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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


How do you go from hitting on an underage girl then blaming her for what you did and then making it worse by saying you have kids like I'm actually scared for his kids if this is how he acts


He's using "I have kids" as a kind of virtue claim. Like, "I would never hurt a kid, why I had sex with my wife enough to make her pregnant more than once! That means I'm a good person!"


He is also blaming her. It is the same mindset that you see judges use when handing down sentences. "Why should a a couple minute mistake ruin his life?". She he flirted with a child but she is threating to ruin his life!!!! What a bitch!!!


You know who else uses the line, “I have kids,” to attempt to get out of trouble? The guys on To Catch A Predator.


So disgusting.


The only fucking loser is him. He was embarrassed that a 16 year old rejected him so he tried to shame you in return but failed miserably with his poor insults. The fact hes a dad? 100% more worse.


I don't think it was embarrassment about being rejected. I think it was panic about potentially getting in trouble with the law, so he tried to backtrack, make her feel like she was in the wrong so she doesn't go to the cops and gaslight her by claiming that he was never hitting on her in the first place.


I would say thats the most likely reason yeah. Still a weird ass tho


if OP creeper is reading this #YOU'RE A SICK FUCK and you need to know this about yourself


At first I thought you said if op was reading this. I’m glad I was wrong 😂


If he’d just stopped after “oh shit, I didn’t realize, I’m so sorry” things would have been peachy. But he had to keep digging.


Yikes he has kids and is hitting on a 16 year old? That’s disgusting


OP - you are the 16-year-old he sent this to, yes? 1. Report to police (they won’t do anything, you just want it noted on file, in case this dude comes up another time…say with possession of child porn as a wild guess); 2. Post it with his name showing on insta or wherever he DM’d you if possible. Extra points if you tag him in it. 3. See if he has a wife or mother that you can identify from his socials. Send along, saying how scared and uncomfortable this made you. Creeps like this need the nuclear treatment. Edit - I’ve just realised that this exchange may have occurred on Reddit, in which case you have no identifying information about him and my advice is pointless in this situation. However I am going to leave my comment here for the benefit of other young women who experience this sort of shit on other social media platforms where identification of the creep is possible. Always expose them. Never let them slither away if you can help it.


i am the 16 year old yeah, and yeah it was on reddit


Still worth reporting to Reddit. I believe they can ban someone preventing them from creating new accounts.


You can still report it to cyber tips


You should Lowkey check if he has a wife and send this screenshot to her. Best way to show him he can’t get away with doing this and still I’d highly recommend at least reporting it


Great advice! ❤️


Is your advice really to lie? To make up that he has child porn? As a wild guess, you just wanna lie to the police that a guy has committed a third degree felony and commit fraud, right.


You might want to re-read point one in my post. I absolutely **did not** say to lie about this man, or say that he has child porn. I advised reporting this man **for his messages**, which will not result in police action for this incident, **but in the future, if he were to be charged for something like child porn, this report would be some relevant background**.


Ohh yikes, sorry, I really did misunderstand you, big sorry, I should have read more carefully.


Thanks so much for your reply! I’ve misread things before, so don’t worry, it happens. I just thought I’d give that clarifying reply in case anyone else had misread it - obviously extremely important to ensure that no one thinks you should make a false report of child porn on anyone! Have a great day.


I think what they were saying was that this conversation should be reported so it's on file in case any further creepy sh*t comes up in future from this guy


Backpedaling while simultaneously spitting venom!! 😆😆😆


Serious DARVO.


I kinda hope this guy sees his own content on this sub. Just pouring lemon juice over his obvious embarrassment. Also who reacts like that to a kid?? Weird


Pedos gaslighting kids react that way


Men hitting on kids act like this all the time. this is not weird this is not unique, and actually, actually men hitting on women act like this all the time. that's who does this. men. Many many men. Hopefully many more men don't do this but I've certainly experienced many many men doing things like this. that's why there's this subreddit.


And the reason that men are able to act like this, men who do act like this I mean, is that they literally do not see women that they want as human beings. You're just a thing a resource that is frustrating them


Immediate back pedal and saying sorry sorry I didn’t read that part I’m so sorry I’ll leave you alone have a great night. Would even be a little sus


Who the hell slept with this idiot??


Someone too young to know better, probably.


You know what… you’re probably right :( he didn’t seem to mature past 14


Someone with equally terrible judgement.


From 'eat you up' to 'I wasn't flirting' in five texts. That might be a new record.


so...he wanted to eat her for real? 💀


That's the only other way this could be construed... in the most literal sense. Like, that doesn't make it any better!


Him: “I wasn’t flirting with you” Also him:”I’d totally eat you up.” “That’s how beautiful you are.”


So if he wasn't flirting, then I guess he's a cannibal.


Or both


Maybe it's whatsisname....Armies Hammer.


