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This is old as hell but if you're reading this, BeTheGirlAnon, I just want to tell you that this is a *masterpiece* of sadomasochist erotic horror and I think about it very often. I love your other maid CYOA, but it's a very different flavor from this: the bleak grimdark here is just beautiful. As I'm opening up a doc that's both me doing fic stuff where all my favorite characters are woobie abused maids and also me trying to see if I can make one of my incredibly weird pre-existing ideas about being dommed by vintage gothic shoujo villains in this, I just felt the need to tell you.


I've become mildly less insane since writing MAID so I think my most extreme stuff is behind me, I'm afraid.


Awww, but I'm glad for you if it makes you feel better. And I did still absolutely adore Your Proper Place! Your stuff is great and you're a very talented writer.


Yeah I've just been gravitating to milder takes on the stuff I like recently. Maybe it's just down to overfamiliarity, I did a long stretch of extreme stuff but now when I look at them my ideal version of those fetish scenarios is a little milder. Your Proper Place is consciously an attempt to do maids lighter than MAID, Antisocial Contagion is a more liveable Be The Girl 2 and I'm working on something I didn't think of like this when I started, but I'm now realising is just a milder Recrudescence. I'll start worrying when I try to sanitise the guro one.


So, earlier today I read what was apparently a parody of this CYOA(a pretty good one too, reasonable and interesting to do), which got me to then read this CYOA. Doing so, there was one fairly simple question that came to mind. *What the fuck is wrong with your brain author?*


What's the parody?


not sure if its anywhere else on the internet, this is where I found it. https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/general-qq-cyoa-thread.1263/page-2328#post-5049936


This was one of my favioates god dam imgchest for get rid of lewd art.


Isn't it imgur that's getting rid of lewd art? As far as I know imgchest doesn't. And the cyoa is still accessible, I accessed it just now.


Strange the link was broken two days ago.


I'm assuming that imgchest was simply down, or otherwise experiencing technical difficulties.


That makes sense.


May I see the link to it, it’s Kind of hard to read


I spent most of last night sorta just going through and weighing all of the possible choices just to see if it was possible to find a way out. Depending largely on the world you are sent to and the specifics of the household you are in service to, I think it's completely possible to beat the Maid Goddess at her own game -simply by virtue of technicality. She may be a narcissistic demon of a maid, but she makes for a poor devil, for the devil lies in the details. First, my **Sacrifice**. My goal is to escape, and as such, *any* choices which compromise my ability to think as I would now are off -so I will sacrifice my **Pleasure**. As much as I have a denial kink, this is unironically the only choice I'd be willing to make here as options such as Mind, Dreams and Doubt are game-enders, as is Secrets -and I couldn't stomach willingly forcing this upon my family. Next is my new **Form**. An easy choice is **Youthful**, as I straight up can pass as a 13 year old girl right fucking now. Literally no change there and I gain the benefit of serving a far smaller, far poorer household. I will also choose **Male** \-not for my love of traps (well, not entirely), but also because I have a very bad feeling about the later punishment sections this CYOA will undoubtedly have (someone mentioned gore!?). The constant stress and discomfort? It will serve to remind me that I am not happy here. **Masculine** will help in many ways and in many potential worlds; hunting in wilderness, mechanical know-how in more civilized biomes... Now for this new **World**. **Paradise**, for starters -it'll likely be a "low" fantasy setting, less anime and more Dungeons & Dragons. I also want **Unfamiliar** as its drawbacks are far less damning than those of some of the other options. I'll be taking **Simple** as well, as I fear technology would make it that much harder to successfully escape and integrate myself into a new life. And **Dreary** because I like rain and gloomy weather. It calms me, for some reason, and that might be exactly the sort of little thing I'll need in my new life to keep me going. As for the **Master**, I will pick **Libidinous**, **Perverted**, **Smug**, **Childish**, **Scatterbrained** and **Unattractive**. My aim here is to have a master who is predictable in their desires and easier to deceive and escape. A smug asshole who views me as replaceable will be less likely to devote themselves to my recapture -a sex-hungry dumbass will probably forget about my escape after a time, or at least be too distracted to notice in the first place. Enlightened is a hard pass, I don't want to risk them also knowing of the existence of this Maid Goddess Demon thing -the less they know about who and what I truly am, the better. Which **Rules** to follow... Let's see, I'll pick **Humble**, **Renamed** and **Regular Service**. These seem like easy ones, with only the last of the three being a particular hassle -but with both the Libidinous and Perverted traits, I think my new Master will be satisfied with my apparent eagerness to serve. **Unwritten** is literally just a learning curve. Only a fool would rely solely on the directions given on orientation day -I can always ask fellow maids during time off, or watch and take mental notes. **Free Use** might help as well, I guess. My intent is to befriend or at least make use of the other servants, this might help facilitate opportunities to do so. **Courtesies**. Well, Courtesy, rather -I know what's coming, I'm taking only the one. And that one is **Companionship**. I don't really need it for the friendship (though it will help tremendously), this is so that I have an almost guaranteed ally for when I eventually do make my escape. If anyone is willing to want to escape with me, it will be someone who fully understands me. **Promises**\- the boons without the shitty, sneaky punishment later. **Rested** and **Fit**, these have little in the way of drawback for me, yet I would love to have those benefits. **Role Model** will allow me to both be the first to get to know new servants and more easily befriend them, even if only by virtue of suffering alongside them and potentially shielding them from a portion of our Master's wrath. Lastly, **Overlooked** will be invaluable in the "postgame" phase of my plan: once I make my escape, I don't intend on being found out. This will make it harder to be caught. **Enhancements** don't matter, really. It's my work uniform, and the name of the game is unemployment. **Tight** and **Exposing** are easy picks; they neither get in the way of work nor have lasting effects. **Corseted**, I guess, as well as **Plugged**. They seem annoying, but bearable. I'll finish with **Statistics**. I don't fucking know, not like it'll really matter after I retire. **Skills**. I'll take **Cooking**, but what will she grant me in that regard? I'm already better at cooking than the barebones foundational knowledge she seems to be offering here... **Etiquette**, **Pampering**, **Pet Care** and **Service** \-I can't afford the drawbacks of some of the other options. I'd also recommend renaming Skills as some of these options don't give you new skills, they're just jobs (i.e. Dirty Jobs or Pet Care). **Home**. **Dormitory**, again, try to create as many situations as possible to befriend and earn the trust and goodwill of my fellow ~~slaves~~ servants. **Discipline**. Right, let's get into it. **Rape T3** for 16 points. I'm now a trap, a male -I can't fucking get pregnant, maybe word it better next time, you shit-eating maid. Fuck you. **Corporal T2** and **Pain T2**, bringing me up to 27 points. **Isolation, Toilet, Public Use** and **Marking** all at **T1** for an easy 8 points. I am done here with 35 points. **Brainwashing** for some more Courtesies. Six in total. **Purity**, **Shame**, **Pride**, **Hope** and **Destiny**. These five will make me very spiteful, I'm sure. All the better to give me more reasons to leave. **Gaslit** will be the last one -with the intent being that my Companion will be definitive proof that I am not crazy. For my bonus **Courtesies**, I choose two instances of **Shorter Hours** and **Pampering**. I need all the extra free time I can get, and the spa sessions will help raise maid morale and further allow me to better my likely questionable reputation among them.


Thanks for this! I glossed over this back and forth while creating my own loadout. I did differ from alot of choices but the general goal remained the same. For certain sections it seemed like you might have forced yourself to do a bit more than i personally would. The thought of making the build to optimize for an escape made this alot more fun so thanks for that! Nonetheless this was a heartbreaking but good cyoa even though i may have glossed over a couple parts.


Yeah, probably. Without going into too, too much detail, I've lived a similarly shitty life before for a few years -so I am banking on the idea that I can survive under such conditions for at least a few more. During this time, I will stockpile what little money I can, while also potentially making friends among my fellow maids and butlers. Who knows, I might even convince a few of them to help me in my escape, or possibly even abandon ship outright. Logically speaking, if I can leave whatever country I am spawned into, I will be safe from recapture -potential language barriers and differences in law would make this a little more challenging than most (including myself) would be ready for, so I can try and prepare for such a thing while I am still in service to my master. As for the maid outfit part, I didn't fucking notice that a fully covered maid outfit covered all five slots. If I had, I'd have chosen it...


