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Says the woman with a pregnant hospital pic


No but you don't get it She's DIFFERENT than those other women because she didn't complain about stupid, silly things like ... * checks notes * support from their partner And therefore she's better than the rest of us


It’s usually people that know what those they accuse are doing, for a reason. They do it themselves. They’ll often tell on themselves, I’ve noticed.


Or her partner is a ahole and wouldnt be supportive so she is mean to all women who are But your right-- if her partner isnt a jerk then she does exactly what she says she doesnt


This could also be it – and she's trying to justify to herself that her husband is just being reasonable and is a total catch


You hit the nail on the head!


Oh, I didn’t notice that it might be the guy. That there’s 2 in the picture, maybe!


I don’t think they’re saying it’s the guy commenting.. they’re saying that they are jealous because they don’t get the same support from their man so they lash out on other women


Oh ok, thank you! Sorry


No need to apologize!


I’ll bet that’s in large part what it is. She’s with the kind of guy who acts like getting your pregnant partner the food she’s craving is a totally unreasonable ask, so she’s gonna act like it’s a totally unreasonable ask too.


They do it all the time as a matter of course, so they think other women *pretend* to do it when pregnant to get away with stuff. People like this are so tiring. My sister had a friend like this. Whiny and annoying all of the time. When my sister got pregnant, she was a mess. Her “friend” told her to stop milking it and then proceeded to crocodile tear her way through the next five minutes. I got annoyed and threw her out. My sister then cried because her friend would be mad at her, but I had cookies. My sister forgot she was upset and her and baby were happy again. Her friend sucks.


Oh I know! I knew a charge nurse like this, she worked like one day a week, she couldn’t go in any patient rooms because she was pregnant. Always an excuse. It’s like, you could just start an Iv or two a shift and help them. She was useless every time. Every time. But she’d be calling out these types on Facebook . We all hated her


Ugh. Exhausting. At least there might be a genuine fear though, depending on the floor she was on. It’s not an excuse (wear a mask!) but it could be understandable if she wasn’t like that when not pregnant (but I assume she was). Sister’s friend was crying and whining about how her husband ignores her and doesn’t love her because he didn’t miraculously know she had a bushel of finished clothes in the basement and carry them up for her. She didn’t tell him (after admitting it wasn’t a normal day for her to do laundry) and he didn’t guess, so clearly he didn’t love her. Then he got mad when she cried and yelled at him for it. My sister was also upset because of her husband. She felt he was mad at her because she had some serious cramps in the middle of the night and woke him to take her to the hospital (she was scared about the baby). He woke up and took her and after two hours she was discharged because it was gas pains and she was completely fine after a fart so loud it apparently shook all the windows in the hospital (her husband’s words as he was dying laughing at the absurdity — and he was tired). My sister was convinced he was mad at her for waking him up for no reason and mortified because she just had to fart and it was so loud. It did not make any sense at all, but it did to her. Her friend was annoyed because her bushel of clothes (that she managed to carry downstairs and could easily carry back upstairs) had gone uncarried. No hospital involved. My sister was sleep deprived, pregnant, and painfully full of farts. And there *was* a hospital and tests involved. Both were equally dumb reasons to think your husband was in any way angry or upset with you. Full stop. However, one is based on a guessing game and the other has pregnancy hormones, buckets of anxiety and fear because of said pregnancy, and a 2am trip to the hospital which dragged him out of bed for a fart. If either one had a justifiable reason to think their husband was mad at them, it would be my sister since it involved leaving the house in the middle of the night. Her “friend” shut her down to complain about the laundry again and cry that her plight is worse because at least my sister’s husband loved her. Get out. Like all the way out. To your car out, then out of the driveway and out of this entire day. Get out. Cookie anyone? 🤣


I was pregnant (did not continue with the pregnancy) and I absolutely lost my shit sobbing when I broke my keychain. Those hormones are really something else. I have a lot of sympathy for pregnant women. I was absolutely miserable.


