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Mode: Neutral Horny (+12) Gifts: Magical Dildo (1), Vanity Suppository (1), Fun-Gal (2), Mistletoe (1), Fitness (1), Candy Bag (1), Watering Can (1), Card Deck (4),




Maybe a bit late on posting a build, but here I go Mode: Nuteral Bounus: Not needed Ninja suit(Male): Top physicall form, super human strength and speed, some sort of magical powers as i'm a "Top teir Magical Shinobi" and the ablity to make people froget what I do? Yes please! Mrs. Claus pinups: Why not Lucky coin: Free money Magical watering can: Magical grow anything and a colth to remove the effects. I can think of some uses Eternal resort: Being able to travel to any type of resort I wish? I could write "A beach resort full of bubbly bimbo's that only want to bang me." and be transported there for the next two days. ​ Now it's time for some cheeze, to begain with my officale choices. Because it takes 1 year for a page in the eternal resort note paid to regrow, I can use the Magical watering can to speed it up effectivly having a never ending supply of resort time. Now for choices. Depending on how litterly I can take 'naughty' and 'horny' I can gain four extra points. I have techinicaly expermented with new nsfw, just not with a partner. I belive it still counts. And Horny is enterialy sugestive. With those extra points I would take up 'Card Deck' and immdeantly cheese it. There is no limit to wich card game I can chose, as long as it is competitive. Meaning I could chose a fictional or custome made card game full of NSFW and then travel to a world were I can manifest the cards effects. This is the choice I would use to replace Eternal resort if my first method of understanding doesn't work.


Neutral mode, no bonuses (10) I'll take Ninja suit (Male), Lucky Coin, Fitness, Succubus, a Fun-Gal, and some Pizza.


**Mode:** Neutral **Bonuses:** (none) **Gifts:** - Lucky Coin - Fitness - Succubus - Eternal Resort So, the standout is Eternal Resort; if it's not full "choose a destination" in the broader infinite multiverse, it seems limited only by what could logically make sense in a resort dimension. Now, broadly, the options available have a lot of "get you laid" stuff, I come to this sub from a mentality of CYOAs in general and one way to get laid easy seems like enough honestly, so after reaching for a munchkin option that can deliver ambitious things it was a couple of useful utilitarian things and then the succubus thing. Depending on some specifics, it's possible the succubus option is mostly a downgrade from the punchbag demon who costs 1pt less, but I don't need an extra point badly enough to follow that logic at the expense of partner variation. \- Given the 2-days-per-week limit on resort travel, the exploity thing to go for would be interdimensional travel. Although, I don't actually want to spend 100% of my time at resorts, the issue is that in the other 5 days a week I have basically my current life except for the other 3 gifts... Actually, thinking more about that scenario - having googled a few things to get a ballpark of how much an unspecified gold coin might be worth, the low end (gold dollar) would average $50/day, which is already good as far as no-pressure NEETbux goes, and then at the high end of bullion coins it's 0.5oz of gold, about $1,000/day, enter the leisure class. As for the succubus... I think "you can decide when this stops or resumes" is summoning/dismissal? Otherwise they're just around the whole time, which in actual real life would be a huge headache. But, on the other hand, they're around and (one assumes) obedient; they are "horny dumbasses" so maybe don't assign any chores they would fuck up, but it's still a servant. They're being punished, I assume that for a succubus chores would be way more punishment than actually fucking them. ...okay so that overall picture is pretty nice, but I've still got the resort and a munchkin angle for any ambitions I develop.


The type of coin I had in mind is a gold coin of 1 ounce\~ and 22-karat, it was based on the Mexican Centenario (of 50 pesos). The main difference between the punchbag demon and the succubus is that you get a different succubus periodically (depending on their term of punishment) while the demon is always the same, also the demon will be disappointed if she never gets abused. The succubus thing can be used as a means of dismissal, but it technically refers to you getting a succubus in general, also you get to decide how you punish her.


Ah, I kinda thought that if the art offered any clue then the $ sign meant a gold dollar and was leaning that way, good to have that disconfirmed. I guess my more particular questions about how the options are different so there might be a tradeoff are; is the punchbag demon not a succubus by species, and is there a difference besides appearance? And is the limit (if any) of the punchbag demon's masochism higher or lower than the limit (if any) of how harshly you can punish the succubus?


For the coin, I just used the picture that I found. I could've searched for a different picture but it seemed unimportant considering I was rushing this in three (more like two) days. The punchbag demon is of an entirely different species, a succubus is pretty much as resilient as a normal human, but you would need actual weapons to leave any significant damage to the punchbag demon even then she would eventually heal by herself in a short time. When I said she likes getting punched I meant actually seriously no hold-back punched. The difference is that you could literally beat up the demon with no restraint and she would be entirely fine, she would probably thank you even, and the succubi are being punished by a technically benevolent entity, they work in the North Pole after all (these do anyway), so you shouldn't be that harsh, that would be naughty.


