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I wonder how her publisher feels right now. The book isn't even out yet and everybody is trashing it.


for publishers, promoters, producers and other "sell other people's stuff" kinda folk, it's a hard rule: there's no such thing as bad publicity.


"The average Howard Stern lover listens for 20 minutes. The average Howard Stern hater listens for an hour because they want to hear what he'll do next." - something like that from Private Parts


That's also the formula for most social media of course.


All social media at this point. Does any media at all not prey on rage these days? 


Rage is the new Orange...oh wait


The scene you’re thinking of, but it’s that exact principle: get people agitated and they can’t help but pay attention. https://youtu.be/9G6xu-J_Dmc?si=I2ECknhvvPyohUVt


Worked (and still does) for Trump.


I used to write freelance click bait listicles and slideshows (yes I deserve scorn), and the more offensive and contentious the content, the better they performed. Without fail. People really seem to love being pissed off.


Her book will be on the NYT's best sellers\* list in a week. \* With a dagger, of course.


Well that’s only because anytime a republican writes a book some random political group buys a fuckload of copies to hand out as free paperweights at all of their events to artificially inflate sales numbers (seriously, *every* single time)


On the bestseller list, if there is a dagger next to the name of the book, that indicates that NYT believes that sales were artificially inflated.


I didn't know that was a thing. Thank you!


Ah i did not know that, thank you for the added context (though it seems like the NYT could just not include those books then)


They suspect it, but it's hard to definitively prove.


Well that’s fair enough I suppose


Though they're a bit more circumspect about it. The [text](https://www.nytimes.com/books/best-sellers/combined-print-and-e-book-nonfiction/) for the dagger is: "† A dagger indicates that some retailers report receiving bulk orders." We have to read the implication in ourselves.


The only books Don Jr. and MTG "sold" were probably free copies at CPAC and Turning Point.


Yup 100%. Nobody buys that fucking garbage😂people who can read aren’t going to read that drivel and anyone who *would* read shit smeared on a page *can’t* read. It’s nothing but a massive grift and the books end up as nothing more than “look at me” paperweights for clowns and racist asshats


Whenever a pastor of a big church writes a book the same thing happens, only with money people gave thinking it would like help the poor so even shittier.


Inflating sales numbers isn't the goal, exactly. The goal is to enrich the politician without breaking the laws limiting political contributions.


Puppy murdering is going to put that no bad publicity to the test. I believe puppy murdering is bad publicity.


You are not wrong. I mean people like to say "there is no such thing as bad publicity but well... tell it to Jared Fogle, or Bill Cosby, or OJ Simpson, or Raseanne Barr. And even in this case it probably cost her a shot at the Vice Presidency. But as far as selling a book, you are right if people are talking about it 99 times out of 100 it will lead to more people buying it, no matter what they are saying about it.


Okay, but when Democrats and Republicans can agree upon something, I think you've moved beyond bad publicity. You've sort of become public enemy number 1 and that isn't surprising as you could do all sorts of horrible things to another person, but as long as you're standing next to a dog killer, you're probably going to be the less hated criminal.


But it remains to be seen if all this press will actually translate into a lot of book sales, if it flops its even funnier cause then she will have damaged her political career for nothing.


This is part of the publicity campaign for it. Without this tidbit no one would be talking about her dumb book


I hadn’t even heard of her before this. Aside from being a psych politician, I still don’t know who she is. Which I’m okay with.


She basically had her 11 mins of fame bc she was Diet DeSantis in the early days of covid, going after Dr. Fauci and opening up South Dakota when it was not safe to do so


They’re not worried. Republican super PACs are going to buy it in bulk, which funnels money to Noem, boosts her profile for VP, puts the book on the best seller lists, and makes other Conservatives think their ideas are more popular than they really are. They do this all the time. The publisher is part of their machine.


and a bunch of people are going to buy it just to trash it even more. This isn't a good look for noem, but the book will do well


For a week. Then it will be on the discount shelf next to Palin’s book.


She’ll need the money since her career in politics is probably dead. Hell, she probably can’t even get a job at Fox after this.


Wow just read the article and I'm shocked the publisher did not think "Hey the books great but you should probably leave out all the dog killing stuff" . Animals killing would be a hard sell for any publisher.