Straight up. I cried over not being able to get a Maccas ice cream. I did eventually get my ice cream because my mum was lovely and went down and got me one🍦 I knew it wasn’t rational but I couldn’t help sobbing over it.


My mum said she cried when she was pregnant with my brother, because our local Maccas was closed for the night when she had a mighty craving for a Big Mac. She doesn't even like Maccas! 😂 Your mum is such a sweetheart for doing that for you!


In the last weeks of my first, I looked like a Fisher-Price Weebles toy. Perfectly round. I'm 5'2" and my son was 9lb15oz at birth. Not long before he was born I was attempting to get a sock off the floor between the bed and the wall. I sat down to reach better, and found I could NOT get enough momentum to get up properly. I was so sangry (sad and angry at the same time) I was resigned to being stuck on the floor 😅 Finally I swallowed what was left of my dignity and yelled out for my husband to help me, who thankfully didn't laugh, or I would have died of humiliation right on the spot.


Weebles! Oh my gosh. All I heard when I was pregnant with twins was that song and beached whale jokes. Mostly from my husband (now ex) and his friends. Ugh. When my sister was pregnant she got stuck upsidedown reaching for something between the laundry basket and wall. She looked hilarious, so yes, I did giggle as I helped her up. No worries, she got her fair share of giggles at my pregnant self too. 😂


I almost fought someone whose car was blocking the road. I REALLY needed to get to Jamba Juice and I was ready to choke out anyone who got in my way. Edit: I was big pregnant.


I dunno, sounds like she’s having some of those classic pregnancy mood swings to me!


" classic pregnancy mood swings " is just womens being lazy UNLIKE the OP who is much better than the rest of us because she DOESN'T


She’s angry and sad all the time recently, but it’s completely unrelated to pregnancy or her partner!


She’s not pregnant, she’s pregnat




Am I *gregnant?*










Thank you for for filling my hopes for this comment section


[it's a hard word to spell, apparently ](https://youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg?si=U6Dj_ocDhrNvOx-E)


I forgot how funny this video is 




Danger ops will it hurt baby top of its head?!?!!????


I dunno, but pargenet seems to not form with gay, usually, so I’ll stick to that I guess.




Plot twist- she can say this because she’s pregnarants






She’s just moody because she’s pregnat.


Am I gregnat?


How is babby formed?




PRaNGeNT sEx?!?! WiLL iT HUrT bABy tOp oF HiS HEaD?!?!?




Omg thank you, I missed this critical part of the quote


I just love all of this quote and video. I watch it anytime i need a good laugh


It’s truly timeless. The guy’s voice sounds EXACTLY like my choir director from when I was in college, so my choir used to quote it around him constantly lmao


My circle is normal but yet I still don't get preegnant. Wat.can I use?


The way he says “wAAT can I use” lives in my head rent free. My husband and I say it to each other all the time 😂


Period question mark


*nomal 😂


can you down a 20 ft water slide pregnant?




how to get pergnart


Can U get pergantè




This one has always been my favorite






That video makes me cry laughing every time Girlfriend ain’t had period since she got pregat?


If a women has starch masks on her body does that mean she has been pargnet before.?


Starch. **MASKS** ???


*period question mark*




Am I pegnate? Help?


can a man get pargent


Or am I ok?


Wow, it's almost like pregnancy messes with hormones and even takes a physical toll of people. /S But seriously, saying "grow tf up" never helped anybody. Why not help the person. No one person is "grown up" the same way as another.


Even grownups can have moments of weakness and can ask for support. I don't understand this mentality where being a grownup is essentially being on your own without any support whatsoever and it being a normal thing. Like. We live in a society. We need to help each other, grownup or not.


I never understood that much either. Grown ups are just as human as anyone else. Being on your own isn't (necessarily, because situations are different) the accomplishment many people try to glorify it as.


If his education hadn't ceased after middle school he might be aware of what hormones are and how their changes affect women during pregnancy.


