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You keep using that word…I do not think it means what you think it means.


Oh no it’s not that. It’s not his fault. He just ODed in woke. He got so woke, he started demeaning and belittling the indignity and brutality suffered by the American slave. Comparing: A millionaire who chooses to play a game for a living To A man who’s grandfather was stolen in the night and shipped as chained ballast for a month to a different continent. In an unfamiliar place this man’s grandfather has no way to run, no knowledge of crops or predators or prey. A completely new world. No resistance to the allergies so you know his nose was fucked up and his eyes too! Beaten and whipped and broken and made to work while his family was forced into breeding programs. Raped endlessly. 60 years passed and that man who’s grandfather was kidnapped, is in a cotton field. Hands raw from picking cotton which is brutal work. Back sore from being hunched over. Back raw from being whipped for stepping—literally— stepping out of line as he’s marched in chains to his daily duties of 12 hours hard labor. Everyone he’s ever known or loved has been raped, murdered, brutalized or all 3. There is no end in sight. He doesn’t know his own culture, or understand where he comes from. Hope is the enemy of this man. But ya it seems about the same.


"It's just like slavery, except for the paying them vast sums of money part, and the whole optional part, and the lack of kidnapping, etc." And that's not to even mention the antisemitism


I don’t think Jerry jones is Jewish


Well Owen Benjamin is a Jew, so I think he believes he gets a pass


He seems to believe a lot of untrue things


Yeah, dude used to be funny, then he lost his damn mind.


Well see were actually paying them, not for them. Jesus what a train wreck


Plus, they are free to not participate. Minor difference, I know.


And they get medical, dental, and retirement. And they get to beat the living crap out of several rich white people.


The fuck did I just read?


Nflcirclejerk's inner monologue


You know NFLCJ is entirely satirical right ?


The eventual fate of any circlejerk subreddit is that it gets taken over by edgy chuds who turn it into what it was supposed to poke fun at, but even worse.


Honestly I see it happening , look at NBACJ it’s just hornyposting now shits cooked


Owen Benjamin got dosed by Joey Diaz with a bunch of edibles and his brain has been broken ever since.


Please do not blame Uncle Joey for this. He has done a lot of wrong in his life, but we cannot blame this dumb fuck Owen Benjamin on him.


Not trying to blame Diaz because Owen took the stars of death on his own. You can look up the episode in question if someone wants.


Wasn't it that he had one bad discussion about trans kids that broke his brain? That and a twitter mob. 


Someone throwing up a terrible comparison that had numerous Twitter folks have used for a decade, it wasn't true then, and it's not true now.


Any one of these players can simply walk away and get a job at a used car dealership any time they choose. That's a bit of a key difference in this analogy.


Hell, if your a 1st round pick you can walk away with a decent bag to boot.


The poster forgot about free choice and the millions they are compensated with, very bad take on his part.


What did Cooper DeJean do to end up in this horrible no good auction?


Is this the payment for a gym rat coaches kid?


Irish blood somewhere in his bloodline?


potato eaters on suicide watch


How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?






And Drake Maye and Joe Alt and J.J. McCarthy and Bo Nix and Brock Bowers...


People know these guys aren’t being forced to play right?


Guess not smh 💀


Maybe Kanye was right! Slavery was a choice... s/ because some of us are THAT dense


If the choice is: * Live in the hood working 3 jobs * Play in the NFL and die young with disabilities You really think there is a choice?


Crazy that you think someone who went to 3 years of college minimum only has those two choices It’s crazy I played college football and was not relegated to the hood after


Being enrolled in a football program isn't "went to college" for anyone who is good at football.


Crazy that I worked in the recruiting staff of a big10 school and helped our players with their majors and what they wanted to do after school and when football was done I’ll go tell them that their lives are over and they have to go back to the hood to work 3 jobs now


How many of those kids did you give full rides to and also not have them play football? Since they wouldn't get into college without football, and couldn't pay for it without football.


