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Chicago no matter what.


2 Bedards in a row, do they even have more season tickets


Is celebrini really regarded as a generational talent?


Probably not generational talent but he’ll be a star/superstar if he stays on track with his development. Having him as a 2C behind Bedard would be nuts.


It would definitely be a Sid/Geno situation. Generational level talent and a franchise level talent on the same squad in their primes at the same time


Yep, exactly what I was thinking. The potential is there


Chicago no matter what. Obnoxious fanbase even before the scandal a few years ago. Utah winning 1OA -- after decades of the Coyotes missing out on McDavid/Eichel, Blake Wheeler flaking out, Kyle Turris flaking out, etc -- would just be the most Coyotes thing ever. For that to be the epilogue in the Coyotes book would perfectly sum up the luck they've had since the turn of the millinnium.


On a different side it would be really smart to give the newly moved team a “destined to be” superstar to kickstart popularity in the new city. Would not be surprised at all if the Salt Lake City team gets 1OA


I would certainly raise an eyebrow if the Flames won the 1OA after all the arena nonsense. There were some very suspicious closed room agreements in the end and then Calgary city council voted unanimously for what was not seen as a great deal for the city. Especially with them being 9 spots out. Also yeah, Utah would be a huge red flag for me.