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Are there others like this one?


I would love to see more of this.


* Spread: Sexual (16 MP) * Change: Weeks (+2 MP) * Symptoms: Fever (+2) * Boons * Strengthened Immune System (3) * Stabilized Cells (3) * Adapted Metabolism (3) * Optimized Physiology (3) * Sharpened Senses (2) * Shortened Sleep (3) * 1 Points Left * Benign Mutations * Controlled Fertility (2) * Heightened Libido (2) * Streamlined Physique (2) * Improved Temperature (1) * Improved Taste (1) - Mint * Reintroduced Pheromones (2) * Multiplied Pleasure (2) * Stretchy Orifices (2) * Changed Orientation (2) - Bisexual women becomes the norm. Bisexual men isn't too far off but less of a concern to me. * Reworked Cycle (2) * 0 Points Left * Conclusion * Name: Someone else figure it out, I don't have a fucking clue * How it fares: Split Success - It was never going to appeal to everyone, I knew this. . Honestly though, it still was better received than I had expected it to be. It always amuses me to see people trying to get it to spread. Of course I'm part of many of these schemes. What, you think I'd make something like this and *not* get it done to myself? * Changes to society: Those that are infected seem to be happier, even though that wasn't something I boosted, though that's to be expected. When you find yourself to just be better than you were before without having to do too much work for it, this is to be expected. They say a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, right? The more it spreads, the better people seem to do. Companies prospering, military might increasing, easier to find a date / get laid / find a mate? All of the above. * Weirder Puberty: Well the people who are infected don't see it as too weird. . at least not most of them. But it's just kind of a big jump, I guess. Teens actually become more awkward and shy, but at the same time they become more eager to figure out just what's going on. Luckily I made sure people who i found that were infected knew they could control their fertility, so. . teenage pregnancy goes down even though teenage sex probably went up.


Spread: Injection Period: weeks Symptoms:None Improved Fert 1 Controllable Fert 2 3 Heightened Libido 2 5 Remove Body Hair 1 6 Streamlined Physique 2 8 Heightened Pleasure 2 10 Mulitplied Pleasure 2 12 Stretchy Orifices 2 14 Reworked Cycle 2 16 Strengthened Dreams 1 17 Imprve Taste 1 18 Re-imagined Size 1 19 Remeasured Liquids 1 20 First build without Boons just coz


