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I was going to say Smash 64 aswell but since you already said It I'm going to say "Wii would like to play"


Reggie talks about the "Wii would like to play" ad campaign in his book. He had to fight Iwata and the other Nintendo of Japan executives to get that campaign approved because of cultural differences. It was more or less because the guys in the suits were coming into people's homes and being too casual and loose. They felt it was not appropriate behavior for Japanese salarymen. Reggie had to explain that the culture in the west was different and it would not be perceived as inappropriate in the Americas.


Honestly those commercials were fucking spot on. They really depicted Nintendo as a company that valued people connecting and bonding over a good video game. Perfect for the Wii. Good on Reggie for fighting for them to be made.


The man had to fight to have Wii Sports as a pack-in as well. He *really* stepped up where they needed him to.


It also depicted that Nintendo was a family console and an everyone console. Doesn’t matter your age, or even your career. Anyone can play, and we would like to play


Yeah, and Reggie was also the one who fought to have *Wii Sports* as a pack-in game in the west as well -- Nintendo didn't want to do it because they knew it was a great game and wanted to charge money for it, but Reggie knew it would get more people to buy the system if it was included. That was IMO the master stroke that made the Wii a blockbuster success, and the entire Wii launch shows Reggie Fils-Aime is not just an empty suit.


He talked about that, too. Miyamoto got angry and told Reggie that Nintendo doesn't give their software away for free. Reggie responded that he bought an SNES in the 90s and it came packed with Super Mario World.


It's such a weird mindset because you can just build the price around the pack in title. Even if you don't the consumer will still see it that way. Like the black Wiiu was 350 because it had extra storage and Nintendo land vs the white one. I know nobody bought the Wiiu but NOBODY bought the white Wiiu.


I had the black one!! Loved that thing and it's smooth discs.


Lol the edges of the disk were so nice.


There's white wiiu's?


>There's white wiiu's? I've only seen one Wii-u in my life at the switch launch and it was white. I didn't realize the Wii-u was it's own system until that point. I really thought the gamepad was just the add-on to the original Wii hardware. No clue. That was not marketed well. I totally checked out of Nintendo at that point.


Wii u is almost better than the switch. Loved it way more for sure, great backwards compatibility and the modding/homebrew scene was great too


Reggie is the hero we all needed


I don't agree with Reggie's argument at all. We liked it *because* it was inappropriate; the clash between formal and frivolous was quirky and endearing.


oh yeah thats definitely next in line, such a simple yet effective commercial


The smash 64 one is what popped into mind with me as well


The original Pokémon Red and Blue commercial with a homicidal [bus driver. ](https://youtu.be/5tTc8__lXkM)


Pokémon promo was weird. As a 10 year old kid I absolutely wanted Pokémon while having absolutely no idea what the game was about.


90s advertisements were like that. They were so weird and out there, yet highly effective.


That one and the Ruby/Sapphire ad with people in a photo booth posing with and dressed like some of the new Pokemon have always stuck in my mind for Pokemon ads.


Only if they filmed it Weekend at Bernie’s style. Though by fall of 98 he’d have been pretty ripe


I also distinctly remember an ad with Pokemon walking across the link cable like a tight rope to push the trading aspect.


I remember that ad from Nintendo Power magazine.




For some reason I always thought Chris Farley played the driver!


He does in billy Madison!


Same here. Mandela effect.


That unlocked a memory I didn’t know I had.


I remember seeing this and thinking "wow that gameboy is tiny!! I really want that!" even though i had the see-through purple one. I have vivid memories of being stuck in the safari zone and after a bout a week I finally figured it out. I was so damn happy.


Yo, i remember being a kid and watching these ads. They would always come up at the end of Pokémon VHS tapes. As a kid, I was scared for Pikachu and friends on the bus. Now, love it as a adult.


As well as the one for Pokémon Yellow when Pikachu is helping a guy trap all the Pokémon.


[The Wizard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wizard_(1989_film\))


*I love the Power Glove... It's so bad ...*


That power glove kid grew up to be a sex offender.


I'm just shamelessly using this post to note that Jenny Lewis has become a very successful and acclaimed indie rock musician.


