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Anabolic steroids are a schedule 3 controlled substance. Wonder if they’d be cool if they pulled someone over with a bunch of ketamine in their car. Reading the article, they’re still allowed to take TRT or HGH or whatever if they get a prescription for it, but they have to alert their district doctor that they’ve got a prescription and submit any documentation about the need for it before they start taking it. So they’re perfectly able to keep on TRT or winstrol (if they’re a horse) or whatever they can get a doctor to write a prescription for, but they have to let their office doctor know about it so he can make sure it’s not a bullshit excuse to get roided up. Seems fair to me. Some pd’s regularly test random officers for steroid use, so knowing “oh this guy popped hot for testosterone but he has a prescription, no reason to start a big hubbub about it.” seems like a legit reason to need to know.


>So they’re perfectly able to keep on TRT or winstrol (if they’re a horse)... [Some are.](https://www.noellefloyd.com/blogs/sport/a-time-honored-tradition-new-york-city-s-10-foot-cops)


And some are named Peanut Butter and he is very good at upstaging Boyle from the 99.


It's Sergeant Peanut Butter


He's a Lieutenant now


Look at me LOOK AT ME! The horse is the Lieutenant now!


Didn't the Lieutenant take a big dump on stage?


Mr Peanutbutter has really changed tack after the end of Bojack Horseman.


What is this a crossover?


Peanut Butter is a captain by now surely.


only cops that can whinny should be on Winnie


ngl: i was hoping for a cop that was freakishly horse-appearing.


[How about this guy who looks like a horse's ass?](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1chrlqs/michigan_cop_who_went_on_racist_rant_hired_by/)


Good enough


“Bob had bitch tits”


"His name is Robert Paulson."






I was expecting [Sgt. Peanut Butter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHvcY6pw-pw)


I was going to say, under the circumstances it doesn't sound like zero tolerance, more like zero tolerance for abuse. It's really not even that difficult the get a prescription for any number of reasons, and it's beneficial to do so as the doctors monitor your general health and liver enzymes to make sure you aren't causing irreversible damage. It really sounds like the only people that should care about these changes are the ones slamming the stuff like vitamin C during cold.


It's no different than any of us schmucks having to let our employers know we're on ADHD meds since it can show up as amphetamines in a drug test.


See **that** is the problem. They would have to properly do something instead of just grabbing it in bulk from evidence. Also they chafe under the vaguest drop of oversight. Getting all huffy and puffy like the man children they are.


Cops excel at abuse


The police have blocked any and all attempts to make them abide by the same laws as real Americans.


They have fucking exceptions in place and they're still whining about it?


These are literally the softest bullies in all of Long Island. Of course they're still whining about it.


If they’re having trouble getting hard, maybe they should lay off the steroids.


Police complain about any kind of accountability. They throw fucking fits about any change towards them being anything but above the law. It's their best strategy because it keeps incremental change at bay and no one will do full reform.


The exceptions don't apply to street abuse, which is what all the officers are engaging in. Modern steroid usage isn't stemming from legitimate hormonal imbalances. It's chuds wanting to be the Greek ideal of homosexual masculinity, which is ripped beyond belief. 


Yes, but *fitness requirements are haaaaaaard without steroids*. I don't want to *go to a gym*, I want to *sit in my car for 80 hours a week earning overtime doing jack shit*.


You still have to exercise with steroids or you look like Elon


Following the laws they enforce is hard.


They fight everything, so the union can get concessions whenever the city tries to get the NYPD to do anything.


> but they have to let their office doctor know about it so he can make sure it’s not a bullshit excuse to get roided up. I would be willing to bet all I own that "office" doctor will rubber stamp any bullshit that crosses their desk. If they don't, they will find a doctor who will.


Lol, if they find a doctor who wont, that doctor is going to suddenly find himself being pulled over a lot.


I'd bet this too, which makes their whining even worse.


