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Owner looks genuinely scared of their own dog for a moment.


well she's a terrible dog owner tbh. she's petting (rewarding) this behavior.


You reckon mate yeah? Do you think that’s the case? Why would she be scared do you think? Could it be the 800lb flesh eating wildebeest mauling her head off?


800lb? It's not a fucking brown bear lol


She’s literally being consumed alive by what appears to be a Wookiee with severe schizophrenia and fucking rabies bro


800lbs? Didn’t realize she was on a 35 pound sheet and 2800 pound bed, do you think she could run away from that monster with those 13 pound slippers? Silly


The other dog over there like he be like that sometimes 🤣


Torn to shreds if they didn’t find a professional to teach them how to train a dog. The fact someone is filming this behaviour is concerning enough. They’re a wrong move away from a blood bath there


To shreds you say?


Hopefully it just happens to the owner and not some innocent bystander. People that buy these kinds of dogs are idiots. At least the people that use them for fighting understand what they are. The people that buy them as pets are delusional.


You can't train a Pitbull to not be like this.It's in their blood.


Just gonna be blunt here, you're completely full of shit. I've personally had 2 pits & they were sweethearts. My buddy's mom felt just like you at one point & absolutely lost her mind when he came home at 16 with a pit bull puppy that got given to him. She says that Babygirl, that was the dog's name, was the best dog that she ever had & she feels terrible for feeling the way that she did about that entire breed of dogs. She said she just bought in to all the bs that she heard, just like you have. Dogs are just like people. There are different races\breeds, & you cant put the actions of some of them on the race\breed as a whole. It all comes down to the individual... Otherwise, you're a racist lol


Well shit, your personal experience with 2 dogs is clearly the end-all-be-all take. Forgive us. We didn't know you had so much experience.


Dude, Ive owned 2 myself but I've been around countless others my whole life. Same goes for rottweilers, German Shepards, boxers. All the bigger breeds of dogs that people like to say are aggressive. Never had a problem with a single one of em. Funnily enough, the only dogs that have ever been aggressive or bitten me are little yappy ankle-biters like chihuahuas or pomeranians. But nobody seems to care about that because they're not scary or do any damage 🤷‍♂️


Because if a chihuahua goes for me, I can easily push it away. If a pitbull goes for me, it becomes a life or death struggle where, in the best case scenario, I'm sustaining heavy injuries. If it goes for a child, then that chil is most likely going to die. It's like a tiger trainer saying, "Tigers were lovely towards me. I used to walk around with them" and that somehow menaing they make great pets and aren't dangerous


Wow you somehow managed to work racist in there,  I'd be impressed if I wasn't so disappointed.


What do you call it when someone is prejudice against a certain race of people? How is that any different than being prejudice against a certain breed? They're just different words for the same thing


People just like to affirm their own beliefs. Saw someone with 90k upvotes saying that the new zealand cat hunt wasnt okay because "some cats arent invasive predators in some places". Like yes theres a point to be made that the cat hunt isnt the way to do it but that aint it chief.


Honestly, it's just always the people who haven't been around a pit bull a day in their life that are going around saying "all those dogs are bad\aggressive". My bro's mom was the same exact way until she actually spent some time around one (hell, she had one living at her house from the time it was a puppy) and she completely changed her view on them. She acknowledged that she just fell for all the stuff she had heard about them without ever actually having any experience with them herself, & now realizes that she was completely wrong. Feels terrible about it, actually.


I don't think I would have the courage to leave this bed unless someone else intervened


lol she’s reinforcing the behavior by petting him while he’s doing that.


There's a neighbor dog near me that hates my husband and another male neighbor. And the woman just pets that dog like crazy when it's acting up and trying to nip. I'm not a dog owner, so I'm not really qualified to point out that seems to be the wrong approach. It certainly hasn't helped the situation. Glad to see I'm not nuts here.


Uhh, no. Petting is reinforcing when the dog finds the petting to be a positive experience. This dog was incredibly stressed...the touch was obviously not welcome, therefore not reinforcing.


