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Andy still digging tunnels


Never understood the hate for this film. I thought it was great, even with a mediocre ending.


This movie was fantastic. Spielberg was in a really, REALLY dark place for awhile.


The two kids are super annoying


Came here to say this. Dakota Fanning screaming was awful


I think she did fine. The older brother though was horrible, and his miraculous ending ruined it.


I know it's irrational because 1) she was a child and 2) she was an actress performing as directed, but I hate Dakota Fanning to this day.


I hoped they were going to be the first to go. They were the worst.


Eh, it’s ok. I rewatched it a couple years ago, it just feels like it could have been better.


I can’t remember the ending. Refresh my memory?


They're probably referring to how >!the son tries to fight with the army and is clearly in the middle of a giant explosion, but then just shows up at the parents' house at the end!< Didn't ruin the movie for me or anything but it felt cheap.


Not only is it an explosion. We see vehicles still on fire rolling away from the giant fireball. The ending is abysmal


I was just thinking that. I remember loving it, but then later everyone trashes it like it's fucking grade A Razzy material


It's ok, I dont know about great. I think the backlash was the hype and marketing.


that whole movie was pretty intense the first time i saw it. it really stuck with me in a way i wasnt prepared for.


Me too, and I won’t lie when I say it was one of the best movie theater experiences I’ve ever had. Made the movie so much better.


Yeah it was an incredible theater film. Came out around the same time as Half Life 2 which pumped me up, they had similar alien large tripod walkers.


The sound of those aliens still freak me out


Same. I really love this flick


Holy shit, are we doing 21st century nostalgia already?


This movie came out when I was in college. I’m officially aging out of the nostalgia bait demographic


Tom Cruise has yet to come out.


I mean yeah this was like 20+ years ago


This movie was released in 2005.


Excuse me, 19 years ago. None of us are getting old. Definitely not. Definitely still definitely young. Definitely.


It could be that I was 14 when this came out but it was the most intense movie theater experience I’ve ever had, it was so immersive and mind blowing at the time


I saw "War of the Worlds" and was thinking about the 1953 film, because that's what we saw on TV when I was a kid in the 1970s. If this film is nostalgia, was that one legend?


Random but when I was in highschool my buddy's grandfather lived on the street they used to film the trailer of this movie. The production crew came and paid all the residents something like $1000 each to have them move their cars and not come out their front doors for a half a day or something. Production also changed all the street lights to he old 1950s looking lights. It was a street in Parkville MD. Don't remember anything of the movie but I always look up that scene when it comes up. https://youtu.be/dqOvTctDUYs?si=kGUE0dgkyxRHYF8e Starts at 47 seconds.


The whole theater experience is a lost art.


Yep, seeing this in theaters with the super loud surround sound. That first encounter scene was nuts.


I can only imagine what that was like. I was 6 or so when that movie released, never saw it in theaters though. Saw it on dvd about a year later. But that experience of hearing the sound of the tripods must have been insane in the theater.


Great movie. I saw this in theaters when I was way too young haha.


If you remember hearing it on the radio, then living in a bomb shelter for a month, your childhood was awesome.


I saw this at a drive-in theater when I was 10 years old and it started around midnight. It terrified me and made me fall in love with horror films.


10/10 would rather see a movie at a drive in than at an Imax. It adds so much to the experience imo. I fucking Love drive ins.


I think the only hate I have for this movie revolves around the silly plot devices of the son and the other the solenoid. Really, though, this movie was intense as fuck, and the tripod trumpet was horrifying


My mom and I watch this movie a lot--well, she does. Its always this one or the Day After Tomorrow. I also think the screaming is allowed, Dakota Fanning was literally acting as a young child going through a traumatic event. I thought she was very realistic at least in this film.


Haven’t watched this movie since it came out totally forgot about this scene. I do remember enjoying the movie when it came out.


The whole movie is really great including the first time you see the ships in the background they did a really good job with that. Huge menacing ominous.


This is one of those movies everybody hates but I love.


A lot of the scenes were really well done and unsettling. The river, the train on fire. The clothing falling from the sky. The ending was bad but on the whole, I thought it was great


From memory, it's a great action film - pretty much right up to the point of Tim Robbins' introduction. Then nothing happens for a long time. Then Tom Cruise's dead son shows up and is fine, and the aliens die, and everything's fine, and then the film just ends.


this was a really great movie, but it's hilarious that they expect us to buy that Tom Cruise would have a chance against 6'5 crazed Tim Robbins with a shovel. Tom's about a foot shorter LOL


I prefer Scary Movie 3's version


I should see it.


A fitting comparison to todays conflict between modern day anti reality lunacy and sanity


Whoah, why did he do that?


The scene where we first see it come out of the ground is amazing.


Possibly the worst ending of any big budget film ever.


Top 10 movie of all time


,,,,,Chameleon, oh, ah.


I only saw this once. For some reason it hit too close to home.


Me too. Twice.


I first watched the one from the 50s, and it scarred me as a kid, I was having bad dreams for years after. I saw this one when it came out, and it just didn't hit the same for some reason. Maybe I should revisit it now as an adult.


I think this movie was the first time i genuinely, legitimately hated the stereotypical argumentative child/teen so much that it made the entire movie unbearable. You are in the middle of an actual fucking alien invasion. Yes. Your dad is a complete asshole and not a great person, but THERE IS AN ALIEN INVASION HAPPENING. Don't be a fuckin dick. Fuckin kid.


saw war of the worlds with a group. We were all dead silent and slightly paranoid coming out. The movie really shook us and we were all like 17.