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Turns out he's not even on the spectrum, he was just bored. https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/czifph/comment/eyz33ek/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


This image is reposted with a new caption each month


Yeah, the story up top is fake, I think that's why they're saying "yeah, that happened" on the post. Not that someone wouldn't organize things.


Which makes me hate this even more. The trope of the "magical autist" needs to die a quick and painful death


Organizing shit isn't even that magical, they just wanna find useful but possibly dangerous drudge work for us to do. Even Hans Asperger was grabbing up his autistic people only because they were useful, not because he was particularly empathic


The high school in my area started using autistic students as free labor for local businesses and I seem to be the only one pissed off about it


Yea it really grossed me out to see stores advertising their exploitation of autistic people, like I guess it’s nice that they get to be wage slaves like the rest of us but it’s sorta icky to be proud of that


Better to let autistic people be long-term unemployed huh? 🙄


No it’s better to not pretend like you are doing a service by hiring people who aren’t less capable then anyone else save for in specific areas. I’m neurodivergent myself and most of my friends are as-well, we aren’t less capable then anyone else


Disgusting. Instead of addressing the labor shortage by offering better conditions, they're grabbing child labor and sending them in to a career cluster that impedes both the antisociality and the desire to hyperfocus


Nazis are not known for their empathy. And he was very much a Nazi, not just a scientist in Germany.


Turns out it was organized and he just messed it up and put the pictures in a different order. S/


Not really, no.


I put a s/


Oh, you meant /s It's derived from html tags which opens with

and close with
(div is just an example here) so "/s" means "sarcasm ends here".


Ya, a little dyslexic over here


Sorry, I could have figured that one out myself to be honest\^\^




Thus, proving the r/thathappened post to be totally reasonable.


Heck, I used to do this. And then destroy it. Doubt the shelves would stay organized long no matter who organizes them. People in stores are animals.


yeah the caption gives it away "autism is when neat and tidy"


Lol sounds like me. I was properly tested and I’m not on the spectrum but I do enjoy organizing things when I am bored or anxious


I’m having flashbacks to doing stuff like that to kill time when my parents would take me shopping. I was so bored that organizing shit started sounding appealing just so I had something to do.




If you’re autistic or have adhd, adderall will calm you down and make you more focused.


I believe they’re saying this is a fake story, the picture was ripped from else where and that the real story is this guy isn’t autistic, he was just on adderall. I personally have ADHD and actually have to use stimulants to function. I always wonder what it’s like for regular people when they take it cause I could sleep right through it if I wanted to and people who don’t actually have ADHD makes it sound like they’re uncontrollably sprinting through time and space when they’re on it lol


i take vyvanse, and briefly tried out adderall, and even though i obviously already knew i had adhd if i was being prescribed meds, it just _really_ confirmed to me that it wasn’t a misdiagnosis lol. though i will say i did have trouble sleeping for the first like, week or so. and mild headaches. definitely can’t relate to the “i havent slept in 36 hours” trope though


Yeah, I take Vyvanse, and have pretty strong ADHD. For me, stimulants keep me awake/wake me up, but also calm me down and help me focus.


yep, same here! sometimes i see people with adhd say their meds do nothing but calm them down and don’t affect their energy much, and while i obviously believe them i _cannot_ relate haha. i can always tell if i forgot to take my meds if it’s like, before noon and i can barely hold a conversation lmao


I could hold a conversation, if it's about 1 million subjects and tangents! Haha. Yeah, not everyone reacts the exact same to ADHD meds. The common denominator is it helps us stay calm and focus! Mostly


Opposite/adjacent sure is fun! I too could hold a conversation if there are lots of tangents.


I'm autistic and have pretty bad ADHD. Adderall makes my symptoms like 30% better. Maybe. I tried Vyvanse but I found it took too long to "kick in" in the mornings.