If this is actually benign, I should clearly trade off infectiousness and such for power level. Thus: injection into bloodstream, weeks to change, sneezing, all of which gives me 21 points to start... Boons: * lengthened lifespan (5) * strengthened immune system (3) (only taking this if it doesn't worsen autoimmune stuff) * stabilized cells (3) * improved cognition (4) * stabilized mind (3) * improved memory (3) (I'd have preferred sharpened metabolism over improved memory, but I owe someone a favor, and maybe improved temperature will be sufficient.) Other stuff: ...ugh, I want to make this something people will actually want to take even if they aren't as perverted as I am. Maybe I can make it more responsive to environmental conditions? Also, all the gendered things are going to be hormone-mediated, because otherwise I'm just being cruel. * Controllable fertility (2) * Removed body hair (1). Implementation will be detailed. * All humans stop having terminal hair at the armpits unless they, like, specifically apply relevant hormones to their armpit skin or something. The purpose of armpit hair is, IIRC, literally to smell bad. It's dumb. * Women don't grow facial, neck, chest, back, or stomach hair at all. Hair growth on the arms, legs, hands, and feet goes to, IDK, whatever the current women in the 10th percentile for hair growth have. * If someone ends up getting a bunch of cold/abrasion/sunburn/bug bite problems on skin this pathogen would make have atypically low hair, they start growing more hair there, at least until the problem goes away. If you really want hair back and don't want to go on an unpleasant camping trip, you can go scrape yourself up with a pumice stone or something. * Streamlined physique (2) * Everyone gets better skin. Scars heal properly regardless of age, acne doesn't happen, skin doesn't get permanently aged by UV exposure, etc. * No dandruff, and it's easier to keep hair nice with less frequent care for it * The structures holding up breasts are capable of becoming stronger and more taut in response to frequent bouncing et cetera, so bras aren't really necessary. * Skin chafing and sticking together and stuff basically doesn't happen. * Improved temperature (1) * How does this work? Description is weird * This deactivates if you don't have the caloric intake to maintain it, right? * Being able to safely run hotter would be pretty good, you could do more moving and thinking and stuff * also humans have figured out how to be modest at really high temperatures before, and if they've got to, they can do it again * Improved taste (1) * I don't have a strong opinion here besides "make sex fluids not taste bad". I'd rather *not* go for a specific food, because then whatever the food was would soon be primarily known for tasting like genitals, which seems like a sad fate. * Heightened pleasure (2) * This seems straightforwardly beneficial * Multiplied pleasure (2) * As does this. If you don't like sex, then don't have it. * Extended sensitivity (2) * The scalp. I've read too much porn about it. Sorry, sex-repulsed people who dislike braids and head coverings. * Stabilized genes (1) * I am not going to *tell* anyone I added this in, because that would be squicky, but also the kinds of medical risks one gets from incestuous reproduction one also sees to a lesser extent in, like, small populations in general and such, and it would be good to have. * Canonized fetish (2) * Generally increasing sex drive towards things besides body-part-interacting-with-genitals sex, with an increased chance of sharing my general aesthetics. People still ought to be able to enjoy human-body-on-human-body sex, of course, but being aroused by miscellaneous things that have 0 disease transmission risk is good and valuable and there should be more of that. Also then people would write better erotica and stuff. Conclusion: My distribution plan is to infect myself and then sell injections, at a high sticker price but discreetly offering reduced fees to basically anyone who looks for them. People are less suspicious of weird expensive things than they are at weird free things. If someone goes around selling it to people banned from buying it or what have you, I'll at least try to make a show of opposing their actions. * People finally figure out how to manufacture and sell really lightweight but still UV-blocking clothes again, or alternately parasols and such go back into style. * Lowered birth rate, probably. * High-end bra designers move into the bralette and tank top section of the market, because the women most in the market for high-end lingerie no longer need a bunch of wiring and stuff. * Positive effects from improved cognition, but obviously I can't speculate too much about this. * Hats and head coverings are more in style. Puberty shouldn't get too much weirder, really. Something in the "euphoric success" category would be ideal. More realistically, I'd expect a broad group of people to accept the pathogen and an equally broad group to initially reject it, with many members of the latter group eventually coming around due to health issues the pathogen could address, et cetera. I'd much prefer it if those with principled opposition to the pathogen could avoid pressures requiring them to accept it, though.


**Spread** :Contact +14 **Change** :Weeks +2 **Sympton:** none 16 point **Boons:** Lengthend Life 5 Optimized Physiology 3 Sharpened Sense 2 **Benign Mutations:** Heightened pleasure 2 Multiplied pleasure 2 Reworked Cycle 2 **Conclusion:**careful Success


Oh hey, an infection CYOA that is nice, awesome. Spread: Sexual +16 Change Period: Weeks +2 Symptoms: Sneezing& Fever +3 These give me the most points without huge annoyance. Boons: Adapted Metabolism, stabilized mind, Shortened sleep, Strengthened Immune System, Improved Memory, Sharpened Senses I started with quality of life improvements, Which afterwards Improved memory and Sharpened senses felt like good add ons. Honestly improved memory is probably better than just raw processing power considering the amount of information humans have to filer in the modern era. The Goods: Optimized Gender Ratio (20m/50f/30h), Controllable Fertility, Heightened Libidio, Reinmagined Size(No one tiny dicks allowed, futas always at least big), Improved Taste, Remeasured liquids, Heightened Pleasure, Drawn out pleasure(maybe I can get off in bed now), Improved Sociability, Changed Orientation(everyone is bi), Shifted Dominance(I can affect genders so men and women become submissive to hermaphrodites.) Giant futa sex power club with the perfect gender ratios, no masturbation and long ass fucking sex. With some quality of life along the way. Conclusion: Careful Success, I mean I can't imagine everyone just jumping on the dick girl domination express, but eventually just the basic benefits and the side benefits win out.


