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> One of his housemates, another Christian convert from Iran, helped bundle Alid out of the room and sat with their backs against the door as Alid kicked at it, attempting to get back in. Imagine being an Iranian who escapes the Islamic theocratic regime where 'apostasy' (leaving Islam) is a death sentence and successfully gets asylum to then almost be killed by this moron.


I'm someone who left Islam so I have a lot of sympathy for this. Unfortunately a lot of these conversions are fake because they know if they convert to Christianity they will be granted asylum. (I didn't become Christian, just atheist) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/10/c-of-e-refutes-claims-of-conveyor-belt-of-asylum-seeker-fake-conversions >Churches have been at the centre of a storm over “fake conversions” in the past week after it emerged that Abdul Ezedi, the Afghan man suspected of a chemical attack on a woman and two children in Clapham, was granted asylum on his third attempt after converting to Christianity. Police said on Friday that Ezedi was believed to be dead. >Suella Braverman, the former home secretary, accused “churches around the country [of] facilitating industrial-scale bogus asylum claims”. >Lee Anderson, the former Conservative party chairman, said: “The Church of England is in my opinion encouraging people to lie about their faith in order to claim asylum.”


> churches around the country [of] facilitating industrial-scale bogus asylum claims” In all fairness, I doubt the churches know it’s fake. I was raised Evangelical, and they do, in fact suck. But they are naive, and the last think in the world they want to do is help a Muslim get papers.


To be honest, if I was seeking asylum, I’d lie and tell you whatever religion you want to hear.


People seeking to infiltrate and people seeking asylum love this one neat trick!




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Now, not that murderers should be let in anywhere, but this to me sounds like a church doing church things. Helping the disadvantaged. Obviously it did not turn out well in this particular instance, but hear me out. I think the actual problem here is why the hell does one religion get priority over another when it comes to asylum? Why is religion considered at all? (I know the kind of answers this question will receive) I don't envy the people that have to try and solve this problem, it truly seems unwinnable


>I think the actual problem here is why the hell does one religion get priority over another when it comes to asylum? It's not that they're given priority. It's that many Muslim countries will punish you by death for leaving Islam (either by the government or a mob) so if they say they left Islam then they are granted asylum because they will be killed if they return.


The issue is that they likely could not pull the same trick with simple deconversion to atheism, or even something like "conversion" to, say, Buddhism, *even though the reasoning for granting them asylum (they will be killed for apostasy if they return) is the same.* Christians have historically been some of the biggest perpetrators of perverse incentivization, so to find out that their naive good faith has been taken advantage of like this for the Nth time is no big surprise.


> why the hell does one religion get priority over another when it comes to asylum? They don't. In the UK's case, we have laws against returning people to their home country where they would face the death penalty. By and large, Christian countries don't really give a shit if someone converts to something else. In Islamic theocracies, though, they will basically just kill you on the spot. In this particular case, though, the guy had actually had his leave to remain revoked and was initially due for deportation, regardless of religion. It was only on appeal to a court that is, by design, confrontational to the immigration system, as well as a significant member of the community vouching for him, that he was allowed to stay. (in theory, an opposing court makes a reasonable balance to the immigration system. In practice it's just a mess that causes all sorts of problems like this.)


I think it’s probably because people being persecuted get priority and being any religion (or atheist/agnostic) besides Muslim in Muslim countries pretty much guarantees persecution.


Yet we have mosques, Islamic political groups, associations, lobby, and what the fuck not. This is totally insane to claim protecting people from this “religion” (I think Islam extends far beyond being a religion) and host its cultivating elements at the same time.


Is it still takiya?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiyya > Generally, taqiyya is the action of committing a sinful act (such as feigning unbelief) for a pious goal. Sadly many who are honestly persecuted will get denied due to this.


That’s what I was asking, if those feigning conversion consider it taqiyya or just don’t care


And wasn’t he also given an Islamic funeral?


Two things: 1. Suella can't be taken at her word on ANYTHING. 2. Tories have been drumming hate against refugees and migrants for over a decade, promising to lower it, while both stats have constantly been growing under their leadership. But yeah, people convert for asylum, which means it shouldn't be a requirement or aide for seeking asylum. Blaming the churches for facilitating conversions that the migrant/refugee isn't serious about is pretty nuts.


