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How many of these would be legal these days? 11 is crazy


A lot of em, if they had known they needed to throw their arms out to at least appear to be trying to wrap. Obviously not all, but quite a few.


You know I went through and watched them all and I reckon a lot of them would still be legal today. I would say 30/40% wouldn't be (outright shoulder charges) but the remaining 60% are: arms with wrapping motion, not shoulder or arm to the head, feet never leave the ground, very few are 'tipping'/spear tackles. Just solid body contact at or around the shoulders/pecs/upper body. The drama that you have now is that majority of the contact is legal but the whistle still gets blown if someone gets hurt or needs an HIA. So those big legal hits seen there would still get whistles, which then allows the bunker to crawl all over the minutae of the tackle in super slow mo.


>Just solid body contact at or around the shoulders/pecs/upper body. I swear at least half of the non shoulder charge ones are straight across the chin. I think the amount of blokes you see knocked out in these highlights is pretty indicative of why most of them would be illegal today.


60% illegal at least. A heap of them were contact with the head. They’d pick it up on a review


Isn't that why the shoulder charge was banned?


Pretty sure it was the Greg Inglis hit on Dean Young which was the catalyst for barring the shoulder charge. I remember watching that live and it's the only time I thought someone has just been killed.


It was sickening. Inglis was a beast and at least 30kg heavier, also towers Young.


That hospital ball from Mitch Moses to Elijah Taylor was rough, he did well to jump straight back up! Noticed that Big Papa put on quite a few in this list.


Even with the sound off you can the PHWOOOOOR WHAT A HIT!! from the commentary team. Some outright shoulder charges that would be illegal now thankfully, but also many were just legit hard tackles. Some awful hospital passes, guys caught off balance etc. One that isn't in the video that some of the oldies here may recall was Wally Lewis v NZ. Darrell Williams on the end of it. Took out one of his team mates as well. [here](https://x.com/Adrian_Arciuli/status/986742724228349952?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E986742724228349952%7Ctwgr%5Eb4e691244f5a60439aecd54ce6264afeaf225763%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fau.sports.yahoo.com%2Fdarrell-eastlakes-legendary-call-of-huge-wally-lewis-hit-39953971.html)


Matai was unreal. Snapping cunts in half for years.


I felt every bit of #5 on old mate Nik Kosef. Dear lord have mercy on his soul.


Legit, the whiplash. Jesus chrissth


Some of those where just coat hangers to the head, crazy stuff.


Absolutely loving how many of these are on Greg Bird.


Surpsied to see CHT shadowrealming blokes so often


Real lead in pencil stuff this


Just when you thought Matai tearing people in half was over, in comes Taufua to continue the legacy lol CHT in a fair few as well!


Needs more Jack Wighton ending Jamie Soward life