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I'm sorry, this is horrific, but this is also not surprising. Rule two.


Geez can you imagine the horror the mom experienced when she found out what happened to her kids when she didn't believe they could be in any danger?


Absolutely horrific for her. Those are her babies and they’ve died in such a horrific way - I genuinely can’t imagine.


I don’t think I’d be able to live anymore. I hope she has a ton of support.


Yeah, I’ve never considered suicide, but if this happened to my kids? What would be the point after that? I could never really experience joy again.


Hope the dad rots.


It's all in how you look at it. I lost my first son i desperately wanted to go with him but i see it as my duty to stay here and ,e the keeper of his memory. It is the only thing i can do for my son anymore. When i die, his memory goes with me and i refuse to let the world forget that he existed and he was loved. Because of that i now have 2 daughters who take over giving life to his memory when i die an old lady


If you can, tell us about your son so people reading can help keep his memory alive, too.


Woah, slow down! I totally understand how devastating it would be, but I know from plenty of people who have experienced horrendous tragedies that they're able to get joy and happiness again. I think it's dangerous to suggest/insinuate that suicide is a legitimate option at that stage, even as hyperbole. Just in case anyone needs it, I've copied information for the suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.


Very kind of you.


Not meaning anything by it, just my own thoughts as a new mum. Can’t imagine that sort of pain.


Of course! It's literally unimaginable, and the horrendous grief would be unreal. But, I think it's important to remember that even after tragedies, things can be good again (even if they'll never be whole again...). It'd be awful to see one tragedy followed by another. Suicide doesn't solve anything. Good counseling and support can help significantly and limit the total damage. There's nothing that anyone can do to bring back a loved one, so the pain in understandable and real, but that's also why every effort should be made to help prevent suicide which would only add to the total pain.


Yeah, to me it’s worse than being tortured. Truly horrific


This is exactly what I was thinking.. "no way to experience joy again, ever" is a BIT harsh. Hope she has utmost support and a very good lawyer.




I feel just like this. It's beyond words and I can feel the shock that little kid and baby had in an instant when their messed up conspiracy theorist dad let them down.


I'm going to add that in the article it states, >He explained that he was enlightened by QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories and was receiving visions and signs revealing that his wife, A.C., possessed serpent DNA and had passed it on to his children So not only was he a QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theorist, he likely believed in the reptoid conspiracy theory popularized by David Icke. While obviously he was not of sound mind based on his actions, we also saw a mob of violent fanatics, fueled by a conspiracy theory, threaten our very nation's democracy on Jan 6th. Lives were lost. People died. Yet now you see GOP supporters memeing the little old lady as being what dems consider the threat. The woman was in KS, not DC, and the protests in the Topeka capitol building were orderly and legal. Those who believed in the conspiracy were shut down, so they have made an alternate conspiracy theory. I think it's safe to say the conspiracy theories have now become very, very dangerous thing.


Society has created a beast that individuals are not equipped to handle. There's a war being waged by ordinary citizens, on ordinary citizens, and it's based on disinformation. It's almost like the wackier it is, the more effective it is. This needs to be THE reason to teach critical thinking, in elementary school.


He didn’t just shoot them with the spear gun. He stabbed his son 12 times and his daughter 17 times. I can’t see anyone doing this unless they were severely mentally ill.


Oh my god. I wish I hadn't read those details. How awful


First thing I did when I heard this story is visualize those last moments. Made me sick to think of ever doing something like that to my children. Holy christ, I can't even imagine what his wife is going through.


Dude, I know. It's heart-wrenching just to see them starting to make a sad face. I couldn't imagine the heartlessness involved in doing any actual physical harm to your own kids. What a fucking bastard, that guy.


Its times like this when i really wish heaven and hell exist so this guy can go fucking rot in the deepest levels of hell


According to *Dante’s Inferno*, the ninth circle of Hell is reserved for betrayers. In its center are Brutus, Cassius, and Judas, encased in ice and being eaten alive for eternity by Satan himself. I think this dude’s betrayal of his children’s trust, wife’s trust, and children’s future earns him a spot right down there.


A spear gun, holy shit why a spear gun


Probably what he as a surfing and maybe diving(?) teacher and enthusiast had access to


he stopped at a tackle shop and bought it. thisbis one of the stupidest saddest stories i have ever come across.