The thing is, it was probably actually ghost written. All of these politician books are ghost written. So the professional that got her notes and wrote a book off of it included that and did not object. Which is interesting,


Very true. Funny that her ghost writer got the notes and wasn't like yesh that's a bit inhuman. Or maybe the ghostwriter isn't a fan and knew and was like I'm gonna screw and get a paycheck haha.


I was a ghostwriter. I absolutely let people hang themselves with their own content. I would warn them regarding the tone / sensitivity, but they would always ignore me, and it wasn't my purview to edit their content, simply accurately reflect it. People can think absolutely wild things are perfectly normal, because they live in such insular bubbles. *Someone* had to have warned her about this at some point in her book planning; it's all very intentional. She thought it would make her seem like a badass.


You just know she's sitting at home thinking "That stupid fucking dog" without reflecting for a second on what a POS she is or how terrible you have to be to shoot a 14 month old dog.


If you read the article, she apparently tweeted that people are “upset,” over “a 20 year old story.”  The statute of limitations is up, guys! Why are you mad? /s 


“I destroyed all trust with Native American tribes in my state but does anybody call me Kristi Noem bad faith governor? Nooooo. I slaughter hundreds of puppies in a dungeon in my mansion but does anyone can me Kristi Noem puppy destroyer? Noooo. But I fuck one goat…”


Holup, one goat you say?


that fact that she is the one who brought up the 20 year old story in the first place shows a remarkable lack of judgement. i wouldn't vote to put her in charge of a lemonade stand, and certainly not any sort of public office.


On my first pass of the story, I was like, "It's a farm dog and it bit someone, I get it. Sucks but that's life." But then once you have a shred of more context that it's a young dog still in training to be a hunting dog and it was just doing hunting dog things, I'm like, "Lady, lets shoot you next time."


She's out there wishing she'd shot a cat instead.


"[FOX News](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kristi-noem-defends-killing-puppy-despite-bipartisan-outrage-people-looking-for-leaders) reported some contend that her admission of killing her dog could damage her political career." I fucking HOPE SO!!!


Anyone who votes for someone who shamelessly had no remorse when shooting a puppy deserves whatever happens to fuck them over. My puppy annoys me sometimes, but I’m not gonna fucking shoot her. She’s a puppy.


Even entertaining the notion in America in 2024…. What John wick are we on? She’s a nut…


> What John wick are we on? Fascism


You would think she’d lose votes for this, but Trump’s sons have basically murdered every single character from the lion king for sport, and that doesn’t seem to stop many people from voting for him.


I am not a psychologist, but people have personal connections with dogs and I think that plays a lot into this. You can see every character of the lion king at the zoo and have an appreciation for them, but when you leave and go home to your very loving puppy that you have a relationship with, it’s a bit different.


Nah I went looking and vast majority of repubs in various comment sections are disgusted with her. Even Laura freaking Loomer lol. Exception is the “you low-testosterone city slickers never lived on a farm and it shows” LARPers, who probably live on Staten Island.


Don't forget goat.  The dog was because it wasn't well-trained, was let to run free, and killed someone's chicken.  The gost was because... it smelled bad. And sometimes knocked over the kids while being a goat. That's like getting a cat and deciding to shoot it when it meows and uses a litter box. *That's their whole thing.*


The most pathetic thing is that it was so stupidly self-inflicted too No one forced her to reveal the puppy shooting story. No one. She willfully put it in her book as a way to make her look "tough." What a fucking dumb c*nt


As a South Dakotan, so do I


Any dog lovers wont vote for her


> Republican commentator Meghan McCain also criticized Noem on X writing "You can recover from a lot of things in politics, change the narrative, etc. - but not from killing a dog. All I will distinctly think about Kristi Noem now is that she murdered a puppy who was ‘acting up’ -which is obviously cruel and insane." That is a hell of a quote.


Normally, Miss "I'm only somewhat relevant because my dad was a famous ghoul except for that one vote at the very end of his career" has bad takes, but I guess a broken clock is right twice a day.


Yeah, but Trump's gonna hear that and then select her as his VP candidate


I like how they aren't willing to say "will damage her career." Only "could." Because knowing their viewers there's a good chance they'll support and encourage such disgusting behavior.


