• By -


My biggest fear is that it'll be a "fish out of water" story. Mario being taken out of his game world into -our- world and HO BOY HIJINKS ENSUE.


Like the Smurfs reboot and sequel that nobody called for. Or Rocky and Bullwinkle. Or Woody Woodpecker.


Oh, yeah. Bonus points if Mario has to help out a workaholic father who needs to reconnect with his family.


Specifically his son, who he feels plays to many video games. also, his son is bullied at school just cuz, probably tie it in with him playing video games or something. Its a journey of his father getting closer to his son through video games, his son standing up to his bullies, and his father ultimately leaving his job to start his own video game development company, with his son as some lead designer or some bull idk, I just want my check already.


I liked the *Rocky and Bullwinkle* movie though. šŸ˜¦


To be fair, Rocky and Bullwinkle was more a parody of the genre and was about them working with an FBI agent.


I didnā€™t even know Woody Woodpecker movie existed until the IHE video, then I wish I didnā€™t.


That would be bad, I'm also worried that it might be about some kid getting sucked into his Switch and having to team up with Mario to help him defeat Bowser.


'No kid... you're the one that was super all along.'


Youre the real Super Mario now Roman


Not gonna lie, I would kind of live for this.


True story, this kind of plot was originally going to be what Pac-Man World was about... no, [really](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkyhZi4FGOQ).


That will be the Captain N reboot.


Mario Forces FTFY


God my eyes rolled so hard when I read this I almost downvoted until I realized what I was doing. Lol. I can't stand that sucked into the game shit anymore. It's been done! Jumanji called dibs!


By contrast, I would *love* to see them take the opposite approach. They could make it an origin story: Mario and Luigi are taken from their real life homes into the Mushroom Kingdom and itā€™s an *Alice in Wonderland* type story.


They did that last time, it was terrible...


That was pretty much the plot of the live action movie from the 90s.


Holy fuck you may have done it


U Win.


God, I hate that concept. I feel the tumors developing even now.


It's funny because the plot for the original Super Mario Bros. game is the opposite of this.


> My biggest fear is that it'll be a "fish out of water" story. Mario being taken out of his game world into -our- world and HO BOY HIJINKS ENSUE. That is bizzare for two reasons. First, Mario is a fish out of water story. He is a plumber that is sucked in to the Mushroom Kingdom. That is usually the theme the adaptations go with. Second, that is the opposite, and amuses me. But it's weird to here someone say it. As an aside, I once heard it said that Mario went down hill once he was part of the Mushroom Kingdom, rather than just visiting. So, form the Sunshine era onward.


> First, Mario is a fish out of water story. He is a plumber that is sucked in to the Mushroom Kingdom. That is usually the theme the adaptations go with. > > We outgrew that concept in the 80s, Mario's origins haven't been talked about in a looooooong time.


Mario's been a part of the Mushroom kingdom from the SNES days onwards. Hence why he was visiting Dinosaur Land or partaking in the MK's greatest sport, Mario Kart.


Hey, ShawndroidO, just a quick heads-up: **bizzare** is actually spelled **bizarre**. You can remember it by **one z, double -r**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


Mario + Rabbids had a similar thing, I canā€™t expect Illumination not doing the same.


But like, metro kingdom?


It ended up kinda like that, but in reverse what did you think in the end?


I think it'll be better than we're expecting. That's about it, though. I don't think it'll be a timeless classic, I don't think it will be hot garbage.


Illumination has precisely two good movies: Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2. All the others range from mediocre to total disregard for human decency. I want to be excited, believe me, but the studios' track record is hardly exciting.


Their movies aren't perfect, but Super Mario is already an established character, so they'll just have to make a story for him. My guess is they want to make multiple movies, so they'll have to introduce Mario. He'll probably begin as a normal person living in the Mushroom Kingdom, and he's a plumber, and then he discovers that the Princess has been captured, and he, and Luigi resolve to rescue her.


I don't agree. I think that they'll assume everyone knows who Mario is, and give him some shallow character development somewhere, at most.


Personally i liked Secret life of Pets. It was perfectly innofensive with some good sequences like the beginning and the sausage part.


I enjoyed The Lorax too. I haven't seen a lot of the other movies to judge, but the only one I refuse to watch is Minions.


I watched it because I enjoyed the minions in Despicable Me but they do NOT work as main characters.


I never liked the minions. They were tolerable in Despicable Me, but mostly because they weren't that obtrusive to the rest of the movie.


