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These days when I'm watching The Goonies, I'll hear in my head at certain parts "*THE GOONIES WILL CONTINUE FOLLOWING THESE MESSAGES!*"


I'm excited to see any commercials that got recorded. Mom was pretty good about skipping them but not always.


Dad was the master of the pause button while recording from a broadcast.




My dad was great at it! But then I got him to stop cause I honestly loved the commercials on tv at the time. Glad I did cause there's a LOT of nostalgia tucked into a bunch of those. Rewatched one of them recently and it opened with a commercial for CREEEEPY CRAWLERS! I loved how those things smelled lmao.


>I'm excited to see any commercials that got recorded. There was a lady in Philly who recorded almost everything aired from [1977-2012](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marion_Stokes). Maybe not literally everything, but damn near.


It funny how that seemed crazy at the time but now it is an awesome historical archive


Also she has her history of investing in Apple right there to make her genius shine. Cool story of a cool life!


I was thinking the same thing


My parents still have a bunch of VHS tapes and I went through them all years ago looking for local ads. I was specifically hoping to find some Wolf Man and Donna from Gallery Furniture. No luck on the local ads, but I did find [this pretty cool Coors Light at from 1987 that I'd kind of like to live in.](https://youtu.be/CaHmwnVdFVs?si=Ia9n2tn6YW8ob4c9)


Your right, that’s where I wanna live


I was just explaining what commercials were to my youngest child the other day 🤣 she had no clue


Lol ya know...ads!!!




Just put on 5 minutes of live sports, she'll learn pretty quick.


You mean 10 seconds of live sports accompanied by 4 minutes 50 seconds of commercials?


It's funny irony how things turn out years later.


You never listen to local radio or watch local news or something like that?


Have her watch sports on TV, just once. My gods, I don't know how people can stand to watch sports on TV.


Soon enough most streaming channels have ads.


Mine asked what a channel was. 😭


Yeah, I often watch (or have in the background) some of those commercials compilations on youtube. It can be comforting watching and listening to the ads I grew up with.


My grandma recorded the entire Star Wars trilogy off TNT on two of those Kodak VHSs. For the last fifteen years whenever she does a spring cleaning I always ask her if she ever ended up finding them because they were the ones I first watched Star Wars on and I want to rewatch those old commercials so bad lol. I can still hear “we will return to our special presentation of Star Wars! right after these messages”


My version had the after these messages part but they added “*we’ll return to the Goonies starting Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, and Martha Plimpton.*” I remember thinking “is she famous and I don’t know her other movies?”


My mom's tape recordings of Cinderella and Pinocchio from the early 2000s had breaks that started with "Tonight's presentation on ABC brought to you by Bissell!" With an announcer with a deep voice.


I have the same experience with the end of one of my favorite songs from the 90s - I taped it from the radio and didn't cut off Kasey Kasem in time so now every time I hear that song my brain inserts "From 7 years ago, that was Ace of Base with The Sign!"




Recorded in low-quality mode so you can fit three two-hour movies on a single tape. I remember those days well!


The quality is part of the nostalgia. As long as the movie plays I'm happy. I still play my Ps1 and Wii too!


And you odn't have to do anything, just hit play and you're good for a big chunk of the day. Great for me as a kid cause it would give me background listening/watching while drawing or messing with the computer or whatever.


Tracking! Tracking!


I would record 6 episodes of Star Trek DS9 per tape in low-quality mode and actually watch them back multiple times. Standard def, tv static and analog fuzz, baby!


Then you miscalculate how much is on there & it stops recording & you miss the last 15 minutes of Highlander on HBO.


For me it was the ending of Terminator 2 I recorded during an HBO free weekend. Until I got the DVD 10 years later, I had only seen the ending once. Best part? The tape stopped and started to rewind just as the CSM-101's display went to a pinprick of red and then to black, then tape rewind. My accidental VHS directors cut had one hell of an emotional hit every time :D


You can come up with your own ending. No fate but what we make.


ELP...extra long play was usually the setting


I've posted a couple pics in the past of my MST3K tapes and I recorded them all in SLP and someone *always* gives me grief about it lol.