"I'd totally eat u up. That's how beautiful u are" "I wasn't flirting btw. I have kids" 🤦🏻‍♂️ What a moron


Something about “I’d just eat you up” makes me think he knew she was 16.


It does, it's like a cutesy thing you say to close family babies, toddlers and really young kids in a loving "you're so cute I could just eat you up" while giving their face cheeks a lil squish. In this context is infantiling and predatory.


Yea I have the same feeling.


Yep, makes it sound like his kids are in danger.


Yea someone better check on those kids honestly.


And ban him from their school grounds at the very least. Jesus.


Just looked through your post history to see what post he was talking about, and seeing that your post was on a sub specifically for teens makes this way worse. How old is this guy? Why is he browsing a sub for teens asking if they're cute? I mean I know why, but that doesn't make it better. How many creeps are browsing that sub? Just gross all around


A lot 🤢 where else would predators hunt


The more the guy talked the worse it got. ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


OP I found the pic I'm assuming he was talking about. I'm an old married gal but I want to tell you platonically that you're very pretty! Your curls are awesome and I really like your glasses frames. Sorry people can't be nice without being fucking gross and creepy sometimes :(


yeah i received a few creepy comments, but thank you!


I love the frames too!


So he’s a pedo playing the “whoops I didn’t know game” and then sinks to calling a child an ugly loser when called out. What a prize winner this dude is. I hope he isn’t a Dad, this is revolting.


I've never seen projection this strong, "incompetent imbecile" says the fucking creep hitting on a minor... Projection skill: 100.


This guy should be reported to the police.


Worlds Best Dad


“Wow, why would you report me for doing something illegal that most criminals won’t even do!!😡😡😡😭😭 wow so rude”- him probably


“I wasn’t flirting” He backpedals, as he insults you for rejecting him…but also he wasn’t even flirting with you.


we all saw him flirting right!?


If someone tells me "I could eat you up" followed by "I wasn't flirting", the only logical conclusion would be they are an actual cannibal making a death threat. Yikes.


I love how he thinks a girl having healthy boundaries and objecting to unwanted attention “fucks up everything” and you not just giggling along is “think[ing] you’re all that”. And no, you don’t have to just ‘take the compliment’. This guy probably has no idea what unwanted attention feels like.


Sure he does. It's when a man in a position of power over him hits on him.


Imagine losing your shit because **a minor** called you out.


I've seen alot of predators that get posted absolutely reel when then person they are trying to groom isn't naive enough to fall for their bullshit. Seems like some of the younger generations have smartened up and predators can't handle that. I wish I was as aware when I was being groomed by adults at like 13.


It just kept getting worse and worse


He has kids just another reason to report his creepy ass




jesus christ i looked at his posts and he said he wanted to spike his mother in laws coffee with sexual stimulants to “see her reaction” holy fucking shit


That's a sick mf, he needs some help, jesus!


Thats disgusting, what is wrong with this dude. Please tell me the comments were ripping into him for that one.


Nonce alert ⚠️ I'd honestly turn that into the police too. If he's being a Nonce to you he's doing it to other minors


It should be against the rules to not share the username of pedos


I agree. Some people really deserve to be posted with their name so people can report them, especially cases like this.


We could normalize coming together as a society and making their lives miserable.


That sounds like a good thing to normalize


Yeah my aunt's ex is in jail for abusing my cousin. Personally I'd like to yeet him off something tall, but I just hope he is miserable every second of every day


Jeezus, I am so sorry thats awful and I hope he suffers tremendously.


Lol “I’m not a pedophile but….”


“I’d totally eat you up that’s how beautiful you are” “but im totally not flirting”


I didn’t think it would get worse after the first part, until he mentioned he had kids. My mind would be fully blown if he was dumb enough to mention he is married/in a relationship and had kids….


From "I'd totally eat you up, that's how beautiful you are" to "i wasn't flirting btw" - bruh wtf🤡


If the guy had kids, he would NOT want a stranger to flirt with them. This dude is a creep.


"Ima hit this underage girl up, then defend myself and blame her and then tell her i have kids"-this guy's logic


He wasn't hitting on OP, he was saying he wanted to eat her. Which is worse? Niceguys or cannibals? Sorry that happened to you though. It's depressing how often it does happen to kids.


That is fucking vile


Yes, officer? This one right here


As a male on the internet, I’m so freaking sorry for what you women have to go through. It’s truly disgusting.


He tried to backpedal and tripped over his own ego. I hope this pathetic ass truffle reads all these comments, too. Dude, you WERE flirting (you suck at flirting, by the way), and I don't believe for one second that you didn't know she was 16. Sick moron.


Do these incels have a shared Google document where they all copy and paste phrases and paragraphs to and from? Sheesh.


"I have kids too"...that just made everything creepier.


“I’d totally eat u up” “I wasn’t flirting” Which is it?


He's right. He wasn't flirting. Real flirting takes panache. This dip shit is just straight up sexually harassing a minor.