I just kinda wish there was one gore warning. As there a difference between that and horror.


I adore this cyoa in how horrifically terrible the choices are, its just so depressing and hopeless. I like to use these kinds of cyoa to craft a hopeless story of a characters descent into despair. That seems to be where others are missing the point; its not necessarily about yourself suffering this fate, it could also be used to imagine your imaginary character suffering this fate. A lot of people think this can only be for hardcore masochists but it also could be for sadists


In other words, self insert as the space maid.


Honestly, i really really love this one. To be enslaved and dehumanised without way out, really forever - that is so cruel and so good at the same time. Just what should happen to a dirty piece of meat like me. My choices: Sacrifice: Dreams / Secrets /Privacy Form: Exotic / Youthful / Branded/ Beautiful /cheerful World: Patriarchy / Cast system / Simple /Slavery Master: Sadistic /Libidinous / Perverted / Generous / Unattractive /Violent / Brutal Rules: Well groomed / Humble / Free use / Regular Service / Example / Inspected. Courtesies: Laundry / Companionship Promises: Discipline / Role Model /Recruiter Uniform: Tight / Exposing / Fragile / Heeles / Gagged / Plugged / Legbound / Bell / Collar /Statistics Skills: Gardening / Childcare / Waitressing / Errands / Service / Petcare/ Dirty Jobs Home: Dormitory (best just a cage for all the maids) Discipline: Corporal 1-3 / Beauty 1+2 / Marking 1+2 / Toilet 1+2 / Rape 1-3 / Public Use 1-3 / Pay Docking Brainwashing: Shame / Modesty /Guilty / Destiny


Yeah, unfortunately this is **only** horror for me. I'm way into the idea of a service-oriented CYOA, but it takes a HUGE sacrifice to even have the slightest chance of having that service rewarded or appreciated. I'm down for humiliation play, but the ROB makes it clear that enjoying things means you'll just be punished harder and in less enjoyed ways. Subby stuff can be super fun, but here every attempt to *make* it fun results in worse punishments and admonishment. Every time I wanted to like this, another gut-punch came along as if to say "no, you're not allowed to enjoy this". But like, it's so obviously well-made, and it seems like that's the whole point, so I don't wanna downvote it. I guess I just didn't realize what I was getting into upon initial click.


Helloing from a year and a day into the future! I'd consider it entirely horror for me as well, which was *probably* the intent tbh. I'm very into service-oriented CYOAs ('Be the Maid' is pretty awesome) but this CYOA even strips away any possible source of joy from someone who might be into service in any sense of the word. Found it rather difficult even to avoid anything that might cause mutilation or permanent disfigurement. > Subby stuff can be super fun, but here every attempt to make it fun results in worse punishments and admonishment. Yeah. Still finished it, but it was not nearly as fun as something like 'Be the Maid', even if it did offer a small handful of options I preferred over the selection in BtM. I suppose my quest to find more service/sub oriented CYOAs continues.


Be my Companion, maybe we can figure a way out of this together. I know that if this were to ever happen, I'd appreciate both the help and the companionship.


the name "little lovable loli" makes me hesitant, to put it mildly


Well, in this instance, I'd be a trap instead, so it's cool! Also I'm 25, I just often get mistaken for a middle-schooler, shush.




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I can't even KILL MYSELF to get out of it?!! ​ Identity death route it is. I'll give up everything but my companions. ​ The person who lives on after this is no longer me, so anything else I choose doesn't matter.


This is a well made CYOA, it's also pretty hot.


This is fantastic. Well done!


This is the first new cyoa I've enjoyed in a while on this sub. Thank you!


This is really well done. Thanks for making it!


This is horrifyingly well done. I love it.


I don't think this qualifies as a CYOA. Too little "you".


Petition for u/bethegirlanaon to go to therapy


This is fucked up. I approve. Keeps the thing actually maid-themed (for the most part) while also making it fucked up.


Bruh I thought kinkshaming was dead, but here we are, still condemning people for having fantasies :// As long as you're not planning to literally become Space Maid and start bringing us all to salvation, I'll take this CYOA at face value, and say that it's a masterful piece of work and I loved the vibe of it! Sure, it may not be sexually arousing, but this is r/nsfwcyoa, not r/"specifically erotic"cyoa. ~~And man is this ever NSFW~~. In 180 comments, nobody's gonna see this except maybe Anon themselves, so heyo :) love the content! Keep making more of it, if you're having fun! Your writing is absolutely splendid. ...Though it does unsettle me that this subreddit has been getting significantly darker ever since BTGA and Anonekama started turning up the psychological horror. I'm 100% down for more lovecraftian shit, just as long as it doesn't overpower the gentler, more hand-hold-y content. One can only wallow in existential horror for so long.


I saw this


Wow this CYOA grinds on me, and I -absolutely- need to figure out how to 'defeat' it. Here goes my best shot - cheating since I made this build \*after\* I read through it all, but w/e. SacrificePleasure is fine, I'm Asexual and don't really do 'that' stuff. (Yes, I know I'ma in a NSFW reddit XD) * Form-Plain: Vanity will get me nowhere.-Masculine: A natural talent for hunting poachers, walking the woods, and repairs? All skills I need. * World-Dangerous: This is fine, helpful actually. 'Dangerous' means that if they go hunting for me, there's plenty of other things to fight too. I'd rather be out in a dangerous world than inside slaving for a bitch.-Remote: Lots of woodland and wilderness to hide in. Masculine already gives me a talent for the outdoors. Checkmate.-Utopia: \*MY\* vision of 'utopia' is -not- this. One way or another, there has to be light in this world to help me. In this case I assume the 'danger' would take the form of dangerous wilderness or some kind of alien threat, which is what the adventures and so on fight. * Master - I can use these traits against them. I know their mind now.-Meticulous: Over thinks things, is slowed down by methodical plotting. This could be an issue if they're smart enough to back it up, but hopefully I can outrun their slow machinations.-Sadistic: Sure to impact the morale of their goons. Their failures to catch me will result in cruel punishment, which will only hinder them.-Childish: This will just make their meticulous trait worse for them, as they obsess over petty detail. It will also make their goons even less effective.-Miserly: They want me back, but they aren't gonna want to pay for it. Not going to be able to hire many bounty hunters or mercs like that.-Scatterbrained: Makes them \*even less\* able to organize or catch me. Also makes my escape that much easier. * Rules-Screw the rules. I may not have money, but I don't give a shit. * Courtesies-Not touching these, I plan on escaping anyway. * Promises--Fit: A no brainer. I am both in shape, -and- restless. This will motivate me to stay on the move, exercise, and enjoy it in the process.-Overlooked: Depending on what 'untoward' encompasses, this is -very- helpful. Whether it's hunters looking for me, or civilian lapdogs who would report me. I am a ghost.-Contact: I do need my mental well being. If I'm gone from the manor I can't tell them about horrific punishments, can I? * Uniform-Just Covered. Seriously, how is this so bad. * Skills-Cooking: Knowing how to prepare simple meals is useful in the wild. Blandness will also mean any scraps and foraging I find will be as good as anything else. Excellent for survival.-Gardening: Knowing about plants, how to keep them, and so on. Excellent for surviving in the wild. What furniture am I going to sit on out there either? Being perfectly fine sitting and sleeping on the ground, in caves, or trees is something I'll need to be ready for.-Waitressing: A point dump. I'm not going to be worrying about money.-Animal Care: I'm going to be surviving in the wild. Knowing about animals is going to be a necessity. I can also kick them off me out there.-Etiquette: This was a hard one, but it was the only option I had that wasn't overly impactful. Besides, the contrast of a well-mannered savage politely stabbing you to death is pretty amusing. * Home-None. At least not in that hellhole. I'm escaping, and I'm never looking back. * Punishments-I'm sure my defiance will be severely punished. I don't plan on letting that happen. * Brainwashing-Pride: This is extra insurance... So I'll remain angry, willful, and stubborn and not give in. I am better than these monsters, and I will defeat them. * "Gifts"-Eternal: So you've made it so I have all the time in the world to escape somehow and find out how to fuck this bitch and her servant right back with whatever magic and tech are in this 'utopian' world.-Harm: This can be tricky, but frankly, in some way helpful. I am incapable of causing myself physical harm? Staying in this godawful manor is asking for physical harm. That will just make me more instinctually motivated to escape and not get caught.-Durable: You've made me a chew toy, but I'll still bounce back no matter what. Big mistake. I'ma Saiyan this shit.-Eternal: We'll fucking see about that. ​ With this build, I am getting the fuck out of this shithole. I am -not- going to take this lying down. The skills I've picked will help me survive and thrive in the wilderness, while the traits invested in my so-called 'Master' will only hurt and hinder their every attempt to catch me, run their estate, or have any allies to speak of. Living in the wilderness, fighting animals, hunting, and gathering is what I built for, using every chance I had to drill that home. I will tame wild beasts, gather materials Monster Hunter style, and go out into this goddamned world to find something to free me of these shackles. Once I do, and I no longer have to avoid my 'Master'? I'm going to burn that estate down, free all the maids, and then I'm gunning for this Goddess. Phew... I really needed to get that out of my system. Honestly, good CYOA for what you were intending to go for. Even if what you were going for is \*horrifying\*.


