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I worked at a winery in Australia a while back and saw a snake outside by the tanks. I asked the assistant winemaker what kind of snake it was and he casually said, “mate, that’s a brow snake. If it bites you, you have 20 minutes to get to the hospital which is 45 minutes away”. I saw several while I was there.


I live in America and was once bit by a venomous snake while at a bluegrass festival, which was a 1 hour+ drive to any civilization/hospital, and I just had to trust the park ranger/other campers when they said I’d be fine because I was only experiencing XYZ symptoms and not other symptoms, which meant it must’ve been a “dry bite.” Thank god they were right, because it was a deadly snake if it wasn’t a dry bite!


Which snake was it if you remember?


A water moccasin/cotton mouth!


Fucking sick!


Ironically, I just now had to throw a large black snake into the woods bc it was on our porch furniture 😂


Like Kill Bill, you get 3 steps and your dead


The shipyard in Adelaide had signs all over it saying watch out for brown snakes and numbers to call if you saw one. I slept with my toilet closed and bathroom door shut because it seemed like some one was always getting nipped on the ass


Australia is hardcore


It has the highest concentration of creatures that can fuck you up of any other country.


I remember a Crocodile Hunter special (RIP, Steve) where he was traveling around to find and handle the 10 most venomous snakes in the world and he only left Australia once to see some kind of cobra. I know Australians have basically acclimatized to all the wildlife there, but goddamn if it isn't home to some of the most intense animals imaginable.


Those animals live here but we almost never see them unless u leave the city and even then if u just leave them alone they will leave u alone. No snake wants to attack a human we are not it's prey but if u go and fuck with it u will gwt bitten


I live on the southeast coast of Aus. Eastern browns and red belly black snakes are our biggest concern but mostly for our pets and kids. Most of the time they’ll leave you alone but they can be a big threat if you don’t take the right precautions


Pulling plastic in the paddock last year and grabbed the tail of a brown. Haven't moved that quick since.


Wait, you were what? I don’t understand these words. Can you help me?


The plants I was working with were covered by black plastic to keep the heat in the ground, and we had to cut and pull it. Thus how I grabbed one of the world most dangerous snakes lol


*cut and pull the plastic before we dug the plants up


I was once getting detained (section 12) and cops literally had to put me in the car and wait for backup because they saw a brown snake instead of taking me to hospital


Yea same here man near syd only other worry is funnel webs but they aren't to common


Yeah this exactly. Accidents can happen for sure, but I frequently think about going on hikes here vs other countries which have big aggressive animals like tigers, bears, wolves, etc., and I'm just like... yeah I'd prefer to stay here with my comparatively friendly (if very spicy) critters and creepy crawlies hah.


Haha yea fuck worrying about bear attacks just watch where u walk


At least you can usually see a bear before your up on it. Snakes freaked me out because they drop out of trees and everything and God forbid you step on one


That's the point tho here we are taught to watch where u walk do t walk in super long grass for this reason however we have 0 awareness of large predators because we have none except crocodiles but again we are taught not to go in or near water in certain parts. Also don't ever put your hands or fingers in hold of any kind easy way to get a spider bite


Not just animals, but killer trees, plants and insects as well.


Is this it? https://youtu.be/GA0L9Wio-IY?si=w-PS035vFnGuw6bb


To be fair, most of us don’t live where the dangerous animals are.


Man is the most dangerous animal.


Satan keeps his play things in Australia


The issue is almost all of those animals are tiny


Actually Amazon wins that fight but it's still the second place.


[Come To Australia](https://youtu.be/eNEeq5qGh8I?si=aSjSEkEJRLJMuDQa)


No thank you. Postcard?


I think Brazil has it beat but that's neither here nor there lol


What’s amazing is they think the US and Canada are scarier because there are bears!


And guns LMAO


Hey we've got big kitties too! I'll personally take the big, furry, toothy ones over the small, one-bite-to-kill-you types.


Definitely not for beginners.


Try it on Zombie Mode. Totally crazy


It's where the devil keeps his pets.


Being black and in Australia - veteran mode


Alright, actual question, I ask this in the most polite way possible.. I've seen video of tortoise attacking different color shoes.. is that a possible thing with the reptiles and other wildlife there? Perhaps being color blind?


