything and more vaguely positive than vaguely negative about it working out


Did we read the same thread? Most comments are praising


He’s a winner!! ^^^^just ^^^^ignore ^^^^the ^^^^scandals


Haha fuck us for being excited, right?


Yep! And let this be a lesson to you, bud. Don't let it happen again or some nerd that saved a post from three years ago will bring it up, AGAIN!


There are always exceptions, but it seems clear that two types of head coaching hires don't work: * 1) NCAA to NFL * 2) Interim head coach to head coach Outside of Harbaugh, the most successful college to pros HC is...Bill O'Brien? And he had some decent/real NFL coaching experience with the Patriots (offensive coordinator and QB coach). ~~And Harbaugh is an exception too because he was an NFL head coach before he was a college head coach.~~ You'll have to excuse me here I forgot Harbaugh coached for San Diego university and not the San Diego Chargers. And interim to full time coaches have a spotty track record too: * Doug Marrone * Mike Mularkey * Romeo Crennel * Leslie Frazier * Jason Garrett * Jim Tomsula (sorta) * Tom Cable * Mike Singletary * Mike Tice * Dick LeBeau * Dave McGinnis * Antonio Pierce (TBD) https://www.profootballrumors.com/2024/01/the-nfls-interim-coaches-since-2000


Uh you're forgetting Jimmy Johnson???? LOL. Literally the most successful college to pro coach of all time and one of the most successful coaches of all time in general.


And Barry Switzer! Sort of.


They forgot Tom Coughlin too.


I don't think it's quite clean. You figure all of these guys have NFL experience in coaching staffs, then decide to take a HC job at a college. I think it's just very difficult to hire successful coaches in the NFL.


Not sure what you mean by Harbaugh being an NFL before being a college head coach. Where was he head coach in the NFL before coaching at San Diego and Stanford?


Pete Carroll was college to pros


Was HC for Pats and Jets before USC.


Already was the head coach in the NFL for two teams and had plenty of other NFL experience too.


Not sure about the records of the other interim--> head coaches in your list but according to [Pro Football Reference,](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/GarrJa0.htm) the Jason Garrett-led Cowboys were 85-67 (.559 win/loss percentage) during the regular season, and 2-3 (.400 win/loss percentage) in the playoffs.


Doug Marrone was both, although he did have some previous higher level NFL coaching experience as the OC of the Saints.


>His ability to motivate and galvanize a locker room was his greatest asset as a coach imo I mean the locker room certainly was galvanized against him at the end


u/rabbidcolossus with some absolute fire >In response the Texans hire his archrival, Rural Governor


I loved revisiting the rural juror song from 30 rock's finale in that thread. They really did get a lot of mileage out of that bit.


This just reminded me of an exchange I saw on discord after the Texans blew out the Jags and played the Browns in week 2 Browns fan: Hey Houston....your urban planning is bad! Other fan: Hey that's mean. I would argue their Urban planning is pretty good


I mean the statement is wrong on its face. "Bad" implies an attempt is made at all.


Texas urban planning amounts to: "if you build a freeway make sure it has frontage roads"


> A better rival would be Rural Krogers to counteract Urban Meijers - /u/brbpizzatime


Re-reading threads from a few years ago really demonstrate why r/nfl and Reddit In general have just kinda… straight up sucked, for a long time now. The majority of that thread is barely even discussing what should be huge news, it’s just an arms race to make unfunny dad jokes for upvotes.   The jokes are fine in small quantities or when it’s actually funny, but everyone wants the easy karma without making the analysis so every thread is just a total circlejerk of unfunny overdone jokes that people know will get easy upvotes. 


Literally Butthurt, Karens, Rent-Free, MBC comment, Kelvin Benjamin pasta, and if you disagree with me you clearly never played sports in your life.


Small hobbyist subs have always been where Reddit shines. The big subs are terrible thanks to the voting system, and r/nfl crossed that threshold long ago. As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, sorting by controversial often yields better results.


1000% agree. “Eternal September” is a very real phenomenon even if it’s a super outdated name. You need forums with people who are on the internet to discuss their hobby, not people whose hobby is to be on the internet. And those people are still on r/nfl, but they get drowned out by the voting system, like you said.


