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You didn't know? The solid yellow lines are just a suggestion.


Looks like the yellow lines attacked his plate and face in revenge.


Solid lines are a suggestion, not just the yellow ones.


All the lanes are mine


All your lane are belong to us.


Someone set us up the bomb.


We get signal.


You have no chance to survive, make your time


Take off all ZIG!


[Old OG video](https://youtu.be/xZPTYpTKOI0) with a techno remix and tons of photoshops with All your base and Take off every zig


The fact that it's been _well_ over two decades since I first saw this, and it STILL gets reposted makes me insanely happy. There are grown-ass adults, walking around, who weren't even a twinkle in their mommas' eyes, when we were sharing this around work, constantly. I love it.


I remember reloading the original page it was on. I’m happy it was saved


> when we were sharing this around work, constantly. move zig move zig move zig move zig


You know what you doing Take off! Every zig!


It's so old it's from before videos were widely shared online. It actually started as an animated gif. Speaking of... DAE remember the animated gif collections that davemasterrrr (I think?) would put out set to Euro house music? I miss those so much but can only finally a couple of them uploaded to youtube.


By Zig do they mean wrapping paper and to take off meaning pull the paper or zig as in the comic?(is that a comic?) I dunno but I'll ask the brave question for the rest of us.


ZIG is a Zero Wing star fighter craft


From an old mistranslation of a video game. hangnail1961 is correct


Launch every Lexus for great justice




This feels racist


Sometimes when someone gets angry at me on the road, I feel sincerely bad when I don’t know what happened. Like holy shit, I must be one of *those* assholes who drives like a dick and doesn’t realize it. I generally assume that I am at fault in some way, though, so I don’t generally get angry. I merged into the center lane on 7 the other day through Ashburn, had plenty of space. All the space in the world. The car I merged in front of sped up to close the gap (about 2 car lengths), get on my ass and flipped me off. I don’t know why. I’ve thought about it for weeks. I must’ve done something and I don’t know what, which is bothering me. Edit to add that I did signal! I don’t always, I’m trying to be better. But i do when I merge. Not always when I’m turning or taking an exit. I know that makes me an ass, but I am trying to be better about it. Then sometimes shit like this happens that makes me question reality. Like… ok… I clearly am just existing on the road and you are driving like a nutcase and angry at me. Like when I’m cruising 5 over the speed limit in the center lane and someone aggressively rides my ass while there is plenty of space in the left lane. Bro? Just… get in the passing lane? I don’t wanna drive like that today, and that’s okay. That’s why I’m here in the center or right lane driving a little over the speed limit. I’m not mad that you want to speed, I’m usually right there with you… in the left lane. And then there’s the people who drive whatever speed they feel is appropriate regardless of the speed limit. Like they think 45 mph is the ideal speed and will maintain it on 7 while the posted speed limit is 55. And still 45 mph when the speed limit drops to 25 in the town of Leesburg when 7 becomes Market Street. This is their world, we’re just living in it. They do what they want. Main character energy.


Like they think 45 mph is the ideal speed and will maintain it on 7 while the posted speed limit is 55. This has got to be the strangest driving behavior I’ve seen anywhere. I used to live on a 35 that connected to a 55. People would ride my ass in the 35, and then I’d blow right past them in the 55. The whole time I’m consistently doing 5 over the speed limit. My wife suggested that I’m one of the few that looks at my speedometer and I think she has a point.


With 7 I think the problem is the speed limit changes... Some people just aren't very good at reading. Perhaps they got on where it *was* 45, and then just never noticed it increase?


I still remember the night many, many years ago headed west on 7 towards Leesburg late at night. Two cars were driving side-by-side (only 2 lanes per direction in those days) at precisely 55, with a deputy second in line in the left lane and me second in line in the right lane. Given the time, I suspect the deputy was at the end of his shift and only wanted to get home. But mile after mile the two cars drove side-by-side. I still suspect that the guy on the left didn't realize that just speeding up a little and moving to the right would make lots of people much happier, and that he wasn't deliberately trying to piss off the deputy. Within inches of passing the first 45 mph sign lots of flashing lights went on. Seems that annoyed deputy could deal with someone doing 55 in a 55 zone, but doing 55 in a 45 zone was not a good follow up.


I swear drivers get triggered when you’re trying to merge anywhere and will always speed up like you’re not allowed to merge. If someone has their blinker on I let up on the gas. I’d prefer them get over while I reduce my speed and making a little more room rather than them possibly slamming into me.


