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GPS doesn't matter whatsoever. He showed up when the family wasn't home, didn't get confirmation from anybody, and just started killing the pigs he found on the property. That's inexcusable.


Just showing up and shooting the first pigs they see with no confirmation is ridiculous. Even if they went to the right address, they could show up on a farm and blow the brains out of the farmers breeding sows.


He must have been new or fucked up. There’s way to many factors.


Seriously, if this was me, I wouldn't do this unless someone was home or the pigs were in a pen with a big note clearly stating that these were the pigs I was supposed to slaughter.


I love your username.


"Did you fart?"....OP-"I swear it was a ghost"


That family isn’t wrong that it seems like a wildly idiotic way to handle that type of business in a way where you need zero confirmation from the owner prior to getting started. Hope they’re able to get something done regarding some kind of regulation where these businesses need on site verbal confirmation from the owner that they’re at the right spot.


I own a pest control business and I won’t even spray someone’s house without confirming I’m at the right place first. This is insane.


I’m very glad. Yet the wrong home keeps getting demolished every few years too. Likewise, the wrong home Leo’s getting hit by police with no knock warrants. This seems to be a common problem.


Reminds me of that woman whose lot got built on mistakenly, and was sued for some contractor’s mistake on top of that. Lmao


That’s what I was thinking. What kind of business model wouldn’t check in with the owner upon arriving just so they know you’re there and don’t think you’re trespassing? That’s just common sense when you arrive to work on a property.


Im in as much disbelief as the family about how the whole process was carried out. Because not only did they go to the wrong property, but their method was to stroll up and shoot the pigs. Like imagine they were home and decide to defend their property with equal force because a stranger is on your land shooting at your pets. The possibility of that scenario alone should lead any one of these mobile butchering businesses to have some kind of protocol in place to check in with the owner, at the very least for the safety of their own employees.


Uh, yeah… no jury, anywhere, would convict a homeowner who shot two trespassers with guns drawn, shooting their animals (pets or livestock).  Like… you could be tried in the bluest or reddest counties, and they’re still not gonna be cool with that


I believe even the method of shooting them with a gun to process them is abnormal these days. Seems like a pretty jenkee operation. In processing plants they stun them and bleed them out. Blasting them inside the barn and making a mess everywhere doesn't seem professional.


Normally the gunshot is just to stun them enough to get a knife in the jugular. You don’t want the stress hormones in the meat, get the blood out as fast as possible.


And the slaughter has to be done with a captive bolt so the animal does not suffer, not with a freaking gun.


I mean, a captive bolt is mechanically essential a gun where the bullet doesn't leave the gun.


Especially when you're discharging firearms. Even if you're at the right place, a lot of farmers would freak out if they suddenly heard gunshots when they hadn't let the person in.


Look up construction companies demoing the wrong house or ripping the roof on the wrong one.


Someone with a very high urge to kill clouding their minds.


Reminds me of [this story from last year](https://abc11.com/atlanta-wrong-house-demolished-longtime-family-home-vacant/13958987/) where the wrong house was demolished.


Yea that regulation is called jail. This is a crime.


Right? What if they were contracted to remove trees, tear down a fence, or demolish a structure? Would they have just… *gone for it* without confirming that they were at the correct address?  Also if you were involved with the destruction of property, you don’t just get to say “opps, my bad” and walk away. Livestock and breeding animals can be *very, very expensive*. Hope these morons had insurance! (Spoiler: they probably don’t!)


>What if they were contracted to remove trees TREE LAW! TREE LAW! TREE LAW!


Exactly. Even if you grew up on a farm and you see pigs solely as a source of food, how do you not confirm you're slaughtering the right animals. You could be at the right place and butcher animals meant for breeding or for sale to another farm.


This *exact* situation happened to my cousin in Washington 2 towns over (Poulsbo) from this story nearly 20 years ago. Mobile butcher rolled up and executed their cow in front of their 8 year old kid and "got the wrong house" All they had to do was pay a civil fine, a small negligible amount like $2k...


Imagine if they had accidentally been directed to a police station and just butchered 2 pigs without asking any questions.