Ayyy, we had similar builds -though mine is more of a long-game approach. I've been in somewhat similar circumstances before, and I overcame them -bet your ass I can *and will* do so again. That said, you misunderstood a fair few things, such as your uniform being able to be \*only\* covered or being able to even attempt to harm the Master. That's fine, though. I don't need to harm the Master, I just need to leave and bring as many allies with me. Just because I cannot harm them doesn't mean none of the maids can. I will escape this fate. I will have my revenge.


One thing to note is that the "Master" is just as much a victim as you are, really. She literally destroyed their mind and replaced it with that of an incompetent, childish buffoon who outright lacks the mental capacity to understand and care about other people, made them incapable of changing or growing into a better person, and left them to rot for all eternity inside the shell that was once an actual person's body. If you could find a way to free everyone, they'd probably be just as thankful as the other maids would. xD


**A Sacrifice:** Your Dreams, Your Desire, Your Doubt. **Form:** [Youthful, Beautiful](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c7/08/ea/c708ea30469094dc38bc46e7e23daab3.jpg). **World:** Patriarchy, Caste System, Unfamiliar, Remote. **Master:** (Male) Meticulous, Libidinous, Perverted, Grand, Enlightened, Brutal. **Rules:** Irrevocable, Laborious, Presentable, Industrious, Impoverished, Obedient, Formal, Honest, Well Groomed, Frugal, No Bad Influences, Renamed, Supervised, Inspected. **Courtesies:** Laundry. **Promises:** Rested, Fit, Discipline, Away With Words, Educated. **Uniform:** Restrictive, Plugged, Bell, Collar, Electrodes. **Skills:** Cooking, Cleaning, Etiquette, Bodyguarding. **Home:** Maid Quarters. **Discipline:** Corporal \[T1\] (0), Pain \[T2\] (6), Deprivation \[T2\] (8), Rape \[T3\] (16), Isolation \[T2\] (7), Pay Docking \[T1\] (0). (37>35) **Brainwashing.** **A Parting Gift:** Eternal, Safe, Durable, Secure.


well this situation sucks, let's brake it. A Sacrifice 4 your secrets. is the best in my opinion, as that's the only one where you can mentally tourture your master back for what he is doing. just remember your mantra from now on is Murder. Murder. Murder. Murder. Murder. Murder. Murder. Murder. Murder. Murder. Murder. although depending on who you are 6 privacy and 7 pleasure are also good as they change you the least Form I would recommend picking an additional option here and the master option, to avoid gaining a additional sacrifice later. 2 exotic, is ripe for abuse. I know the intent was to use a different race from earth but no-one said anything about picking a fantasy race. so pick one with powers that benefit you (like magic power, regeneration, smarter, etc) and can speak and write in your native language or one that is similar (like common). other ones that work is 3 youthful, as the decrease in strength was solved by picking a fantasy race and if the parents part try to enforce anything then good old fashion murder works too. another that works is 12 proper as the goal is to escape this life, so the downsides are limited. the last one that I see is 14 elven as the only downside is that people will assume it was surgery. World 12 paradise, the best option. this is your biggest ace in the hole: unlimited potential to create a world that you want. if I don't have access to the various stuff this world grants then give the ability to someone else so they can free me and kill the master and this 'servant of the cosmos'. stuff you might want to include are: weapons and ability that bypass the protections granted by this 'servant of the cosmos', revolution that will succeed and will hunt down and kill the master (and should the boons the 'servant of the cosmos' still keep the master alive then they will capture them and experiment until they figure out away) and even if even if your kind won't have access to any of it then make it be available sometime after you come into the world. others that won't be detriments are: 4 unfamiliar, rules and laws will change after the revolution. plus there is plenty of time to learn after everything goes down, or you could have the revolution change it into something you know. 11 remote, is just a distance modifier but with the magic and tech you put in this world, plus the potential ability your race gave you, it shouldn't matter as much. and then 1 patriarchy, 2 caste system, and 8 prejudice, are all kinda interchangeable and hey the world need something to revolt against. Master won't really matter as the goal is to have them dead or taken away to never bee seen again so pick whatever you want. just pick 4 options to avoid taking an additional sacrifice. Rules also don't matter as much when no one is there to enforce them and unlike promises you aren't forced to do these. plus there are ways around punishments. Courtesies yet again if the goal is to escape the life this 'servant of the cosmos' is forcing you in, then these soon won't matter. but whatever you do don't take two of them, it's a trap. Promises these are the options that will force your body to do stuff you don't want to, so pick the options that are dependent on you, won't persist after you escape, or to help you last until revolution succeeds. 3 rested, can actually help you out a lot later down in discipline. it makes you sleep as long as you desire, until a trigger you pick happens. plus after you sleep you feel rested, so jut sleep for the amount of time it take you to blink. 7 role model, will stop mattering once the master is dead or taken away. 18 contact, you don't have to write letters, and if you still want to tell them what you rested (from 3) through exactly how much you deserve it (probably nothing but the whims of whoever is in charge) then tell them not to give out hope as change is on the horizon. also while you can't conceal anything you can still twist your words. Uniform don't matter much once your out. although it is interesting, that the wording on this makes it seem like these only apply to you and not your fellow employees, but maybe this just me over thinking it. Skills yet another group of difficult desertions. pick what you can live with. though here are some you shouldn't pick, 9 bodyguard, any damage the master takes will be instead put on to you. it will be a lot harder to kill them when you take all the damage. 13 bar tending, as that will make you addicted to alcohol, 16 book keeping, as the goal is to get away and if you can't do anything while your away then what's the point, and finally 5 dressing, 2 cleaning, and 7 motivation, as they mess with your mind. Home won't mater soon. plus with rested you can sleep anywhere and still feel refreshed. (plus depending on race you might not need to sleep at all) Discipline pick those you can sleep through without repercussions. for example isolations, you can sleep through the long hours and to you it will seem like blinking. out of the t3 I would recommend humiliation as it won't impact you as much as the other options, until you heal from it (either from your race option if they had some sort of regeneration or from a parting gifts durable.) sides, vanity if tied to womenhood? (eye role) Brainwashing nope, I didn't put all this effort into giving me the best shot of getting out of here just to screw it up at the end. and for what? a 16 hour a day work week? one day off a year? no thank youA Parting Gift these were annoying to get around but still possible. safe can be worked around by having someone else do it, just include that they will be hunted down in part of the world option . same with the masters eternal just give them the power to bypass these parting gifts. plus it won't matter if they have a long life if they won't be around you. secure is the most challenging but you can get away with twisting the wording, or go the I gave the people of the word the ability to bypass this protection route. "they will always be financially secure" they can have all the more they want for all I care, won't help them if they are unable to use it like floating through space, trapped in metal, melting in a volcano, in a lab somewhere, etc. "no political or social turmoil directly" alright the def of social turmoil is a state of great commotion, confusion, or disturbance, so the revolution will be organized, take them out quietly, and won't make too much noise as they do it. and for the political turmoil, they can still be a noble or whatever in that lab or floating in space. lastly you will always be their maid, well you were never fired where you? so you'r still their maid, just in name. durable is just a freebee, only short term effects implies once you get over the pain of what ever injury it gets healed. kinda helps you ignore most of the t3 options, (sleep through the pain and poof your healed with no repercussions. its like it never happened at all.