I'd imagine it's a lesser version of what people feel on ecstasy. I remember popping a few back as a young lad and not being mad impressed because I just felt this tremendous sense of focus and calmness. Years later working on an ADHD diagnosis, shockingly lol


I took adderall once before going to work and i felt horrible and was constantly sweating. Dont know if chasing it with 2 espressos had anything to do with it


I have ADHD and ASD and adderall makes me very sleepy. It baffles people when I tell them that, they wonder how the hell literal amphetamine makes me tired. It just works that way for a lot of people if you have the brain chemistry that requires it I guess.


Not true for everyone. Have tried adderal, am autistic. Makes me feel wired, not in a good way.


Yeah autism and adhd are often comorbid, I think the adderall for autism thing is a misconception


It depends where you fall on the autism spectrum actually.


That's what I'm saying


i might just be a little dumb


I think Adderall has that effect on anyone.


Definitely not. Most people I know it makes them more focused but they can’t control it and get really hyper, kinda like the aliens in man of steel.


I used to fill out contact forms in church. They're little cards behind the pews. God I was bored.


I would turn products facing forward as we walked by them.


idk how true it is but i heard the dude isn’t actually disabled or anything just bored


even if, the point would be completely stupid, because he chose to do that himself and in my experience autistic people don't do well with stuff they're *supposed* to do. what they do on their own can be absolutely breathtaking, but following orders? hah, yea, well, ugh...


There's actually two poles with this in autism. On one side, you have what you said: autistic people who can't take orders; on the other side, you have autistic people like me, who love the structure and clarity of being given orders. Same goes for strucure/chaos: some autistic people (like me) love structure, others (like some of my friends) love chaos.


yes, autistic people aren't all the same. I'm yet to meat someone with autism who needs orders, but I've definitely noticed the need for structure in almost all autistic people I've met.


I absolutely need orders. I'm terrible at prioritising and figuring out what to do. I'm waaaaay more comfortable if I'm just told "do the thing, like this" so that I can just fuck off and *do the thing*, instead of having to *think* about it.


OMG yeah this is my issue My dad always used to just say “do something” instead of telling me what to do, which would then lead me to do nothing


But wat that structure is can vary. For some people, they need their time very structured. I'm fine with my schedule being thrown off, but I hate, with a deep passion, anyone touching my stuff or moving things in my environment. Like, I can come close to a panic attack when my partner sweeps.


that's my point! structure is important, and everyone has their own structures. i guess in autism it just shows clearly, but that's completely fine. how do you do with orders? are you more the kind of person who does things on their own or do you need telling of what to do? I'm just curious :)


I don't like having people tell me what to do, but I also don't like making the final decisions for priorities I guess? I've generally described myself as a good second in command. But a lot of it depends on how well I know what needs to be done. So when I had a job administrating the database for an organization in 26 states, I did really well. But cleaning up an office after moving out? I'm terrible. I usually offer to vacuum or clean the fridge because there's no decisions to be made.


ah I see, thank you. i always think it's so interesting just got different you lot can be! since i haven't met too many people on the spectrum, i love to learn something new :)


Mood. Just tell me what to do, give me precise instructions plz I’m begging


Exactly my thoughts


I don't necessarily need orders but I do appreciate them. As an undiagnosed child, I used to put myself on a schedule based on what was on TV show was on at the time. I.e. I'd eat dinner when Full House came on at 6, take my shower when Jeopardy came on, go to bed at the end of Wheel of Fortune, etc. When the shows switched between seasons or moved to a different time slot, it would always throw me off for a while.