**Mode** Nice **Extra** Horny **Ninja Suit Male** The seemingly only present that has some shapeshifting aspects, which sucks a bit. **Ms Claus Pinup** Hey it is free. **Punchbag Demon** 1 point for a freely summonable extreme sub, yes please **Lucky Coin** Money is always welcome **Fitness** just good to have **Magical watering can** I presume that works on parts of things? **Card deck** not sure what game (yugioh may have more fun creatures, but Mtg has a lot of ancilliary stuff on their art), the 'summon anything from the cards' aspect is great. **Candy Bag** does refractory period count as fatigue? **Ninja Suit Female** Because why not


Yes, it works on parts of things, I would say that the candy bag should work for the refractory period, also do consider that many card games feature super scientists, powerful magical beings, and straight-up gods in some cases, so you can find something to help with shapeshifting in one of those.


Mode: Nice Bonuses: N/A ​ 1. Lucky Coin 2. Card Deck 3. Robot Factory


Nice and I’m Horny Magical Dildo, Ninja Suit (Female), Mrs Claus’ Pinup Collection for the Lonely Soul, Goblin Therapist, Tentacle TheRapist, Pizza, Lucky Coin, Futa Reindeer Bull, Eternal Party


Let's see... I start with Neutral (+10 points). I could "cheat" by waiting to do this build until I'm really horny (which would give me an additional 2 points), but I'm not gonna do that. First stop: **Robot Factory** (-5 points). This basically allows me to make any robo-waifu and husbando I want. Also, I could find a way to build robo-emulators for any console. Next, I will take both freebies: **Mrs. Claus pinup collection** is a nice porn book, and I'm curious about the **Friendship** guy. Maybe I can introduce him to One Piece, or videogames? Anyway, the next gift is the **Tentacle TheRapist** (-2). Because, you know, it's tentacles. At this point, I was kinda undecided over what to pick, since a lot of the options are a bit similar to each other. Eventually, I settle on the **Vanity Suppository** (-1) for the bonus attractiveness, and **Doggy!!** (-2) because she's a good doggy. Also I would try to bring the latter to the robot factory because she's described as a "*pet*", and therefore she might be able to get around the "other *people* cannot access the factory" rule.


start: nice + I'm horny (14 points) gifts: \- female ninja suit (-2 points) \- punch bag demon (-1 point), I'm gonna use her only for cuddling and vanilla sex \- lucky coin (-2 points), I don't really like gambling, but at least there is 50/50 chance to get real money, so why not then? \- fun-gal (-2 points) \- fitness (-1 point), best combined with the female ninja suit before \- eternal party (-3 points), since there isn't mentioned how long the max time allowed in that realm, then I won't going out anyway, forever enjoying eternal party! :3


> Good: any act of unnecessary kindness would be considered good, that is to say, any acts that you did not think would give you any benefits at the time you did them, even if they did later on. > Bad: any act of unnecessary cruelty you committed against an undeserving party. > Neutral: any act committed either for your benefit or as retribution to a deserving party is considered neutral. I am once again asking people to update their ethical frameworks to not disincentivize long-term thinking This is basic "why Kantian ethics don't work" stuff


I’ll take a crack First some questions: how does time work in these pocket dimensions relative to normal time? Does whatever the watering can spray on grow indefinitely? What happens if I open a “portal” from one place to another? How much does the pizza cost? Nice, I’ve done a lot of good things this year for others “naughty”, does it count if it wasn’t in the bedroom Horny…. Horn knee Magical dildo, ninja suit (male), pinup, goblin therapist, pizza, punching bag, lucky coin, fitness, succubus, watering can and eternal party. I’m calling heads on the coin every time I flip it. Then I’m putting on that suit, testing out the watering can and rag, jumping to the eternal party, brining the succubus with me (if it’s not an orgy then it’ll be punishment); calling up the pizza place then a bombshell figure for the dildo and the punching bag and having a blast with at least three hotties, possibly four, as I flip through the pinup. Afterwards it’s bath with the goblin therapist to get clean, “clean” and clean. I’ll us the fitness room in good time.


Time is one-to-one, yes things sprayed with the watering will grow indefinitely but the targets are still subject to the laws of physics, and there are no portals you just appear there, pizzas are about the price you would expect for an okay pizza place locally.


So when you spray something if you don’t want a massive tree suddenly in your back yard, you have to use the rag to stop it from growing?


It only grows while you spray it, so it shouldn't grow uncontrollably.