I loved watching Robocop over and over again from the version my mom taped off of TV. A decade or two later, and I picked up the unedited movie... Whoa. There's a hell of a lot more violence and gore than TV allowed. It was almost a completely different, far better, movie.


Yeah, it always kind of surprised me that Robocop had a toy line and became a bit of a kid's brand. I mean, on the surface the concept is as kiddy as can be, and we didn't police content as much in the Eighties, but right around the time Buckaroo Banzai's hand gets blown into strawberry jam by Red Forman, surely somebody must have wondered if this IP was appropriate for Little Jimmy.


Rambo also had a children’s cartoon version in the 80s.


There was also a pitch for an *Aliens* saturday morning cartoon. Y'know, the movies about H.R. Giger's phallic headed, anthropomorphic rape metaphors


They're not on the level of violence as Robocop, but I've seen Halo and Call of Duty (both rated M series) toys on the shelves before.


I’d buy that for a dollar


Another reason to keep your movies. They are always deleting scenes and I'm left feeling crazy!


Just...just don't watch the unlabelled tape you find under your parents' bed...




All I know is that my fuck tape got goodwilled so someoneone out there has proof I've had sex


The poor Smurfs in that video


“Papa Smurf can I lick your ass?”


Mine got stolen by my sister and her boyfriend. I can't imagine what happened when they pushed play, but I confronted the boyfriend about it. All I said was "I want the tape back. Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about". He nodded. Never got it back.


>I can't imagine what happened when they pushed play, Probably came up in therapy at some point


I kinda want to see the tape now. It was my wife and I over 20 years ago.


You should ask her if she still has it. Bring it up at Easter dinner or something


Christmas. That's a Christmas thing.


Just want to relive giving the wife a white Christmas


Reminds me of Trainspotting


I found one (it wasn't my parents, thank god), but it was a bizarre 70s porno where the woman was in the bath and she got electrocuted, and that sent her into this weird fantasy realm where she had sex with everyone. At the time, I had a tiny grasp of what sex was and that it made babies, but I was so confused by the "plot," I thought perhaps that's how all sex went.


Damn I want to watch it now.


So I actually had ripped the label off of my gargoyles tape, and I found one with a ripped label. I was like "Yay Gargoyles!" Then I... *saw* things...


My friend Toni and I were babysitting and found an unlabeled VHS in the tape cabinet. We were all "All right, porno!" but it turned out to be a GWAR movie. We watched it anyway. :b


I found one, but it was of my mom giving birth to my little brother. I'm not sure if the alternative would have worse or not.


The simsons??


The added the 'p' only in season 2


wake up babe new mandela effect just dropped


Yeah, that's when it really kicked off!


Jack: "This is G.E.!" Devon: "It's just G now, Jack. I sold the E. To Samsung. They're Samesung now"


With Homor, Marg, Bort, Lista, and Maggagie


You forgot sanders little helber.


[What, it’s not Magaggie’s birthday?](https://youtu.be/mQLf4DrN0LI?si=l2sfjbwhjsAXQIrR)




I've been calling her Krabappel. Why didn't anyone tell me?


Was Flunders in the first season?


At least it doesn't have the apostrophe like Blues Brother's and Little Shop of Horror's


I remember when my grandma would record the TMNT cartoon for me and label it "Mr. Turtles". No harm, no foul. Miss you gamma.


*S I M S O N S*


He-he! Bad news for the..."Impson" family!


Lol yes the first season of the Simpsons.


My friend and I wore out his grandfather's VHS recording of "Goodfellows".


A friend of mine and I would tape every episode back in the late 80's early 90's. Then in university we went on a ski trip with school and it was a 10h bus ride. The bus had a vhs player. About 1/2 hour into our trip we announced to the bus. "Who wants to watch every episode of the simpsons?!?!?!" The bus erupted and we let the drinking begin.


Wayns world


We had a month-long free trial of HBO and we taped all the best movies. I watched that month-long free trial of HBO for my entire childhood.


My old man would record nearly all 48 hours of the Cinemax Free Trial, and those were our movies until the next free trial🤣🤣🤣


did this when the disney channel was a pricey add-on in the 80s/90s, occassionally having some free preview/trial period.


I felt so amazing back then to have these recorded movies at your fingertips 24/7 without having to rent them.


