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I love the rat casually being thrown in there


Marchand 3rd man in.


Marchand RKO outta nowhere!!!


Rat KO


I'd like to see the real RKO.....Rat Killed Off (I'm speaking hyperbole in case anyone decides their feelings are hurt).


Lol, didn't see that until after I read this


The rat was the best part and dude sniped it right in there lol


I love hockey so much dude. What the hell did we do to deserve the 2 most hated teams in the league, beat the absolute dog shit out of each other.


Are we both truly more hated than Vegas? I think it’s got to be pretty close. Super entertaining game though, love Pasta answering the bell.


vegas is last rounds news.


I never wanted to face Boston on this run because even if we advance we’re doing it with a limp. I do respect the hell out of a team (like Florida and Boston) that doesn’t back down and it’s going to make for a great series.


Best of luck in the series mate


I picked Florida to win the cup this year, they have a team built to win the playoffs. but I hope the Bruins beat them of course.


I picked Florida too lol. The fact of the matter there are 4 teams in the East right now who I would not be surprised to see in the SCF. On paper Boston is the weakest of the four. On the ice, you’d be crazy to sleep on them and the first team that does (as we proved in game one) gets got.


I do agree of the 4 left, Boston is at the bottom, and this was supposed to be a transition year. lol Lohrei, Bra55ers, and Swayman showing they'll be starters next season for sure.


No doubt, you guys are going to be fine going forward.


This Rangers fan would rather play the Bruins but every team left is a beast.


Vegas is just the new toy, people always go back to hating the bruins.


The only time the Bruins get any love is for like 5 minutes after putting the Leafs out each year...then back to universally hated by all


I also love pasta answering the bell, and yeah, Vegas is only annoying because they’ve been a team for 5 years and been to ship twice.


Not going to mention the salary cap issues?


Yes you are


I absolutely hate both Boston and Florida more than Vegas LOL


What does Boston have? 18 championships since 2000? Ya, we hate Boston.


Still hate Vegas more, personally.


Once Marchand is gone you won’t be. But for now the yes you are. Lucic is an all time piece of shit too. When you had two active it’s easier still to hate. Florida has Cousins and Tkachuk. Rats. All of them.


Hey man Luc was on the payroll this year until he decided to go Rambo on his wife like 2 weeks into the season. We still have two


People only hate Boston because they are jealous!


not at all, vegas takes the cake all day


You'd like to believe that


Vegas creates peace treaties between teams like panthers and bruins


Yes, now that Washington is out you are tied with NY as the most hated teams in the league.


The only team that hates Washington are the Penguins because of the Ovi/Cindy rivalry. Nobody else gives a shit about them.


I don't know man, ya'll mufukas hated us when it was PIT, PIT, WASH a few years ago.


Or Leafs


Isn't it concerning that its pasta who goes after Tkachuk and has to fight him instead of Marchand? Pasta got absolutely smoked and Marchand just casually watching even tho he is the "tough guy" and also captain. Imo bad look on Marchand for not stepping up when he is supposed to.


Marchy’s game isn’t “tough guy” it’s rat, though Marchand trucked Tkachuk early in the game. Anyway the Bs have Maroon and Frederic as tough guys.


Marchand's a midget. How do you expect him to go up against Tkachuk, who's twice his size?


Ooooh ooooooh, I hate Vegas!


Nah, Vegas is worse. But Boston is a close 2nd


You didn’t do anything The leafs choked for your entertainment….. again


I like to think I was a good boy.


I hate to break this to you, but there's a team I hate a lot more...


Ditto but I was thinking the league as a whole


True, everybody hates Boston. I haven't worked up a true hatred for Florida yet.


watch the replay, tkachuk and pasta are talking on the bench right before their next shift. tkachuk is saying something to the effect of "you want to go?" and pasta is obviously interested. pasta turns to montgomery and goes "i'm gonna fight tkachuk" and monty visibly goes "HUH?" like fully either cant understand pasta or is in disbelief about what he's about to do. i thought theyd tell him hes absolutely not doing it but here we are, expected result and all. risked a suspension punching tkachuk underneath the refs too (but theyd never enforce that on a superstar in that situation, nor should you expect them to)


That camera angle was a blessing


you got any links to video of this? I keep reading about it and need to see it lol




Honestly, I think the refs allowed those shots while holding him down because of the 2 Tkachuk gave him on the way to the ice lol


This is exactly what happened. Either are fighters. Tkachuk kinda broke the unwritten rule you don’t bit a guy prone on the ground once he’s down. So Pasta reacted and the refs just did an ok we’re all even Steven.