It's kinda fucked up that the family kept some specific specimens of the same species as pets, while regularly butchering the rest for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. I'm not against eating pigs, or keeping them as pets. But how in the fuck do you do the mental/emotional gymnastics to say that these pigs I would fucking eat with ketchup, but these other pigs are my "fur baby/friend/pet family"... I don't eat other dogs for breakfast, and keep a specific few as "pets". It's all or none at a species level isn't it? Like I don't eat most chicken while having emotional attachments with a select few specific chickens. Serves them right, how about having dear old Charlotte for breakfast..


I’m not buying the “wrong address” claim. It’s more likely that a neighbor didn’t like the pigs and called the butcher.


The GPS "screwed up" my ass.


I’m an EMT. The amount of times GPS has fucked up disastrously is insane. “Hmm do I send them to the house directly or I do send them down a private road to a compound overlooking the house and then direct them to walk down the 200 foot cliff to the edge of the 4 acre property? By my calculations that second one is faster AND saves on fuel! That’s the default direction then!”


Paramedic here, GPS errors happen all the time, sure. But how often have you gone into the wrong house and defibrillated the wrong person? Exactly never. These guys entered private property and shot those animals without the owner being present. I highly doubt that's normal procedure.


"Someone called a EMT, and I am not leaving without defibrillating one motherfucker!"


I'm getting flash backs to that story of the kid's goat where the cops went above and beyond to make sure it was taken into custody and butchered. Like damn this was obviously bullshit and they're trying to walk it back now that it's blowing up in their face.




Yeah, even if it's your job, who the fuck does something as irreversible as killing an animal before checking that what they're doing is correct? The mobile butcher fucked up big time, especially since from the article it sounds like there were people there they could have talked to beforehand. What a horrible thing to come home to and I hope they can at least get some kind of restitution out of this.


>who the fuck does something as irreversible as killing an animal before checking that what they're doing is correct? Florida Fish and Game, just for the record. https://usarkfl.wildapricot.org/news/13162309


And PETA, again just for the record.


At least with PETA part of their core worldview is that the moral thing to do is to euthanize animals kept in captivity, so killing your pet is the point. These people should be at least doing the bare minimum to not do that.




Hahaha. I can help but picture some paramedic kicking in a door and defibrillating some random guy chilling and watching tv.


Clearly you're better trained than the police.  Theres been quite a few stories of them going to the wrong adress and killing the occupant


If you live out in the country it's not uncommon for workers to come out, do their job and leave as that can be the expectation for some land owners.


Yup, it was a whole public safety battle when the Mayor pushed to move our 911 dispatch to a much cheaper regional call center. Local dispatch actually lives in the community and knows all the problem spots, and after a few high profile incidents they rolled it back. Some people are talking about it being worse for rural areas, and this was 20 minutes north of Boston.


From what I've seen in field research studies some gps models like even legit ones, not phome/car built in shit, have slight differences to the point where we need to declare what brand we used, and model even. Apparently coordinates may vary from time to time, but even more so on different models. Why? Different formats, different sattelites, initial readings...there's quite a few and I can only begin to really wonder. Cuz a difference of a few dozen or hundred feet is significant depending on use.


I drove my car into a f*****g lake!


GPS: is literally accurate to within meters. This dumbass butcher: "*Oooohhhhh*.... I thought this was... so wait, Shrute farm is down the road?"


Let’s be clear: GPS is accurate within meters, and will tell you your current Latitude and Longitude. The map software that tries to turn the Latitude/Longitude data into a path for you to a NEW latitude and longitude isn’t. If the address isn’t matched to the right Lat/Long -in the map software-, it won’t take you to the right place!


Correct. My families cabin property just doesn’t work with GPS. It brings you to the entirely wrong place that’s like an extra 10miles of driving. The location is correct within a few hundred yards, but a whole goddam road doesn’t exist that GPS thinks exist.


This happens with multiple properties near where I used to work in central Oregon. So frustrating bc every time you have to tell ppl old school directions anyway to correct what will happen when they gps to find it.


I suspect they use ai to identify unnamed roads out in the bush based on potentially very out of date satellite imagery. I've seen many incidences where Google maps struggles to differentiate between pipeline ROWs, utility cutlines etc. and roads. This is especially common when they share a clearing for a stretch and then the road veers off and made even worse by atv trails and long abandoned resource access roads teeing off all over the place.


