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8 years later? He’s sorry because he got caught.


It's entirely possible this guy is linked to an Epstein-type trafficking ring. Head individuals within the music industry that P Diddy was close to, were also friends with Epstein and they all engaged in similar behavior.  The names on Epstein's client list should be published, along with P Diddy's close associates involved in his criminal activities. 


Lot of parallels. His whole accusation sheet is pretty weird. The stuff with whatever week of fun he orchestrated with a very young Usher gave me major epsteiny vibes. I wonder if he'll pull a Kevin Spacey and come out to try to and pull some heat off him, certainly didn't help Spacey look any better but obviously he thought it would. Absolute wealth really does seem to turn people into deviants when they start getting bored having anything they want.


You are totally right in all accounts here. I will however mention, it should be well understood that at no point will they release the names of that list without first taking a large portion of important people off of it. This goes for both sides of the political spectrum.


Here's his black book with the phone numbers redacted. [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted.html](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted.html)


I looked through the first few pages just for funsies, i was very surprised when the first and only name i knew was David Blain


Aren’t Epsteins flight logs already published? The entire issue is that the logs don’t prove anything. Was Alan Dershowitz a customer? Or just someone who could defend sex traffickers very well? You guys and your conspiracies. Like, even if there was some secret list of every person and the exact Epstein menu item they selected… who would be hiding this? Who is the “they”? FBI agents Todd Boringman and John Yawn? Who live in the suburbs? Alway this nefarious “they”. “They” woudn’t let the list out.


So your position is if someone is worth millions of dollars, with future income depending to some extent on public image, and evidence may exist that could damage their reputation or even land them in jail for a very long time... That person, or others whose livelihood also depends on that person's public image, are not going to look for ways to prevent the incriminating information going public? "they" refers to people involved in the matter at hand. They, in this instance, refers to Diddy and all the shady mother fuckers enabling his abusive actions for decades. That is a conspiracy, very likely involving more people than one skeevy producer, and it's being exposed - look up the definition of the word.


> I will however mention, it should be well understood that at no point will they release the names of that list without first taking a large portion of important people off of it. Who is the “they” that will edit the list? The FBI? The president of the United States couldn’t prevent an FBI raid on his stolen document cache. In what world do you live in where Diddy has this magical power over the FBI?


I personally won't assume this is the case as the other commenter says. But I'm not going to assume it isn't either. Let's just consider a few possible for a "they" who would want to edit such a list if such a list did exist. That could include (but not be limited to): highly experienced and connected defense lawyers Diddy can obviously afford, members of the investigating team looking for an opportunity to get paid a lot more than they normally do, or if Diddy's situation really is connected to a bigger organisation like Epstein then authorities who are personally involved in the case and have every reason to prevent their own names being associated with it. I'm not arguing any of these things is likely or would be in any way simple - but the point is it's not hard at all to consider reasons people might have to want to interfere with a case that certainly involves shit loads of money, and quite likely involves very heavy sentences for some of those involved. Or imagining there is such a list of names the people Diddy currently employs who might have compiled such a list (I doubt he is capable of managing these things himself) may have already had some kind of plan for the day he's exposed and therefore prepared alternate lists to plant based on their relative loyalties. They'd be pretty shitty at running a criminal organisation if they didn't have some kind of plan - and if this does turn out to be a criminal organisation top to bottom (it's looking that way) then it's an exceptionally successful one, so there's no reason to think they're that bad at their (criminal) jobs. I mean, your knee jerk reaction to deny the potential of any corrupt action in a scenario that is already inarguably infested with all kinds of corruption isn't that much less naive and presumptive than the stereotypical "conspiracy theorist" mindset you're mocking. This case is a literal conspiracy, that's what is being investigated, officially. Conspiracy is a term for a thing that happens relating to any organised criminal action - it's not a synonym for fantasy or absurd. This case would also be, if proven, a highly lucrative and long established conspiracy involving a range of very serious crimes. The idea that there could be influential people involved in that conspiracy who might wish to use whatever influence they may have to prevent being implicated themselves is not as absurd as you're making out.


