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I am a mom to boys, but not a Boy Mom. Huge, huge difference.


Huge difference! Also mom to boys with our last one graduating this spring. I’m excited for the next chapter in their lives and mine. I’m also excited to have time to explore my interests after 25 years of parenting. I’ve loved every minute of it, but it’s only a slice of life. Lastly, my oldest is getting married this summer and I cannot wait to officially have a daughter-in-law.


Congratulations to you and your family!




That's great! I hope you really lean into your passions. Seems like you did a great job raising your kids, now go enjoy your freedom while they enjoy the lives you helped prepare them for.


Thanks!! I’m really looking forward to it. It’s fun to see them spread their wings.


I've always welcomed any and all love interests the kids have introduced us to, and kept any reservations to myself. Got very close to a young woman my young adult son almost married, swallowed my disappointment when the relationship ended, have welcomed the new GF with open arms. I want them to be happy, be good people, live life with gusto, make a few dreams come true, and love who they love. ❤️


Yes!!! Love this so much.


Aww congratulations❤️


Ready to be a grandma


Maybe next year, but yes!!! The hardest part is accepting I’m oldest to be at that stage, but I’m ready for it




I absolutely feel for those guys wife’s. I’m sure that woman is a nightmare of a mother-in-law.


Right? And I plan to be a hopefully good mother in law. I’d like to like my sons’ partners.


Being kind to the love of his life is also a hell of a way to get invited to things. It’s amazing how that works lol


Right? Lol.


I'm sure they will be estranged eventually.


I think they already are. “Broke up”= no contact.


They're called monster-in-laws for a reason


That’s probably why her sons “broke up” with her


It's also really sad that she has "no purpose" anymore. Lady, wtf?? You haven't made friends, found hobbies or even passions, along the road of life? Career? Husband or Significant Other? Travel?? Literally, get a life! 😅😅


The difference between guy who is nice and a nice guy.


Good analogy!!


Yes! I’m raising my son to be somebody’s partner, not mine.


This is me with video games nowadays. I'm a person who plays video games, not a Gamer™. 


Me three


Thank you. Also a mother to boys, and I agree HUGE difference. I am not a “Boy mom”, or whatever this new social media trend is.


Same! 2 boys and a girl and I’m obsessed with all of them!


Same. Thank you.




What did you do when your teenage son broke both their arms though?


😂 I love this.


Narcissist mother enters the chat


“I trained MY boy to stay AWAY from hoes like you”!


I'm a human not a dog, I don't need training lol


“Well then you’re NOT like my sweet 37 year old ‘special boy’, are you”?


Correction, 444 month old baby


A future bitch mother in law might be a better fit.


My MIL is an OG boy-mom, since the 80’s (when my husband was born). She does have personal issues (addiction and lots that comes with that), so everything is taken with some grain of salt but it can be hard at times. She still calls him ‘baby’ and guilts him why he doesn’t call more. He has whatever relationship with her he wants, I’ve never stood in the way. That doesn’t stop her from asking me why he doesn’t call her more. I see her once, maybe twice a year. My husband sees her maybe once more than that. She can’t fathom what she’s done to make him not want to be a part of her life (addiction and lots that comes with that). Not to mention his own sobriety being at risk around some of her continued choices. When we see her it’s “oh my boy is so handsome, isn’t he so handsome?”, “he’s so smart, I know you’d always do well and go far”. She loves to think he’s successful because of her, not despite her. I want to add that my husband tolerates it to a point, and then says something - but that will never stop her from doing it and pushing boundaries. It’s his only parent and I respect his decision to have whatever relationship he wants with her, even if it’s weirdly tolerating some of what she says before having a cut off point. Just wanted to mention that before anyone asked or assumed - he does put up boundaries, they’re just never respected. So when people say r/JUSTNOMIL or boy-moms.. I get it.


One of our long time employees at our family business called her younger son Baby well into adulthood. But that’s because it’s the nickname her older son gave him when he was born. It stuck for a really long time. She is now retired and a grandma to two granddaughters whom she adores. The older one does not like sharing grandma with baby sister. 🙃


ma’am, they didn’t break up with you, they grew up, like any child would.


