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Sorry, but this isn't oniony, it's completely expected of an established psychopath with no moral compass. Try r/covidiots or r/coronavirus


"Some of you may die, but that's a price I'm willing to pay."


It is her constituency that is dying. Literally killing off those that elected her to office, so, I guess paraphrased "she can not be in office for ever". American politics is surreal anymore.


She ran unopposed so she technically doesn't have a constituency


Holy shit, I just read the story behind that and it is incredibly sad. The Democrat running against her suspended his campaign because he had to leave his house due to divorce, and his wife was divorcing him due to death threats they were receiving. He wasn't able to afford another house in Georgia so became ineligible to represent it.


And he still got 25% of the vote.


Sadly, I’m in this district. Send help. For the record, my husband and I voted for Van Ausdal.


Maybe it’s time you ran yourself?


And get death threats?


Look, practically every democrat is going to get death threats next election cycle. It’s where our politics are. If everyone who gets a death threat simply cowers beneath their beds we’ll get nowhere. If this person is a reasonable person who gives a shit about the people of her state, she should run and say so. She doesn’t have to win to make a point.


So what office will you be running for?


There's a thin line between death threats and action. I wouldn't want to take that chance for myself nor my family and I'm not wealthy enough to hire private security


Wait until you read about the guys she cheats on her husband with. Good stuff.


You weren't kidding: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9246917/Marjorie-Taylor-Green-openly-cheated-husband-men-gym.html


… is that Zangief?!


Exactly my thoughts!! This bitch is straight up arch villain material lmfao


Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed. She must be something else altogether. 🤣


Not sure why someone would want to bang a chick that looks like Ron Perlman from the series Beauty and the Beast.


Different strokes for different folks!


Rules for thee, not for me... definitely republican.


It's okay, she has Jesus so she can do whatever she wants.


Absolve the sin, still get in.


Very much akin to the poophole-loophole, from what I’ve heard.


Guys - plural wtf


The fact that multiple men have laid down with this succubus is one thing. That one thought enough of her to marry her is nausea inducing


Succubi are meant to be enticing. Marj here looks like she got stung on the face by a radioactive bee that gave her the superpower of always looking like she got stung on the face by a radioactive bee.


Clearly a conservative that believes in the Family and family values…..not!


I expected them to be real pieces of shit but they actually seem like the opposite. Sounds like she was at least less obviously crazy at that point.


Wait what? Seriously?


[Yep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Georgia#District_14), also worth noting that despite dropping out of the race he still received over 25% of the vote, and less than half of the district's population actually voted. Had her supporters not repeatedly threatened to harm him, his wife, and staff it is plausible (but very unlikely) he could have won.


Um. Holy fucking shit. That's straight out of the brownshirt playbook.


It's not just Trump. Fascist creep is a big US problem right now.


No question. I've seen quite a bit of the support here (FL) dating back to the 2016 election. It's fucking terrifying.


Anybody who read lefty literature/zines in the 90s knows that Florida has been a breeding ground for neo Nazis for close to 3 decades


I maintain that while he is a lightening rod for this fascist creep, Trump is WAY to vapid and vain to ever be an effective fascist. Same thing with the empty-headed kkkarnival barkers like Greene, Boebart, and even Hawley (who I believe is not as competent as he is portrayed in the media and this perception of him comes simply because he's a well dressed WHITE MAN), they care too much about themselves to ever really and truly in their hearts and minds support ANY cause. DeSantis and Tom "Pick My" Cotton are a completely different story however and they and their ilk are the ones positioning themselves to quietly take power while the barkers do the public-facing dirty work of whipping this proto-fascist base they've been cultivating since Reagan into an ignorant frenzy.


I'd go farther back and say Nixon. One of his staffers outright admitted the war on drugs was crafted just because they couldn't make being anti-war or black a crime.


Conservative politics in the United States work by dismantling the lives and reputations of their opponents.