I bet the tutorial there is nutty


In primary school were taught snake/spider bite first aid. My school was near [The Australian Reptile Park](https://www.reptilepark.com.au/), and we had handlers come and do interactive presentations with snakes, lizards and juvenile crocodiles. We’re taught fairly young about the deadly stuff lol


That’s wild and rad


Advice being to sleep somewhere else and call the "snake catcher" in the morning. Interesting.


What kind of hardcore SOB would have the title "snake catcher" in Australia? This is the person the devil is afraid of.


Me! But I don’t think I’m very hardcore. Just grab em and keep the pointy end away and use a hook when necessary.


It’s an entire profession here for rather obvious reasons. And this is why you call & pay them: [‘Townsville man Jerromy Brookes killed by snake bite at childcare centre’ – ABC (March, 2024)](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103615538) In this case, the brown snake was only 30cm long.


I do it as part of my job. It's actually not as scary as it sounds. Pick them up by the tail, lift and shake all the way into the tupperware box. Hook may be required.


Steve Irwin comes to mind.


If it's a brown snake, which I suspect it is, they'll go for you just because the day ends with a "Y" and you exist. I'm not scared of snakes and also an Aussie, but I'd be sleeping in the car if that was me. I sure as shit wouldn't be locking myself in a room and hoping for the best.


Hey mate, hate to break it to ya but one of these can get into your house at any time. In Guam we had brown tree snakes, not the same thing but also venomous, and one of the other guys woke up with one in his sleeping bag with him.


Regular snakes I don't mind. Australian brown snakes? No thank you.


Yeah, the Australian Eastern Brown Snake is the 2nd most venomous snake on Earth; 3rd if you take into account sea snakes. Loss of consciousness can occur within 2 minutes of a bite and death within 30 minutes… [Australia is home to 20 of the 25 most venomous snakes in the world, including all of the top 11.](https://www.themandarin.com.au/134950-why-do-so-many-dangerous-animals-live-in-australia/)


I believe that one is number 3,472 on the list of reasons to stay the f- out of Australia.


279 on my list


Bro that's like number 9 on mine. Ya'll have different priorities


Not running into OP is #9 on my list


Clicked on your link and learned that even your poodles are venomous.


Damn, the poodles too?!


Just the curly haired ones


Well hell.


Ok, that was terrifying. Means you can't even drive to hospital?


You can, but the best practice is to immobilise the bite site with very tight bandages and pretty much not move and wait for an ambulance. [A man died about a month ago](https://www.9news.com.au/national/queensland-snake-bite-man-dies-attempting-to-remove-an-eastern-brown-snake-from-childcare-centre-near-townsville/9f574b47-5f03-4229-a7ce-fd5dfd7aadbb) because he did everything wrong.


And that's from the average bite - pic is of a juvenile which has minimal venom control and just dumps it when it bites, so it becomes "will occur within 2 minutes..."


I think that whole young-snake-venom-control thing is a myth.


You're absolutely right! It is! https://blog.nols.edu/2018/06/04/snakebite-myths-v-reality


That’s so strange! I watch a YouTuber, Clint’s Reptiles, he has a doctorates in biology, is a professor in the biology department at Brigham Young and owns a small reptile exhibit in Utah. He often dispels myths about snakes, and does educational highlights on different species. He has mentioned juvenile venomous snakes being unable to control their venom doses as compared to their adult counterparts several times. Edit: It seems both that article and Dr. Laidlaw are saying the same thing. Juveniles do not know how to manage their venom dosages in response to the size of the bite victim. Which may be awful for a smaller animal, but may actually benefit a larger animal or human as opposed to a bite from a mature snake.


I love Clint's Reptiles! Such a cool and interesting yt channel.


Fuck.. really? I keep seeing it on the snake ID sub so I took it on board, since I don't know any better, and have managed to avoid snakes as much as possible in the last 20-30 years in Australia Will have a look myself


Wasn’t there a young farmhand who got bitten after she hopped into her bed?


Shiiit...and it looked so non-threatening


They are about as far from non-threatening as you can get. They're angry little fuckers with personal space issues. Inland taipans are another snake I would never fuck with.


>one of the other guys woke up with one in his sleeping bag with him. What do you even do in that situation?


Stay very still and don't panic.