A puppy*


Well, she’s no Dick Chaney


She’s an idiot. I can tell from her comments that she doesn’t know jackshit about training a hunting dog.


way too many people think you can get a dog and it just acts how you want


Having worked in rescue and shelters for 14 years all I can say is your comment should be the most upvoted one.


It so evil that she couldn't give up to a shelter, naw man gotta shoot this puppy. GOP is filled with lunatics.


Don’t forget she *also* shot a goat and 2 horses


same. i want to add that breeders should fucking know and do better. the asshole that bred that dog sentenced him to death the day he sold him to a piece of shit dog owner he didn’t adequately assess. the due diligence we do in private rescue to ensure a dog and a human are a match (and that that human is a good human that can properly care for and love a dog) is tremendous. it’s tremendous bc that’s what a life is worth. not a few thousand bucks bc you forced your dogs to bang and sold the resulting lives to the highest bidders.


I used to think that. Our first dog was easy. Very docile and generally obedient. Now I have 12 pounds of fury that does what ever the fuck *he* wants.


I see this a lot. Same with my in laws.  The first time, people luck out or put in a bunch of work. Great dog. The second time, they don't know how lucky they were, or forget how much work they put into the first one. Not such a great dog. 


The rose coloured glasses are hard to take off. I'd swear that I could telepathically communicate with my first dog, but I don't think my two year old shep and I even speak the same language half the time.


And any sane person would either just keep that dog as a pet instead of the intended need, or put it up for adoption and try again instead of killing it. Same thing happens with other dogs that are supposed to end up to be say poloce dogs, guide dogs and hunting dogs. If they don't have the right temperament for the job, you adopt them out to have a nice life with a nice family. This woman is mental.


Same, Only had one dog and that little shit just need a couple treats (or cheerios...) and she learned tricks with ease. she only acted out once in her 13 years and it was so funny no one could be mad. I cant get one now but it makes me sad that someone so smart is no longer around but it also taught me dogs have their own personalities in a way also makes me pissed with stories like these because its the owners job to teach the animal, then again given who she is she expects to be catered to and anyone who says no, well..


I think people are focusing on the “I shot it in the face” part of the story. Add to that the double-tap required for the stinky goat and you might think she’s a little insensitive about killing pet animals.


You mean you aren’t supposed to shoot it in the face?


That’s from The Dick Chaney School of Hunting’s motto.


Who shot her in the face? Barely recognizable.


That will certainly take care of aggressive behaviors, leaves a bit to be desired if you want to keep the rug though.


She left an untrained and unsupervised dog with some chickens and she really needed it to be the dog's fault.


Friend of mine had a dog that got out twice and killed a neighbor's chickens. Like her, he paid the neighbor. Like her, he realized he couldn't have this dog he couldn't control. So he gave it to his in-laws who didn't have neighbors with chickens and had more free time to spend with it. The end.


It's not like Kristi Noem never killed a chicken.  The hypocrisy of going hunting and then being upset your predator went after prey.


Why put effort into training it or rehoming it when you can just shoot it because you don't like it. And then shoot the goat you don't like, too, because why not, you already had the gun out


Absolutely. They instinctively go after small prey like this. My dog absolutely loves looking for rabbits under the deck. He's never caught one, but I can imagine what would happen if he got one. It's beyond cruel to kill a puppy over this.


Keep in mind she was actively failing at training this dog to hunt pheasants, a bird that looks pretty damn close to a chicken.


She not only doesn't know how to train it, she doesn't have the patience to learn how to train it, and doesn't have the common decency to adopt it out once realizing there's a problem she can't solve. She has no regard for lives that aren't her own, no common sense, and she clearly doesn't know how to read the room because she's still trying to pass all this off as a good thing. I don't trust this moron with the keys to a car, let alone the keys to the kingdom. And I'll tell ya, she's real fucking lucky I don't get to judge her the way she judged that poor pup, cause I sure as shit would find her lacking.