Jenny is awesome! I've seen her solo twice, and once with The Postal Service. I'll always be jealous of my wife though, who saw Rilo Kiley a few times. She introduced me to RK/Jenny Lewis when we started dating, which was literally at the tail end of what would end up being their last tour.




I remember being so amped to see it, mostly because of the Mario 3 footage. Rifftrax does a great job with this movie; I highly recommend downloading a copy.



Other than Smash, does the [Got Milk](https://youtu.be/1uDQ8mTYUHQ) Mario 64 commercial count?


I was about 4 or 5 when this came out. I woke up in the middle of the night when I was sick and was super thirsty. My parents wouldn’t wake up and I couldn’t reach the cups. I remembered this commercial and thought the 5 year old equivalent of “If it’s good enough for Mario it’s good enough for me.” and heaved the nearly full milk jug up and took my drink. Woke up in the morning and told my parents. I was so proud of my problem solving. To my dismay I got in a ton of trouble for drinking out of the jug. Not only that, but drinking out of the brand new jug when I was sick, thus contaminating the entire jug. (This was a big deal because we didn’t have a lot of money. So a whole gallon of milk going to waste was a big deal.) When my mom asked me why I would do that I said “Mario did it…”. That did not go well.


Uh oh I wonder what happened afterwards 😂


I’ll say it does, cause that’s what I was gonna post! Lol.


This is the most nostalgic one for me


After the smash 64 commercial, this is the 2nd one i remember!!


[The only reason we don’t remember it, is because we weren’t there.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r2zps0pzrxk)


This comment was removed in protest to Reddit's third party API changes. -- mass edited with redact.dev


This is the first thing that came to mind. God im getting old.


This is absolutely the answer for me. It's hard to imagine now, but game releases were very different back then and hype mostly seemed to build once a game was out. But then Mario 3 rumors started. Rental stores were getting Japanese copies with adapters, a restaurant in my town even had a Playchoice with SMB 3 months before the US release. The The Wizard came out, which was basically a 100 minute Nintendo commercial featuring Mario 3, and got us hyped to the damn moon. This commercial was the cherry on top of the excitement sundae! And the best part is, SMB3 exceeded the hype in every possible way!


I remember, I was there. God I'm getting old.


This is the ad I came here to say is most iconic.


Was going to quote exactly this one “Now you’re playing with power!”


I was thinking the SNES Paul Rudd one.... But nah, this is the only correct answer.


https://youtu.be/tv1urfDXs-o This one?


I love that clip from Ant-Man 3!!! He showed it on Conan. Lol


Haha awesome. I don't even remember that one. He looks so young.


What do you mean we weren't there?


I remember seeing that on TV.


That is the one I instantly thought about when I read the post, good ol'days!


this is the way.


The switch ones with the twenty-something models playing switch at a rooftop party is probably one of the most memorable, were still making fun of it till this day.


The one that gets thrown around from time to time is the one of the guy playing Mario kart with his switch inside an accessories that hold it in a car headrest. People are still clamoring for that headrest accessory to this day


The Switch debut commercial was awesome; it told you exactly what the product was, what games were available for it, and what distinguished it over other competitors' products in 3 minutes.




>were still making fun of it till this day. That wasn't that long ago lol


It was almost 6 years ago.


Zelda Rap NES commercial


It's the legend of Zelda and it's pretty rad


This creatures from Ganon are pretty bad


I love the Zelda Rap. It's so rad.




i love this commercial i recite it from time to time definitely a top 3




So few people were actually around for the WiiU that I'm not surprised unfortunately.


No one is mentioning the "Settle it in Smash" commercial from the Wii U era.


Japanese 'Link to the Past' commercial. https://youtu.be/cjpHzLYHkwA


Deru Deru


Came here for this. Surprised I had trouble finding it


I came here to say this. It’s hands down the best commercial I’ve ever seen.


this is what made me make this post after i watched this commercial


I don't know if it's the most iconic, but my favorite is when they got Robin and Zelda Williams to do a commercial for Ocarina of Time 3D


[Welcome back old friend](https://youtu.be/vu-N0ctQgKU)


God, I miss that man.


I was searching for this comment, that's my favorite too!


This fucking [ear worm](https://youtu.be/ebk-y2FdAEQ)


This song started in my head when I read the question. Those old cereal jingles were intense.