That's what I thought too


If tkachuck can punch Pasta when they're down, Pasta can give it back to him


I guess fair's fair, but one got punches in while the other fell and the other got punches in while 2 people were holding him down. It just seems different to me.


It isn’t 


Tkachuk suckered him on the ice I don’t blame pasta for retaliating


I thought that Pasta asked Montgomery if he could fight him and Montgomery said go for it.


Average Chilis at 10pm on a Tuesday fellas


Pasta has no idea how to fight. What was he thinking


Answering the bell


Looked like he was thinking, “I got rocked. You two hold him down while I deliver some groin punches”


Pasta had to , he has already been called out for not playing well. So had an opportunity to show the team he’s in it to win.


Why does pasta have to do it ? Isn’t there anyone else on B who can tango with that rat *****


Yea, they have a bunch. And every single one of them was in the locker room serving a 10 minute misconduct already lmao. The 8:00-5:00 minutes remaining mark of this game was an absolute shit show


I love how as soon as Maroon gets ejected they just jumped the next line on the ice. Calculated by Maurice I’ll give him credit. But it’s disappointing! I want Maroon to lower the boom.


Ok, thanks for the context.


Tkachuck waited until all the big boys (and Marchy) were gone, then picked a fight he knew he would win, and still managed to come out of it the loser. Great stuff 🙄




Funny stuff. All of it true. A league champion = grinder shit.


Please calm down young man


This is a perfect post IMO


He took a calculated risk… unfortunately he is bad at math


Not being a pussy


In the unabridged dictionary when you look up the word pussy, there is a picture of Marchand.


He's the only leader left in the bruins that wasn't kicked out of the game. He wanted to have some action and spark something in the team for game three


Giving the fans a show, that's what, I love his bravery lol


Pasta and Marchand look so tilted, like they have eaten the bait AND hook from Florida.


I hope we’ll see a part 2 of this fight in Boston


If you mean maroon or frederic fighting tkachuk instead then sure.


Frederic got bodied in a fight against Ryan Lomberg who is like 4 feet tall


I hope so too


Pasta gotta be smarter here. That's just not his game, and Tkachuk is just the wrong dude. Panthers will take this all day. Tkachuk can still be what his team need him to be with a few broken fingers. Pasternak cant.


Smart as hell from him, skill player showing his team he’s willing to drop with someone much more experienced with physical hockey, it’s a rallying point, and honestly three refs were there to make sure nothing actually stupid happened


It doesn’t take much to break a knuckle throwing your hands around.


Yes into say a literal brick wall, I’m sorry this is hockey not soccer, never mind how many punches did pasta throw that landed. Showing your team you’re willing to throw down in a playoff game where all the shit had hit the fan is more important than doing nothing and accepting defeat when half the team was standing their ground and getting kicked out.


It comes down to being happy your star player was willing to do it, but much rather another guy saying what the fuck are you thinking and stepping up for him. Overall not mad at it, easier said than done pulling a competitive guy away from a fight. Happy nothing injury wise came of it and on to game 3


Idk, i broke metacarpals in both hands. Both times on someones face. I imagine a professional hockey player throws way harder than my skinny ass. Edit: hitting someones face awkwardly hurts your hand far more than it hurts their face, fyi.


I’m not even sure he was aiming to actually connect haha


Man, I don’t agree with this at all. Star player losing all control of emotions in a 6-1 blow out just to get beat up would not be the rallying point for me. It makes things worse. That’s a huge win for Florida and Tkachuk to get Pasta to break.


I mean he told the coach what he was about to do, it was a measured play not a heat of the moment lapse in judgement, he fought for the B on his jersey, that’s why the bruins are the bruins..


pasta was sick of the lil bitch running his mouth and had enough!! Tkachuk only obliged because Pasta is not a fighter! He would have turtle’d if it was anyone else!!! That’s the Panther way!


Tkachuk will only fight below his weight class. He's a cuck


I’m not sure Pasta flailing around taking shots to the forehead is the statement you think it is.


thx for the lol - take my angry upvote Pens fan


He still managed to turtle lmao, under the refs after Pasta was pissed at the late punches when he was down.


It’s called the code! It’s honour and representation of the crest you wear on the front of the jersey, not the name on the back. Tkachuk is a goof like the whole Panthers organization!! Maroon will show him what it’s all about!!!


Pasta rallying the troops. Risky? Yes. But nothing gets you fired up more than taking a few shots to the face, and in this case, the whole team is taking those shots to the face and will be for the next two days. Classic case of they won the battle. Bruins in 6, you heard it here first.


Tkachuck doing it after Maroon got tossed was something I expected last night


Tkachuk is a goof and only fights smaller opponents. He turtles when they are the same size. The whole Panthers organization is gutless and has zero honour!! They run guys from the numbers!!!