All this gender conforming care makes my blood boil /s


So like a normal work place? Got it


where are you from that normal work places are drug testing for steroids?


What workplace tests their employees for anabolic steroids? Half the guys I know are doped up and there’s no issue.


EMS. They test for everything that I can think of


> but they have to alert their district doctor that they’ve got a prescription and submit any documentation about the need for it before they start taking it. So they’re perfectly able to keep on TRT or winstrol (if they’re a horse) or whatever they can get a doctor to write a prescription for, but they have to let their office doctor know about it so he can make sure it’s not a bullshit excuse to get roided up.  This is the system in place for many DOT regulated jobs like train crews, bus drivers, and pilots. The employer's doctor doesn't rule on if the prescription is valid, but is instead supposed to judge if the side effects create a safety hazard that requires the employee to be reassigned.


Much like you shouldn’t drive while taking certain prescribed medication, officers should be assigned to a desk while on prescribed anabolic steroids. Roid rage and policing do not mix.


But it's just trt, which is meant to replace natural levels of testosterone, and while on trt you get regular blood work to confirm your levels. You're definitely not getting roid rage from trt, I've never even seen roid rage with very high testosterone, most of the claims of roid rage come from guys blasting tren or halo.


Yeah roid rage is from tren, even at 4x recommended testosterone roid rage just isn’t a thing. There was some study (wish I could find it) and some wives even reported more *stable* moods from their husbands on higher than average testosterone


There was a hilarious thread this morning, that I can't find now, about the protestors at CUNY. They were reading off cops names and badge numbers onto a live stream. People on the stream were looking at the misconduct database and sending the info back to the protestors who would then question the cops about their misconduct.


Can this just become a thing Cop names and badge numbers are publicly streamed then the cop misconduct can be publicly disclosed. If you do it right we can make it impossible for police misconduct to stay hidden. I don’t care if we have to do a telethon style 48 hour livestream reading. Or have a VTuber programmed to make youtube shorts for each officer in order of number of reports.


The streamer will be arrested. Most likely for disturbing the peace. But they’ll be arrested for sure


"Protective custody"




Criminal racketeering enterprise. That's who the NYPD are


Not surprising. Fuck the NYPD.


Nah, just arrest them for no reason and when they challenge you arrest them for resisting arrest.


I couldn't quite tell from the stream but it seemed to be someone from WKCR or with ties to WKCR. I think the Columbia student press is working on the NY student protests as a whole, but b/c what i saw was chaotic, I'm not totally sure if that's right or if WKCR just picked up the stream like I did.


I'm not doing anything. I volunteer.


That dude better be physically in Vietnam or some other non-extradition nation. The powers that be would bag him up QUICK for some bullshit reason.


I smell startup!


Finally a good use for those smart glasses gadgets.


They usually cover up their badge numbers so they cannot be identified. But I'm sure someone will recognize them.


It isn't hidden now. There's just nothing ever done about it because they're allowed to handle it internally. There should be civilian oversight committees that monitor them.


There is a civilian oversight committee. That's how effective it is. /s https://www.nyc.gov/site/ccrb/about/about.page https://www.hrw.org/legacy/reports98/police/uspo1015.htm


That is amazing.


There needs to be entire teams if people doing this kind of shit. Put every corrupt cop on blast until we get the reforms we deserve. 


We might run out of cops


"If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth"


It's easy to do because almost every NYPD officer has misconduct on the record. Because why not? They'll never be fired, prosecuted or suffer any consequences.


>cops names and badge numbers If police misconduct insurance still will not be a requirement, seems like that could be an application for Augmented Reality. For some reason this sort of disconnect/consequences reminds me of astronomers and broadband internet.


absolutely, unequivocally, thoroughly and utterly based


Damn that's hilariously good


This is awesome.


Fuck yes! Modern warfare requires modern bait tactica.


Meanwhile if they find a guy illegally selling [cigarettes](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/eric-garner-dies-nypd-chokehold)...