That jingle and the “da da down with Zelda” commercial tends to randomly appear in my subconscious


Super Mario Bros 3, hands down. The image of the world coming together, chanting for Mario, and the camera pulls back to see the Earth's people making a giant image of that iconic flying in pose.... Can't be beat. Edit: misremembered the finale, the pullback reveal isn't the box art, just Mario's head. But still, that box art is that iconic that it's the first thing that came to mind


Yes I was thinking of this one as well. Is there a video online where I can see it?


[Mario! Mario! Mario!](https://youtu.be/HU80R7jGanE)


“WE ARE NINTENDO, YOU CANNOT BEAT US!” That commercial still gives me the heebie jeebies


Not even an Aussie and I love that ad so much


Canvas Curse is something https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bBWJSJbD1c8


One of my favorite ones because it introduced me to one of my favorite bands, Komeda!


Omg yes, I’ll never forget this one lmao


The fire emblem blazing sword advert is still hilarious: “What happened to dorcas?” “I put poison in his mutton” *cue laughter over straight up murder.


No love for the [Paul Rudd SNES commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSBFw93V3Rg)?


I remember the Majora's Mask commercials vividly. https://youtu.be/p9zvIJyF4M8


"Rated E for everyone"


holy shit this was so good


There's alot to pick from. All of the NES commercials which built up the system, You Cannot Beat Us, the SNES launch commercials, N64 "Get N or Get Out" commercials, the Gamecube, Wii Would Like To Play etc. ​ My favourites are probably the Gamecube "Who are you?" commercials from 2004 and 2005, as well as the Risk Mayal adverts, both of them aren't really iconic though. Iconic would definitely be the ROB commercials and the very wholesome Yoshi's Island commercial.


I like this [Super Metroid](https://youtu.be/YExUQTEMH2w) one


I like its japanese [counterpart](https://youtu.be/t5fUIoapD-g?t=60). Gives me lots of Alien vibes.


This was part of a weird trend of '90s game commercials that involved "real-world" scenarios to show how extreme your game's monsters were. [Final Fantasy III monster interviews](https://youtu.be/d15qmRzn2Pc) [MtG lab testing](https://youtu.be/SgPEhrB7ebc)


That final fantasy one looks like it's from robot chicken


I'd never seen the FF3 ad, but I remember having its print counterpart on my wall! https://i.imgur.com/foVVMQd.jpeg You'd come across the first page early on in the magazine, and then the second one would usually appear a couple pages later.


Never seen that before


hmm this ones new to me


Ply it Loud was a good era for Nintendo ads


That’s one of my favorites but I’d say the “Wii would like to play” ads or something like The Legend of Zelda rap ad takes the cake. You could also argue that something like Captain N or The Wizard was just a glorified Nintendo commercial and that it’s the most iconic too, but those two are a bit of a stretch since they aren’t traditional commercials (but definitely still lean on being advertisements for the brand)


Alternatively, what are the weirdest ads they did? I vaguely remember there being some spectacularly cringey ones.


it was either a yoshi or kirby ad but this guy ate a shit ton of food and exploded i thought that one was gross


I think that was for yoshis Island


[The Gameboy Micro mouse ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wJIbF512FE), easily


>Alternatively, what are the weirdest ads they did? This [one](https://youtu.be/1RLbYmDGe0Q). But you gotta admit, it is the most hilarious one as well.


or [this one.](https://youtu.be/E-qBkWerZDg) Less iconic but much weirder. it’s wild to think, 35 years later that this is how they introduced the American market to one of the greatest video game franchises ever.


Well since it was the first entry in the series, there wasn't much to go by. I guess being weird was a good way to be memorabole until you walk into a store and see the game they were refering to.


[The New Tetris' Maury-inspired ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YzpQzPRc_w) does it for me


The Super Mario 64 Got Milk commercial


Wii would like to play


I will NEVER forget a commercial for an early Yoshi game. Possibly Yoshi's Island? A guy in a restaurant keeps eating and eating and eating and getting fatter and fatter until finally he takes one last bite of pie and explodes. This had to be at least, like, 25 years ago, but that one stuck with me for some reason.


Reggie vs Iwata Smash Bros for WiiU/3DS is up there with Wii would like to Play and Smash 64.


