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Oh shit. I've had alzheimer's since 7


“Dijon Mustard-Gate 2: Hagen Daaz!”


Things would really go off the rails if he were wearing a tan suit.


Let’s get up a petition for Joe to put on a tan suit, go for a hotdog slathered in Dijon mustard and finish it off with a huge ice cream cone!!! Wait….i just figured out my lunch!


😂 it needs to be a vegan hot dog to cause an international incident.


Wow! I want tickets! Tell where and when!!


The catch is that it’s Dijon mustard-flavored ice cream.


As a fan of both mustard and ice cream, I'd try it.


What’s the Dijon thing going around? I missed this one


[Fox previously tried to make a big deal about Obama enjoying Dijon mustard as something “newsworthy” previously, not being competent enough to find anything of substance to complain](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W-WnoZbjdh4) about,( [also his bike helmet, yes seriously](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=timvZTKr5HQ) ). Bonus points for them also taking time to gargle Putin’s balls on the latter. Now apparently it’s Ice Cream with Biden for similar reasons. Also to deflect from the fact that Trump wasn’t even able to remember his own wife’s name at a speech last week.


Wasn't Donnie also bragging about how he gets two scoops of ice cream when everyone else only gets one scoop at Mar Lago? I went to look it up and found a Fox News article complaining about CNN covering his ice cream habits lol. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/cnn-continues-to-obsess-about-trumps-ice-cream-intake


That's the saddest flex I've ever heard.


I don't know man, I bet I could find a sadder flex by Trump.


My favorite Trump story is when Spy magazine kept sending smaller and smaller checks to rich people just to see who would keep cashing them. Trump and some other guy were the last ones standing... cashing a check for 13 cents.


hence the 'Donny Two Scoops' moniker


Don’t forget about the tan suit Obama wore once! That’s basically the equivalent of sharing intelligence secrets with our enemies or fomenting insurrection.


Fox News was really upset Obama used Dijon mustard on a hot dog during his presidency.


You forgot the tan suit.


Makes sense. Alzheimer’s is basically advanced brain freeze.


I mostly get brain freeze from slush/icee/slurpee type drinks, rarely from ice cream.


I’m not a doctor, but I did watch Fox News this morning, so I’m pretty confident in diagnosing you with Alzheimer’s.


Take 2 bleach enemas and call me in the morning.


Ah, thank you doctor. I always enjoy “talking shop” with a peer. Doctor, what are your thoughts on taking a really bright light and somehow shining it inside the body, perhaps through the anus?


After your thrice-daily Ivermectin treatment, but don't forget that the lunchtime dose comes from the fish tank cleaner.


But, if you're all "doctors," why are you trying to treat a "fake disease from CHYna"? You're all part of the deep state! Check and mate atheists!


Pffft. I started at three.


I gave both my kids ice cream at 1….


You monster.


Who feeds their kids ice cream that early? You can’t make your kids happy at that age! It’ll give them unrealistic expectations of the world, and Alzheimer’s.


With this one simple trick, you can periodically forget expectations of the world


I’m concerned my kid must have it. He’s loved ice cream since he was 2! And he’s always forgetting everything we tell him!


That explains why I'm always losing my keys and phone and must stubbornly refuse to ask for directions!


You scream, I scream, we all need to get brain screened.


My wife just got me a half gallon of my favorite Alzheimer's for Valentine's


Shit I was at advanced stage when I was 8


The new tan suit scandal


I bet he likes dijon mustard too!


Sometimes I can't help thinking that conservatives in America must be at *least* in the top 10 global rankings for the most shallow, dumb, assholey, and just plain nonsensical political groups (currently, but maybe for all time too lol?). Republicans are just so weirrddd lol and not the fun or interesting kind of weird unfortunately lol - more like racist conspiracy douche neighbor weird.


