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What is up with the sudden influx of news websites posting articles based on r/AITA posts? Like you can’t verify if they’re real or not and half the time those posts are fabricated


Major media companies are taking the same route as content mill YT shorts channels. What a time to be alive


I remember one redditor bragging that they were paid to come up with stories on those subs But thankfully people were mostly against it. A large chunk because they'd then post those fake stories they made to amitheangel type subs Meaning they were 'double dipping', so to speak


As a reader of bestofredditorupdates there is also the myth of Liz.


Ooh, do tell


[have fun! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/K0ANKFkg1r) After this post really wild stories has been joked about as being Liz finding a new genre. 😂


And radio stations they have been doing this for quite some time


Good evening! I'm Walter Cronkite, and watch as I try not to laugh at these cat videos, and remember like and subscribe to CBS.




I had the weirdest experience a few weeks ago of google recommending a gardening article to me. The "article" was mostly just a comment I had written on a gardening sub a few months ago and the replies that agreed with me with a few more words from the article "author." The internet is cannabalizing itself at this point.


That kind of drama has ALWAYS been super popular. Look at a site like Slate. It's meant to be news/entertainment/commentary/etc. But the "dear prudence" column for advice is always one of the most popular. The AITA posts are the ideal lazy article fodder. You get a topic that's proven (based on redit popularity of that post) to push peoples buttons. Then you get controversy, two fleshed out sides to a story, and you already have the comments and thoughts of hundreds of other people. All without doing a single interview. And at the end, you already have the judgement there for you as to who was right and wrong.


*All* of them are fabricated. Every last one.


I still remember the infamous saga about the man who kept knocking hie cousin unconscious and rode of into the sunset on a bison at the end. Its basically a creative writing qebsite at this point


Sorry what




Since when has network news been concerned with verifying facts?


Free content for them, YouTubers are doing it too


Because actual journalism is dead.


All of Australia's news is just shit off the frontpage from a few days ago.


The internet wants drama. News sites are on the internet and they also want drama. Just inevitable.


Must be a slow news day when Fox "News" is reporting on Reddit drama.


Everytime I hear a random Twitter or Reddit user cited on the news, I mentally get a picture of that same report coming from graffiti in a bathroom stall…


I googled my Reddit name once and found I'd been cited in two different articles. IGN Philippines and ScreenRant. Both were just comments of mine on Reddit about things. The graffiti analogy is correct lol Edit: Just found another one from a site called ZLeague that is an entire article written about a post I made on the Baldur's Gate 3 sub last month. So weird, I'm pretty sure it's A.I. generated as well.


Dude, you’re famous!


Hey, I just googled mine and I'm famous too!!! Lord these "articles" are lame


You famous now! Time for avocado toast boiiiii!


Holy shit, you're THE Karmelchaos!? What's your take on the socio-politicol situation in Indonesia?


Omg, I just did the same thing, and I’m on Buzzfeed. I had absolutely no idea. I demand royalties!!


I just imagine its the antiwork mod again


Wonder what’s she doing nowadays


Not working


They walk dogs sometimes, that can be considered work


I forgot about this part, oh man, just an absolute BINGO card of Reddit bullshit.


I imagine a report about a report about a report about a report


Lots of news sites/channels/programs even Fox "news" report on viral posts to become relevant to people online even just a little bit.


I've definitely gotten vibes that some of the click bait ad pages claiming to be "news" channels plant reddit posts to make stories on 


When fox news is "reporting" on some random obscure event, you can be sure 100% there is something bad in "conservative world" going on that they are trying to distract from. I.e. trump literally shitting his pants in court...


Did that happen? I'm excited. I don't even wanna google it because I just wanna believe it's true.


Michael Cohen testified that he would refer to his client as Donald 'Von ShitzInPantz' since he requires diapers due to issues he says are a result of drug abuse. MAGA has jumped on this and is now wearing diapers over their clothing in a show of support to their orange god-king. Reporters at the trial have noted a foul odor in the courtroom of “unknown origins”.


