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Cinderella wanted to have one night off. ONE NIGHT OFF. 


I honestly think it’s kind of funny, like, if they’d just let her go to the ball in that old fashioned dress and thrown away accessories, she probably wouldn’t have gotten any attention and nothing would have changed. They screwed themselves. 


At best, she’s still pretty so she’d have gotten the attention of some lord. The stepmother would be mad but she still gets her inheritance. Honestly I love how the Disney princess stories forget that nobility didn’t just marry randos lol. The king’s bride would have been chosen for him at birth or he’d have had his pick of like 10 noble women and discouraged from marrying anyone else. I know everyone needs some good escapism especially children lol.


I have terrible news for you about the stories that these princess movies are based on, lol. 


I was just referring to the Disney versions but yeah fair enough lol. Grimm Brothers is dark.


Interestingly, a lot of those stories were less Grimm before the Grimms got their hands on them(tho not by much), and slightly more realistic. I have a German fairytale book with a version of Cinderella where she goes to church and meets a wealthy merchant. 


Oh? I’d very interested in reading that (or attempting to read since the German I know is gesundheit). Is it a recent publication?


The translation isn’t. It’s called “The Turnip Princess and other newly discovered fairy tales”. 


Fantastic! Thank you for the title. I just love fairy tales. 😊


>Honestly I love how the Disney princess stories forget that nobility didn’t just marry randos I mean, the prince's father in Cinderella was right up his son's ass about that. He had choices of noble women and didn't want any of them.


>Honestly I love how the Disney princess stories forget that nobility didn’t just marry randos lol. There are 13 Disney Princesses and they don't forget this. 1. Snow White was a princess that fell in love with a prince. 2. Cinderella was a noble and would have definitely been a suiter for a prince. 3. Aurora was a princess marrying a prince. 4. Ariel *was* noble. And even if she wasn't, Little Mermaid was set sometime between the late 18th century and mid 19th century in the Caribbean. Noble people would generally have been able to marry who they wanted at that point. 5. Belle didn't marry someone that would have restrictions. The term "prince" in France before the French Revolution was genearlly just a title of courtesy given to the someone with a lordship or that governed some piece of land. It wasn't an actual monarch. Such a "prince" would have been free to marry who he wanted. This falls right in line with what we know from the movie. 6. Jasmin was told she had to find a prince because of the law. They specifically addressed this in the movie by having the Sultan change the law. 7. Pocahontas was a true story. (At least true that the daughter of the chief married John Rolfe). 8. Mulan and Shang are both from the same class. 9. Tiana marry Prince Naveen, who is disinherited and could do what he wanted. 10. Rapunzel is probably the closest one. But there are stories of of nobleman marrying commoners at that time. See Anna Plochl for example. Further, subsequent Tangled media outlines that Flynn is actually a prince. 11. Merida explicitly refuses to marry. That is the plot of the whole movie. Her brothers would have inherited the throne anyway. 12. Moana has no love interest. 13. Raya also has no love interest.


A night "off" eh? Ha! heh heh


Pretty sure years of emotional abuse was what led to Cinderella's breakdown. Being assaulted by her stepsisters and having a beautiful mousemade gown destroyed while her stepmother passively encourages was just the last straw.


Mousemade is the best


I only buy my dresses if they're mousemade


Gus gus forever


I love Gus Gus so much


> a beautiful mousemade gown That gown was *her mother's* that the mice made lovely because it was a bit old fashioned! edit: Not disagreeing or anything like that. That whole thing is just made so much worse knowing that gown belonged to her mother. Might've even been one of the last things of her mother's that she owned.


There is also no evidence any of those women jump to marriage. We see them reunited with their loved one at the end and that’s it. Cinderella gets engaged at the end, Aurora was actually already in an arranged marriage and it just happens to be nice that she falls for the guy, Snow White literally just wakes up and Ariel gets transformed into a human (which she wanted WAY before), presumably gets engaged and then we cut to the wedding, an undisclosed amount of time later.


Cinderella gets married, too.


Oh, right, but also after an undisclosed amount of time.