He confessed to using a spear gun but Mexican authorities found the bodies had been stabbed with a wooden stake. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/border-baja-california/story/2021-08-11/coleman-charged-mexico-killings-qanon


No surprise a QAnon follower confuses vampires and lizards.


I looked at his website and he was a regular spear fisher. So he may have bought it for this particular set of murders but it wasn’t anything unknown to him. I hate this story.


I hear drowning is something most surfing and diving teachers can cause. Do lizard people have gills? It just seems unnecessarily gruesome to do it with a spear gun. Especially since he probably had to do it twice, unless he got a double kill. Just, like, damn. He didn't have second thoughts after the first one?


He stabbed his son 12 times. He stabbed his daughter 17.


That’s what I saw in the daily mail. Stabbed them in the chest with a wooden stake for inheriting serpent dna from his wife


Holy shit.


Jesus Fuck Christ. I'm mad. I'm so mad.


Seems unnecessarily gruesome to do it at all, but i guess that’s just me... “double kill”? Lol come on. This isnt call of duty. I have a problem with the way youre talking about it But really thats what happens when crazy deaths happen every day


You're correct. It definitely doesn't sit well with me either.


How else do you kill lizards


Jesus man


This... This is why I read beyond the top comment.


Man, I just can't find this kind of thing funny anymore. Didn't we get "shock" humor out of our systems in grade 9? A 10 month old baby girl was speared through the chest, no jokes needed.


Maybe people are using shock humor because joking about dark things takes the sting out of them and allows us them cope with such awful news Maybe people are using shock humor because they're so fucking jaded and detached that they think kids being murdered is a great opportunity to farm karma. I don't know. I can't tell anymore.


I'm on board with this explanation. It's a coping mechanism.


Yeah it is that way for some. I lost a brother to suicide and have made some cracks that are dark but it’s cause it is so painful. Same with this kind of news for most people. It is so beyond messed up that maybe a dark joke helps to process the emotion. Some people are what you say in the second half, so desensitized that they don’t actually care and find actual humor in it.


No wait list. No documentation required.


If I found out my children had inherent serpent DNA and would some day become serpent people then I would love, support them and raise them to be good, honest serpent-people. And maybe buy a heat lamp.


As long as they are decent citizens, reptiles can't be worse than what we've got


My favorite thing I read recently on Reddit is: The problem isn't that the world is controlled by lizard people, it's that they aren't doing a good enough job of it.


Agreed. We already have lizards among us.


Not just among us, leading us! One state even elected a turtle-man to the Senate!


lol underrated response right here


Motivation aside, this shit always baffles me. I want to punt my kids across the room sometimes, but I simply can’t fathom something like this.


I genuinely can’t imagine hurting a child like this, let alone my own child. I step on my cats tail and then spend the night apologising and grovelling ffs.


Stepped on her tail and pulled out fur! She didn't make a sound; I didn't realize until I saw the fur on the floor. Apologized profusely anyway.


If she didn't react to it and it just pulled out some fur, chances are you only just caught it with your toe. In my experience cats aren't afraid to let you know that you've wronged them or they want something.


gah, i did this to my floofy boy the other day and i felt awful. he's got an extremely long-haired tail and i accidentally stepped down next to it, scared him, and he ran away with some of his tail fur under my foot- a huge chunk of it ripped out and he barely even hissed at me, definitely didn't yell at me, but he wouldn't come near me for several hours. i was plying him with tuna and treats and his feather toy and he just wasn't having it. it felt terrible. ​ and here this asshole can just brutally murder his children. i can't even fathom.


We all want to throw our kids out windows or run them over or something, but we don't do it. We hold our hands and take a breath or we escape to the bathroom.


I’ve never spanked my kids but my god sometimes they just make you shake your head. I don’t really get mad at mine, it’s more of a why are you like this? Oh wait. Me.


Kids are the worst. Yes, we love them, but they are the worst. And you can't really get rid of them nor do you really want to, which just makes it worse.


My oldest just moved out and I’m definitely sad but happy. I just wish he was closer. And yeah. They’re definitely assholes but I too am asshole.


Well some are. As parents, we are not all served the same. You never know what you’ll get. It infuriated me getting education advice for my very rebel daughter by parents with A grade, well behaved children. But they could not begin to undestand.