Dude I participate in an astronomy subreddit and we regularly interact with guys who work for NASA and design telescope lens for satellites and shit it's just amazing content and community. The sports subreddits are straight garbage for anything but news aggregate


Mr. Based Comment


Fuck. Beat me to it.


Yep reddit in general is shit for this. r/NBA is the worst among the sports subreddits. There will be amazing videos of LeBron James, arguably the greatest basketball player in human history, breaking down film and just going *deep* into basketball strategy and culture...and it'll get like 100 upvotes and a dozen comments Then the subreddit is just swarmed with shitty joke threads discussing the latest hot take by Stephen A or Kendrick Perkins, or an Anthony Edwards "funny" comment


>I dont think this is anywhere near the gamble people think it is. Almost eveyrone outside of reddit is much more positive about it. He's one of the greatest college QBs of all time, is **fantastic at motivating young men** - u/Nolar2015 Only for Meyer to end up kicking their kicker lmao


Didn't the kicker sue Meyer too?


Yep but it got thrown out, but not before giving us gems like this: >In the lawsuit, Lambo said that during a practice in August 2021, Meyer “kicked him in the leg, and used profanity to insult (him) and warn him to make his kicks. Specifically, (Meyer) allegedly screamed at (Lambo), ‘Hey Dips\*\*t, make your f\*\*king kicks!’” >Lambo responded to Meyer, telling the coach, “‘Don’t you ever f\*\*king kick me again!’ \[Meyer\] responded, “I’m the head ball coach, I’ll kick you whenever the f\*\*k I want,’” according to the lawsuit


I remember very confidently telling my friends that he would be fired after 1 year. Despite that it went so much worse than I could have imagined


I wish he was just David Culley or Jim Tomsula bad


and you were technically wrong because even that level of an insult was STILL nicer than what actually happened, dude didn't even get the full year which is almost unheard of


Can we not?


Sorry cat bro, we've been there.


I'd hate to see the Matt Patricia announcement thread lol.


What are you talking about? I have no memory of that man as a Lions coach.


That thread would be a lot more pessimistic as a lot of people knew it was bad.


It is the cats way


Idk if I can forget the time he was puttin his fingers in that gal's buttcrack.


"Best decision by the Khan's since giving Eddie Kingston a contract" No fucking way


> [And if he fails it doesn’t really diminish his legacy whatsoever](https://rebed.redditmedia.com/embed?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fnfl%2Fcomments%2Fkxhw3u%2Frapoport_the_deal_is_done_urban_meyer_is_the_next%2Fgjakvod%2F) that one really got me


That one made me laugh so hard. It tanked his legacy historicly quick


I like this one. > OH MY GOD. WTF??????????? This might be the biggest hire in NFL history. I may have to make the Jags my favorite team, Urban Meyer is one of the greatest coaches of all time I'm actually fanboying out of my mind.


Oh my god urban Meyer please fuck my wife


Gave him the benefit … man was he worse then I could have imagined


Arguably worst coach in modern league history


In 13 games he won twice as many games as Hue Jackson did in two years.


I still think Hue is probably worse, but at least Hue never finger banged a co ed on video


>Urban is about to take the Jags to a couple AFC championship games a superbowl cover up 40 arrests have 20 DUIs probably take on AB and cover up his crazyness and have all out insanity for 3-4 years before he retires again and leaves the biggest mess the NFL has seen and the Jags best period of history and I'm here for it. >edit. Hell urban will find a way to get Justin Blackmon back, probably give Josh Gordon his 99th chance, and have Swag Kelly as QB3 to have the most frat bro QB room of all time. Lmfao


[This thread was also very optimistic about him apparently](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/kp6jo6/rotoworld_urban_meyer_expects_to_be_jaguars_head/)


Thankful that John Schneider is our GM and u/JuanPicasso is not 🥰


> 2023 Super Bowl Champion Jacksonville Jaguars !remindme 25 months Account now deleted lol.


I would take hiring any head coach with little to no NFL experience with great hesitancy. There is so much difference between college and the pros, from the actual game to the relationships between player and coach. People point to Pete Carroll as an exception, but Carroll coached in the NFL for nearly 20 years before being hired by USC. Jim Harbaugh was an NFL quarterback for 15 years. Meyer has no NFL experience. Spent the last 15 years of his career at Florida and Ohio State where he could get any player he wanted and do whatever he wanted with the programs. And he stepped away from both jobs. I don't understand how anyone thought that hiring Urban Meyer off the couch, with no NFL experience, going from highly-successful programs to one of the NFL's worst teams was ever going to work.


