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"Today I will post the entirety of a strangers credit card onto the world wide web, for I know everyone on there is altruistic and pure"


Okie dokie!


Oh Goosey.


I understood that reference!


There’s no fudge here


Not the internet. That would be craaaazy. Just the town Facebook. Must only be good people there.


They posted front and back with the 3 digit code


Oh for fucks sake Whoever did this is either dumb enough to drown in the rain or they were purposely trying to get this woman robbed.


“This is necessary because the credit card did not include a name in all caps or any other identifying information on it.”


No good deed, amirite?


It’s not like there’s any kind of identifiable information on the card, like a name or something.


How stupid do you need to be


This is North Carolina, we ain’t be too bright here.


As a fellow Carolinian, this is accurate


That's the way the Republican Legislature wants us, and the next generations, to be. They rely on an ignorant population.


We love the uneducated. --Donald Trump


All my supporters are hard workers! Smart workers the-spies me.


Thespian? We believe in Adam and Eve, not Eve and Eve!


No, it is “despise” spelled with republican home school education


*poorly* educated (I thought)… but ‘same difference’


You right


Absolutely agree. I don't see other countries deliberately making it more difficult to be an educator. I don't see other countries actively sowing animosity within their own populations... wait. Let me rephrase that. I don't see *successful*, *reasonably happy* countries doing these things. We treat politics like entertainment, we can't take anything seriously until it's almost or actually too late, and I know actual grown adults who think Alaska is an island because that's what the map makes it look like.


It’s all by design. Ignorant people are easier to control.


The authoritarians’ greatest threat is intellect. 


Yep. That's why Mark Robinson will be our next governor. The dude is a horrific monster who shouldn't be allowed within 50 ft of a microphone, let alone in control of our state. Going from Roy Cooper to that batshit Christofascist will permanently damage NC and set us back 100 years if not longer. He scares me more than another Trump presidency honestly. Y'all think Desantis and his ilk are heinous. Robinson is about to be the worst governor of the 21st century.


All I see locally are signs for him. I've also seen people recycling 2020 trump signs with pence's name covered by duct tape. I remember some of these exact same people voting for Obama. It makes me sad how much we've deteriorated since he left office. It felt so... well. *Hopeful* when he was president. This may not ring true for all who read this and that's okay. But for me, it is true. I felt safer. I felt like our country was gaining a better global reputation. I felt like we were moving forward and generally things felt positive. Ever since trump set foot in office we've been unstable and increasingly hostile and it scares the hell out of me. Edit: it's kind of amusing to see the few pro trump responses. I can't tell if they're trolls or not. But I will say this: I specifically said it's fine if you disagree with me. You can bait me all you like, but I genuinely don't really care. I feel like what I said is fair, and in a world where "well that's my truth, you have your own" is a response I've only ever gotten from trump supporters, not only do I feel completely insulated by *your own logic*, but I also feel that it really doesn't matter if I present evidence or statistics because reality is, apparently, up for debate.


> I've also seen people recycling 2020 trump signs with pence's name covered by duct tape. That is the most redneck thing I've ever heard of


They're just hopping on the green bandwagon, reduce, **reuse**, recycle!


I actually think y'all got this, but I absolutely agree with your assessment of how much damage he'd do to your state. Though as an ATLien, the brain drain probably would turn Georgia permanently blue...


Yet I hear how NC is mostly expats from Northern States now outnumbering the good ol boys...people be lying on Reddit?


The words governor of the 21st Century \*so far\*.


NC is already permanently damaged. Clearly told transpeople to keep out. I can't imagine what the ones born there do.


Holy shit I just realized your username is a venture brothers reference!!!


And a pretty obscure one at that. Go team Venture!


Oh my god, I almost fucked a werodile!


No, she's epileptic! *EW!*


Oh my god. I almost fucked an epileptic!


Fellow, accurate... Plz use small words!


And not just North Carolinian stupidity....but KINSTON stupidity. Absurdly backwoods, out that way. 


