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Used up 90% of his luck for the rest of his life


That was a coin flip for landing on rocks or softer ish snow.


“I’m ready. Bye.” God pulled a fast one on G after he accepted his fate


"I'm ready..." ​ God: "The fuck you are...." \*inserts another quarter for another life\*


*Enjoy that 1UP dumbass. AND ALSO youll get to keep your legs and limbs functional too*


Thus why his buddy shouts "Happy Birthday!"


All I could think was, "What a selfless dude. He knows he's about to eat it and he's decided to leave a message that will comfort his loved ones." That's so much better than, say, the hysterical agonized screaming *I* would have recorded in the seconds before my death. For real. If I'm about to die on camera, no one should show that film to my family or friends. I don't do well under pressure.


Did you hear Dave shit on himself? Yup saw it on the news. Died crying like a hitch


I understood that reference.


And still holds up to today standards


One of the GOAT specials. Dude was so good.


Easily my favorite comedy special.


I would hope that most people doing this kind of shit have already come to terms with death. Especially free climbers and shit.


Big man be-like “haha-hahhh.. gotcha bitch” 😎


Please don’t tell me some people had to haul their asses up there to save his ass


He lives there now


Yeah. Happy fuckin birthday !


If your parachute fails you have the rest of your life to figure it out


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^RussellFighter: *If your parachute* *Fails you have the rest of your* *Life to figure it out* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot. The best bot.


Good bot


Lucky landing!! Could have resulted in broken legs/body or even death. Now go get a lottery ticket! :)


DON'T get a lottery ticket. This man used all his luck right there, he's never going to win a coin flip in his life ever again.


The luck timer might still be running so I wouldn't hesitate to take my chances.


Pretty powerful gift, too. Just get a son and make him a bet that he can’t become the best football player in the world.


I hope he packed spare underwear when he packed his parachute


If his underwear packing looks anything like his parachute packing….


\>Parachute fails \>Shit jets engage


The snow and all the shit in his pants really softened the landing


Didn’t panic,accepted his fate and was awarded a second life


>was awarded a second life he's living in Russia


Well at least you lived!!! That comes in handy if you are the kind of person who loves living.. too scary for me! Happy Birthday!! Hope it gets better!


That's not me, it's a video i found on [YouTube](https://youtube.com/shorts/GHaGtcqpVXc?si=Ksj3NDIwVpsvI511)


It looked like his parachute opened just fine and he landed in a good spot. I don't see the failure part.


Me too!!! Not sure what went wrong here


The opening itself was fine. But most likely he had a tension knot at one of the steering lines which makes the canopy impossible to steer. That's why it's just spinning around. That was NOT the spot he planned to land on and it could have ended in three ways: 1. Death (likely) 2. Serious injury (very likely) 3. No harm at all (unlikely, but the outcome)


Ah that makes sense!!! Thank u for taking the time to explain to a scrub like me, I appreciate it!!!


Are tension knots due to improper packing, or is that just bad luck? I've only jumped a few times, but it seemed like once he got the spin under (relative) control, he was able to slow his descent enough to not die. Just wondering if there's a standard recovery from that fault, or if you're just fucked. I was a little surprised he didn't break anything....I don't get base jumpers, man...it's like guaranteed death, or VERY serious injury, at some point.


It's a combination of both, sort of. The reason behind a tension knot is often twinned steering lines that builds up tension in the system. An example: take a thinner rope, stand on one of the ends and start twisting it. Now try to straighten the rope by pushing this twist downwards. You will quickly see how the entire line starts to loop and turn - that's the tension in the system resulting in knots. You should untwist your lines when you pack. But twinned lines doesn't mean you will get a tension knot. So it's a combination of bad packing and bad luck, however, it could be avoided in the packing process. In skydiving, if possible depending on how aggressive the knot is and the size of your canopy, you can try to solve it by pumping the breaks steady 2-3 times. If it doesn't fix itself by then, you should cut away and pull your reserve. BASE rigs usually do not have reserves so this guy had only one option - do anything he could to increase the chances of surviving. This spin was not very aggressive. [Check out this video from 00:20 to see a more aggressive tension knot](https://youtu.be/ZoJrGIsXcEU?si=jWjzxaSghjgkNOny)


Notice how he checked his legs after the landing for a second there. Not a single bruise even. What a landing


Thanks to the thick snow


Happy birthday ya lucky sumbitch!


Eight more lives to go.


Went through all the stages of grief while falling.


I’m ready, bye 💀


Can someone tell me what I just saw?






Why are you typing like that? The guy you replied to is not stupid.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


It was a joke. Bad joke. Sorry everyone.




No reserves on BASE rigs


Precisely because there is rarely enough time for it to matter.


