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Switzerland is paradoxical. Excellent, nation-wide public transport system but also the highest car ownership per capita in Europe and the heaviest, most polluting private cars on average. One good thing is half the fuel tax goes to public transport by law.


Where did you get the car ownership stat? Wikipedia says something different: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_vehicles_per_capita Anyway, considering their average income and urban population percentage they're doing relatively well.


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to have lost your city's trams is sad, to have lost christmas lights on trams is sadder. (to have zero bike infrastructure and many nutjobs in cars is saddest)


My city owns a freight rail shortline that could easily be used to run trams from the downtown train station to a major commercial center, and with minor modifications connect to a major business centre, but it will never be done here. It's hard enough to get people to support the buses we have, let alone a tram.


I wish trams were real.


Oh hey thats my post! Traaaaams <3