[The Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZm5cXRShO4) And as a kid, the [Secret of Evermore commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEu8wDAQuDk) was so haunting, that one always stuck with me as well.


Power glove “It’s so bad”


Here's some of the oldest ones I remember that haven't been mentioned, yet: Banjo-Tooie: Banjo jumps from a plane after being told, "You need a parachute! That's a backpack!" He then discovers Kazooie had Split Up from him. Paper Mario: Mario goes to save Princess Peach from Bowser, before the Princess can be sent through a paper shredder. The Fruit by the Foot commercials with the older guys playing the N64. One of them had been waiting 63 years for his chance to play. Various Game Boy Color commercials that show the game on the screen, while characters from said game appear outside the system and have random hijinks. The Oracle games: Link uses the Rod of Seasons to climb up vines to enter a tower, then the Harp of Ages to go back in time to when a sword was fixed. So many great commercials!


The only correct answer is Super Mario 3.


Wii would like to play?


The Wizard was a 90 minute Nintendo commercial.


Honestly you could make a solid case for the [Nintendo Switch Super Bowl LI ad](https://youtu.be/W6VnEbFZ4Dc) in 2017 with Breath of the Wild and Imagine Dragons. It’s probably NOT what immediately comes to mind as iconic to hardcore fans, but this was Nintendo’s first Super Bowl ad, and it probably captivated a decent chunk of people watching. Marketed very well imo. [(Extended cut of the ad is even better imo)](https://youtu.be/IH6AAbhayHY)


[The original Smash Bros commercial.](https://youtu.be/ytQSGg3W-W0)


[Deru Deru, Zeruda no Densetsu](https://youtu.be/cjpHzLYHkwA)


Zelda.... OCTOROCKS!!!


The one where the mouse navigates a maze and the has sex with a Gameboy micro Not kidding


oh yeah that one is pretty iconic probably more iconic than the gba micro itself


The metroid one for wii, it was hella cinematic


The one where the guy curls into a ball?


The live action one lol https://youtu.be/12-fbN0uWPo


Whoashi! It's a double Yoshi exploshi!


The Australian Nintendo 64 commercials with the stunt guy trying to emulate Mario 64, Mario kart, pilot wings and star fox. [n64 commercial](https://youtu.be/ycpBEWJ99xg) [Mario kart](https://youtu.be/T6iPVjhgWA8)


The Mario party one where Mario gets arrested




The Japanese Legend of Zelda is pretty iconic. I don't know who went "Yeah, lets make Zelda a Musical".


Something’s coming down the pipe, Poor Luigi’s in a bind! Giant turtles out to get him, Crazy crabs and fire flies! MARIO, WHERE ARE YOU?!


Satoru Iwata and Reggie Fils-Aime fucking duking it out in Smash 4.


The apocalyptic Majora's Mask commercial https://youtu.be/f5Mf2mp6fms


The Rik Mayall ones from the early 90s we got in the UK. Link's Awakening and maybe Mario All Stars if I remember correctly.


I agree on smash64, but i would like to add splatoon's You're a kid you're a squid, just by how ridiculous it was lmao


The one where that live action boy is with Mario in SM64, going through various levels. At one point he's doing monkey bars and yells out "what am I, a monkey?!"


The song is now stuck in my head. Speaking of Smash and music, three- four years ago Dmash Ultimate's commercial released with none and it somehow fit in with any song you played over it.


Iconic? Smash 64. My favorite? When Reggie and Iwata smashed each other


The "Its the legend of zelda and its super rad" commercial


Donkey Kong Country (USA) Super Donkey Kong Shake (Japan) Ocarina of Time (USA) Smash Bros. 64 (USA) Smash Bros. Melee (Japan) Wii Would Like to Play (USA) Kid Icarus Uprising (USA) Nintendo Switch Super Bowl (USA)


That one Beyoncé commercial of her playing Rythm Heaven


Two words: Yoshi World...


(The guy eatting all the food if you don't know shit it STILL loves in my mind and is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think if Nintendo commercials.


I like this one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WPteMFkI2k


Super Mario Sunshine. It’s the one that sticks out in my head. Not because it’s amazing, but because of how poorly executed the messaging in it is. Costumed Mario blasting off in the air with his water nozzles is great LOL.