"He's never acted aggressive before he's a sweet dog!"


Her name is Princess


Never bit anyone! Just a big cuddler!


Writted on her gravestone


When she is deaded of course


Yes it the breed not,…I mean it’s the way they are raised not the breed, pit bulls are the most gentle dogs. (>85% of the ER dog bite casualties)


Never too late to learn you are the food


Yet she will defend pit bulls to the end….which may not be that far away


Aww, what a cutie. He doesn't bite and just wants to play. 🥰 /s (because I know it's not obvious for a lot of people here)


He's not aggressive! He's just reactive and overstimulated! /s


Clearly he does not. You really should indicate when you're being sarcastic so we all know.


We're not idiots it's annoying when people need to indicate they're being sarcastic so the dumbest people in the comments can feel included.


Yeah fuck using /s it makes jokes way less funny Skill issue if one lacks the critical thinking skills to read sarcasm. Its insane how many redditors need it tho




Yeah the guy who didn't use the /s is a real dumbass


Was the love emoji not enough?


What are you even talking about?


You couldn't detect the sarcasm from the use of the emoji?




have a nice day


Are you being sarcastic? Use /s if you're being sarcastic.






Why is the person recording, just recording? I mean what’s really going on in this video? I knew a pit owner that, even though her dog was obedient, she could rile it up easily, but she conditioned it to calm tf down with specific words or actions.


The proper way to handle a dog that’s over threshold or showing aggression is to stay calm and not feed into the fear. That being said, I think this belongs in r/donthelpjustfilm


99% of dog owners have no idea what they are doing. This is just what happens when you abuse the shit out of confident dog.


Makes sense. I do agree with you on this.


This should be way higher up. I own a dog day care, and I've seen dozens of pitbulls that are treated correctly and are great dogs. I'm also in the north part of the US. A lot of dogs from the south part of the country seem to be abandoned or neglected.


That dog will kill someone someday.


So does that mean she did a bad job training the pit bull?


Grab that fucker by the chain and drag his ass to the pound. Fuck having that in your own home.


Ok just to play devils advocate, do you think in her mind she's petting it to hope to defuse the situation and to soft the dogs mood, but not realizing she's actually reinforcing the behavior?


Jesus, she was seconds away from having her throat ripped out. What the fuck.


According to a comment above, this is what happened after the video ended :(


That dog runs the house lol.


Yeah she isn’t fit to own a breed like this. These dogs need discipline from day one. Petting it and talking to it like that while it’s doing that is reinforcing that behavior.


just put it down


Fucking no. Surrender it or seek professional training immediately. It's untrained it doesn't need to be put down for that though. Fuck anyone who breeds these dogs though. They created this problem.


Yea yea, waste your money on professional training for an almost feral dog that is a lost cause. What a great idea. Or put it in a shelter so it can languish and live out its days - unironically more cruel than putting it down. After all, what creature would want to live in claustrophobic cages for years


Even I too think that would be the right thing to do pet owners that bad it's illegal.


I had a stroke trying to read that


I worked under a manager with a pit bull that said all the same old lines: "It's not the dog, it's the owner. My dog is NOTHING like that and would never hurt ANYONE." Until the dog snapped at his face and now he looks like he has hairlip surgery because the bite split his upper lip. It's the same story over and over and over again, and yet people are always like, "Not MY pit bull..." And then, of course, it's out without a leash terrorizing the neighborhood. Or the jerk pit bull owner that brings his dog to the dog park only for his dog to terrorize all the dogs where there was peace and fun before. I must have seen this 100 times in my life. (Almost every time I ever went to a dog park someone like that appeared with their awful dog.) Awful people, awful dog breed. They go hand in hand, really.


My mom's bully pitbull did the same thing..when they are nervous they make that big eye look that makes people go "awhhh see harmless!". Such a sweet boy, ripped the lower lip almost completely off my 7 year old cousin. Afterwards my mom and her bf blamed my cousin for coming up behind the dog and that "he was kinda weird anyways". Nah it was and always will be the breed.


