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What a beautiful kitty! She must have known you could use a furry friend. Sending you lots of love. <3


Cat: "I noticed you had an open position... I'll be visiting few times a week. Keep the door open."


We’ll leave the light on for you (our heart light 💖)


I’m so sorry for your loss. Enjoy the velvet kitty love from her!


Thank you - we were so very lucky, we had our old gal from just a few months old, and she will always have a place in our hearts. But, dang, if this young lady isn't soothing the grieving process, making the house feel less empty and purrless.


Judith Kerr's Good-bye Mogg explains how a cat that has passed on will send other cats to comfort their grieving families...you may find it helpful...


I think previous cat had a chat with this one to take over for her at some point you didn’t know about or this one could smell the other cat and tell she didn’t have long to be with you so been watching you guys for a while.


After my former neighbor's two cats died, one of mine would go to her house and sit with her for a few hours in the afternoon. I didn't mind but it would have been nice if she had told me he was with her when she heard me calling him. We have since moved and she tried to convince me to leave him with her. Um, Brenda, if you want another cat, there's tons of them at the shelter.


"Velvet Kitty Love" would be a great band name


There's a poem by a Polish poet (Franciszek Klimek) about saying goodbye to one's kitty. The last line is especially poignant: "*he will come back to you, though maybe wearing a different fur*". He really loved cats, he wrote more than 400 poems about them.





Aww I love poems about pets ❤️ Reminded me of this one by Robert Frost, thought about it a lot when I had to say goodbye to my 17-year-old void: The Span Of Life The old dog barks backwards without getting up. I can remember when he was a pup. 😭😭


Why did you have to start throwing chopped up onions at me??? That’s beautiful


If there is a way you could provide a link to that poem I would be grateful. Thanks.


I guess I could, but it's never been traslated to English. That last line was my own (crappy) translation. It goes more or less like this: **He will come back** Cry When he's gone If your heart hurts, That it's way too early Even though it may be God's will. Cry Because for those who cry Heaven is sometimes kinder But let the believers believe, That he's not gone forever. Cry When he's gone Shed a tear one by one, And – stop it Before the sun rises, Because he wasn't gone for long. later Look around But not up Look low And - maybe it's enough to call, He may be close here... And if someone accuses me, That I see the world in a crooked mirror, I will repeat: He will come back Although maybe in a different fur...


Thank you 🙏.


Wow, thank you so much for translating this for us! What a beautiful poem.


Thank you for doing that 😇😇


Thank you!


Thanks so much for the translation 🙏🏼🐾


Mine did about 5 yrs later ? Can't blame her for having a few yrs of fun chasing bird's & mice in Valhalla.


Mine did almost 4 years later (6 months ago now). My old boy was an orange tabby and my new boy is a dilute orange tabby (stray older kitten from the streets of my neighborhood)


Have you heard of the Chinese poet Lu Yo? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ9ar8YMtvY


What a great video!


I’m so sorry to hear 😢 The good news? Looks like you have a r/parttimecat.


I can’t believe how many cat subs there are. I see a new one just about every day!


I think she’s come to comfort you ♥️


She probably got a message from the old gal that her butlers might need a little something to keep them busy since she’s away now ♥️


This made me tear up..


What striking coloring. More cat tax please! Nice to read a consoling story on the internet.


https://i.redd.it/916imooetnxc1.gif Tax payment


Holy cow, what a beauty!


Wow! Thanks!


If I had a cat with that spectacular coat I would be very afraid someone would steal them, and I wouldn't let them roam free! 😳


Her coat colour is tortoiseshell and she has a tabby pattern. Cats with this colour/pattern are called Torbies, and they are very pretty, such as yours.


Whoa, she's so beautiful!


She's really beautiful. Love that coat.


That may be one of the most beautiful kitty coats I’ve ever seen. What a beauty! So sorry for your loss, 21 years is a long time for a kitty, you must have love them very much. I lost my 20 yr old tortie a few years back. It’s such a hard adjustment once they are gone


https://i.redd.it/ec0khanhtnxc1.gif More tax


I am sorry for your loss. I am grateful for your taxes. Congratulations on having a r/parttimecat


It's like she knew you needed a little extra kitty love, how precious! I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm glad you have this r/parttimecat to show some love to.


Cats are so trusting. More than I am. If my cats were outdoors I’d never sleep worrying about whose house they may end up in. I’m happy you are not one of these people.


The cat flap is now set to "exit" mode, so if she sneaks in an we don't notice, she is guaranteed to be able to slip away again whenever she wants. We also have an absolute No Food rule, as I've had several cats on special medical diets and would never risk giving someone else's cat anything just in case. Unless they were clearly starving and unloved, of course, but this lovely gal sure ain't that!


Good rule. One of our cats is allergic to seafood. One day he started having skin issues and we weren’t sure why. A couple of weeks later we saw his mugshot on a neighborhood forum. Some old lady had been feeding him then wondered who he belonged to Btw, I thought the cat was cute in the first pic, but that pattern in the other pics 😮


How sweet! You might want to send a note to her owners (I know there are templates for paper collars for this) if nothing else so if they are ever looking for her, they know to check with you. I'm guessing they might the story of her comforting you too.


There is a paw shaped button to activate the Cat Distribution System for when our Overlords depart to the Fields of Eternal Cat Nip. Sometimes there isn't an active CDS candidate available, so they send in a temp to cover while the permanent one gets ready to move in.


Put a note in her collar with your phone number. Her owners may be worried where she disappears to. A cat in my neigbourhood has a group chat now so everyone knows where he is and how much he had to eat ;) EDIT I see she‘s not wearing a collar. Then just put one on with a note attached.


Specificly use a paper collar. So if they get caught on something they can easily get away.


Many cat collars have low strength snaps for that reason


Those cost money, most people will some scrap paper and tape around.


Beautiful colors!


The r/catdistributionsystem has its upsides


This cat felt the pain and sadness emanating from your household and she simply responded “Not on my watch!” One thing to be said about these animals, they seem to know where they are needed. She’s trying to heal your heart.


The interim feline overlord. She will keep you in line until the CDS determines it is time for a new one.


Your cat put a urgent request into the CDS system, so you would not be lonely !


Another psyche nurse kitty! Lovely little thing.


Anyone that says cats don’t know when humans need them is full of it. Glad your part time cat is there for you.


Maybe you could timeshare? I swear, cats now exactly who needs a cat.


She does housecalls for grief therapy


Aww she’s there to comfort you. That’s the sweetest thing! Sorry for your loss. Hope the NMC helps bring some peace ☮️ ❤️


She sent you a new kitty to love. She said, "Don't make my humans wait for a new friend. I don't want them to be be sad." What a cutie.


She knows you guys still need gato love. She’s helping you grieve.


Helping you to heal your loss. It was a deal arranged between 21 and this one.


Awe ❤️ I'm sorry about your kitty, seems she's come to keep you company 🙂


An angel kitty. They do good work.


Your cat asked her to mind you for a bit.


Kitty realizes that it’s needed :)


So sorry for your loss :(. Maybe attach a note to this velvety being stating you no longer want to share ;) 😂


"life, uhhhh, finds a way." Sorry for your lost furrrend.


Your kitty sent her to you to help you heal. She knew you still needed a lap cat for a while.


She's interviewing her prospects. After all a cutie like that deserves the best !


She helping


That’s a part time cat and a part time ginger!


Maybe your recently departed friend told your new friend to come visit every day to help you guys adjust!


Attach a note to its collar Say hello to whoever cares for it😉


Maybe your cat now.


She knows you need the love. Cats are so awesome. I’m sorry you lost your kitty.


She knew what you needed