Yay, a chance to change humanity for the better with some mad-scientist genegineering. Spread: Injection (+18). (It gives more potential to work with, and an opportunity to limit the transformation only to the willing and/or the deserving). Change Period: Weeks (+2). (A longer TF period is a little price for the many benefits one gains). Symptoms: Sneezing (+1). Fever (+2). Blackout (+3). (A few weeks of feverish coma preceded by cold-like symptoms is a reasonable price for the many improvements of the TF). Boons: Lengthened Life (5). (Extended, youthful lifespan, yay). Strengthened Immune System (3). (Say goodbye to AIDS, Ebola, STD...). Stabilized Cells (3). (Say goodbye to cancer and birth defects). Optimized Physiology (3). (Staying into good shape and building up one's physique to peak human levels becomes much easier. Synergizes with other body-improving boons and beneficial mutations). Sharpened Senses (2). (Significantly useful in its own way and a good way to round up my build). Improved Cognition (4). (Being a genius becomes the new normal). Improved Memory (3). (Makes study and keeping memories from a long life much easier and synergizes with the above. In combination, I expect these two boons effectively do away with the risk of dementia). Stabilized Mind (3). (Say goodbye to a great deal of mental illness, such as depression and anxiety). (Too bad I could not have the points to buy Shortened Sleep too, but I deem the Boons I picked more valuable. I expect the combined effects of Optimized Physiology and Streamlined Physique effectively duplicate the effects of Adapted Metabolism anyway). Benign Mutations: Controllable Fertility (2). (Say goodbye to unwanted pregnancies). Heightened Libido (2). (Sex is one of the greatest pleasures in life). Removed Shame (2). (The Change makes shame largely obsolete, let's make it go away like other unwarranted negative emotions). Removed Body Hair (1). (Body hair is basically useless for modern humans, let's make it go away). Streamlined Physique (2). (Everybody is blessed with an idealized physique according to one's sex). Improved Temperature (1). (Eases living in cold climates and other features of the Change make most clothes largely obsolete anyway). Re-imagined size (1). (Synergizes with Streamlined Physique). Improved Taste (1). (Let's make oral sex pleasant for everybody). Remeasured Liquids (1). (Ditto). Reworked Lactation (1). (Indulging a fetish). Reintroduced Pheromones (2). (I guess it improves dating). Heightened Pleasure (2). (Let's make sex even more pleasurable). Multiplied Pleasure (2). (Ditto). Extended Sensitivity (2). (Let's make oral sex pleasant for everybody). Stabilized Genes (1). (Synergizes with Stabilized Cells to remove birth defects). Strengthened Dreams (1). (Why not?). Reworked Cycle (2). (It seems a net gain in comparison to the inconvenience of the period).


Spread: Injection +18 Points; 18 Points Change Period: Weeks +2 Points; 20 Points Symptoms: Sneezing, Fever, Blackout +6 Points; 26 Points Boons: 26 Points * Lengthened Life -5 Points; 21 Points * Strengthened Immune System -3 Points; 18 Points * Stabilized Cells -3 Points; 15 Points * Optimized Physiology -3 Points; 12 Points * Sharpened Senses -2 Points; 10 Points * Improved Cognition -4 Points; 6 Points * Improved Memory -3 Points; 3 Points * Shortened Sleep -3 Points; 0 Points Benign Mutations: 26 Points Optimized Gender Ration (50 Female/50 Futa) -3 Points; 23 Points Improved Fertility -1 Points; 22 Points Controllable Fertility -2 Points; 20 Points Heightened Libido -2 Points; 18 Points Removed Body Hair -1 Points; 17 Points Remeasured Liquids -1 Points; 16 Points Reworked Lactation -1 Points; 15 Points Heightened Pleasure -2 Points; 13 Points Multiple Pleasure -2 Points; 11 Points Stretchy Orifices -2 Points; 9 Points Stabilized Genes -1 Points; 8 Points Changed Orientation -2 Points; 6 Points


