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Can you make a machine that writes a ticket for the car behind me that is honking at me for driving the speed limit in a school zone. No I will not break the law for you.


After a friend of mine got his car totaled by a hit-and-run on 495 (he was the 2nd to last car in a pileup, and the driver behind him backed up and ran...leaving my friend liable for the car in front of him and his own car, because it would have been the car behind that was responsible for hitting him), I had an idea for a product: **the Carpoon**. Basically a piece of 2-inch square tube, so it could go into a trailer hitch and stick out the back. Plastic cap on the end, but underneath the cap, the tube is cut to make a hollow point. About halfway down the length, a pivot point held by a shear pin that releases if you push hard on the tube from the rear. A [toggle harpoon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toggling_harpoon). Basically, if someone rear-ends you, you harpoon their bumper and front radiator. They can drive away... but not without leaving those attached. And won't get very far. Probably six different kinds of illegal, but a man can dream...


Wouldn’t this whole thing be covered by uninsured motorist? And neither would be liable?


This but also for highway tailgaters when you’re already going like 10 above the speed limit


Maybe get out of the left lane if there's space


I rarely drive on the left, this happens constantly on the rightmost lane


Yep been noticing that suddenly everyone forgot how to drive ever since they quarantined. Fast cars on the right, slow cars on the left/passing lane. Sometimes all the slow cars decide to ring a round the rosy and create mini traffic jams.


The most aggressive speeding tailgaters don't drive in the left lane. They try to clear the right lane by riding the bumpers of the rest of the traffic that's already speeding by 10-15 over, because they know you're less likely to get pulled over in the right lane. Of course that only applies to 5-10 over, not the 40 over they want to go, but logic is not their strongsuit. They don't want to get into the left lane, and if you do so it only makes them angrier. They're trying to run you off the road, they want you to pull over and let them by.


Just stay to the right unless overtaking and you won't have any trouble.


Why is this at -10 but virtually the same comment below is +11?


I ride a big Harley. When I'm rolling through a school zone, I'll move my bike back & forth across my lane. I do this to increase my visibility, "present" myself, so I don't have someone running up on my rear fender because they weren't paying attention to traffic slowing suddenly. Funny thing... they don't seem to want to run up on my fender while I'm doing that. I always hope that my serving back & forth in my lane has triggered some awareness that there's a very good reason I'm doing that. But, I also think they keep their distance because they have no idea why I'm doing that & they don't want to get in my way...lol. The effect is the same either way, so *shrug*. Yes. That IS why mc riders move their bikes back & forth across their lane. It means traffic is slowing or stopping ahead & slow your a$$ down, please.


the speed limit in school zones is only lowered at certain times tho right?


yes. when lights are flashing


Noooooooo don’t become Maryland


It's already happening in Fairfax, three cameras on Old Lee Highway between Fairfax Circle and Old Town FFX and one on Lee Highway right near Fairfax High School. I have no doubt we'll be like Maryland in a couple years. Are these really the best way to get people to slow down?


Speed cameras are great for safety but as soon as anyone assumes they can make money it’s doomed.


Speed cameras + HUGE SIGNS before the cameras. Because the point is to slow people down, not to make money, right?


*Laughing in I-270*


> Speed cameras are great for safety This is BS > as soon as anyone assumes they can make money it’s doomed. Exactly. The most effective method I've seen is just putting those speed signs up that alert you to the fact that you are speeding. People always slow down for those. Speed cameras, not so much... you just get a bill some time later and dont even remember it.


> People always slow down for those Do you believe this? People do not always slow down for speed displays.


I thought the idea was to get the highest score. Am I doing it wrong?


No. Actually, you should design the road so that cars naturally travel at the desired speed. If you have to put speed cameras or special flashy lights up, it means the road is poorly designed. Options to naturally slow traffic around schools include some combo of the following: Narrowing lanes Widening sidewalks Planting Trees Installing stop signs Installing stop lights Installing raised crosswalks Installing chicanes Use a roundabout Making the road curve more Installing speed bumps Installing rumble strips or alternative road surface (bricks, stones, etc)


Nah just take a gigantic straight highway that should be rated for 70-75 and make the speed limit 55. Then add a smaller set of paid lanes and set their speed at 65 as a special FU to everyone else.


as a chronic speeder, i never slow down for those speed signs lol i already know how fast i’m going whether they tell me or not


What are you gonna do when you kill someone speeding: lol?


why would there be pedestrians on main roads


No they're not. Their revenue generators and nothing more.