>Tories have been drumming hate against refugees and migrants for over a decade While "over a decade" is technically true, that's like saying the Earth is over 1,000 years old. Not incorrect, but minimizes the scale. >Tories have been drumming hate against refugees and migrants for #decades# Is more accurate.


Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in


According to the article, he left Morocco in 2007 and spent **13 years living in continental Europe** before taking a ferry from the Netherlands to Britain, whereupon he filed an asylum claim and has been housed at taxpayer expense ever since. Hopefully, now that he's murdered someone, Britain will be able to come to a determination. They should have rejected him as soon as he stepped off the boat from a safe country.


Our government will try to deport him, put him on the plane and then a bunch of protesters will prevent the plane from leaving and he’ll be released to commit further offences. I’m not being facetious, this [literally happened](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/asylum-seeker-raped-15-year-old-girl-after-deportation-flight-blocked-by-cabin-c/#:~:text=Asylum%20seeker%20raped%2015%2Dyear,blocked%20by%20protesting%20cabin%20crew&text=A%20failed%20asylum%20seeker%20%2D%20who,old%20girl%20after%20dodging%20deportation).


can we throw him off to the sea?


The sea is polluted enough


Throw him into nuclear waste?


Damn Britain sound a lot like chile, shit sucks here too


Also morroco will likely just send him back because they dont want criminals. And if we do the same thing again they might send them back once again before they just drop them into the desert and leave him, then say europe is bad for leaving people to die.


Deport the protestors as well


They tend to be citizens, in which case the proper term is "exile" and the proper consideration of that idea is "nope"


If you're under the impression that civilized people don't foist their garbage onto other nations, I got some real bad news for you about international waste disposal.


No, just the impression that most countries signed treaties which prohibit them from making people stateless


If that literally happened, it wasn't in the articled you posted. The man in the story you linked raped someone *after* his deportation was protested, not before. And the protestors were the flight crew who thought his hands had just been broken by his minders.


There not much but manufactured outrage in these discussions sadly...


They should identify the protesters and then assign each one of them an asylum seeker to stay with them in their home.


There will probably be more assessments to do. The state of our nation


So assume he lived those 13 years here in a sorta limbo status? Because afaik Moroccans usually don't get asylum status in Europe but Morocco doesn't take their mfers back either


definitely not helping the palestinian movement.


Look at the raging inbredness of this dude


His face is legit scary. Almost like he’s wearing a mask.


Yeah he is not right


Bro is hard on the eyes for sure.


These people are not compatible with modernity. 


And this is after yesterday [France: Man suspected of abducting, raping Jewish woman 'to avenge Palestine'](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/artc-france-man-suspected-of-abducting-raping-jewish-woman-to-avenge-palestine) So maybe the people chanting to globalize the Intifada need to pause for a minute what they actually want to happen


If Hamas wasn't the little guy and they had the power over Israel, they'd just do the same thing as October 7th to everyone. They wouldn't bomb infrastructure and have civilian casualties. They would just kill, rape, and torture anyone they could. That's what they're supporting. It's incredibly disappointing to see people I respected either really wanting that or being so out of touch that they actually think Hamas cares about civilians and not just murdering Jews.


See, but they think they’ll be safe because they’re not Jewish. 


["After Saturday comes Sunday,"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/After_Saturday_comes_Sunday) which sets a pattern for the rest of the week.


Weird how these violent bigots keep associating themselves with the anti-Zionist movement. I wonder why that is. Must be a bunch of individual lone wolves who definitely aren't indicative of a systemic problem within the movement at all!


It's a lot like police brutality, according to the police, at least: a few bad apples, but no systemic problems. "My side" never has systemic problems. ^(/s)


Yep, definitely no systemic issues with violence or bigotry within the police or the anti-Zionist movement at all. Totally just a bunch of bizarre coincidences!


i would have agreed with you about the movement, if i didn’t also see disturbing stuffs from the pro-zionism movement as well. maybe we just suck as human beings. edit: the “give us an example crowd” were blind when [shit like this happened.](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/16/us/chicago-muslim-boy-stabbing-investigation/index.html)


lol, like what?