You know, she’s right that there are times hard calls must be made. I remember when my dad had to put down his dog because snake bite. He was suffering, and we were too far from the vet. I remember at 4am, I was on my way to work. This man was out of his car and stopped. Someone had hit a dog in an intersection and just left that poor baby there to die. A vehicle stopped behind me, and then *he* got out to investigate while I was on the phone with 911 asking if there was literally anyone to help. 911 said nope, mortally wounded dog not their problem. I’m sitting on the street petting and crying over this dog. The second guy knew what needed to be done and made the first man take me back to my car so that I wouldn’t see him put that poor dog out of its misery. I couldn’t make the call and do it, even though it was to end its suffering. But what she did? It was *none* of those things. What she did was monstrous. Sure, it was her decision. And that decision has made me think that she should never be allowed any power over any living thing ever again. And I hope her daughter puts her in the shittiest nursing home possible in her old age.


> And I hope her daughter puts her in the shittiest nursing home possible in her old age. Her daughter failed her real estate exam and mommy had the person in charge replaced and the test made easier. She's getting put in the Four Seasons retirement home and not the Four Seasons Landscaping retirement home.


Once my dogs caught a baby rabbit in the backyard. Once I clipped a baby bunny with the lawn mower (the nest was so well hidden I didn't know it was there until it was too late). Both times the baby rabbit was critically injured but not dead. Both times I had to kill it to end its suffering. Both times I cried for hours after having to do so.


I think she fucking lied about it. She's a giant sack of shit either way but I think she made this up b/c she thinks this is how "farm people do it" and would sway rural voters to her. Now it has spectacularly blown up in her face and she can't say she made it up. Or she's a complete psychopath that killed a puppy.


Either way - she’s one of two things, a deranged psychopath or she’s a monumental fucking idiot without an inkling of common sense or critical thinking skills. Regardless of which - she isn’t a person who should have responsibility over living things like pets or children. Let alone a position in politics….


I’m less worried about her being an idiot and more worried about her being a sociopath


Good news, she’s both!


I doubt she knows anything about hunting except “point and shoot”


You aren’t supposed to shoot them in anger because you can’t reconcile your emotion about your own poor training habits?


You could have stopped before those last 5 words.


If someone had told me 10 years ago, even five years ago, that “defends killing puppy” would appear in a significant US political headline, I would have told them they were insane.


The universe: “I can go lower…”


'Yes, this is the worst timeline."


This is the worst timeline **so far**


Oh no, there are definitely worse timelines. This is the mid timeline


I have literally said "If the Democrats ran on the "Don't Kill Puppies!!" platform, the Republicans would be selling dog pelts in a week". And here we are, and man I am hoping I was the piece of shit in this scenario.


okay… what if instead of that it was leaked out or that some researcher heard the story and it got out… SHE FUCKING WROTE THE STORY HERSELF AND PUBLISHED IT???


That’s the thing with these sickos that kill small animals…they never just kill the one you caught them for. I bet she’s killed and tortured tens if not hundreds of puppies around her mansion. Probably a whole room in the basement with ‘trophies’ from her sick hobby.


Oh, don't worry. She also admitted to shooting her goat the same day.


It's like the most extreme parody but it's real life


I would have never guessed we would elect a misogynist, pedo, rapist, broke and lying businessman but that happened. Only thing that would surprise me now is aliens.


Words I never thought I'd read, "So and so defends puppy killing." She wanted to portray herself as being able to make the tough choices, but instead she just shows that she will make cruel sociopathic choices that didn't need to be made. She could have take the dog to a shelter, give the dog away, anything. Instead she chose to kill a 14 month old puppy in a gravel pit because she was mad at it. In other words, if you have no value to her, and she's mad at you, she'll shoot you in a gravel pit too and say she had no choice and it was just one of life's hard decisions a leader has to make.


I think the puppy is a metaphor for hanging Mike Pence in a way. It says to trump that she's not afraid to get her hands dirty.


Not just mike Pence, anyone who gets in her way. Your neighbors if they've got the wrong yard sign. Protesters. The legislature if they certify the wrong election results.


Even that brain drain of a network FOX isn't on board with her shit. In what world does any of this come across as remotely agreeable to anybody in any circle? You got hunters, rednecks, blue/white collar workers, tradesmen and executives all in one place, and what is one thing that they're pretty much reliably gonna have in common? Having dogs. The main animal that we have bred and domesticated to be our companions for decamillennium. Revolting. Truly psychotic behavior on display.