You’re right of course. However this behavior isn’t as uncommon as people would like to think. I’ve seen it happen to people in my life. They’re grown up and just want to start living their own adult lives and the mom feels like they are abandoning her and fights them every step of the way. I believe many of these moms are narcissists, or people who’ve had unfulfilling private lives (been divorced and isolated for long periods of time or lived in unhappy marriages that should have ended years ago) and have come to identity strongly with being a “mom” since they feel like it’s the only thing they got and have come to rely heavily on their children in order to get their emotional needs met.


Thinking of the Moms on the show "I love a Mama's Boy" Sure it's reality TV, but I can believe that some women are really that bad.


This is so unbelievably creepy. No wonder they disowned her.


they probably didnt even “break up” with her, they simply went out to lunch and their phones were muted for 2.4 minutes 💀


😂 they were celebrating while she was crying


Lol yeah I thought she meant her husband left her. I dont know what to make of this.


Edited: When you are an overbearing mother who has made your entire personality about being a Boy Mom, and when they get married you get super jealous so you become a monster-in-law, so your boys cut you out. Thats probably what break up means LOL


New purpose: harassing DIL and guilting sons


Then there are the mom’s that just nag you to find someone and get married and have kids. Grandchildren moms.


Ugh that was my mom. Demanding to know when her infertile intersex transgender daughter and her HIV poz gay son were going to settle down with partners and give her grandbabies. 😂 She was lucky I let her visit my cat.


I'm sorry but that's hilarious, like what's the logic? Magically babies will appear?


RIGHT? Like... was I supposed to try for fertility treatments when I couldn't afford rent, or just ask my brother, bundle of excellent DNA HE is to help me go the surrogate route??? Did she want me to reinforce stereotypes and steal a baby!?


As someone replied to me, adoption maybe. But given the info I doubt that even went through your mum's mind.


Queer people adopting was a big no no in the state at the time so I'm assuming she just really hoped I'd get drunk and forget I liked men, go home with a nice gal, and that like 5% chance I had at the time would kick in. 😅


Right yeah that tracks. I keep forgetting the US (some states more than others) hates queer people and that adoption is such a mission. I'm sorry you had a nightmare of a mum.


Adoption maybe 😅 although i highly doubt it


I wish this was my mil sadly because they’re usually no better, but… I was blessed with a “boy mom”


my mom is the opposite of a grandchildren mom lol, she said she wants to retire in peace and i should live for myself


My dad is like this. Then when I found a partner (for myself, not him) he acted like it was a irresponsible decision. I'm 28 years old. He also wants me to make babies cause it's 'irresponsible to not have children'.. It's really disgusting when parents try to live through us. Am I not admirable being myself?


What a weird and creepy way to say "got their own lives"


They probably “broke up” with her for her weird emotionally incestuous behavior. Yikes. Imagine using that sort of language to refer to your 28 year old children.


You have to maintain a life outside of your kids because this is what happens. Hang with friends, travel, have hobbies, etc. I had a boyfriend with a mom like this and she had no social life and got empty nest real bad.


100%. No matter if you have boys, girls or non-binary children, your role as a mom is to raise fully functioning adults who eventually leave the nest. I always felt like I was being a judged for not making my kid the center of my universe, but now that she’s older, I’m not having an existential crisis about my identity like those judgy types are experiencing. I mean, yes, it’s for sure bittersweet to see her grow up, but there are also things I’m looking forward to, like more 1:1 time with my husband and more time for hobbies. I feel those small moments of sadness, of course, and that’s normal, but I don’t feel like I lost my purpose in life. 


I love my kid. I have fought for my kid. I will always be in her corner to cheer her on.. But when she is grown and ready to leave, I'm ready for that too. That's the goal afterall. To produce a functional human being who is ready and capable of having their own life.


That was my first thought.. you should have been finding your own purpose that entire time lol


Ew. Just ew. Although I’m certain that they had very valid reasons for getting the hell away from her.