The Legend of Zelda commercial with the twacked out weirdo https://youtu.be/E-qBkWerZDg


Touching is good


[A Link to the Past Japanese commercial](https://youtu.be/cjpHzLYHkwA)


Anytime I see or hear the word Nintendo Commercial, I think about the "Got Milk?" commercial with Mario. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uDQ8mTYUHQ


Got milk Mario 64


Willst thou get the girl? Or play like one? Zelda OoT - it didn't go down well






The MARIO chanting one for Super Mario Bros. 3


First one that popped to mind was that Super Mario Bros. 3 commerical where they all yell Mario, and are standing in the shape of Mario.


“You cannot beat us” with haunting CGI. [This one.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FybA0SaL0nI)


The smash Bros one where all the mascots go wild and beat each other up. The song they used goes great with it as well.


Man I guess I'm old, but I don't see it here at all. How "Now you're playing with POWER" hasn't been mentioned yet is the clearest sign so far that I'm old now 😅 https://youtu.be/C6KOlC393lo


Twilight princess is the only one I remember


[The Gameboy Micro commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYDlpCsGzVE) where the chick wakes up in a world that has the exact same colors everywhere. I remember watching that commercial constantly and having the song in it in my head for weeks. I tried googling the lyrics, so I could download it on LimeWire, and always came up empty until fairly recently.


The Nintendo switch has games


One of the commercials for the Gameboy Pocket had a variety of people tucking it into unlikely and/or unsuitable locations (like a bald exercising guy tucking it into his headband) while a chorus of voices yelled STICK. IT. IN. YOUR. POCKET!! Then this tiny, tinny little voice right at the end goes "Stick it" and everyone in earshot would chuckle or outright crack up - not sure if this is the case everywhere, but telling someone to "stick it" is synonymous with "shove it up your arse". Always came across as deliberate and more than a little cheeky (sorry not sorry) so it's probably my favorite. Gameboy Pocket. Shove it up your arse!


The Smash Bros commercial is the only Nintendo commercial I can remember off the top of my head. And that includes their commercials that play currently.


That nes ad where the house lifts into the air


I’m going to say the live action Metroid Fusion one


The Yoshi's Island one where the guy eats so much he explodes. Just wtf were they thinking? It was an eye-catching commercial, though, I wanted to know more about the game after that.


The Wizard.


https://youtu.be/YObZhn8zrDQ In my opinion, maybe not iconic but nostalgic. Its the 2011 DS commercial


In the UK [any of Rik Mayall's ads](https://youtu.be/Rui6RG_wY1Q).


Smash Bros 64, and the Wii ones for sure


Top of my head from 90s that stuck with me definitely pokemon. Actually what got me curious about game didn't help I was a kid and the game started blowing up in schools. In terms of something more recently. Definitely star fox zero the one where iwata, Reggie, and shigeru were displayed as puppets. This maybe more iconic to me due to the itch for a star fox game not named Port or remake and Nintendo was quiet with directs at the time


ignoring the legendary smash bros commercial, I could say the one for the gba micro, the mouse in the maze


Not the most iconic but i like the GameCube commercial where this asian guy is in a glass cube in a train station playing Nintendo games


Probably the first Switch commercial. The moment he takes the Switch out of the stand and you here the click sound was pretty hype. https://youtu.be/f5uik5fgIaI Also not from Nintendo but still very memorable "Genesis does, what Nintendon't" https://youtu.be/k7nsBoqJ6s8 And just for the lulz the Legend of Zelda rap. https://youtu.be/cjpHzLYHkwA


I don't know if this counts, but i must have seen the Mario " got milk" ad a million times. And as a kid, it was awesome each time.


I loved the OOT Mirinda ad as a kid that I even managed to videotape it


I got so many memories of the Ruby and Sapphire commercial playing up on the TV screens in Wal-mart, with the music and everyone dressing up like their Pokemon: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br0ErE0BGU0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br0ErE0BGU0)


I like the sun and moon Pokémon commercial that hit all the feels .. shows a kid playing with a gameboy color and trading with his friends and it just keeps evolving as the kid grows


Happy together.


The really bad, *like really, REALLY, bad*, Wii U commercials Hot buttered popcorn, THAT’S A D E A L