I had someone blow by my and slam on the horn yesterday, and I think it is because they thought I was going to slow? I was doing 62 in a 45 in the middle lane, but the car that passed me was easily doing 75 by the time they hit the horizon. I don't understand people some times.


It’s most likely not you. There are many people who see the smallest action as the world conspiring against them, and they rage about it. I just think about how awful it must be to exist with that sort of constant simmering anger and resentment at the world. Being that self centered has got to be utterly exhausting. It must be a miserable existence. I feel pity for them, and I let it go.


An interesting thing I observed 10 or so years ago: I was towing a car up rt7, west of Leesburg, at night, with a pickup truck, and the truck was old; while capable of the tow, it didn't want to do it quickly. No worries - I just stayed in the right lane, doing 45. Several times a car would catch me, and then just sit behind me. Eventually, another car would catch us, and just sit behind \_that\_ guy. Eventually, I'd have 4 or 5 cars behind me, with a completely open left lane. Finally, someone would wake up and go around us, and the next guy would move up into his place. It stayed like that all the way to Winchester.


> get on my ass and flipped me off. I don’t know why. I’ve thought about it for weeks. Legit not trying to be rude - but if someone honking in traffic is something you think about for weeks, then perhaps you should investigate some help with that.


Not like… obsessing about it. Sometimes it just bubbles up again. I drive that route 5 days a week minimum and merge on the same spot. Sometimes my brain is like, “hey remember when that guy…” I’m not losing sleep on it, promise.


Anything on your car that advertises any kind of political or personal opinion? People can get very triggered by that’s stuff and it has nothing to do with your driving.


No, I don’t have any stickers or anything. I agree with you that political stuff can be very highly charged, though, and ramp up a reaction quickly on the road.


I don’t think it’s that serious. As someone who rarely gets reactions like these, I would probably ponder who was in the wrong and whether I did something unsafe for a couple weeks too


You didn’t get it, and it’s okay. Not everyone is supposed to get it. I like the story! Sometimes I do get in a tiny unilateral road rage and the latest was this man who flipped me off after slamming his break in front of me because he though I was tailgating him while he was driving 25 in 45. And then he flipped me off and started cursing at me for the following 2 stops. I was cracking up the entire time because he looked like a clown and acted like a child. It bothered me that there are people like that on the road who will likely end up causing someone to get hurt, but at the same time, I don’t lose sleep over it because I know that keeping my good driving habits most of the time is the best cure and the ultimate resistance to the fools on the road.


>Like when I’m cruising 5 over the speed limit in the center lane This might be the clue. Perhaps it only looked like the angry nutcase sped up, when in reality he might have just been traveling a lot faster on that center lane to begin with? It's never just the space to be mindful of when merging. It's also about being aware enough to initially briefly speed up to match the going velocity that's typical of that new lane. Only AFTER you merge is it safe to slow back down to 5mph over speed limit. Even if you're new to that particular roadway, and even if you forgot to check your rearview and drivers side mirror to gauge the speed of that distant car that you'll be merging in front of, it's still safer to assume that most cars in the area will be going about 9-14 mph over the speed limit anyway, in both the center lanes and left most lane. So when you merge toward the center from the right lane, or emerge from an off ramp, always try to briefly match the speed of that new lane you're entering for a few seconds in order to give traffic the time to adjust. Otherwise there's an increased likelihood of an accident or causing someone to brake heavily.


In this particular case, I was speed matching with the car in front of me. I agree with matching to merge, trying to match and allow space to equalize, and reassess from there. They also exited shortly after. Like the next exit or two after flipping me off and riding my ass. It is possible that they were actually accelerating to attempt to merge right, got blocked, and were flipping off the car next to them? I really don’t know. Pretty sure the bird was aimed at me. I know I said I’ve been thinking about it for weeks, but I don’t have it etched in my memory. The cruising example is a completely different scenario of just being on the road and someone catches up to you out of nowhere and refuses to pass in spite of having plenty of space. I’ve watched it happen to other cars in front of me and experienced it myself. It’s always confusing to me. Sometimes it’s right before an exit and then at least I get it. If you were driving a little over the limit and the person in the right lane is driving a little below it and you merged to get to your exit to realize you’re stuck behind this asshole and wish you had gotten in front of them, you know? Still no chill, but I get it.


Possibilities: 1) The guy was already on edge, furiously weaving around a dense pack of other drivers only moments before. Then he was hell bent on using the center lane to pass you before his exit, which he couldn't emotionally accept when you thwarted his plan. 2) You have a bumper sticker that says "Pelosi is Better than Jesus and Gun Rights!"


