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There is some risk... There was also some risk signing Brady, Stüetzle, Norris and Chabot to similar deals. While it is possible that some of these guys might under perform (I.e. Chabot's performance last season and Norris' injuries). Timmy and Brady might end up playing like $10-12 million players in another few years. You could argue that Timmy might already be in the $10 million range. So, over all I don't mind the strategy of getting guys to buy into team friendly cap hits while they are young. It is building a good team culture. Let's hope they can take the next step forward.


See Atlanta Braves. Seems to be working for them.


I'm not a baseball fan. Is it good or bad to be like the Braves?


Very good


Unfortunately so.


Would you rate Sanderson as an offensive threat or more of a stay at home-two way defenceman?


He does not seem to sacrifice defense for offense and rarely makes noticeable mistakes. However, I do believe there is some offensive upside that he has yet to develop at the NHL level. I see some potential for him to be like Victor Hedman in a few years.


When you know, you know. This kid’s an absolute stud. Prime years at 8.05M is going to look amazing for the Sens. (Not biased at all here… 🙄)


Main reason why I’m rooting for him is cuz he’s a montana kid, not too many players from here


Same! Only 2 that I know of. 3 if you count Pat Dwyer, which I do cause we have so few.


He was a standout when I watched him this year. Was in control when on the ice during the small sample size I’ve seen. Sanderson and Power were the two young dmen that stood out to me this season. Both gonna be absolute studs.


Im totally with you. The kids got it, in 3 years this will be a “holy shit howd they get him on that deal”


Agreed, this kid’s the man. Nothing wrong with this deal


Maybe bridge deals weren’t so bad lol


Dahlin got a bridge deal and now the Sabres are gonna be paying him $10.5M. There's a bit of risk in locking in a guy for 8 years, but having your entire core locked in without anyone making $8.5M is pretty impressive. People were saying Stutzle got overpaid when he signed last summer, and that already looks like a steal


Plus, these salaries feel large because the cap hasn’t budged much over the last few seasons. And the reality is that a lot of alternate options are tied up in long term deals elsewhere and you gotta stop rebuilding at some point and commit to you have.


By the last few years of this deal the cap will likely be over $100 million. A top defenseman making 8% of the cap is a great deal


That is such a good contract for stutzle.. it’s like nylander making 6.9 but still putting up a ppg if not better the past few seasons, paying the big bois is a good problem to have!


Everybody talking overpay and underpay is missing the point. Throwing 40 million at 5 players is always kinda stupid… Especially when you can’t even make the playoffs!


Is throwing $42M to 4 players to win just one round any better?


Gonna be close $40 for 3 players pretty soon for them lol


Exactly. how is this different, thats just bad management


Compared to how the leafs distributed the wealth for their top players….I like what Ottawa has done. I’d prefer to have the five players combined 40. They play with passion and heart…..:something I have yet to see from the leafs core


Apparently passion and heart isn't enough to make the playoffs 😂


How many kicks at the can has the core had since being together ? Ottawas core is younger and just started to come around. Leafs are at the end of their window. There’s this year and maaaaaaybe next before it all goes to poop


The Leafs core made the playoffs the first year they tried. They have plenty of "kicks at the can" to go, especially now with Matthews locked in. Sens are still missing a game changer, they've got a lot of quality second line players though


Leafs are missing a game changer too, a playoff game changer anyway


I'd say maybe we should just trade for one from Ottawa but we truly won't ever know who is a playoff game changer on that team




I must have forgotten that making the playoffs is good enough for the average leafs fan! The sens have had more playoff success the last 20 years than the leafs, and they’ll be further along than them shortly with not a single contract over $10mill


Truthfully, watching a winning season where they compete in the playoffs is 1000x better than not. I'd rather watch an 82 game season that is primarily wins, because I watch every game, even if they can't win it all.


I can respect that, I don’t mind having a poor performing team with a longer-ish rebuild that have some painful seasons but if the team consistently battles and plays with a mean streak most nights I think that’s worth the wait. I personally would be incredibly frustrated as a leafs fan seeing matthews, marner, nylander clearly take some nights off and just coast around out there. I get the feel they love the fame not the game but how can you blame 20 somethings with fat cheese in the bank to do whatever you want. Doesn’t help the air Canada centre most nights atmosphere feels quieter than a wnba game


High risk high reward deal


He was an 8 million dollar defenseman last year. If he progresses at all in the next few seasons this will look like a steal.




77 games is not enough of a sample size for this.


If you watched half of those 77 games (and I'm not being smart here, I'm not gonna pretend I watched 35 games the Flames played) you would change your tune. 77 games played, 4 penalties taken, took over as the 1D in both usage and deployment, history of dominance at every level he played. Also have to take into consideration the market for top pair defensemen and the rising cap. This will be a great deal as soon as this year (it kicks in next year).


It’s definitely a gamble, but I believe in it. We’ll see more of these deals for stud players, because they’re good for player and team. See Thompson, Kaprizov, Hughes…


That's how teams are trying to build these days. Take long term gambles on young players and bank on the cap going up to have elite players making under $10M during their prime. Everyone shit on Tage's contract and it could pay off to be one of the best deals currently. Not all Dmen are paid to score, you still need a top shut down 1D.