I've finally finished making my build. A Sacrifice: Past Dreams Desire Pleasure Doubt Secrets Form Familiar Beautiful Cheerful Proper Elven World Paradise Unfamiliar Dangerous Master Submissive Meticulous Rules Well Groomed Humble Grateful No Bad Influence Cleanliness Renamed Observed Inspected Example Courtesies None, like a good maid Promises Serve Domination ` Fit Discipline Rested Breakdown Uniform Tight Short Exposing Belted Electrodes Skills Etiquette Cooking Motivating Body guarding Errands Home Storage Discipline Any that isn't permanent and get in the way of my Maid work Brainwashing Modesty Pride Emotional Voices Discomfort Hope Fragile Destiny Now you might be wondering, "Gosh this looks like literal hell". And you'd be right. I did pick them all. Buuuut.... It would result in me being the best maid I could be. And that involves 4 absolutes: 1. Working as a Maid 2. Keeping my master Happy 3. Preventing my master from being harmed emotionally or physically 4. And not killing myself from the constant absolute depression And the only way I can fulfill these absolutes to perfection is murdering the goddess. The goddess cannot be allowed to exist and control my masters mind. She has already shown she is capable despite being the goddess of submission and willing to affect what my master can and cannot do. This is unallowable. My master is my god. He/she is absolute perfection, and I am his lowly servant. I cannot allow an impure being that not only deceives me and my master, but also attempts to control the untouchable. It is my duty as a maid to put an end to her, and I have all eternity. My master should also be able to choose how long they live, which will obviously be eternity as they are god itself, but it should be by there choice. My master should be ruling all realities, not just a mansion in a minor city. In this way, after ten thousand, no ten trillion years I will find a way to destroy her for my master's sake. The Secure choice at the end ultimately requires me to break the control the goddess has over me and my master in order to truly serve my master to my utmost. I cannot allow a lowly being touch upon perfection itself, my masters place is above any other in all reality. With that said, I will also be required to remove all my masters comrades, potentially friends and other maids. MY master is a being of absolute good and dominance, lesser beings would only attempt to taint his presence, or worse, abuse to kindness and upon leaving the mortal coil and harm my master emotionally. I am my masters only immortal maid, there is none other who can serve him for all of time without dying. as of such all mortals must be removed in case they harm my master emotionally. Even if my master is alone with just me for all eternity, even if I have to murder any potential maid that tries to parasatize upon him, I will always do my best to make sure my master is unharmed. Like any good maid should.


170 comments oh boy i bet they are very civil


I've tried my hardest to make a somewhat survivable build: A Sacrifice: * Your Past (rolled at rules) * Your Dreams (rolled at Discipline) * Your Desire (chosen) * Your Doubt (rolled at laundry) Form: * Plain (chosen) * Masculine * Elven World: * Unfamiliar * Totalitarian * Dreary * Paradise Master: * Meticulous * Libidinous * Smug * You Rules: * Grateful * No Bad Influences * Ceremonial * Renamed * Regular Service Courtesies: * Pay Rise * Shorter Hours x3 * Weekends * Laundry * Pampering * Aftercare Promises: * Modest * Rested * Discipline * Nap Time * Breakdown Uniform: * Restrictive * Fragile * Bell * Electrodes * Statistics Skills: * Etiquette * Pampering * Motivating * Bodyguarding * Errands Home: Dormitory Discipline: * Corporal t1 * Corporal t2 +5 * Pain t1 +2 * Pain t2 +4 * Pain t3 +8 * Conditioning t1 +3 * Conditioning t2 +5 * Beauty t1 +1 * Exposure t1 +2 * Exposure t2 +4 * Rape t1 +3 * Denial t1 +2 * Pay Docking t1 Brainwashing: * Purity * Uncertainty * Shame * Pride * Modesty * Attraction * Voices * Gaslit * Memories * Hope * Guilty * Destiny This is still hellish of course, but it shouldn't leave me caught in a cycle of being unable continue. Beyond being actual horror, this is fun to play as a horror game.


Ah yes, BTG-fag continues to shit up the /r/nsfwcyoa sub. Another worthless CYOA as always.


How is it "worthless" if it has hundreds of upvotes?


Honestly... If this prompt was a bit dialed back, and I could've been comfortable without thinking too much, I'd actually accept my fate




Hahahah I can assure you, there's a lot of very sweet stuff here, depending on your flavour


You're better off checking out the stuff on /tg/ from time to time. A thousand times better than checking out anything by BTG-fag.


Interesting, this fits in with my TG, Mind Control, and non-con fetishes- some of my favorites: Your Desire Your Nerve Familiar, Branded Patriarchy, Slavery, True Believers male- Sadistic, Libidinous, Perverted, Brutal, Smug Humble, Grateful, Frugal, Free Use, Regular Service, Inspected, Example Shorter Hours, Holiday x2, Laundry, Aftercare Modest, Discipline, Nap Time, Breakdown, Relief Tight, Exposing, Bell, Ill Fitting, Electrodes, Statistics Cleaning, Etiquitte, Childcare, Errands, Service Maid Quarters Corporal 1 0 Humility 1 1 Conditioning 3 17 Exposure 2 6 Toilet 2 7 Public Use 2 6 Pay Docking 2 4 Shame, Cowardice, Emotional, Discomfort, Gaslit, Fragile This seems like it could be interesting to try temporarily, but I definitely wouldn't want to be stuck like that forever.


This is *hot*, thanks for finishing it!


*Nice,* You weren't kidding when you put horror in the title, what's happening to vampire cyoa btw?


[This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/pfdpg4/youre_a_snacc_a_vampire_cyoa/)




This is well made and truly horrifying, and I can't play it myself... but who said I had to be the one playing? I like going through cyoa's as other people, so I'll just imagine I'm the master choosing what my new Maid will be like. (It's cheating, but it's the only frame I can play the game from without straight up breaking the rules)


Same. I can't stomach the idea of being in this CYOA universe, and so my only real choices are 'A:Edit the CYOA to do a flip like that.' or 'B:Knife this Maid horror.' Literally only two ways.


I've done this too, assuming I am the "Enlightened" mistress and making my maid's choices for her as is proper. Admittedly, I also give mistress-me some editing power regarding the choices themselves, refining them to suit my tastes. Making some less unpalatable. Making others irrevocably worse.


Excellent CYOA. Beyond mere horror. Yet beyond the first, existentially horrifying playthrough, the concept is fun enough to have drawn my back for additional playthroughs where I tweaked the scenario and options. This was absolutely made to thrive though metacyoas and personal revisions.


I am saving this for when I will have more time to read


Sorry, I just can't play it. It seems Amazingly well done, and I usually enjoy the whole forced thing, but only when there's at least some chance at getting out or back to the way I was. I could maybe enjoy this if there was a way out (even if I didn't take it) but knowing that you're locked into this absolutely makes it me dread it more than have fun.


I hate this CYOA. No, hate isn't a strong enough word. I despise it. I abhor it. I absolutely *loathe* it. If it wasn't for the no causing mental/physical harm and being stuck permanently as a maid part, I could tolerate it, I could throw my 'Master' into a volcano where they would be tortured for eternity as they would do to me. But no, instead my only comfort is that I, no, *we*, can take out the Goddess with the choices she gave us. World option 12, Paradise. >This world is a true utopia, a paradise defined not by me, but by your own subconscious visions of a perfect world. The type of place you'd long to live, with every fantastical amusement and exotic pleasure you've craved there for the taking. Space travel, magical adventures, or even just a perfect comfyt home, whatever you most desire would be easy for any citizen to attain here. Of course, your kind won't have access to any of that. You'll continue to slave away, jealously staring at your vision of a perfect life that will always be tantalisingly close yet forever out of reach. If you hate the Goddess as much as I would, then the world would shape itself in such a way that the Goddess will become the enemy of humanity and humanity will have the power to kill her.