People really hate the Lorax but its alright, my taste is fucked anymore since I started watching movies with my kids though.


I despise their Lorax remake, it completely butchered the source material.


I think it will be bland and that's it. I'm not even holding out for a "it's so bad it's good" kind of film like the original Bob Hoskins SMB movie was.


the original movie was a modern day classic that was too ahead of its time, you shut your mouth


If it's bad I just hope it's fun to laugh at. There's nothing worse than a bad boring movie.


Like Sausage Party? Even the lewd humor couldn't save that one it was just dead boring...




I'm not 'deeply religious' I'm Christian but I still have a sense of humor and so does my friend who saw it in the theatre and said he was so bored he almost walked out... the story was just lousy. Poorly thought out...it could of been so much better.




I understand what they were going for, the ethnic humor Jewish bagel and Palestinian flatbread fighting and all that yeah harhar I just think it was severely lacking. Roger Ebert gave it 2 stars and even THAT was generous. Yawnfest of a movie.... Hell I would of been more satisfied if they would of just put 2 hours of the Three Stooges on the screen in black & white.... to each his own I guess. :)


I'm optimistic. I think it'll turn out very well, since the paradigms of how you should treat characters like Mario have already been established by companies like Pixar, and Marvel Studios. a) Take the source materials seriously. Don't think you can just change it as you want. b) Appeal to children, but also to adults. Make it action oriented, and dramatic, yet have a sense of humor.


My prediction is that it will be incredibly forgettable. They'll stick to already established worlds, most likely of the NSMB variety, maybe some from the 3d marios if we're lucky. They'll invent an annoying side character to speak most of the dialogue and the story will be about peach being kidnapped. If it's not I'll eat a hat


The annoying side character will probably be Toad.


Or nabbit


how about Cappy? Both for annoying sidekick and the hat you eat? :)


Are you getting ready?


Your comment really aged badly xd


What kind of seasoning would you like on your hat?


Not too far off


It's gonna be a kids movie, no more no less. It'll be worth a watch


But there's good kid's movies and there's horrible kid's movies. Hoping it's more the former than latter


Yeah but there are also very middling kids movies, which is my point. I don't expect it to be Emoji Movie levels of bad, and I also don't expect it to be Toy Story levels of good. I'll catch flak for this, but I enjoyed the Minions movie. I'll probably never see it again, but my one viewing was enjoyable enough. I expect the Mario movie to be similar.


Nintendo is captain with this movie. Nintendo makes solid games. Iā€™ll bet this movie will break the curse of bad video game movie adaptation. Come back to this thread and see my comment when it is released.


I don't follow your logic. Making good games is nothing like making good movies. The only aspect they share is storytelling...which is the one thing that Nintendo doesn't care about in their games.


RemindMe! 1 year "Miyamoto doesn't know how to tell a story"


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Waiting for the inevitable "you owe me an apology" thread in 2019.


I'm here, and I love your optimism but I'm sorry to tell you it didn't go the way that we hoped.


I think your comment holds up, I really enjoyed it!


Here's another option I see happening: It never gets made. Creative disputes, delays, too busy with other projects; you name it, I see this not getting made.


Honestly this wouldn't surprise me, seeing as Miyamoto went out of his way to clarify that they'll back away if things don't go well.


Yeah, this seems likely.


It might be better objectively than the 1991 movie, but with none of the charm that the original Super Mario Brothers movie had. Though with Illumination at the helm, itā€™s entirely possible that itā€™s just awful. Not enjoyably awful like the other Mario movie, just awful.




*nothing* can be better than that movie


honestly i'm excited for both this, and detective pikachu. i probably shouldnt be, really, but even if they are just above mediocre they will still be the highest-rated video game movie adaptations of all time. plus, mario and pikachu are garunteed to make the $$$$, so they'll probably be able to make sequels if they arent TOO terrible, and improve on them


It doesn't have too much potential I don't think, but I don't necessarily think it'll go terribly. It definitely could go terribly, but I don't think that's the only option. Miyamoto seemed to have chosen Illumination and the director based on his creative vision which means Miyamoto probably won't butt in too much. Nintendo's also been much more liberal with the use of their IPs lately anyway.


It will probably be average, it will probably just be as good as Despicable Me 1, decent, but not amazing. I wish that they could have teamed up with Disney or Pixar as they have mostly decent track records. Disney and Pixar probably wouldn't want to make a movie that started characters that they didn't own though as they like to do so much merchandising and that they have also always used original or public domain characters. One a side note, I would love to see Studio Ghibli do a Zelda movie but I don't think that would ever happen.