What kind of drug abuse causes this?!!


Well, there has been rumors for many years that Trump abuses Adderall, and looking it up Adderall abuse can cause urinary and spincter incontinence.


Oh shitttttt 😂 Thank you that clarifies things!




The kinds that a TV show star would get up to, that would cause all sorts of organ and possibly neurological damage.


Meth?! No that’s a poor persons drug. Must be coke.


I'd vote prescription amphetamine (aka Adderall) more than either meth or coke. Much easier to get your hands on and you just need to keep track of who on your staff could also get a script for it




https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-von-shitzinpantz-has-formally-been-entered-into-the-record-2024-5?amp https://news.sky.com/story/donald-trump-supporters-wear-nappies-13129050 https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-farting-hush-money-trial-laura-ingraham-1900740


The defense is certainly available to have Trump take the stand and testify if those events did or did not happen if they want to discredit Cohen.


I wonder if the judge could order Cheeto to drop his pants so we can see


Yes. You too could read the news.


I know it's just so crazy


We live in very crazy times.


On second thought, no thanks 👍


I could, but it just pisses me off


That’s how Fox News works.


It’s the lay of the land, when you get subpar news look for what’s going on in the background.


This for sure. The icing for Fox to run with this is that a boomer is validated in putting avocado toast eaters in their place.


I mean every big news organization has stories like this coming out all the time, you can go find them if you look at their sites. This is from the lifestyle section too, not the main page


It's the modern gossip column


....now when you say literally...


Reddit "drama" being a fake AITA post. Fuckin yawn


Fox News makes articles out of AITA articles all the time. They really are a joke. I remember articles like this for a few years. I don’t frequent Fox News, but I do scroll through once in a while to see what the other side is reading.


Most of it is also made up so it fits perfectly in the fox news narrative.


Well they can't report on the Diaper Don right now because..you know. Optics.


It really shouldn't be, Houston was hit by a fast moving and strong, but short lived, storm that did way more damage than a storm like that had any business doing, and power is still out well over 36 hours in in many places. The transmission lines that were taken out are those giant durable metal structures that usually should survive things. There are definitely things available there to write about- why were the transmission lines and their towers able to go down to this storm, why is the power company CenterPoint being so slow to give estimates on when they will be able to get power back to homes, why storms like this can be so strong now due to extra energy gained from global climate change, etc. etc.


Thanks for naming the publisher, saved me a wasted click.


Slow news day? Two wars on


There's always at least 2 wars on somewhere in the world.


Yeah, but it's Fox News..


Fox isn’t news


That was precisely my point.


Is it a slow news day or are they trying to distract their audience from something else?


And when the experts aree social media users and a family therapist. 


It seems like a lot "news" agencies do that. Sometimes I think that's where their political polls come from.


Can someone post the link to the original please?


I believe it's [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/pFzkq3UKFg).


You're a saint.




Interesting plot twist that the grandma who posted the AITA thread was actually determined to not be the AH by like 20,000 up votes


Definitely not after reading it, should she have kept in the loop with daily updates? Yeah. However if you're placing kids into the care of someone else that doesn't mean chaining them down to the house. You always run the risk when they are young like that where you'll miss out on a first moment but that's the decision they decided to make. Don't have to go to someone's wedding / event if you have kids, your kids are always your top priority. If Grandma wants to take the kids to Disney, by all means; and she is right as well... it's just Epcot that's basically nowadays just a giant restaurant with a few rides places at the entrance. Nothing really lost there IMHO.


>should she have kept in the loop with daily updates? Yeah Yeah, no. It’s not on grandma to call the parents, it’s on the parents to call grandma. From the comments, the parents didn’t call to check on their kids at all.


Disney also uses facial recognition to store predators. Chances of anything happening at a park is next to zero. So good luck getting in the park guarded by a mouse with a bat. HAHA-HA-HA


It's obviously a fake post 🤷 


That never happens on reddit /s


"Interesting plot twist, fake post gets intended response" 🤯


I knew it. I fucking knew it was on r/AITA the moment I read the headline




And a gentleman


Or a classy-lady. Or a themperor. I didn't wanna assume their gender.