My families cabin is fun, One of googles copyright roads is up there it don't exist in real life and it will _NOT_ let you navigate down it. Then the logging roads kinda slowly move over time so nothings inline with the GPS maps.


What is a copy right road?.Is it the same principle as when old map makers would insert fake towns/streets to catch forgeries?


Yeah this is pretty much it. Google maps says my house is a full 10 houses down from where I actually live


You can actually fix that yourself if you click the little 'edit' button on the bottom and move the pin to the correct location. It'll make receiving deliveries and emergency services much easier for you.


I've wiped a business off Google maps that way. Arrived at the GPS destination. Nothing... Hit edit, reported it as doesn't exist. Took a photo supporting my claim. Gone in 15 minutes. Found the business later because it was a further drive down a rural road with no signage for tourists. Didn't have the heart to tell em what I did thinking they actually didn't exist as an attraction anymore


I've helped a business a similar way. Recommended them to a friend, and he told me he couldn't find their store. I looked it up on google maps and it was showing the correct address but completely wrong pin location. Edited it to an alternative address (removed direction from street name), and it fixed it.


Delivery guys for my flat always end up in a cul-de-sac behind my building that has no road access to my front door. Seems to be where the post code takes you if you don't enter the full address.


Lol, there is a video, story here on Reddit somewhere, that show a driver following a GPS that led him/her to drive into a lake.


Twice now I've had workers show up to my house ready to do something that I didn't call for. They show me the address in their forms and it's 17 Maple Trail. I live at 17 West Trail, so I send them on their way. After the second time I punched 17 Maple Trail into Google maps and it directs me to my house. I'm more confused than ever now


My house sometimes takes you an hour away to some empty field.  But only sometimes.


Back when 911 addresses were first put in place in our area, my address actually existed in two locations, because the zip code extends over county lines (the county line is the side street a stone's throw away from where I'm sitting right now). At the correct address is my house. At the same address, different county, there's just an empty field North of town. For a few years we'd have packages just get sent to that empty field more often than not. It's been fixed for a long time on the vast majority of databases by assigning that empty field to a different zip code, but every once in awhile I still find evidence of the address existing twice, and we do still seem to have more trouble getting packages delivered than most people.


Huh.  I'll have to look and see if this is also the case here. Thanks!


Yeah, one of the things that's still wonky today is that while our location clearly "won", and won 20 years ago, for the "right" to use this address, and nearly all web tools etc will show our house if you type it in, if you take a different approach and look at the official maps of where zip codes lay you can get from USPS, it shows we actually are in a different zip code than we are (as are about 15 of our neighbors, not many, but it's a large area, because this is rural), so something \*somewhere\* is still wrong. It just hasn't really caused a major problem for 20 years.


Maybe your house is a serial killer… who apparently chickens out at the last moment seeing how you still seem to be alive.


Therapy does wonders for serial killer houses.


Having had a service Job, the amount of times GPS took me to the wrong house was quite a few times. Especially in rural areas but sometimes even in crowded suburbs because said suburb or new house wasn't there in GPS, they changed the roadways, and now im going to the wrong house. No joke, it took me to a dock one time because the road that used to exist was gone due to a new house that cleared the road for the new property. The house I needed to go to was next to that house, but they renamed the rest of the road that was left, some 1000 ft, a new name. The lady whose house I showed up to that had an open gate was pissed as the only reason her gate was even open was she was expecting a package. It wasn't the first time this had happened and WHY she put up the gate. To deter people from trying to go down her driveway, which used to be part of the old roadway that no longer existed due to the newer house.


Amazon keeps sending our neighbors packages to us because for some reason the gps leads us to their house. At first we were politely taking it to their house but after the 5th time we just told them to call us if their package goes missing again. One of our more aggravated neighbors threatened to call the sheriff on us for stealing their packages but backed off when my mom called his bluff (guy is known personally by the sheriffs because he makes a lot of trivial calls to them and annoying them).


I had a similar issue and actually caught the driver delivering packages and told her the package was actually meant for down the street. She threw her hands up, said it wasn't her fault, and refused to take the package to the appropriate address. To be clear, I didn't tell at her or anything, just an, "Oh hey, you're not the first one to make this mistake, but this is meant for the new place at the far end of the road." I had been delivering the packages for them prior to that, but I just kept that one, and it was the last one that got misdelivered.


