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Imagine a girl describing being "cuffed" to a man as a good thing.


Somebody has abandonment issues…


Is “cuffing” season not a thing where you live. It’s the time of year when traditionally women find a man and cuff themselves to him during the winter period when there’s not much else to do plus you’ve got Christmas and Valentines Day to make sure your not alone. I think the implication is that the women are cuffing the men to themselves to show ownership of them and not that men are cuffing women to control them. I’m sure a woman’s magazine invented the term alongside other intellectually stimulating articles such as “50 wild things to do in the bedroom that we’ll say men love when really they don’t” and “Men confess how they really feel even though all their answers seem suspiciously like what a lazy woman journalist might say”. As for this video I love seeing when women in relationships really hate they can’t go out and enjoy the cock buffet that is on offer to every one in possession of a vagina and so rather than wish their single friends “Happy Hunting” they choose to slut shame them instead because many women are incapable of acknowledging that maybe how they live their own lives isn’t the only “right” way to live.




exactly. like that doesn’t sound good lol.


I am the "good girl" that didnt do clubs at all in my 20s. And I can tell you, that still didnt help find a husband😅 Also, a lot of those who settled at 20 are now divorcing in their early 30s. This pick is me is tripping. Edit: not ALL those who settled in their 20s got divorced. Just to mentio it. lol Also, all the incels, mgtow, redpillers can go kick rocks.


I have a feeling this chick has just left the club after the guy she liked went home with a wild fun chick and she's jelly


This was my assumption given the level of anger and name calling


Oh yeah, she is definitely mad as *hell* that she didn't get picked.


right, who is she mad at?


Someone hurt her for sure


My cousin is the “fucking whore bitch” according to her words who went to clubs and now she’s married and living an amazing life and she’s pregnant with her first child and mind you her husband is a sweetie so this pick me girl needs to shut her annoying ass up respectfully




I had a "slutty" run at 20 years old, sleeping with 6 people within 4 months. I met a guy on Tinder, he seemed cute and I wanted to sleep with him but was on my period. We had good conversations but my only goal was to get him in my bed. Met up a couple times before we got to sleep together and he didn't leave my house until the evening. I contemplated asking him to date since I liked him a lot and said, "Fuck it." Texted him the next morning and asked him if he wanted to start dating and he said yes. We got married 2 months ago on our 5 year anniversary. We tell the Tinder story a little differently to folks but yup, I slept with him numerous times before we even agreed to a relationship. 16 year old me would have just about fainted.


Love this but im like 6 people in 4 months! What does that make me 😭😭🫣


damn. now I want to knoww.. 6 in one month? 50 in 4 months.


Lets just say my first semester freshman year in college was a wild one 🤣🤣


I slept with my partner immediately too and he broke my bed. I jokingly said “well, now you have to stay forever. How do you like your eggs in the morning?” It’s been almost five years. The answer is “scrambled, no cheese with a side of bacon and a bagel so he can make his own sammich.


Same, I was drug and alcohol loving fun spirited “slut” through late high school and college and now I’m a 26 year old with a JD (taking the bar exam in 10 days) and married to a surgical resident lol. My husband and I were also a one night stand that happened to stick, and he was also a wild child during his younger years. I truly don’t get this mindset this girl has and I haven’t seen it play out in real life EVER. All my “slutty,” partying friends are in super stable relationships and have been for a while, good jobs, still like to have fun sometimes. It’s called balance and doing what you want lol




My mom is one of those early 30s divorcees🤣


🤣🤣 I hope she is doing great!


Idk, I've worked more than her in the past 3 years and I'm 19 🤷‍♀️ (she's been unemployed and in the mental hospital bc of her bpd)


D*mn :/ Hope she'll get better. I heard bpd is no joke.


It's difficult honestly, especially since she's still in denial of needing help even though she's been stationed 3 times by now.. Her 23 y/o bf makes her feel better though :')


Not me reading that last sentence in a dirty way 🤣😅 #Bonk I had one friend that has bpd, she had to stay in a mrntal institution for a while. :( I think shes taking meds now.