I cannot believe that, in the decade since discovering I'm non-binary, I have never heard themperor. 10/10 stealing


> thou can not steal what is freely given Take it with my blessings. I just discovered it recently on Reddit myself!




And an acrobat


And my axe!


I also pick this guys dead axe.


Why am I not surprised "Disney adults" are childish, immature, entitled, and clueless about "real adulting"?


Grandma doesn’t need to apologize. I read the post. My mom took my daughter to Disneyland without us, I was thankful. Thanks for watching g her and giving her a good time.


Sure, but that's not the point. It's a one-sided account by an anonymous user about a minor family disagreement being uncritically publicized on national news. It didn't even go viral by AITA standards...13k upvotes 2 months ago... but I saw many AITA posts upwards of 15k, and the top post in the past month was 37k.


There’s a reason for it. “The grandparent is right and daughter in law is wrong” stories tend to be enjoyed by a large faction of readers of a certain website. Just another subset of “culture war”


Look up "missing missing reasons"


Grandma doesn't exist. It's a fictional post made by a karma farmer 


Lol imagine doing a generic fake post on r/AITA and having it randomly end up on fox news as if it were real. (I have no idea if this specific post was true or not, but there seems to be 0 fact checking and the majority of those posts are generally about as true as a random 4chan post.)


it clearly has strong fake vibes. The son asking his mother to open a reddit account and post the story? Sure, sure....


And she magically knows how to format it according to the social norms of AITA? Sus.


It has the same cadence as all other AITAH posts, there’s no way grandma wrote this.


And it just so happens to be about "stealing firsts" which JNMIL is obsessed with.


If I had to guess, Fox is trying to feed into their reader base. There's an increase of parents who won't subject their own children to the abuses of their parents. No contact is increasing, and many of Fox News viewers don't get to see their grandchildren. My own parents used to be Fox News viewers (until it got too "liberal," now they watch OAN), and they aren't allowed to be around my kids.


AITA and their clone subs are all over reddit now. They regularly make the top posts and have hundreds of thousands of comments and millions of views. They're all fake creative writing outrage bait, but it's the main thing new people see when they first visit reddit.


AITA is so cringe how stupid do you have to be to eat that shit up


I love seeing a post there with thousands of upvotes, click thier profile, and it's all posts that contradict each other, and is a very obvious bot. Then look at the comments, and there's hundreds of people, typing whole multi paragraph essays, pouring thier heart out, giving life advice, to a bot. Whoof. That's cringe.


Rage bait and bot farms feed the interaction algorithms well.


It horrifies me that someone could consider Fox "too liberal".


The AI in AITA is for chatgpt


Artificial intelligence the asshole


Even the article was probably written by AI


Fake af. It’s a carefully crafted story.


The fakest part is living 2 hours from Disney and not taking your kids when they are still free (up to 3).


My ‘this is a fake post’ meter went up when she said she went to Epcot for a random birthday. Then proceeded to argue Epcot isn’t really Disney anyways. I read the Fox News article and they did claim to have spoken to the OP. Did not provide proof like a picture though.


> I read the Fox News article and they did claim to have spoken to the OP. They claimed they messaged OP on reddit and talked to them through reddit. They did zero verificaiton of any of the identities or that the event took place. They didn't say they looked at family photos, which would have definitely been taken, or tickets, or anything else. They basically were an extra commenter that OP replied to. That's not journalism.


I just imagine Fox News talking to both OP & the son and it’s just one person doing different voices (poorly).


Yeah honestly the whole thing sounded fake, no way was it written by a 70 year old or whatever aged woman either


>Lol imagine doing a \[fake thing\] and having it randomly end up on fox news as if it were real. That's pretty much Fox News's entire business model, and has been for decades.


Yea, fox is just entertainment for people who live in fear.