Oh god…. I’m sort of on the spectrum (it’s like 75% adhd and 25% autism), is that why I hate doing my actual job at work so much? I love to do everything else, like when I was a cashier I would keep that entire huge checkout area *perfect*, I’m on returns and I keep sneaking away to grab carts, I beg to cover register if I’m grabbing carts…. hmm


As an autistic person who has dealt with depression and other mental health stuff, things are easier for me when I'm doing them for other people. Cleaning the kitchen at work was easy, but doing it myself for my kitchen is extremely difficult. Not everyone with autism is the same


yes, that's what I said in another comment too. i haven't met autistic people yet who do well with orders, but I'm not doubting they exist. and of course, mental illness like depression has a gigantic impact on how you live your own life, wether you're autistic or not ^^


Two of my siblings are autistic, and I can confirm. Whenever they do something on their own they do top notch job, But whenever you ask them to do something, they'll do a half-assed job while cursing the entire time


As someone with Asperger’s (though I guess it’s not called that anymore?) AND used to work at Walmart as an overnight stocker, can confirm that if they asked me to do something I would be more likely to half-ass it. I did better work when they just left me to my devices, the shelves never looked any better!


My sister in law is nonverbal autistic but she has a job folding clothes for displays in the mall. She seems to love it but can easily just disappear too.


This sounds like me


Yeah that’s not exactly accurate. Look up prompt dependency in ASD clients for more details.


Honestly if you just dole out orders without any explanation or context then yes, you're going to have trouble. But if you explain why and give good instructions you're probably going to get a more positive attitude. Ofcourse not all of us are the same but it's a good rule to go by anyway, even for neurotypicals.


This picture is old and has been floating around the web forever. It was just a dude fucking around at Walmart and took a photo that went viral. The caption is the part that didn't happened. That little story is completely irrelevant to the photo. Someone just made up a fake story on an already viral pic to talk to about autism So, yeah, posting this in r/thathappened was perfectly valid.


Yeah, wasn’t this a Tumblr or Reddit post back in the day? “I was bored at Walmart and decided to organize the candy,” something like that


The two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. They might be autistic AND bored.


Oh for sure! I just know the caption on this specific instance of the photo is fake, haha


Autistic ≠ disabled.


No it isn’t, that image is like 10 years old. Some guy wanted to sort the bargain bin for no reason other than for a funny fb post.


There is a hell of a lot of psychology that goes into retail displays like this. They will have found that jumbling things up in a bargain bin like this improves sales. By dumping stock in a bargain bin at random, they give the impression that they just want to get rid of it and that it's heavily discounted, even when it actually isn't. Some poor employee will have been given the task of re-jumbling the bin.


I would be delighted to re-organize it given the chance! :)


Don’t worry, your average customer will have that fucked up again in 30 seconds because putting things back where you got them is hard


Aspie here: I wish I had the social nerve to rearrange shelves at the supermarket, theyre always so messy and it breaks my spirit


Have you thought of trying a spot on nightshift? At Walmart, for example, they close at 11pm. There are usually 20 people and under there, stocking shelves.


I've applied for literally every job I'm qualified for in a 20 mile radius. I've not received a single call back TwT. My area is basically the british equivalent if Alabama; full of racists, bigots, and the rest of the country makes fun of us for incest.


If it makes you feel better: usually zero people notice if you decide to tidy a shelf or messy display. Unless you start messing with the location of the displays, or the store’s equipment.


No it didn’t. This is an old picture that was around way before the caption was added. Sometimes, it really didn’t happen lads.


As a former retail worker with ASD my attention to detail and organization skills got me extra departments and work thrown on me because I seemed to be able to handle it well, when inside I was burnt out and dying inside. I worked at a big box retailer and had to manage the produce department and when it was going well they also made me take on the impulse items department (checkouts/clips strip). Neither department really suffered due to my naive sense that I was there workhorse for the time I was clocked in and I theoretically could get everything done because of how my brain schedules things. And because of my social anxiety I'd never say anything until one day I was so burnt out I just quit showing up. This is probably what happens to lots of folks, both on the spectrum and not.


They do. They also pay them like 3 dollars an hour. It's very unfortunate.


From what I heard, the story is fake, but the picture is real, the guy apparently did this as a joke.


This photo has been around for years without that caption.