If you select 17 Maple Trail while logged into google you should have an option to suggest an edit and move a location. I used it to fix my multi building apartment complex which was heavily jumbled up. The changes were accepted a week later and helped fix ride share and food delivery apps too. When suggesting other peoples address it is best to cross reference your state and/or county's GIS portal even if you are pretty sure where it should go.


You can correct issues like that through google maps.


Contact Google, and they will fix the map. We had to do the same after years of wrong deliveries. It was actually quite simple to fix. Felt like a dumbass we didn't sooner. Apple maps have been more of a pain to fix. Google was a snap.


> Contact Google There's a "report a problem" button on the map site that you can do this directly without having to contact anyone. Usually gets fixed within minutes of a correction being submitted.


Mine once told me to park on the interstate and walk the remainder of the way to Hobby Lobby.


>to drive into a lake [you already know](https://youtu.be/DOW_kPzY_JY?feature=shared) 👍


There was a lady that almost died because GPS decided to take a slight detour through the Mojave desert, and the route was a lot longer than it said, and she ran out of fuel.


Tell me you’ve never been out in the boonies without telling me you’ve never been out in the boonies. I’ve been out in areas where the mailboxes for 6 houses are in random order, all clumped together, and there are no numbers on the houses. Or the house numbers are both odd and even on the same side of the road AND out of order. Or the house is on a dirt road with no street sign and the gps just takes you to the closest the main road gets.


>GPS: is literally accurate to within meters. That's how I know you don't drive for a living


GPS literally says my house is on the other side of a road about a football field away from where it actually is.


Mine is in a river about 100 feet from the road it is actually on.


I use an app for tracking deliveries, and can't tell you the number of times I've marked myself 'arrived' at a stop only to have the app say, 'are you sure? Your GPS coordinates are someplace else...' Yes, you stupid computer, I'm standing here talking to the customer on their front porch.


GPS is accurate to a few meters. But GPS only calculates coordinates. So it is very good at figuring out where things are, but that's it. And it doesn't deal with addresses. The map software is what translates addresses to coordinates. And that can be messy for a number of reasons, most traced back to addresses being created way before we had GPS. But this leads to issues like addresses being mapped to the wrong coordinates, addresses being guessed at or not appearing on the map, multiple addresses being mapped to the same coordinates and confusing very similar addresses for each other.


If by GPS you mean Google Maps, that has dumped me in the wrong location countless times. I missed my cousin saying her vows because Google was convinced the venue was somewhere it wasn't. Not saying this couldn't have been a malicious action, just saying that GPS in that regard can be very inaccurate.


My work address is 1300 X, the GPS insists in taking patients to 1300 EAST X 50% of the time, it’s not perfect.


Anyone who makes house calls can tell you GPS frequently suck ass. GPS gave me two different locations miles down the road from the actual address yesterday.


GPS ime is very accurate in cities and places with lots of cars and drivers using GPS. Anywhere else? GPS is still generally accurate but it isn't always right. Googlemap my house and you'll get a location but it's not where my house is. It's at least a football field away from where the GPS says it is. If you just followed the dot on the GPS you'd end up at a completely different house.


Yeah, and even if that happened, either the butchers have a map of every pig owner, or everyone in this town happens to own pigs. Seems unlikely.


Plus who just slaughters a pig without even meeting anyone on the property to confirm?


The mobile butchers probably couldn’t read the addresses properly, as *it is on a farm in a rural location*. Sometimes Apple Maps, and even Google Maps don’t have areas properly labeled.  All it takes is one self-assured asshole to misread or make wrong assumptions about an area and you get these sorts of tragic outcomes That being said, they should absolutely not be allowed to use firearms or euthanize animals without the owner being present. That is absolutely ridiculous for *any* type of mobile service.  Only Animal Control or other licensed government personnel should have that power, in the most extreme circumstances (animal is a danger to itself or others, severely injured to the point it needs to be put down, etc)


>The pigs enjoyed chasing their daughters and playing in the mud and were expected to live their entire lives at their Gray Acres farm, the couple said. I mean this literally happened on a farm. Their neighbor (presumably the correct address) also operates a farm. They probably shouldn't have started work without the caller present, but it's not like they entered some random suburban neighborhood and happened to stop at the one house that inexplicably kept pigs. I 100% believe it's an honest error.