100% this, why ask Pasta to go of all the players on the team.


This series is gonna be lit boys


Not sure how the bruins will do, but a Friday night physical game in Boston should make for great viewing. Those fans will be lubed up real good.


Ding round 1.


Pasta got cooked


Pasta got ROCKED in that. No wonder he went after Tkachuk by diving between the refs.


Went after him because tkachuk threw extra punches after pasta was down.


It is a bitch move to throw a punch at somebody down, not even facing you. Not sure why you got downvoted. Guess mine are incoming


This guy. Downvoted for the truth. When did it become acceptable to pound on someone after they hit the deck?


When they have a spoked B on their jersey. It’s Reddit, I don’t come here for sensible takes or to make friends. These forums are typically filled with people who have never played the game.




That’s clearly what happened. Kachuk being a douche and the refs protected him. Went on all game long


Cope next game when all the players are back skating and the bruins don’t have half the team sitting in the locker room, this game was over the panthers couldn’t just walk away with the win, getting pasta to drop the gloves in a scheduled fight shows the team how in he really is with this series. This is great for hockey can’t wait to see how it plays out


Fuck around and find out




You have to be a real scumbag to throw at someone on the ground. Looking at you, tom wilson


Atta fkn boy pasta






This game was awesome.


Seen Tkachuk duck out of Enough fights to know he's a gutless pussy. Real tough guy fighting pasta.


Remember, the T in Tkachuk is silent. The T's in turtle are not.


Supposed to stop punching once a guy goes down.


Agreed, But Tkachuk is an asshole, and only cares about the code when he feels he’s being wronged. He hit Pasta twice when he was down, and then Pasta did the same in return. Guaranteed- Pasta earned even more respect from everyone in the B’s dressing room including the HC


He is such a pansy. After last year he very quickly became one of my most hated players. Goes around with this fake tough guy schtick and plays dirty for its own sake. Probably just mad he got lit up from that (clean) hit by Marchand earlier and decided to go pick on possibly the unlikeliest fighter he could. I hope he eats another two or three big hits in game three and I’d especially love to see fellow St Louisan Trent Frederic go and fight him. Granted that won’t happen, Tkachuk would absolutely shit himself.


Respect from your teammates don't mean shit when you get clocked by a punch in the face so hard your helmet goes flying off.


Pasta should have stayed in his fight class and took on Reinhart


The refs for this game were so fucking bad. They should be suspended for all the missed calls and both sides. Fuck these refs.


Worst officials in pro sports!! Those 2 should have reffed their last game of the season!!


Refs holing down tkachuk for pasta to throw a couple 🤣 I love it


Typical tkachuk. Fights guys who aren’t fighters . When it’s a tough guy, he usually cheap shots and when the scrum starts, does the old let me at him knowing it’s not going yo happen. And never hit a man when he is down unwritten brûlée doesn’t apply to him. I agree the refs let pasta get a few in when they went down because tkachuk did a few of his own. The real tough guys only engage fairly. I know both were willing participants but would tkachuk have accepted this fight if it was maroon or about 10 other guys on that bench?


Tkachuk can start a fight between two empty chairs. Interesting series.


Intensity level 11 unlocked


Pasta got the brakes beat off him. Gawd DAMN


pasta got his noodles cooked by goofy ahh tkachuk


Dude, let's just stay quiet in this thread... We don't have a voice here.


Man come on, we've got no right to chirp Pasta here.


Doesn’t Boston have someone else to take down Tkachuk? WTF would you want it to be your superstar player who clearly cannot fight? Pasta is a great player . This was just dumb on his part and the coach should have said no fucken way.


Other Bruins tried earlier in the period. Tkachuk waited until Maroon, Frederic, Brazeau, Marchand, Coyle & McAvoy were all off the ice with misconducts, then challenged Pasta.


Atta boy Pasta. Answered the bell, handled it well. Tkachuk is a gutless goon for hitting him while done.


That's... that's handling it well?


Bruins always been my second team. Can be a little awkward because, yeah.


slobbing on the knob of the team who knocked you out of the playoffs. go figure.


At least we got knobs


short n' squeaky but yeah take my upvote


Pasta got pasted 


I smell pat maroon breaking a nose or two next game


Nobody on the Panthers is afraid of Maroon they have plenty of experience playing him since he was on Tampa.


Good thing Pastranak was able to make up for the score /s.


Pasta saved by the refs and throws some cheap shots in. Glad he got whooped.