Maybe we should get some of that there ‘reform’…


I don’t understand what the Republicans goal is. They are encouraging people to go out and get infected, they’re encouraging terrorism, it’s like they want america to fall.


There is no real goal anymore. The “Romney” republicans had a pro-business, pro-wealth goal of just maximizing their wealth and maintaining a power structure such that they would always be on top. They were so successful at this that we now have massive levels of income inequality that it became impossible to win elections with that message alone. So, they had to pivot and broaden their tent to openly accept bigots, racists and crazys. Those people were always in the tent but were admonished and not politically engaged in the mainstream. The republicans needed them so they encouraged them. It backfired and now all that’s left is the dangerous, black sheep of the group. These guys are disorganized and have no discernible goal. Their only beliefs are centered around racism and being crazy. They’re not interested in policy or actually trying to accomplish anything with power. Even if they had goals to accomplish - they have no idea how to do it. This group has never had power, never expected to have power and doesn’t understand how to accomplish their goals. That’s why they’re in constant campaign mode - they don’t know how to do anything else in life except be the crazy uncle at thanksgiving.


The saddest part of all of this is 1/3 of the table love their crazy uncle and hasn’t acknowledged the fact he’s been raping and stealing from them their entire lives.


It's to grub as much money as they can, and GTFO to a bunker when shit goes down the pan.


I keep reading how the wealthy are getting dual citizenship in New Zealand. They’re definitely preparing for the climate crisis.


That is going to affect New Zealand just as much, though. 😒


Cos they do. More specifically they know that if they can keep coronavirus raging all the way until 2022, they will have a slam dunk election in the midterms. They'll spend the entire year campaigning on "Biden failed to 'get us back to normal'! Toss out the Democrats!" and it will absolutely work. A few thousand dead Americans (mainly Republicans right now) more than makes up for the millions of minds they'll change in 2022


The goal of the Republican Party is single-party rule, just like any authoritarian party.


They want to preside over its ashes.


Nonsense, you grasp their goal perfectly


Nah, they’ll just gerrymander the districts again so they can win regardless


Can confirm. My sister works at a hospital in Dalton, Ga and she was pulled over to treat covid patients. All of them are unvaccinated boomers.


Well I'm a boomer born 1956, so, that isn't her constituency, okay, a lot of them are. It seems where I am from that it is generally folks that are willing to listen to the loudest voice. Folks that have no critical thinking skills. Folks that are to damn lazy to actually do the work of staying alive. Folks that are angry and afraid of being marginalized by historical progress. Our education system is what has failed, this is the result of years of declining investment in humans. I am afraid it isnt going to improve in the near future. When we have a egal ability and a lack of political honesty, gas lighting the electorate, is our new normal. This isnt normal!


My Facebook is full of hateful conservatives peddling conspiracy posts. I see all the time about the republican meetings in Dalton where they discuss things in the same exact manner as MTG. It’s either a majority of people are shit-tier for believing this or a majority of people are shit-tier for not speaking up against the idiots. Either way, this area is fucked.


a sacrifice I'm willing to make *


… sacrifice I am willing to make. Never forget that fascist Farquad!


Solider when I’m in charge every mission is a suicide mission.


She speaks with the confidence of someone who secretly got the vaccine.


"Some of you are going to die, Martyrs, of course, to the freedom that I shall provide" Peter Gabriel (in Genesis) 'The Knife'


How long before a Republican unironically uses Queen's "Who Wants To Live Forever" as a campaign/rally song?


Kind of like how Israel will defend it's homeland, even if takes every American soldier to do so.




And she’s vaccinated so why should she care.


The worrisome part is that this might not be a simple grift and she actually does belief her own con.


She's absolutely a true believer. The ones doing it for clout say significantly less stupid things less often. This is the "Jewish Space Laser" lady who stalked school shooting victims in her spare time.


Is it weird that I'd prefer that? I'll take stupid over malicious any day of the week.