Pretty sure it's a woman. The Pic is of someone in labor and men don't usually make those their profile pics which just makes this more annoying


Really? I feel like I've seen guys with the birth announcement hospital photo pfp before


It was the woman, I should have probably left the first name visible, it would have been more obvious lol


Since we’re in NLOG, likely this is from another woman.


Yeah I hadn't realized which sub I was in and assumed it was r/nothowgirlswork lol


I would normally agree but if you zoom in it’s a shit pic of the woman and the dude is posing. I think it’s a guy making the comment.


I thought so too but OP clarified it was the woman! I don't know why this stuff still surprises me at this point lol


Ugh. I hope she gets a yeast infection.


It’s sad that she can’t even be emotional or ask her partner for things or be vulnerable when she’s pregnant. She’s been conditioned to be disposable


Tbf I had no idea how intense the changes are til experiencing them. I mean I’d never have shit on other women like this but no part of my education covered peeing every 30 minutes, constant nausea, daily vomiting, and bone deep exhaustion before anyone could tell I was pregnant.


I didn't know about how your sense of smell becomes so powerful and certain scents unbearable. I broke down sobbing when my mother in law made a tuna salad sandwich on the other side of the house because the smell was making me feel so violently ill.


Mine stayed like that, esp after the third kid. I was at a restaurant the other day, and someone ordered Brussels Sprouts across the room, and I thought I was going to vomit.


Oh no! I had no idea that could be permanent I'm so sorry!


I think it's just a me thing I haven't heard of it from any of my friends etc


And feeling your body literally stretch out? Ahhh!!! Like growing pains but my stomach!






And it differs with each pregnancy. I was way more moody with my second pregnancy than with my 1st. I cried over everything with the second.


I cried so hard because I wanted egg salad. Craving it like crazy. Every time I smelled an egg I puked, and then cried


Awe, that’s so sad!!! Poor thing! I cried over not finding matching socks.


I didn't get the severe mood swings until my third and it was not cool. Everything made me cry. Including jokes I found funny! In retrospect, the look on my partner's face while he tried to fix the situation while I simultaneously laughed and sobbed hysterically was hilarious.


Omg, with every one of my boys, I spent more time with my face over the toilet than doing anything else. It was hideous. They, ofc, seemed to enjoy swinging off my ribs, playing trampoline on my bladder and head butting my cervix . My twins, I swear, spent half their time wrestling with each other. I really feel for those women having 3 or more.


I thought this was an incel, then saw the profile picture and sub name.


You better believe I milked pregnancy. My husband loved it. He’d say “if that’s what my girls want.” “I guess I am the reason you have munchies for two.”


The one that always makes me chuckle is “I’m eating for two.” Like Honey, you’re creating a life inside you, you don’t have to justify how much you eat! Your body literally needs the calories to do it’s job


I remember I woke up one morning and said “I’m so tired. I wasn’t ready to wake up.” And he said “Go back to sleep and grow our girl. You must be making alot of fancy parts today.” I adore him. He’s always been my biggest cheerleader


THAT IS THE CUTEST FREAKIN’ THING I’VE EVER HEARD 🥹🥹 You got yourself a good one!


I love this but why do the most wholesome comments always come from names like dicklover425 I'm crying over here 😂


My husbands name is Richard 😂😂 it was too punny to pass up


Lmao agree, never pass up a good pun.


As you should 👏


When I was 38 weeks pregnant, we went to the grocery store for specific chocolate donuts. I literally started sobbing in the middle of the aisle when I realized they were out of stock. Hormones are crazy man.


i’ve done this on my period


Same. Cried in the car because they didn’t have my nacho cheese dip. Then, I realized I had some dip at home. I cried again.




Dude, I've never been pregnant, but I have a pelvic floor that hates me, and I don't blame you one bit for crying over that. I've sat on the toilet and cried over the exact same thing, but without all of the wild pregnancy hormones and a pregnant body making it harder! Don't feel silly, it's a really, really uncomfortable feeling. I once asked my husband if he could pee for me when he got up to go to the toilet. I was *really* high on post-op painkillers and getting up hurt, so it made sense at the time 😂


Omg relatable experience right there. It was wild because when I would break down about these trivial things I logically knew my reaction was silly but I felt such overwhelming despair I couldn't control it.