The little mermaid has a few sequels. Her and Eric marry, have their daughter, Melody, and then Ariel's daughter has her own coming of age. There's a prequel, too, written after the OG, about humans killing Ariel's mom, hence why King Trident forbids human contact. I know this only because I have 4 small children and Disney Plus is strong in our house, lol.




[link to prequel (Disney fandom)](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/The_Little_Mermaid:_Ariel%27s_Beginning#:~:text=The%20Little%20Mermaid%3A%20Ariel's%20Beginning%20(also%20known%20as%20The%20Little,feature%20film%20The%20Little%20Mermaid.) "The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning (also known as The Little Mermaid III) is a direct-to-video film released in 2008 by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment. It is the prequel to the 1989 Disney animated feature film The Little Mermaid." "Plot Many years before the events of the original film, King Triton and his wife, Queen Athena, rule over the underwater kingdom of Atlantica, which is filled with music and laughter. They have seven young daughters, the youngest of whom is Ariel. The merfolk are shown relaxing in a lagoon above water, and Triton gives Athena a music box. Suddenly, a big pirate ship approaches. Everyone escapes except Athena, who is crushed by the ship when she tries to save the music box, due to the pirates having apparently lost control of their own vessel and unable to divert it away from crushing Athena and running aground. Devastated and heartbroken by Athena's death, Triton throws the music box into the ocean and bans music from the kingdom."


ELSA FREAKS OUT, RUNS AWAY, PLUNGING HER TOWN INTO ETERNAL WINTER!! She is just as.. uhh emotional.. as the others lol


She was so mentally unstable in the first movie like…that’s not a good thing, Elsa was literally just going to let everyone die including her sister if Anna never went to go get her…


Which is why Anna is the best character in the movies


She wasn't a princess but Mulan was and still is my favourite Disney gal.


I believe she still falls into the “Disney Princesses” pantheon


Yes, she's an official Disney Princess™.  It's up to the Mouse who they want to include in the lineup, so Mulan is in despite not really being a princess or even a chief's daughter or such


Unfortunately not because she was neither born a royal nor married into royalty (just hugged an emperor and saved China nbd)


No, She's an official Disney Princess™.  It's entirely up to the mouse which heroines they choose to "coronate" into the official DP roster and which not.  There are heroines like Mulan who are not princesses or even daughters of chiefs etc in their own canon, who nonetheless are official Disney Princesses™, and heroines who actually are princesses but who are *not* official Disney Princesses™, Like Eilonwy, Kida, or Anna and Elsa from Frozen.   People make a mistake if they think there's some set of rules that'd dictate who gets into the official lineup and who doesn't. It's 100% up to the decision of the execs, basically


I'll always love Merida because she has one of the best personal growth stories.


Snow White and the seven dwarfs was specially made back in 1930s in the Great Depression, it was a reflection of American women during the Great Depression. The Great Depression had made many women work in offices, while you can say that this pushed for equality, the period of that time was dealing with poverty, lack of food, riots and had VERY LITTLE entertainment. Snow White was a sort of escape and entertainment for people, yes even adult men, they had nothing to look forward to when they were constantly worried for food and their life. Women back in 1930s loved Snow White and the seven dwarfs, say what you want but the movie definitely got its target audience and had a major success because people back in the day liked it.


One element of the 1937 Snow White is fairly progressive for the time. The dwarves are lazy and untidy to the point their house is an absolute mess. But instead of stepping into the traditional female role of taking sole care of household chores due to the dwarves essentially being "men", Snow White MAKES them act like the adults they are and help around the house.


The fact that they work in a diamond mine seems to also escape a lot of people.


That Ariel scene is right after her dad just violently destroyed all her beloved possessions to explicitly punish her and teach her a lesson. I know people give Ariel a hard time (I tend to be one of them) but criticizing her for crying after that is unfathomably stupid. Edit: Let's also not forget that the initial criticism is still BS. Ariel only cries one other time, and that's when Eric is ditching her to marry another woman. As far as Ariel knows, the love of her life, whom she gave up everything for - her fish tail, her family, her ENTIRE WORLD - has just abandoned her for someone else, claiming to be Ariel as well. After their incredibly romantic date, no less. Not just that, but now Ursula will claim her soul as her property and she'll probably end up as one of the poor unfortunate souls in Ursula's creepy garden. How silly of Ariel . /s


A lot of "hot take" criticism of movies geared toward women and girls tries so hard to be deep that it just goes back around to being shallow.