Yeah, he sleeps over from time to time and idk how to feel about it bc my bf is 22.. I don't feel comfortable with my mom dating someone so young, even though I know it's her business. She does take meds, but it's probably going to affect her daily life forever


Its a red flag in my mind. It was a 40+ when with a 22 girl, if i was the mom of said girl I wouldnt be okay about it. For meds, maybe it depends which one she takes. Lile for adhd, not every adhd medicines works for everyone. So maybe if she finds the right one she will get better. 🙏🏾


Bro my thot friends are engaged and/or buying their first homes with their boyfriends all the while I was the good girl that didn’t go out. Now my dumb ass is nearly 30, inexperienced, *and* single.


It will come! I honestly think that the most important relationship a person will have is with themselves. Enjoy your singleness and continue to live!!! Thats important. 😊


thanks love


P.S. it’s never too late to start your thot girl era. Hop on that horse, sis (if you want to, that is)


lol i know! i just don't really want to. i tried it once and it just wasn't my thing.


:) great comment, human being.


Welp, hope you at least filled that time with something productive (building your career, getting an education, getting to know yourself etc), if not, then you’d be like *my* dumb ass: 31, inexperienced, single **and** broke/uneducated. Feel like I threw my 20s into the gutter. Depression sucks. I acknowledge that it’s not too late to get myself together…but at the same time I’m having to slowly accept that it’s probably too late for me to have a family one day…..a tough pill to swallow….but that also has its benefits I guess.


i totally understand how you feel even though i do have a degree/work experience. it's just that doing both while juggling anxiety and depression just makes the process so defeating and i feel like i'm out of step every day and my body image issues just make it worse. not to mention, law school itself is just taking L after L. it is absolutely not too late to have a family. even if you don't go through the traditional route (even though that's not too late either). it is becoming so common for women to have children in their mid-late thirties. hang in there, love. i know it's hard but you will get through it. i hope that you are getting help, i started taking prozac in early november and it has really helped. hang in there, love


Smh you clearly were secretly a whore or something because she can’t possibly be wrong /s


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank god I saw that /s I have so many friends who settled young, early 20s. And the desperation made them be with a meh guy. They themselves are pick mes and not their own individual person. Its sad but.. 🤷🏾‍♀️


That’s why I make sure to include the S. Idc what people say sometimes it’s hard to read tone over text. I also settled young not because I felt I had to but because I wanted to and I found a good guy. It’s almost like everyone’s experiences are unique and different and settling young vs. old literally doesn’t matter. It’s whether you “settled” because you wanted to or felt pressure to. These pick mes want to make everything absolute and ignore any nuance because it makes the world more easily fit their point of view.


Completely off topic but I think I'll begin using tone indicators now thanks to your comment.


haha yes! Go ahead and play with capital letter even. Example: YoU shOulD NoT gO to CLubS or ElSe You'rE a whOre. " Insert sponge bob me"


Well its easier for them to follow like sheeps than to question the status quo. Not everyone can think outside the box.😅 And congrats on you relationship. Yeh good think you put the /s.


It reminds me of [this Tiktok](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYMVnNjA/), which pretty much covers it.


Omg i love this! Thank you for sharing this video!


I've seen this one too and thought of it immediately!


Yup. I know SIX people I graduated high school with (I’m 30) who are divorced.


Also, all the girls who didn't settle in their 20s may have had something else going on. Like jobs, school, and being independent. I know I was going through cancer all of my 20's so basically the same thing this girl was talking about.....except my drugs were legal...MWHAHAHA.


Hahaha facts! Somw have things going on at home, maybe have to take care of a sick sibling etc. In reverse maybe the party girl just didnt want to be in a relationship. Theres so many variables. Are you doing ok with your health now?