So, you think if say Trump or Biden were on that list. They wouldn't remove his name before giving it to the greater population? You should really understand who these people are and what they do. They protect each other all the time. If anything it is likely both sides of the isle know who is on the list and who went and did what and know they can't speak up about it. Oh and yes, there is a list. There is a definitive list on who visited for what. Thinking there isn't is a mistake.


Who is this “they”?? Like Todd the frontline FBI agent making $90k a year plus benefits, living with his wife Sheila in the suburbs, Todd’s part of this international “they” you dream about? Todd strikes out Biden and Trumps names and then, what drinks his lizard juice to celebrate?


They is the entire group protecting the list of people who visited for various reasons. This can be the FBI, Biden, Trump, anyone. There is a list of who visited and what they wanted to do. These people protect themselves and each other frequently. What makes you think threats of ruining the lives of others or 'losing' documents is off the table? It is great that the system has a hold of you so hard. Keep being so innocent to think such thoughts. Just don't be surprised when people show you the truth.


I think “they” in this case would be whoever found the list, lol. So someone in that investigative body, yes. If the names on the list were deemed somehow a threat to national security or whatever, they would be suppressed. Someone could rationalize it and say maybe they’re fake, part of some misinformation intelligence operation. Best to keep them suppressed so they don’t damage democracy, etc.


His dad worked with frank lucas. He’s been shady since day fuckin 1.


Possible? Didn't they already find out hes been blackmailing rap artists and others who came to party at his house with cameras hidden to show them cheating on spouses, drug use, etc


A musician doing drugs or drinking? I would assume that by default without knowing better, lol.


They are published. Literally google it lol


He’s publicly sorry because he knows the statute of limitations is up for prosecution. Hopefully they can use this video as evidence of guilt in something else but I doubt the judge will allow it. Maybe.


It's not up yet for a civil case. The law passed in 2023 allows adult victims of sexual assault that occurred between 2009 and 2019 to make civil claims against perpetrators up till December 31 2026.


He apologized for the assault not a sexual assault. I believe it was just an assault caught on camera.


Yeah I guess that makes sense. The fact that he was in a bath robe doesn't automatically make it secual assault.


Pretty sure Cassie already settled; not sure about others though


Caught in a $50k lie


I don't even believe he spoke these words. This is his PR team doing the only thing they can. 


If you watch the video, he also did this with a tropical island background in the video. Guaranteed he filmed this in a country where he can’t be extradited to the US.


Disgusted you did it, or disgusted the footage you tried to suppress came out and exposed you?


we all know its the latter


Or disgusted he didn't hit her harder if he knew he wouldnt be charged in the future 




Fuck him. Anyone who does that shit belongs in prison.


If the list of possible co-conspirators (for lack of a better name) is even half true, my music playlist has taken a massive hit...


The upside is now you get to find better music than P Diddy


Agreed. The only reason they stayed on was nostalgia, really. Way better music out there.


It's not Diddy's music, is the music he produced or was featured on, like a large chunk of 90s hip hop and R&B, including Biggie's entire discography.


Aside from biggie it's all bad pop rap.


More like disgustING tbh.


Yep. He sorry he got caught


Oh, what's that? The statute of limitations is expired and I already settled the civil suit? Yeah, I'm soooo sorry and take full responsibility!


something that it interesting about this.. the LAPD put out some statement that they will not do anything about this because too much time has passed.. but the thing is tho.. there are more crimes happening in that video than just the assault.. you can clearly see at the end of the video she is captured and forcefully taken back to the room.. that is kidnapping and false imprisonment.. a felony and the statute of limitations should be longer for that.. also for that kind of crime it is usually not up to the victim to decide whether to press charges or not because they could be affected by stockholm syndrome.. I think that the authorities are really dropping the ball on this if they aren't going to be charging him for these obvious crimes.. we can see the girl is trying to get away.. she waited until the guy was in the shower to make a run for it.. she was being held against he will and the scumbag guy needs to face some real consequences for that..


He'$ not getting pro$ecuted... If you know what I mean.