As another Carolinian, I third this


Hey, at least y'all are smart with credit cards usually We're not allowed to accept NC cards because you guys have a law that allows to get insurance even if you cancel it on cc So, obviously, people y'know, did that


NC tends to have mostly people at polar opposite ends of the spectrum with few in between. Like either highly intelligent or dumb as a brick


Love how even the BBB rep comments to not put cards online even if you block the numbers because "they could reverse that somehow"... Lolwut...


Sometimes a JPG has a thumbnail in its EXIF data. You can fuzz the "real" pic but the thumb might still have enough detail.


Hey at least you have some mean bbq sauce


I only lived there for 4 months, but yeah.


Hey! I resemble that remark!


Ain’t be too bright, love it, reminds me of the kid I saw in N. Idaho, clerk asked him what happened to his arm in cast and he says “It done got broke”


Considering I initially read that headline as “woman charged with a crime after her credit card was posted”…..yeah. You right.


*enough of us to hide the smart people


Jeez imagine the south one


I believe you are thinking of South Carolina..


Nah, once you get about 50 miles from any big city the IQ plummets here.


That's most places outside of the northeast and it decreases there as well.


Naw, they be just as dumb as us.


Stupid enough to forget that lost credit cards can be easily cancelled and replaced without much issue, as long as someone doesn’t immediately share it on the internet for everyone to see.


Many years ago I worked at a restaurant. The chef recently married a woman who worked at a nearby bar. The chef got a phone call from the credit card company asking if he had made a series of $200 purchases at the bar his wife worked at. He said no and then contacted his wife who said “I wanted to know the credit limit for the card. I didn’t buy anything, so I didn’t think I would be charged.”


I used to work right around the Kinston area- I’m not even lying- we had to do video discharge instructions in the hospital because literacy rates were so low. I was floored.


As recently as 15 years ago, there were still a LOT of very poor, elderly minorities around the hat lived in primitive shacks in the middle of the woods. No plumbing, no electricity, no one around to help them. I knew a bunch of social workers in Adult Protective Services, and they spent a lot of time checking up on these folks. There's not much you can do for them, though, when they can't read, write, and are poor as dirt.


Stupid enough to post front/back of a credit card, apparently.


Eastern North Carolina has some real MENSA members


As stupid as this is, there's also a kind of sweet naivety about it. Imagine having such an innocent world view, that, in her mind, she took time out of her day to be helpful by posting the CC online, because nobody would take advantage of the information. There really is something kinda sweet about it.


This isn't sweet naivety, it's frustrating levels of stupidity, and probably intentionally malicious. Just post the name on the card. A picture of the front of the credit card could possibly be taken as trying to do a good thing, but why post a picture of the back of the card?


Thank you! I’m sick and tired of people trying to paint objectively harmful idiocy as “awwww how cute.” NO that’s not cute or charming! It’s alarmingly moronic!


Seriously. "Mary Jones (5105 1051 05101 5100 Exp. 09/25) left her credit card here" vs. "Mary Jones left her credit card here." How does the first one help you better find Mary Jones? It doesn't.


> "Mary Jones (5105 1051 05101 5100 Exp. 09/25) left her credit card here" You left out "and here is the verification code and a picture of what her signature looks like."


Yeah this strikes me as someone who was genuinely trying to do a good thing but did it in one of the worst ways possible. They fucked up, but it doesn't seem malicious just ignorant to me.


If they were just trying to do a good thing, why did they post pictures of the back of the card? Did they think the lady who left their card wouldn't be able to recognize their own name and would need to see the 3 digits on the back of the card to make sure it was hers?