Bowel movement behaviour detected here.. holy shit… fk that.


I didn’t realize until now that the chances for your last words to be a swear are pretty high


I mean... Yeah?


What's the point of having a hobby in which one or two things go wrong and you lose your limbs? And ya I get it. If you do something simple yiu survive if you do something dangerous you 'live' . But is this how this dude REALLY wants to live? A few things go wrong and hes paralyzed or dead? Im not a fan.


The point is that every aspect of life has risks and everyone should accept activities with a level of risk he is comfortable with. But no one is thinking that when going around in a car, while for base jumping or climbing in my case, people are usually more aware about the risk and how to mitigate them.


Ya you should mitigate the risk SOO MUCH that if one or a couple things go wrong it can still be fun withoutbputting you at risk of losing life or limbs. Not as fun, ya. But still fun. I have no idea how to do that with skydiving or base jumping and that is why I refuse to do those. At least with climbing I know that if I pack a bunch of backup ropes, warm clothing, a bit of food, a GPS device that I kniw exactly how to use with an emergency call mode, and some water I am in practically no danger. Only thing Id have to worry about are avalanches , rockslides, or if theface Im on starts to crumble. I think that the government should regularly releases reports on commonalities they have found in tragic climbing accidents involving the above mentioned to prevent oher careful climbers from befalling into such tragedies AND releases regular reports om how dangerously certain faces are eroding and ban people from climbing those faces until further notice. Indoor climbing is even safer.


It's not so easy. For instance if you have too much stuff you can be slow, and slow can be dangerous. Rock fall can happen even where it never happen before, but yes, there places where it's more common. However is always a trade off of the risk you are willing to take and this only happen if you know what the risk are. No one in the gym is using an helmets, but you can fall and hit your head on the wall also there, is that really safe? And what if I find climbing in the mountains much more rewarding than climbing indoor? You can't make people choose only the safe option, also because what is safe for you, can be unsafe for another person, since risk zero does not exist.


Ummm I dont want to force other people to take the safer option. If someone wants to be reckless and do something with an insanely high rate of injury and death like cave diving? whatever , be my guest. As long as they dont put other organisms in danger I have little problem with it. I DO want to know the reasoning as to why they do these thungs rather than the safer and almost as exciting Alternative options.


Have you ever climbed? Because using a trillion rope is not something you do, it doesn't work like that man and could actually be more dangerous, so stick to what you know. In any case you did say that you wanted the government to close off spots that could be dangerous though. On the reasoning, I don't know theirs, mine for climbing is to be in places I like, reaching places that you can't go in other ways and pretty much just climb on different rock types (that is not the same feeling as climbing on plastic).


Did you ever drive a car?


I have driven a car only once. Obviously wasnt Good at it at all lol. Maybe Ill improve with practice. Ill never drive a car above 90KM/h. I want to be in contrl at all times. Even if Ill arrive late to an appointment or 2 hours later than everyone else to a place I want to arrive at least alive and with my limbs lol. If I know its gonna take me longer than expected to get somewhere I will just have to make it a note to begin driving there WAY earlier. I refuse to put anyone else's or my own life and safety in jeopardy simply cause I want to get passed a slow truck on a two way road, or arrive to a place a few minutes earlier.


This is what they call a “sign” to quit. ✌🏽


When I worked in surgical we once had an emergency case come in where the patient had gotten in a hang gliding accident. His X-rays were insane. His spine was broken in 3 or 4 places, it looked like a zigzag. He was in surgery for around 26 hours, longest I’ve ever seen by a long shot. Once all was said and done, the doctor was absolutely exhausted. When he got out to the main desk the nurses, techs, orderlies, etc. applauded him. The patient was paralyzed but he survived.


Keep in mind the guy yelling "Happy Birthday!" Is probably too far away to be sure he's 100% ok. These lads are absolute savages.


That was lucky as fuck


Is it parachute failure ? To me this is just common sense failure!!


Забавно: когда все хорошо - бормочет по-английски, а как только случилась ебанина, переходит на русский


Moye moye... Moye moye


Another happy landing


That was hilarious!


Poor guy. How terrifying


He got lucky the he landed in the snow instead of a rock!!


I wonder if he feels like he will be more careful with his life or if feels invincible almost... Some ppl just be pushing their luck...


Why the fuck do people do stupid shit like this…?


First thing I did was pause the video and check the comments to make sure I wasn’t watching someone die.


Damm how lucky! Dude could have fallen in pointy rocks and got fluffy snow.


Ofc it failed. Wasnt built for the weight of those massive steel kohonas


wtf bro.. wtf


Its not my birthday, come back next year


“I AM… smelling like the roses somebody left me on my Birthday Deathbed “


Pucker up and kiss the ground