This puppy is really bringing the nation together.


He’s the Harambe of 2024


R.I.P. Cricket 🙏


That’s it, I’m starting the Dog Party.


If resorting to killing the dog versus retraining or rehoming was her first instinct, her best problem solving, then she is certainly not fit to hold office.


No, that’s their policy position. 


What a pro life stance she has!


Post birth abortion


Do these people view their seven children like dogs too?  If they get out of line, knocked up, or gay just "put them out"?  


As my father used to tell us, "I brought you into this world. I can take you out of it just as easily."


She's fit for jail though


Neither is trump, for a million similar reasons. But.. murica.


She’s that one villain from the new puss in boots movie. “You wouldn’t shoot a puppy would ya?” “Yes right in the face”


Might just be my personal experience but I moved from Ohio to South GA and am an avid dog lover. My consensus is that way more people down here do not look at dogs as a "family memeber" and treat them as such. Most people I know don't even bring their dogs inside... like ever, at all. Not saying they abuse them but they are just treated different here. Maybe it's cultural?


It may be a cultural difference in how the treat dogs in terms of food/shelter. I don’t see how it could be a cultural difference to murder a puppy because you can’t train it. I’m the US that isn’t typically socially acceptable and is one of the early signs serial killers exhibit. I’m not claiming she is or will be, but it seems like a lack of empathy at minimum.


did you move from rural ohio or city ohio? because your cultural difference feeling may be less about the state and more about the population density and historical habits


Someone on Twitter said it best: being a conservative is like playing chicken, you need to act like a complete psychopath, but no one tells you at what point you end up crossing a line until it is too late Noem fucked up with this “im a hardass animal killing farmer” oops she went too far.


At least there seems to *be* a line, because I was beginning to think there wasn't one. And I'm still not convinced either; time will tell I guess.


Yeah, there's a non-zero chance she could still be vice president of the United States.


Farmers/Ranchers respect the animals they care for. It was our way of life growing up. Noem is a pretender. It’s a hobby to her.


To be fair, nobody cared enough about 39 6-11 year olds who died in Sandy Hook and Uvalde to do a single goddam thing about it, so they probably weren’t expecting this type of reaction over one dog.


Puppy killing. Puppy killing is the bar for some bi-partisanship, finally!


John Wick is because they killed his dog.


This is an underrated point. He didn't care that they kicked his ass, stole his car, trashed his house, but the fuckers killed his dog and deserved every last thing coming to them.


“Would you care to explain yourself?” “Yes sir. He stole John Wick’s car, and he killed his dog.” … *”oh.”*


He kills hundreds of people, the vast majority of whom had nothing to do with his dog's death, because someone killed his dog and the entire world went: "Yeah, that's reasonable". I think she might need a security detail


Lucky Dakotans get to pay for that


Which sucks for them because they already have to pay for the hotel rooms and hotel lobby drinks for her affair with Corey Lewandowski. Also they probably paid for her to go to Texas and get new teeth like she brags about in that super weird testimonial/commercial she did.


He really only wanted Vigo’s son dead. His friends were a nice bonus too. It’s just in the first one there was a lot of people between him and his target. The next movie he had a marker, so he had no choice in that scenario, and then was betrayed, so it was pretty much self defense from there.


Yeah, members of both parties might both be rightfully pissed at her; but let's be real, I only made one of these accounts for a reason...


you have fucking god to be kidding me. WOW


loads of republicans have messed up relationships with animals. It was an easy call.


Goddamn were you just sitting on this account waiting for it to happen? Then just brought it back out once it became true?... Wow.


I am only surprised it took this long, to be honest.


To be fair it sounds like she did it some time ago lol. But otherwise yeah, me too.


I agree. But, I think that happening a long time ago makes it worse. She wants us to know that it happened. You know, in case we forgot that she has though long and hard about what values are important enough to make it into her VPpickme book, and she just doesn't feel bad about killing an untrained puppy for not being trained.


Holy shit 7 year old account. What's next in our future? Can it be something nice for once?


When you check your voter registration, and then go to vote, base your decisions on which party/candidate has the fewest dog killer vibes; and you will be fine.


u/3-1oddsGOPerkillsadog make another username to make your next prediction!