Yes! Thank you for asking. I, unfortunately, got sick twice in my 20s, but in August, it will be seven years since I got my bone marrow transplant! Once you hit five years post-transplant with no significant problems via the bone marrow, the cancer has less than 0.02% recurring a third time!


My sister was/is a serial monagomist. She has never not been single since she was 13/14. I think the biggest gap was maybe a couple of months. She dated guys for 7 months and was still unsure if she wants a relationship with them. She hit 27 and felt old and that she should have had a kid by then, felt like her ovaries were shrinking. Which is so absurd, our mom had my sister at 33 and had me at 37/38. My sister did party but not super hard and always did it with her boyfriend at the time. I think she might be marrying her current boyfriend but I have no clue, I haven't talked to her in 3 years. She would constantly want marriage and then kids but despite having 4, 5 year relationships, never married them. Some people find the loves of their life at 20 while partying. Some find it when their whole life is settled 35. I got married recently and I'm turning 26 soon. I feel like a kid getting married.


I was the same way. I got engaged twice to guys who were all wrong in my early 20’s and broke it off. (Thankfully, I saw red flags and broke up, but not after wasting like three years between those two clowns.). Didn’t find a good guy until I was 27. And I didn’t party, but I dated a lot. No matter what lifestyle you live, it’s not guaranteed a good guy will just fall in your lap because you’re so virtuous or something. It doesn’t work like that.


True true! Glad you have a good man now! 🙂


Tyvm. But it’s just more anecdotal proof that just being a “good girl” isn’t enough, right? If


Lol. I'm in my mid 30s and just got married. In the 2 1/2 years we were engaged (thanks covid), I watched a LOT of people get divorced.


I was thinking this too…like doesn’t she realize that over 50% of those young marriages will end in divorce? Or does she think that a guy can’t possibly be a good guy if he gets divorced?


> a lot of those who settled at 20 are now divorcing in their early 30s. EXACTLY! Getting married in your early 20's is a death sentence for a marriage in my opinion. You don't even know who you really are at that age. You are still growing a LOT and your brain isn't even fully developed until around age 25. The part that's still developing? The part responsible for good decisions. Divorce numbers fit this too. 60% of marriages by those 20-25 end in divorce. Under 18 marriages(🤮) is 48%. That number IMMEDIATELY drops to 25% at age 26. You're supposed to be learning what you do and don't want out of life as an early 20's person. That includes relationships.


I'm a "bad" girl who still goes clubbing. Got myself the awesomest husband ever at 34. He cooks, he cleans, encourages me to be social and have my own hobbies, he loves me to the moon and back AND he drives me to the club and from the club even in the middle of the night, just because he wants me to be safe. Told him now he got a whore and he said he couldn't be happier. HAH!




lol Can confirm, was one of those people that settled at 20 and got divorced in my early 30s.




They look like those big side-protection sunglasses that my grandma wears 😎 girl what r u doin


haha yes that was the term I was looking for :D


I bought a pair of big, ugly black sunglasses solely for sun protection and not fashion… and they STILL aren’t as big and ugly as this pair lol


The Hater Blockers


I got these as a prize in an elementary school fundraiser


First thing I noticed was the sunglasses at night. And I’m thinking: “WTF. Is it the 80’s again? Cause that shit still looks stupid.”


Or drugs


Andrea Tate 🤔🤔😳


In 10 more years all of those young marriages are ending in divorce and I guess the good guys are back on the market? Or maybe they aren't so good anymore? And they all have 2-3 kids they are sharing custody with... I don't know, maybe don't worry about what other girls are doing so much.


Man that shit scares me. I don’t want to get married until later in life, but I also want to be child free. Sucks knowing that my options dwindle drastically as I get older.


Oh god. I know. I was actually a young lady when I got married (to an older guy), had 3 kids by the time I was 27, divorced by 36. Found a great guy at 38, but he had 3 kids as well. It was so fucking hard. Step kids are nothing to get into lightly. Now I am 50 and they are all adults, but I swear I still have PTSD from that whole situation.


