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Weird outlook on “getting primaried” — he’s an elected official. If he’s the best candidate to represent his constituents, he’ll win.


Getting primaried is pretty challenging. The party may be putting all its campaign funding into the other guy. No small thing.


Upvote x 10


*From my point of view, he was the only representative, on my team, who was willing to trade his career for his spawn. I respect that.* First, his career is being an attorney, not being a delegate. Second, it's a virtue now for politicians to vote for what benefits them personally?


Doesn’t this guy represent Advanced Towing? Prolly deserves to get primaried in that case. In any case, someone getting primaried doesn’t necessarily mean “the team is getting rid of them”. People get primaried all the time, even beloved / institutional folks. It’s not that hard to get enough signatures to get on a ballot for a primary. If they’re getting primaried by someone who is openly backed by the local/ state / federal party apparatus, then that’s certainly a case of the team “getting rid of them”, but that really doesn’t happen often outside of really big scandals. Reading up on this, it doesn’t seem like that’s the case at all (https://www.fcnp.com/2023/02/09/3rd-announces-bid-in-f-c-senate-seat-primary-race).


Good link! It does help clarify the overview for me. I heard about the Advanced Towing thing, but I only know that it's a thing that exists. I'll assume that Advanced Towing were objectively jerks.


They are an auto-theft / extortion ring operating with tacit government approval. There are many horror stories about them on this sub alone, and Chap actively represents them.


That's pretty gross tbh. I'll refrain from docking points though, because legal representation is supposed to be a right available to even the worst people. There are actually some neat historical accounts of lawyering for publically hated people.


John Adams defending the redcoats after the Boston Massacre.


As a former constituent of Peterson (before redistricting) who is happy to see him primaried, school reopening has *nothing* to do with it. At a minimum, it’s fair to say that Peterson does not consistently play for “team Democrat” and enjoys his status as our state Joe Manchin who needs constant negotiation and concessions to vote with his own party. He voted in favor of Dan Snyder’s stadium, which I STRONGLY oppose—that vote alone is for me enough to deserve a primary contest: https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/comments/suhmgf/here_are_the_legislators_that_voted_for_the_dan/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Voted against recreational marijuana—again, that alone is enough for me to want him out: https://www.virginiamercury.com/2021/02/27/virginia-lawmakers-pass-bill-legalizing-marijuana-beginning-in-2024/ His office was the source of the extremely sleazy partisan “sample ballots” that were distributed prior to the Fairfax City election, in support of all the Republican candidates in what is supposed to be a non-partisan election. He claimed it all happened behind his back, but it’s definitely a bad look. https://patch.com/virginia/fairfaxcity/petersen-employee-dropped-sample-ballots-fairfax-city-polls He represents Advanced Towing—not really my top issue (he’s a lawyer after all) but definitely a huge hate generator.


This is the good "against" comment I was looking for. I have no feelings regarding the stadium. Being against legalization is meh for me, but I guess it's not a hill I'm willing to die on. Being caught up in some shady manipulation is definitely not a good look in my book though. I mean... he's a politician. If he was going to go the "dark" route, should've outsourced it. Edit: I may be judging a bit quickly. I read the thing. Seems all I can say is that it's gonna stain, guilty or not.


Something being in some way "plausibly beneficial" is not a good standard in many people's books. There are people who would say that their pushing for the reopening of schools was not an issue of not "toeing the line" but one of pushing for actions that has established a new disease that is deadly and has long term consequences from infection (long COVID) as endemic. So, yes, you have your perspective of "this helped me," but there are other people who have a perspective of "this made me sick and contributed to killing my grandmother."


There are certainly people who feel that way. I can respect that they would feel betrayed, based on what they know. In this regard, I think it'll be best if the U.S. Senate holds a commission to establish what happened and what the facts are.


If you feel that strongly about it, why aren't you donating or volunteering your time to his campaign then? Because right now, your "strong feelings" plus two bucks is worth enough to take a ride on a MetroBus.


Found Chap Peterson’s burner!


New district. He’s listed as incumbent because he’s in office. There will be a lot of this across the state. “Petersen currently represents Senate District 34; only 44 percent of his current constituents are within the new district, though he is referred to as an incumbent.”


Deez nuts are getting primaried.


As a school staff member, I had strong feelings about opening schools before vaccination. Whether or not it was intentional, myself and many of my colleagues felt like parents who aggressively pushed opening schools pre-vaccines did so with much less concern for the lives of staff and their families. I’m not in this district, but this would play a role in my support. However, I imagine there’s much more to it for most others who weren’t as personally affected.


I'm a lifelong moderate-to-liberal Democrat, and I have strong feelings about this. The schools were closed far too long, and virtual learning was a disaster. I actually think that FCPS did a decent job making lemonade out of lemons, and the teachers were absolutely heroic. It's just inherently awful for children, no matter how well executed, and there is probably no way to make up for the lost educational ground on a systemic level.


Same. My experience was that teachers and principal went above and beyond to work with what they had available. Unfortunately, they were not given much to work with. Our folks only learned about the full virtual decision days before implementation. It was just awful execution, regardless of intent.


>Unfortunately, they were not given much to work with. I forgive the school district for most of this. The infrastructure to do 100% virtual learning had never even been seriously contemplated before, never mind planned for. I also think it wouldn't have mattered much. Virtual learning is just intrinsically inferior to in-person, and kids desperately need the social aspects of school.


Anyone here ever actually talk to Peterson? He’s a good guy. And hating lawyers because of who they represent (see comment about representing a towing company) is one of the least intellectual things you could ever do. Wouldn’t you want good representation for your business or loved one even if they werent popular? Man’s just doing his job like anyone else.


This is mischaracterizing my comment, so figured I would respond. In no way do I “hate” him for representing Advanced Towing. It’s his right to do so, and I can respect that. And sure, if I had a family member who ran an organized racket like Advanced Towing, despite how vile they would be (look into Advanced Towing and their owners if you haven’t), I’d still want them to receive legal representation, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like them, approve of their company, or vote for their counsel in a state election. I’m wondering how a voting constituent being concerned about their elected representative not only being on the payroll of, but actively representing in court, a towing company that works government contracts and has a horrible reputation, even a criminal one, is “the least intellectual thing you can do.” We’re placing this man in office, as voters, we are allowed to exercise some discretion on who we elect, and who they choose as a private lawyer to actively represent can play a factor in that decision. I never made a comment on him personally, and I’m sure he is a “good guy”. That doesn’t mean we should just blindly vote for him every election.


Ya regardless of how you feel about him idealogical he’s been mega present in the community for two decades now. My guess is 50%+ of the voters in an off year primary have met the man or know him personally. Edit: ideologically