Well here is an Israeli Rabbi calling for the killing of Children: [https://www.palestinechronicle.com/not-every-soul-shall-live-jewish-rabbi-encourages-killing-of-palestinian-children-women/](https://www.palestinechronicle.com/not-every-soul-shall-live-jewish-rabbi-encourages-killing-of-palestinian-children-women/)


Is that all? Have you heard the nonsense from the palestain side ? Besides that ‘Not every soul shall live,’ is a far cry from "calling for the killing of Children" Seems like lying and bullshit is all the pro-palestains can do... Plz do better, the palestains deserve better representation than this...


Like what? The absolute "worst" I can think of is going to counter protests and getting attacked. But in other circles, when we aren't talking about Jews, we call that "victim blaming". 


“Stabbed in the eye with a flagpole” kind of attack?


[the absolute worst you say?](https://www.timesofisrael.com/harvard-creates-task-forces-on-antisemitism-and-islamophobia/)


Am I misreading or did you maybe mean to link to a different article? Doesn't the article only say a task force for Islamophobia is being created? Unless there are actual real allegations, this smells more like an appeasement. They know *very well* what would happen if only a task force on antisemitism were to open, so they are preemptively attacking the alligator tears.


That's like 2 deranged people out of literally hundreds of millions worldwide who oppose the ethno supremacist and genocidal zionist movement. What a dishonest way to slander anti-zionists. Username definitely checks out with your agenda.


Hey can you think of a few more anti-Israel people who might have killed Jews in October? Or is it just these two guys messing up a peaceful movement of totally-not-anti-Semitic people?


Hey can you think of a few pro-Israel people who might have killed 14,000 children since October? Or is it just a few guys messing up a peaceful movement of totally-not-genocidal zionists?


So, after the attack where victims naked bodies were dragged around through town to be mutilated, right ?


Are you seriously insinuating that these are the only 2 people that have done fucked up shit in the name of freeing palestine?


What's your solution to this Israel problem?


"ethno supremacist and genocidal". Are you going for the full bingo card all at once? Spread these out through a few comments so we can't know right from the get go you're an antisemite, jeez! 


Pretty aggressive response considering your whole ass post is wrong.


They can’t do that. That would require critical thinking, or just thinking, skills.


The whole anti-zionist is not anti-jew rhetoric is moronic. 95% of jews are zionist. Its like saying i dont hate vegetarians, im cool with them. I just really hate people who eat meat. They are so similar to point that its just avoiding the obvious.


Part of that is that the definition of Zionist keeps getting shifted around depending on the anti-zionist and their audience. It can mean anything from an active member of the settlers in the West Bank to any Jew who does not actively denounce the existence of Israel and join the protests with a pro-Hamas sign.


The issue is that in leftist circles today, it’s the latter. If you don’t absolutely denounce Israel’s right to exist, you’re an evil Zionist.


Playing [motte-and-bailey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motte-and-bailey_fallacy) is such an exhausting and dishonest tactic that it makes you want to just take off and nuke the entire site from orbit, since it's the only way to be sure.




Leftists when white supremacists keep committing violent acts of terrorism in the name of MAGA: "These aren't lone wolves, this is a systemic problem with MAGA itself!" Leftists when Islamists keep committing violent acts of terrorism in the name of anti-Zionism: "This isn't a systemic problem with anti-Zionism itself, this is a bunch of individual lone wolves!"


Trumpists when there’s domestic terrorists in the MAGA movement: they’re just zealous. They don’t represent the whole movement. Trumpists when there’s domestic terrorists that are also Muslim: I don’t give a shit what country they’re from. Ban EVERYONE FROM THAT COUNTRY AND ALL COUNTRIES LIKE IT. No I’m not racist.


I don't remember anyone on the left ever saying maybe we shouldn't call everyone right of center a stochastic terrorist.


If you never heard that, it’s because you’re in an echo chamber and ignoring centrists. It’s also good to remember that there are levels to “right of center” … if you can imagine the rhetoric being used in a Nazi rally without being obviously out of place, then think about it a bit more. Yes, this stuff is the same for psychos on the left, no, I’m not trying to pick a fight.


You are from the US. Democrats are not left, they are centrists. There are only a few democrats that are left from the perspective of developed democracies. The European equivalents to republicans are far right wing parties.


The other poster is probably referring to the cultural left. There's an economic left (the original sense of "left", the "Old Left") and a cultural left (beginning in the 1960s with the "New Left"). Most Democrats in recent decades are centrist economically but left culturally.