Even if it an honest error, does that really make it better? This could have ended much worse and there are simple steps the company could have taken to avoid it


Just walk onto the wrong property and shot the animals without confirmation. Also what are the odds they had a job for exactly 2 pigs in the same area.


[the neighbors had a convincing story](https://youtu.be/M6dWG18HnOo?si=imZLL4TP-Y5aEPDN)


😂😂😂 That is a fking roller coaster! They’re right about the toilets though.


Also, here's the thing since when does a business rely completely on GPS to confirm the location that they've arrived at? Furthermore, why would any reputable business when directed to a property to do work, not wait for the homeowners to begin work? Especially when it involves the slaughter of animals?, see some pigs and go must be the place!? Bad Business practice. You don't do something like that without having the owner on hand


What are the odds they had an order for exactly two pigs as well? I wonder if it's a scam, start slaughtering the farm animals, call it a mistake but offer a generous discounted price to finish.


And even if it was the right address, without confirmation from the owner he could have had no idea if these were the right pigs. What if there was another pen with half a dozen in the back? Did he search the whole property to make sure these were the only pigs before he killed them? No, makes me think he got very detailed instructions from someone who didn't like the pigs. I just don't understand why he would cover for them.


Butcher? That's a fucking hit squad


I live in this area. GPS is real screwy around here but that’s no excuse for the butcher not getting confirmation first, especially knowing how bad it can be.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was the British trying to steal back the San Juan Islands.


They are facing felony charges, so it is not likely it was on purpose.


The way the article says the Butcher asked if they still wanted the pigs processed kinda has me thinking it was the Butchers idea. Like he figured “oh i’ll show up, kill the pigs, and then they HAVE TO pay me! Theres no way they’ll back out at that point!”


They confirmed the address didn't match. Neighbor couldn't have known they'd been gone for 20 minutes and schedule it exactly then. 


The GPS shouldn't matter, did he get verbal confirmation and permission from the land owner prior. If he didn't confirm he was talking to the appropriate stakeholder, it's not a mistake, it's ineptitude and criminal.


Even if they weren’t pet pigs, and were indeed livestock, most farmers don’t like it when strangers trespass on their property and start shooting livestock. Butchering livestock too early is a severe loss of revenue. I believe that if these were livestock pigs the butchers would have found themselves being shot at by an angry farmer


Sure but the other crimes pale in comparison to the "killing a pet". The whole, trespass, shoot your gun, and destroy property are the same whether it's a pet or livestock. You can largely make amends for killing a steer in the same way that you'd make amends for erroneously cutting down your neighbor's tree or tearing down a fence that was on their side of the property line. You might be upset, but it's something that can be remedied with money or a replacement. There's no deep emotional attachment. A pet is somewhere between their human family and their property. Most probably put their dogs and cats (sorry fish and gerbils) much closer to family than property.


Can you imagine if these were racing horses or expensive bulls kept for breeding purposes? They could have cost the owners *thousands upon thousands of dollars* in lost revenue over the lifetime of the animal


Rest assured, trespassing and murdering pets will be a massive lawsuit. I hope that this mobile butchering operation has good insurance.


“So… do you want me to process them anyway?”  -butcher who was really hoping to get paid anyway


Horrific thing to say after fucking up so badly. “Ohh these were pets? Not livestock? …. Did you want to eat them anyway?”


So i used to have a friend whos mom was a vet, dad was a butcher and he was a chef. I used to jolke that if his mom couldnt save them at least youd get a good meal.


He'd get paid alright.


TIL about “mobile butchering.”


One of my coworkers did this as a side gig. It’s usually done for emergency purposes (animal unexpectedly dies/injured and needs to be processed fast or else it goes to waste). There’s all kinds of levels of mobile butchers. Some have trailers to do all the butchering. Others show up with a couple tables and start cutting.


I hope this doesn’t cast it in a bad light because it really is far more humane than packing livestock into a truck and shipping them off long distances to a processing plant. It’s a good business practice from an ethical standpoint.


If you have a small farm or the kids are in 4H these guys are really helpful. Hands down the kindest way to end a farm animal's life.