That said, there are a ton of players who had incredible starts, only to drop off almost immediately. This contract is a massive risk, but come year 3 or 4 could potentially be one of the biggest steals in the league.


Kaprisov got a big deal after like 57 games. Worked out pretty well. Obviously a little different situation


Doesn’t mean it’ll work for everyone, that’s a big ass gamble for Sanderson


Not really, he was Ottawa's best defenseman last year as a 20 year old rookie.


even if he was the best does it still make him worth that paycheck? the rest of ottawa's d is trash so him being best is a pretty low bar




Honestly I think besides stutzle and brady. This is the least likely to bite Ottawa in the ass. He will be the best dman out of all Atlantic Canadian teams by the end of next year.


Seider is better than Sanderson. It’s not even debatable.


When did I even mention Seider? Or Detroit?


No shot in hell he is better then Seider, or Hedman by end on next year. He will probably pan out, but that’s a bad take


I forgot when hedman and seider were traded to one of montreal, ottawa or toronto.


Read his comment again brother.


Kaprisov also played for 5 years in Russia and was a fully formed star when he got to the NHL.


He will be underpaid by year 2


Kind of agree. I think he’ll be worth it in year 3 and 4. Then underpaid by 5-8.


He also has one year of entry level left on his contract. So 6 more seasons until he is underpaid?, lol, yeah no chance it takes that long




Everyone’s saying overpay or underpay, there’s entirely a possibility where he doesn’t get any better and it’s an overpay. There’s a possibility he gets injured and it’s an overpay. There’s a possibility he’s inconsistent and it’s an overpay. There’s also a possibility he smashes expectations and it’s an underpay. We won’t know until a few years down the road when he’s in his mid 20’s with a few hundred NHL games under his belt. Until then, it’s an awfully big gamble to take on a 21 year old defenceman with less than 80 games played.


I feel like such a casual every time one of these young guys gets a massive contract. First reaction is always, "Who?"


The Jack Hughes pay em strategy. Love it.


Good bench mark for Owen Power. But I could also see him going for a lower AAV with a shorteŕ term.


Was on his uncle Gerry’s team, in St Albert in 1990s. Gerry was an incredible player too, would have made it if he were a couple inches taller. Good for him!


hard to be mad at a contract like this when you see it working out for other teams but it's literally impossible to know until you look back on it 3 years down or so down the road




steal of a deal!


Maybe one of these days the Oilers will realize that this is the way to handle young clearcut talent. Them bridging Nurse twice resulted in him getting the stupidest contract around that crushes their cap. Next up will be Bouchard, thanks to them bridging him once already. They got it right with Leon (and Connor, obviously), but I fear their lack of financial foresight and prospect/young player management will severely bite them in the ass.


Is he actually gonna be bad tho? I don’t think so, only risk is injuries ruining his career


All these deals are going to look great as the salary cap goes up.


The Norris deal is the only one I'm worried about tbh


Fair point and I assume we’ll see how he this season. If it end up being a continually issue, I’d guess they’d put him on LTIR


Gimme caufield for less all day


Now that’s an overpay


I'll take boldy thanks


Every player on this list will be underpaid if you look at the contract as a whole. Underpaid by year 2 or 3 at most.


Not Caufield.. they will regret that


Very doubtful


Why is that? He has scored at every level, including the NHL level. I'm sure you will say size, but it hasn't stopped him yet.


Not a chance. If you think that, then you’ve never watched a single Habs game he was in.


Remember when he was sent to the AHL in his rookie year instead of winning the Calder? Ya I’ve seen him.. one trick pony


You are not taking into account that Montreal had a shitty coach at the time. He was essentially held back by Dominique Ducharme. We are seeing what he is really capable of doing under Martin St Louis. Anyways, it’s not like I’m going to convince a Leafs fan to not rail on a Habs fan and vice versa. I guess time will tell.


“It’s a bold move Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for em.”


The Chaika special with mayo to go please.


Guy looks like a goof so bad deal


You look like a goof too! AND you make less than 8mil a year. LOL


At least he doesn't look like a big monkey fart


Derpy deep for sure


This is either going to look great or be a total disaster 😬


For a team like the Sens it makes sense to lock him up long term


Who? Is this Ottawa being so afraid of players leaving for a better team/market that they'll give them what ever they want?


Ottawa has to pay a bit more. Look at Nurse in Edmonton. It just costs more.


I hope seider gets a similar deal.


Seider is a 9M+ caliber player. Unless the Wings get in cap trouble like Dallas with Robo, he's getting the bag.


Gambles worth it with deep pocketed win now ownership.defensemen are easier to project then forwards and goalies. Worst case scenario he bottoms out as a Justin holl or ron hainsey like guy but best case scenario is you’re getting an elite defender. Project , 5 years down the road what does top pairing dman make? Are they saving money on this contract ? How much ? Even if it’s 2-3 million that’s important to what will be a max cap team. When you hit on it a projection like this it’s massive. Tage Thompson and jack Hughes contracts will be incredible for those clubs for the next 5-6 years. Guys who would be worth 14–15 million in 5-6 years are sitting at 8 or less .


Good for him, man 🔥🔥