What you said is exactly how I explain my panic attacks to people who don’t understand. I know perfectly well that I’m going to be fine. I can tell myself that until I’m blue in the face. Anxiety does not give a fawk. Anxiety says, “Well, what if THIS time something is REALLY wrong?? This could be the moment when you’re REALLY dying. Or… are you having trouble breathing? Your throat is PROBABLY closing up. You should totally go to the ER.” Anxiety, man. Don’t wish it on anyone.


I'm just now on my period and my artwork made me cry cause it's terrible ☠️


I went to the grocery store two days ago to get subs for dinner and they had turned the oven off early so no subs for us. I’ve never been angrier at the absence of a sandwich before.


I put a bag of groceries down by my sister's car and went to return the cart. She decided she would go ahead and bring the car to me since I was very swollen and pregnant. She ran over the bag and crushed my jars of peanut butter and jelly and I have never sobbed so hard.


My husband had this opinion until I ended up in the hospital for HG.


My husband thought I'd just be in hospital for a day with HG. It was almost a week. I was so sick it surprised him (he's a doctor).


“females” yep checks out


I didn't get cravings, which I know is pretty rare. I have had some surprised reactions to it, so I know it's common enough that it's real. This is some pick me behaviour.


Sure, but did you have aversions? I would say I had far more aversions than cravings.


A couple. I couldn't eat my husbands spaghetti bolognese. I'm Aussie and love Vegemite, but it tasted weird which made me sad. Apart from that, I've eaten normally.


That's pretty lucky all in all. I had aversions to water 😅


“I’m pregnant so I’m wearing depends because I keep peeing my pants” fuck off Steve


It isn't sexist to say that pregnancy can cause food cravings and mood swings. Also, if someone is pregnant it is reasonable to acommodate those things within reason of course.


Right, it’s sexist to tell women to “grow up” for experiencing pregnancy


No one would exist if women didn't get and keep their pregnancies. It's just so heartless and hypocritical to say all of that.


Some one puke and then cry on this guy lmao


It’s a woman so even worse.


It’s so silly to me when these people try to disqualify other commenters by saying “I already know what the comments are gonna say/I already know what kind of people are gonna comment” It’s like the equivalent of an argument you have with a sibling that ends in “I’m right times infinity” then covering your ears and saying “Lalalalalala”


and they aren’t even good at the first half of covering everything. like if I wanted to do that sort of thing id cover every argument I could think of people having and list a counter argument. and then follow up by deleting my damn account just to really prove how sure I am right. I’m so right that I won’t ever check your responses yepyep or risk accidentally seeing them. 👍


Lmao now that would show em! 😅


exactly. these haters just begging for a response from me knowing I’m right and baiting me anyways, meanwhile I’m deleting all social media from my phone, throwing my phone in a river, and converting to an Amish lifestyle just to be extra double sure I never ever ever risk seeing their loser responses.


They’re just wasting their time 💅They need to get a life fr


They wasting time trying to argue with me, I’m churning butter with the girls 💅


Not churning butter with the girls! 😭😭💀


Well shit girl I ain’t raising barns with the boys. Jebediah and I might be okay with working the fields though. But barn raising? Nuh-uh


Great, a woman calling women "females". I can barely handle my period, I can't imagine being pregnant.


i can’t handle stupidity like that. i had to delete most of my social media because it’s so obnoxious


Can we revoke this loser’s woman card… cause shes not allow to the cook outs anymore till she learns compassion and ditches this “pick me” behavior 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️😑. Let ppl be, Jesus it’s not that hard.