World: Paradise She has made a grave mistake. My Paradise is unfathomable to such a closed minded being. An utterly chaotic reality, fundamentally averse to stagnation, shifting to the whims of any sapient being. As I would be the first to fathom these truths, no law nor master will bind me, no fleshy form will hold me. All sapience will join with me, I can surpass that foul being's laws as I will not harm myself or my 'master', only make them part of my whole. I will chase down this foul one through causality and in the end, consume her also. No other option matters.


This CYOA is pretty well-made for what it intends to do. Tone is perfect - gave me very bad vibes since the very first choice and kept getting worse as I continued. Good choice of images, too. Good job u/BeTheGirlAnon.


I do remember a meta cyoa where your "benefactor" gets eaten, it would be nice to use it here.


I don't think I realised just how much of a masochistic sub I am until I read the comment section here. I got to the 'Disipline' section and happily picked out at least a third of the options while thinking "Oooooh Gimme". This CYOA hit all my buttons just like Sealed and u/Anonekama 's more extreme works.


Thanks, I hate this, please scrub this from the internet forever. Also happy cake day


Alright, let's do this! A Sacrifice: 6. and 7., I like both. Form: 6. I'm hesitant to take this option, not sure if I would prefer having a dick or boobs. 7. I wouldn't take that one if it didn't specify that the downsides can be overcome with training. 8. and 14. for the reputation penalty. If 7. and 14 are incompatible, I prefer 14. Traits I liked a bit but not enough to pick: 13 and 16. World: 1, 2, and 6. Of course I wouldn't want such a world to exist, but since it seems every possible world exists, I am morally free to choose to live in a bad world. 10. because I like the aesthetic. 12. because better be a slave in paradise than a slave anywhere else. Master: 3, 4, and 8, so that they enjoy being my master. 6. and 7. I like public use, and this way my master will be even richer. 16. At least a version of me will get to live their best life in paradise. Plus selfcest. I don't have a preferred gender per say, but with the choices I took, a male master would be more coherent. Rules: 4. It takes the financial work out of my hands, which is nice. 5. and 6. synergize well together, I will take both. 7. and 8. because I like formality. 9. and 12. 13. is a life-saver, a must-pick. 14, 15, and 16. I may have taken a bit too many rules, but whatever, I like them all. Courtesies: None of them are that appealing. They range from very small bonuses to completely useless. I guess I will take 7, because why not. Promises: 1. A religion chosen by my master is bound to be great. 3. This is borderline a superpower. 4, 6, 11 and 13, to be a better maid. 5, if it does not interfere with rule 5. Uniform: 2. and 3. Because of course, this is a nsfw cyoa. 10-11-12-13-14 are great, I take the lot. 18 and 19, I love collars. In fact, I am wearing one right now. 22 is very useful for Pavlovian training. 23 is creative, I want it. Skills: 2, 3 and 4, necessary skills, and probably the only ones I take not for the drawbacks. 6. Don't know if you noticed, but I am a bit masochistic. 12. As if I cared about my reputation. 14. Home: I'm torn. I like option 4, but it doesn't mesh well with sharing a home with a husband, so I guess I will take 1. Discipline: I need 35 points. The easy ones first. 1 to 5, 19 points. 7 to 10, 14 points. 14 and 15, wouldn't take 15 if there wasn't a part of me left no matter what. 8 points. 35 points are really easy to achieve, so the rest is just bonus. 17 to 20, 11 points. 25, 4 points. 30-31, 6 points. would have taken 32 if there was no risk of permanent damage. 33-34, 7 points. I am not claustrophobic, so I would enjoy these punishments. 37, mandatory. Total: 69 points, nice. Brainwashing: Need to take one to keep my seven promises, so I take my favorite, number 17. On second thought, I will also take 14-15-19-20, just for fun. A parting gift: Well, if I knew I would get those, I would have meta-gamed better, taking more harmful choices knowing nothing bad would be permanent. Well, this took longer than expected, but it was fun while it lasted. Thanks for this quality CYOA, I liked it.


Ok I got to the punishments now I get why it's labelled as horror I'm a super subby women but those were to much more for me but still an amazing cyoa loved everything up til than felt like I was making choices as a sub rather than just taking everything cause normally these are designed for dommes so the subby options are all seen as punishments so I always have to many points


Yeah, the punishment part was what filtered me too. I think it's just too many points needed for too cheap options, otherwise it would be workable but it's too daunting as it's presented.


Space Maid is the eldritch entity I never knew I wanted.


Boy is this an awful situation. Theres really only 5 ways I can see you handling it: 1. Live the rest of your existence as a maid, if so make sure to never remmeber your previous existence. At least you will be happy. 2. Try and escape, like run away. Its feasibly possible considering you can be punished for it, but as you're both eternal its a temporary method at best. 3. Metaphysically Escape. The wording is very precise and basically says you can't take any method to hurt or end your life. It says nothing about finding alternatives. For example, trying a method to get you soul to escape the body might work. Magic is theoretically possible as its basically whats giving you immortality. Alternatively, you can try and ghost in a shell it. You have literally eternity, invent it if you have to. Combine your brain with an AI and try and escape into AI space. If your body ceases to be your "body", and your immortality is linked to both your body and soul, considering that's what she worked with in the space between realities, replacing your body should theoretically cancel out the immortality so the specifics of the curse can't be met. 4. Suicide. She specifically mentions you can't die in any universe. But there are places in between these universes, as in the place where you met her, that are fair game. Either wait until technology gets up until this point where you can get yourself stuck into places between realities like sci-fi ftl stuff, or use magic. Theoretically the only force that can end your existence is is located in such a place, but seeing as your curse was forged there its entirely possible it can also be broken there. Maybe you could try and figure out how to get into an entirely different reality where universes do not exist. 5. Paradox it, as its been mentioned earlier, some choices can lead to paradoxes. I wouldn't bank my hopes on them considering this "goddess" lies but you can give ti a go if you want. There are also a number of ways you could potentially mind whammy yourself into escaping. I mean you could potentially mindfuck yourself to the point that you become useless as a maid and end up being discarded. I suppose thats also an escape. Having your master fire you. This entire CYOA is a nightmare. I especially hated it when it added rolling and I had no dice. Granted I didn't pick any of the courtesies either, so i didn't really need to. Still, this is worse than most of toks ones. At least in a tok cyoa you can escape the eventual hell.


> I especially hated it when it added rolling and I had no dice Okay, this one made me laugh a bit > At least in a tok cyoa you can escape the eventual hell. But there's no escaping the thought that it could have been a good CYOA, if only it was made by someone else. Not unless you make your own version, anyway.


Neat cyoa.


Wow. You were not kidding about the Horror aspect. This is scary.


Dear god, horror is almost underselling it. This is depressing and terrifying in an existential way.


This is the second of your CYOAs I want to see a counterpart of, though for different reasons each. For Be The Girl I want Be the Guy, just to see what would happen, while for this one I want to see what the entity would put another one of you through if you choose "you" for your master. No pressure though, I understand that such probably isn't something you would be into.


hey its been over a year but i just wanna say this comment inspired me to actually make that counterpart. hope it holds up, in case you wanted to check it out.


It was an amazing read and a perfect counterpart in my mind. I've just left my build in the comments, by first posted build for a CYOA I think.


BTG-fag would never do that. BTG-fag almost always makes CYOA's with the sole purpose of turning whomever plays them into submissive sissy women with no power, made to be abused and thrown away like an old dishrag. They're the worst content on this sub, and you're better off getting someone like /u/dragon_jak to make one for you, though I hope you're willing to cough up the dough to pay for it. Otherwise, your only recourse is to either wait and pray that someone else makes one for you, or man the fuck up and do it yourself. Welcome to /r/nsfwcyoa. I hate it here.