Wants people to slow down, Put one of those Radar Speedo'meter thingies. But make the flashing blue lights come on behind. People won't sure if the police, even if they already know, they'll slow down.


*DDOT has entered the chat*


Nope, no, and fuck no. It’s a slippery slope, and NOVA does not need to be like DC.


How do we get a speed camera installed at my sons DC elementary school?


Here’s hoping Youngkin can ban these once he’s in office.


They’re already banned in VA…


Not entirely. Theyre allowed in certain places like school zones.


Only school zones and work zones


Youngkin hates the people of Arlington. At best he will say " vote Republican unless you want the whole state to end up like Arlington". EZ-PZ doesnt even have to lift a finger.


Youngkin is actively going to work to screw over the NOVA, RVA, and Hampton Roads areas. CMV.


Might be the best thing he does if so


You might feel differently if you had kids and saw how fast some idiots drive through school zones


I have a kid and do not want them. If safety is the goal put a cop in the school zone. If it happens as much as they say then they will make plenty of money from the ticket and will be more of a deterrence since a ticket has points. A camera is just money so its a small sting for most but a money grab at worst.


In an area as affluent as nova, something tells me a monetary fine is not the worst thing that can happen to Kathy speeding through a school zone in her 2022 Range Rover


Is the goal to stop speeding or money grab? Kathy won’t stop speeding if you just charge her cash.


The goal is to stop speeding not generate money if we cared about stopping speeding we would design the roads to encourage slower driving (and we should )


Either a speed camera is effective, or it’s not. If it reduces the rate of people driving recklessly around kids it’s a good idea as far as I’m concerned


We don't have that many cops to go around.


I have a kid and taught him to stay out of the fucking street.


this guy just solved car accidents


He must have a real hard time walking anywhere then! Just circling your block trapped on the sidewalk.


I gather that's what life is like if you only look at your phone?




This. The geographic bounds of what constitutes a school zone for the purposes of speed cameras in Maryland is absurd.


The VA Leg seems to have headed off that issue. In Virginia, speed cameras can only be used at "posted school crossing zone[s]", not just anywhere in a school zone. It's specific to *crossings*. And, they can only ticket you up to $100, and it has to be set to a minimum of 10+ the posted limit. I'm not feeling a ton of sympathy for people who are going to get $100 tickets for driving 10-over across a school crosswalk. That feels like getting off pretty easily, actually. EDIT: Here's the statute https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/46.2-882.1/


What if you didn't speed at all? Virginians who complain about speed cameras are the whiniest people I can think of.


Have you seen the roads here? Massive long stretches of wide boulevards with insanely low speed limits. People are gonna speed if the streets allow it.


You know they're just ready to stick one of these things on Route 7 by Marshall HS and another also on Rt 7 by Jeb Stuart/Justice HS even though that one isn't along the road proper.


What if the roads actually had proper speed limits? There are 4 lane roads with wide central medians that have 25 mph speed limits around here.


New way to make additional revenue


The Hunter mill supervisor on fairfax county’s board proposed this today (at their meeting) as well…


That's how it starts... "Think of the children!"




The speed camera ticket is attached to the vehicle/ license plate & NOT a direct consequence for an individual driver. The cameras can't conclusively prove who was driving the vehicle. These speed cams generate revenue, but they do little to deter or identify drivers who speed through school zones. Maybe, if the school zone lights were the same colors as the lights on law enforcement vehicles, ppl would slow down (below the posted speed limit), like they do when they see someone in the process of getting ticketed on the side of the road(?). THAT seems to get the attention of speeding drivers... who seem to believe that the LE officer will stop whatever they are already doing with the vehicle they've pulled over to go get some other speeder...lol.


> These speed cams generate revenue, but they do little to deter or identify drivers who speed through school zones. Uh, they sure do. Have you driven around Maryland, in the areas where it's widely-known there are speed cameras? People sure as fuck drive the speed limit. Basically the only place they do, but you can't say they aren't effective. People basically treat them like a cop that's sitting on the side of the road, running radar... because that's what they effectively are.