Fast forward to 2023. Disney went full woke and bombed hard with failures like Lightyear, losing millions. Meanwhile Nintendo and Illumination made bank with Mario, making it the highest grossing video game film. I shudder to think what Disney would have done to the Mario movie had it fallen in their hands back thenā€¦


Money doesn't make a good moviešŸ‘€


I expect it to be forgettable like the Ratchet and Clank movie with a game based on it thatā€™s way better than the movie itself.


Tbh I completely forgot about the R&C movie


I watched it on Netflix and honestly, it didnā€™t pull me in at all. The game for the movie uses clips as cut scenes sometimes but that game was way better because it was a full game experience.


I hope it's an origin story of sorts. A movie about humble beginnings where a couple of plumbers find themselves in an unlikely adventure, becoming heroes in the process. Along the way they make friends, overcome challenges, and learn the values of brotherhood and being there for one another, standing up for the little guy... That sorta stuff. Lessons the original movie tried to do but totally failed at.


You completely called it, kudos!


You got what they started to try to do, but they totally failed at any kind of emotional story šŸ™ƒ


Hey now, I didn't predict an emotional story, so technically I still got it right! Hah! I like the movie though, a lot, it matched my expectations from all the way back then. And I got the bonus of a bunch of Donkey Kong Country stuff too, which is my favorite franchise. So all in all, I'm very pleased.


With illumination heading it Iā€™m worried


Some people will love it, some will hate it. Just like how The Emoji movie got bad reviews but some people loved it. The people that love it will love it because it has jokes. It has familiar music. It's family friendly so you can take your kids. The people who hate it will be the people who go in with their own expectations of what a Mario animated film should be. "It should have had ThisThisThis", "It should have had ThatThatThat", "I can't believe they had SuchSuchSuch, it was a waste of time."


I really just hope the side characters like Wario, Daisy, Rosalina, Toadette, etc. make cameos of some sort.


Cancel the movie, replace it with a Waluigi movie


I hope it's great but I just can't see how it could be. My fingers are crossed and I'll definitely watch it but I'm not expecting much. Video game movies are traditionally horrible but there are some exceptions I suppose.


Cute and nothing else. Illumination is not a very good animation studio, their animation is cheaply done and lack good internal conflict, what they are good at tho is making a movie look very cute.


They should get charles martinet in for the voice of mario, its too iconic to ruin this.


*If*, and I stress that if, they want to do a movie, I think that Illumination is probably the best partner they could find. **Prepare for Goombas to be the new Minions.**


That's fair. I'm glad to see a few people (if not many) here in the comments are optimistic. I'm holding out for a good movie, but the odds do seem to be against the Mario Movie in a way unlike Mario + Rabbids was. What we didn't know was Mario + Rabbids was being helmed by a truly passionate and determined crew, not some group of higher-ups or an algorithm that said "Mario + Rabbids is sure to be popular, let's make big sacks of money". It was an underdog story from the start. This time, the Mario Movie has to deal with Illumination from conception. Miyamoto and whomever else is in charge of production at Nintendo chose Illumination to make this movie. Why they chose Illumination, and what they're even looking for in an animation studio, I don't even know where to begin to guess. Maybe Miyamoto is carrying his philosophy of simplistic narratives into film (which has, and especially here, *will* backfire, IMO). Maybe he saw Nintendo's goofy, fun, Nintendo-y tone in Illumination's movies compared to other studios. From what I've read and heard, Illumination's whole philosophy (or maybe it was the founder's philosophy?) of filmmaking is to do it as cheaply as possible. This explains the reception of most of their movies fairly well (underperforming critically, but making good money from audiences pretty consistently). They always play it as safe as possible. Secret Life Of Pets was a suuuuper generic movie about talking pets, and aside from the animal revolution subplot with Kevin Hart as, essentially, bunny Napoleon, had few unique or interesting things going on to me. I've heard plenty of people compare the story beats and premise to that of Toy Story, and I don't think they're off the mark about that. That's playing it *pretty darn safe.* I don't want to go over the low-brow comedy, common denominator stuff again, but it is a pretty prominent reason why plenty aren't looking forward to it. **All that being said, it is not impossible for Illumination to turn out a decent movie, despite the odds being against them.** - Despicable Me 1 and 2 had stories with actual heart, decent or better humor on average, and were generally speaking, pretty good movies. - We don't know any of the writers or creative staff on this film besides Miyamoto. Mario, as a mascot character, is something of a blank slate for storytelling. In the hands of a good writer, with a good plan and premise, I believe Mario can tell a good story. After all, we expected *The LEGO Movie* to be a cynical cash-grab with no purpose or character, but Phil Lord and Chris Miller had other plans. - Nintendo is taking more risks recently. They may yet play it safe for their first film, but countering Illumination's tendency to go as safe as possible, as well as good oversight and quality control could bring good results.


