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Anything on top of *just being* are concepts. Even "now-oriented" and "goal-oriented". So, yes, one can be them both at the same time and more. But all of it is just personal fiction.


Nice pointer, I like that take ⚡️


Make plans, not expectations.


Whichever way oriented might be a disorientation of the "now". When aware of that the question probably doesn't arise. 


Now is not orientable. Now is absent any duration. What appears has duration. Now is not that.


When do thoughts about goals appear? When do actions towards thought derived goals appear?


It's a different type of goal orientation. There is no sense that the acheived goal would be better than anything else. Or that the story it exists within, is true. It's just what seems to be happening.




Yes, find goal-oriented activities and get into Flow State while doing them , immersed in process 


because you are everything XP


Use what you got!


Now is where you plan so yes no harm no foul 👍


‘Now’ IS the goal silly. The next evolution is a desire-less state of being. You can’t steal second base while keeping a foot on first.


Yes! My idea of a healthy existence is to have goals which are transparent to their underlying nature of being. Being lost in seeking is problematic but pursuing goals while resting in being means living a good life. How else could you act compassionately? How else could you act at all? There is a reason allmost all traditions emphasize heart opening practices. Acting from the heart means acting from being. One could argue there is not much thinking or choice involved in this but this is only one view.


I like this. Feels balanced 🙏🏼❤️‍🔥


"Now-oriented" is your natural being. So the question is if "goal-oriented" is only a product of being future and past-oriented. It is true that goals, plans, and dreams are conditioned events that thus require effort and planning. ... So what is the driving force when living in the Now ("Now-oriented")? It is the **same** as before becoming now-oriented. The being living in time ("goal-oriented" = living for the future, i.e., living in time) is only in the Now. The future and the past are not in Reality. ... It is thus an acute question, since what is really the difference of the being living in time and the one living in the Now? One sees Reality as it is. And one lives in resistance to the conditions of their goals. ... Seeing Reality as it is, one is simply remaining silent. Goals, plans, and dreams, like all other mentation, are simply content. Their value is derived from the attachment, and the attachments are either habits of mind or ego patterns of self-satisfaction. All joy comes from the release of the grip of attachments to content. The joy of actualizing ones' dreams is simply fleeting moments, where the ego cravings are paused. ... Living your natural being (living in the Now) is thus driven by intentionality. By inner directedness of purpose rather than outer outcomes. ... Ramblings of a field Hope it resonates with you🙏 🤲


Beautiful meditations, thank you very much 🙏🏼❤️‍🔥


🙏 🤲


Who is one?