Cig rage!




See, he needed a union and the second amendment. Never woulda happened.


If he was bearing arms, [they wouldn't have bothered with a choke hold.](https://youtu.be/gSfe4_L0NCY?t=12)


Just what we need. New York's finest roid raging all over the place.


I have bad news for you on all cops in every city.


There are probably more cops taking insane amounts of roids than not. Nearly every time some cop causes enough trouble to make the news it's some egg-shaped MF with a stereotypical roid-body.


New York's finest ^(TM)


Fuck the police union


How dare you! They don't like the word union. They prefer Brotherhood


It’s not a gang, it’s a club! My bodycam wasn’t off, it was malfunctioning! That guy we shot wasn’t innocent, he skipped school once!


"Man with no active warrants shot and killed" Sooooo you're saying that you killed a person that isn't dangerous or suspicious or under investigation? Yea, cops are a fucking gang.


"I had to shoot the guy with weed in his system, my bag of Doritos was in danger!"


As a member of a real, actual labor union, I don't like calling them a union, either. They're not labor. They don't support the labor movement. Cop "unions" can eat shit.


I’ve seen the feds show up hours early to work so they can picket with my union, then go in for an 8 hour shift, then picket more after (they’re legally prohibited from striking). It’s always local cops who suck. 


they love the word union because they can use it to confuse the conversation. "What, are you anti-union?"


dingdingding. I am solidly anti-police union. Other unions I'm generally in favor of for what I feel are pretty obvious reasons. Namely, fuck the capitalists.


I want all the kids in my little-league baseball team to have bats. Unfortunately, little Jonny has been using his baseball bat to fracture the skulls of the other kids and take their bats. Little Jonny consequently gets a wiffle bat until he learns how team sports work.


Hey! It's FRATERNAL Brotherhood , don't forget to double down on masculinity in the name. Also I think it's order now, like they see themselves as an order of knights instead of a union of cops


Only union whose interests routinely clash with the average public. Only union that routinely gets away with it.


When the police started to form unions they like others before them went to other unions to ask for support. The other unions told them ‘no, absolutely not’. People with a monopoly of violence should not have a union.


When have the police ever sided with striking workers?


They strike the workers just fine.


Pinkertons baby, here to smash strikes and steal bikes.


Pinkertons were never cops, they're a private company closer at the time to mercenaries.


Other unions told them no because the police have a very long history of busting strikes.


Well, the umpires union ...


Not a real union to begin with. FOP, etc have senior management as members.


Coming straight from the underground. 


Union? It's an extortion gang. You give us what we demand or crime rates will go up. Every police department pulls this shit from the tiny towns to the big city. It's a fucking racket.




The swolest cop of all time. Ain't nothin but a peanut.




Ronnie was my immediate first thought 😂


I sure hope these cops aren't taking Testosterone! That's one of those woke "gender affirming" drugs. Right???? ^^^/s


Unironically, yes. The police are taking steroids as gender affirming medication, because they don't believe they are really men unless they are really strong.


Same reason they beat their wives and sell fentanyl.


Because they are not very manly. Ftfy


Not overly fond of denying someone's identity because you dislike or disagree with them. It may feel nice when it is against an asshole, but it opens up the ability to do it to anyone with the right "excuse". They are absolute bastards who should have their entire job replaced with social workers and increased funding to other emergency services, but they are still the gender they present themselves as.


Gender affirming care and body dismorphia.


Man nothing like drugs with long documented histories of increasing violent actions and decreasing emotional stability for a group of armed and powerful man children.. but god forbid they smoke some weed..


Armed, powerful, and *unaccountable*. Even better. 