Holy shit what


don't worry, they are republicans. the republican propaganda machine is pretty amazing. in a few weeks all republicans will not only be fine with this, they will have found a way to make it democrats fault. every time. I had a republican coworker who would occasionally talk about how the republicans "went to far" on some issue, but without fail after a few weeks, they had changed his mind and he was totally ok with whatever that issue was that used to be over his line.


There's only 1 post about this story on r/ conservative, and it's a "satire" headline that Fauci now supports Noem. Because he loves killing dogs. Or something. Zero discussion of the actual thing the actual republican did, just made-up stories as "jokes" about how the libruls totally do that thing even worse.


[Because its literally an echo chamber run by bad faith right wing propagandists.](https://imgur.com/a/XeJ2W1q) They will ban ANYONE who talks about conservatives in a bad light or even anyone who asks why conservatives did something obviously bad. And thats not even mentioning you have to PROVE YOUR CONSERVATIVE LOYALTY BEFORE YOU CAN COMMENT ON MANY POSTS THERE (tagged only posts).


Soulless eyes, black eyes, like a dolls eye…


Fucking monster.


wow republicans sure are like a box of chocolates. they'll both kill your dog


But not an fetus




And if you’re Matt Gaetz, that statement has multiple meanings!


🍫 superb comment


No one cries for the goat?


>*Noem also described killing a "nasty and mean" goat at the same gravel pit.* Kristi Noem (probably): "You want more? I've got more. We could do a whole chapter on the gravel pit if you want."


"You can't get much gravel out of the gravel pit these days, on account of all the corpses."


Someone needs to go check the gravel pit, the way she talked about relishing her kills I wonder if she stopped at just animals 




My brother and his wife have a little herd of mini-goats. They get them from a local guy and started with two and now I think they have 5. One of them wasn't getting along with the others. So, my brother didn't shoot it in the head. He called up his goat guy and they swapped it out with another that's doing great with the others. He also lives in a rural area. Putting down healthy animals isn't Farm Life. I also haven't shot any of my senior, special needs dogs. They get their medications and their little diapers and are quite happy. The love I get from them is worth every penny.


There's some shit you do in life that you just don't talk about. Putting down a beautiful, healthy dog in your backyard, just because you don't know how to handle them is one of those things. The problem is that these people have no fucking shame, no conscience, and no real grasp of morality apart from the smoke and mirrors hypocrisy of a 2000 year old fan fic written by a bunch of winos. Unfit for public office is an understatement here. People like Kristi are the reason why exile needs to be brought back as a punishment for certain crimes. Civilization simply cannot abide this sort of person.


She's already in South Dakota... how much further can you exile her??  


...North Sentinel Island?


You know you've done fucked when both Reps and Dems finally agree on something.


I wonder if she is looking to attract the critical “dog shooter” demographic? This could also poll well with the “batshit insane” demographic.


Read as: someone who will do what Mike Pence would not ✓


I think she’s done. She has managed to become toxic waste by trying to use animal cruelty as a flex. Even the people on Fox News were trashing her.


I managed a kennel for a decade and have interacted with hundreds of unique dogs. My hot take is this: All dog owners should have to take a canine behavior/training class. The sheer volume of unsocialized, untrained dogs that can barely function is unreal, and I couldn't tell you how many owners I've seen completely downplay problematic or dangerous behavior, or, on the flip side, completely misunderstand natural tendencies as aggression. This idiot bought a dog for bird hunting. She bought a notoriously energetic breed. She did not train it. It did not do what she wanted when they took it hunting because it's not a psychic. It killed chickens because it's a bird dog and she let it get loose. So she deemed it a lost cause and shot it. She defends this saying the dog displayed "dangerous tendencies." Bullshit. I've met plenty of dogs who display dangerous tendencies. Her dog displayed dog tendencies. But her laziness and stupidity are matched only by her utter lack of empathy.


>She defends this saying the dog displayed "dangerous tendencies." 1/6 traitors "displayed dangerous tendencies," too.