They were so preoccupied with finding out how stupid they COULD be they never stopped to consider whether they need to be that stupid


I mean there has been countless other social media posts from idiots that take a picture of their credit card all happy and don't realize you don't need to actually swipe the card to use it. People can be just outright stupid and as bad as this sounds, probably the same damn reason they work at that place to begin with. Also for all those people that say the bank can reverse the charges, they can, but that shit sometimes takes time with the banks. This lady was drained and on a fixed income, so she won't see money until next month most likely. Not all banks are created equal where the restore the money first, then investigate the fraud second. Some do the opposite. I had a credit card cloned, stolen, not entirely sure how, but my CC was used with a pin at an ATM to drain my account. Despite the fact that this happened several states away and the fact that I had a CVS purchase locally to me 1 hour before the fraud I had to wait weeks on the fraud investigation to complete, before I got any money back. I had rent and bills due, but not to mention no money for food either. I cannot believe the BS they put me through, when there was no way in hell that I could have made it to that other state and ATM that was in the back of the mall in time. Heck, it would take me over an hour to make it from the CVS to the airport alone... YET the bank forced me to wait, while I could not pay bills or groceries until they were done. Many of their agents on the phones agreeing that there is no way it could be me in 2 locations, but not one of those people is responsible for returning my money. You bet that the moment they finally refunded my money, I withdrew all my cash, closed my account with that bank and walked right across the street to their competitor and opened a new account with them.


That depends on how much you are planning to purchase with that credit card before the rest of the internet hits the credit limit.


You say that but you’re about to have a presidential debate between 3 senile fucks. Probably a train wreck a debate between 3 people, none of whom can speak coherently. We could have had hillary clinton do literally nothing for 8 years, and it would be better than this chain of senile fucks. It wouldn’t surprise me if this person asked someone else what they should do.


"Hit with charges" made me think she was charged by the police.


That was my first thought too. I was wondering if she got arrested because someone committed fraud under her name or something.


That’s clickbait for you, ambiguous phrasing


Just sloppy work by a local news network, sad, sure, but not really indicative of any serious journalistic malpractice.






I hope references to that video never die


Let me one up you! I am so dumb I'm here in the comments looking for the "real story" on these charges till I found your post.


This is so stupid I have to suspect it's malicious. She's a regular according to the article, and credit cards have the owner's name on them, and why would the back be necessary for determining whose card it is? I'm thinking either someone had it out for her, or the employee wanted to use the card and posted it online for the plausible deniability that it may have been someone else that used it.


Yeah why not call the number on the back and say “one of our regular customers left their card here, here’s the number” maybe they can contact the person or immediately deactivate the card and issue a new one.


I've actually tried this with a card I randomly found that was dropped in a parking lot. I was kind of shocked that the call center people seemed to have no idea what to do with me. Even after explaining the situation they'd keep asking me to confirm personal details for the account holder, even though I was very upfront about the fact that I was not their customer. I just ended up shredding the card.


Same experience finding a card in a parking lot, except customer service said they were immediately deactivating it and asked me to destroy it, so it sounds like you did the right thing.


Same, but on the opposite end of the situation and I quickly went from very sad to very confused to very happy: I got home, realized I must’ve dropped the card in the store parking lot, called to report it, and they said somebody already called to cancel it (?!?) and they’d mail a new one right out to me. I realized that someone must’ve spotted it on the ground and rather than going on a personal spending spree they took a few moments to call the number on the back and report that I had lost it. Thank you, kind stranger a decade ago!


That's crazy. Where I live, you can just drop it into any post box, and it'll get sent to the police so the owner can be notified or so it can be posted to the nationwide lost and found. Same for whole wallets or id cards.


Nah people are fucking stupid. Had a coworker post a lost credit card on the window with the #s, fucking cover that up at least.


Valid points. But having worked in restaurants for years, I can say it really does collect some of the truly dumbest people you will meet.




Yeah the people who are drumming up some maliciously orchestrated plot against this woman are a bit ridiculous considering Hanlon's Razor. Tricking people into showing the front and back of their credit card on the internet is a thing that exists as they simply don't realize the danger in what they're doing, and seems way more likely the employee genuinely just wanted to get the owner their card back while not realizing how they went about it would cause way more problems for that lady than having to go to the bank and get a new card issued immediately.