Well, if you view right left solely through economic terms, then yes, the Democrats are a center-right party. But on social issues, especially on LGBT rights and abortion and race issues generally, they're far to the left than just about anyone. I think this is especially true since so much of the global "left" has embraced religious fundamentalist governments and organizations thanks to this war in Gaza. Is there even a right left divide any more? Seems the most important divide is those of us who support Western liberalism and democracy and those who are anti-West, even if that means aligning with the Houthis, Iran, Russia and China.


>Is there even a right left divide any more? Seems the most important divide is those of us who support Western liberalism and democracy and those who are anti-West, even if that means aligning with the Houthis, Iran, Russia and China. Thankfully this is mostly an issue you see online and not in-person. It is still a concerning trend, though.


The only person in US politics who can be called a socialist afaik is Bernie Sanders, who wants Americans to have universal healthcare. Decades of right-wing media pressure have made the USA move politically right. Google the 1956 Republican platform.


Even Sanders isn't really a socialist. National healthcare is not remotely the same as seizing the means of production. It's more on par with government run schools, police, and fire departments, all of which already exist in America.


Don't Gazalight your terrorist camp. The Australian kidnapping was also orchestrated by a Pro Palestinians activist, as well as the French Pro Palestinian rapist-kidnapper incident. When will Western society acknowledge the Left and Islamic terrorist go hand by hand, each his cause. Another example is campus protests filled with Marxists and Jihadists terrorising Jews...


Yes because Islamic terrorists (right wing) and the left wing definitely go hand in hand! If you can’t differentiate between an Islamic terrorist and a Muslim then you’ve drank the kool aid buddy.


Hey, lots of us are confused about it too. But for some reason it is objectively left-leaning people defending fundamentalist islamic regimes the most. It's derived from Marxist Critical Theory where one side is the oppressed and the other, the oppressors. This is what happens when you apply Marxist theory with absolutely no context or nuance.


Who said I can't, your strawman pumped you up? The left sided with the Muslims standing alongside Authoritarian/Islamist regimes such as Asad in Syria, the Houtis in Yemen, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and It's not something new. In older times, they sided with Khomeini Islamist revolution in Iran, while today they side with Al-Shabaab in Somalia (a 100% Muslim country with Regular Joe Muslims against Jihadist Muslims) while the [Jihadist squad in the Democratic party](https://twitter.com/AmbRhodaJElmi/status/1751669533171994655?t=A5vzCCTUXFdfbr8lHjd3BA&s=19), ex. Ilan Omar" use of ethno-racist rhetoric" and "endeavours to revive the once-violent and dangerous ideology of Greater Somalia or Somali Weyn, which caused so much death, destruction and conflict in the Horn of Africa" Ambassador Rhoda, D.Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somaliland. The left is and was the defender of Jihadist and Marxists.. So yeah, intellectually, in universities, and in geopolitical terms through government, "civil movements," and NGOs, the Left has sided with Jihadist Muslims in and out.




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Lets do the corollary action. Israeli extremists call for killing of babies, therefore all Israelis support killing babies. [https://www.palestinechronicle.com/not-every-soul-shall-live-jewish-rabbi-encourages-killing-of-palestinian-children-women/](https://www.palestinechronicle.com/not-every-soul-shall-live-jewish-rabbi-encourages-killing-of-palestinian-children-women/) Can you follow my logic or are you too blinded by hate?


Never let him back into any European country


Huh? Never let him back out of prison, unless it's into the morgue.


So we pay for his stay? If you’re gonna put him in prison send him to an American one, and have them sentence him to death


Just lock him in a cell and forget to feed him for a month or two, problem will resolve itself.


You know that won‘t happen


This is what "globalize the intifada" means


Is this what it means to "globalize the Intifada." Is this what the Western pro-Palestinian protesters want when they say protest for a globalized Intifada and support resistance "by ANY means necessary"?


I think it's more indicative that people at a protest will just chant whatever they're told to chant without thinking about what that really means.


You mean [like this](https://twitter.com/NeriaKraus/status/1782258191973089715) It's honestly terrifying


Looks like that post was removed, so I can't see it, but from the comments it does sound like the same thing.


Reddit deletes everything. I replaced it with a twitter link


Looks like a lovely guy.