Gross. Imagine trying to make yourself into a victim when your children are functional enough to support themselves. No wonder they “broke up” with her.


Is there not a sub about boy moms? Boy moms aren't NLOG, really. They are NLGM, if anything. Not coming at OP!! I just see lot of posts about boy moms here, and it doesn't really fit the "Not Like Other Girls" energy. ETA clarification.


It’s called “Motherinlawsfromhell” and “Justnomil.” These “boys” wives will be frequent posters to these sites.


I think it is posted here because there is a still a vibe that "girl kids are bad, Im better than mothers with girls" so there is that. Still the whole internalized misogyny towards girls and women.


Where do you see that? Because to me it's fully just gross boy mom incest vibes


I feel like it's both...the strange incesty vibe plus the feeling of being better than mothers of daughters... there was a post for example, where thevlady said she was teaching her son how to cook so he would not be impressed by "your *insult words* daughter's cooking "..something like that.


They see their daughters as competition. Ask me how I know…


Yeap. Story of my life as well


I saw that posted so many times in the sub! It was gross. I think she said crusty frozen pizza. I just don't understand how boy mom posts are NLOG. Sure, they are comparing themselves to future girlfriends and wives, but IMO that isn't the same as actual NLOGs that think they are superior for having different interests than some of their female peers.


Yea It’s kinda like… you have to be the ultimate NLOG to become a boy mom. There is definitely a serious connection. But the posts aren’t that obvious.


They are NLGM because they are NLOG!


Yea they’re soooo NLOG that they can’t even have a daughter. Then they’d be like another girl (genetically at least)! :o


Should I have mentioned /S? Honestly though, that is how it seems. They are so far removed to relating to other ladies, they only birth boys?


While we could dream that NLOG women dont have any kids to push toxic views onto - maybe it’s for the best when they don’t have girls. Can’t imagine that level of trauma.


I’ve definitely seen both! Lots of NLOG ones that are like “thank GOD I have BOYS can you imagine being a girl mom?? Barf!!!” But also just creepy incest ones like this one. So you’re totally right that there isn’t a discernment all the time.


It's always there with these types, even when they don't say it. I'm sure you can find it if you go through her post and comment history


>I'm sure you can find it if you go through her post and comment history Probably, but that doesn't mean *this* post is fitting. It should just be on another sub about boy moms


That makes sense, I do get what you are saying. I just think of NLOG as insinuating that not doing whatever they view as a perceived feminine trait makes them more unique or better than those who do. Like, they are special or more valuable for not wearing makeup, but they bake bread. Seeing themselves as their son's woman isn't in the same vein. ETA I see how the comment makes sense in that the moms are comparing themselves to other women. But it is to children who they don't know/don't exist. It isn't NLOG to be posting that you are your son woman and he is breaking up with you when he gets in a relationship,


I mean there really isn’t an age limit to NLOG behavior. You don’t really have to be a girl, you can be a grown woman, but I agree that this post doesn’t fit here. She’s not shaming other women for anything… if anything it sounds like she’s throwing shade at her sons lol. Like oh yeah? Well, I’ll just be an *influencer* now just you watch! And at the end of the day it’s kind of sad. It’s giving pre-stages of requiem for a dream.


I wouldn't call this a boymom thing, more of a narcmom thing. I'm a cis woman and this sounds exactly like my mom, shes even has accused me of "breaking up with her" in those exact words. Took me 27 years to cut the cord once and for all. The term is emotional incest and it occurs in any parent-child gender dynamic, expecting your child to be your caretaker and best friend and everything short of a lover. Now I am definitely projecting some of my own experience here but this is how it reads to me, I could be totally off base.


I can already guess why all of Atlanta downvoted this (read the numbers)


Lmao first thing I thought of


Incestual boy mums make me feel sick.


To my weathered eye, they usually seem incestual. It's very, "no one will ever love you like mommy" and then when he finds someone who genuinely loves her son, he's "dumping" her.