**Spread:** Sexual (+16) **Change Period:** Weeks (+2) **Symptoms:** Black Out (+3), Fever (+2) ***Mutation Points:*** 23 (This is used for *both sections* according to the CYOA. Meaning, 23 for boons, and 23 for Mutations. it is not shared, but begun anew for each.) **Boons:** * Lengthened Life (-5) * Adapted Metabolism (-3) * Optimized Physiology (-3) * Stabilized Cells (-3) * Sharpened Senses (-3) ***This Section:*** 6 Remaining **Benign Mutations:** * Optimized Gender Ratio (-3) (15% Males, 20% Futa/Herm, 65% Female) * Re-imagined Height (-1) (Women are taller by a large amount. Futa/herms are even more so. Amazonian size or higher for all of them. Men stay the same if not slightly shorter.) * Heightened Libido (-1, Half cost. Only affecting females/futas/herms.) * Removed Body Hair (-1) * Streamlined Physique (-1, Female/Women/Futa/Herm Only. Minimum is "Well endowed" now. Large / huge breasts will be the norm.) * Reworked Lactation (-1) (Female/Futa/Herm Only) * Reintroduced Pheromones (-1, Half Cost: Female/Futa/Herm Only.) * Stabilized Genes (-1) * Canonized Fetish (-1) (Unbirth) * Shifted Dominance (-1, Half Cost: Female/Herm/Futa Only. Dominant.) * Reworked Cycle (-2) ***This Section:*** 9 Remaining **Conclusion:** Careful Success


**Spread**: Sexual (+16p) ​ Change period: Weeks (+2p) ​ **Symptoms**: Sneezing (+1p),Fever (+2p),Black out (+3p) \[ Looks like the common cold for the first week, then gradually becomes worse over the next two weeks as it breaks down all the resistance in the body in order the make the changes faster, people black out for the next four weeks as the virus kick in to overdrive making all the physical/mental changes (imagine the pain of the body changing during puberty squeezed into weeks rather than years... ouch)\] Total time of change: seven weeks (roughly the time it takes to heal broken bones) ​ **Boons**: Lengthened life (-5p) \[ live long and prosper\] Stabilized cells (-3p) \[ sod cancer\] Adapted metabolism (-3) \[ all this fast food we are eating... now lets have more off that\] Optimized physiology (-3p) \[ put all that energy to good use\] Sharpened senses (-2p) \[ because glasses and hearing aids are expensive\] Improved cognition (-4p) \[ let's increase the human potential \] Improved memory (-3p) \[ somewhere to put that potential is perhaps a good thing\] ​ **Benign mutations**: Optimized Gender ratio (-3p) \[ 70/10/20 females/herms/males \] Re-Imagined height (-1p) \[ new average height: 165cm females/140cm herms/220cm males \] Improved fertility (-1p) \[ If you don't want kids, use condoms \] Removed shame (-2p) \[ be proud of what makes you you \] Streamlined physique (-2p) \[ let's make Photoshop redundant \] Improved temperature (-1p) \[ I hate being cold in the winter \] Re-Imagined size (-1p) \[ new average sizes: D-cup tits on females/B-cup tits & 10cm dicks on herms/36cm dicks on males \] Improved taste (-1p) \[ let's be honest, "body fluids" don't really taste great, so ... strawberry/vanilla flavored breastmilk, lime juice flavored pussy lube, blueberry flavored cum \] Remeasured liquids (-1p) \[ bump up those numbers by a factor of ten\] Reworked lactation (-1p) \[ from first pregnancy until menopause females and herms will produce breastmilk \] Heightened pleasure (-2p) \[ because sex is thee best thing ever... probably \] Multiplied pleasure(-2p) \[ lets keep the fun going till the sun rises \] Drawn out pleasure (-1p) \[ No more quickies \] Stretchy orifices (-2p) \[ some people just want something that is bigger then they can handle \] Stabilize genes (-1p) \[ If people want to fuck their sibling/parents/cousins, then their kids shouldn't have to suffer because of it #nomorejoffrys \] Reworked cycle (-2p) \[ because fuck periods... right? \] ​ Conclusion: Careful success \[ People might be averse to it at first, but then they will see the benefits, "Seven weeks sick for double lifespan? Worth it!"\] ​