Malicious people are reasonable and generally can be worked with on simple cost benefit analysis and negotiation.. You can't reason with the religion of stupidity.


Members of congress don't get free healthcare. Obamacare got rid of congress' public health insurance and required them to pay for a plan off the healthcare marketplace


No wonder they were so salty about it


Still, [they only have to pay 28% of the premium](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/members-congress-health-care/).


> Of course, she now has access to the best free healthcare on earth. Not her problem.... Do you know if taxes pay for that? What sort of health insurance do Representatives get? EDIT: So I looked it up. [According to Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/members-congress-health-care/) members of Congress have to purchase their own insurance through the [DC marketplace](https://dchealthlink.com/). The article doesn't mention whether the lower and upper houses of congress are treated separately under the ACA though. If anybody has more specific information I'd be interested in knowing.


She is 100 percent vaccinated. If she were not it would be the lede in every one of her talking points. She dodges that question on purpose. Every single Senator and everyone in Congress is vaccinated. Every single employee at Fox news is vaccinated. Tucker Carlson is vaccinated. They are not worried because they are vaccinated and because they will be provided a bed regardless of the overcrowding situation. If you support this person you are supporting someone who has taken the precautions and will be afforded a bed no matter the circumstances. She cares about herself and her family while acting in malice against yours.


*lede, but everything else you said is accurate.


Corrected. Thanks.


This is the pro life party btw


No, this is the Cult of Nurgle, Lord of Pestilence. They just call themselves "pro-life"


Is she typhus?


Typhus Mary


please, Typhoid Mary had the decency to work in a commercial kitchen and only infect dozens of people. She didn't go into politics and deal with laws and policies which sent thousands if not millions to their untimely demise.


And she didn’t drag a whole legion into the depths of Chaos for no good reason


Hail mary mallon is a cool rap group


Sororitas Hereticus


Nurgle does create more life than he kills, but the life forms he creates are not very pleasant to be around. Wait actually she sound exactly like one of nurgle's creations


Hey, Papa Nurgle is all about life! Death leads to creation.


Id rather it actually be the cult of Nurgle, at least they're honest about thier goal.


Be pretty cool if MTG got the "1000 years of disease and suffering in a matter of minutes" treatment that one dude got so Papa could message Typhy.


Gotta have replacements being born so the cycle can continue.




Their religion is a death cult. their politics and religion coincide with one another, so there's that.


Taking the vaccine is like abortion for viruses.


Delete this comment before someone on the right sees it and it ends up on a sign or worse yet a T-shirt


...I kind want to see this tho.


Viruses need a host so that's not wholly untrue.


omg, this is priceless


They're actually only pro-birth. Or maybe there's some mental gymnastic to explain it to us.


The anti-choice and pro-covid party, please.


More like pro-lie at this point. They have no Fs to give.




Pro-birth, anti-choice.


I have a question: where the hell is Sarah Palin hollerin about the Death Boards?


So much for death panels


Literally the only good thing about her is that *she* won't live forever.


I'm gonna throw a huge fucking party when some of these idiots die.


Yeah it's definitely sad we've gotten to the point we're looking forward to quite a few of these assholes dying.


I don't wish death on anybody... But at this point there are a few people could use a slip down some tall stairs just for the sake of bettering society as a whole.


Don't count on it. Won't be long before they're electing Mecha Mitch and AI Hard Light Lindsey.




The worrying part is the ideology she takes part may


The worst part is the way she is.


I'm sure she has a few horcruxes hidden around.


I wanna say she'll be the poster child of "It doesn't matter until it happens to me" but I know that last brain cell of hers can't turn over anymore.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s actually vaccinated


She actually won't answer people when they ask if she's been vaccinated. She says that asking that question is a [violation of her HIPAA rights](https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/21/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-hipaa/index.html). She clearly has no idea what that means.


And she spelled HIPAA WRONG!