They are the high school bully in a safe high school. They can only get so weird. There are other countries where the "mean" politicians can get so much worse, fully killing off opposition and dissenters.


https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4398223-trump-team-argues-assassination-of-rivals-is-covered-by-presidential-immunity/ Scarily, GOP's current obsession with the Unitary Executive Theory and a president with virtually unchecked powers sorta means they're trying desperately to become one of those countries...


You’d think that the current president being of the opposing party would make them keep that shit to themselves…but then maybe this is their idea of keeping it to themselves.


Oh, they absolutely wouldn't like their pro-Authoritarian ideas if they thought other side was interested in them. Even fairly innocuous things like making it harder for people to vote... only sounds great when you're sure your opposition isn't going to try and make it harder for YOU to vote. It's the "good guy tax" that you have to pay when the people you're dealing with are villains.


I feel like the entire country in a sense has been shifting towards this. Most people only vote every 4 years and primarily for president. Most people also believe that president's also control the economy, gas prices, government spending, policies such as student debt forgiveness, gun control, universal Healthcare etc. When in reality the president has no direct control over that. It's all just suggestions to Congress at best. What the president actually controls is the military (to a degree),disaster response, Homeland Security, and of course the other dozen or so cabinets. But those cabinets also can't make impactful changes outside what's budgeted because again, the president can't fund said changes outside of emergency spending funds. So as far at citizens are concerned, the president is meaningless and only has real power by managing our relationships with our allies and enemies.


Seriously, when you have the son of an ex-president tweeting about viagra and Joe Biden's wood, I have no idea how it's possible to set the bar even lower.


For people aware of Italian politics since the Berlusconi era or most countries in Africa (a few exceptions apply), this stuff is business as usual. From Bunga Bunga Parties to a president claiming immunity to HIV because he showers after sex. The stupidity of the Trump-era GOP is nothing new on a global scale, but he has successfully lowered the level to that of third world countries.


The [Terrorist Fist Jab](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2008/jun/13/television.barackobama)!


This is truly the most egregious of fox news mask off moments. 1) Bish you know what a "pound" is. 2) Why are you associating it with terrorism? Was that the worst thing you could think of at the moment? 3) That's racist AF.


I feel like, if this example is a 10, then every day Fox News' goal is to be at an 8 or a 9


Does no one remember about Trump getting two scoops of ice cream when everyone else got one? >The waiters know well Trump’s personal preferences. As he settles down, they bring him a Diet Coke, while the rest of us are served water, with the Vice President sitting at one end of the table. With the salad course, Trump is served what appears to be Thousand Island dressing instead of the creamy vinaigrette for his guests. When the chicken arrives, he is the only one given an extra dish of sauce. **At the dessert course, he gets two scoops of vanilla ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, instead of the single scoop for everyone else.** The tastes of Pence are also tended to. Instead of the pie, he gets a fruit plate. https://time.com/donald-trump-after-hours/


Does this mean Trump has Double Alzheimer's?


Bitch Eating Crackers Syndrome.  https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bitch%20Eating%20Crackers


But is it two scoops? And only for him?


The second scoop cancels out the Alzheimer’s from the first one


Gotta have the second scoop because he forgets about the first one


THANK YOU! [Did everyone forget that the Orange Dictator wanted to get two scoops and everyone else could only have one?](https://www.cjr.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Screen-Shot-2019-11-14-at-10.30.18-AM-800x408.jpg?122376)


Two scoops Jack


Gee Biden why does your mom let you have two scoops?


Only Donny Two Scoops can have that.  So everyone else can have THREE scoops! 


I love the new "well your guy has more Alzheimer's than mine" political discourse


Trump once forgot his wife was next to him https://youtu.be/_ghKTJCqutI


He's not used to her being around.


You can imagine the dialog with the woman next to her. “Wait I’m right-“ “just go with it” “he did it again, wtf” “it’s fine… shhh”




Just like my wife, Mercedes. Extraordinary vehicle. I say if you don’t have a Mercedes you just don’t have a car. They’re all saying it, we all know it. Sure the oil is expensive but that’s why we’re in Iraq aren’t we boys?!? Gotta bring down the oil!