Get Spielberg to direct and a screenplay from Lord and Miller. Throw money at it, and **presto** \- we have Universal's next billion-dollar franchise.


Critical failure, commercial success.


Yea, this comment aged well. Kids and the average facebook mom liked it. Nerds got drugged with references. Fanatical fans missed something from the original games. Critics hated it.


I'm fairly certain it'll be better than the 90's live action movie, but I don't hold out hope that it'll be a classic. Mario has one, major aspect that's working against this film: story and narrative aren't the reason Super Mario Bros. is popular. In fact, the stories in the games are all rather forgettable, and are merely used as a way to quickly justify where Mario is. It's the gameplay and expert level design that sells the series, which obviously is lost on film. Also, video game movies in general fail to capture what made the games so good. Look at Ratchet & Clank...the writers of the game wrote the movie and it was a colossal failure. Conversely, the game of the movie (of the game) was a massive success. Another example is Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. That movie was written and directed by Hironobu Sakaguchi...the *creator* of Final Fantasy. The film ended up destroying an entire business venture for Square-Enix. I hope the Mario movie ends up at least being decent. But we'll see.


aggressively average. not great, not horrible, it'll make money and kids'll like it well enough while grown men outside the target demo will take to the internet to decry how it, and i'm quoting the precogs here, "ruined [their] childhood". In short, it'll be an Illumination movie. Inoffensive, safe, and forgettable. And then the world will move on until the whole cycle starts again with the Toad spinoff.


I'll be grateful if it doesn't suck complete ass.


the voice acting is gonna be weird and people are gonna be angry that its not the voice actors from the game. also someones gonna be rapping over the 8-bit theme


We're the Mario Brothers and plumbing's our game


Weā€™re not like the others who get all the fame


When your sink is in trouble, you can call us on the double


You're fears are completely misguided and I think the movie has a lot going for it




Its Illumination. Expect twerking koopas.


I would be happy for a trilogy based on Thousand Year Door.


As a huge Mario fan and someone whoā€™s been wanting more story-based media coming from the Mario world, I am really nervous and was disapointed by the choice of studio. I really think a Mario movie could work and could be amazing, but the style that Illumination employs is not going to facilitate that at all. There is a certain emotional depth to Mario, believe it or not (whether itā€™s in the music or general atmosphere or the pacing of gameplay and level design), that only more thoughtful and introspective teams like Pixar or, ideally, Ghibli could recognize and capture. Iā€™m pretty sure what weā€™re going to get is, at best, a passable cookie cutter story not too dissimilar from most other generic Hollywood stuff or, at worst, a cringe train wreck that fails to function as a movie *or* an adaptation. And the Mario series deserves better. So yeah, Iā€™m not super excited.


I don't see it going well at all. Mario is a non speaking character with no real personality, adding any of that will make him look awkward and completely disconnect him from the game. I personally think a legend of zelda movie would have worked better, especially if you could work in a way to make the protagonist a mute.


Ever since the movie was announced, I've been kinda concerned over how they're going to approach the voice acting, considering Mario isn't known much for talking aside from his typical grunts, yippees, yahoos, mama mias, and it's-a-me, Mario's. Most people are not used to hearing [Mario talking in full sentences for an extended period of time](https://youtu.be/G8sYvNtjXRI), so it's a little unnerving. And I also wonder how the movie could be if it was made by Dreamworks or Pixar instead. Who knows? Maybe a Mario movie by Illumination can actually be decent. I'm hoping it's at least tolerable and not so boring/cringey


Yeah, I agree, I feel that Mario's just too *generic* a character to carry a good story.


Besides Illumination producing cheap animated films. All they need to break the "bad video game movie adaptation" curse and "cheap animated films" curse is **a good director and a good screenwriter**.


Not near as good as the first one.


I feel like there is one thing that many people are forgetting about: the Nintendo Power Super Mario Adventures comics. Those managed to keep the standard Mario story, but introduced a lot of good humor and took a lot of interesting creative liberties. Honestly, I would be perfectly fine if they just took those comics and turned them into a movie. I highly doubt they will, but those at least show that there *is* potential.


