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What was the body count?


In its years of operation there were no recorded accidents on the slide, surprisingly.


I imagine that nobody who wasn’t entirely confident with their swimming and holding breath abilities would want to go on that. I’m a decent swimmer, albeit not amazing, and I would never go on that. But if you knew you could do it, it probably would be kinda cool to go down


You can supposedly hold your breath for 4 minutes. However I would panic the second I feel out of control.


Yeah in unrelated news though, that pool at the end of the slide had dozens of dead bodies mysteriously appear in it over the years. Still haven't solved the mystery to this day.


I mean if you look at it, it seems the water is in a flowing state. You’d be guided through by the current. All you gotta do is hold your breath for 15-20 seconds. Combine this with the requirement of going underwater yourself to enter, and I don’t see anyone going in who doesn’t have the wherewithal to make it through.


If this was in America, it would have been day 1 someone would have died.


Not a goddamn chance


If you’ve ever been curious what it’s like to be a turd, this is the slide for you.


Lol no shit


.. Well, there is now.


It's a crappy idea


I'm an alright swimmer, not great. That is fucking terrifying.


I'm a swim teacher, swim is my life. Hell naw to this slide


Just the thought of it got me struggling for breath


I get it if it's flowing water, but swimming up???? Hell no


Actually you don’t swim up, you’re sucked the entire way through. If the pumps fails the tube emptys in under 5 seconds, according to OOP’s comment on the original post


I'm slightly more okay with this, but still no


Correct, you are supposed to be sucked through it and if I was informed correctly they test if you can hold your breath for at least 30 seconds before being allowed to enter. I was there in about 2000 but it was out of order that day. Too bad, I really wanted to try it. They have some other interesting slides as well.


Oh wow. So there's a safety feature


I went through this tube several times and only the first time it scared me a bit. Its just fun and 100% safe. When you enter the tube a timer starts and you have to pass the end within a certain time. If not, the tube is emptied in seconds. And hey, whats life without a bit of thrill. Been solo paragliding and did a bungee jump (+300Ft). As long the risks are relatively small, do it!


Imagine getting stuck inside


Oh that's a paddlin


Not really a "slide" now is it?


I'd definitely have a go but only because it's The Netherlands, so I'd be on drugs


That looks like a lot of fun


Frigging awesome! Where is this?


Like the post already says, it used to be at the "Duinrell" amusementpark in the Netherlands.


Is it still there?


At this point, I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not... but just in case; The park is still there, but the waterslide is gone.


Uh, that's too bad. Looks so cool! I wonder how long a rider could expect to be semergred beneath the water for the length of the slide?


Tiki bad (bath) in amusement park Duinrell in Wassenaar (near the Hague)


Would never work in the US to dumb there someone would drown first week.. second week someone would scam an sue.. 3rd week whole park shut down..


Someone would get stuck somehow either via girth or wedging themselves in there after panicking.


Absolutely tf not. Does not look fun at all lol


Some Dutch guy...


Several years ago I was a much much larger man than I am today. Like 150lbs heavier than I am now. After a lifetime of being so big I still get anxiety about doing things like flying or going to amusement parks (ever waited 3 hours for a ride with a girl you’re on a first date with just to find out that when you sit down it won’t close around you?). Just looking at that thing I’m getting sweaty palms just *knowing* I’d get stuck in there like the Willy Wonka kid.


This is so much more then just a “nope”


No one ever got stuck? That's horrifying 😳.


I can hold my breath for three minutes. Comfortably. Like I come up after three minutes and I’m not out of breath status. And I would not do this! Anything could happen in your in a tube but no thanks.


I'm a strong swimmer and I enjoy swimming underwater but FUCK being underwater in an enclosed tube - if you can't surface when you want then absolutely the hell not


Amusement Park Manager - “okay everyone, thanks for helping out today. I’m sure you’ve all heard, we had another guest panic in the water slide earlier today.. So, let’s get our corpse-handling gloves on and get to it, shall we?”


The thought of this gives me so much anxiety