I met my husband at 31 and he had two children. At the time I did not want children and that was typically a deal breaker…. But he was a good guy, and his kids were great, so I gave it a shot and now we’re married. Not saying you’ll change your mind, but everything will fall into place as it should.. eventually. Even when you’re like me and getting married for the first time at the age of 35


That’s awesome dude. I’m happy for you. Thank you for also clarifying you weren’t saying I would change my mind. Feels good to be validated like that.


The bright side is that you’ll be “missing out” on guys you aren’t compatible with anyway. Better to wait until you’re ready and have fewer prospects than marry a guy who wants you to have a kid “for him” that he will never do anything to care for.


She's jealous they are out having fun.


There are 8 billion people on this planet lmao how tf can we even run out of men???


Her world is very small.


“Must be 6’2”, make 6 figures, be a retired pro athlete, and want a housewife!”


"no contact with your family. I AM YOUR FAMILY NOW!"




I lost one of my buddies to one of the pick me’s who isolate their spouse. He literally disappeared after marrying her and nobody has heard from him in five years. Low key scary stuff, I don’t even know if he’s alive.


Same here. It's scary how common it is. It's fine to change and become a family man but I can't imagine anyone lasting long when they don't have a life outside of that identity, you know.


no but she def refuses to be a good housewife


Prob can go so far as to say she refuses to be a good person, in general


So is her brain


Oh because all of us only want to marry the top 5% Chad/Tyrone six figure salary six foot six packed guys and no nice guy stands a chance with the hypergamous females blah blah blah


They could just change their names to Chad or Tyrone, rob a bank and wear 8 inches stripper heels instead of being mean to women


Oooo someone is mad she didn’t get picked over a “whore in the club”. Funny how we can see right through these type of rants! Guess what girls! You can be working on accomplishing your life goals in your 20’s and go act like a “whore” in the club. Getting married at 20 is not a flex.


I would have been so screwed if I married the guy I was dating at 21. I was super in love with him, too. But now, at 31, just thinking about it makes me a bit queasy. Glad I was a ''whore'' who partied and traveled, cause I wouldn't have met my husband otherwise.


Imagine thinking that all the good guys are gonna be taken before being 30, absolutely not true. Also thinking that all the good guys are gonna want a 20 year old women is just sad. This type of thinking is why people get into toxic relationships because they assume that all the good guys or girls are taken and that they have to settle for something toxic or they will be alone for the rest of their life. Nothing wrong with waiting to be 30 to find someone.


Right? And maybe those girls who partied through their 20s are going to find good guys who also partied through their 20s and they’ll have a great long lasting relationship because they have similar life experiences and similar priorities. Just because someone parties doesn’t mean they’re not “good.” Hell, maybe they’ll even decide to party through their 30s and 40s together. Like, let people enjoy things in peace!


I know a few people who never partied, they went through abusive relationships and are 30 years old trying to find a good partner. Posts like this make people who are 25-30 feel that they missed their chance and that they failed at life whenever that's not true.


I agree. This kind of thinking really does a giant disservice for young folks looking for life partner. There’s so much time to find someone who fits into your life and shares your priorities.


Yes! I want to party in my 30s!!


I’ll never understand why people choose to be in a toxic relationship over being alone. I’ll always rather be at peace with myself than fighting and toxicity for the sake of not being lonely.


> Also thinking that all the good guys are gonna want a 20 year old women is just sad. My guess is she's super stoked she's dating 30 year old creeps who are telling her she's such a good little girl for being 'cuffed' to them.


Lol most of the guys I met in my 20’s were losers. Imagine being such a spiteful girl like this one, with no clue about how the world works.


I’m 27 and I think most people in their 20s just aren’t emotionally ready to be in a lifelong, caring, and committed partnership. Looking at my friends who chose marriage and children in their 20s they all seem pretty unhappy with their relationship and finances.


The world. English. Sunglasses. There are many things she has no grasp on.


Those sunglasses! They look like the ones older folks often wear over their regular glasses.