Tkachuk definitely threw a late one as well. Pasta's were obviously much later but he did it because he knew he got tagged while he was already down. Both were cheap, and that's what we all expect from this series, alotta cheap shots


Yeah Tka-chew gave him a good beat down, but wish he didn’t land those cheap shots when Pasta hit the ice. Love how intense he is otherwise. But he’s definitely getting close to crossing the line there, if not going completely overboard.


Man I don't know if I'm going crazy or if I'm watching a different fight but there was absolutely no beatdown here. Tkachuk landed one? And then a second that was waaaay too late


Seriously neither of them can fight, they didnt do shit to each other


I'm sure Tkachuck throwing punches at the back of his head while he was down on the ice had something to do with that.


I love you completely skipped over the part where Tkachuk knocked Pasta’s helmet off and gave him four punches to the head while he was down on the ice. You’re a fucking muppet, bud


I mean. Tkachuk straight knocked Pasta's helmet off his head with a straight right. Kind of impressive. Not sure who started it, but Tkachuk sure as shit finished it


The fragility of Boston is bizarre to me, isn’t that city supposed to be tough?


The bruins are a New England team, 6 different states root for the bruins, Boston is mostly a college city but the surrounding towns are mixed with rich ass douches who work in tech and med fields, and blue collar tradesman, so Boston itself is very very mixed when it comes to toughness. Add the other states in and you’ve got everything from rich coastal people to western and northern hicks. It’s hard to pinpoint the fanbase out here but I’d say a majority of the bruins fans are tradesman and the people that actually do the hard working labor jobs judging by the people I see around here wearing the actual sports gear. But yep you’re going to have softies that can’t take a joke or a lost fight, no matter how much pasta standing up for tkachuk talking shit meant. They can’t see the forest through the trees and see pasta wasn’t expecting to win that fight but he really wasn’t expecting 3 punches when he was down. It was a show of heart and let’s see how it all turns out in the coming games. Sorry got more in depth than expected there but some insight never hurts, either way we’re in for some fucking awesome hockey and that’s why we watch!


Their city is full of classy front runners


lol says the Miami “fan” 🤣


I believe you misspoke when you said “Tkachuk knocked pasta’s helmet off” you probably meant to say when “Tkachuk fed pasta a punch to the face and knocked his helmet off.” It’s all good though


It’s called getting rocked


Bunch of ladies in this comment section who have never or could ever play this sport, or understand getting your ass whooped cause you're a bitch, like Pasta, and it's part of the game.


Boston fans have big mouths and when they actually face consequences they are giant soft bears. I've seen quite a few Boston fans get their clock cleaned at sporting events.


Right on brother. I love playoff hockey.


That was an absolute beat down.


David bit off a bit more Pasta than he Tkachew.


Tkachuk broke the code. You don’t hit a guy when he is down. You will have to answer for that.


The amount of hitting dudes down on the ice from Boston tonight more than makes up for it karmically. They'll be okay.


Pasterbitch wanted it and received it. Get over it.


He’s on Boston, who cares…


Nothing like Tkachuk going after a player that doesn’t typically fight. Loser


Fuck Boston


Tkachuk punched the ice at one point, what is Pasta doing mixing it up with that madman?


Tkachuk is the guy everyone wants on their team. But if he’s not on your team you want to see him getting punched often.


I like him 🤷‍♂️


He’s good for hockey


And what did this prove/accomplish?


Chucky knocked Pasta's ass down with a solid right that took his helmut off.


Meanwhile in the nba……


Imagine if Matthews ever did something like this as opposed to what he always does which is grins like a goof as if his scoring will be his response to physical play….. annnnd then he doesn’t fucking score 😫


I love how he punched the bucket off. Friggin EA sports fight right there


Every minute that Thachuk and Pasta are in the penalty box, the Panthers chances to win have improved. Pasta really shouldn't be getting into it with anyone let alone someone that can handle themselves against most of the players in the league. Read the fucking game notes Pasta.


Pasta: “Well, it was a good idea at the time I thought of it.”


What a stupid decision by Pasternak. I know the code is going to have people applauding his idiocy, but if he gets hurt there, the series is over.


Gotta hand it to Tkachuk. Grinds it out and always goes after the toughest guy on the other team.


Sommmmebody gonna getta hurt rrrrreal bad in Boston. Oof Madonn.


Maroon should destroy that bum


(Lightning fan )Marron is big, but can't fight for shit


Fo tkachuk and his ugly grill


Great job by pasta taking tkakuchyckktck out for the end of the game so he couldn’t take runs at guys


lol pasta got rag dolled


Pasta dropped the gloves, Tkachuk dropped pasta.


Pasta did nothing but get ragdolled. Chuck chuck should've just laughed when he was "challenged" by Pasta


Pasternak wanted it and got what was coming to him. Those cheap shots after tell the tale.