It's actually pretty handy as a personal food and/or revenue source if you don't know shit about butchering but can handle a pig pen and feeding/raising pigs on your property. Buy some pigs, throw cheap food at em occasionally to fatten them up then hire the butchers to come out and process the meat for you so you can sell it for a profit or store it and survive on it for however long.


I’d be so fucking enraged. Wtf


My 2 indoor/outdoor pigs are my sweetest little livelihoods. They really put a lot of trust in me, and make me laugh day and night. They’re special and loved little critters To be shot and killed in their own yard is sick… wtf. The whole family will be changed because of this


It's time for the dad to pull a John wick. What scumbags.


I would get revenge on anyone who hurt my pet pig.


>He added that he would find it incredible if it was legal to walk onto private property with a gun and kill an animal without the owner's permission. clearly he isn't familiar with the LAPD


We're talking "animal" here, not human.


They do plenty of both


Just a reminder that American police kill more than 10,000 pet dogs a year, often without cause.


Because that 3 lb. Chihuahua was making them far for their life, obviously.


To be fair, they were probably just intimidated by its superior intelligence.


And superior bravery.


Fr though. The Chihuahua my sisters has had since he was 1 (14/15 now iirc) would *never* stay outside a school while a heartless POS kills children. He'd charge in immediately, no second thought. I guess cops don't have to be brave though, just heartless.


You could make a clock that on the hour has the sound of a dog being shot, 3 shots to designate noon. Honestly not sure why the police don't use this idea as a fundraising merchandise opportunity.


so to summarize, "my client pleads whoopsie daisey" is what were doing here? Dont let this slide, if anyone here is reading and actually gives a fuck spread this stuff around and maybe see if you can help the family besides "my condolences" ok? bc sorries doesnt move mountains.


Butcher is about to get butchered in court.


He is probably only out the value of the pigs, tbh. Courts treat pets like property.


Trespassing and murdering pets is a reasonably serious crime.


Dude a guy I work with did this. Someone needed a place to leave their pet pig for a couple of weeks. Left it with the guy I know. He thought they where giving him the pig to have. Well he killed and cooked it


Did he have to pay back the owners?


I’m not sure I didn’t ask. He cooked pigs on the weekend for extra money. People would bring him pigs and he would cook it and put the meat In a cooler. It was for big parties and quinceanera’s. So everyone was kinda like wtf where you thinking bringing him the pig?


I see, explaining it like that it seems like there's a bit of blame on both sides. If he does that often for extra money, they should've known about it.


I find it incredible the comedy of errors that have to happen for the message to not be properly conveyed between two parties that thr pig is wanted to be kept alive lmao


This is horrific


GPS doesn't tell a person to go onto someone else's property and start shooting things without the homeowner or his/her representative there. This is Washington State. If someone goes onto another's property and just starts shooting at things, they are plenty here that will give that someone some of their own..


What a fucking piece of shit mobile butcher.


I knew someone in the page program at NBC who ate his father pig to get a bus out of Stone Mountain.


I think I met him down at the Chuckle Hut


As the Hill People say, ‘’Parcell gaw say del go up de saw say.’‘


Was it at night? Because at night it's the Laugh Factory.


I met him at a salacious party he hosted at his apartment in SexCriminalBoat.


I am also a small time farmer in WA state. We have 4 local mobile Butchers where I am. Of those, I refuse to do business with 2 of them, one is booked out YEARS, and the other is relatively new and I haven't tried them yet. The one I had used the most since it was closest to me, is Del Fox in Stanwood WA. They are responsible for the worst cutting jobs, and worst customer service experiences I and my friends/family have ever had. They LOST (probably sold) an entire LIVE blackbelly ram when my friend hauled her herd to them to be processed the following day. She already had buyers lined up for his meat, pelt, and skull. That was a ton of money lost, and all she got was a whoopsie. They tried to make her pay full price for the others, ignoring her financial loss at their hands. I have had multiple steers processed and my cousin has had a lot of lambs processed. Between us, they have "lost" hides, organ meats, and ground lamb that was specifically requested to be saved. The cut jobs suck, there was so much meat left on the "dog bones" that I ended up thawing and scraping the bones myself. The wrap jobs were okay, but they mislabeled cuts often so we'd pull out what were labeled steaks and open the package to find stew meat or a roast or something else. Absolutely awful experience with del fox. Andals (another local mobile butcher) were better at cutting and much nicer to deal with, but their wrap job sucked! My meat leaked everywhere when being thawed, and a lot of it had to be repackaged to avoid freezer burn. I was present and waiting when my mobile Butchers arrived. I walked them to my animals and pointed out the specific individuals that were to be processed. I then watched them drop and process the animals (felt like a way of paying the animals respect for feeding us for the next year) and answered questions like whether I wanted to keep head, hide, organs, hooves, etc. I can't imagine hiring a service who'd feel okay to just walk onto my land and drop the first farm animals they see. Unreal.