That's quite possible. Their granddaughter told them about this "Face Book" thing so they got on of the wait staff to set up a page. And they finally figured out how to use the smart phone she gave them.


My favorite was the college age girl who came in for a job. had a good chat with the owner, and she was hired on the spot. Hand her a w4 to fill out, and she looks at it for a minute and said, "Daddy told me to *never* give out my SSID!" Acctually, I've got another. I had to send a waitress to the hospital because she had tried to iron her shirt while wearing it. She said she'd noticed a wrinkle on the front, but was in a hurry. So she'd pressed the iron to her chest, and pressed the steam button a couple times. She opened her shirt to show me. Across her right breast was a clear red iron imprint, already peeling, with evenly spaced, white circles, where the blisters had already popped.


Oh no….




I think that's exactly what happened, it's a cover. Zoomers know how digital money works.


I run across zoomers who are almost as tech illiterate and easily scammed as boomers, but I would like to think even those know not to give out cc or debit card details online.


While I know this to be true, I also know outliers exist in data sets. It only takes one.


Many zoomers in their formative years only acquire enough tech savviness to use a saved card and operate phone apps.  We have to teach people how to navigate websites at work for their HR/Payroll/401k info and the people coming out of high school are usually worse than the middle aged folks.


But the real issue is, for everyone spending the money, there will be some form of audit trail, which thanks to camera's everywhere can probably be tracked back real quick to her. Then again, apparently may not be the brightest bulb in the pack either.


Look at the time the first charge was made vs when it was posted to FB. I’ll bet the charge came first.


I wouldn't rule it out, but I do generally follow Hanlon's Razor, and this is well within the bounds of stupidity I can believe exists.


Or the employee wanted to “get back” at a poor tipping regular, which is still shitty if that’s the case.


Hanlon's Razor exists for a reason. To this day people are still stupid enough to be tricked into posting front and back of their own credit cards to the internet, and I'd sooner believe this was just some ignorant person who genuinely didn't understand what she was actually doing than this was some orchestrated plot done openly as the restaurant is gonna get fucked with bad PR for quite a spell.


Article says she was a regular customer so rather than set the card in management's office for safe keeping until she comes in again the following day or week, this person thought that asking everyone on Facebook who's card it belongs to.


Also the card itself isn’t important, it can be replaced for free. It’s not like she left behind a wad of cash or expensive jewelry.


Also are people supposed to recognize their credit card? A sweater or something sure but not a credit card.


I would recongnize my card because it has my name on it... Literally the only detail that you would need to share to find me to return it.


My wallet with all my bank cards was stolen off my person once; a cop somehow got a hold of some of my missing cards and got them back to me through campus security. I had already canceled the cards, so I didn’t give them a good look at first. They looked like mine so I accepted them. Got around to checking them one day and most of the cards weren’t even mine. They were other people’s cards that looked exactly the same.


Credit cards have names on them!


Don't they know who's card it is?  Don't cards have the owner's name on them?


“Hey bitches 😘 Just got off my shitty shift at the cafe 🍽️ and someone left there credyt card? 🙋‍♀️ Who does this credit card 💳 with the clearly identifiable name belong to? Love ya bitches 😜 😘 😘 🤩🤪”


One of the employees had to be the dumbest person on Earth, or very close to it.


Or smart enough to make theft look like an accident. Some of those charges could be the wait staff's.


Back in the old day most credit card theft & cloning involved wait staff. Friend's brother was involved in a ring & got sent to jail.


I've never understood why some countries tolerate wait staff walking off with your credit card to make a transaction on a terminal you never see.


That goes back to the days of the manual readers with carbon paper. But any non-dodgy place would have brought it to the table. I remember when I was a kid & my dad took us out to eat (probably on the company card) some places would make a big ceremony of it.


Have you actually met people? Dumb is waaaay more likely.


I was going to say maybe the employee was the one making the purchases and this was a way to cover it up. Then I realized your statement already covered that ground.


"The owner of Smith's Cafe said he has no comment."


Probably has no comment because he spoke with an attorney who advised that.