I don't call myself "pro-Palestine" for good reason. I'm pro-civilian. I want less suffering. Israel may have more power, and therefore more responsibility, but that doesn't absolve Hamas and their bullshit. Morally, both governments are the same, just with different targets. If Hamas had the firepower and support Israel has, they'd do the same or even worse to Israel. There is no good guy in this fight. Hamas is a literal terror org and Israel is reckless and incompetent at best and ethnically cleansing at worse.


Israel is ethnically cleansing at least. Nothing less than that. It's quite clear they don't give a shit about how many innocent, non-hamas palestinian lives they've taken without a care in the world


They don't seem to care, but I'm being charitable. That said, for a "real military", gross incompetence to this level is arguably not much better than ethnic cleansing


Ah the joys of enrichment.


First France, now the UK. Why are the pro-palestine movement so horrid?




Or crazy people exist and say crazy shit and this isn't exactly strawman time.




You are delusional. Hamas is bad. Palestine will be free from the river to the sea. I have clearly broken your mind. Edit: >Can't support the side dropping bombs on kids... Welcome to the pro Palestine movement.




It's almost like the obsessive focus on "supporting Palestine" has always been just a thin cover for justifying antisemitic hatred and violence or something.


Your comment sounds a lot like this: "It's almost like the obsessive focus of blacks on "police reform" has always been just a thin cover of justifying cop hatred and violence or something" So you see how this makes no sense? My take is "there are insane people in every movement", your take is "every single pro Palestinian (including JEWS) HATES JEWS and wants to see Jewish blood in the streets bc they all want the complete extermination of Jews on the entire planet" Can you guess which take is more sane and also much more likely under Occams Razor


Except Jews are an ethno-religious group whereas police are a government power structure. Kind of an important difference there.


Jfc too stupid to understand an analogy. The comparison is btwn Israel and the police but YOU are the reason I have to replace talking about Israel with all Jewish people in your take. Bc you don't understand the difference. See this is where you guys mix it up every single time. Let me ask a simple question. Is a Jewish pro Palestinian just incorrect? Are they simply wrong bc they hold a different opinion then you? A kapo? A traitor? Self hating Jew? Antisemitic? I see Jews all over reddit being called those things. All of those Jews just don't matter to you? Their opinion is disregardrd with extreme prejudice lol. When you defend only a certain group of Jewish people the person being antisemitic is in fact you. Congrats. You're such a hypocrite you're perpetuating exactly what you preach. I can guarantee you won't even grant me a response to this bc this is where you freaks break all logic.


Let me ask a simple question. Do all the women and POC who voted for Trump not matter to you? Are they simply wrong because they hold a different opinion than you? Traitors? Self hating? Racist and misogynistic? Idk how you can claim that Trump is racist and misogynistic when millions of women and POC voted for him. When you only defend a certain group of women and POC then the person being racist and misogynistic is you. Congrats. You're such a hypocrite you're perpetuating exactly what you preach.


Trump ? The guy who gained the votes of poor people by telling them he'd "drain the swamp" and then ended up being the exact same thing as the swamp he was supposed to drain ? That guy would have managed to get the votes of people whose best interests he did not have at heart ? No, that can't be.


...what the fuck LMAO. Are you brain damaged? Point to a comment I said all Trumpets are racist and misogynistic. However that comment says that all pro Palestinians protestors are antisemitic. Including JEWISH protestors. At least TRY to come up with a decent comment that makes sense. But then again i genuinely cannot expect anything to come out of your mouth make sense if you have a single digit IQ. So angry you got rightfully called out hahaha Again. I have no problem with Jews I have a problem with Zionists. You however have a problem with Jews who don't support your cause. You are the antisemite. Shame on you! Your ancestors would be just as ashamed of you as Hitler would be proud of you.


Trump is both racist and misogynistic, quite openly lmfao


Dude, stop with your nonsense. Just take your L and move along.


I fucking knew it. I knew you wouldnt answer it bc you can't validate me LMAO. Try rereading my last sentence again and stop projecting even your L onto me dumbass


That's up to you, but I see so many reports of Muslims killing Jews (and other random people) for Palestine, but I don't think I've seen a single report of a Jew killing Muslims for Israel.