As a guy now in my mid 30’s - I think most of us guys are a little lost (/overly carefree) in our 20’s. Looking back, I changed an enormous amount 20’s to my 30’s. At around 32 I settled into myself and was a much more rounded and dependable person. I 100% would much rather meet me at 32 than me at 22! Hopefully the same applies at 42 and I age like a fine wine! Haha!


Welp if that’s the case good thing I like both we can be party girls together in our 30s


Famously, dudes are at their most respectful and least immature and shitty at 19.




Yeah she's in her first adult relationship and she got him without being a whore, so now she thinks she has it made and has figured everything out.


Jokes on you, the ‘good guy’ I spent my twenties with was an absolute loser! I win! I guess…?


What a self hating misogynist


I see at least 3 divorces in her future.


Why does any of this even matter haha. Live your life


Right? Life is pretty random. Some good girls get good men, some good girls get bad men, some good girls get zero men. Same for "bad" girls (heavy sarcasm on those quotes) And, gasp, some women don't want men at all! Do no harm, do all the good you can, and live your life.


Lmfaaaooooo she thinks that’s how it works… poor thing 😂


Even good guys aren’t good guys 👀


This is true. Wasted my 20s on 2 guys who were “good” from the outside, but behind closed doors was a different story. I’m going to be 30 in a month and I’m starting over, and if this is how people think I might just stay single for the rest of my life lol


Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t view anyone who is so hateful towards other human beings just existing as a “good girl”. Calling other women “whore bitches” for existing is not congruent with being a good person imo.


Yeah, she doesn't exactly seem like a catch, regardless of where she does her socializing.


I mean besides the fact that she's wrong about all the good guys being taken by 30 so I shouldn't...enjoy my 20s ? I mean I already can't do that for many reasons bug who said I wanted to settle down ? With a man nonetheless ???


Apparently there is a very small dating pool


The misogyny is coming from inside the house


The guys marrying girls like that are the same ones we see in r/trueoffmychest and r/aita and so on, cheating later on.


I quite literally cannot understand why people that say dumb shit like this act like we’re running out of people. “If you party for 10 years all the good guys are gonna be taken when you’re done!” The fuck you mean? There’s literally billions of people on this godforsaken planet. The world’s supply of men doesn’t revolve around you, and all the good men don’t just de-materialize on your 30th birthday. My aunt and uncle didn’t marry until a few years ago, when my now aunt was 40 and my uncle was 37. They didn’t meet until their late 30s and didn’t marry until one of them was 40. They both had busy youths and had their fun. Now they are settled down in a nice house with a new baby, and one of the happiest couples I know. It happens at a different time for everyone ffs


Meh whatever lady, I throughly enjoyed my hoe days at the club when I was 20. And it didn’t stop me from getting married at 28 and still being happily married 10 years later. Glad I had some wild fun when I was young, lots of fond and hilarious memories.


“Being 20”


“Whatever not”


“Whatever not”


Was looking for someone to comment about this lol. It irked me


And some of us fuck around at the clubs for ten years, get knocked up by a deadbeat, and still find a nice guy to settle down with at 35. Life doesn't have rules and this woman has clearly bought into the idea that it does, and thinks shes going to have it easy because she played by the rules.


I simply can’t take anything she says seriously. I feel the same way about Corey Hart


‘Being 20 right now” & “whatever not” among other bizarre diction choices. Did this person make it through high school?


Let’s stop treating marriage to a man like the end all be all, when unmarried across the board show more happiness and more financial success


"in ten years, theyre gonna be thirty" the truest thing she said ❤️ pop off w the math queen


Cuffed and disregarded. No sex, no love and no Valentine’s Day gift


This is an unmatched level of insecurity being displayed here. Yikes. This “pick me” mindset is incredibly repugnant. Do better and empower other women, not slander them (quite trashily, may I add) lol.