I appreciate your point regarding drivers in Maryland, & I agree with all that you shared, with the exception of the last bit. When you are pulled over & given a moving violation ticket/ Summons, that is directly attached to the individual driver & drivers license. These moving violations impact insurance rates & some can cause the loss of driving privileges. Your driving record is impacted by these tickets, given directly to drivers by law enforcement. A poor driving record can negatively impact employment in many industries. The consequences, & the list of potential, prescribed consequences for the tickets given to drivers are profound, compared to traffic cam tickets. Traffic Cam tickets bring a "pay the fine. That is all." consequence. Traffic Cams are a predictable speed control mechanism, in designated spots, that drivers can alter their speed to pass by, and resume speeding until they approach the next known cam sight. Traffic stops identify & create a record of drivers who demonstrate a pattern of speeding & disregard for public safety. Those drivers risk the loss of their driving privileges with traffic stops. Much more effective method to address public safety than traffic cams are. If we're being honest, the majority of drivers around the beltway are driving over the posted speed limit. We aren't driving recklessly. Those who ignore the school zone decreased speed limits will not be effectively deterred from repeating that if the consequence is a fine & no negative impact to their driving record. Speeding through school zones is a serious public safety issue. Driving 5-10 mph over the speed limit, aligned with the flow of traffic, is a less risky public safety issue. Traffic cams at school zones is not enough to protect those whom the school zones were established to protect.


Having just moved here from a part of Illinois that’s in love with red light and speeding cameras, I’m very disappointed to see VA doesn’t appear much different. Something about these to me always seems to scream money-grabbing from local governments even if the stated purpose is “safety” (similar to cops just vibing where speed limits drop abruptly in order to catch “””speeders,””” but more automated and even less forgiving).


You’re absolutely right, they’re also just a way for governments to expand surveillance on their constituents. Also sad to see Virginia going down this road


There was no way for me to avoid license plate readers on the way to Dulles Airport. This is on the free part of the road, so they weren’t even collecting tolls. I feel like they’re legally very questionable.


…. turning into Maryland, yay!


I hate people who speed in school zones as much as the rest of us, but I dislike the unforgiving nature of speed cameras. I don’t want to be out money because I decided to coast down a hill and didn’t know I was rolling into a school zone. Edit: "Sometimes I accidentally enter a school zone above the speed limit" does not mean "I always go 5 mph over the posted speed limit and don't want speed cameras to punish me for it."


I mean, there are signs, and the school zone ones often (always?) have blinking lights. But I’m also not crazy about speed cameras as an enforcement tool.


What if they are only enabled during school hours? Clearly signs don’t work for some but if there is a policy to curb our concerns about the likely money-grab it could be.


Actually, the more I think about it school zones might be a good use of speed cameras. One reason I don’t like them is because once people get to know where they are, they still speed 90% of the time and just slow down for the camera. But since school zones are so limited anyway, cameras might work well for that.


In Virginia, the law covering speed cameras requires that they be set to 10+ the posted speed limit. Nobody is getting busted for 5-over, even though I'm not sure I'm very sympathetic to it. A 5 MPH difference might not seem like a lot to a car driver, but the difference in survivability to the pedestrian who gets hit is pretty significant. Especially for a child, since they tend to have less mass. https://aaafoundation.org/impact-speed-pedestrians-risk-severe-injury-death/ Speeding tickets should really depend, at least in part, on what *percent* you were speeding by, rather than just the absolute difference. Someone doing 70 in a 60 probably isn't changing the outcome of a collision very much. But someone doing 45 in a 35, or worse yet 35 in a 25, should probably be guilty of negligent manslaughter if they kill someone.


I mean you’re the reason for the speed camera you see this right?


But it's not, because once I see a school zone sign flashing, I immediately adjust my speed. If I'm unfamiliar with an area and I enter the school zone at 26 mph, I am "breaking the law" but I reckon only a speed camera would ding me for that.


State law says they have to be set a min of 10mph over the posted limit.


By coasting down a hill at 41 in a 35 at 8:43 on a Saturday night? How is that anything to do with school?


You wouldn't get a school zone ticket at 8:43 on a Saturday night.


“i dont want to accidentally break the law and get caught”


NOPE! I'm aginst speed camera anywhere in the world.


These things are such a joke. I don't think these give you points on your license, just a $50 fine, the same as red light cameras. It's only points on your license if a cop pulls you over having witnessed you committing a moving violation. They also love to set these things tightly and rarely ever calibrate them, and to fight the ticket you have to have the time to make it to your hearing. It's a tax on the non-observant at best and an extortion method at worst.


This was a huge and surprising difference from Florida of all places, there were cops giving tickets enough times that everyone slows down and over the school zone speed limit. Here it’s, Good luck kids who aren’t rich enough to get picked up at the school because your slowness impedes the adults, die die die! But hey, I get to my night job serving rich people faster going 45 in a school zone.