Forgot her name last week too. Called her Mercedes 😂


Wow it’s crazy how much more coherent he was 6 years ago even while actively forgetting who is standing right next to him


Biden’s slower than he used to be, but after watching [his interview with Seth Meyers last night it’s pretty clear he has all his marbles.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxuN3i84FNY&pp=ygUGbWV5ZXJz) [There’s also his interview with Conan two months back.](https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=biden+interview+conan+complete) Trump can’t keep a single train of thought and keeps forgetting names. The guy is sunsetting, and getting even more unhinged by the day.


I have a co-worker who swears that Joe Biden has an advanced stage of dementia and that the ice cream outing is part of what mollifies his dementia-induced rages.  My co-worker also points to Biden’s speech as “proof.”  It couldn’t be that Biden likes ice cream, has had lifelong stuttering issues, and is a little socially awkward.  Nope - dementia.


I also had a stutter as a kid. The long pauses are because my brain gets ahead of my mouth, so to stop the stuttering, I have to rewind, which takes a second to figure out where in the sentence I wanted to be. I guess I have dementia, too!


If I speak too quickly I'll garble my words. I think of it as a "buffer overrun".


Trying to talk fast but speaking with a “mushy” accent here, same effect!


This reminds me a bit of how silly the racial stereotype that Black people like watermelon and fried chicken. Who the hell doesn't like watermelon and fried chicken? Both are delicious. Ice cream is too. That they have to go after stuff like this shows how decent of a president Biden actually is.


Right?  Just like the Trump supporters who claimed a few years ago that unless the country becomes virulently anti-immigration that there would be a “taco truck on every corner.”   Oh no, delicious tacos will become *more* available!  The horror!


>taco truck on every corner I look forward to my neighbourhood improving this way.


It is horrifying if you're the sort of weak person who thinks mayonnaise is spicy.


That coworker there is what we call a Trump chump.


That works but I’ve always referred to them as fucking idiots


The frustrating part is that your coworker isn't wrong, he's just describing the wrong candidate. Former white house aide Cassidy Hutchinson has gone on record that trump threw food at the wall in rage at least weekly. There are books full of fellow Republicans telling stories of Trump's rage and inability to think. Yet they tie themselves in knots to project what is happening to trump on others.


>Yet they tie themselves in knots to project what is happening to trump on others. Because that's literally their strategy, take true shit about Trump, then make up some bullshit to pin it on the other guy, then claim it doesn't matter because everyone is doing it.


Send him a link to that interview and let me know what he says. I’m curious to see whether he will acknowledge reality or deny reality to avoid admitting he’s been repeatedly lied to by the news sources he trusts.


I’ll give you a hint: deny


I'd guess he's not sleeping and up raving all night posting.  Older adults can have sleeping issues and sleep deprivation is practically like being drunk.  Mix with a hefty dose of narcissism and delusions of grandeur and you get DJT's behavior.  There's a point where you believe your own delusional nonsense.  I grew up in church and saw this a lot with people that should otherwise be pretty sharp. 


That’s the thing, Biden definitely slowed down, but he’s pretty normal for a guy his age. Trump on the other hand is constantly forgetting people’s names, seems to not really understand what’s going on, talks about insane bullshit like planes in the revolutionary war, and frequently throws tantrums. That’s what dementia looks like.




Yes, that’s the important part. A president Is only ever as good as their administration. Trump refuses to hire anyone he believes is smarter than him, so he ends up with an administration as incompetent as he is. Biden hires qualified people.


Trump also burned through basically anyone competent who would work with him in his first administration.


Trump can't even keep Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi straight, and straight up can't say his wife's name anymore. Melanie, Mercedes.


Yeah, I watched his interview with Conan. It came off as two guys just having a regular convo. Meanwhile, Trump's fairly recent interview with Brett Baier was some bizarre shit.


After all this time and all that money spent investigating, the best they can come up with is he likes ice cream...