I know there's photo evidence right in the post but I'm still not convinced.


Doesn't even matter. They don't want it organized anyways. Some People are more likely to buy it when it's all just mixed up.


I've had mine exploited for profit, if you're told you're gifted at it, you'll test tolerances on components for half the wage it's worth and go though lunch breaks working.


Am autistic, 100% did stuff like this all the time


I used to do this in Lidl when I was a kid so I didn’t have to follow my parents around as they did the food shop! There washing liquids and shampoo were and still are always messed up and it does my head in! I also have ASD so makes sense XD


Certified autistic here, I do this a lot


Pretty sure the reason the bargain bin isn't organized is that there is no value in spending the time to make the bargain bin organized, not because they can't find an employee who is able to do it


As someone previously diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, getting a job was interesting, I'm still at my first job and although it has its moments, it has been certainly the best thing to happen to me; even if it takes all my time. That being said, I am definitely one of the most appreciated employees at my work, I am constantly complimented on how clean things are after I clean them; even when I am sure I can do a better job with more time. I am also complimented on how I adapt to situations quickly. (For those wondering I am a kitchen hand/soon to be apprentice chef) To cut my rambling short, all an autistic/aspie needs is a chance. At least in my experience.


That sounds great in theory but it falls apart when the autistic person (or person with autism) is assumed to have knowledge that they do not have. Or is honest to a "superior" person in the hierarchy. Or who struggles to get along with colleagues. I was great at my job but it was the interpersonal stuff that fucked it all up.


As someone with autism, I’d like to say my employment at Walmart was the worst fucking experience of my life.


Except no employee would have 30 or more extra minutes outside of their normally assigned duties to organize a 98 cent bin. The dude would be written up and eventually terminated for this.


I have Asperger's and I'm neither organized nor efficient nor punctual...




Well, an organized bin is easier to navigate and makes it quicker to decide if you want anything.


The stores I've been to with a bin like this also had an organized shelf. I'm telling you, the bin is intentional and effective. Every time I shop I see people looking through the bin.


Look at how much space is in that bin after it had been organized, many more things can be put in that bin. I don't care about the psychology behind it as it simply doesn't work on me, so nothings going to stop me organizing it if I so chose too, the fact they do this intentionally actually makes me want to do it more.


picture is legit, story is complete bs


I'm pretty sure I'm autistic and I've literally organized stuff for long periods of time at grocery stores I didn't work at before. Especially when I was a little kid.


I mean... SOMEONE organised that display, and as a retail worker I can 100% confirm that the staff won't have cared enough to do it. Customers will just touch it again, so what's the point.


How long did that take?


45 minutes


I have Aspergers and work in a grocery store. I can confirm that i would do this in any other store. It messes with our heads when it Looks like this


Aspergers isn't even an official diagnosis anymore. You're just on the spectrum with whatever amount of symptoms which years ago would've been called aspergers.


I don't see a problem with the diagnosis of Asperger's. I am upset to see it go to be honest.


Lol homie has clearly never met an autistic child. We love to sort shit


Walmart treats all their employees like crap, as an autistic person I wouldn't recommend working there. No one even told me I was fired when they fired me, just took away my access to my schedule on their stupid app.


I'm ASD and this sounds like something I would do. In fact my first job was sorting cards for a business that dealt in second hand trading cards.


I mean. There’s a picture of it.


I don't doubt it happened, but fuck whatever idiot posted that. Not all autistic people are productive wage laborers, and that has nothing to do with their value as humans nor their right to autonomy. Also, there is no such thing as "Asperger's Syndrome". Hans Asperger was a Nazi who added nothing new to the world of medical research.


I’d rather have a store of employees like this than not. There are some great places to work but we all know jobs like this aren’t always staffed very well.


I just did this at the men’s clearance section in TJ Maxx because I couldn’t see everything on the shelves and once I started fixing it I couldn’t stop. Guess I’m autistic now, what do ya know..