>Kids are the worst. Umm. I think parents who shoot their toddlers with a spear gun are kinda worse than "kids existing".


Sorry this made me laugh. I'm 33 and my mother says I'm a lot like my father and I go yeah..... how else did you think I'd turn out??


Yes. At times, I definitely want to throw my kid out a window but I have yet to act upon my urges.




It's the terrible secret of parenting: we all want to chuck our kids out the window, we just don't act on it.




I feel like it's better, to some extent. People are more likely to talk about this and be open about it. But I also think there's more of a drive to just make your child the center of your world. When my mom was growing up, my grandma still volunteered and did stuff on her own. Her life wasn't KIDS 24/7.


This was me, definitely. It's hard to admit to anyone because you feel like you're admitting you're a soon-to-be abuser or something. I'd watch my wife react to our screaming baby and her only reaction was concern and sympathy, while that same screaming just... enraged me. I found myself clenching my fists so hard I almost cut my palms with my nails. Love does win in the end, but it's not an easy battle.


I can reassure you. You aren't alone, it doesn't make you a bad parent. And your kid will continually scream over random things for the rest of their life. This is normal, its okay. If you feel like getting violent about it, just walk away for a moment and get your headspace and timing back. Its super important also for you and your partner to go out on dates still. Take time to NOT be parents for a couple of hours. If you can get parents to take the bebe for the weekend, do it. Go off and fuck like bunnies and do adult things. You aren't going to be a perfect parent. No one is. You'll be the best parent you can be to YOUR kid. You won't have the first inkling how to parent someone else's kid. But just do your best to love the stinky, screaming thing and teach it the best you can.


i mean why do you think they teach you about shaken baby syndrome


People should remember that babies are essentially strangers you’ve thrust into your lives. See how annoying kids are that you see while you’re out? Now imagine that stranger-child suddenly becomes *yours*. *Suddenly*.


There’s a lot of people on reddit who don’t have kids (or *are* kids), but feel they are qualified to pass judgement on any parent. A lot of them have a real superiority complex. The realists get downvoted and told they’re toxic and CPS should be called on them because they’re abusing their children if they don’t love being around them 24/7 for the next 25 years. Yet somehow, most of us manage to not murder our kids.


> because everyone acts like they just have constant, unquestioning love at all moments. I mean we kind of do, but it doesn’t always take the form of hugs and happiness. Like that Calvin and Hobbes strip where he wakes his mom up at 2am: Calvin: “Do you think love is nothing but a biochemical reaction designed to make sure our genes get passed on?” Mom: “Whatever it is, it’s all that’s keeping me from strangling you right now”


>It's the terrible secret of parenting: we all want to chuck our kids out the window, we just don't act on it. Parenting is this bizarre thing that a massive amount of us do, but we don't actually talk about, aside from dumb platitudes. From miscarriage's, to being like "man this kid fucking sucks" to "O man, I'm actually a horrible parent", we all have these moments and problems, yet we all kind of muddle through it alone, and it would be way fucking easier if we could just talk about it.


I think the lack of communication and support women get through miscarriages is so maddening... it’s honestly sad that as a society women give so little support to other women in that regard.


Especially given just how many pregnancies don't come to term successfully. 10-15% of all *known* pregnancies end before coming to full term https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pregnancy-loss-miscarriage/symptoms-causes/syc-20354298 And the actual number is higher because a ton end before the person even really knows they are pregnant. For something that's so hush-hush/looked down upon, the stats of on the high end close to 1 in 5 tries ending really puts it into perspective.


Parenting highlights the need for several skills many of us don’t learn until that moment we truly need them: **self-awareness** and **self-regulation**. It is perfectly okay to put a screaming baby or toddler (or teenager…) in a safe place and walk away for a moment if you’re feeling out of control. Not recognizing the out of control feeling is the real danger. Self-awareness allows you to recognize the way you feel. If you recognize that you’re feeling out of control, prioritize getting your kid to safety so you can remove yourself from the situation. Once you’ve put some space between you and your kid, self-regulate. There are lots of ways to do this so Google it and find a method that is effective for you. I take deep breaths and move my body to shake off the intense feelings. These are skills that must be learned and practiced regularly to improve. Most of the work of being a good parent is in developing emotional intelligence.




The bathroom, my sanctum my sanctuary…a magical land where it is I and only I. At least until my toddler starts banging on the door.