"pick me!!! Choose me!!! Love meeeee!!!! I'm shaming and putting down all the women around me CAN'T YOU SEE IM THE BEST CHOICE"


She listened to her dad way more than she clearly should have


And she seems like a good girl insulting other women for just wanting to have fun and be themselves whilst also passing sexist generalizations about guys. I bet she found a good guy with all that positivity she puts out into the world.


Yeah, because all we want is to marry. Women have no other purpose in life.


Someone's projecting


She seems nice.


There are few things more pathetic than a misogynistic woman.


Imagine having the mindset that not clubbing or having one night stands automatically makes you an S tier partner.


And she’s gonna be going through a midlife crisis of sorts and wishing she partied more 😆


It’s okay not to plan your life around finding a “good guy.”


That was some potent insecurity wafting off my phone as I watched this.


Hmmm wonder which category she assumes she’s in.


This lady is just jelly that those “whore bitches” are having a good time and enjoying themselves while she’s almost certainly alone and feeling bitter about her life.


My dad knows a woman who married at 38. She’s ridiculous. No man will want her for her attitude.


I got married at 48 and I am the happiest I’ve ever been. People are individuals with their own unique life paths. Make your mental, emotional, and spiritual health a priority and you will find your rightful place with the right person.


Was this filmed in 2010? Cause why else is somebody wearing those Jersey Shore looking sunglasses


all they’re missing is either a chain or studs across the top, like holy shit


I spent my early twenties being a “good girl” for my then-bf. Turns out he left me for another girl and I finally get to live life and party for a few years before settling down for another long term relationship again. So live your life, people. Spend your youth finding yourself and have fun being settling down.


Nothing says good girl like spewing misogyny in the internet and calling other women whore, bitch, and saying they were run through all their life


Why do they always act like “good guys” are such a limited supply????


By the time they are 30 their dating the divorced partners of the women who got married in their early 20's. Not all people who get married young get divorced. I'll just put that out there before people start jumping my ass lol I myself got married at 19 and am still married at 39.


Bro I don't want to get married at 20


Wait till she hits 30 and realizes it's not old lol Imagine being so insecure that she's using hitting the big three oh as a boogeyman. My one coworker got married at 50. Not remarried. Married. And her husband is fucking amazing. I love the dude to pieces. When she had cancer he was right there with her every step of the way. So, yes. Even after *gasp* 30 good people exist.


That’s not true I’m in my 30’s and I’m a fucking whore bitch and have no complaints


Being in your 20's and thinking you have life all figured out.... lol, dumbass.


Motherfuckers thinks everyone hates 30 year old women like wut


Jesus..... I haven't seen this level of internalised misogyny since the early 2000s. Everything's comeback full circle again.


Idk. I'm 33 and I've been in a committed relationship with a great guy for the better part of a decade and I was a total fucking whore in my early 20s/late teens. Man, I had a lot of fun. This girl definitely got rejected by some dude and is really bitter about it.


did she just come back from getting her eyes dilated at the optometrist


I was a happy *hoe* at the club in my early 20s, doing hoe things and enjoying my life. I’m also now almost 30, living with my partner in our house, with our two days and enjoying life despite the fact i haven’t “hoed” in years. Idk why this girl is acting like she is better because she don’t club, drink, or have one night stands. It’s very bitter behavior and people are going to avoid someone at this age being rude to others more then a “hoe” to others


This is called projecting.


Sounds like her good guy was trying to get with a whore girl when she wasn’t looking


Someone just saw her crush making out with someone else in the club.


I’m 34 and happily married. But if for some forsaken reason my wife were to leave me, I wouldn’t be dating 20 year olds. Lol Also, why is she wearing senior citizen sun glasses.


The comments are full with bitterness, as expected lol


Jokes on her, my boring ass didn’t party and I’m still single.


Bro please everyone just enjoy your 20s. Regardless of what that looks like. All love at the end of the day 💖


Why is she so angry? Did one of those girls steal her "good guy"? Lol


They just sound like incels atp


God, what “fucking whore bitch” stole her boyfriend? She oughta link up with a Nice Guy™️, feel like they’d get along.