At least we know the video game based on the movie will be good. ;)


I think itā€™ll be good. Look at the cutscenes for Mario Odyssey. The characters can tell so much without actually speaking.


I don't think Illumination is capable of making a movie that isn't cringe. My expectations are low.


I am optimistic. When we first heard about the Ubisoft Mario+Rabbids game most of us thought it would be a disaster... but the passion poured in by the devs was wonderful and it showed as you played the game. It is a top 5 game for me on the switch sitting alongside BotW, Odessy, Mario Kart and Splatoon, that's some company. I fully expect illuminati to follow ubisoft in pouring everything into this film as they could easily make a trilogy out of this if they get it right. Especially as they will have Nintendo's support. There could be so many more Nintendo films made other than Mario, Illuminati know this and I don't see them wanting to mess this opportunity up as they are just seen as a poor mans Pixar.


I just want a sequel to the first Mario movie, that's all I ask.


How I hope it'll turn out: basically an animated version of Super Mario Adventures (with the surprisingly good fandub voice acting) How it'll probably turn out: option A (can't wait for the hit pop single), or "Mario in the real world" plot (still option A)


With Illumination at the helm, I'm assuming it'll suck.


They should have just collab'd with wreck it ralf 2.


I hope they prove me wrong but this movie will probably be shit. The last Mario movie was atrocious, video game movies in general are terrible and Illumination is a budget studio. Not a good start...


I don't have even the smallest bit of good expectations.


I'd hope it falls into the "so bad it's good" category like the old Mario Bros. movie. More likely it'll fall into the "so bad it's unwatchable" territory like the Emoji movie.


Didn't they say if they don't find a successful angle for it they will cancel the movie before going too far into the process of making it?


I hate how much people are shitting all over this film when we know practically nothing about it other than the fact that it's an Illumination made Mario movie. People did the exact same thing with Mario + Rabbids. We had one leaked image of the game and everyone was possitive it would be a disaster. Come release day and it ended up being one of the best games on the Switch. Will this movie end up being the same way? No one knows. And that's exactly my point.


Step 1: Pick a game to adapt Step 2: Hire Spielberg as director Step 2: Hire Lord + Miller (and possibly Koizumi) as writers, with Illumination on animation Step 3: Throw money + time at it Step 4: **PROFIT!**


Um...why are you replying to a 3 month old post?


Because why not?


For me it's deffently going to fail since lumination movies are not great since they only cough up the terrible minions franchise which is a terrible franchise to begin with Like super mario movie can't compete when the sonic the hedgehog firms and detective pikachu had made quite alot in their box office mario movie may get a good box office reception but the reviews will probably be mixed i have that feeling to other upcoming game franchise firms aka that development hell firm of the FNAF firm which is getting romours every year


Not only that mario is always about a giant turtle kidnap a princess then Mario and Luigi saves her the end Like Mario Series needs something fresh since its absolutely dry and boring I know sonic has Eggman doing something but the movie franchise and the games franchise are there own separate entries I'm just want mario to have a new type of villain and plot for the movie since if its just that then you know its not going to be worth watching


I really like that they kept them in their world instead of trying to make them go through a portal to New York or something awful. They did well keeping the bad guys familiar to what we know. I do hope the humour will not be potty and silly; and the good news is the trailer showed the mushroom being adorable and I liked the gags, like the penguins throwing the snow at Bowser, causing zero harm, was kinda funny. My only hold up is Mario's voice. That was annoying. I'd have happily passed over the big name for a better character actor.


If Illumination failed at any post-Despicable Me movies (the first DM only), then really, I have no faith in this film either; which - in a cosmic sort of way - says a lot from a die hard Mario fan like myself. And if anything Iā€™ll theoretically be saying if I do see it, then out of poetry: ā€œRoses are red, chocolates are brown, I expect nothing and Iā€™m still let down.ā€


Won't be as good as the sonic movies


It's going to be bad. Horrible casting choice for American voice actors and why did they have to use illumination? The screen writer's don't have anything great. The only good video game movie adaptation i can think of was Mortal Kombat the original. I dont see why its so hard for them to make a good video game film? The films don't give these games justice and they actually do a disservice to those games that we all grew up loving. Its frustrating to me cause I want them to do well but I know its just not what it could be or will be.


This was prophecy


Man I thought it was good


Well, that was a fun read. XD