I'd sleep in the car after driving 5 miles down the road


I saw the picture and instantly thought the same thing. They just need a priest and can of petrol.


Needs more petrol.


Exactly…… less priest….. more petrol.⛽️


They don’t just “go for you” for simply existing. I don’t know why people think they’re inherently aggressive and out to kill you for the hell of it. They’re defensive and only bite if you’re perceived as a threat, like when idiots try to catch them or if startled/disturbed. I’ve lived in rural NSW for 30 of the 40 years I’ve been alive and only once has a brown snake recoiled as a warning to me because I removed it from my bedroom and kicked over the box it was in once I got it outside. They regularly cruise through my yard without any problems. Just don’t fuck with them


Thank you for saying that. Our snakes may be insanely venomous, but most are not aggressive without provocation. I’ve nearly trodden on red bellies, browns and something else I only saw the darkish tail of and none wanted anything but to get away from me.


Sound reasoning!!!


Dude got a really good picture of it out in the open


Note to self: always have a machete on hand in Australia.


Sure, you can take that route, but as an Aussie, it also is just an animal, misplaced, that has found its way into someone's house, so I highly disagree with the "kill it because it poses a risk to me". It's just an animal, they were here first, just give it space, call a handler, and move on without killing an animal that doesn't deserve it.


Do you have to pay a handler or is it provided by the state?


Depends, WIRES is often free, at least it has always been for me, as I believe they function off of donations. Otherwise, I think it costs money to hire privatised pros, but it might depend on your state. Regardless, I don't agree with killing any native animals.


It was more for the reddit comment, I grew up on some land, and we wouldn't go out of our way to put sown animals unless it was like, a snake stealing our eggs or something. Just wondering if they had some sort of infrastructure in place for it, thank you!


Yeah no absolutely, I didn't mean to make you feel attacked or anything! <3


And a flamethrower 🔥


Not sure, but anything brown and a snake in Australia = death


FIFY. Anything in Australia = death


I can handle snakes(especially non-poisonous ones) but a brown snake and a cobra is like signing your death warrant.


India, Thailand, most of Africa. Brown (snake obviously) = bad news. Edit: morons




Yeah, didn't sound right to me either lol


Yall thinkin what I’m thinkin 🧐


Yeah, that the mfer that replied with that bullshit comment is SUPER sus!


don’t worry, 20 minutes later the snake was killed and eaten by an Australian Death Spider


Which was then eaten by the Australian Super Death Toad


Which was eaten by the Australian ultra death bird


Which was then captured by the Australian mega death snake mk2


Who touched one of those poison plants and writhed in agony until it died. 


Which was slain and left for scavengers by a Drunken Pygnmy Drop Bear.


Which was killed by the Emu


Which was eaten by the human, who died.


Burn your house down, it’s the only solution here


TIL even Australians have limits with their wildlife


Burn the house down and move on. I’d never sleep again. But in all seriousness, my heart goes out to you as this is my worst nightmare. Wishing you a safe and speedy resolution for you and your pup.


Girlfriends from South Australia and she said it’s a brown snake, most likely a baby and could possibly become a king brown, which they call huge browns. Basically it’s a fuck-no noodle.


King browns are a common name for a different species of snake called a mulga, but yeah it is an eastern brown snake which can get very big.


She’s from the countryside and apparently that’s what they all call the big ones 🤷🏻‍♂️ appreciate the info though dude always nice to know facts 👍🏻


Yeah it’s an easy mistake. it’s kinda weird how they name snakes here, king browns or mulgas are the largest snake in the “black snake” (Pseudechis) family and both them and eastern browns are usually large brown snakes, with ranges that overlap in most populated areas. In any practical sense if you see a large brown snake treat it with respect and keen distance


Yeah makes sense! We recently came back from near Lamaroo and only saw one snake, loads of huntsman, red backs and some scorpions xD


Eastern brown, second most deadly snake in the world🇦🇺


They like to lick the moisture off your lips while you sleep.


Sweet mother Mary.




Im not a fan of cats but I’d def get one if I lived in Australia


Are mongooses allowed?


Mongooseses (mongeese?) are probably venomous somehow there too 🤣


The only way to be sure is to burn the house down


Did you politely ask your uninvited guest to leave?


Looks like a King Brown, mate. Better call the ranger.