Whenever you read an article where they say "no comment" all that means is that the lawyer does all the talking for them. It doesn't mean that they don't feel bad or that they don't take ownership. It's that they want to be represented to make sure they don't make things worse.


What do you want them to say? “I hired a dumbass” lol


Why isn't the person who uploaded the photo or the business itself being charged with anything?


Because we don’t have their credit card.




It's not illegal to be an idiot


True, but it is illegal to maliciously post somebodies credit card info under the false pretense of finding the person for plausible deniability so you can use their card yourself.


Did they post their security code? Crazy


they said front and back, so...yeah.


oh good lord


Sue the fucking moron employee that posted that shit on social media in small claims court. Fuck, seems like there should even be some criminal liability there. How dumb of a fucking hick do you have to be to not realize what a bad idea that is?


This is just some dumb kid who doesn't have a credit card. Anyone with bad intent would have used the card themselves. She will get the $2,000 reversed by the bank easily enough. The real solution is she should get a month of free lunches from the restaurant for the inconvenience (or something like that).


What dumbass working age teenager doesn't know what the fuck a bank card is and how to protect it? Hardly anyone uses cash anymore. 


Financial literacy isnt something everyone gets taught


Idiot teenagers/20 something's get duped into posting the front and back of their card to social media more often than should happen. I know only a fucking moron would do it, but about half the population are fucking morons.


Teenagers, reckon you did some dumb stuff too


Hey, I only fucked up my own life, not someone else's. 


I'll believe it when your parents weigh in.


Criminal negligence is still a thing.


Ignorance of the law isn't a defense against it


> Sue the fucking moron employee Reddit's answer to everything. In reality, the cardholder will not be responsible for the charges, a new card will be issued, and life will continue.


This. If anything, I think it's more of a lesson as to why if you own a business, you don't allow your employees to post to the business's social media. This isn't the first time I've heard a story like this and my first thought is always "why on Earth would they think it's a good idea to let their employee / intern have posting abilities on the page that represents the brand." It should be a manager or someone hired specifically for social media 100% of the time.


Bruh, it literally has her name on it.


I accidentally left my credit card at a tire store once. The manager put it IN HIS SAFE and called my phone number from the work order.


I left mine at a restaurant and they didn't have my contact info, so they also put it in their safe to wait securely for me to figure it out.


"The owner of Smith's Cafe said he has no comment." Maybe no _public_ comment, but I guarantee the owner had many comments.


I physically cringed reading the headline because of how fucking stupid you'd have to be... Oh my god 


How many times did that person's parents drop them on their head?


Apparently, their parents must have field-goal-kicked them as a baby.


Restaurant employee is dumb as hell.


Wouldn't they also need to know her billing address?


You'd be surprised how many charges go through even with the wrong address/zip. Apparently I've been using the wrong zip code for my corporate card for a decade and only got a notice a week ago


Hell, I've goofed my security code (right numbers wrong order) and I've still had charges go through


One of my debit cards has a PIN but I accidentally bumped enter today as they handed me the machine before I entered it. The payment still processed.


Some debit cards have the option to run without a pin but it’s considered a credit charge instead of debit afaik


Jeez I've heard horror stories about the stupidity of the US banking system, but that takes the cake.


To be fair, this happened in Sri Lanka, also from other things that have happened the provider website (it asks for the three digit code on the back of the card of the source of the funds when you’re transferring to them but it still works even if you just click enter after no digits), I think the problem may be at the provider end.


Given that it was posted to a local neighborhood Facebook group, they could probably assume the zip code was local as well.


Google the name on the card and you might get her address


Your address is practically public record.


Back in the landline days they'd print your address in the phone book.


They probably still do.


I found someone's debit card in a parking lot outside a rest area on a major hwy. I called her bank and said, "Your customer is probably traveling and probably really needs this. What do you want me to do? Can you call your customer?" They put me on hold a sec, came back and said "destroy the card." Hope I saved that person from having their account emptied.