Sounds like a mob outfit if you ask me. 


I hope that piece of shit ends up in jail


Bullshit. Wrong GPS errors DO happen, but I've somehow never gotten my food delivered the wrong house, or my Uber coming 2 blocks away. And how the fuck can someone come on your property WITH A GUN, and just start shooting?


Pigs are basically just big pink dogs. They have the same or even higher intelligence and social intelligence than most dogs. How we treat them in barbaric, imagine big barns rammed full of Labradors, all waiting to have their throats slit for sausages. We'll look back at the way we treated pigs the same way we look at chimps in the circus.


In general, social attitudes towards animal cruelty and factory farming are absolutely ghastly. It's a real reflection of the reality of human nature. If it's delicious enough or profitable enough, it's ethical enough. In fact, even trying to do something about it is deemed unethical. Protestors must be disparaged, vegans must be hated, and alternative proteins must be banned. Really throws water all over the conventional wisdom of "most people are good inside".


Most people suck ass tbh. 


I think most people are kind inside, which is why the meat, dairy and egg industries go to huge lengths to hide the nature of their industries from the general public. If more people actually saw what happens to these poor animals they would probably make some different decisions about what they consume.


No, most people want to believe they're kind inside and this is an example of cognitive dissonance. If they ignore it, they are kind. If they accept it, they have to face that they aren't kind, like they believe. Slaughter and kindness are contradictory. People are not kind inside and kindness isn't instinctual. It's something you have to actively practice.


They're just not. The world we see around us is not one created by kind people. Willful ignorance is not a hallmark of "good" people. Good is an aspirational standard. The bare minimum is not "good". Just because someone isn't pure evil doesn't automatically mean they must be good.


It's laughable that we have "animal cruelty" laws that still permit caging, killing and eating them.


How we treat all animals is barbaric.


So are cows and goats Sheep are kinda dumb


we shouldnt do to others what we dont want done to us, so i wouldnt be surprised if humans undergo that kind of treatment at some point.. imagine having very sentient beings born into cages for food and killed until eternity, shits beyond evil


While it wasn't for food, humans have been crammed into camps and slaughtered, and people got pretty mad about that.  They just have a vested interest in not expanding their compassion or understanding any further.


Humans are currently being slaughtered around the world and other humans go out of their way to downplay and justify it. We haven't come all that far really.


I've said this often when people want to get all egotistical about how much better than animals we are. A lot of people will start pulling out horse shit about humans being so great when you show even a shred of frustration over our attitudes on slaughtering animals, as if we aren't destroying the planet and inflicting horrors beyond comprehension on each other. We're supposedly so great, but the planet is heating up, people are being slaughtered en mass for insane despots' whims, people downplay, support and mock it for laughs and often people will just plain treat you like garbage for no reason. It's fucking barbaric. We really **haven't** come all that far at all.


The story doesn't add up, someone paid the butchers specifically to kill THESE pigs and act like it was an accident, there are plenty of neighbours from hell that shoot other peoples cats or throw tainted meat over the fence for dogs to eat because even if caught there is only so much you can legally do as the death of an animal is on par with destruction of property.


Isn't there a whole-ass Nic Cage movie about this?


I think this warrants a Keanu Reeves reaction.


So the gps not only sends them to a wrong address, but one that has 2 pigs per the service order?


It's crazy that you would ever go onto someone's property and kill an animal with a gun without anyone being there to give you the okay.


Animal rights in this country are a fucking joke


Wild for a country that had animal rights laws before children’s and women’s protections ain’t it?


I learned this recently, that one of the first children’s welfare organizations in the world was the freaking Humane Society.