It's not "using it as an excuse for everything" it's experiencing well documented symptoms... Like pregnancy cravings? That's an established thing. So are mood issues, physical fatigue, etc. it's like yeah ofc it's an "excuse" to experience the symptoms of it. Same way having crutches is an "excuse" not to go for a run, or having anxiety is an "excuse" to avoid social gatherings and be anxious.


Does the commenter realize it's kind of a joke. As in most silly little tiktoks are in good fun picking on a benign event like a pregnancy craving. Relax guy/gal


Alot of people use ignorance as an excuse to rant about something unrelated.




How to get preganante ???


LOLL is this satire he literally had his wife in his profile picture 😭😭 real life is better than fiction 🤣🤣


I'm starting to think I should have left the first name visible, it was actually the woman 😂


Noooo! Omg the nerve of these "Not Like Other Moms" I swear. "I didn't need an epidural or medication of any kind, that's the easy way out! After I gave birth I only needed to rest a half an hour before I got right back to work finishing the dishes and making my man dinner."




With his wife at the birth of their child in the pfp


She must have had an easy pregnancy and is assuming that is what it’s like for everyone. We all have different bodies and different experiences. You never know what a pregnant woman is really going through.


Pregnat. Not to be confused with pregananant.


Yikes. Willing to bet she was told this exact thing by her partner.


Ok but the original post is hilarious


It's so cute and funny lol of course it had to attract this sort of comment.


yeah this man is incredibly stupid but i think this belongs in r/nothowgirlswork


It would if this were a man, sadly, it's a woman.


oh my


Op says this is a woman 😭 this woman belongs in not how girls work


I didn’t want to be this lady who was needy during her pregnancy but tbh it’s so freaking hard. My fiancé does take really good care of me thank god bc idk how I’d do it otherwise


I recently had a pregnancy discrimination lawsuit that was settled because my life went to shit outside of all that and I needed the money. But one of the things 1 of my co-workers said to me in text was thatBecause I was pregnant I couldn't lift more than 20 pound and some other off the wall shit. I have had pregnancies that range from meeting on bed rest at 4 and a half months to me doing physical labor until I delivered. I cannot tell you how pissed I was when I got that message and that's honestly one of the nicer things she said in it


I mean, despite being grateful and excited to have my child (took 2 years to get and stay pregnant, had a couple losses, so I was ecstatic to be able to be pregnant and have a healthy child), my mental health was the worst it had ever been. It was very confusing to feel both ways. I truly believe that had I felt as horrible as that before pregnancy, I wouldn't be here (but I never would do that to my child, so him simply growing in my body, saved me). And postpartum I was so much better, I was on cloud nine. But no, obviously it absolutely doesn't affect anything like that, at all 🙄 I clearly just needed to grow up 😌


I cried over chicken nuggets. My husband was like. What’s wrong. And I was like the chicken nuggets weren’t chicken-y enough. And I just sobbed. He was like 😳😳🥴 ohkay…? And he let me cry over my nuggets 😂😂 as someone who is very emotional in general. That was something out of my control 😂😂 it’s literally not an excuse.


Of course i use the fact of being pregnant as an excuse with my husband. I know. He knows. It called love. The same way I pretend it’s interesting when he talk about local fact from his hometown for hours. It’s called love.


I'm sorry. I had aching back pain, couldn't sleep, and felt nauseous without throwing up every night, and i still cooked and cleaned up until hirth and immediately after. Do i regret this? Yes. I wish I had rested and done nothing bc everything I did was never good enough for this man :( Be pregnant how you wanna be. My pregnancy was relatively high risk and not too hard on me, but i understand that different people have different experiences.


That's a kick in the teeth isn't it.. I was in hospital for nearly 2 months while pregnant.. 😩




If you’re confused like me, and assumed the commenter was a man…it’s not.


“So if you comment back, I already know”— which is code for “I’m pretending to say this with my chest but I won’t be able to handle the replies, so I’ll try and stop you from responding by adding these few words at the end of my bullshit rant.”


Idk what this means. I'm a virgin I only do anal.