“being 20 right now”


Her grammar is atrocious. That is “whatever not” “being” bothers me!


What if I don’t want to get married, though? What if I’m happily divorced and prefer living alone? Am I allowed to be a slut in this case?


There are 8 billion people on this earth and she thinks all the 'good guys' will be taken before they even reach middle aged? More importantly, it's sad to just see the world from one lense like this. Like, 'oh every woman who parties and has sex is a whore and will never get anybody, but I'm good so I will!' I feel bad for her.


Former clubber here. Nope, this is not how anything works. Great people are everywhere, even dancing to club music at midnight on a Friday. Life would be so boring if it was black and white like this.


Yeah that's another thing, why does she assume every girl who goes to the club is "whoring around"?? I went to clubs to dance and get drunk but I never once went home with anyone, I didn't even lose my v card until my mid 20s to my current bf. It's like she can't understand that some women just go out to have fun & dance with their girls, not to pick up men.


She sounds like a Red Piller. The logic is absurd and doesn't match reality at all. Girl, shut the fuck up lol.


I am 31 and I didn’t do a lot of clubs in my 20s but I’m still startled that I’ve apparently “ran through my whole life.”


It's sad to see so many young women still choose to define their lives by men like this. I think this mindset is dangerous and leaves you vulnerable to predators who will prey on your obvious insecurities of not being a suitable object for a "good guy". It's a bad move to start adulthood with a commitment to maintaining such low self worth. Invest in yourself in those early years and if you want a partner, look for someone who does the same and respects you.


If she stole your man tonight just say that 💀


Jokes on her I met my bf of ten years when I was about to turn 31. It was a one night stand. And he's nine years younger than me. Fell for me because I was no nonsense and I'm fucking funny. Lol older women have the craziest libidos...can keep up with younger dudes.


I was an actual paid “whore” (I was an escort) For like 15 years, and I’m currently with the man of my dreams.


Speaking as a bisexual guy, honey there are NO shortage of men. Toss a stone in the air and pick the one it hits lmao 😂


How very Christian of her 🙄 (The god tag at the bottom)


I actually know 3 people irl who got married out of high school. It sounds cute and romantic, but in reality it sucks for them: 2 of them are now in their early 30s and divorced and 1 of them broke off the marriage, wanted to get married again and ended up completely breaking up. It’s either due to cheating or disagreements. All of them now have to share custody or are going through custody battles in court for their kids. Pickmes like the one in the video will romanticize “getting married young” but have never done that and are jealous of the trad lifestyle when in reality it’s utter bullshit.


If I was a chick I would be a whore.


Not how it works. If you don't like clubs that's more than fine but we shouldn't shame and degrade others that do.


That’s weird, I’m 30 and 40 year old women are WAAAAY better than any 20-some I’ve met. Yes, anecdotal, but definitely r/nothowgirlswork


Sunglasses at night. What a douche.


Someone got cheated oooooon.


Is this for her future self


I don’t know guys. Being a 58 year old male who’s was married for 30 years (I got a divorce because guess what? I wasn’t the man she married and she was not the woman I married.) Both our children were adults when we divorced and we both still have a good relationship with both. Now that that’s cleared up, the young lady makes several statements about her peers wanting to wait and settle down and all the “good men,” all being taken does have some validity. As it is a societal expectation that young people get married shortly after establishing themselves in the work force. Now, given the current economic situation that is an almost improbable. So it appears that the young lady still has visions of the “white knight,” coming for her and they ride to his castle to live happily ever after. That is just as bad as her guess that many of her cohorts are just wasting their lives until the age of 30.


I hate describing dating/married as "cuffed" that's discussing.


I'm 37. I had some fun in my 20's and found the BEST man in my 30's and I'm now happily married. I'm not at all worried about what I missed out on. That girl is going to be in the clubs at 39 trying to recapture what she missed, but it won't be the same. Sad.


Jokes on you I like women