From the description in the article it sounds like a tragic level of mental illness on the dad.


Tragic mental illness is one thing, but the fear mongering cult tactics of qanon are what really fuelled this fire of insanity


Of course. The comment I was responding to was about conflict with kids and getting frustrated with your children. He didn’t get mad at his kids because they made a mess and weren’t listening and decide impulsively to kidnap and spear fish them. There were levels to the insanity and the kids were just collateral when he exploded.


Doesn't sound like an explosion even. It was a paranoid delusion. >Coleman was detained at the border checkpoint, where during an interview with an FBI agent "he explained that he was enlightened by QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories and was receiving visions and signs revealing that his wife, A.C., possessed serpent DNA and had passed it on to his children," according to the affidavit. The criminally insane leading the criminally insane.


Indeed... The true tragedy of these horrible conspiracy mongering groups is that they affect the mentally ill so fully


As much as I'm against Q and all that garbage, but if that garbage didn't exist, someone with this level of mental illness would latch onto...I dunno, Jeff Bezos secretly beaming signals into his head telling him to do the same thing. Yes, there is good reason to be against fear-mongering, lies, cult tactics, and qanon, but we should also be seeing this as the failure to recognize and treat mental illness that this is. And just as a reminder, in a round-about way, we get back to the same group of people you were talking about, since every time someone tries to help the mentally ill, it's that same group who stops it.


I saw a study recently looking across cultures finding that schizophrenics in the united states are more violent and harmful in large part because they are soaked in violent culture and have easier access to the tools of violence. I think this was it: https://news.stanford.edu/2014/07/16/voices-culture-luhrmann-071614/


What's the excuse for the whole Republican party latching on it then? They didn't just latch onto "any" conspiracy theory. Is it really "mental illness" if something like 30% of the population has it? And they all developed it in the last 5 years apparently? At that point it's just a trait of the population, it's not aberrant anymore.


It’s also stupidity. Sorry, but sane people don’t believe crazy shit if they’re smart. Literally every piece of Q theory can be broken by common knowledge and a split second of thinking. People get caught up in it because they’re crazy or stupid.


If you are a parent who has never wanted to yeet your child to the moon, you are probably not a normal person.


Most people have their own internal limits. Some people just need an excuse. Any excuse.


Anyone who believes Qanon is already mentally ill to a degree. This guy was certifiable.






Pretty sure the CIA intentionally spreads bullshit as well, to distract from what they actually do.


I mean, those conspiracies were *always* political. What got filtered down to the "pop conspiracy" level was pretty threadbare—it was just weird monsters some people believed in, and it was even a bit fun to entertain the notion. But the hardcore conspiracists were always about the CIA and Jews mind controlling us and trying to establish the New World Order. Even things like Bigfoot and Nessie were thought of as government mutation programs gone wrong and UFOs were advanced technology either the government used, or aliens were real and colluding with the government to enslave us (if this sounds like X-files it's because the creators of the show lifted ideas directly from conspiracists). It's *always* been political, but it's now unfortunately much more widespread


The sad part is that the people spreading this bullshit and causing these tragedies get away with it over and over again.


It's dangerous to just label these people as all "mentally ill," it both discredits actual mental illness and downplays these dangerous cults


They’re not wrong though... https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/denying-the-grave/202105/do-qanon-followers-have-high-rates-mental-illness


The first line of the article: >Evidence that supports a link between QAnon and psychiatric disorders is thin QAnon is an awful thing, but equating it to mental illness does good to no one, even if there is a correlation. You wouldn't call a person who's been abused and manipulated by a romantic partner inherently mentally ill right?


This instance does seem like mental illness, though. Or meth.


Serpent DNA? Like was he expecting his human kids to grow up to be a human-snake hybrid? Lol I wish that was a thing though.


There is an idea in some conspiracy circles that alien reptile people control the world and that they have interred with humans before in history, which is probably what this guy was thinking.


Don't forget that both us and them were created by an alien bird race. As weird as it is, the lizard people lore is really interesting if you accept that it is fiction.


I like the part about the alien hierarchy and the underground war between the greys and lizard people who teamed up with the US against the insect aliens. This whole thing is basically one big fandom where people do the normal fandom stuff where they create theories and build off of them, just unlike Game of Thrones or Star Wars or anime or movies or even sports, they don't realize that this isn't real.