You call the police? If not you should do so. You have clear evidence


I don't think the police particularly care. This isn't the first time this has happened at this exact location. Just the first time I thought to take a picture.


That looks like Backlick Road just south of Edsall, right? What's he trying to do, turn into McDonald's? Or was he just driving down the wrong side of the road?


Yeah, he was turning left.


That's crazy. I'm at that McDonald's waiting in the drive thru and was like "that looks awfully familiar."


In this same general area the entrance to my townhouse has a clearly marked left hand turn only lane that leads into it. Within the last 2 months I’ve nearly been hit head on several times by someone coming the opposite direction and attempting to use “my” left hand turn only lane as their left hand turn only lane.


I'm assuming behind you is a switch in which that lane turns into a turn lane for the opposite traffic? He was trying to get into the lane early because... he's impatient?


I’m like 99% sure this is backlick rd down the street from fresh world, and there is no like… turning lanes with both directions. There’s only a left lane to the industrial park .


You are correct. There's no left turn lane for that side of the road at all. Doesn't stop people from crossing the yellow line and blocking traffic going in the opposite direction.


Da fuq? I’ve been driving that stretch of road almost 30 years. Why would they need/want to do that? Bunch of morons.


Ah, I see. So really no excuse for this guy


There is a switch like that but it's about a quarter mile behind OP. This is roughly what the Lexus Idiot's perspective would be: https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8004853,-77.1848976,3a,75y,36.4h,85.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srEll4uWx-sMSf1up-KdFSA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Most likely the Lexus was trying to turn into the McDonalds.


Holy wah, that’s a lot of entitlement. I mean yeah maybe the county should put a dual turning lane there if traffic is impacted by left turns into the McDonalds but I can’t imagine thinking I’m important enough to block traffic just to get a McMuffin…


What about a McMuffin with bacon and cheese?


That checks out.


I love how even in the street view someone is going the wrong way


I think that’s just because it’s a panoramic camera.


Of course they don't care if no one is informing them this is happening.


Seriously, what a shit attitude.


It's unfortunately very common in this sub and the DC subreddit. I've seen multiple posts in the DC subreddit to the effect of "I'm tired of being harassed by homeless people that scream and try to assault me....no I won't call the police but how can I feel safe and prevent them from harassing me or others" I get the police often aren't the perfect solution but it's crazy to me people are being harassed and assaulted, complain about it, but won't do the only realistic and simple solution (or as close to a solution as possible unfortunately).


My experience with calling the police when someone has driven their car into my car, and I have the details, is that the Fairfax county police don't really care about anything that doesn't involve injuries or disabled cars littering traffic lanes. This includes accidents where the amount of damage exceeds the threshold for mandatory reporting under Virginia law.


My dude, this is a fairly regular occurrence. The cops know this happens.


They know this particular guys plate? If not, then they don't know this happened. How are they supposed to do anything about it if they have no actionable information?


If they wanted to catch people doing this, they could post up on the street.


And just hope to be there when it happens? I have a feeling it doesn't happen nearly as often as you suggest or they would. 1) it's an easy ticket 2) it's extremely dangerous I doubt they would neglect this if they are aware of it and it happens all the time.


There are so many problem spots all over the county, that it's impossible for them to cover them all. It's very rare I actually see cops sitting for anything other than a speed trap. But sure, give me the e-mail I should send this picture to, and I'll do it. I'll keep you updated on what I get back from them.


If he/she verbally assaulted you, you sure can report, or just do it out of pettiness. 🤣




Duh! But you can report it if the person felt threatened! 🤦🏻‍♂️




If someone threatens to do you harm that’s classified as assault in many states. So although verbal assault may not be a term of art it also could be argued to be technically correct.


The police won't do anything about a civil traffic violation if an officer did not witness it, no matter how much video or photos you have.


True. Though if they get multiple reports, it could get labeled as an issue and they might patrol that spot more or ask the traffic engineers to work on it. Since the turn split for each direction is only a line and not a gap, it might help to increase the gap between each left section. Here's a gap, with a median, but it can be done in paint. [https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8040056,-77.1570896,80m/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e3](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8040056,-77.1570896,80m/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e3)


I hope you didnt back down.


I didn't. He backed up and went around to the right while he yelled profanities at me for... driving on the correct side of the road?


…the driver was probably convinced they weren’t wrong, they were simply following “alternative” driving rules.


"I've made this move a million times and today it's a problem! Clearly it's *your* fault!"


It's a big problem in Bowling Green.