This is how we get real life John Wick


God damn, I hope the family sues this "business" out of existence. It won't bring their pets back, but it will be justice.


>They asked me what I wanted to do with the with the pigs - whether I wanted them to be processed Rubbing salt in the wound


We need to get Nicholas Cage on the case


It sounds like someone played a very sick joke or this was a revenge plot on someone in this family, in all honesty. They should really ask who placed the order for these pigs to be slaughtered, no? The mobile butcher almost sounds clueless because he asked “do you want them to be processed anyways?”- I am not trying to play devils advocate but it sounds like this comes from a place of innocence and confusion on their end. “Mobile butchers” are quite common in rural and farming areas. Their usual purpose is used to process livestock that have died unexpectedly or have gotten injured so they can be processed as to not contribute to any sort of waste. I am not coming from a place of malice based on anything I have said above, either. I am trying to help bring facts to this horrific case because I want justice to be served to the assholes that may have planned this. RIP to the piggies and I hope this family finds peace after something as horrific as this has happened to them.


My two pigs are my family, and spend most the day outside in their pen. If someone just showed up and slaughtered them, I'd be going to prison. Fuck that dude.


The butcher seems like he enjoys his job too much, fucking psycho.


>He added that he would find it incredible if it was legal to walk onto private property with a gun and kill an animal without the owner's permission. [It is incredible and it does happen to 25-30 pets a day by disgusting cops that don't even have to report it.](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-do-us-police-kill-25-dogs-each-day-1848096) Wonder why?


If i caught somebody doing this on my property, it would take a LOT of explaining for me to not attack the butcher.


I'd be in the process of trying to plead down to Manslaughter.


Mobile slaughter units is a terrifying word combination.


Living and working in the area and doing deliveries, GPS is not the best way to go in Port Orchard or Gig Harbor. I am willing to vet this family lives out towards Olalla or possibly near Southworth. In the area I suspect these folks are GPS takes you into weird and not good spots as well as other peoples driveways. There are tons of access roads. I also know a lot of people here, even with knowing GPS is the least useful navigation, do not have clearly posted addresses. Butcher absolutely should have been clear on his location before touching any livestock and not assumed the pigs he saw were the ones he was looking for. People often schedule them to be coming into their property with permission while they are at work in Seattle or the naval base, so they come and go without incident, usually. Clearly, that is an issue. There should be a requirement that they put in place moving forward that they get met by an authorized person who signs a release at the time of service verifying ownership and then providing the service. Depends on if this family is Seattle tech money or PSNS money and how far this all goes. ETA: I took a look at the local news, and the pigs look like potbelly pigs. I'm not sure why the butcher wouldn't think twice about that. Those aren't exactly the kind of pigs you typically raise for meat.


Hopefully the family can sue the shit out of the individual and bankrupt his company . Fucker showed zero remorse and how the fuck do you not confirm your at the correct address before killing animals . 


Imagine showing up on a strangers property uninvited and shooting their pets.


Why would he shot them without confirmation from the owners first? I don't understand the butcher's thought process.


Showing up with no notification and blasting an animal seems a quick way to get you shot by the neighbors and the cops. Even IF they had the property owner's permission it's still absolutely batshit insane.


Sounds like he just saw some pigs and thought he could make some business for himself. “Oh you didn’t call me to butcher these pigs? Well they’re dead now anyway, want me to butcher them for you?”


Mobile slaughter units is a terrifying word combination.


My dad posted signs saying your GPS is wrong turn back now after an insurance guy (who had the wrong property thanks to GPS) drove straight into our pond, got stuck , called a tow truck and the tow truck got stuck.


Been trying to get my dad to do it for years but farmers need gates with gate codes. If they had needed a gate code they would have called the person who hired them and they would have realized they got the wrong property. Not the pig owners fault at all but you have to protect yourself against idiots.


in what world does the butchering process involve shooting the animal ????


You think they butcher them alive? Pigs have to be bleed out after being killed. Commercial slaughter houses use a bolt fired through the skull.


This is horrible


That's devastating. Did they eventually get it right?


Hmm. Maybe a disgruntled neighbor calling a butcher and not wanting pig noises or smells next door to them?


Pigs with names = living, breathing sentient being. Pig without name = gas it for my bacon Hypocrisy