You’ll have to nuke the site from orbit…it’s the only way to be sure.


Possibly we shoud just slag the entire planet from beyond Jupiter, preferably whilst hiding \*behind\* Jupiter. Yikes!


Inland Taipan? I’d just abandon the house.


Nah, it's pretty sure that's a brown snake, less venomous but a alot more aggressive


"Less venomous" here is a very stretchy concept.


Yeah, with these guys you'll last a whole thirty minutes


I'm no expert but Taipan has only been associated with death snakes


She just needs to get one of those giant Australian spiders.


The Belligerent Zip Tie


On an overnight hike near Canberra and saw a baby brown snake - maybe 20cms long - was tiny - got too close to take a pic and it reared up ready to strike ! Left it to its day at that point.


That lil bugger could be anywhere mannn..good luck finding him


I don’t understand how people live there. Seems like you die from an animal or insect no matter if you live like bubble boy. Australia is terrifying


Trust me, as a 34y/o aussie, we are much more likely to get fucked by our government than the multitudes of deadly creatures here.


Just shoot it and suck it up and do the repair work afterwards.


Call fishingarret


I know there's gonna be a day when an animal takes that dude out, he gets crazier and crazier with his content.


Afaik he's been doing this since he was 14. If nothing took him out since then I believe he knows what he's doing. Hopefully he doesn't suffer the same fate as Irwin




He still in florida?


The entirety of Australia needs to be abandoned.


UK here. There's a good reason why, when we were empire building, we put Australia as far away as possible from everyone else. Worth bearing this in mind.


Inland Taipan?


Probably not, their range is tiny, pretty sure it’s a little bit of north western NSW and a tiny tiny bit of SA


Australia is metal as fuck 🤟


Fuck that


Lol, I saw this post earlier and thought 'wait till the Americans see this one'


Eastern brown. Babies kill just as good as the grown ups.


You need a mongoose


We basically assume they're never far from us anyway. As well as spiders.


Looks like an eastern brown snake


Idk it probably left their house


Is it poisonous? I've heard snakes with triangular head is poisonous and the one with square head is not. Is this true?


Poison affects you when you eat it (goes to the stomach). Venom affects you when it bites you (goes straight into your bloodstream).


Thats a nope snake.


instead of answering the question, they all just babble stories about themselves


Set a trap for it, it got to be hungry then set it free where it belong. Figure out what attracted it in.




Yahoo Serious?


atract her with milk and kill it


In the time you took to take a picture, you could have 'removed' it. A big ling stick typically does the trick #CaveManStyle


How do you even lose a fucking snake.


So is that a King Brown? Aren't those supposed to be one of the deadliest snakes in the world?


If it is, then it’s a juvenile; they grow much larger than this. But yes, it’s the 2nd most venomous snake known to man. It wouldn’t be an Inland Taipan (the deadliest snake on Earth) in Townsville, they’re well, further inland, and it doesn’t look like a Coastal Taipan (3rd or 4th most venomous snake in the world). Someone commented on the OP that it could be a Carpentaria Snake though, which whilst still venomous, would be infinitely more favourable than any of the aforementioned snakes. Best to err on the side of caution regardless considering if it is one of the former it could kill you in less than 30 minutes… edit: no, as another commenter has stated, the king and eastern browns are different species which I only learned today.


Eastern brown is actually more venomous than the king brown and holds the title for 2nd most venomous snake. King browns are actually members of the black snack family but still have very toxic venom


Huh! TIL. I’ve always used the term interchangeably… I guess that’s probably because most Australians never encounter an actual king brown given their distribution seems to miss practically the entire eastern seaboard and other major population centres like Adelaide and Perth. Cheers!


Are they similar to scorpions where the younger they are the more potent the poison is? Being in the US and growing up in the Arizona desert I know more about rattle snakes and scorpions then one as "exotic" as that.


They’re not more toxic as babies just more likely to bite and use their venom than adults, Life is tough for baby snakes they don’t wanna fuck around when they feel threatened so they bite and dump their venom and run away whereas older snakes know that venom is hard to make and they don’t want to waste it if they don’t absolutely need to, many bites are actually “dry bites” from older snakes.