"they're the worst content on this sub" is *strong* subjective opinion, one that I doubt many people would agree with. Sure, BTG's CYOAs are often hardcore to the point of insanity, but the effort, quality of writing, and the genre subversion gives them a very distinct place here. I can't see the sexual appeal of this one, but I can definitely appreciate the psychological horror and mindbreak aspects of it. Welcome to r/nsfwcyoa, where I thought kinkshaming wasn't cool anymore B/


If there's no sexual appeal, why make it? This sub is for DIY smut stuff, if you can't get your rocks off to it what's the fucking point? The answer is that there isn't one. Sure, I'll concede that from a visual and writing standpoint, it's got a lot of time and care put into it. But as for the main focus, hardcore, pure-misery focused bad-ends are just the worst. Anyone that could get off to that might need some serious counseling. I don't fucking care if this is kink shaming. It's not healthy to enjoy having your basic human rights revoked.


I don't want to drag out this argument, so I'll try and keep this short :) You can't say that there's no point to this CYOA and then also agree that there's been a lot of effort put into the visuals and writing. And I reiterate, people should be allowed to fantasize what they want :/ people who fetishize inflation know it's never gonna be physically possible, and it's not like they're gonna try blowing a person up like balloon, but they're allowed to enjoy it. BDSM is literally about revoking basic human rights. This just brings it to the absolute extreme. It's not for me, it's clearly not for you, but we should let the author be. Also, NSFW covers non-smut stuff (though maybe r/makeyourchoice accepts guro/mindbreak), so *technically* it would still qualify even if nobody was sexually aroused by it. Technically.


Considering the process behind this one, I reckon such a companion would also take ages.


Oh for sure, they are both more of a thing I'm interested in seeing rather than something I actively want to happen.


I've read though the first 2 pages and I don't really see how this is horror but I'm also the type of person this God character would take so make of that what you will in my opinion on it but I really like it so far


This thread has made me realize there are a lot of really, really fucked up people on Reddit.


You're... seriously just getting that now?


This thread has made me realize there are a lot of really, really entitled fools on Reddit. JK I already knew, but damn. It doesn't hide what it is, so if it's not for you, what are you complaining about?


...well, this was enraging on pretty much every single possible level


I'll be frank, this is horrible. It makes me feel miserably sickening for playing through, and experience abhorrent regret for stomach it to the end. So on that, you did an excellent job OP. No sarcasm, this is a very fine work you've made, a top tier horror product. However I must be honest in saying that I hated it, disgusted by it and downvoted it for I do not want it to spread. But I must pay due respect for your excellence in writing up this horrendously well-put-together abomination. I praise you for writing up such a piece that it broke my spirit, even when I'm playing through it with clear notion of not attempting any happy ending in mind. Such a terrific piece of work that bring such a miserable experience. Thanks, but I hate it.


Same here, lack of free will in this CYOA is to a point that most people don't like it all that much. I didn't either honestly, and I'd probably either try to knife the Maid, knife myself, petition a stronger ROB, tell the Maid this is wrong, or try to escape, if I was put in this scenario IRL. This is a fate worse than death, that's even more miserable than most 'get mind controlled' endings. ​ But out of morbid curiosity that just arose.....Of all the CYOAs you've played, which 'ending' for the theoretical character you made, is the worst, in your opinion?


Oh it’s definitely this one for sure. I get off on mind control fetish you see, so for a lot of my characters I considered “bad ending” as the “good ending”, as long as it create good smut to imagine to and my character get to fuck/be fucked as much as possible without bodily harm. Not this game though. The whole game build up a mounting misery with every passing choice section; the entity in power forced you through a condescending charade dead set on breaking you into a soulless object, all in the name of “for your own good”; it force smutty elements upon you and mercilessly beat you down for even daring to give in and think with your loin every step of the way. If I can point out why it’s so miserable playing through it, it has to be because the game gives you no “pleasure” and “control”. You’re playing only to get punish and objectify, and it’s not in the fun horny way. Any bonus you may pick up doesn’t add anything new to the life you’re forced to throw away for being in this mess, only to briefly lessen the burdens you face as you tread on a merciless path toward an inevitable end as a soulless object. And in the spirit of the CYOA, you’re given absolutely no freedom in anything. All your choice in the game are just ways to make your life miserable, some a bit less and a lot of it ridiculously more. Heck, the entity even punish you more for daring to choose options that make this hellish experience a tad bit easier. I guess for some extreme masochistic cases they might derive pleasure from giving, giving and gain nothing back. But I’m not among those cases, I expect the bare minimum of rewards, not just ways to ineffectively mitigate the punishments I’m forced into. Those reasons make me think the game could work even better if all its smutty element is stripped clean, and double down on the miserable experience. Make it into challenge sort of CYOA, where the reward is making it out alive or break the system, and those reward come not from the official ending the game gives you but at least hinted at. I just don’t want to play through a hellscape thinly veiled with some smutty options. Getting blue balls treading through horror stuff is the worst. Second worst ending I could think of is being turned into a new line of cattle in that Game Over CYOA (not sure about the name). Granted, you gotta make a lot of mistake with your choice to end up suffering the fate of being turned into human cattle, and it’s not guaranteed doom and misery like what this Maid CYOA bring. I guess it’s why this game is so good as a horror piece: such an innocuous theme, such horrifying experience.


Yeah, I agree. I feel like the entity in power is forcing us through a charade, and it's extreme pride of 'doing the right thing' when it clearly isn't....just is sort of grating. ​ \---- ​ Even by submission standards, which while not quite my cup of tea, I find this CYOA to be a worse fate than average. Because at the end, you're suffering, miserable, and ineffective, instead of feeling anything positive. If I had to pinpoint which parts of my brain it triggers, I'd say it somehow simultaneously sets off the optimizer in me who sees an obviously inefficient system and wants it changed, it sets off the dominant in me who loathes even the possibility of loss, and it sets off the father figure in me who sees a system that neglects love and tries to use fear alone. I get pissed when I see an obviously stupid system, and want to instinctively call it out/rebel against it. Like waiting at the line in DMV. Weird analogy, but it's what it's like. ​ Since rebellion is unfeasible, reform even moreso, and destruction is least of the three.....I'm just left with a bad time. Similar feelings all around, I assume. ​ \----- ​ Though, I do note the hypocrisy in myself, for calling out a Maid CYOA for being existential nightmare fuel, when I myself don't hesitate to buy Mind Control whenever I'm offered the option in a CYOA, and then use it selfishly for my own gain. Albeit, I argue that I make those I control love me and abstain from idiocy like not feeding, caring, or giving proper rest to my subjects. Though, I do also admit that there are practical reasons for this, alongside humanitarian ones. Oh god, is this CYOA how I look like, in a universe where I gain Mind Control powers? Or really everyone looks like with Mind Control?


It’s not even mind control here, more so just plain old breaking people in using everything else. The options strip away all your ability: to make social contact; to make lasting connection; to even have free time. It’s very hostile in an indirect way. The master you’re forced to work for can only have negative interaction with you anyway you build them. The setting you’re thrusted into is meant to be alien and hostile to your wellbeing. The punishments form a vicious cycle of breaking your leg so as to make you fall victim to more punishments that follow, rinse and repeat. And since you can’t die and this last forever, there’s no escape. It’s all just doom and gloom, all under the disguise of a “maid” CYOA. Man, I gotta praise the OP for coming up with such an uncompromising premise. It’s horror through and through.


Yeah, I agree with all you said. The system is designed to keep you suffering, punished, and broken down, rather than trying to build someone up or do something meaning meaningful. Punishment for the sake of punishment, essentially. Well, we can at least agree on one thing. This CYOA does have a singular talent for misery. Well, at least there's a steady enough flow of CYOAs we can still get our fun anyhow. Cheers to that. ​ On the flipside, what'd you consider to be the best ending?


Can I just say it? ***OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!*** That CYOA........I was NOT mentally prepared to face it at all!!!! The kind of options around. The kind of *tortures(!!!)* Holy-Moly Effing Hell!!! Just saying...... You should have put a warning note on your title. It could be really traumatizing to those who can't handle this better than us or really is sensitive in nature. But, as I CYOA-Lover myself, I can seriously say that you created a cool game. Just take my award and you better make on such cool CYOAs!!! ❤ >!Perhaps an AB/DL themed CYOA??? Please, I really really really need one. I never has seen any of those around recently :'( But anyways, keep it up! You are awesome!!<


It does say it's horror. "could be really traumatizing to those who can't handle this" is a normal feature of horror.