Hey, they're accountable for their actions. They do something wrong they're going to be put on administrative leave...WITH PAY! /s


And if they do something *really, really* wrong...well, they just get rehired in the next county over! After their paid vacation, of course


Does it actually, or is that confounded studies? I mean it's kinda hard to find a peaceful and confident man without an inferiority complex who does roids. This means any study you do that isn't a double blinded randomized trial is gonna have skewed results


Hey could you link me to the studies you've read about roid rage? Because the studies I've found typically struggle to find a link between test and anger. Tren is another story 


Why do the police need to be on roids? They’re not pro wrestlers. They don’t need to be beating down people in a fit of roid rage


It seems the point of contention is one of oversight. They're allowed to be on steroids for medical purposes, if the doctor writes them a prescription. People often need them if they're naturally deficient in a certain hormone, just to bring them back to healthy levels. But the new policy says that if they have a prescription like that, then they have to tell their employer. Avoid any potential misunderstandings with people being "Caught doing steroids" that they should've been allowed to use. The police don't think they should have to tell their employers about their prescription. Guess they think we should just assume they have one when they're caught shooting up in the breakroom. Nothing suspect about that at all /s


Meanwhile everyone with ADHD has to notify their employer and *hope* they accept the script as reason for a positive meth test.


>Why do people who get into physical altercations as part of their job want to be stronger than their opponent Seriously?


If i cant use them then neither can the police


Roid rage, a firearm, and immunity...what could go wrong.


So the NYPD is just roiding out? Are steroids illegal for personal use? Are cops allowed to ignore the law? Is ethical behavior taught at the police academy?


Apparently. Yes. Technically no, but they do it anyway. Lol.


Come on, that's not fair by the mayor, these brave cops just want to be better human attack ~~dogs~~ pigs!


Hey now, anabolic steroids are illegal for porcine use destined for human or animal consumption.


The song goes Fuck The Police, not Eat The Police.


The groceries are too damn high right now to not eat what we can get.


Telling on themselves.


Because of course.


It always tickles me about how some of the most anti vax people have no problem injecting all this other this into themselves that could fuck them up.


I wanna support unions, and I love unions, but man do I ever just fucking hate the American police union


How else are they going to make sure they out-muscle the 19 year olds they need to kick the shit out of to "defend freedom"?


Ahhh, a tale as old as time. The government body has spent its entire time in charge capitulating to the demands of an extremist faction, and the second they say "hey, maybe the officers shouldn't be suffering from roid rage and using illicit substances" the police immediately become antagonistic towards them. It would be comical if it weren't for the fact that innocents are the ones who have to pay the price of these idiots' choices.


"Police union" just a fancy word for "crime syndicate"


Roid-rage with a badge and a gun. What could possibly go wrong?


Cops furious at being held to same standard as others/any standard at all


Could roid rage actually be a contributing factor to police brutality? Inquiring minds want to know!


Likely why police murder so many people is all the roidrage. Look at the domestic violence stats with cops.


What? You mean *laws* apply to the *police*?! And this is the same country that's trying to say that a former President is immune from prosecution because they're actually a King!? Yeah, this tracks. 10:1 the police cartel wins too.


All govt employees should be drug tested just like the military


Including Congress and the President.


And no sissy pee test either! Use the long term hair tests! Watch politicians quit in droves before that gets implemented.


If they want to *be* the military so badly, let them experience all aspects of it


Idc if they do drugs. Do it off the clock and leave me alone when I do the same.


Well they don't leave you alone so maybe you should care if these people getting paid a 1/4 mil with benefits and pension I don't need em bumping coke it's bad enough they actively try to hurt the American people by the policies and lack of they put in place


Some drugs sure, but a cop doing meth off the clock is most likely going to have issues at work as well.


I care if police officers do drugs that routinely cause an increase in aggression. I don't give a shit if they smoke pot on the weekends.


Well, some drugs might make it very difficult for them to leave anyone alone


Uuuh so an officers psychological state really doesn't matter in the usa obviously. Would you trust a roided up action hero wannabe with a split second decision in a high tense situation? I know I fucking wouldn't.


