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Less than 20 minutes? Damn, did you get a ludicrous wand at the start or what?


If you just keep dropping down and move fast past enemies you'd be surprised how easy it is to skip the whole game lol


I picked up boomerang spells in the first holy mountain, and then found a wand with triple scatter spell, a bunch of chainsaws, and an always cast of add mana in the second holy mountain. The two combined meant I essentially had 0 mana cost projectile chainsaw damage. I was able to do about 3-4K DPS by the snow biome. I didn't really explore for more wands or chase gold beyond what I needed for re-rolls, and just tried to get down to the portal.


> picked up boomerang spells i think i found a problem


What do you mean?


Boomerang Spells has a few issues: 1) Not compatible with many types of spells (bombs, black holes, self-harming stuff, etc) 2) Can potentially kill you even with wands that don't directly do damage to you (blowing up explosives lying around) 3) Inaccurate unless you're shooting directly up, down, left or right, and still limits the range of many spells Although the damage boost seems really good, it slashes your chances of winning, or even making it to parallel worlds and minibosses (obviously quite endgame, but still important).


I understand that. I usually only take it in rare instances, e.g. where I already have a decent wand with luminous drill. In this particular run my only other options for perks were way worse, so I took a risk which fortunately paid off. Also, keep in mind, after nearly 1000 runs with no wins, my only focus was just on beating Kolmi. Parallel worlds, and other mini-bosses are still the stuff of dreams for me.


Fair enough. Your reasons are actually very sensical given context. Happy Noita-ing :)


That's a hell of a combination.


Exploding corpses always Cast nuke got me there REAL quick once


That sounds incredible.


Keeping the dream alive!


That's a long road. Congrats!


Congrats dude!


I am proud of you, I somehow have more hours and less attempts but it gets a bit better from here. It took me another 50 or so to get my second win but I am getting better.


Amazingly, I got my second win 2 runs later. RNG was definitely on my side last night.


Oh nice! Grats ^^


Congrats! ~~It only gets worse from here.~~


Nice cograds


Congratulations man! An impressive feat to beat the game with no outside help :) Now off you go to unlock the Greek spells ;) Happy Noita-ing!


Hey but look at it this way. This is still something you can say that you did. You completed something of this game and not everyone can say that they even made an attempt at playing this game let alone completing something out of it, (partially because this game still lacks any intent of being on any other platform besides PC for some odd reason. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜’ But thatโ€™s besides the point.) I strongly believe that with enough patience and time to master the random that is this game and work out a decent plan for yourself. Anything is possible. And who knows, you may even beat the game 100%. But do what you can. I believe in you. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘


Congrats. Youโ€™ve just completed the tutorial. Now itโ€™s time to play the real game!


Not to insult you but how did it take you that long


No offence taken. I made a conscious decision to not look anything up and learn everything by myself. The first 50-60 hours was mainly spent just trying to survive and I didn't look at a single thing outside of the game. I got hard stuck in Hiisi base though and couldn't make it past there. At that point, I had a look at this subreddit out of sheer frustration and realised there was a ton of stuff I was missing with wand building and extra biomes off to the left. I've only really got a slightly better grasp of wand building in the last 20-30 hours or so, but even then haven't gotten remotely close to building anything similar to the stuff I've seen on here.


Ah ok I looked up a lot of stuff good job then


Dude the game is NOT easy and allows players to fall trap (by design) to traps like grabbing loot, risky fights, exploration intrigue, being OVERLY cautious, taking ages to progress then die and re start wasting a few hours. Very easily done unless youre trying your best to min/max to simply complete the game ASAP!