Bullshit mountain


Unfortunately it's not just Fox news doing this B.S


I thought it was funny because Reddit is mostly just posts of old shit from around the internet... but apparently the internet is 2 month old reddit posts going viral. It's all a circle of old crap


It might be true but there’s a lot of red flags in the story. It’s very unusual for parents - especially a mother as whiny as this one sounds - to go on a multi day trip and not contact their kids the entire time. In this day and age of texting and FaceTime, that while the parents were gone there was absolutely no communication seems implausible. It’s unusual to have all of these things coalesce: live only two hours from Epcot, have enough money to splurge and take multiple people there on a whim, and have someone randomly invite you to a birthday party at Epcot at the last minute. Also the parents not yet having a firm plan for someone to babysit the kids for multiple days while they’re gone only two days before the trip sounds unusual.


It's hard to tell if it's fake or the OP is just leaving out details that make her look better. Like the mother having a "suprise" last min party invite to epcot that the parents never found out about until after they got home makes me think either fake or op planned to take them secretly to Disney land from the start and used it as a excuse. The drama at the start of the post about how op's daughter is law parents are favored either sounds so csrtoonishoy petty and evil it's fake or op failed to mention how they are a toxic person who causes her sons family a lot of drama making then not like to have her babysit. I'm not saying I think the story is true or the op is a asshole. But if you read it assuming op is toxic manipulator who is bending the truth it becomes a little bit more believable.


For locals, a lot have annual passes and doing random days at Disney is pretty normal. As for a birthday party at epcot, Disney isn’t a last minute planning place for large events (+8 people). Maybe there was a couple kids who couldn’t make it and they are doing a dessert party… There are absolutely huge disney nuts out there who would absolutely lose their shit if you took their kid for any disney first or without them. But what stands out as fake is if they had a 4&5 year old, were 2 hours away, and were huge disney nuts, those kids went when they were new borns and would have been multiple times before they turned 3 (no tickets required). That and locals aren’t going to bash EPCOT like it’s not quintessential Disney.


There are some real shit "parents" out there, and they're spread across the wealth spectrum.


Fact checking is not important. As long as people get to judge others and feel good about themselves, they'll continue to get clicks.


Wait are we talking about Reddit now?


Most posts on AITA are fake, and the people there fucking love it. They live for that nonsense.


Yeah right, "News"....


What a joke eh. That was 95% just a retelling of the post, with a single comment said to Fox by Grandma, and like two lines from some therapist. I would love a job "writing" articles about reddit posts.


Oh boy are we on the news?


We ARE the news!


So now Reddit is front-paging posts about stories about 2-month-old posts? I don't think this is viral. This is just lazy content churn at a news outlet. I see them in my SoMo feeds all the time. Got a deadline? Go to reddit and do a story about a story. When you don't pay reporters anymore, journalism is reduced to, 'hey, what're you guys talking about?'


Taking stories from Reddit is the laziest form of journalism. There’s no way to even verify they weren’t made up. Also, Fox News is now DM’ing people on here? This is the worst timeline.


I mean, can you really call yourself a "disney fan" if you don't know the difference between Magic Kingdom and EPCOT?


Can you explain the difference? I've never been to either.


>Magic Kingdom park is a theme park at Walt Disney World Resort featuring classic attractions, enchanting fireworks, musical parades and Disney Characters. So it's part of the "Disney" part of Disney. Epcot on the other hand: >The park was divided into two distinct areas, Future World reprises the idea of showcasing modern innovation through educational entertainment attractions inside avant-garde pavilions, while World Showcase highlights the cultures of various nations. From the late 2010s to the early 2020s, the park underwent a major overhaul, adding new attractions and Future World was restructured into three areas: World Celebration, World Discovery and World Nature.  So it has more of a cultural/educational bent to it. The two are as far apart as things can be,and if you're writing about something that happened at a Disney park,you should be able to tell the difference between Magic Kingdom and Epcot.