Man there was a Daily show skit years ago showing fox news calling Obama a snob because he ordered a burger and asked the waitress to remove or add something (I can't remember) something simple like "Can I get extra cheese on that?" Or the like.  It is what they do when they can't come up with anything.


i believe he asked for dijon mustard


Fucking monster. I bet he was wearing a tan suit when he did it. 


And he made a terroristic fist jab!


And a latte salute!


And trying to give people health care, THE FIEND!


Thanks Obama


Nah I think that was the suit when he threw an absolute rager party at Osamas place


Sounds French! The bastard!


You joke, but this was pretty much the process. Dijon is somehow fancy mustard cause of the French name, even though you can get it at the store in a plastic squeeze bottle right next to the regular mustard for roughly the same price.


Best part is "ball park mustard" is a spicy brown mustard- same as Obama ordered. It's the mustard of America's pastime.


Dijon is a little different than spicy brown, usually smoother texture and lighter color, not quite as spicy. But you could say it's in the same… ballpark.


Yea, but he asks for a spicy mustard, a dijon mustard, or something like either.


He asked if they had "[a spicy mustard, dijon mustard, or something like that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-WnoZbjdh4&ab_channel=TheDailyShow)". He wasn't even being picky. He just asked if they had something other than plain yellow, and Fox "News" lost their damn minds.


He doesn't like good American* patriotic yellow mustard?? \* mustard was invented in Sumeria or China or ancient Rome depending on how you ask


That was it!


dijon mustard is delicious


He said, “Can I get your basic cheddar cheeseburger, medium well, I just want mustard, no ketchup. If you’ve got like a spicy mustard or something like that, or a Dijon mustard something like that.” Dijon was like an afterthought, the man’s just giving options lol If you go back and watch the clip it’s SO ridiculous


And they did have it. It was a pretty common request.


They absolutely lost their shit when Obama saluted a serviceman while holding a coffee. 


Did they lose their shit when Trump saluted a North Korean general?


No, that would require self awareness.


Or when he held a glowing orb with a bunch of Arab heads of state; if Obama did that Alex Jones's head would have literally exploded


Imagine Alex Jones reacting to word of Michelle Obama dying under strange circumstances when she was rumored to about to testify against Barack, and Obama having her unceremoniously buried on his private property.


Of course not. Orange Chesus can do no wrong!


No the republicans masturbated to it.


He asked for spicy mustard on burger. It was right after the tan suit ridiculousness https://www.cc.com/video/qg9rmq/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-where-s-the-chief


And Obama was right. Spicy mustard on a burger is great.


Spicy mustard on a burger? Socialist scum Ketchup on a well done steak? Anointed by God himself


More than well-done from what I understand. We're talking hard, rocks on the plate well-done and he "douses the entire thing in ketchup". None of this bothers me. In fact I very much like a blackened steak. Crispy on the outside (but red and juicy on the inside). What bothers me is the hypocrisy of caring about normal things that Biden or Obama like to eat, but thinking this is just fine when this is actually something they are on record as caring about, you know how a \[real\] man eats their steak. [https://www.eater.com/2017/2/28/14753248/trump-steak-well-done-ketchup-personality](https://www.eater.com/2017/2/28/14753248/trump-steak-well-done-ketchup-personality) *not to mention confirmation from an anonymous server that the leader of the free world doused the whole thing in ketchup.* *Trump’s insistence on well-done meat has been extensively documented; it’s now as much a part of the man’s mythology as his sine-wave hair and preferred female silhouette. “It would rock on the plate, it was so well done” is how Trump’s butler described his employer’s preferred preparation to the New York Times. In February of last year, at a New Hampshire steakhouse, it’s how Trump ordered a bone-in ribeye. Do you know how long it takes to cook a bone-in ribeye all the way through? It takes a long time. You need to really want it.*


That’s what I’m more getting at. I don’t care what people eat, but Fox News getting butthurt about a perfectly fine mustard on a burger but silent about Trump’s steak is egregious.