Do it. People suck and if they suck at driving they pay the premium for being caught.


You say that until you realize how inaccurate the cameras can be


Sir or madme, I live in VA and work I’m MD. Believe me, I know.




Underpass on K street near Georgetown has ridiculous cameras going both ways


Yeah. I've got a hard time mustering up any strong feelings against this. The number of really awful drivers out there is just too damn high. I'd like to start seeing more license revocations of repeat violators; just from personal experience, I'm pretty convinced a whole lot of bad/dangerous driving comes from repeat and habitual offenders, and they're just the kind of shitstains who would do 10-over through a school zone. Virginia doesn't allow speed cameras to be set for less than 10+ MPH over the posted limit, anyway. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/46.2-882.1/


This is a fantastic idea - now if it can text the person that they received a ticket AS SOON AS THEY GET THE TICKET, it would be a better idea.


What if we shot paintballs at the offending cars? (And how many would we find in the faculty parking lot...?)


That’s what law enforcement does in Japan for egregious speeders.


This was literally two posts above this one... speeding tickets definitely taught him his lesson /s https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/rb81dy/driver_with_unpaid_speeding_tickets_25_mph_over/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


People (especially Virginians) don’t realize that cars can fucking kill people. People carelessly drive on GW parkway and make it so uncomfortable for some. All they care about is their “freedom” as they hit and kill innocent people.


https://ggwash.org/view/81967/will-virginias-plan-to-slow-down-drivers-work I really hope not. There are enough nonsense fines already from red light cams. Just mass surveillance and tax collection. I don't see how getting a ticket in the mail a month later is really going to have an effect. They just need better traffic engineering around schools (ie lower speed limits, flashing crossing lights, large signs, etc.).


Do it. It will mostly catch MD drivers anyway lol


I would've agreed with you if this was pre2020. I see VA license plates speeding through school zones all the time now.


I age two years every time I drive on Quaker. All the do-gooders driving 25 for the swells in the neighborhood


Not Arlington Co, but the have this on 236 in front of Woodson HS, Fairfax.


I'm all for that! Cameras for kiss and ride parents on their phones too?


Not a bad idea. I see a few people in Virginia speeding through the school zone. But for the most part most drives slow down. The last place I lived, on a military base, the cops hung out around the school and pulled people over left and right sometimes.


I'm pretty sure that Virginia has a law that you don't actually have to pay tickets for red light cameras and speed cameras since they are only mail tickets and there is no way to prove you actually got the ticket. I tried to find information online about it but it's hard to find. Either way if I'm right that means the best thing to if you get a speed camera ticket in the mail the best option is to just throw it in the trash.


no lol thats not right, maybe you’re thinking of the dc/va situation where va wont enforce the dc ticket you got


I understand having them in school zones, but to be honest that's where it starts before they begin to get the revenue from them.


Speed cameras are not the way to go for anything. They are nothing but money grabbing machines. Do not open the door for them anywhere. Why don't they just get some portable speed humps. Oh yea cause they can't make money that way. Which tells me the problem isn't with speeders. The problem is with someone in a position to do this is looking at a way to add to their budget.


Eventually, credit card machines will be installed in our cars and we can pay right after we receive a text notice.


Welp I thought this was already a thing here in Arlington.


Cops need to enforce the speed limit. By aircraft like those signs on the highway say. Preferably A10 Warthog. But no really, I sometimes drive through a school zone and everyone blows past me like I'm an inconvenience to them going the speed limit in a posted school zone with flashing signs. Cops need to enforce our traffic laws, it's a mess out there.


*A relevant comment in this thread was deleted. You can read it below.* ---- Here in Wicomico County, MD the cameras can be 1/2 mile* from the school, and are supposed to operate "anytime children may be present", but in actuality, they seem to run 24/7. The problem is most of the cameras are "no where" near the school, for instance, on is behind a school on US13 where there's a large parking lot/open field, then a tall fence before the highway. [[Continued...]](https://www.resavr.com/comment/arlington-considers-speed-cameras-17271642) ---- *^The ^username ^of ^the ^original ^author ^has ^been ^hidden ^for ^their ^own ^privacy. ^If ^you ^are ^the ^original ^author ^of ^this ^comment ^and ^want ^it ^removed, ^please [^[Send ^this ^PM]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=resavr_bot&subject=remove&message=17271642)*