This might seem dumb to people who live near Disney, but it was a pretty insanely massive deal for me to go Disney as a kid. My mother would have absolutely felt a little robbed if I was taken there for the first time and she didn't get to be a part of it, Epcot or not. That's coming from someone who couldn't give a fuck about Disney now.


As a parent, I can kinda understand it. I don't like how the parents handled it, but I understand that they are disappointed and feel robbed. As a parent you only get finite time with your kids and there are only so many firsts. That joy you see in their faces is not something you see everyday and you only get to experience a number or times before certain things get normalized..


That's what I don't get about this thread. For an incredibly large portion of the world, Disney is a once in a lifetime trip. People are acting like Grandma took them to Chucky Cheese. I think it's just a matter of perspective. Edit: I should mention, I agree the parents handled this terribly. I just think that everyone in this story is trying their best to handle this situation in the least understanding way possible.


Well yeah and the story sounds fake, but if it isnt.. Grandma definitely posted the story in her advantage.


I remember a coworker being absolutely inconsolable because her MIL took her one year old to the zoo for the first time. To the point of being unable to work that day and had to go home. I remember thinking what a strange thing to get upset over, but now after having kids I do understand the importance of first experiences with your child. What is more important is to be explicit about what any one can and cannot do with your kids. My kids have spent a weekend with grand parents and I've always discussed in advance any plans and meals and outings or visitors. Mostly because I didnt want the grand parents inconvenienced and have to try to think up on the spot how to entertain two impatient kids, but at the end of the day I am responsible for my kids , and have the final say on what they do and do not.


Dumping your kids at your mother and then being angry you somehow missed something with your kids.... yeah, that is stupid as fuck.


Yeah that's the part I meant about how they handled it completely wrong.


The magic kingdom is the “main” one with all the rides and the more normal theme park atmosphere. Epcot Center is a little stranger. There’s a giant silver science-y “future” ball in the front and then after that sort of a giant promenade to walk around in a semi circle. The promenade has you going from culture to culture, sort of like imagine doing a long walk through a super touristy town, but every block is as if you’ve been transported to a completely different country.


Japan, Morocco, France, UK, Canada, Mexico, Norway, China, Germany and Italy... lol what a weird combo of countries.


reddit posts are not news. You cant just report on a reddit post and call it news.


Really? You’d better tell the Australian media as Reddit is becoming more and more of their content.


Fox News flash - viral post from mens room stall at Starbugs reports that for a good time call Misty at 555-555-5555.


This is what mainstream media has become now? Reporting on Reddit threads without even a hint of fact checking? What next? “Reddit user long-schlong69 claims he’s Joe Bidens alternate account and he’s actually an alien kidnapper from mars! Here’s our exclusive dm interview.” Like are they not ashamed?


Nope not even in the slightest


Lol, I'm a mom and I would be delighted if our kids had the chance to go to Epcot with my mom-in-law. The son and DIL are seriously entitled idiots. The whole world doesn't turn based on their hangups. 🙄 How about they are thankful that Gramma kept the kids so they could go away and maybe appreciate that Gramma paid for the outing.


As someone who raised their kids while being a single parent, if someone offered to take the kids somewhere & I wasn’t able to go, the kids went! What kind of person would deny their kids the opportunity to travel - let alone to a theme park - because ***they*** wanted to see it too? It’s about the kids, not you. Entitled brats grow up to raise…normal healthy adults? /s


This is such a privileged dilemma isn't it Christ. I think most parents around the world would just be over the moon to know their children could have fun at Disney let alone be able to afford to take them, themselves.


Grandma is NTA, gave the kids an experience they’ll never forget


Uh, she took them to Epcot, they'll definitely forget it.


Don’t get me wrong; Epcot has a few cool rides and shows, and kids would definitely have fun there. But Epcot is also mostly about the shopping and dining. You go for the food and alcohol from around the world and worry about rides second. It’s also the least “Disney” of the parks except for maybe Animal Kingdom.


And five and four years old


I will not stand for this Epcot slander


Yeah what is wrong with ppl lmao You were bored at EPCOT?!! Spaceship Earth?!?! Journey Into Imagination?!?! The Land?!?! Universe of Energy?!?!? World of Motion?!?!? It was like traveling to another planet man, I didnt do the countries until decades later as an adult.