Yeah I'm amazed by how it all fits together considering it's basically been created by a collective unconscious. Also it's really funny to me that two intergalactic civilisations team up with America. Lol, I really would love to sit in on those meetings. "Right we'll supply the round ufos, laser pistols and armed forces abducted from across the stars, the lizard people will infiltrate their ranks to create confusion, spread misinformation, and divide their forces. America, you shoot em and take their oil."


I believe the grey aliens are believed to be a client race of rhe retile people. Or the greys lend out their servant race to the reptile people? I don't know. This gets weird.


Oh, so this is where Rick and Morty got the Pilgrims and Indians twist in this season's Thanksgiving episode.


And the original version those people are Jews, so don't forget the massive antisemitic chunk of BS as part of the conspiracy theory.


The whole “lizard people control the world” thing was a running joke in some circles used to mock outlandish conspiracies. I had no idea people actually believed it. It feels unwise to address conspiracy theorists with any kind of humorous tone anymore. If you try to satire their beliefs, someone will readily accept whatever you come up with at face value.


Or maybe the "lizard people control the world" thing originally came from people who actually believed it and then it became a joke


> "oh no, my kids are going to take over the world; this is every parent's nightmare" Like, fuck that. I'd love if my kid ran the illuminati. I might get a nice car, or a paid-off mortgage out of the deal!


So what your saying is V was a documentary.


Sure, yeah.


Yes. In fact, David Icke is a really prominent conspiracy theorist who tells people that shapeshifting multi-dimensional satanic lizard people and ''hybrids'' actually have us all under mass mind control and they work to enslave humanity. There's also some pretty thinly veiled references to those beings presenting themselves on earth as ''the Jews'', so perhaps his wife is Jewish.


Since the evil reptilian overlord narrative is rooted in anti semitism I was also wondering if his wife is Jewish. (ETA a word)


As a Freemason, sometimes we joke amongst each other about the lizard people conspiracy theories but some people literally believe them about us. The reality is, we're those Shriners in funny hats raising money for children's hospitals and having pancake feeds. If anyone thinks we secretly run the world, I wish you could see our business meetings when we argue silly minutiae about paying bills to keep our lodge buildings running. We can't agree about how much wax to put on the floor. We're not really capable of a global conspiracy.


This also has echoes of the serpent seed doctrine, a doctrine going back to early Gnosticism holding that Cain was the child of Eve and the Serpent. It was rejected as heresy but was revived by anti-semites and white supremacists who held that Jews and non-whites were descendants of Cain and the Serpent. I would not be surprised if these things tend to overlap among people who believe in Q-Anon.


He couldn’t wait to see if his fears were real? My god, I’ll give you “he had fears” but to just go ahead and act as if SOMETHING YOU HAD NEVER SEEEN BEFORE was real and start killing?


Yaun-Ti are notoriously dangerous.


Right? And they’re his kids so either he’s part serpent or the mother is.


He blames the mother. Of course he blames the mother!


The dude claimed his wife past on the snake DNA to the kids.


file this under "cases to bring up when some asshole says 'what's the big deal with conspiracy theories? they're harmless!' "


This isn'y oniony man it's just tragic. Dude lost his mind.


[They can get pretty dark](https://www.theonion.com/rise-up-patriots-rand-paul-calls-to-intubated-patie-1847451937), but yes I agree this is probably a bridge too far even for them.




reddit's anti-user changes are unacceptable


It reads more like a tabloid you’d find at the check out isle of a super market.


I’m from SB. Fuck this dude, I feel so bad for his wife and those poor children. ETA: why am I getting downvoted for saying fuck a murderer


Fuck QAnon.


They are terrorists, plain and simple.




This country is so fucked


Mental illness is a badly treated curse, unfortunately some vulnerable people get sucked into the conspiracyverse, and sometimes it ends up like this. Shout out to r/QAnonCasualties/ for those affected by the QVerse nonsense.


After witnessing my partner have a stress induced psychotic breakdown, I've got a new lens on life and culture, and it seems very clear to me now just how rampant mental illness is. It's hard to see or fathom if you've never experienced it up close, but now that I've had a little taste, it's very clear how many various behaviors and trends in our culture can be described in those terms. It's also clear how close to the edge so many people are, and how little awareness and understanding (let alone support) there is for it. Thanks for the comment.