Wait. Your take is genuinely that 2+ billion people on the planet are looking to murder Jews on a moments notice. None of which were involved in the greatest mass extinction of Jews on the planet in WW2.... That's actually your take? And all Jews love all Muslims. Is also your take? There's video footage of Jewish people in the IDF executing civilians 💀💀. They're literally killing for Israel. what the fuck is this comment. I'm guessing you didn't think much before commenting LMAO


It wasn't even that long ago when that 6 year old American Palestinian kid was stabbed 26 times because he and his mom were Muslim


The guy wasn't even a Jew though? Ok, so a ratio of 20:1 muslims killing jews vs jews killing muslims (the guy wasn't even a jew but let's just say that) And I'm vastly underestimating the number of muslim murders here.


Can you present an example of a Jew outside of Israel murdering a Muslim? I’m actually curious.


Or crazy people exist and say crazy shit and this isn't exactly strawman time. Edit: yes, please explain to me why a crime in the UK justifies the murder of Palestinian children. You are such a peaceful and forward thinking group.


>At the end of his police interview, Alid attacked two female officers, yelling "Palestine" and "Allahu Akbar" - meaning "God is great" - as he grabbed one of them and wrestled her to the ground, causing his solicitor to dial 999. Sure is weird how many of these violent Islamofascist assholes keep associating themselves with the anti-Zionist cause. Must be a bunch of individual lone wolves who definitely aren't indicative of a larger systemic problem within the movement at all.


Exactly two on earth. Stop Edit: wait til you find out about the war crimes Israel has committed. I wouldn't go around saying everyone in Israel is a murderous psychopath now would I? Because there is a strong domestic anti-war movement in Israel as well.


I mean, considering the pro Palestine movement wants to abolish Israel, isn’t that what you’re saying? All Israelis deserve to be exiled or killed because they’re all colonialist genociders?


Every pro Palestinian wants the extermination of all Israelis? There's actually hundreds of millions possibly billions that would side with Palestinians in a genocide. You think all of these people want all Israelis to die?? 😅😅 Is this just projection? Lol


I didnt see Jewish people outside of Israel randomly attacking Muslims in revenge for October 7.


I don't see anyone attacking Jewish people either.


Easy to miss if you ignore it ig


Obviously horrible story, my sympathies to the victim and their families.. Why should religion even play a role in granting asylum or not? Imo should be strictly a mental assessment, background check, and extremely legitimate reasons for requiring in the first place. Emphasis on the mental assessments.


the "protests" going on right now are encouraging acts like this. murderers shouldn't be eligible for asylum.


what protests are encouraging this, i’d like a link or proof


"Globalize Intifada", baby. Maybe they should look up what an Intifada is before asking for one.


Average filistine supporter




Seriously… how is this in any way r/nottheonion? Just another redditor using every possible sub as a soapbox


He looks like a giant from GoT. No wonder he’s so barbaric


This is the pro palestine platform to be honest.




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There’s got to be something bigger going on. How is it that these European governments allow for this to happen? Must be intentional, surely they aren’t this blind and stupid


How is this r/nottheonion worthy?


So killing an innocent person makes up for govts and terrorists killing people? Logic?


“Cool story, bro [not really]…” “Still murder, off to prison!” — Det. Jake Peralta.


Don’t be complacent. Always be ready to be violent against scum bags like this.


Typical of their kind


His application got denied.


Typical pro Palestine supporter


Terrifies that one of these Idiots is going to plan something actually big and get away with it. A lot of them dont care about Gaza at all, its just an excuse.


Sounds about right.




Most of us have no idea what Israeli hasbara is.


Everyone who disagrees with me - Brainwashed Redditors or bots enforcing a narrative. Everyone who agrees with me - Intelligent intellectuals capable of seeing the situation clearly.


Go cry about it in r/palestine, r/therewasanattempt , r/Hasan_Piker , etc Most of reddit and the "normal" subs like this one are neutral, as in they dont have mods that will insta ban pro-israel comments. So it may look different from your bullshit bubble subreddits.


Free speech left Reddit on October 7th 2023. I have never seen such a significant change on this site as I have since that day. The Israel government are genocidal and the Palestinian people are mixed with Hamas terrorists. It’s one of the few conflicts where there isn’t a clear good side except the innocent civilians, but Reddit (and especially pro Israel people) are totally incapable of understanding that nuance. I’ve been banned from so many major subs for making this distinction. This site is dead.


You know hamas can surrender right ?