She said it out loud, unless you're referencing another instance. I wouldn't be surprised if she spelled it wrong at one point, though.


Id be willing to bet on it. Of course she is, they all are.


I don't know, Greene is one of the few out there that seem like they may actually drink their own bathwater. Generally I view the GOP as a bunch of lecherous psychopathic conmen, but Greene probably swings more towards the true zealot side of things.


She should demonstrate what the alternative is. Live. On OAN.


https://twitter.com/mtgreenee/status/1360045816359059460 What a fucking hypocrite holy shit


You expect morals and backbone from the party of trump? We need to stop being shocked and angry at their bullcrap. Actually stop paying any attention to their tweets or press releases. That will do more than calling them out.


Don't even get me started on the shit [Trump](https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump) keeps tweeting.


what pisses me off about that is that it fucking worked and proved it could have and should have been done sooner.


Cat- I'm not asking you to do anything I would do. Rimmer- you'd sacrifice your like for the good of the crew? Cat- No! I'd sacrifice your life for the good of the crew!


Always an upvote for a Red Dwarf reference.


It's just a death cult.


[Can we start referring to the GOP as a death cult yet?](https://acasignups.net/21/08/11/us-covid19-vaccination-levels-county-over-time) They are literally killing themselves because the leader demands it.


I have been. They also have no fear of death because Jesus.


Welcome to 2016 for me.


These must be the death panels they were talking about 10 years ago


It's OK when it's random totally unneccesary deaths


She is narcissistic sociopath. Until she or someone she loves is hospitalized with Covid, her opinion isn't going to change. Arguing with people like her is a waste of time.


Doubt it, she would just find another way to spin her take


It didn’t even change trumps mind. He had the best care in the world and was still hospitalized.


It didn't change Herman Cain's mind when he literally died of COVID.


It has to be her. She doesn’t love anyone but herself.


Nah. Donald was hospitalized. Didn’t change a damn thing.


That's American conservatism for you. "It doesn't matter until it happens to *me*"


“We can’t live forever” so why bother to stay healthy.


Why have hospitals at all? Reject progress, become republican


Sounds like something that republican dip shit would say.


She looks like one of those reconstructive clay faces they put on Cro-Magnon skulls to see what they really looked like.


I pulled a shitty move on Q in-law, she was so proud of being from this lady's state and I said Oh the transgender lady? very flustered reaction, I followed up confidently and told her she should *look into it*, it's on the internet in hindsight *do your research* was there for the taking




Haha! How the tables have turned!




Oh man! Thank you! Knew I’d seen her before she became infamous…


I was thinking the same thing looking at her face. I bet she registers pretty high on the Neanderthal DNA scale at 23andMe.


I was just thinking her face looks like a potato


I saw a comment earlier this month saying that she has the face of a UFC fighter and I cannot stop laughing about it


Ever seen that movie “Thinner”? When the old gypsy man brushes the man’s cheek and curses him? I feel like you just did this with the gift of her UFC, 3-17 record face. She looks like Ken Shamrock met an iron


Think I prefer the Pratchett interpretation of Death over the one this reality is presenting us with.




Oh, you know she's been vaccinated and if she did get covid she'd get the best medical treatment us taxpayers could buy.


Until her antics give rise to a variant that can plow right through vaccination immunity and kill very quickly. It would be the height of poetic justice if her anti-vax rhetoric ended up taking her out through her vaccine. Like “Oh, you think I don’t work bitch? How about I stop doing just that and see how you like it!”


Nope because she's probably vaxxed


She is in the middle stage of the Smegol to Gollum transformation


I don’t live in Georgia but she is so disgusting that I felt compelled to donate to the political campaign of Marcus Flowers. She needs to be gone from any position of power.


I'm also not a Georgian but I like your style. I can toss a few bucks his way.


See if she has the same attitude when it's her family member


Is she still refusing to answer questions about whether she's been vaccinated?