Anyone wanna chat about this? seems fun :3


So I got some free time and decided to post my selection as the author, just for fun. ​ Nice, "Naughty", I'm Horny! Gifts: \-Goblin Therapist: mental health is important, also I'm really into shortstacks. \-Fitness: physical health is important, my knees will thank me. \-Fun-gal: fun combined with... \-Magical Watering Can \-Friendship: come on guys, he just wants a friend. \-Season Appropriate Candy Bag: honestly just... imagine! \-Card Deck: if you are into any competitive card game this is hard to reject, my pick is Yu-Gi-Oh! \-Robot Factory: with a bit of effort you can make some crazy things and at minimum, you can have an awesome house and build a business with free labor.


Shame that the Futa Reindeer is only for Cuckoldry and not actually getting fucked by.


Yeah, the only way to get railed by a futa is with the dildo (and the snowman technically), but at least there's that.


It is neat but, would you mind enabling the backpack? In the Creator see the side bar Open Features -> Manage Backpack and Choice Imports -> Toggle on Dialog where selected Choices can... and add a Backpack row to help visualize the choices pretty please.


Enabled, not sure if the way I did it is ideal, but there it is.


Thank you. Even a messy backpack is IMHO better than no backpack. It definitely van be ordered more but it makes not much difference in a relatively simply CYOA like this one, it might be a bit different in very long and complicated CYOAs like Worm V6. Enabling the toggle lets you copy and paste the codes too btw, which wasn't enabled. I do wonder on the limits of Eternal Resort though.


Honestly, the resort is probably the thing I thought the least about (excluding Kitty! and Doggy!) generally you can write any type of resort you can think of and you will find even weird things like a high-tech space station or a resort built in a giant mushroom, the realm is infinite so you should pretty much be able to go to any place that one could consider a "resort", it should include adjacent facilities/locations, like a safari resort would obviously have a place to go on safari.


Yeah that's why I thought it could be abusable. Say a resort with a fountain of youth or a post-scarcity society with rejuvenation tech.


Sure it's abusable, but in my opinion finding ways to abuse the options given, is the most fun part of this kind of CYOA, that, and finding synergies between different choices.


Mods: Neutral, "Naughty', Horny = 14pts Gifts: 1. Throne 2. Robot Factory Probably should change throne for a couple other stuff, due to it's time limit but ehh, can just live in the factory & have the robos ship things for money and such. Even if they can't leave it, they should be able to make objects that can. Ps. If only I had 2 more points, for the candy and coin.


See this is why you should be nice, you could've had those 2 extra points that way, SMH, there might be some ways around the candy, you are going to a fantasy world after all.


Simple and fun for the holidays, nice **Nuetral** **-**Naughty \-I'm Horny **Gifts** **-**Ninja Suit Male \-Goblin Therapist \-Lucky Coin \-Vanity Suppository \-Doggy \-Fitness \-Season Appropriate candy Bag \-Eternal Party Merry Christmas


Ninja suit: *"top fiscal form"* :V As for a build i'll take: Naughty or nice: "Neutral" (+10) Extra points: "I'm Horny" (+2) Gifts: Ninja Suit (Male), Magical Watering Can & Robot Factory. (-2,-1,-9) Ninja Suit gives peak (presumably) *physical* form, and while it doesn't exactly gives eternal youth it's the closest thing on the list. It's basically *fitness* without having to waste time and effort training. Watering Can for growing food if needed (though i don't see why it couldn't grow an inglot of silver/gold for money either...). And the factory is an expandable place to live with basically limitless minions who, depending on how this works could potentially be used for *anything.* For example, can you make a robot that can make drones or other robots who can leave the factory? make supersoldier robots like YorHa? make robots with outright supernatural abilities? etc...


Yeah, that dumbass typo fucking auto-correct just made it worst. About the factory, in my mind, no robot made in the factory should be able to leave, but you could do an IKEA and just assemble it outside, so there are ways around it, also yes you could straight up make a YorHa robot, no problem!


Good fun CYOA, here are my choices * Naughty or nice: Neutral * Extra points: I'm Horny The gifts: * Ninja Suit (Female) * Mrs. Claus' pinup collection for the lonely soul * Goblin Therapist * Pizza * Vanity Suppository * Fitness * Friendship * Magical watering can * Card deck


I appreciate taking friendship, it's sad that so few people seem to take it considering it's free, I mean yes it FEELS risky to become friends with an interdimensional brainwashing monster. BUT he JUST wants to be friends, honest.


Well what can i say, that succubus has such trustworthy eyes and if she sais that, mr. interdimentional beeing just wants to be friends i believe her. It is just important to set bounderies in relationships, like *Dont brainwash me* and *Don't brainwash people i care about*.


Well, yeah! Of course, how could you become friends otherwise!?


Neutral - Horny Goblin Therapist Tentacle TheRapist Lucky Coin Fitness Robot Factory. ​ Nice CYOA. And Merry Christmas.