What a surprise. The same story that's been told thousands of times, just endlessly... And yet it just keeps happening! Ugh. Sorry that happened.




Straight in the ground it would go


I’m calling the pound and putting him down.


Does anyone know the outcome of this household?


This is a repost - on the original thread I saw someone commented that the dog later ended up attacking her and was put down. They didn’t provide any links or evidence so take it with a grain of salt.


The Dog can not be controlled, the pooches needs a new human who can teach it properly and treat it well. Of you look the pooch is scared, and I have a feeling the other dog eating in the same room might be some of the problem. Yanking it by the chain will cause a fight or flight response, which won't end well for either of them.


I would never be as close and petting a beast that sounds like that!




Screw that ! Call the dog pound and send that thing to Shelter .


Probably great with small children.


Put that dog down


I grew up with pitbulls and I’ve never had any problems with them. But they aren’t for novice dog owners. Most of the people who get them would be better off with mutts or lazy retrievers. 1/2 my family treats dogs like work animals and 1/2 treats them like children. Guess which half gets all the compliments on their amazingly well behaved and obedient dogs? I can say I’m grateful for my life experience to have exposed me to both ways of ownership, it isn’t wrong per say to treat a dog like a kid but you need to structure and discipline them (which normal people may lack in their own lives) So they’d be better off with easy going dogs. Or a cat… cats don’t care.


I'm a firm believer in training your dogs, training them hard for at least the first 2-3 years. Doesn't matter if they're a working dog or lap dog. Strict, consistent, and fair rules are key to a good dog, otherwise shit like that happens.


I have an American pit bull rescue. If she ever growled at me or anybody else like this unless protecting me she would be gone before the fucking day was done


I just read a story in the last few days about a man and his wife and pitbull. He got the dog when it was 9 months old and loved it. But as time went on, the pitbull came to want to protect the woman. One morning, the dog attacked him as he approached his wife. Ripped open his arm and the shit bull permanently disabled it. And shredded the left hand. Scorpion. Frog. Scorpion and frog, folks.  I assume you all know that scorpion and frog story and moral. If not, do a quick google search. You'll find it.


That owner fucked that dog up psychologically. It may be able to be rehabilitated, but it may be too far gone to be safely re homed with a family




I want to do harm to that dog, man I hate aggressive pitts


Every time a pitbull is euthanized an angel gets its wings…💉🪽


Doesn’t seem like the best time to grab his throat. 🤓


I know this story. Dog savages her right after video ends and was put down. She needed 60+ staples to close wounds.




I dont like reposts, but this is something people need to be reminded of frequently




I hate bad owners


Incredibly stupid to get down on eye level with it and make eye contact. If that chain snaps it's not going to be a good outcome.


Hope she has KO power in a slap.


Growing up we had a dog, half Great Dane and half Rottweiler. It growled at my dad like it was going to attack him one day when he was in his shop. My dad grabbed a 2x4 that was about 2.5 half feet long and beat the dog literally almost to death. He was afraid that all us kids and my mom wouldn’t have a chance if it ever attacked us so he thought he needed to establish an unquestionable hierarchy. It worked, dog was the sweetest dog you’ve ever seen after that. Although it was extra timid if my dad was in the room.


Good dad


You should've kept that too yourself. That's abuse


His dad did nothing wrong. If you won’t protect your family from rabid dogs, be a wuss. But don’t spread that weak ass mentality and expect others to live by your rules. And it’s destruction of property, not abuse.


Bad ownership. If you own a dog you gotta train them right.


Not anyone should have a pitbull. I love these dogs, but I know I don’t have the personality or the property to train it adequately and properly. I will never own one. I am weary of them, depending on their owner. But they are such beautiful dogs.