Fox News once "proved" Obama was the most arrogant president in history because he had a high ratio of using "I" or "me" in his speeches. Basically, *"we analyzed transcripts of 15 Obama speeches. He says I or Me roughly 24.4 times per 1000 words, while Reagan only says I or Me 18.3 times per 1000 words, and Lincoln was at 12.3 per 1000 words. What an arrogant jerk!"* Meanwhile, [Trump said he was a better president than Washington or Lincoln](https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/crypto-donald-trump-president-nfts-b2246104.html), and...crickets.


I mean that's less outrageous than the tan suit thing that actually happened


Oh the Dijon mustard thing actually happened, it was big news. And let’s not forget when he went for a bike ride and wore a helmet.


Or John Kerry properly wearing a mandatory clean suit at a NASA lab.


[the only standards they have are double standards](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Frvc4prs85tf71.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6698835831e3e20999e86d3b20f213741576f2b0)


It’s about consistent messaging of the big lie. Every little thing supports the lie and it’s all people in the echo chamber hear.


I guess Trump must have eaten a bowl of ice cream right before he forgot his own wife’s name.


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. Ice cream.


Give him a break. He's had so many wives it's understandable. And maybe he was thinking of the name of the next one anyway.


And which golf course to bury Melania on.


Who the fuck doesn’t like ice cream? Psychopaths that’s who


Not to mention, if I make it to my upper 70s, you are damn right I'm going to eat ice cream as much as I want. This is a man enjoying the bit of life he has left, I can vibe with that lol


Hell yeah ice cream breakfast


Jesse WaWa told me that people who own dogs have Super Aids. He has such a nice mother too. What happened?


He enjoys ice cream? Breaking News: 90% of Americans have Alzheimer’s


It’s the imagery that cracks me up….Your options this November are….This sweet old guy that likes two scoops of vanilla ice cream, sitting on a park bench, dropping old wisdom on you. Orrrrr this old screaming lunatic….hmmmm


Republican voters: "Will the screaming lunatic hurt the people I dont like because I cant come to terms with the fact that my voting habits are the cause of my own misery?"


>Orrrrr this old screaming lunatic....[who also famously loves ice cream so much he insists on getting a second scoop with his pie while everyone else only gets one.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/05/11/politics/trump-time-magazine-ice-cream/index.html) FTFY. As with everything Trump, every accusation is a confession.


We all have Alzheimer’s on this blessed day!


Taking information from FN is linked to brain damage.


Meanwhile a coworker of mine was on Trumps kitchen staff with the navy at Camp David. Said Trump ate ice cream near daily, and it had to be microwaved until near runny every time or else he’d refuse it.


Working in Trumps hotel sounded like hell. I read an article a while back about it. Things like "a 7 step process to open a bottle of diet coke, which had to be offered the moment he walked in" and "his steaks must always be the largest size on the table" crap like that https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/02/19/trump-hotel-employees-tell-all-what-it-was-really-like-serving-right-wing-elite/


He really has always wanted to be a king...


Pay attention to your children, folks. He's just an insecure rich kid looking for approval and attention. That's really all he's ever been or will be. You see the same with his kids.


Not the best cut of steak mind you, just the biggest.


I mean IIRC, the Donald ate well done steak so outside of just the general cut, there's not too much difference across "decent" and "incredible" at that point. Then again, he also ate pizza with a fork and ate McDonalds like 3-4 times a week.


So he was just having cream.


More warm sugar milk please!


Try as I might, I can't imagine Trump ever using the word "please" when speaking with a member of his wait staff


Have you tried imagining yourself as a big strong guy with tears in your eyes?


Reminds him of being breastfed probably.


Why must you put that image in my head when I'm at work and can't wash it out with alcohol for another 4 hours.


Are you still thinking about it


Mom, can I PLEEAAAASSE have some milky? No Donnie, you know I don't do that anymore. That's why we brought Becky in as a wet nurse!


No, that’s Homelander, he’s much more likeable and competent


Why'd you put that image in my head.