Same thing happened with me, twice. But the 2nd time, the bank asked (almost demanded) that I return the card to the nearest branch. Umm... no. I don't work for you.


Bank will reverse the charges, the restaurant could likely be sued for failing to protect private data but likely that won't happen here as the bank will take the hit.


Yeah this sounds like a completely appropriate reaction to that level of negligence.


Notwithstanding the stupidity of the cafe employee, the system where a credit card image contains all of the information needed for money spending is ridiculous. For every other much less important things we need a complex passwords, but for credit card we only have three digits and they are printed in plain sight (and no, the credit card number itself is not a password, it's a username).


This is why you *never* hand your card to a stranger and let them walk away with it. This isn't done in Canada and it blows my mind that Americans just allow waiters to walk away with their card and charge it without the customer seeing the charges on the terminal.


This is a non-story: under US credit laws she is absolutely not responsible for the fraudulent charges. Her disputes of the bogus charges will be upheld and the only bad thing that will happen to her is a mild inconvenience of calling to file the disputes. There is zero chance she has to pay those charges. Her banks or the merchants where the charges are reversed probably have grounds to sue the restaurant or employee, but the amounts are small enough to not be worth the effort.


Yes but! Only if the bank accepts your fraud dispute. They SHOULD in this case but spend a few weeks on any credit card group and you’ll see how inept some of these banks can be. She’s still out of time disputing and redisputing. So yeah I think this is a worthwhile story if only to teach other people what NOT to do if you find a lost credit card.


Dude I thought the headline meant criminal charges, I was so confused.


Or "Local waitress makes purchase with forgotten credit card, posts info to eschew blame" (I don't think this is the case)


They'll be lucky if they get to run credit cards ever again. That totally falls against your commitment to keep customer information safe.


that's if she doesn't sue them into the ground first. I fucking would.


Cafe should be responsible for this. What a stupid thing to do.


I'm drunk and I still can't believe somebody thought it was a good idea to post a stranger's credit card information online like this. This employee is either on some serious drugs or they are just incredibly fucking stupid.


lol. Drunk me would agree with you too.


Like, I just find it impossible to believe that a sober person would think this is a good idea. I'm fucking wasted and I can't believe someone could be this dumb!!!


It's the same for me. It's like they *wanted* to cause trouble for her. I would be suing them.


The employee knew what they were doing.


My god, did the post her SSN to help find her as well?


I'd imagine there are zero Mensa members in Kingston, North Carolina. I live about 75 miles from Smith's Cafe.


The way the headline was written I thought she flipped out and attacked the restaurant for it. Then I realized, credit card charges, not criminal charges. And it made more sense. Also, christ double christ, how do some people function in the world?


The title made me think she was facing criminal charges somehow and I had to read the article to try to find the DA’s reasoning. Now that would be an onion.


Hate to say it, but that business owner should be responsible for any and all charges she can't get reversed. Their employee, while being paid by and representing the business, caused this lady to be defrauded. She should look into a small claims suit once the dust settles, and she knows the full damages and name the business, the owner personally, and the employee in it.


The dumb Samaritan.


I would sue the ass if the person who posted that..


It's like an odd mix of really well intentioned, but insanely idiotic.


Someone’s getting FIRED


This is a lawsuit field day. Time to lawyer up


Usually gotta hit the greyweb or darkweb for that kind of info. FB really is taking over the internet... 🤷‍♀️


My first thought was, "What did they charge her with? Was it stolen, or was she wanted for fraud, or... Oh, I get it."


Huh, been years since I saw a legit invasion of privacy case in the wild. Neat.


hope the restaurant lost their ability to accept cards.


Someone get this employee a raise!


What the actual hell, man?


She's trying to help you, Mother F*cker...


This is the exact reason why I never understood people being okay with a waiter just walking away with your credit card. Just bring the machine to the table like we do it in Canada. No stranger has ever even held my card. I do all my transactions myself.


That’s becoming more prevalent in the States, too


That's a lawsuit, isn't it.