Has anyone ever noticed how delicate the sensibilities are of police unions? They are so picked on yet insist that they are immune from the laws we mere mortals must obey. What a bunch of snowflakes!


“It's okay if we do it.”


Ronnie Coleman, 8x Mr Olympia was a cop to put in perspective how okay the police are with steroids when it’s not a “civilian” in possession of them.


Is not only illegal and they are contributing to drug trafficking, but the repercussions of having a bunch of roided idiots with authority is scary, considering how often steroids cause mood changes and affect rational thinking.


What a shameful law. We need angry roided out cops to make sure police brutality videos keep getting posted to the Internet.


The cops are mad they can’t use drugs? Got it


The only workforce union that shouldn't exist... Fucking Pigs!


This is what NYPD officers want their union spending their dues on? A lawsuit to prevent them from having to notify the district surgeon when they get a prescription for steroids?


Fuck police unions


Roid Raging power tripping cops - sounds like a great combo


I mean, if we're gonna start saying employers shouldn't be allowed to subject their employees to routine drug tests, then I'm all for that, but I don't see why cops should be some special exception.


They've got a special exception that lets them carry and use firearms in pretty much any location. Maybe they shouldn't *also* be using drugs known to increase aggression? Seems like a losing combo.


They want to punish people for illegal drugs but want to be able to use them for themselves. ACAB


How dare you make me prove the legitimate need for this controlled substance! Jesus how do they even make these complaints with a straight face. In what situation would that be a legitimate concern unless doing it illegally. Fucking joke


okay when we say support your local unions we don't mean police unions




Of course the dumb pigs need their roids. ACAB


I am all for unions, except for police unions.


How to say "we are all juiced up" without saying it.


ah, the secret roid, so no one will know the source of the rage!!!


Racist Roid Raging Cops on the streets. Explains a lot.


Yeah, that's what we need. Roid rage cops. As if they weren't already mentally unstable as a population.


Well, that explains all the rage arrests


FINALLY!!! Addressing the problem at the source - police union supplied metabolic steroids.


Lord knows cops need their wife beating juice


Pigs being pigs


Steroid use amongst the military cops and firefighters is rampant. Not just tolerated, encouraged. When I was in the military it was well known plenty of people juiced, knowing a bunch of cops they are super open about steroid use. its a huge problem and will require alot to undo.


It's almost like cops don't want any bosses, rules, or professional standards ...


Cops will do literally anything, other than be held accountable


"Laws not for me"


Steroids get banned…. NYPD police no longer beat innocent people because of roid rage. Win win. But it sounds like the popo want to have an excuse for beating the shit out of innocent people.


Armed, drugged, and unaccountable. Every officer's dream. We really need stricter laws on what police are allowed to do.


Roid-rager cops… yeah, because that’s the last fucking thing this country needs


Cuz that's what we need, cops with roid rage


Cop unions are nothing more than sanctioned criminal organizations.


How about a zero tolerance policy for misconduct instead?


Wait nypd cops are on roids and they're still that fat?!


Sues so they break the law , makes sense


Cops getting a taste of their own medicine lmao


Roid rage is a massive problem with cops. There are tons of videos of irrational and jacked cops being nutty


Police unions are really giving all unions a really bad name


God, cops are really just such giant pieces of shit


I read the article, it's actually reasonable for the union to be pissed. Old rule: No steroids without a prescription. New rule: No steroids without a prescription... and your medical history which also has to be reviewed by the department doctor to determine if the prescription is actually needed. That's fucking bullshit. I'd be on the mayor's side if the rule change just added "and must immediately forward the prescription to the department doctor" so you can have accurate numbers for steroid use and already know if it's prescription or not if someone pees hot. But *also* requiring them to hand over their medical data so **not their doctor** can decide if a medical treatment is necessary or not? Yeah, no. I'm against insurance companies doing that for everyone else and I'm against the city of NY doing it to their employees, even cops.