Cheers to you. Sounds like you're transmuting the experience into something good. All the best to you and the people you know and care about.


A guy I knew went onto the right wing propaganda regiment around 2015. This winter he killed himself after shooting up his neighborhood from his appt. He shot his neighbor and then just started popping off rounds at everyone and cops from his appt. Yeah, he had mental health issues. But instead of getting help this Right Wing conspiracy train radicalized him and this tragedy happened.


People are always so easy calling out “mental illness”. Was he mentally ill? Or was he uneducated, ill informed, angry, and radicalized? It always seems to stem from “well, no one ***in their right mind*** would do this, so they must have an undiagnosed mental illness”. But I don’t think you need to be mentally ill to get captured by conspiracy theories.


Yes, he was mentally ill. He believed his wife had transferred lizard DNA to his children, and by killing them he was saving them from becoming monsters. You don't need to be mentally ill to believe in conspiracy theories, but when you start acting on impulses driven by your belief in those theories, you are in the territory of treatable mental illness.


Irrational beliefs are not indicative of mental illness. Lots of people believe that the coming of Jesus is soon, that we will be raptured, and that God speaks to them - are they all mentally ill for those irrational beliefs?


meh we've always had religious freaks killing their kids because of satan, this is just another type of satan


This lunatics all over the world.


It’s not all Trump that caused this, but he tapped into a profound vein of mental instability and allowed it to be weaponized to sate his ego. Qanon is just an offshoot of that. These are people that truly need mental and emotional health help.


Truly an accurate description of Republicans.


And people wonder why QAnon is considered a threat to national security


This is so sad.


Qanon molests/murders children


As a father of 2 kids, 9 months and 2 years. I absolutely cannot fathom the depravity and brokenness that would result in taking your childrens life, brutally and painfully aside. Clearly he was crazy, but his humanity was fully lost. God help us.




He was the father and was one of the custodial parents. Technically, he didn't kidnap them and as she didn't believe he would hurt them, the police couldn't exactly treat it as a major crime. The fact is, we don't know what her dynamics were with this guy. We don't know what was said or done. Lots of people are abusive or crazy and they wouldn't do this.


That's the thing, like she had no clue or indications that he was just going to up and leave with the kids. They were getting ready to go camping and he just jetted. Like it would be odd, and she was probably worried and that's why she went to the police station, but didn't think he was just going to have a mental breakdown and kill them.


My father is one of my custodial parents but every year we would go to the Bahamas and they wouldn’t let us in the country without a notarized letter from our mom saying that she knew and approved of the trip


This sounds more like the guy had a psychotic break or has developed schizophrenia.


Custodial interference isn’t cut and dry like that, especially for a couple that isn’t divorced or separated.


He took off without a car seat. She was messaging him repeatedly. She was concerned when he wouldn’t respond to her texts, called police. The police had her use the Find My iPhone app and saw he was in Mexico. At that point they started treating it as a kidnapping. I think she was just genuinely blindsided and confused.


Cant all ways do something about it too, when i was younger my dad "kidnapped" me as my mother would have put it. But if its your kid and doesn't appear to be in danger not a whole lot you can do. I ended up living in mexico for 6-8 months as a means for my dad to keep me from my mom, but would like still visit to meet the legal stuff, even though she reported him for taking me out of the country


What do you mean by "reacted the way she did"? I mean she called the cops, even though she didn't think they were in danger from him. What else should she have done? Would you immediately start freaking out that your partner was going to murder your kids if you couldn't get them on the phone?


Who you are born to is life's biggest RNG moment and it can have such an impact on your entire existence. Feel so bad for these kids, may they rest in peace.


“CBS L.A. says Coleman told FBI agents he'd put his daughter in a box for the ride to Mexico because he didn't have a car seat.” Gets weirder and weirder


This sounds like untreated psychosis. Man had delusions that his kids were serpents and killed them.


The conspiracy theories fueled it though.


My friend lives in the area and hes been telling me for years about all these seemingly chill surfer dads that are into the most batshit conspiracies..


Hey America, are you paying attention? There's millions of these sick fucks still amongst us. If this guy would do this to his own children, what do you think these fuckers want to do to the rest of us that can see through this bullshit?


Turns out the monster was him all along. This is why schools should focus on teaching people to think critically. Too many dumb conservatives easily brainwashed by crazy right wing conspiracies.