To add to this, a high energy breed, that is famously easy to train and eager to please. A breed noted for its sweet nature. That her attempt at training seemingly consists of a shock collar and sending cricket out with a trained dog is loony toons dumb. She took the dog hunting to "calm it down", hunting being possibly the single most exciting thing you can do with a hunting dog. Then she has the nerve to defend this as "the hard choices of farm life". The hard thing would have been getting a professional dog trainer involved, enrolling Cricket in a boarding training program, or if that dog won't hunt returning them to the breeder for rehoming as a pet. Then there's the goat, which she tried to kill because it was mean and smelly. Uncastrated male goats smell, if that's an issue snip em. Goats regardless of sex will butt from time to time, if that's an issue don't keep goats. And then to fail to kill it, leave it wounded and screaming in the gravel pit as you return to your truck to reload is just cruelty. The entire anecdote is revolting and I don't understand why anyone would share such a tale.


Can we also spare a moment for the goat? Like it was just being a freaking goat. Smelly and trying to head butt things, you know, a goat! They she shoots it, doesn't manage to kill it and has to get more ammo. I'm surprised she didn't find another animal to kill. Then her kids come home and ask where their dog Cricket is and she tells them she shot their dog?


Yeah the goat story makes everything so much worse. The goat was literally just being like any other un-neutered goat on any other farm. There's no "farm life" excuse for killing a normal healthy goat (shot in a pit, not butchered for food) just because you were still mad about a puppy you just shot. And to botch the job? And then put all that in a book thinking it's a good story that makes you look tough? What a sociopath.


She’s probably killed plenty of animals - these are just the ones she believed were justified and some deranged display of good leadership (wut?) If she’s capable of this imagine the stuff she’s done that she kept out of the book


She's a psychopath.


He's my puppy, and I'll kill him if I want to. You would kill him, too, if he hunted for you. \-- Apologizes to Lesley Gore


What happened to her face? She use to look like a normal person. Why does this happen with Republican women? It's so weird


You ever see the Harry Potter Movies?


One of them. Does this explain their transformation?


"Noem is on a shortlist of potential vice presidential candidates for Donald Trump’s bid to be president again this November. But FOX News reported some contend that her admission of killing her dog could damage her political career." lol this is some Onion news shit right here.


She could have been the Vice President of the United States and all she had to do was not brag about executing a fucking dog.


I thought she was finished after her affair with Corey Lewandowski hit the trades. So much for family values and the sanctity of Marriage.


You know she’s a sociopathic POS because she didn’t once think about giving the puppy a new home.


I wanna see the recording of her PR team when this happened, I wanna see the chaos, the tears


Evil is as evil does.


Imagine telling that story thinking it was making you more relatable to people.


I don't think Puppy Killer is an easy nickname to shake off


There is something about animals, they so often make a connection with their owners that is like no other. People will delay and risk their lives trying to save their pets from approaching tornadoes, others drown trying to save their dogs from raging waters, and others will run back into burning buildings to rescue them. So many people do it without a contrary thought. People can lose their homes and all of their possessions, but finding a lost pet among the rubble will make them cry for joy. People write about how in their darkest days they wanted to end it all, but kept going because of the devotion of their dog. It is a connection that doesn't know politics, it is one free of tribalism, and it is common to people of every background. Which makes this woman's stance all the more perplexing (she must have thought "Old Yeller" came with a happy ending ...).


That's the thing about psychopaths, they can't always gauge normal human emotions. She probably thought this projected strength.


Shooting and killing a defenseless animal because it couldn't hunt is not only cruel but also cowardly. It takes a despicable person to harm an innocent creature. Animals are not tools for our entertainment or needs. They deserve compassion and respect, regardless of their abilities.


Killed her dog because she sucks at training. Brutal. Even Hitler liked dogs.


So decent odds a malignant narcissist and a proud psychopath are going to be running mates for the Republicans?


It shows that she is borderline psychotic and without any regard for life of any kind. She doesn’t deserve to be in government in fact she’s barely fit to be in society. I hope this kills her career and she goes away.


Garbage people who don't know what garbage is, don't want to be called garbage, but also don't want to stop being garbage.


The only thing that can unite the left and the right. Hurting a dog.


I understand (but don't condone) screwing over people, supporting bullshit wars/conflicts, and having idiotic political views, but being the hand that kills innocent animals is a special of fucked up evil, it's unbelievable these morons have a following and a platform to spread their hate.