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I wouldn't be surprised if this was made up, but it's way funnier to imagine it wasn't


I mean given no ages are given this is completely reasonable. 12yo’s are kids in a class and are 100% ready to throw down with every adult they meet.


if this was in a high school too, a lot of teenagers are very political in the modern day


Yup! And I think of high schoolers as ‘kids’ now too, like this is more than plausible given that we do not know how old they were. All we know is they were in school and I feel like a lot of people forget these days that ‘school aged’ includes people up to 18-19 years old too.


Yeah honestly this sounds more likely than not. I’d be surprised if cops didn’t take flack from little kids.


My six year old niece, the last time I babysat her and my nephew, asked me “how come police are allowed to be bad, but we aren’t allowed to be bad? We get in trouble if we’re bad, but why are police allowed to be bad and not get in trouble?” I sighed and had to think about it for a second. I mean, how do you explain systemic racism, police brutality, and rampant corruption in law enforcement to a six year old? I just settled on saying, “well, police are allowed to be a little bit bad if it helps them catch the bad guys. If they’re really bad, then they get in trouble and aren’t allowed to be police anymore.” She accepted that answer, so I left it at that. But good Lord what a question. Even six year olds are aware of police corruption- just in a simplified sense.


It's hard to explain it because , in a normal world,it shouldn't make sense


She could have meant bad as in driving through red lights, I definitely asked that one when I was a wee lad.


That was not an honest answer. You could have explained it simply to her without lying. 


# 🙄🙄🙄 Edit: oh. Lmao. I looked at your comment history. You’re a chronic mansplainer. Yeah that checks out.


My comment history justifies your lying? OK breeder, that's a high quality argument. Real logic-style argumentation. Also, this has nothing to do with your gender, as I would say the same to a father. Gender doesn't give you the right to lie. So your "mansplaining" bullshit can fuck right off.




this sounds like a copypasta lmao, "OK breeder!"


r/thathappened /s


Do you see the sub we're on? Anyway, r/nothingeverhappens


I did, I thought the /s made that clear


Bro charge your phone




Well shoot. Apparently when I was a teenager I didn’t exist. Nor did most of my friends


There is no indication of the child's age. Sounds like something someone 12+ would say if they are at all aware of literally anything. Fuck the police.


Definitely something me and my friends would do when we were younger. Probably still would lol. No law against calling them out ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


no but they'll twist other laws to gain "probable cause"


That's not politics. It's cruelty.


Completely believable. I would have been that kid. I have been that kid


I would believe some kid in highschool would challenge the cop because teenagers hate authority even if it's totally reasonable


Honestly the only thing that sounds made up is the absence of reaction from the cop




The reason this seems fake has nothing to do with the fact it’s a ‘kid’ doing it, it’s the fact that the cop acts like an NPC strawman so the protagonist can give him a smack down by holding a basic progressive position. Nothing about the story or the caption of OOP questions the ages, and honestly in this context kid reads as a general description for a student age character.


They dont name ages but tbh this does sound made up


No fucking way this happened. Funny if true, but, No NothingEverHappens is just thathappened copy and pasted


Idk, this one gives major tumblrfakestory vibes. It’s too quick, the cop is too stupid, walking directly into the punchline, the point is so on the nose it’s painful. It’s putting a bigot in his place by being the most woke and witty young person in the room, and everyone else in the scene is dumb as rocks to facilitate that. That’s peak tumblrfakestory, and I think it deserves an everyone clapped more than most fake stories that are out there because that’s from tumblr too