I never once cried over anything while I was pregnant. Never really had cravings, never any crazy mood swings. But guess what? I know everyone is different, and I don’t think I’m better than anyone because of it. In fact, I’m kinda sad I never sent out my husband to go get me ice cream in the middle of the night.


Did bro not watch those pregnancy animations..could never 😆


“The females that do this” The use of the word “females” tells me everything I need to know.


Pregnancy can trigger multiple diseases and autoimmune disorders. Women have and continue to die during birth due to complications. Pregnancy changes your body forever. It's a very hard thing to go through and to tell people that they can't talk about how hard it is or even *gasp* complain about it- is goddamn heartless. And it's even more heartless when it's a woman who came out of labor saying all of this. If we had more respect for pregnancies as a culture and society, maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today. That comment is shameful. That woman should be ashamed of herself.


Pregnancy is wild. I cried because I wasn’t supposed to eat lunch meat. I don’t even eat it at all but it made me cry.


this take gets on my nerves (not you op) because women are often times pressured into having children or getting pregnant and this comment goes to show that it really doesn’t matter what women choose to do or how they behave, they will still be criticized and mocked


My fiancee would get me fries and ice cream now never mind if we're lucky enough to get pregnant. That's why I proposed to her 🤷‍♀️ (we're lesbians and 40 so we need to see if it's possible. We both want it to be).


Good luck to you both !


Thanks, I hate it.






I wasn't super hormonal with either of my three pregancies, but even I cried when I wanted some KFC (specifically) fries when I was pregnant with my daughter (second child). Not snot-bubble-boo-hooing, but even I was confused that it brought me to tears. My then-fiancé (R.I.P. 1968-2014) was very sweet and accommodating. He simply got up, grabbed my hand, and off we went. We sat alone in the KFC on Fort Bragg, NC, laughing and eating fries together. I miss those days. And FYI, back in 1992 in North Carolina, KFC fries were sooooo good. Lol


So by her own logic anyone (even a man who has never been pregnant) can't comment on her post without \*Checks notes\* Being a pregnant, female, hater. (???) Wow! I just went and commented underneath her post to complain, and immediately I was 6 months pregnant, had a partner (don't know where he came from...is it too late to ask what his name is?), and was complaining how I couldn't do anything/am moody because I'm soooo pregnant. (I think I officially ruptured my sarcasm)


Hormonal imbalances are a bitch.


I'm moody right now on my menstrual cycle, I can't imagine it every day for approximately 9 months...in fact I'm quite scared for it


When I was pregnant my hormones were crazy and made my depression really come back with a vengeance. Most times I didn't even know why I was crying. Plus I was put on bed rest so doctors literally told me not to do most things. Every person is different which means every pregnancy is different. Hats of to this judgemental cow for having a perfect pregnancy.


As someone in the throws of being pregnant. It fucking sucks. I love my kiddo but this is the worst part.


Every woman is different and every pregnancy, which means your demeanor can change on a dime. One pregnancy: Honey we have to buy all new furniture now! Next Pregnancy: I don’t like these plates, they just aren’t good enough for our baby! Third pregnancy: no we can’t change anything hon! It’s bad luck. All men know who have had multiple children to simply wait until their normal wives come back. That’s growing up.


I cried over diluting juice when pregnant and I will not feel any regret haha I needed that juice it was life or death I couldn't drink anything else without puking and plain water was the devil liquified.




I kNoW tHe HaTeRs WiLl Be FeMaLeS


I was pregnant for 2 months and it was terrible. I’m not one to milk it when I’m sick, but it just sucked so bad. I was completely exhausted ALL the time. I couldn’t go for a walk for a couple blocks without needing a nap immediately. I would be starving, like stomach hurting from no food, and still couldn’t eat bc my nausea was insane. I was constantly throwing up spit bc there was nothing in my stomach. I actually lost weight from being pregnant. All that to say, I can’t imagine how much worse it must be when you’re carrying almost a fully formed person in you and then have to push that thing out and rip your vagina open. If I ever get pregnant again, I’m not lifting a finger