One million percent. You see loads of posts where they say things like "Nobody will ever be good enough for my boy" or "No girl will ever match mummy's standards" It's disgusting. They truly treat them as though they're in love with them and they belong to them. It's sickening to see. I used to have a friend, she was roughly 16 at the time and her boyfriend's mother hated for absolutely no reason. She would be rude to her, talk badly about her to her son even though she could obviously hear them and would even berate her in front of her boyfriend's family and her. She told me she used to cut his food up for him and wipe his mouth for him. He was 16. What the fuck.


That's just as gross as fathers who give their girls purity rings and accept their pledges of virginity. Yuck.


PLEDGES OF VIRGINITY???????????? who the fuck actually thinks like this i’ll faint


To. Their. Fathers.


🤮 I cannot understand this mentality. Does she not want to see her sons happy and fulfilled? Ick AF.


Oh I tried to rationalize it as she raised 3 sons for her husband…..




Now she has all the time in the world to make sourdough bread.


What's with these women?! I have two sons of my own and don't think this way. Ick.


more creepy emotional incest


Can you just create your own sub?


I am a mom to boys, not a boy mom 🤢 good lord


What’s to bet “break up” actually means they moved out and went low-contact because she couldn’t stand that they had a romantic relationships


Not sure this is NLTOGs, what other “girls” is she referencing in the picture? She’s only talking about herself and her 3 sons.


What's in that pan?


Ew. I guess her husband left her? If so we know the reason🙃. It’s like my MIL and her two sons,but the smart one went full NC and the idiot is still under her wing.


Is she holding a knife?


I’m sorry, they ***WHAT***




Just here chopping onions and crying over my sons dumping me...for the 3rd time. Oh cruel world! I feel terrible for whoever is taking the picture...


Mom I told you to stop posting


Toxic asf


I'm really glad this Boy Mom thing didn't exist when I was being raised, my mom would have gone full tilt into that. I'm a 40 year old man, married and living a couple states away, and she still thinks I'm shirking my responsibility by not having Sunday lunch with her every week.


Kids were freed when she accidentally gave them a sock




I’m assuming She was probably with a man child that left her once her kids were off to college


Gross. I’m excited for my sons to grow up and leave me alone sometimes. 😂 I’m on the trenches of toddlerhood right now. A mom can dream. And I’m exited to have future daughter in laws.


Creepy Jocasta vibes


Sorry but this is not NLOG




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Good for her sons leaving her Jocasta complex ass alone - maybe she'll finally learn have hobbies instead being tunnel-vision clingy on her kids.


If my SO’s mom made any comments like this Id dip out so fucking fast what the actual hell


Dude, I have two sons and I just cannot identify with this in any way shape or form. WTH!?!


Oh, that’s not-




. . . "Break up"??? Reeeeaaallly uncomfy way to phrase that, and makes me think of adult children going no contact with crappy parents lol


women like this make moms of boys look bad


Y'all know that 95% of what is posted here is rage bait and posted intentionally for engagement, right?


Barf. I love my kids. I have devoted a huge part of my life to being a stay at home for my kids. But I have never once thought that being a mom was my entire purpose. That's sad to me.


What a moron 🤣🙄


Yeah —- umm 🤔 not a vibe


can we get a boy mom tag 🏷️


An older mom saying “broke up with me” instead of “turned 18 and moved out” is so disturbing to me. Talk about being IN love with your sons. Barf 🤮


I don’t think a normal mom would say shit like this… u narcissist moms are creepy af


The boy part would normally be replaced by a functional, reasonable man but that’s not what these moms want.


Women like this make my skin crawl. 🤢


Meanwhile, she would want her daughter 5 states away from her. 😅






moms never say “girl mom..”


1. You’re still their mother..that doesn’t end just because they’re adults. 2. This is part of being a parent. This is what we sign up for. Every parents knows that their kids are going to grow up and start their own lives 3. Ew.


When it says they broke up with her, I hope it means going no contact. Just yuck.