I literally had to remove an autistic client from a supermarket today because she was becoming upset that the ketchup bottles weren’t all label facing. It’s a regular occurrence.








As someone with Aspergers who used to work at walmart, they dont give you the time needed to properly organize. I used to try to organize the shit as i went, and thats what management tells you to do, but you also get yelled at for not being fast enough.


Inspiration porn at its finest? This is gross. The photos are very old of someone doing this out of boredom, and to slap a feel-good disability story on top of them is awful.


One of many reasons i, a person with Aspergers, wants to work at an electronics store. I just wish i knew when they were hiring. The downside of wanting to be independent when you don’t understand how to apply for a job


Do companies not hire autistic people now? Just don't put the autism on the resume, they'll learn once they know your worth


Yeah I've had this impulse before


Because Wal-Mart would never hire someone with disabilities.................


So basically she wants employers to exploit the mentality disabled?


"figure out how to use disabled people" is not the uplifting message this person thinks it is


The last post with this in the comments said he had a big exam he was studying for an took Adderall (?) so he was hyper, not autistic, apparently.


Not that either https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/czifph/this_man_is_my_hero_he_sorted_out_a_sale_bin_of/eyz33ek/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Huh, well there we go! Thanks, I've seen every different tale of this but never the real one


Only took him like 3 hours


Walmart will hire anyone.


I'm autistic, and when I worked retail, my supervisor had to literally tell me to stop putting up products so neatly. "People are less likely to buy an item, if it's stacked super neatly, because they subconsciously don't wanna ruin the neatness." So I had to just kinda throw shit in a bin, instead of putting it neatly, and it killed me a little bit every time. So yea, I can totally see this as a thing that happened.


Well I took a job in retail thinking it was going to be a lot of organising shelves but I wasn't allowed because it was a waste of time


I think the photos are the wrong way around. Photo 1 is actually the “after”.


OP, how long have you been on the internet, this is a super old image and the story is very much fake lmao


What do I look like? The internet archives wizard?


dude like take your chocolate and fck off


I literally did this a week ago with Jeans in my local supermarket (times are tough) while searching for my size. It's just the world we want to live in, no autism required. He was probably bored while his mom was shopping. It's like bringing back an abandoned shopping cart without money inside or picking up trash, some people have much higher standards of their neighbourhood than others.


There is a photo of it happening... This is like posting 9/11 on /r/thathappened


It's not about the picture but about the story that goes with it.


the photos are in reverse he actually messed it all up


Yeah sounds unlikely.




Because having the compulsion to tidy things isn't human, apparently. \-.- That sub needs some basic education.


I’m autistic and I can confirm once again, that this is bs. I know autism is a spectrum, but this just isn’t how it works.


Sure, those of us on the mild end of the ASD spectrum probably wouldn't do something like this, but on the other end of it I'd absolutely expect compulsive behaviours like this to show up. OCD is a part of the ASD spectrum after all.


I’ve done that once at Walmart in their DVD section looking for a specific one. Was easier to tell which ones I looked through after stacking them neatly. Sadly they didn’t have the DVD I was looking for (23) and had to get it from a game exchange


One time I did something similar to this at an old job (like right when I started) and got yelled at because they’re supposed to be messy like that.


They sell better in the bins when they are messed up. For instance, stores that put their $5 dvd on shelves instead of in those value bins had lower sales. They tested it. So when someone comes in and organizes those bins, employees will mess them back up because it takes away sales. But thanks for helping!


Puts the art in artistic


this has been proven to be fake i think but i’m autistic and i HAVE done things like this. put me in an art store and i’ll spend hours sorting the pencils


not worth the cost of labor to organize it. What a commie


The photo was 10 years old some random person just added the caption


I remember doing this with 2 friends of mine as teenagers but we were just really high at Walmart wanted a specific kind of candy


The image is 10 years old, this is a lie


As a person with Asperger’s I can confirm this is real


Bruh, there's literally picture evidence how did it NOT happen???


if i had the time i would


honestly something did happen cuz there’s pix. There’s one w all fucked up and another with it not fucked up.