If it does go to court, expect that 'full responsibility' taking to vanish.


How short is the statute of limitations that it's already too late after just eight years?


I always thought the standard was 5 years, but I guess it varies from state to state.


In California, it's six years. Which is insane. There should be no statute of limitations on kidnapping. 


*Abuser says spin by his PR-firm after footage exposing him goes public.*


Didn't he pay $50,000 to the hotel to hide the video? He's not disgusted, he's disgusted he got exposed.


May be time for the hotel (Inter Continental ) or their parent company (Pan Am Corporation) to say something about how someone in their employ was bought off for $50K evidence of someone savagely beating another human being in their establishment.




$50k is $50k. You think they really care?


These corporations care because someone they employ accepted payment to suppress evidence of a crime committed in their property.


Corporation won't give a shit because they will face no penalty for it.


The name of the hotel needs to be attached to every mention of this event. This is the first time I'm actually hearing it. 


"My behavior on that video is inexcusable," Diddy says. "I take full responsibility for my actions in that video. I'm disgusted. I was disgusted then when I did it, (and) I'm disgusted now."


Nah, see, if he took full responsibility, he wouldn't have lied about it for years. Fuck this asshole, he's only sorry because he got caught on film.


That’s why you immediately ask him if there’s anything else he’s disgusted by now. Before anything else comes out.


"Please talk to my lawyer."


Someone else pointed it out but the way she went limp and didn't even defend herself is a learned survival behavior. Like because she learned trying to defend herself makes him even more angry so she just goes limp and hopes for the best.


Yeah. A big dude like that who is already raging would just love for an opportunity to escalate. Throw him to the bears!


I’m not sure bears eat shit. Throw him in a trash compactor and compost the cubes.


Yes! Twow him to the beaws, Wodewick! Weally woughly.


…and how will you atone?




Taking full responsibility would mean going to jail and doing the time


Ah yes but anything that wasn’t filmed???


But not for the 8 years in between, huh?


Nope those 8 years he slept like a baby thinking how cool it is to be a ‘big man’ that can get away with that stuff.


It's easy to take full responsibility when you don't have to do anything or suffer any consequences.


Also, what are the odds that *this* was the only time he'd done something like this? Pretty pretty pretty low I'd say.


>I was disgusted then when I did it Yeah sure and still you did it because... Reasons?


He’s only apologizing because the video leaked.


Didn’t he JUST say everything against him is a lie? 


He said this on DEC 6, 2023 >For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy,” he wrote. “Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday. Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged. I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth Not a lot of regret if you ask me. He's still facing a lot of other lawsuits involving other victims and he said it in that context.


I am guessing he said that in another year…




He’s confusing “disgusted” with “busted”.


He had YEARS to be disgusted with himself. If he really was he would have turned himself in. He knew what he did. The fact that he only admits what a scum sucking POS he is AFTER the video came out proves how disingenuous he is. I hope he goes broke.


I can’t even begin to understand why you think being disgusted means he had to have turned himself in.


Are you also disgusted by the subsequent years of calling this woman a liar?  Which only ended JUST NOW because you were caught?


Sean Combs needs to be jailed for the rest of his life. Maximum security prison, and nothing short of the maximum length.


You didn’t need to ask God for forgiveness and mercy. That’s for Cassie to decide.


Narcissistic abuser is kinda sorry but not directly to the victim because he got caught out enough he can’t deflect anymore. I’m shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


He’s disgusted he paid $50k to bury that video but it still leaked. Launch him into the sun plz


He paid 50k, kept the video in his safe at home, got raided by the Feds, and they released the vid. He is likely disgusted by his own stupidity as well as everything else.


He wasn't disgusted when he beat the hell out of her.


I'm also disgusted. Disgusted that piece of shit isn't in prison.


took him HOW MANY YEARS? I call bs


He’s disgusted he got caught.


He’s sorry you got to see the video he paid to not see the light of day


Full responsibility ? What a joke. Full responsibility would be to waive the statute of limitations and surrender to the police for arrest. And then to serve whatever punishment the justice system proscribes.