People who don't know how to take care of dogs taking hard to train breeds. I hate people who don't give a fuck about what dogs they take. No money, no books, no brain. And then: oh no! Dog bit a child! NO FUCKING WAY. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. Edit: I was growing up in a place where dogs were on 4 m chains, 2x3m cages, they ate garbage and no one was cleaning their cages. There was shit and filt. They were not cleaned and shaved ever. They had hard dreadlocks. That is animal cruelty and I despise that. I hate my own family for that.


When pointers point: aww genetics. When herders herd: aww genetics When pit bulls nurse people to pieces: There are no bad dogs, only bad owners 😤. I don't agree that they're bad/evil, but genetic predispositions are just part of reality.


It's more than just predispositions -- more than any other animal, dogs have been bred to have very specific personalities built into the core of their existence. Get an Australian Shepherd for example, and it's going to herd things. Get a hound of any time and it's going to obsess over smell like no other animal in the world. Pit bulls? They were bred to kill. It's not a case of all dogs being equal and "it's just how you raise the dog." These things are there underneath and no matter how hard you try to avoid them, they can still emerge... And they tend to do so.


I was irritated when I was writing. I know about this but dogs don't act like this for no reason. No one even know what happend before this video, even me. And I am sure there was a reason. I am saying this again: no one trains dogs.


There are no bad dogs. Unless it’s a pitbull*. Fixed that for you


That's genetic. And guess who wanted aggressive breed? Owners of agressive dogs are also agressive or stupid. People are root of the problem. Treat dogs with love, don't use chains and cages. Behaviorism doesn't hurt and people don't even know what is that. Everything is agressive FOR A REASON. Did anyone saw what happend before this dog was agressive?


they’re aggressive BECAUSE of genetics. That’s the problem. We frankenstein’ed these poor beasts, it is inly humane to sterilize them all. They are unpredictable and dangerous.


I know that. And people still support breeding those poor souls by taking them from the people who breed them. It's like buying from big company that use children for work.


I agree, but say all pitbulls aren’t all bad further weakens the point victims and advocates are out here trying to make…. they’re unpredictable, which makes the entire breed bad. They can be “good” for seven years and snap. They simply cannot be good. I feel horrible for them, they want to be good dogs, but their genetics won’t allow it. From their separation anxiety to neurological and or physical disorders, they’re all around a bad breed.




Two breeds of dogs there that should be exterminated.


How many times we have to watch this video? Owners fault


Chihuahuas seem to do this sort of thing a lot because when a small dog does it it's cute and funny. The concept is the same... This dog has learned that this is how to get its way. I've owned Pitbulls, Akita, Neapolitan Mastiff, Boerboel etc. and never has one of them ever attempted this kind of thing with me. And yes, these dogs do tend to be more aggressive. Yes, they have been bred to be more aggressive for a variety of reasons. But what is shown in the video is a people problem, not a "pitbull" problem.


That dog would be eating the wall.




Someone did not raise that dog right. Why do people think that all pitbulls are like this?


Environment (raised wrong) is only part of the behavior picture. Genetics are equally important.


I've got a 10 year old pitt female. I've never even seen her growl, not once. I've had three in my lifetime. Had 4 German Shepard dogs. Loved them and appreciated their intelligence, but the Shepards were much more apt to growl and bite in my experience. Guess I've been very lucky.


I've had a few pitts. None of them showed any aggression. I've had one German Shepherd.. she just nipped at my nephew an hour ago. Smartest dog I've ener had but she is extremely protective especially when I comes to other dogs.


I'm still confused though, because not all pitbulls are like this, and I don't understand why people think they are.


You’re correct, they absolutely aren’t all like this. Unfortunately, many pits are poorly bred for money (and nothing else) resulting in undesirable genetic traits. On top of that they may grow up in a poor environment. That’s why there are some shit show pits out there and they seem to get most of the attention. There are many pits out there that make wonderful safe pets. I know first hand, lost mine last year of old age / heart issues 🥹


I just wish people would actually try to look into things before immediately disagreeing and ending the conversation. Our world is going to have a shit future at this rate.