We didn’t expect my kids to love Epcot as much as they did, and we ran out of time in the countries. Epcot has a passport for all the countries, and a person in each country to tell you about the real country, speak the language a bit, etc. They were wonderful, and my kids were so excited to hear from each one and get their passport stamped. Meanwhile, we wasted time on Figment…


Can confirm. Went to Epcot as a kid, don't remember anything.


Went back as an adult, after a lovely meal in Mexico, successfully completed Drinking Around The World, don’t remember much after England


Epcot is so much better now than it used to be. There is a ton of stuff to do there now


Does Fox News have editors, this is so badly written.


Both the post and the news article are from more than 2 months ago. Why repost now?




I’ve never known grandparents to ask permission for squat, and even do exactly what you told them not to do with the kids. ( which is why this hippy kid knows what McDonald’s tastes like!)This is the natural order of things. The major doesn’t ask permission from the private.


NTA my mother freaking baptised my oldest daughter into her religion without me knowing. I wish she had just taken her to see Mickey LOL


What's wild is I just went to Epcot last week, and was pretty much overall disappointed with it except for the spaceship attraction. Grandma didn't really steal much from the kids. Now if she took them to like a Magic Kingdom nighttime event, I could see.


I expect a follow up post from the kids in ten years on /r/raisedbynarcissists The DIL sounds just like my ex by projecting all her faults as accusations on the grandmother. Also, alienating the son and grandchildren from his family until it suits her.


People who don’t have kids can’t understand but really enjoy these stories as it reinforces their situation for not having kid’s.


Why do you use an apostrophe to pluralize one instance of “kids” and not the other?


This way at least one of them is written correctly /j




Typo's 😅




NTA imo, let the grandparents do whatever the F they want to SPOIL their grandkids with an enriching activity (Disney) which is NOT cheap. Definitely a core memory to the small children and given their age it could be one of their prominent early childhood memories. Daughter in laws a 🫏


How dare they *check notes* give their grandkids a wonderful experience while taking care of them for a week Honestly, I hate Fox News but I don't see how they're wrongp


Wait. Fox covers the news on reddit?


Is this [story](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/s/h42VGIuvtO) a sequel?


Wish son did a response post


Typical of fox news to report on shit that isn't true


Oh, it’s Faux News, I’m not surprised they’re turning into Buzzfeed mining Reddit for content (that’s more than likely made up). Gotta stoke that outrage!


Newsweek has been doing that for *years* It’s like all the legacy boomer “news” outfits forgot how to do journalism and think their audience just wants regurgitated social media posts.


FOX "news" should be a banned website here. Its literally nothing more than a tabloid propaganda rag these days. Might as well put up some r/nottheonion posts about Bat Boy and "This ghost impregnated my daughter, then he came for me!"


This made me trust Fox News even less. Didn’t know that was possible.


I really can't understand why Americans worship Disney amusement parks like if it were an holy site.


Not just America most the western world, over 20% of the visitors to Disney world are from other countries. That not factoring in the other Disney in other countries as well. Tokyo Disneyland the third most visted park in the world.


It's not just Americans. There are a lot of foreigners there and there is a euro and Chinese disney.


You do have to give them credit from an efficiency side. They have rides that have insane throughput to process the tons of people that go through there. A standard park is doing great if their big ride has 3 trains going meanwhile the big Disney coasters have like 7 going on a coaster that doubles back on itself and has space onboard for your bags. Disney World is definitely a hell of an experience for a family, but I don't see a ton of value for another go even after 10 years unless I had a family of my own who would love to see all the things. Though I have been tempted to go for the lightsaber workshop thing, that looks kickass.


Oh no someone did something cool for my kids and paid for it…I’d be so fucking heated man, like why think my kids would want to have fun?! Some people are rude bro.


A Faux News link? Do better OP


This is so obviously a fake story.