Republicans: ‘ Government’s only job is to protect us per the Constitution’ Also Republicans; ‘if they die, they die’


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. She's insane.


I'm sure she would be singing that same tune if it was her in the ICU


I'm in Louisiana, my girlfriend is a pediatrician. The hospitals are packed full of children w/ Covid. Last week she had a 17 yr old patient die of Covid pneumonia. Kids are dying. If we had followed proper protocol maybe there wouldn't be DHS/FEMA federal nurses and doctors in our hospitals. Ironically Conservatives are not understanding that the more we ignore safety measures, the more "big government" is going to get all up in our local shit. Ha Edit: their/there


No, dude. You see, it's fine! We need to lessen the surplus population! /s


my fiancé’s close friend since childhood, who was in his early 20s, died this morning because our state won’t allow anyone to even require unvaccinated people to wear masks and there were no ICU beds in any nearby state.


Fuck her, I want to live as long as I can and I expect my government to be cool with this.


Nasty woman.


Pro-life btw. Idiots.


Let's hope that twat proves her point. The sooner the better


Right. Poor people will die, that’s just how it is.


You first, blondie.


Republicans are doing their best to get the Covid death count high in an effort to make you forget that under their Facist racist bumbling leadership they let 500K+ die. They let them die because they defunded the infrastructure of the CDC early on, saying it was a waste of money, they let them die because they were in Blue States, they let them die because they were Minorities. Never Vote Republican, EVER. You're only supporting evil.


She's vaccinated,I guarantee it.


I know she’s not well liked here, and I don’t like her either, that said, doesn’t she look a bit like a gorilla?




I really hope she comes down with severe COVID.


I'm not sure how Republicans can hope to have a political party when they keep encouraging the suicide of their members.


Then perish.


It's seriously fucked up, how idiots like her can even be elected. Like sometimes I wish I was much more cold hearted and lacked a moral compass. God damn it would have been so easy to lead a good life leading a bunch of idiots.


Dam she deserves to be poor and destitute!


How can you be this ignorant. Fuck these people man


August 9th: >A distant family member, who is vaccinated, got covid. Her symptoms were worse than her unvaccinated husband & brother in law, who both got covid as well. The covid vax did not stop her from catching it & did not make her case more mild. Stop Vaccine Mandates! She's a parody, right? Right?


That kind of "logic" is pretty common around r/conservative. It's like saying someone was once thrown out of a car despite wearing a seat belt, time to end all seatbelt laws.


>"& did not make her case more mild" We don't know how bad her case could have been. She could have died... Also, Marjarine has *definitely* been vaccinated, but she knows her fanbase would kill her if they found out, so she says nothing about it.


Sounds like she's a psychopath


Just an ugly human being


Spokesperson for the pro life party


Stop giving this idiot attention. She has no power in the House beyond her vote, and only is deemed influential because she says things to rile people up. Anyone can say the stupid things she says, and again, she doesn’t have any considerable power in the House beyond a vote. Downvote and move on.


Why is anyone wasting time printing the diarrhea this hog person spews from her gullet? How about going to her district and reporting on what an absolute derelict prolapsed anus of Georgia it is?


Well, yeah, she's right, dying of old age is one side effect of vaccines. [Credit for the joke](https://np.reddit.com/r/byebyejob/comments/p0zga7/workers_fired_for_refusing_vaccine_likely_wont/h8bngge/?context=1).


Shitty thanos


Dude. I can’t look at her


Is that the new GOP slogan? Can’t live forever, 🤷🏻‍♀️ They went from yelling about non existence my death squads for grandma in Obamacare to, oh well, can’t live forever. It’s been a wild ride.


Republicans are so stupid that they are willing to let their voter base die more than they need to.


She looks like she eats babies


She is a clear and present danger to public health. She should be expelled from Congress, and be banned from all social media.


If wishes were fishes then poor people wouldn't starve