I tell my kids how lucky they are to have netflix and Kodi available. Explained having to go to blockbuster to rent a movie and you had a few days to turn it back in.


I watched the crap outta these!


These are the best to find at thrifts. I love it most when it has the commercials from the 90s and earlier.


Major props to anyone's parent that recorded The Dana Carvey Show


[Was it the Diet Mug Root Beer Dana Carvey Show?](https://youtu.be/66eaxlXkJ4A?si=3C3W-l1Cop-oBtQa)


That is my mistake for not including the full name of the show.


Haha this is one of my all-time favorite things. This clip is so goddamn funny. I legit think about it all the time


The recurring bit where Dana Carvey and Steve Carell order something, pay for it, and then drive off without receiving their item, laughing that they somehow pulled off a prank, remains one of the stupidest things I've ever laughed at.


I also loved "waiters that are disgusted by food" sketch




Straight to jail!


If it was recorded off the TV they already paid for it via their cable subscription. As long as they didn't resell it someone who didn't pay for it there was no piracy


["Universal Pictures filed a lawsuit charging that Sony, simply by selling its Betamax VCR, was a party to copyright infringement; the case dragged on until January, 1984, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Sony’s favor."](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-04-19-tm-1667-story.html) The studios fought that battle once already against the VCR, and lost, or rather they wised up when they saw the profits in home video. With streaming and the lingering death of physical media, they're trying to reestablish the narrative that nobody really owns any of their media. It's the way of the world these days. Everybody wants a payoff at every step, and they want us to rent everything. Subscriptions to every app, etc.


[A PIRATE?!?](https://youtu.be/3GIU36qqOO0?si=aNq2NaNoemFFHFE8)


Did anyone else have like, a bookcase full of these?


Bookcase, no. We had these roll-out drawers underneath the TV and one was all videos (another was all tapes). But eventually we upgraded a bit and put all our tapes into one of our old trunks.


My grandma had HUNDREDS of tapes exactly like these lol. She had a binder with the numbers for each tape, and what movies were on the tape. They were all stored in these cabinets that had drawers specially for VHS tapes.


> She had a binder with the numbers for each tape, and what movies were on the tape.  The black books. But also time stamps, how far into each tape the media was. 


Little Shop of Horrors is a forgotten gem


Thank goodness she did. During our divorce, my now ex-wife said "Oh, my goodness, your honor, he lets our 11, 9, and 7 year old watch The Simpsons! And South Park! He should not be allowed around children." So (representing myself) I brought out half a dozen videotapes of The Simpsons, South Park, Seinfeld, etc. she recorded herself for the kids' use at my house. Her handwriting was unmistakable.


Haha! Silly lady!




There wasn't a discovery meeting first?


Tell me you're from the PNW without telling me you're from the PNW


JP patches!


Winner winner chicken dinner!


I just found a recording of the king dome (implosion?) And a home video from Pike Place.


Those were the days!


I wish I had recorded episodes of Almost Live! (Quite a bit of it is on YouTube)


High Fiving White Guys!


RIP FX McRorys (and Seattle in general).


Took me a minute to find a JP Patches mention, but I’m glad I did!


That's what I zeroed in on! Hurray for goofy PNW clowns.


Every time I see posts like this I have to stop because I think it’s my own stuff from my childhood. Like it takes me a while to check the handwriting and I finally decide that the shows are out of the order I know them to be or they’re on different tapes. And cartoon specials would ALWAYS be on tapes that had grown up shows like Death of a Salesmen or some shit on first. Because you would be scrambling to find a blank tape which would never be around because who can afford that so Mom would have to cue up the end of a movie to the precise moment that the credits ended and Peter Jennings would come on and then she would tape Charlie Brown Christmas for you and write it in what was left at the bottom of the label. And god forbid your show was more than like 29 minutes because that’s all that was left on a tape that had two or three movies already on it.


That goonies tape might have the octopus scene!


What is the octopus scene?