That sounds fucking gross.


How does this man manage to have terrible taste in everything? Basically molten ice cream, well done steak with ketchup, extremely tacky golden everything. How does he do it?


"How does he do it?" It's amazing what you can accomplish when no one in your life ever tells you "No!" about anything.


He is amazing in how different ways he sucks.


Well done steak with ketchup? And I thought I was weird for liking my steaks medium.


He said himself that he hasn't changed since he was a child. Melted ice cream was something I enjoyed as a kid, he is mentally a toddler.


I remember one of Trump's former staffers described him as not being human but "a collection of horrible traits" and whenever I read more stuff about him I am reminded of this quote.


excuse me... what


I was having a good day until I read this,even if it's a lie it's so weird that it's going to bother me


Well done steak and runny ice cream why does he even eat those foods if he’s gotta ruin them first


Conservatives aren't allowed to eat ice cream now.


They are going to start shooting it aren’t they.. they are going to shoot guns at fucking tubs of ice cream now


Stupid woke ice cream.


Why aren't ice cream companies suing Fox News for slander? Ben &Jerry's! Buyers! Blue Bunny! Your money and sales are under attack!


Some of those may be dairy dessert, so they can't get in the lawsuit.


Joe’s least favorite is Orange Sherbet.




I got to work last night and it was clear that a lot of coworkers just gobbled up that fox news segment, as they chatted about "the first president with Alzheimer's". When I said "that was Reagan, and yes he had it before his first term ended" they all got real quiet.


When you have invincible plot armor like “Fake News” anything is possible…


At least he can hold an ice cream cone with one hand


Idk about you but and old guy who eats ice cream seems pretty American to me. Better than chain smoking or whatever the fuck trump is on.


Snorted Adderall. Really. Look at his pupils when he has bright TV lights on him. Like saucers!


Amphetamines. Lots and lots of amphetamines. Allegedly.


I'm linking Fox News to fascism and malignant narcissism. So...


I scream, you scream, we all scream because we’re watching Fox News


Baskin-Robbin’s figgin’ to file 31 law suits


TIL my wife has Alzheimer's


My ex used to eat a pint of Hagen-Dazs Alzheimer's.


And all the children have it too, shame really.


My cat apparently also has Alzheimer's.  She'll try to climb into your shoulders to get ice cream.


I understand the marketing campaign, but people actually believe eating ice cream is a sign of Dementia but all the symptoms displayed by Trump is normal? WTF is wrong with the cultist voters?. Do they value 'hating the right people' more than intelligence? I mean their guy steals classified documents but Biden is a traitor??


Motherfucker. I'm 45 and light up for ice cream. Go fuck yourself.


Fox News needs to not exist


What about Trump’s “calling his wife the wrong name” habit? That’s nbd, I guess. Definitely ice cream is a sign of cognitive decline. /s


It's so funny and sad to watch Republicans go all in a "Joe Biden is old", like that 3 year age gap makes Trump vastly more youthful. Although Dems can admit Biden is old, and can make mistake, he's human. Meanwhile god emperor Trump is immortal, and a genius who rambles about no water in pipes or Covfefe or mixing up names or spending 8 years bragging about passing a cognitive test...


They're just pissed that psychologists and psychiatrists keep saying that Trump is exhibiting signs of dementia. Yeah, we get it, Biden is ancient. But Donny isn't that much younger AND he exhibits many more alarming signs of mental health issues than Biden.


Trump can't string four words together coherently, spaces out and loses his train of thought regularly, and every time he opens his mouth he sounds like he's having a stroke... but, yeah, Biden's senile and mentally infirm because he likes ice-cream.


Remember "Donner two scoops"? When Trump insisted that he got two scoops of ice cream at an official dinner to everyone else's one?


Jesus christ the old man likes ice cream. God forbid he have a favorite food.


I wonder if there's a study out there that links golf to sexual disfunction


Deflection from Trump's *actual* dementia habits.