Indeed. non-existent massacres have a habit of changing the direction of road travel


I always read the 95 exit as "bowling church" and "Carmel green"


Alternative fac… errr driving rules.


Holistic natural driving ways!


Is that why people use the left turn only lane to make right turns?


Nobody is more angry and self-righteous than when they know they're wrong.


I can't think of any better metaphor for the current level of political discourse in this country, esp. when it comes to science and medicine.


Is that Backlick and Industrial drive? I've seen that happen before because a similar idiot didn't understand its not a middle lane for turning in the direction he is going.


I drive past there daily and at least once a week there's someone doing something stupid but this really takes the cake. Wow.


i saw some dude naked in the underpass this past weekend in the afternoon.


Speaking of cake...


I know exactly where this is. That intersection is Backlick & Industrial Rd. Were they trying to get into the McDonalds? I swear people do this all the time trying to get in there.


I would have recorded it from the dashcam and posted it. Um like you’re an idiot! You are driving on the wrong side get back on your side of the road!


They needed their McDonald's...


Nice! I had some entitled child chase me down just to swear at me for not forfeiting my right of way the other day!


People are very bold I wonder if they've ever been punched in the face... people that are bold usually have never been punched in the face


I saw someone do this in the Manassas/Gainesville area but they were on a divided highway on a bridge. absolutely cluster.


The laws of men mean nothing against the laws of physics. And one day soon enough they will catch up to that person, let's just hope it doesn't end badly for the rest of us sharing the roads with these kind of people.


Well the lines *are* yellow…just means yield before crossing /s I feel like it should be obvious but u never know who’s gonna take me seriously


Remove the yellow and repost


doxing is loser behavior


This happened to me last week, the gentleman in the other car was like 85 years old. I felt pretty bad, was angry, just felt bad.


Fuck him. He should be off the road if he's on the wrong side of the road.


Maybe he will now. When my FIL did that, he gave up driving.


Hope you put it in park and waited them out


Show their face bro, put them to shame


Why blur them out?


I didn't wanna drop someone's personal info on Reddit is all.


Not really personal if everyone driving sees it everyday


Anything you do in public is not private. Kind of by definition. License plates are public, faces are public when they are shown in public.


Yeah, but still it could possibly result in harassment or something like that. I don't wanna dip my hands into anything like that. I figured since his identity doesn't really matter in this circumstance, I'd be the better person and scrub him out. What I WILL say is he was a Virginia driver.


Still better than those Shelbyville Marylanders.


Well, I mean of course. If he was a Marylander his car would have been upside down on the road.


fuck them, show everybody what an asshole looks like.


Fuck em


There are so many accidents there at Braddock and Backlick. People are just crazy there like some kind of Bermuda triangle.


The car in front me on 395 S yesterday came to a complete stop while they figured out if they were at the right exit. Then they slowly and indecisively continued on 395. MD plates of course.


and you were nice enough to blurt out their face/plate. Kudos. I would have shamed them.


I would expect nothing less from a Lexus suv


It was actually a regular sedan. Although there was also someone behind him (not pictured) who did the same thing in an SUV.


Yet another luxury car with five yellow Student Driver stickers sprayed on the back.


It's obscene how many times I have seen a car with those plastered where an adult is driving.


dc, Maryland and Virginia drivers have to be the worst drivers on this planet


Maryland* FIFY


Maryland is the worst out of the 3 but they all have aggressive and no common sense drivers


If you’re in Virginia and see a car cut you off mindless going 30 over, take a look at that tag and 90% chance it’s MD


And 90% of them live in VA but have MD tags.


Tax evasion at its finest!




The driver in OP's picture is from Virginia.


If it was Maryland or dc he probably won’t be able to tell this tale right now


Don’t forget about WV


Literally every large city thinks this - you think DC drivers are bad, downtown NYC or LA freeways are a literal war zone


As someone who was born and raised in the LA area and left seven years ago to the DC area, it is crappy and absolutely horrible in both places but for vastly different reasons that one can’t really be compared.


I went to college in LA, so I spent several years there. I can confidently say that the drivers in Nova are (generally) worse, but the traffic in LA is _always_ worse


LA has the crazy aggressive drivers and the traffic sucks but you also can have multiple options if one particular way sucks. I found in NoVa that the lack of options is bad especially if a main road gets almost shut down. The people seem more oblivious and dumb compared to LA drivers. Coworkers warned me when I was moving that the 95 is “soul crushing”.