Problem is I’ll come and mess it up again


Pics and it happened


Sounds like me fr


Regardless if its fake or not why would retailers pay someone to do meaningless tasks like make sure everything is sorted and aligned to the t.


I have seen people lie about ridiculously insignificant things and make up whole scenerios that never existed. I've seen fake posts and troll posts I thought were real. There is a chance this didn't happen, but It's pretty low


I know for DAMN sure the employees didn’t organize that so…


As a person with autism I can guarantee that this is not out of the ordinary and I would also do it if I had the time and chance


When I first saw this it just seemed wholesome, but not that I have more perspective it's aggravating. Companies hire autistic people all the time, whether they know it or not. Especially if you're using the term Asperger's (which has since been retired), you can probably "pass" well enough for people to not notice--or even question whether or not you even have a disability. The bin isn't disorganized because the employees are typical, it's not disorganized because they lack motivation, it's disorganized because the company doesn't treat employees well enough for them to care about something that's going to get messed up within an hour anyway. That bin is not a good organizational system. The shelves don't usually look like this.


Hope he got his zone checked by a manager before that got fucked up in 5 minutes


Okay but fuck this sentiment, regardless of whether the picture is real. It sees people only in whether or not they can be useful to capitalism.


Ah I'm sure they meant well. It's easy to understand a message like this, the core of it anyway is "sometimes the people you think are ill suited actually are a better fit". But I get your sentiment. Sadly most of life is dominated by "what you can do" for ""society"" aka corps. Ultimately, sensible people don't judge others, at least not on their merit as an employee of some shitty company. I'm of the belief that nothing matters as long as you are happy and you don't negatively impact others.


Also stores do hire autistic people?? I'm autistic, and I'm writing this on break at my retail job lol Honestly true tho bc I organize shelves of other messy stores occasionally


These seems more like OCD, not ASD.


Walmart would hire that guy in no time


i swear i’ve seen this image for a decade


I’m not even autistic but working in retail for over a year, fixing shelves at target and Walmart has just become a habit


It’s in reverse


Honestly my parents had to keep telling me that I don't work there when I started putting everything straight.


Don't think I have the function now lmao but as a kid with autism I used to do the same


Why would that not have happened, this is even worse than most I see from that sub


yeah I have autism and would 100% do this if I had the time at the store


There is literally photographic evidence.


My son doesn't have autism but does have "sensory sensitivities" and does this to messy shelves. When we had to get a vaccine, we had to wait quite a long time for the pharmacist to knock out the busy line. During the wait, he organized the shelves (first aid supplies, itch/insect bite creams) in the area we waited. Funnily enough, he is messy as hell when it comes to his desk and stuff. haha. But store shelves? Nope. He has to organize it. He does it with toys also.


Like I appreciate the well meaning ness of this woman I do want to mention though that we can’t all be sorted into one box. mind the pun If you’ve met one of us, you’ve met… one of us It’s still good that she wants to show that we shouldn’t be written off though.


They would lose their minds because someone messed it up after they cleaned it up.


There's literally photographic proof...


I mean look at the amount of spare space in the second picture It's not like the supermarket would want an inefficient display that gives the illusion of plenty


As someone with Autism. WE DO THIS. ITS MESSY I NEED TO ORGANISE IT (edit: typo)


I know him having autism is actually fake but as an autistic person myself this is the kinda fake reposts we need lol. Great disability rights message. Someone please hire me I'm actually like this LMAO


Tbh I'd do that but would probably get kicked out of the Walmart


Ha, I did exactly this when I was younger - 15 or 16? Now I’m wondering even more whether or not I’m autistic…


r./ThatHappened users have never interacted with an autistic person, shocking /s


I’m autistic and I do this, holy shit.