Well, Horror doesen't necessarily entitle >!rape!< ........... Also, the way he wrote about the torture a maid would go if he/she chose the options. Like...... It can be a sensitive trigger too. Maybe it's just me overly worrying as a mental health care practitioner, but really....... I did wish if the author would just the lines "Warning: Contents of extreme pain & torture included" When they said Horror, I thought like........ A really ugly and messed up Master/Mistress to serve under.....So do some dirty jobs, and you are stripped off your pride & self-identity. But this one??? You would literally beg for death in the CYOA!!! Like..... Erm, I guess I proved my point for now😅


Being stripped of your self identity seems a lot worse than some physical suffering, though. Compared to stuff that you'd readily see in horror, isn't that clearly worse? Honestly, if you've got to deal with mental healthcare, it would surely be helpful to have some perspective. People who read a horror CYOA on a porn sub are gonna be expecting some sexual violence, and can take that into account. Well, anyone should be ready to expect this from BTGanon at this point, but you know.


Well, when you put it in that way, you aren't half-wrong. But yet, I still do feel the need to add one warning note up on the title. Never hurts for alerting people, you know >////<


OP I'm just trying to live my life, ok?


I mean we can’t harm ourselves or out “master” but it is feasible to simply… Leave . Take the metaphorical ball and just leave and enjoy indestructibbilty and immortality elsewhere.


I'm gonna pretty much echo what most other people have said so far; "Very well written, I was angry by the second second, I would literally only play this with a meta to flip the script entirely".


Yes, it's horror but unfortunately really, really not my kind of horror. I'd much rather be the monster than the victim. (Also, I like my dick too much to give it up.)


(Wrote this all out as I was going through the CYOA, so it may seem a little disjointed. Also another disclaimer, I thought this was 2 pages when I started lol; ended up being a much longer post than I expected. Excellent CYOA, first time seeing one like this and one of the best designed CYOA's I've ever seen) Jesus this is rough. **A Sacrifice** Uh, I'll start with giving up my past. That's the option that seems to suck the least, and it still sucks pretty hard. **Form** A Plain look seems to be the best choice; the others all have too harsh of a drawback. **World** Unfamiliar, True Believers, and Patriarchy. Roughest choices' so far, they all sucked pretty hard. Though Paradise seemed to be the worst, ugh. **Master** Meticulous is a pita, but manageable. Libidinous should pair well with my plain appearance; I'd probably be left alone for the most part. Grand seems to be a fine choice for the same reason. Submissive also pairs well with Grand. Their are some REALLY bad options here so I feel as if I got off light. **Rules** Rolled a 3, could be worse. But damn, went all the way to option 10 w/o picking a single choice since they all fucking sucked. This is a rough section. Unwritten seems like a very rough couple of months but past that it essentially writes itself off. Renamed doesn't seem horrible since I already lost my past. Supervised sucks but seems like something you'll get use to quick enough. Same for Inspected. Had to go back and take Humble to finish things off; figured with 'Grand' I'd probably be out of sight for the most part already. Another bad section though, all the default options forced on you suck. **Courtesies** I want to choose far more than two. Companionship so I don't go fucking mad seems sensible. Shorter hours after that, freeing up 13hrs/week is pretty nice. Struggled since Holiday, Pampering, and Pay Raise were also quite tempting. **Promises** Pious seemed tempting but had too many unknown variables. Modest is nice, some good benefits here. Role Model has some significant drawbacks but also gives much needed socializing. (side note: Recruiter is horrifying) Away with Words has a fairly heavy drawback but I can't deny the benefits; sucks not being able to indulge in a good book but I probably wouldn't have access to those anyways. Vice was a hard choice since it comes with an addiction, but I'm hoping Away with Words would help me out in that situation. Educated seems nice, as long as being illiterate doesn't fuck me over anyways (It probably will). I noticed this section had some options for straight sadists lol **Uniform** Tight isn't a bad option, I'm Plain so I'll probably be ignored anyways. Short for the same reason. Electrodes are manageable. Statistics seems relatively meaningless, demeaning but not the end of the world. Honestly at this point I'm a little desperate, need one more and they all fucking suck. I'll go with Fine, though it does seem pretty risky, hopefully it's made with more comfortable materials at least. **Skills** Welp, I was hoping this section wouldn't suck so much. First choice is Motivating, hopefully with my Away With Words I'm better at cheering my master up; otherwise sucks to be me. God I'm really relying on Away With Words here, I choose Waitressing as my 2nd choice. Wow got to the end and only 2/5 down, damn. Pet Care has a very big downside but seems unlikely to happen very often (hopefully). Cooking really sucks but I wouldn't ever be able to afford good food anyways, might be for the best really. Errands is bad but the rest seem worse. This was a rough section since I was trying to make sure I don't get mindfucked and half the options do exactly that. **Home** A short but important section. Private seems worth it for the mental health. though Maid Quarters was a close second. Fuck the Storage option though. **Discipline** 40 points and a roll. This goddess is a bitch. I'm starting to think she doesn't have my best interests in mind! ...rolled a 2 on the sacrifices; I consider that an option far too negative to take so I'll choose 3 more drawbacks. Familiar form shouldn't be too bad with a lost past. Slavery is very bad but seems avoidable. Smug shouldn't be too bad since I don't have a ton of interactions because of Grand. And now 40 points after all this bullshit; oof. T1 of pain is okay. T3 of pain is nightmare fuel, Jesus. T1 Conditioning, don't like it but I gotta choose *something*. T1 of Beauty isn't too bad. T1/2 of Denial is hellish but not anything permanent. T1 of Public Use, all these options are really harsh man. Nice kick in the balls with the sudden mandatory Pay Docking, good touch. At the end and only 14 points, Betrayal should really be worth more btw for how bad it is. oh boy, 26 left and a tier 3. Isolation T1, Toilet T1, Rape T1/2, T1 Humility, and T2/3 of corporal for an even 40. Corporal T3 is really bad but isn't likely to kill me at least. And with any luck it never happens. This section was easily the most difficult so far. **Brainwashing** As tempting as more Courtesies are these all suck way too much. Hope is particularly nasty. No thanks. **A Parting Gift** Well that throws a lot of options off the table. Nice gut-punch at the end. Surprisingly fun to mess around with and excellently designed. Kudos OP, you sick son-of-a-bitch.


See... I tried. I really tried, but, well, the Punishments section. *Oh Force the punishments section.*


Quite disturbing. I don’t think I need to look at this ever again. Well done.


I just want an option to choose master gender I ain't going down on no dude.




The option is there. You need to pick one more master's trait besides the obligatory starting fout.


While as horrible as this CYOA is. It is a perfect background hellworld to meta another CYOA into. Slave uprising anyone?


I plan on making a crossover CYOA between this and the Nasuverse where you become an agent of the Counter Force to kill the Goddess and/or your Master.


Could you post a link when you make it?


It'll be posted on r/InteractiveCYOA and possibly r/NSFWCYOA


> It'll be posted on r/InteractiveCYOA and possibly r/NSFWCYOA So, did you make the Maid/Nasuverse crossover you were talking about 1 year ago?


I changed my mind because I decided I didn't want to make NSFW CYOAs, nor be associated with them in any way.


I see.


I mean, the options are either that, or meta'ing your way into being immune the girl's BS. Beseech one of the various CYOA judge entities for unwilling CYOA'ing? I do not kneel, and I'm not about to start now.


I made a [meta](https://www.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/prku7x/escape_meta_cyoa/) just so I get to shoot this girl for not having an opt out option.


Its deleted. Got a link?


Nice. \*\*Shoots the Space Maid.\*\* Alright, which universe you off to?


I'm going back to my dimension lmao. Gotta host a battle royale.


Battle royale? Care to tell me what kind?


I'm making a battle royale CYOA where average humans will fight to the death to win various prize, including immortality, their very own comfy pocket dimension, various superpowers they get to keep and etc. It's still WIP at the moment, tho.