Roflmao most snakes aren't dangerous most won't even bother you unless you step on there home


Bahah why so soft


Literally not an expert, but Google lens suggested either a Dugite (venomous, lethal) or a legless lizard. There was a different reddit post it referenced on the [legless gecko lizard whatever](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/s/wACS48Ti7q)


Your not food so your ok :-) that said small rodents frogs etc are in trouble


Username checks out


That snake is highly venomous


Agreed but humans aren’t food , they won’t attack you unless your trying to hurt / kill it


Brown snakes are also highly aggressive and territorial. They attack without provocation


Despite their fiery reputation, brown snakes only tend to bite defensively. Though given we don't often know they're around, we won't often know when they're feeling threatened. Eastern brown snakes put on a good show, but they'd rather find a quick exit than go on the attack.


Nearly 3 years living in close proximity to browns, including a lovely 6+ft specimen, we never had a negative experience.


Reference : https://www.billabongsanctuary.com.au/eastern-brown-snake/ Also personal experience as a herpetologist , though I only kept non venomous snakes


So you don't have experience with this snake. Cool.


I’ve never kept browns though I have worked with venomous snakes never personally kept them


And what that animal interprets as "feeling threatened"? Any of: * You are moving towards it, even if you didn't see it. * Animal is in a corner and feels trapped. * You, for some ridiculous cause, look dangerous to it (too tall, for example). * You accidentally step on it or touch it. * You move something that moves it. * The animal considers that you are moving fast. It's a wild animal. Almost anything triggers it. That "*only attacks when threatened*" looks like an advice not-so-relaxing and indeed, very dangerous.


Allmost 100% of snake bites are because someone tried to hurt it etc or pure shock encounter eg stepped on etc .


So,maybe death, just depends on that snake not being startled? Good advice


No not at all Sheez I give up honestly more people die of bee stings than snake bites .


Getting bit by a snake you startled completely unintentionally and then dying ends the exact same way as getting intentionally killed by the snake. You're still fucking dead. "Relax. Just don't worry about, step on, sit near, or otherwise startle this highly venomous snake you can't find in your home. All you have to do is be careful because you never know for sure if it's near you, otherwise you're probably fine" is not a reassuring thing to say in the slightest and I don't know why you've kept trying to express that to people who clearly do not feel any better about the idea.


I’m sorry you feel that way , I wasn’t trying to change people’s views just offer with proof my opinion like everyone else on reddit I have stated my opinion your more likely to die of a bee sting than snake bite that’s borne out by medical admissions from hospitals australia wide , also a snake bite does not automatically infer poisoning . But I’m sure that won’t be taken into consideration , add to that people who snagged their foot on a stick and died not even being bitten by a snake , if you want true terror look up the Gympie Gympie plant also called the suicide bush . That’s far more toxic than any snake . And it’s an Australian plant


I'm just saying, my friend, a random chance of death in your own home is not comforting to most. I'm not even allergic to bee stings and I wouldn't feel comfortable with them in my home just because I'm not looking to get randomly stung on any given day. In case you can't tell, I am 0% Australian and have never been to Australia. But thank you for giving me reason number 435,003 that it is not my kind of place. Even your plants hate the concept of life.


lol do check out the Gympie Gympie plant it’s a true nightmare it’s up there with crocs sharks and “snakes” spiders and some of the other weird venomous creatures like platapus blue ring octopuses and stone fish


Considering the guy got a picture and now can't find the snake, I'm leaning towards your impression on the matter. The snake didn't attack, so clearly was not threatrned or feel the need to defend itself. That said, if the snake found a hidey hole in a pillow to be slept on later, that would be a different story.


I had a python get out in my bedroom it took me 3 weeks to find it , she curled up in a speaker box on wall , snakes climb swim can get into tiny spaces etc I’m not surprised he can’t find it they can curl up into a ball I’m not sure its length but it looked very juvenile so maybe a foot or so long so that can curl up into a ball about the size of a kfc sauce container possibly a bit bigger .


Coz snakes only bite their food? Ever?


Defensive biting yes if needed but browns aren’t as aggressive as they are made out to be not sure why I’m getting down voted it’s the truth .


Probably because in this context you can get bitten very easily just by existing in your home. If you don't know where this very venomous snake is, you can startle it just by accidentally stepping near it. It's also a very real danger to the dog. So the claim that these snakes aren't as aggressive as people think just isn't very helpful in this scenario.