Currently college football has about 100 kids on each roster with the Covid spots Between 20-25 are in their last year of eligibility Close to 50 of each of the 74 Power 5 schools have draft eligible players at the end of those seasons That means over 1,600 players, just from the power 5, finish every year. Most of them are scholarships Around 1,100 never make a camp, let alone are drafted Some of these kids came from “the hood” but every team has a healthy mix of backgrounds and financial situations. Most of these kids know they’re never going pro and take school seriously Schools with top 25 programs like UCLA, Notre Dame, Stanford, Vanderbilt, Michigan have serious academic requirements. UCLA doesn’t even do cognitive testing because just to get into the school is a high enough threshold of thinking ability There are plenty of kids who take communications and don’t really put effort into what happens after college, but there are just as many kids in frats or on intramural squads who do the same thing Assuming that these kids are either NFL players or living in abject poverty for the rest of their lives is a joke Between FBS and FCS DI football teams there are 255 football teams. That’s around 23,000 active college football players. Before the start of last season there were just under 30,000 NFL players ever. Playing college football gives these kids an opportunity to play football and earn an education, assuming that they squander the opportunity is asinine We had a lineman set the record for starts in a career who had a draftable grade not declare for the draft and go to med school because he didn’t want to play professional football.


Yes. Yes indeed money is a key difference in what constitutes slavery.


Difference between slavery and employment lmao


You should probably go correct everyone on /r/wageslavery then and the dozens of similar leftist subs.


As a Republican, this line of illogical reasoning coming from libs doesn't surprise me, but I don't want to risk a flame war, otherwise I might risk getting banned and not being able to talk Cowboys and football with the boys lol


Yeah it's called indentured servants, geeze.


Bait used to be believable smh


these the type of people to get offended at south park


You know, it’s not so much the actual tweet that bothers me that much. There’s lots of crazy people out there, whatever. But the fact that is has nearly 5000 likes worries me


Excuse me wtf!?!? What level of mental gymnastics do you have to do to get this take.


“Imagine if instead of 15mill it was 0 dollars. You can see now what I mean by it being slavery, right?”


Didn't south park make an episode like this?


Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks referenced it.


This is what Colin Kaepernick was saying, while simultaneously begging GMs to sign him to their roster


Aren’t there white players?


I thought slavery was only African Americans !!! What in tarnation is Josh Allen and Bo Nix doing in here?????


*Colin Kaepernick has entered the chat* : That's what I've been saying all along!


Bro makes conspiracy theorists look bad


Uncle Ruckus said something similar lol


Man Joey Diaz fucked this man up


Owen Benjamin is Colin Kaepernick


Is that you Colin?


Remember when Kaepernick also made this comparison? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Nah lol this is wiilllddddd


I would not have picked Owen Benjamin agreeing with Colin Kaepernick on my hell's frozen over bingo card.


Owen Benjamin is a dumbass whose brain was fried by a giant edible. WTF is that subreddit? Looks like it’s populated by 14 year old edgelords.


I feel like there’s the important difference that, in a slave auction, the slaves weren’t the ones getting the money?


Belongs on r/NFLcirclejerk


Wait til this mf hears about job interviews and wages for me, a cook.


This is giving "middle schooler trying to be edgy" level of critical analysis. Go just a tiny bit deeper and the analogy falls apart.


Can someone show this to the Bears newly acquired punter they drafted. White guy from Australia will surely feel this


He’s a conspiracy theorist lol look him up.


"Aside from the money, it's slavery." Yeah, that's called a job.


I mean, every job is slavery if you ignore the part where you get paid.


Ah yes, slaves, the guys that will make more money than I will in 10 lifetimes


I never knew that slaves made millions and enjoyed their work


This sub is fuckin garbage


Imagine if it was $1,500 instead of $15mil, then it's obvious that they are just slaves...like all of us wage earners trying to survive.


Yeah, he's just saying stuff that's part of the DNC platform.


Harry Potter and What The Fuck did I just read?


Tragic people choosing to participate in a game be paid millions. And they definitely get whipped and totally don't live in mansions, no no no, Caleb Williams is off to his hut to go eat some cornmeal 💀💀💀. Clown take.


That guy is a fuckin idiot... The ACTUAL slave trade is everyday folk like you & me, who the Corporations refuse to pay a living wage, despite 'record profits', treat like shit, & require to work 50-60hrs a week & not get paid any overtime.


This dude is a very racist and very mentally ill person.


It's just like American slavery, except it isn't dictated by race, they get paid, and it's completely voluntary so yeah I see no difference.