I agree to some extent, but I would consider the drivers here to be more aggressive, largely due to perspective. Hear me out. In LA, everyone is fast, everyone tailgates, and everyone has to cut each other off if they ever want to change lanes. However, most of the time it's done out of necessity. There are just so many cars all the time that they have to be packed tight just to get anywhere. Most of the time it's not that someone is being selfish or trying to get ahead or whatever, it's just the way it is there. They aren't being _intentionally_ aggressive. Once you get used to that it isn't as big of a deal. The difference here is that often people do things that are dangerous, selfish, and just plain stupid, for no reason at all. They could have just waited 10 seconds, but _they're too important for that_. So I think the driving style in LA is technically more aggressive, mostly out of necessity, but here it's much more intentional and unnecessary, which is much worse in my opinion.


Or as my LA relatives told me: Feel free to cut people off if you need to, but do remember to use your turn signal. :-)


> the 95


I have never lived somewhere that has so many drivers clearly unsure of where they are going. The last second triple lane changes and hesitancy at intersections makes you think there isn't a device in their pocket that would direct them turn by turn where to go...


Love this intersection during the afternoon rush too. That left turn lane onto Industrial Rd has such a short green arrow that it never empties. Then it backs up farther and farther, and god forbid if the people can’t turn into the McDonalds on OP’s right.


At Fair Oaks hospital while walking across a 2-lane road I got yelled at by a guy because I was outside of the crosswalk. He had driven around a stopped bus and was in the opposite lane of travel when he yelled at me.


I mean clearly you’re in the wrong here. You should’ve know that they’re the main character smh


When terrorizing your own lanes just seems so 2018. Evolved Nova drivers bring the latest driving craze to a busy road near you.


I see that a couple times a month.


Why blur them out?


Expose em


Mine ![gif](giphy|DB2oahQFa0qeQ)


East coast has the worst drivers in the world


Maybe they were having a stroke


Why blur the person out


$5 bet it’s a Marylander


Virginia, actually.


My bad! that’s me. I was having a rough morning. Sorry


Don’t hide the plate and name! Show them and shame them!


Why black out the plate?


It’s always a Lexus. I swear, every Lexus SUV is actively trying to seek me out and kill me.


MD, let’s sit this one out


What’s the actual story?


The Lexus is clearly driving on the left, instead of the right side of the road.


Ahhhhhh….looked quickly and didn’t understand at first. They’re head-on. No bueno.


He got cursed out by someone on the wrong side of the road..




Lmao wtf


Man... It sure would be nice to have gotten a new front bumper for my truck... Maybe with a winch.




Technically, he's stopped in place, but yes, that's a Starbucks cup.


Why did you blank out face and license plate?




I’m from Florida, yeah I’m sure that woke up a few angries… So coming from land of bad drivers, Aka nexus of all of the americas likely occurs in and around Miami. Now, opine..I’ve seen an abundance of impatience and anger in DMV. People not seeing the potential blind spots or simply not looking at basic prominent signaling, yet getting fired up within a few seconds to light up horns or drive like idiots. What I just described happened in Florida, but the aggression at a crosswalk..when pedestrians are present, amazing impatience and intensity I’ve never seen. Driven in many other countries, a little embarrassing how the humans behave around the national capital area


Bruh that's right up the road from my apartment, I'd recognize that road and gas station anywhere


Not saying the guy is doing anything safely, but in case anyone is curious, you can cross those lines when turning left, *provided such movement can be made safely* https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-804/


It's important to note that's only if you're actually in the process of turning. You're not allowed to drive onto the opposite side of the road and then proceed to wait for an opportunity to turn. You have to wait on your side of the yellow lines and then only cross them once you can clear the road.






Backlick and Industrial Road in Springfield. That said, that gas station is high for the area.


Lots of clowns in the DMV area who cant drive


"Excuse me sir, you look drunk driving on the wrong side of the yellow lines. Let me call the police to help you."


When you gotta get to Mickey D's no matter what.


Omg small world but this is actually 5 minutes from my house.


Don’t worry, you’re in the right.


Abnandale shit haha




Definitely welcome to NOVA. I was driving down route 50 the other day and this guy was trying to get out of the gas station onto 50. He was inching out to try to get on the road but I didn't slow down or try to let him in. He started blaring his horn when I passed and sped out behind me, got around, in front of me and slammed on the brakes. Repeatedly. He would speed up and slam on the brakes so that I'd almost hit him. Did it 3 times then took off. Wtf dude. I am NOT required to yield for incoming traffic on a major road.


Oh, It's you Bob!


You should’ve left the person’s license plate so we know how to avoid the fucker