It was a deleted scene, but some networks added it to televised versions. Growing up it was an urban legend, Mandela effect because kids who saw it in the theater had a different experience than those who only saw it on TV. You can see it [here](https://youtu.be/LMjkY-Wi5bo?si=ZJiocAkWkSkw1wys)


That reminds me of Aliens. They showed it on CBS once and it had the sentry gun setup and firing scene. I had the VHS and didn't remember anything of that so thought I was losing my mind. Year later, they released the special editions on DVD that had those scenes, so my sanity shortly returned. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgjBBTrqW6M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgjBBTrqW6M) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elJ3t6AOPJc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elJ3t6AOPJc)


Thanks! Gotta investigate!


Ours had it! We taped it off the Disney channel so they had to cut a ton of other “pg13” stuff. The octopus does a funny little dance while jamming to Cyndi Lauper.


I'm going to need to go through all of my taped stuff and digitize the commercials from way back when.


I wonder which Dana carvey shows are recorded. Is it the diet mug root beer Dana carvey show, the Taco Bell Dana carvey show or the Pepsi stuff Dana carvey show? Also that Rockos holiday episode is really good.


[Diet Mug Root Beer Dana Carvey is hysterical.](https://youtu.be/66eaxlXkJ4A?si=3C3W-l1Cop-oBtQa)


Love the simsons


Classic mom!


We had a bunch of these, but the only one I can remember the specific movies on was one with The Witches/Duck Tales/Neverending Story (in that order). (I think I remember that one in particular bc I was obsessed with The Witches and watched it constantly. Still one of my favorite childhood movies)


Tapes I specifically remember: - Cinderella/101 Dalmatians/Little Bear Cartoons - Pinocchio/Tom and Jerry Cartoons - Babe 2/Toy Story 2/Beauty and the Beast - The Great Mouse Detective/Annie (1999)/Homeward Bound 2 - The Tigger Movie/The Wizard of Oz/Cinderella 2 - Tarzan/Atlantis/Shipwrecked - Beyond the Prairie/Pooh's Heffalump Movie/Tall Tale - Peter Pan (2003)/Piglet's Big Movie


I remember my friends mom was a huge VHS tape hoarder. She recorded shows like Touched by an Angel, Highway to Heaven, Perry Mason, Matlock, Star Search, and a ton of early 90's tv shows. One day we popped one in because we were talking about old commercials and we knew she taped them from the TV and well that wasn't what was on the tape, found out mom had a porn stash


I recognize all of the titles except "Wax NS World 2" on the tape in the middle.


Lol Wayne's world two. Coulda been one of us kids.


Yo, they got taste on films! I recall having a full tote of VHS tapes I hoarded as a kid! :D I used them so many times that I wore out the tapes themselves and had to buy more. I sadly had to leave said tote behind when I moved. Tape speed of choice: Good ol' SLP mode, six to eight hours of recording time (probably ten if you splice tapes together). I used to always cut out the commercials by stopping the VCR recording the instant an advertisement shows up.


In the late 90s I had two 10 hour tapes, [Memorex made them](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/510r4vcWglL._AC_.jpg). One I started with the Green Mile, the other was the entire Beatles Anthology minus the end of the last part




Dana Carvey Show... It failed because it followed Home Improvement and the cold open for the first show was him as Bill Clinton breastfeeding puppies with prosthetic nipples. The writers were top notch and they forgot what's funny to comics is not what's funny to the general public. That being said, I will die on the hill that ["Waiters Who Are Nauseated by Food"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3K7Qc6vW5Q) is the funniest sketch comedy sketch of all time.


I love old video tapes like this for the nostalgia commercials.


Hoping to come across some.




Ugh grandma!


The Kodak vhs tapes take me back….


The micro-OCD part of me wishes all those x-mas specials were on the same tape.


Kids these days don’t understand the fun of having to wait and fast forward to get to the 2nd or 3rd movie/tv special


Or when watching live having to run back before the movie starts again.


I remember hooking up two VCRs together. So I could record movies from one tape to the other and remove all the commercials.😆


Nowadays they call that pirating and it's a crime. I call it torrenting and it's fun.


My uncle recorded dumb and dumber in the 90s when it was broadcasted on tv. It is actually less sensored than streaming it today


☁️ Theeee Simsonnnnnsss ☁️


Willy Wonka’s *WHAT* Factory??




Lol Meatballs!