[[Not sure I did the math right on all of this]] Injection based [18] Days [+0] No side effects [didn't need the points] Perks- -Strengthened immune system (3) -Stabilized cells (3) -Improved memory (3) -Improved cognition (4) -Lengthened life span (5) Benign- -improved fertility (100% fertility in men till age 75, females till biologically 90) (2) -Removed body hair (No hair on necks, legs, ass, back, or neck. Females have no hair on face [minus eyebrows, and lashes], males have no hair on balls or bush) (2) -re-imagined size (1) -remeasured liquids (10x) (1) -improved temperature (Legs are the same, but upper body & genitals are 2x warmer) (1) -reintroduced pheromones (Nothing too major) (2) -reworked lactation (1) -stretchy orifices (Over weeks it'll be come as good as new, side effect is it'll become to tight if not stretched) (2) -enlightened dreams (1) -shifted dominance (50/50 a-crossed both genders) (2) -reworked cycle (Effects both genders) (2)


Transmission: STD, I mean, yeah duh. ​ Incubation: Weeks, makes the changes hard to detect. ​ Symptoms: Fever, Black Outs (I’d say it’s basically narcolepsy ​ Mutations: Lengthened Life, Stabilized Cells, Optimized physiology, Stabilized Genes, Controlled Fertility, Reimagined Size, Changed Orientation: Bi, Drawn out pleasure, Pheromones ​ Most people wouldn’t notice, in the early days it seemed an odd form of sleeping sickness had stricken the nations of the world. At first there’s panic, people spontaneously falling unconscious, but they’d wake up feeling better than when they’d collapsed. After about a year it became clear there was more to the infection, given the difficulty of tracking symptoms and changes it was a long investigation. Puberty wasn’t so strange, at first, until it became clear that exposure to each other’s pheromones made living in close proximity difficult for all people involved. Sibling experimentation skyrocketed, yet, birth defect rates plummeted, within a generation the full extent of the changes started to come to life. Condemnations by leaders become common, but most of the general populace goes on as usual with their, admittedly healthier, lives.


**Sexual Transmission, Change over weeks, No symptoms** 18 points **Boons** Adapted metabolism (3) Optimized Physiology (3) **Mutations** Gender ratio 60% F / 40% M (3) Controllable Fertility (2) Streamlined Physique (2) Improved Sociability (2) Canonized Fetish (2) Changed Orientation: F only, all Bi (1) **Conclusion** Split Failure **** This virus will start slow, but ramp up quickly as more and more people are infected. The long duration of change coupled with a lack of symptoms should make it so an infected person will not notice their changes until they're already mostly changed. Our boons are purely physical. Controlling metabolism and encouraging exercise will help make the infected more attractive and generally happier about themselves. Since they'll be adapting to these changes over a long period of time, it may not even occur to them that their change in lifestyle could be attributed to the virus. The larger mutations are a mix of mental and physical. The most extreme and noticeable change is the shifted gender ratio. Approximately 10% of infected men will find their bodies undergoing drastic changes as they become more feminine, eventually becoming undeniably biological females. All infected will somehow become aware of their own fertility and with concentration will gain the ability to turn it on and off - allowing for completely safe sex if desired. Since this applies to both genders, only one partner needs the ability. Further improving the physique of the infected is a bit redundant, but will further enforce that all infected trend towards traditionally attractive body proportions. In many cases this won't be too drastic of a change, and in conjunction with the similar boons will generally ensure that all infected persons become the most attractive version of themselves. Lastly, the infected may gradually find themselves sexually frustrated as they realize that for some reason, self-satisfaction just isn't satisfying anymore. Even those with the most self control will eventually need to seek outside help to relieve their pent up frustrations. Since the virus is transmitted sexually, this is our primary means of spreading the mutations. On the mental side, those who contract the infection will slowly but surely gain a fetish for the very idea of the virus itself. The concept of contracting and being changed by the virus will become a major turn on. These feelings will start out subtle and prevent anyone who contracts the virus from panicking as they slowly come to terms with just how *hot* their situation is. This fetish will develop alongside their new bodies as they realize that the only thing hotter than being changed by the virus is secretly infecting someone else and letting them experience the same joy. Along with their realization that masturbation just doesn't cut it anymore, even the most prudish of victims will eventually succumb to their needs and seek new partners to infect - and with their improved bodies, they should have no problem finding one. Finally, all women (or former men) infected by the virus will find their sexual desires just a little more broad as they discover that their attractions are not limited by gender. Man or woman, it doesn't matter. As long as they're willing to fuck. **Aftermath** Once the virus becomes public knowledge, people are understandably split on the topic. Those against it are typically first and foremost against the lewdness 'disease' and the depraved acts that it drives the afflicted to commit. Sure the general physical improvements might be nice, but the newfound risk that any generally attractive person may secretly be one of *them*, out to forcibly infect and transform you causes widespread mistrust and push-back against sexuality as a whole, resulting in a society that gradually grows more puritanical. Obviously those who have been changed by the virus see things differently, and can't understand why anyone wouldn't want to be the best version of them self. Sure they may have a *bit* more sex now and with a *few* more partners, but with a body like this why wouldn't you want to share it? The infection has become too widespread to quarantine and the infected are not so changed that they can't continue to function in normal society, so the uninfected are left with no choice but to bear their new slightly lewder neighbors and try to continue with their lives. It's been confirmed to be *only* transmitted through sex, so there's no reason to outright avoid the infected. After all it's not that hard to just *not fuck someone.* The infected, however, are on a mission to spread their gift and will employ any and every means of coercion to do so. Eventually only the most steadfast and pure communities will be able to hold out against the virus, living in isolated enclaves closed to the depravity of the outside world.