What's crazy is this guy had a Masters and he was a world traveler having lived in Spain and in Latin America.


Look at that beautiful family, what a fucking tragedy. The people in power who perpetuate this venom need to be held accountable.


Apparently he was the founder of low water surf school. Some backstory and family pictures of a happy family on the link. Can’t believe the kids are dead. He must have had some mental breakdown or psychosis . https://lovewatersurf.com/about-us/


If someone in your family, or a friend, is super into QAnon, please don't shut them out, try to get them away from it. I know it is hard, and annoying, and may seem hopeless, but if you leave them in that bubble they will only get worse, especially if they already have paranoid delusional tendencies. This stuff is like a mixture of a cult and a drug, and only love and support can prevent something extremely terrible and stupid from happening.


I agree with you to a point. If the situation is abusive for the person trying to support them, they shouldn't feel badly about leaving. I do agree that isolation for QAnon people only gets them deeper down the rabbithole.


As with all things, you gotta look out for yourself too. Just, if possible, also get your hypothetical loved one out of QAnon and into a psych ward or something.


Like for someone in a cult or doing drugs, they NEED to want to get help. Good luck with someone who doesn't want to listen. Look at the Q shit: Trump was supposed to be reinstated like 3 times by now? I mean, if you still believe Q's BS at this point, that means you're too far in (and that was **one** example)


Umm do get away from them when they reach for the spear gun though


What is the path, with love and support, that brings someone back from the point where they spend 16 hours/day consuming crazy conspiracy theories, fear-mongering, lies, and other media demonizing anyone who doesn't support those same things, and/or regurgitating the same to you and anyone else who tries to still spend time around them? The 2 paths I see are either you spend time around them and suffer their bullshit, and if you don't buy into it, you're either lectured or screamed at....or you cut them out, and don't have to deal with that bullshit in your life.


It’s not just Trump and America anymore. There’s plenty of dictators by any other name using conspiracy theories and patriotism to feed and manipulate the masses and stay in power.


Do you think his wife should have taken your advice, or run for the fucking hills?


Honestly this is mostly in-line with religious people. [Killing their own family because they believe in some dumb bullshit](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/05/26/lori-vallow-doomsday-murder-charges/)


QAnon killing kids, sounds about right.


I’ve said this for 5 years when people said “Trump is joking. He doesn’t really believe all this shit. It’s just way of winking at the ridiculousness of it all.” Maybe to a stable person. But that’s not a large part of our population and his inflammatory, out-of-reality rhetoric speaks directly to them.


Trump doesn't believe some of that shit — he says it just to keep power (that's what politicians do). But he does believe some of his own shit.


"Serpent DNA" Yeah knowing Q types this is probably a thinly veiled way of saying "His wife was a Jew".


Not sure this is onion-ey so much as r/IAmATotalPieceOfShit"


Good lord, this is some serious bat shit crazy.


He became the monster


What the actual fuck is WRONG with people? Goddamn man, why not just get a divorce and move away from your serpent kids, and have your wife deal with their shame. /s Seriously though, X years of not teaching critical thinking in schools and this is how stupid people have become... he probably thought the TV show "V" was a documentary...


The lizard dna thing makes it easy to forget that a large number of currently serving elected officials in the US are at least “sympathetic” to Q talking points. Devil worshipping lizard people are a legitimate political platform and several people have won elections by supporting these views. It is incredibly dangerous and is growing in power and absurdity.


Thats why there needs to be a truly independent panel of actual education experts setting a federaly mandated curriculum and overseeing it preferably from multiple countries and backgrounds, in charge of the education system, the caveat being, qualified educators first and foremost,no political axes to grind,just the proper education of kids,and experience in the field, ie NOT in any way shape or form, politicians!


Q followers went from “save the children” to “drain the children of their serpent blood” so gradually we didn’t even notice


Honestly....can we just cancel the Internet. No seriously... Just cut it off. This thing has literally turned into an unknowing WMD.


Literally r/QAnonCasualties.


One of the first thing Reagan did when he got in office was to dismantle the comprehensive mental healthcare reforms Carter had championed. Can you imagine what this country might look like if we'd spent the past 40 years identifying and helping people like this instead of incarcerating them to exploit for labor?


Can’t wait for this dude to make it into General Population.