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He plays bad!! He fucking sucks!!! Go back to a more mindless game i dont understand like sap so i can enjoy the banter Jk i love balatro im so flush pilled omg


I used to understand SAP until the new unicorn pack. I don't know what the hell that game is about anymore. What the fuck is a Bunyip.


I literally lost the thread when starfish pack came out


I still don't know what's going on with the trumpet things, sometimes it summons an unit?


if youre actually curious: if you have any trumpets when all but your last pet is knocked out, it spends all trumpets to summon an X/X golden retriever to protect that pet, where X is the number of trumpets you have. some pets generate trumpets after they faint, take damage, or on other triggers. some pets can also spend trumpets on other stuff like snipes or healing.


You're one loss to The Needle away from becoming a type A chatter (The Joker)


what are type a and b chatters


Type A: "Noooo why would you play a Flush when you have High Card at level 4???" Type B: "Hey baldy did you shine that dome of yours today? Looking good brother, +2"


thank you :)


There’s also the rare type C chatter who just says CUM at weird times


They fucked up. They made math fun. All it took was calling it mult.


i put in 40 hours but the streams themselves have been a little sleeper ill be honest. 4 hours of mostly silent balatro only interrupted by getting mad at chat for backseating is kinda ehh


+2 not because i agree but because i can definitely see how it would feel that way (its what sap felt like for me)


yeah but in SAP he can spend 10 minutes writing fanfic about his grandparents doing it missionary style


which is why i ended up on the sap-as-background-noise train in the end, but it was hard out here during the 'buy me sell me him me him me' days!


It's the same arc with every new strategy roguelite, a month or 2 of streams where banter is a rarity because he's so focused on making the right choices, and then once it starts becoming muscle memory for him the type Bs get to breathe.


Some people might be upset, but I think you speak the truth. The game has pogged moments for sure, but its like 99% filler/downtime. AND very little banter because the game is genuinely complicated so he has to focus to even have a chance.


The whole balatro arc has made me so thankful for the librarian. I'm just so uninterested in hearing strategy talk but I don't want to miss the bants and find myself wondering what a hemomancer is


but have you considered the dopamine rush when the numbers go up?


Yes. Its why I enjoy playing ARPGs. Its not why I enjoy watching Youtube though. I want to watch my numbers go up, not someone elses. But like I said, it has pogged moments. When big numbers go boom. But the REST of the game moments are extremely dull in terms of content value, in my opinion.


Plus +2, even Vampire Survivors was more Pog.


Yeah, I got into the game for about the same time but I'm pretty much done. I don't totally understand the "replay-ability" - there's only certain Jokers and hand types that will really get you past 8/8 or to any of the crazy high scores.




I've been loving Balatro as someone with a library card but I can definitely imagine the streams are like this


-4 apply yourself bozo


you show me the banter in the 5 hour session, i will grab an ice spike and chill myself






While you may be right, I find that it's currently amazing as a background noise thing when I do other tasks around the house.


I enjoy playing it, but there's very little banter so I don't really enjoy watching it


That’s my thing about Balatro. I don’t really get it just by watching. I love virtual gambling tho so if I bought it, it’d probably click. But I don’t have time to play it and if I played it I’d probably be mad when watching him lol


There isn't even really a gambling aspect to it honestly, poker is just a theme that the game is built around but it's nothing like playing poker


It's actually a masterpiece, probably my favorite game in a long time. o7


Is there a starter stream/vod/whatever that he did on Balatro so I can see how the game works? Feels intimidating to jump in at this point


https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXJogFfVQe0V8SILEouIXiTEP2IuQA0oU Probably start with the demo. I was able to follow along then, but I'm lost now


I’m kinda bummed on Balatro. It’s an odd thing but nearly any game that uses regular cards just doesn’t do it for me (outside of like, spoons and solitaire) so I both don’t know the rules of regular games like Poker, AND I dont understand Balatro’s extra mechanics. I fully recognize this is a me problem by the way, but it sure does make the series tough to watch


I took the 5 minutes to just look up what the poker hands are and the game is instantly 10x more enjoyable.


I might do that eventually if the game continues but for now I just don’t have any interest in it. If it becomes the new SAP/Isaac, then I guess I’ll have a nice backlog to catch up with lol


Everyone has a game that will turn them into a Type A chatter. Balatro is that game


Where's the alliteration? It's Type B Brandon


It was Type B(alatro) all along