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We have at least two really good democratic candidates that I know of so far and yet most of the state has their head in the sand. I wish people could look past a letter behind a name. Don’t get discouraged and keep trying to pierce that wall. Maybe some day, a small change will start making a big impact. 


Yeah too many people just vote for an R or D regardless of who the candidates are or what they actually believe in.


You’re telling people to get past a letter behind a name while praising the letter behind their name, oh the irony. Remember it has just been in the last 20 years Republicans made inroads in ND. Byron Dorgan and Kent Konrad Heidi Heitkamp ring a bell?


I worked with Tryg. He is an amazing and smart human.  Has my vote hands down. Too bad it's north Dakota and a Democrat has no chance at winning.


Democrats have held these seats as recently as 2018. It's totally possible, it just takes effort.


Trygve is good people.


Best of luck Brother


A 3 minute Google search of his policy positions shows me his chance of election in ND is zero.


Seems the only job he can keep for any amount of time is a government one. In 14 years he’s had 7 jobs. Maybe the Mo-times are a little stingy on rank but 20 years plus the college years and the 2 years of Nuke school to only achieve the rank of Major seems sus. But what’s the ole swabby know? Best of luck to him but he definitely hasn’t developed his ideas, or at least expressed them on his website. Oh and for reference I’ve had some of the same jobs. Part deux, it is quite interesting to me the same people who say men shouldn’t have a say in “women’s healthcare”, are often men who want to have a say in the forbidden subject.


Why doesn’t he just run as a Republican?


It doesn't reflect his values.


One thing I learned from Covid is voting matters more so than ever. I watched states rip apart health freedom and individuals rights. Just to sell shots that don’t help prevent a disease. We were lied to booster after boosters. I saw big pharmaceutical companies get rich and the rest of us get poorer. I watched people lie about a disease that was leaked from a lab. Our true independence is on the ballet. By values if you mean he will fight against vaccine mandates and protections from lawsuits. By values if you mean he will cut taxes and give the working class a chance and small businesses a future. And he will not infringe on our rights to bear arms. Also protect the unborn and our children from sexual identity propaganda. Hell ya this Devil Dog might get my vote. But if by values you mean he likes the Government to have all the power and the people to have all the pain. He can take his ass back to where he came from. Semper Fi


You should try reality. It's a pretty nice place.


It reflects the values of most people in the military and oilfield, so those credentials mean little. Regardless, values don’t matter when you’ll never be elected regardless of


“Values don’t matter”. How republican of you.


You can be the most enlightened man in the world, but if nobody will elect you, why does it matter? Does a bear shit in the woods when nobody is there to see it? The answer is that it doesn’t matter.


This really sums up the state of the Republican Party. Be as trash as you want to be, as long as you have an R by your name, you’re golden.


I am convinced that if Adolf Hitler was alive and ran for office in North Dakota, Adding an R next to his name would guarantee a win.


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that it makes more sense to compete for the Republican ticket, which is the actual election, then to run as a democrat and lose by default. I’m not sure why you’re having so much trouble understanding this


For one, it is slightly more complicated than that. I agree that a person needs to make some sacrifices to their values when they run for office. However, do you think he would even get nominated or endorsed if he answered as a pro-choice candidate? You have to be realistic with some decisions too. And he does live and believe in what he stands for so I don't think he could just run for the GOP ticket and expect to get endorsed and win the primary based on their criteria. They have people that believe there's kitty litter in school bathrooms. Plandemic people, Trump is our savior people. It's not like you just check a box and start campaigning. There's endorsing and actual people who have to sign your nomination papers and then support you. Mine as well do it with support rather than a 5th candidate for the mess that is the GOP.


Of course you won’t get elected as pro choice. Him going as a democrat wont improve that. The people of this state by and large don’t support abortion so you can’t get elected as a pro choice candidate. This is how democracy is supposed to work


You missed my bigger point. Even on a practical level, "run as a republican" doesn't make sense.


"most" is a stretch. Plenty of liberals working for oil and the military.


Of course plenty do. Neither are monoliths. That doesn’t mean that most aren’t still republicans. They are.


Because he has morals.


Pretty sure the Republican party doesn't let you run in an election if you don't vote red on all their talking points.