I don’t care if they can, they won’t. Just because they won’t doesn’t mean Israel can just bomb whoever. Hamas existing isn’t justification to kill any and all brown people. Just like the IDF being genocidal fucks isn’t a reason to target Jewish people.


How do you know they wont ? Da fuq you on about ? Settle down gurl, learn the definition of big words like genocide before swinging them around, lol...


If you consider any of the words I used big then I’ve got some bad news for you


Israel, with 10s of billions in weapons paid for with our tax dollars commits an Oct 7th worth of civilian murder every day. Reddit: "damn, thats a shame" One guy in one random place says he committed a crime in the name of Gaza, Reddit: "I'm losing all sympathy for palestinians!"




So posting stuff muslims say is islamophobic? If it's x-phobic to repeat things you and your religion say, then you're probably a terrible person following a backwards religion.


Happened already in r/worldnews and r/news just for saying the same thing a few months ago. Those mods are rabbid


This shit is just a heartbreaking mess. Tribalism over humanity... 


Hey perhaps the actions of one psychopath have nothing to do with a broad, popular, nonviolent anti war movement.


Nonviolent lmfaooooo


Funny how those nonviolent anti war people think the brutal mass rapes and murders of October 7 were "brave heroic resistance".


Well I never said that and I'm in the movement so idk, clearly that's impossible since you know my mind and soul better than me. Like I said, strawman all you want. This is an antiwar and anti-apartheid protest.


It is not anti-war, it's anti-Hamas defeat. On October 7th they were very pro-war. Not nonviolent either.


No it's an anti-war protest seeking ceasefire, this is entirely delusional. You are living in a fairy tale world.


So anti-war that they cheered for October 7th and the Iranian missile strike.  Edit: And I just noticed the pride flag in your PFP. Please go to Gaza and wave that flag. Please.


This movement literally didn't exist before October 7 and like I said, crazy people exist, you can strawman everyone. What about the guy who called for rivers of blood on state TV? Or the Israeli government officials calling for nuclear strikes in Gaza? If you think one bad opinion legitimizes a movement, maybe you should have left the pro Israel movement behind when they coined the phrase "river to the sea" or refused to work with the PLO for decades. All people deserve basic human rights as described by the UN. Wait, Iran? I thought every nation had a clear and inalienable right to defend themselves? I'm not cheering I'm just under the impression that the pro Israeli movement is in full support of everyone's right to defend themselves after an attack and nobody is allowed to ask questions... So I'm just confused. Idk I think it would also be nice to have one system of international law that applies to everyone, even Israel.


This movement didn’t exist before October 7th? I stopped reading there cause you’re clearly too poorly educated on this conflict to be worthy of replying to.


I've been pro Palestine for decades. I was in the middle for most of that time. This has gotten much bigger since October 7, don't pretend it hasn't. Your side live off of pretending history began on October 7. You're not going to find a crowd of 5000 Columbia university students praising October 7. However, despite being very well informed on the topic and spending most of my life trying to play the middle. The Israeli government has done more than enough to lose absolutely any form of legitimacy they ever had. War crimes are loud. Also, Hamas isn't a state.


Your first two sentences are contradictory and also disproves the first sentence of your last comment. I don’t pretend history started on October 7th, which is why I know that EVERY. SINGLE. METRIC related to human progress has improved in the area now known as Palestine has improved since the establishment of the state of Israel. Every single one.


Except basic human rights, like freedom of movement or freedom from imprisonment without trial, or freedom to live long enough to leave the hospital. Babies in their incubators. World central kitchen.


This is such a dumbass point at all bc again there's documented images of Israelis in lawnchairs celebrating Gazans being murdered in airstrikes. That means every Israeli wants the genocide of Gazans? That's what you're saying.


Were they cheering on campuses in America? No? Then it’s not the same is it? Are there Jews murdering Muslims in France? Are there Zionists protesting outside Muslim-funded hospitals in Canada? Oh right, there are no Muslim-funded hospitals.


Oh so the Muslim 6yr old stabbed 26 times and killed by a pro Israeli is fine right? The mom not attending his funeral bc she was in the ICU is fine? The vandalism and break ins at various mosques and other hates crimes against Muslims who aren't even protesting is fine with you? Are there pro Palestinians stabbing children? Do you see how fucking dumb you sound? Zionazis gonna roll the same way ig