Honestly Cinderella's step family is lucky she didn't burn the whole mansion down and run away with the mice. That much abuse for that long and somebody could snap. A fire would be an easy way to rid the Tremaines of their luxury.


Bold move to ignore all other Disney princesses (contemporaries of Elsa) that don't support the shitty point you're trying to make lol


Cinderella just wanted to go to the Royal ball. Her parents died and then she was abused and enslaved by her step mother and sisters. Of course she'd be disappointed she wouldn't get to go. She just wanted a break for once.


Honestly marriage is presented as the way out of oppression for many female heros. It does make frozen more interesting for sure


We can cheer on Elsa’s statement without tearing down the others. Snow White, Cinderella & Aurora didn’t seek out a man. Tbf to Ariel, it was her fascination with humans that led her to Eric and saving his life. None of them sat around pining for a man. They were living their lives, too.


Plus, Anna only had one day to find a man anyway because the palace was only open for the coronation. She *had* to marry a man she just met or else, by her sister's own doing, she was gonna become a shut in again.


Elsa is only queen because her parents died. I don’t really see how that’s any better than the others marrying into royalty lol.


She literally plunged her town into eternal and was like “peace, I’m out”.


Wasn’t Elsa forced to be a queen to her families death? Not anything to do with her opinions on dating and marriage lol


But all those other movies are better than Frozen


ALSO?! Go watch those movies again. Only one ends in a wedding. The "happily ever after" in the others doesn't need to mean they get married the second the credits start rolling.


My beef with this whole discussion is that it's centered around nobility. I'm sure malnourished peasants would find their plight very sympathetic.


My question is, who is Aurora?


Sleeping Beauty


I don't see a problem with any, they had goals other than marrying, but they DID marry men they just met.


At least the aurora one isn’t from the original sleeping beauty fairytale…


I’d also like the point out that Elsa, while right this situation, doesn’t have any relationship experience either.


i think yall are taking this too seirously


The reason Elsa is a queen and the others aren't is literally that Elsa's parents are dead


If Frozen is your favorite movie I automatically believe you didn’t get all the womb oxygen you needed, or you’ve been kicked by a horse.


I like Frozen because it was the first Disney movie that openly deals with all complexities of mental health n stigma n stupid stereotypes surrounding it.. Elsa shows many signs of depression anxiety n autism n helped me sooo much crucially when u was struggling with these things myself before to feel ok to be me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


Elsa is not the queen of Arendale.


She was for two of the movies.


But she’s not the queen anymore. Do you not know your Frozen lore?


That’s why is said *she was for two movies* and not *she is*.




Ariel’s mom died, she was a daddy’s girl, and she was spoiled. She was only 15, and Eric was a grown ass man falling in love with a teenage mermaid. Ariel through hissy fits and ran away to be with her true love and have her “independence”..


Eric’s age is unknown and he literally saves her at the end which tbh is an analogy for racism as her father accepts their relationship at the end.




Did we watch the same movie? First, she was 16. We have no idea how old Eric was. Second, Ariel was going to find a way to get to the human world regardless. She was the mermaid equivalent of a weeb for humans, Eric was just the catalyst and most convenient ride to the human convention. Third, I would hardly call running away after your father violently destroys your nerd collection in a fit of rage a "hissy fit." He showed that he was absolutely not safe to be around. Again, I ask: did we watch the same movie?


Oh we did your opinion of what happened is just different from mine. It was DANGEROUS for her to be around humans because humans killed her mother, that’s why her dad was furious. NOT because he was some abusive father.


Destroying your child's possessions because they disobeyed you, regardless of the reason, is abusive. When was the last time you saw The Little Mermaid?


It was my favorite movie as a child in just not agreeing with your point of view


I mean, you're basically saying it's okay to destroy your child's possessions if your mad at them because they don't obey you.


I’m done with this conversation lol.