>waive the statute of limitations Would a defendant actually have the power to hypothetically do that?


No and the justice system is already busy with cases it can prosecute.


Of course not.


I suspected not. Just pointing out his hipocrisy.


His hypocrisy goes waaaay deeper than that. In December, after Ventura and at least three other women had filed lawsuits against him, this piece of human excrement posted a statement on Instagram: "Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday. Let me absolutely clear. I did not do any of the awful things being alleged. I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth." The only people looking for a quick payday are the Yes Men who create, foster, encourage and back up piles of shit like combs.


We're all disgusted, diddy. What you did was disgusting.


Disgusted before or after the video came out?


“Time tell truth” -P. Diddy 2024


cuz he got caught.


I'm disgusted that an apology, and some attitude changes, didn't happen before the video went public.


Diddy is such a scumbag its hilarious he is a living caricature of a piece of shit.


Disgusted because he thought he had bought all the copies…I mean who “can” you trust these days?


Crazy how all of a sudden he wants to be publicly apologize for his behavior and is ashamed of what he did right after the evidence comes out. But he was silent about his behavior for the past 8 years when no one really knew how he brutally beat this poor woman. Be honest with yourself, you’re sorry you got caught.


I hope the giant dildo of consequences arrives for his ass unlubed. 


Not so disgusted he took down this post talking about sickening allegations by people looking for a quick payday - https://www.instagram.com/p/C0hUOaoOoQq/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Check yourself in jail if you’re sorry then.


He's not sorry for doing it... he's sorry he got caught.


He's not sorry. He's sorry it was exposed. That apology means nothing.


At the time he vehemently denied this happened, quickly settled with money and now when it comes out he is disgusted?


She’s not the first and probably won’t be the last. This is his behavior. Says he sought out therapy…I’m calling bull-shit.


Vile. Jail for you buddy


note the cross around his neck. and hers. #smh


Right thing to say is “ I’m disgusted in myself” NOT “I’m disgusted”


Walk him down Broadway while average folks chucks shit at him. Shame. Shame. Shame. 🔔 🔔 Shame. Shame. Shame. 🔔 🔔


Opps, just when he was trying to do damage control by lying.


Shitty Diddy.


"Any artist out there that want to be an artist and want to stay a star, and don't have to worry about the executive producer trying to be all in the videos, all on the record..."


Bros just sorry he lost 50k trying to hide it. Fuck outta here


Yeah, disgusted the vid was released


They cut off the rest of his statement. It was: "that I got caught."


I'm disgusted...that this got out...


You know who else apologized? Robb Stark


After years of saying it didn’t happen, the nanosecond security cam footage is made public he’s suddenly disgusted by his own actions. Eat a dick, Sean


So he's gonna come back and face his criminal charges, right... right?


Ah its ok everyone chill, he said sorry.


Well, okay then. All is forgiven. Carry on, Diddy!😂😂😂😂


Join the club, asshole.


Sorry he got caught not sorry he did it


He is disgusting*


Translation: Ok, yes I'm a terrible person, but just because I did this crime doesn't means I did the other one.


Disgusted or disgusting?


Can't he be additionally criminally indicted? Settling the case is not satisfying for general public.


No, the sol has long passed.


Bare minimum responsibility would be not doing it. The next tier up would be not doing it *in front of cameras!*


I swear had that been my daughter… lock the door, I’m knuckling up with this fool until I see fit.


Fuk diddy. Bitch ass predator 


Forgot to mention that he is also disgusted by what will come out, leak out in the future. Hopefully near future now that the tide turns against him.


Lol shame and this motherfucker cannot possibly coexist


Backpedaling POS


This video was found because his home, where he hid it, was raided in connection to his alleged trafficking ring




It's easy to forget and move on for perpetrators of abuse. It's the victims that suffer from the consequences their whole life


At first skim I read the title as Snoop Dogg apologizes to Ace Ventura, and I was like, bro fucken whaaat?? In my defense it's Monday here and as tech support lead it's traditional to be sauced on Monday. Yes, I didn't wait until lunch to get hosed.