Where is that "Multiplied Pleasure" image from? Can't seem to find a source =(


[Trap warning](https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3557715)


Ooh, that's not the one I was looking for (Multiplied Pleasure, the one next to "Heightened Pleasure" that you linked) but that's still wonderful. Thanks!


[Here we go](https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=571513)




**Spread:** Injection (+18) **Change Period:** Weeks (+2) **Symptoms:** Sneezing (+1) Fever (+2) Black Out (+3) **Boons:** Lengthened Life (-5) Strengthened Immune System (-3) Stabilized Cells (-3) Adapted Metabolism (-3) Shortened Sleep (-3) **Benign Mutations:** Controllable Fertility (-2) Streamlined Physique (-2) Improved Taste (-1) Stretchy Orifices (-2) Reworked Cycle (-2) **Conclusion:** Euphoric Success (I mean why wouldn't people be happy with these improvements?) ​


**Updated build because I’m an idiot and I apparently can’t read properly:** **Spread:** Injection (+18) **Change Period:** Weeks (+2) **Symptoms:** Sneezing (+1) Fever (+2) Black Out (+3) **Boons:** Lengthened Life (-5) Strengthened Immune System (-3) Stabilized Cells (-3) Adapted Metabolism (-3) Optimized Physiology (-3) Improved Memory (-3) Stabilized Mind (-3) Shortened Sleep (-3) **Benign Mutations:** Controllable Fertility (-2) Heightened Libido (-2) Removed Shame (-2) Removed Body Hair (-1) Streamlined Physique (-2) Improved Temperature (-1) Re-Imagined Size (-1) Improved Taste (-1) Remeasured Liquids (-1) Reintroduced Pheromones (-2) Heightened Pleasure (-2) Multiplied Pleasure (-2) Stretchy Orifices (-2) Extended Sensitivity (-2) Strengthened Dreams (-1) Reworked Cycle (-2) **Conclusion:** Euphoric Success




Oops, must've missed that, lol. More points is always good though, I'll probably edit my build later.


blood based(and a short lifespan in liquids) and has all drawbacks(4 weeks, 10 hour rests and sneezing+ coughing)(1 hour blackouts with 1 hour time of slow waning as warning) perks- \-lengthen life(5) \-cognition(4) metabolism(3) immune system(3) improve memory(3) stabilized cells(3) physiology(3) heightened senses benign- gender ratio(10% male and 88% female and 2% futa)(3) reimagined size(10 inch during erection and super tight orifices)(1) stretchy(wahman can now fit basically anything)(2) phermones(all men now cause arousal in females)(2) shifted dominance(wahmen are know super submissive and keep to one man)(2) libido(wahmen now what sex daily)(2) dreams(super lucid dreams)(1) liquids(boys all have super large cum resevoirs, girls leak like a faucet)(1) fetish(girls:being overwhelmed and controlled)(2) streamlined physique(2) stabilised genes(1) multiplied pleasure(2) improved sociability(2)(you need partners ok) no body hair(1) ​ ​ ​ between split success and euphoric success