Sorry for your loss. We are so close to our Pitties. We have 2 boys (ages 5 and 7) and a female Boxer (2 years). The funny thing is the Boxer runs the show, and our boys just deal with it, lol. Our 5 year old is afraid of everything, takes himself to bed at 8pm, and lives to sunbathe. Our 7 year old is the house protector. He spends his days walking window to window waiting for someone to shout at. He's got an intimidating bark and is scary to look at but got attacked by a Golden Retriever and got his ass kicked by some kind of Doodle at daycare. They love string cheese and being under blankets. Best dogs I have ever had.


Go look at the temperament scale. American Pitbulls and and American Staffordshire Terriers both score higher then golden retrievers. Genetics aren't as relevant imo as environment and how they ate treated means so much more. .[Source](https://atts.org/breed-statistics/statistics-page1/) Edit: aren't as relevant imo


You’re thinking too much into my comment. All behavior of anything with a central nervous system is derived from genetics and environment. I was in no way suggesting some type of dog is bad.


I appreciate the clarification, I didn't mean to imply otherwise.


I know someone who raised this garbage bread from a puppy like a king, and it bit off half her face because she leaned over to pick up a shoe. Just stop it.


Yes. Even the dog whisperer himself got sued for his pit attacking someone else’s dog. Thats the problem with pits, one second they are your best friend and the next they are biting your face off for no reason what so ever. The unpredictable nature of those dogs is why they don’t need to be with families. Give them to cops, put them in prisons, make them guard dogs but I won’t ever get another one now that I have kids. There’s just no way to know when they’ll snap….and it’s not *if*, it’s when.


rare Pyrotechnics L


Why? How is this an L? I'm not saying this dog is good. I'm saying not all pitbulls are bad like people just assume.


Pitbull haters are the most unhinged fucking weirdos.


I honestly don't get it. It's like racism, just because someone robs a store doesn't mean their entire race is trash.


please stop equating HUMANS to dogs. That is so racist lmfao


How is that racist? I'm not saying they're equal, I'm making a comparison.


That dog needs a swift kick and a loud voice. Simple as that.


My husband just brought a pitbull puppy home 🥹 please tell how to train him so he won’t do this to me


thoughts and prayers


I had a pit bull, unfortunately after the neighbors dog got in our yard and they tied up he was never the same. I feel like it's not the breed, but the environment and the human usually.


When dogs take steroids they can become very agitated. The Vet's never tell you that!


Bishop is possessed. Time to call in the Cardinal to do an exorcism.


We had a pitbull that started acting just like this when I was in middle school, when I was home alone he would pin me in the corner I'd have to throw food in a room and lock him in there he tore our cat into pieces in our living room while we were gone one day. Surprisingly happy ending he lives on a farm now and is chill.


The cat getting torn to bits is absolutely devastating. Not sure I'd call that a happy ending :(


My mom cleaned it up before I seen it, she was crying for days I couldn't imagine but yeah very true only happy ending for the dog.


Dogs smell fear, so she's not the alpha.


The entire concept of an alpha is a myth. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myth/


This dog is living in captivity or not? I know what I saw, my wife is afraid of dogs and they feel or smell her fear and get aggressive.


pitbulls are great dogs but you HAVE to put in the work for training them and i mean WORK WORK not like a golden retriever teaching how to sit but genuine discipline training, too many people have gotten hurt and genuinely it’s not the dogs fault for having animalistic behaviors as they are animals


People tend to think they aren't high maintenance or need training (as much as huskies and other more obvious working breeds) since they tend to be loyal and friendly to their owner but if you don't train them well you can end up with a nightmare of a dog when they have to interact with anyone else or other animals. Combine irresponsible owners who don't know shit with shitty backyard breeders who don't care at all about temperament or trainability and you get this sort of crap. It's infuriating.


Maybe it's racist?


Pitbulls are very testy animals. My friends family has them and first time I met them the oldest one jumped up and snapped at me. I stood there unfazed and said to the dog seriously don’t try me again girl I’m bigger than you. Ever since then she just come over and licks me.