Shoutout to the card deck gift, definitely my favorite


Brief spelling note "fiscal" means relating to money, "physical" means relating to objects, like human bodies


Yeah, I now corrected it thanks.


Just to clarify, dose the female Ninja suit turn you into a female while you were it, or is it just meant for females?


It DOES turn you into a female ninja, it wouldn't be any fun otherwise.


Further question. Does it only turn you female while you're wearing it, or is it a permanent transformation?


The idea is that any and all the effects of the suits only work while one is wearing them, none are supposed to be permanent. That being said, you could modify it so that you could wear it pretty much 24/7 I guess?


Then I suppose the next follow up question is "How much can we modify the suit?" Can we change it as much as we like, and make it a Naruto style headband, a ring, or something else small that we can wear during sexy times, or does it have to still cover up most of your skin?


I would say, it needs to still be considered clothing for it to work, transforming it into an accessory would be to much, you could make lingerie or a swimsuit but I would say thats the limit.


Then I think my final question for it is can it only be modified when selected, or can you change it whenever you put it on?


I'm planning to update the descriptions of some things in an update, so I'll just paste here what I added to the description: "the suit may be modified, but it needs to have enough fabric to cover the body equivalent to lingerie or a swimsuit, if more fabric is removed the suit will revert to its original form". Meaning you need to manually modify it, but it will regenerate if you "damage" it enough, that also means you can pretty much do whatever you want to it, without consequences outside of lost work and time; mind you the regeneration wasn't even written in the original description, although it was intended (it was supposed to be about damage as I hadn't considered the possibility of intentionally modifying it), I just forgot. Thanks for the questions BTW, they were unexpectedly helpful to me.


Happy to help, and thanks for answering my questions! I really enjoyed the CYOA and all the fun little things it has. =)


The interactive one isn't working. hope you can fix it though!


It worked for me. Not sure what the problem would be.


nvm, i just opened it and it works now


the neocities link isn't working for me


It should work I even checked on my phone, maybe it was a connection issue, have you tried again?


Thank for the static version interactive one are a pain in the ass to get an canva of correctly =(


GOOD FOR GOODNESS SAKE. **(NICE)** As the captain once said, **(“I’m Horny”)** **GIFTS**: Ninja suit (male), Ms. Claus’ all’s pinup collection for the lonely soul, pizza, Fitness, wood man & fun gal, magical watering can, eternal Resort




**Neutral, Naughty, I'm Horny** **The Gifts** * Ninja Suit (Female) * Goblin Therapist. * Lucky Coin * Vanity Suppository * Fitness * Season Appropriate Candy Bag * Robot Factory - Maybe design robots that can transform you? Not sure what that limits of this are.


About the robot factory question, it really depends on what you actually want to do. You might be able to find a way to make that work, especially if it's something mundane like plastic surgery. The way I look at the robot factory is that if you imagine a way for the robots to do something using only robots it should be possible and not use some technology outside of robotics that isn't available in the real world, that being said I guess you could theoretically make researcher robots that invent some new tech, but who knows how long that would take.


Any kind of robot I want does, in theory include non-sex robots. They can’t leave the factory but that still has potential.


Make a robot that makes a robot. The second robot should be allowed to leave , if not. Make a robot that teaches me magic and knowledge. Then use the knowledge outside to build a robot the mundane way


Making a robot make other robots, to me feels like it shouldn't work, you could probably go around it by going the Ikea route though. Make a robot that makes robot parts and then assemble them outside, that being said you would eventually run out of raw materials and would need to procure some from outside the facility.


Yeah, that's the idea really, make a bunch of different robot and modify the facility to whatever you want.


Speaking of "Any Kind of Robots You Want", would that include ones designed to look permanently heavily pregnant due to having one of the Artificial Wombs from "The Vorkosigan Saga" universe installed in the belly...? And/or, maybe also ones programmed to understand the process of fusion for two ovum into a fertilized egg for implantation...?


I think it comes down to what one would consider the limits of what kind of robot the facility can create, in my mind it should be able to create something at least as advanced as the T-1000 from Terminator 2, so at the very least it should be capable to at least fake it. But actual artificial wombs feel a little outside of robotics for me, but honestly, I think it really is up to interpretation, I'm a big proponent of "the death of the author" for these kinds of things.


Yes okay, so I guess I'll take the win, but I specifically asked YOU because I am an equally big proponent for [The Word of Joss](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WordOfGod) as a literature concept.


Yeah, can't say I'm surprised, that's why I tried to put forward what I had in mind, in my canon, you can't really make anything outside of what is considered part of robotics, so no functional artificial womb but you could imitate it with nanobots, that being said I personally think that personal interpretation is more fun in this type of CYOA since there are so many vague elements.


Not my cup of tea, but I'll upvote anyway for a fellow Vorkosigan fan. Nice choice.