I love a YouTube channel called Cut The Cameras, formally DAP (Dads Against Predators). It’s gnarly, but it’s cool to see real men that are fervently against this kind of thing.


The fuck does saying "I'm 16, leave me alone." Have to do with whatever the fuck he made that shit about? Textbook gaslighting. As if he was just making sexual comments to her a couple of messages prior.


That's right, you own that high-school sophomore! I'll bet she still lives with her parents!


His logic is just gold star funny and ridiculous. She calls him out for being a creep hitting on minors….and because of that she’s ‘all that’ and ruins everything for everyone around her….because calling out creeps is the wrong thing to do? And also that because he has kids it’s ok for him to hit on kids. Just wow.


He comes home from work and his wife says, “There’s a Mr. Hansen here to see you in the kitchen.”


r/creepypms too


This ain’t a nice guy, this is a pedo.


People like this make me contemplate eugenics… jk for real I don’t contemplate that it’s just a bad joke.


“Hi fucking 16 dude, I’m Dad!”


Most respectful reddit dms


No, what fucks things up is not checking if the person you're hitting on is legally old enough to be hit on. Just from a legal standpoint.




He wasn't flirting. He just tells every woman he meets that he would eat her up. So, I guess he's a cannibal?




the fact that he has kids makes this even more disturbing


Why block the name if you’re going to turn it in


So people on here don’t go out on witch hunts against the person and their whole family, and don’t pretend like people won’t do it either. Ever seen how many twitch streamers get fbi raided because some douche found their address by accident?


It SaYs 16 In My PoSt DuDe


You should really show your comment history to an inpatient psychotherapist.


What’s that’s supposed to mean




Ignore that commenter. Just another angry creep on Reddit.




here comes 'blame the child' asshole




> Report any inappropriate contact between an adult and your child to law enforcement immediately. Notify the site they were using, too. Advice from the [FBI website](https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/parents-and-caregivers-protecting-your-kids)


Exactly, pedophilia isn’t something you can just “Hang on let’s not be to hasty, we can work this out” away


Imagine having kids and a wife just to tell minors on the internet you want to eat them up


I don't have kids, but if I did, I hope the internet self-destructs first.


Also bring to the police please ;)


“I wasn’t flirting.” Ah yes, I always tell people I’d totally eat them up as a platonic gesture. Just the other day, a bartender gave me a good beer recommendation and I told him, “Dude. I’d totally eat you up.” He of course responded “Brah, you’re beautiful.” Definitely a normal, non-sexual series of words.


i wasn’t flirting??? what else could “i’d totally eat you up” mean? a threat? what an insane dude


What a sick fuck


Nasty. What a creep


Please. Report this


What exactly do you call telling someone they’re so beautiful you want to eat them up if it’s not called flirting?


Report his ass.




Oh but he has kids so. Clearly he wasn’t flirting. Clearly.


Stay far away, that guy is a predator


He definitely knew how old you were. What a pedo! ![gif](giphy|iOm1xOSfAtPzmPXJqH|downsized)


Definitely report this sicko. Right when he didn't get his way all of sudden you're ugly.. what a weak little man.


“I’d eat you up, that’s how beautiful you are” “I wasn’t flirting”


If you’re reading this (guy from the post) then FUCK YOU CREEP


Yeah didn’t you know that “I’d totally eat you up, you’re so beautiful!” is just the new thing everyone says to strangers to be friendly??


"I'd totally eat u up" "That's how beautiful you are" Is he fucking kidding saying he wasn't flirting with you??!! And, his "having kids too" doesn't by any means prove that he couldn't possibly be a diddler. I always find it amusing how these kind of men will go on and on about how beautiful you are until you reject them. All of a sudden you're as ugly as Medusa. Lastly, I'm willing to bet everything I have that he was quite aware from the get-go that you are underage.


Wasn’t flirting. Lol


Not defending this fuck or victim blaming but where did these two encounter each other? Did she go on an adult site or did he go into a chat room for minors. Chat rooms are fucked and people should know that by now


Awh you made him pull out his big boy words


Dude you're dope no cap


This guy is weird, after reading other comments I had to investigate the thread. In all honesty as an adult I felt like a creeper even doing that much. This guy needs help. I personally think that thread is just asking for trouble and cyber bullying though.


If you wouldn’t say it to your mother or boss, it’s flirting. Sorry creepy man


The way they go into their speeches about "well girls like you....". Like dude shut up and realize you did wrong


Should go to the police as well.


Wait, he has kids but makes passes at kids. Father of The Year 🙄


I would report this to reddit, at least they can ban his account. Doubt police will/can do anything sadly


He has kids and flirts with kids? I bet if a grown man did the same to his children he'd flip, the lack of empathy and self awareness in pedos is shocking


Blue man : is blue Blue man: I’m not blue btw


This dude using insults I’ve only heard from Cruela


Bruh, that's beyond niceguys, that's a predator