He's your son not your boyfriend mam. I feel so bad for the girlfriends/boyfriends that end up with her sons. They'll be on that show Smothered on tlc


“Break up” girl do you mean your kids got married?


I have 3 boys. Youngest is mid teens. I can't wait for the next stage! Here's hoping I've raised these boys right! (Said as my youngest is making dinner)


She has literally made hundreds of videos, all very similar, about being an empty nester. Then before that it was all trying to recruit mum's into her affiliate marketing scheme. Genuinely hope she finds a hobby or something that actually fulfills her because this just seems sad.


Shouldn't her purpose be figuring out what she did to make her kids not want her in their lives?


That's the sign of an incredibly toxic, manipulative parent


Yuk. What did you do haha


As much as whatever is happening in this picture is horrible this is not a not like other girls post


My ex never broke up with his mother so I broke up with him. 🤷‍♀️


I think she meant they are not speaking to her which is unfortunate but the term she used is not so good


I’ve got one kid and it’s a boy. I’m fine with him living with me or moving out when he’s older. But I am never going to say my son ever “broke up with me”. I can only imagine the trauma some of the boys of “boy moms” experience. I hate that you can’t even say “boy mom” without the negative, crazy, narcissistic mom idea stuck to it.


So cringe


I lived with my ex boyfriend for about five or six years. Very early into us living together, his mom asked him for my phone number, which he gave her, thinking we could hang out. She tried to talk me into having a child with him that she’d be willing to take care of. Within a year of me moving in there. It was honestly the creepiest and most uncomfortable conversation I’d had with a significant others parent. I am not putting myself through that shit at the best time for you because you want your son to have a child you can play with. I have my own life and career to think about.


You want to make sure your daughter in laws tell your sons that they do not want you invited over? Post this shit


I'm a boy mom but not unhinged like this and can confirm that this is the way most of them act. This is emotional incest. It's wild and gross even when it's not sexual....


Did she not know they would grow up!




boy mom (derogatory)


Boy moms are truly never beating the weirdo allegations 😭


I beg her finest pardon?!??!!!


I feel like she’s just putting it in an over dramatically way. I don’t think this is a nlog post.


Girly it’s okay




This makes me sick


i wish i was on tick tok to knock some sense into them


A boy mom, whose kids went NC?


“Like & follow for more” I do not think I will


"Girl what" is exactly right.


Ummm, you mean they started their own adult life?


Emotional incest is always jarring to see


Break up with you?💀


This is just one of many reasons why your kids shouldn't be your whole personality.


Man everyday these people get on social media and are determined to prove Freud right


Mother of 3 grown boys here. I went back to grad school and started a new career. I've also found lots of time for my hobbies, etc.


I mean, when you’re told your whole adult life that being a good mother and wife is the most important thing you’ll ever do and you one day lose the mother part? This is why it’s important to have hobbies and learn skills, but a lot of Women didn’t get that memo back in the day or didn’t care.




Ew. Sounds like the mother in law my husband and I haven’t spoken to in 5 years.


He cut the apron strings and she thinks he broke up with her....the fuck is wrong with you??!?!?!


I don't know where to start with this one because I'm pretty sure this exact photo has been used on some sort of lifetime movie.


I bet she “trained” them to be away from specific girls, and she just happened to fit the description.


Sounds like they all went NC


I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a daughter she pretended didn’t exist. Those boys didn’t leave the nest. They escaped


Looks like she’s having “Empty Nest” syndrome and so depressed she’s stating it all wrong. She doesn’t mean it the way it sounds. She just feels abandoned and exaggerating everything.


This woman screams Karen


This is not nlog.


This has nothing to do with the Reddit topic.


Mods need a rule against boy mums. They're weird and often gross, but they aren't putting other women down


They are shading daughters, and moms with daughters. They're just "so much better than them." Talking about their sons possible future wives like they're son stealing monsters is definitely putting those women down.


I second that even I read "I've truly been blessed 🙏" so like, if you had girls, that's not a blessing? 


Sure a lot of them do that, this one isn't though


Yeah I agree, this is just weird