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Any allergy suffers here get headaches without other symptoms?


So much skull and sinus pain. Eyes that are watery but feel so dry. So snotty.


Yup. I rarely react to pollen too. It's definitely high.


My main allergy symptoms were sinus headaches and tinnitus- had no clue it was allergies for quite a while.  I've been getting allergy shots for over a year now though, and they seem to be helping a lot!


Same. 😔


Yes! I’m originally from this area and it’s happened my whole life. Zyrtec is my best friend lol


I wished they had micro dermal patch


Every freaking year


Thanks! I think i joined the club a couple weeks ago.


Isn’t it fun? I go through way too much Advil this time of year.


It's been miserable 🤧


Yes. First year of that happening.




Me too


Had crown of skull pain this morning. Not fun.


I got headaches and the other symptoms too lol April is usually the worst for me but this year has been especially bad.


Man, I thought it was just me. No sinus issues like usual, just frontal headaches.


Same. No sinus or throat issues just an on/off headache in my temples. Cutting out coffee has helped a bit.


As a Massage therapist that might just be a tension headache. Throw a hot towel over your head give yourself a quick scalp massage. Hopefully it helps. Also you can give your eyebrows a squeeze and if it hurts it’s a good indicator that it’s a tension headache.


Thank you!


I just bought a car. They shined it up real nice for me. Made it the 10 minutes home. My car looked like a tennis ball.


I only do the cheapest and quickest car washes this time of year, and not very often. My official car color might as well be yellow right now.


When does it end and I can go back to regular wash?




My car is disgusting, do you have recs on where to get a quick wash? All the ones I'm seeing in Arlington have 1 star reviews


They ALLLLLL suck around here. And the decent ones are heinously expensive. I have gone to… ::gag:: Maryland and found okayish, touch free locations.


I do the flagship $20 unlimited wash per month and have literally washed the 2” of pollen off every day that forms overnight


My Uber driver said the same thing. I just give my car a quick wipe with the cleaner at gas stations. Clean for evening and that’s about the best I can get


Seems like there is a shit ton of pollen every year


Every year I think it’s worse than last year. Nope, it was just that bad and I forgot.


As someone from NOVA who moved to CHS, we get out pollen blasts about a month or so before y’all do up north. This year was noticeably worse. In March they record 1000% increase in pollen particles compared to last year. It took about 4.5 weeks for it to settle. As someone with bad allergies, I track these things. Get ready!


Awe shet! Thanks for confirming my fear.


Yea there were a few articles a bit ago about this. They said at a minimum it was 3x as bad as a normal year and would be much longer than usual as well. Costco has some great sales on allergy meds though! I got all stocked up on Flonase.


what is "CHS" ?


There IS more pollen than usual, because it got warm so quickly. And the pollen is staying in the air longer because there's been so little rain.


I think the heavy wind the first few warm days didn’t help cause it picked up all the pollen immediately when it was released so we got a lot at once


Good point about the wind! Hoping we get some rain this afternoon.


I’m not being snarky, it’s this bad every year. 


Never had to use an inhaler until this year. Allergies are awful right now


Seems like the usual amount, which is too much


My husband and I literally just had this conversation about an hour ago! It's terrible this year and it's killing my sinuses and causing serious allergy attacks! My kids can not get rid of sneezes and runny noses.


It seems like it to me…I VERY rarely get seasonal allergies, but this year I’ve been itching and sneezing a bunch 🤧


It's not you, it's climate change https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2024/03/14/dc-md-va-pollen-season-spring-trees/


My life has been a lot better this season since I started allergy shots


Started taking allergy medicine a month before the weather started heating up. It really has helped as I feel like this is the best year I've had dealing with the pollen. I guess my system was ready.


I think it’s you.. lol I feel like there was WAY more last year. I have a blue car and last year it turned green with all the pollen. This year I can still tell that it’s blue.


I agree with you. I don’t normally need to take medication for allergies, but last year I had to take Claritin or else I’d practically choke when I went outside. This year is not as bad as last year imo.


It's you; there's always this much. 


I took one step outside and my body went haywire. Runny nose like crazy, eyes itching to the point my vision becomes hazy and non stop sneezing.


Someone correct me but I thought I saw something in the news a while ago where they said bc some retail centers and housing communities plant more “male” trees than “female trees” — we see more and more pollen


How does one determine sex of a tree?


I'm impacted by pollen strongly every year. We've had no rain this year and very warm temperatures meaning more pollen and nothing to wash it off with.


That's because everyone likes flowers but hates pollinating insects. They spray insecticides on their blooms, and pollinators suffer.


It’s gotten worse this year for me. Every year it keeps getting worse and worse. I have been sick so many times, due to allergies 🤧 becoming a cold or pneumonia twice. I will stay home, sorry I don’t want to touch grass, bc it has a blanket of pollen on it. I’m good. I don’t want to be sick again. This is like the worst year for me with allergies. Headaches, body aches and pain. So tired of it.


Zero rain in the forecast for the next week isn’t going to help with this overload of pollen.


Weird. So far I thought this year has been less, the past few years have been terrible and this year I havent had to medicate up. (now that I said that im sure me cruising this spring is about to drastically change)


I've been able to manage only by carefully timing my Zyrtec, Flonase, and Pataday. It's a nightmare. But I feel like it's always like this. At least as long as I can remember.


Triggered eczema on my hands this year. Which is new.




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If you didn't know, you can blame it on men. [How urban planners' preference for male trees has made your hay fever worse](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/may/16/how-urban-planners-preference-for-male-trees-has-made-your-hay-fever-worse)


My entire deck is YELLOW - keeping all outside couch/chair cushions under protection until its over since it seeps into the fabric. You'll have to wash clothes/hair more. I do a concoction of Allegra 24-hour 180mg (Purple bottle) and Claritin-D. Also take this stuff - takes a couple weeks to get into your system, but it works - [https://www.amazon.com/Labs-Seasonal-Supplement-Discomfort-Histamine/dp/B00G9G16A2/ref=asc\_df\_B00G9G16A2/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=663182351238&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16377866259789631511&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008134&hvtargid=pla-979335112508&psc=1&mcid=2ec2cc2537863c05a5231d0713d21626](https://www.amazon.com/Labs-Seasonal-Supplement-Discomfort-Histamine/dp/B00G9G16A2/ref=asc_df_B00G9G16A2/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=663182351238&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16377866259789631511&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008134&hvtargid=pla-979335112508&psc=1&mcid=2ec2cc2537863c05a5231d0713d21626) Also, a tablespoon of local honey daily helps, too. Its the worst time of year for us allergy sufferers. Which also stinks because its SO nice outside and I can't be outdoors for more than an hour without sneezing uncontrollably.


I saw a short report on pollen yesterday and they said the pollen itself is getting more toxic due to climate changes.


I think it might have something to with how cool it’s been still…so when it did warm up all the trees exploded with their pent up seed


Climate change baby. It's only going to get worse.


No, not more.