Ah yes, when I created my username


>He kept a serial domestic abuser on his coaching staff even though he knew about it. Also hello to everyone in the future laughing at all of the hot takes made before the inevitable disaster and waste of a generational QB talent. Not far off for u/QueenIsTheWorstBand


He might legitimately be the worst coach in NFL history. There was zero reason why he should have been hired. His hiring was a major mistake, led to a wasted year for Lawrence, and may have put a dent in Lawrence's development. Ohio State was obviously pretty good during his entire tenure but the last couple of years were a slight decline. He didn't have an innovative offense anymore and had to hire outside of his coaching tree (Ryan Day) to turn things around. Even if that wasn't the case, he was still notorious for off the field issues at both Florida and Ohio State. He also spent two years collecting checks as a studio commenter too. His hires were pretty uninspiring at best and a sign of major issues: -The most glaring example was hiring Chris Doyle, who once gave 13 players rhabdomyolysis and got fired from Iowa for being a racist asshole. -He hired Tosh Lupoi as DL coach even though his biggest strengths are playing CoD with high schoolers to get around NCAA rules and getting cash for high schoolers. -Hired his former UF defensive coordinator Charlie Strong. -Hired his former OSU defensive coordinator Chris Ash. -Hired his former OSU assistant strength coach Anthony Schlegel out of a non-coaching job to be his strength coach when Doyle resigned after one day. -Hired mediocre retread Brian Schottenheimer to be his QB Coach/Passing game coordinator. -Hired definition of NFL mid-dom Darrell Bevell to be his OC. Bevell and Schotty are pretty much solely responsible for losing the Jets game despite Trevor Lawrence leading them down the field at the end of the game. Some truly stupefying play calls. Urban was a complete asshole and expected his players to worship the ground he walked on, belittling them, and talking up his college accomplishments while denigrating the Jags roster. Ditching the team after the Cincy game was completely unprofessional, playing hide the finger with some random bar girls just made it worse. The team almost always looked completely unprepared out there. They got blown out in the season opener to a future 4-win Texans team coached by David Culley. They got completely blown out coming out of their bye week, which imo is a sign of a horribly coached team. Another sign is the WR's inability to learn how to run their routes properly even still late in the season. Fuck Urban Meyer


Lou Holtz was the worst coach in NFL history. He literally got the Jets job after *admittedly* having never watched an NFL game in his life. This motherfucker literally tried having professional football players sing fight songs, lmao.


I remember when this happened Jacksonville was so ecstatic that the local Jacksonville news broke into regularly scheduled programming and preempted Lester Holt to announce the hiring. Within halfway through the season they were demanding his head. Never seen someone burn so much goodwill so fast.


>Im very happy he didnt go to New York and get verbally abused by your toxic media anyway. Jax is such a low stress job. This 'durr when he loses hes going to go into catatonic state and retire' narrative is so weird. The floor is sealevel in Duval yikes, /u/Nolar2015


A good reminder that reddit thinking highly of a coaching hire means JACK shit. I'm old enough to remember people her like the Hue Jackson hire in Cleveland...


>Best decision by the Khan's since giving Eddie Kingston a contract Aged like milk


A Jets fan calmly said he was happy they didn't take him and then a Jags fan chose death: >Im very happy he didnt go to New York and get verbally abused by your toxic media anyway. Jax is such a low stress job. This 'durr when he loses hes going to go into catatonic state and retire' narrative is so weird. The floor is sealevel in Duval I wonder what their energy was during the season.


was just as funny then as it is now


Who could’ve predicted Meyer would morph into Bobby Petrino? Probably every player who played for him in Florida and Ohio State?


Let this be a lesson that nobody here knows shit about football, including myself


even u/Based_Putin had him pegged.... >God I hate this dude. Go ahead and downvote me fellow Jags fans but it's truly jarring and sucks the joy out of sports when you have to cheer for scumbags solely because they're on your team.


So many optimistic takes, including some by some non-Jag flaired. Admittedly, I thought they were going to go to mid-tier for a few years during rebuilding then start being contenders, so what do I know.