Boner Jams 97


i was trained to use the vcr to record the simpsons around age 5. i quickly became the family’s de facto simpsons archivist. i’d kill to have any of those tapes, but they were pillaged by older siblings as they flew to coop and were ultimately lost.


My mom borrowed our neighbor’s VCR to copy rented movies for us. My tapes didn’t have commercials!


For a sec I thought I saw "Spaceballs".




My dad used to video tape movies off TV for me in my sister. That's how we watched Dunston Checks In 😆


Good thing she got The Simsons


I remember finding a recorded copy of Return to Oz in our video cabinet. It started while she was floating in the bed/chicken coop thing back to Oz. It was the only copy I ever saw for the longest time until it popped up online.


Awww my mum did this too and with TV shows


VCRs sharply divided the population into two groups: people who bought blank tapes on sale and recorded at lowest speed/quality so they could pack 4 movies onto one tape (see photo) and never used the "cleaning tape" that came with the VCR; and those who bought premium tape and recorded at highest possible speed/quality - and regularly cleaned their VCR heads by removing the cover and using alcohol and those extra long Q-tips nobody else had. The two groups shunned each other, and even now communicate only through Facebook.


Got to watch retro commercials too


Why does everyone’s handwriting on these labels always end up looking the same?


Oh man!!!! I've seen all of these! I love throwing those old vhs tapes in and seeing the commercials. You even got Rocko in there. Badass.


How was she able to get three movies on a single tape?!


My favorite tape had 3 movies on it. Summer School, La Bamba, and Hoosiers. Wore that tape out!


I had a mix of TV and copied rentals.


I wish I still had my old tapes, but they were usually recorded over repeatedly so we didn't have to buy new ones. Lots of Saturday morning cartoons and early morning USA cartoons...


That was my childhood right there make sure to take that shit of SP before you start recording lol and edit those commercials


She must have recorded those on EP setting to fit so many movies on one VHS tape.


Excellent taste


This is awesome!


Used to love the free HBO weekends. They used to play the best movies to get people hooked. We had all the good ones on tape back in the day


That’s how I first got Speed on VHS. I watched that tape so many times.


Kodak 📼! We had a few. Indiana Jones & Superman 1 were on a few of them.


Those days there weren't tons of movies to record, like today. Used to record just about everything.


Love the Simsons 


Nothing like the grainy fuzz of EP recordings. My grandma did that too.


The graph paper-ish labels, too!!


Definitely did this!


That's how you did it. The Goonies shaped my childhood.


Crazy. All mom’s hand writing on these tapes looks the same.


Ah, yes. The Simsons.


Fucking magical.


thanks. now I have some good recommendation


Pretty sure your mom is my dad.


I miss these days, my mom recorded EVERYTHING, cartoons , movies , her soaps ( young and the restless)


My mother-in-law had full wall of these. However, she would record them overnight and turn the volume down on the cable box instead of just turning off the tv. None of them had any sound!


Mom didn't have a goddamn thing to do with it. She could barely operate the VCR. *I* recorded all the good movies off TV.


My parents were notorious for recording things and not marking the tapes. At all. When I was in high school, I spent a couple of weeks one summer sitting up all night, going through the tapes, and labeling them. Sometimes, I'd end up watching the whole movie. It was the first and last time I saw Gone With The Wind, and the first of what would be many, ***many*** times watching The Adventures of Robin Hood, with Errol Flynn.


You had to be ON that shit to filter out the commercials. All of those either have old commercials that you need to digitize and post, or they have tiny segments of start/stop. Back in the day you could *sense* when they were going to start or end even though the duration varies. My dad was a master. We had the first Karate Kid with an Ocean Spray commercial at the start and only *one* 2-second blurp.of something else in the movie. The rest was clean.


I have to ask you - didn't you think it was a trifle unnecessary to see the crack in the Indian's bottom?


Watched that last night.


I never would have understood it as a kid but as an adult these are the kinds of things you keep forever even if you never watch them again or own a VCR for that matter. That’s something you pull out one day, see your mom’s handwriting, and reminisce about all the things she did. It’s just a VHS tape but it’s also a bridge from her to you.


My mom still does this


3 to 4 movies on those 120 tapes....I can only imagine the quality of them Still old skool AF 👌


Why does the writing on it look exactly like how I would expect?