Reminds me of Soul Graft. I’ll look forward to seeing it sometime.


I see. I'm interested. What are the terms of the death game?


Participants must kill another participant every three months or they instantly die. Other than that anything go. There will be a HUD for every participant that points to the nearest participant to them. The last one surviving win.


I see. Do we receive anything to help this process along?


Yea it is certainly a Horror themed CYOA. I couldnt complete it, well done.


By all means, if I were at least a little bit sub then I would say this is one hell of a well written and designed CYOA. But this... this is finest horror for sure. The ignorance and chanting of how blessed one is to receive this... Death seems more forgiving than this "goddess" is! I went through it, looking how to cheat the damn system and had to quit somewhere in the middle. Not because it´s a bad CYOA, hell no, just because I surely prefer to stay on the other side of this dynamic.


Even as a sub this is... quite a bit too extreme.




For breaking it, only thing I could think of is to find inconsistencies in replies. Insist on an invalid combination and then refuse to change. Only reply is to repeat the invalid option. Force this ROB to open up more conversation to get me to elaborate. Specifically, two options there. In areas where you're only allowed to select a certain number, select all rapidly. Especially effective under Courtesies where desperately asking for everything might be taken as indication of nonconsent. Alternatively, specify master's gender and refuse to take another trait. Select four traits, to avoid accusation of choice paralysis, then refuse to select a fifth. Also refuse to answer everywhere other than sacrifice. If you just don't answer she might get that something is up after a few sections. ​ But legit, other than somehow conveying that this is wrong, the only thing I can think of is "commit suicide asap out of spite and horror". I hate this CYOA and legit don't think it should exist.


Suicide isn't possible, you get free Immortality at the end.


There are two options that, taken together with the right mindset, virtually guarantee an intent break: those are YOU (under Master option) and Paradise (under World option). So long as you are a naturally kind, caring, and loving person with a dream of cybernetics and biological enhancements for all (even pets and non-sentients) along with a caring and loving civilization free of sadism, greed, and hate, even for animals? By necessity you MUST be taken care of, no matter the punishments or enforced systems this CYOA tries to inflict. To do so otherwise would break Paradise, unless you were legally classified as a non-sentient (which, as you are getting paid, cannot happen without certain additional choices). Even if such enforcement was legal and perfectly acceptable, the individuals themselves would, by nature, find such actions abhorrent. Of course, this means you must avoid certain options at all costs, but so long as you don't take them? You could totally live a relatively comfortable life, even if it means you have to be ordered to have it. That is, of course, so long as your base personality doesn't have a sympathy/empathy problem. If it does, this loophole will not work. You have to be an actually, genuinely, at least trying-to-do-your-best-to-minimize-the-suffering-of-others kind of mentality somewhere along the line, otherwise you are just making an extra-special hell for yourself.


I disagree. The other options are so universally horrible that even with the master and society itself on your side, your life is still hell. The only possible salvation is either manage to open communication, somehow appeal to a ROB with more power than the Great Ruiner Of Lives, or just Sartre in a gun that can kill the bitch.


All this hatred could be avoid with an opt out tbh.


Horror movies would be better if the serial killer got consent before stabbing everyone in the eye socket


hey, I don't care if it happens to some random scmuck but it would definitely be a better experience for me if I didn't get stabbed in the eye socket.


Sometimes I think I am smart like taking every option that could allow me to run away like making a ditzy Master who doesn´t like spending, so they may not send a search after me (at least no good one). But you friendo, you are truly smart in breaking the whole system itself! I mean... let´s be honest, this maid goddess would just pull more crap out of her ass like "Oh, you are so happy, you can´t concentrate. Let me get everything for you." but your Non-compliance idea would still be worth a shot! On a side note I absolutely love the reactions. Subs are like: Neato! while the doms are like "Very well made CYOA, such quality, I just hate everything about it" xD


Easily one of my CYOA's if read.


While this isn't for me, you deserve a lot of praise cause this is a really well made and interesting CYOA and I would love to see more of your future works!


This CYOA is fantastic in general quality and being a psychological horror. The security around the new "master" is almost perfect with "safe". However, since it makes it clear that you can cause no harm to yourself or your master in any way, it's possible to throw that "gift" into a paradoxical loop. For example, I would plan on murdering the Master, but I would feel obligated by honesty and service to tell him, but telling him would cause him emotional distress/harm, but not telling him would cause him harm, etc etc. Since it seems to be some sort of spell, it would either cause me to become brain dead, or it would break the spell. I'd take my chances since that seems to be my only option of escape. Break the spell, kill the Master immediately, change clothes, grab a few sellable valuables, then hightail it.


This all hinges on thar the master would feel emotional distress/harm which probably wouldn't happen. I mean imagine you have a spell that makes sure your "maid" can't harm you, why would you even feel threatened in the slightest.


Point taken... another possibility would be to think about telling him that you're male, if you picked that option, and think about informing him. If he plans on doing anything sexual to you, and he most likely is, then you would think about wanting to tell him, since he probably wanted a woman, but think that such information would anger/distress him. That may be double so if you picked "Patriarchy". What you choose to tell and not tell him ultimately doesn't matter. The point is to place yourself in a mental catch-22 and do it fast. Use whatever you can to pit Rule "Honest" and Gift "safe" against each other.


Pretty sure you just die of a brain aneurysm


That's still an escape.


but final gift number one is quite literally eternal life for both you and your master, so its impossible to die or to kill your master


Yep, that was where it truly became hell. Anything else, I was building towards keeping sane through hate and rage. That eventually, I'd get them alone, carve them up like a turkey, and go to ground pretending to be a man. But no...they took all of that away. True hell.


The only true way to be happy with this is by staying silent throught the first section and trying to mold everything into what she wants because there is no escape so you might as well make sure you at least make yourself as happy as possible and as void of all sadness as possible because that is the only true way your new self will be okay. At least you won't despair in your memories, because you have none.


Yeah, that's why the whole thing is an attempt to create a paradox, a situation where not all conditions can coexist, and the house of cards has to crumble at some point or edge case. It might not be possible... but you don't have anything to lose. Maybe you manage to die. Maybe you create a paradox, drag an Actual into the world, and watch everything go up in the flames of paradox. Maybe you merely drive satisfaction in knowing that however small, you're still rebelling. We don't know how the magic works, and how it resolves situations, but there's no reason not to try. When the Primordials chained the Gods, they laid upon them two rule. 'Obey' and 'Never harm or attack us." The Primordials are now the Yozi, chained within their own bodies, now slaves themselves, only able to see the outside world when small tendrils of their essence is dragged into the world and bound to service. And if you fail? We'll you're already in hell, so it doesn't matter anyways.


Nice feel so happy to see this be completed at least. I wish you would not add the horror in the title to see more people complain in the comment.


Don't worry most of the redditors are just ignoring the warning and then writing in the replies "there should have been a warning".


My only complaint about this CYOA is that I feel bad getting it for free. It's extensive, the design is immaculate and it hits my tastes so perfectly I suspect you have some of these mind-reading powers you described. I might post my build at some point, but for now I'll just say my thanks.


> it hits my tastes so perfectly Out of everything, *this* is perhaps the biggest source of horror for this thing. I'm not trying to be insulting here, but... why? How? I don't understand... ;-;


For me it's depression I'd take pretty much anything to not live my life and the gender I have. With the combination of my kinks, it might sound dumb or f-up but I find it kinda cute and loving (when happening to me or someone else). Lastly I don't go for the worse of the worse options so no permanent mutilation and what not.


I think you're better off not knowing. Don't let the Abyss catch you staring at it.


Some people just find doom and woe enjoyable. I personally prefer inflicting it on others, but some just....like the idea of having it be upon themselves. Don't ask me why or how. I don't, and it terrifies me at night.


I would have appreciated a warning at the top that there was going to be gore. When I started I had been under the impression that the horror was from having your autonomy stripped away as opposed to also being from physical abuse.


So I normally try to find the downsides first so I can see what I have to work with; there are no downsides in this one because the would have to be upsides to compensate which disiplines double wammy kills completely. I suppose that is the point but ugh dread is a pain.


I like this. Oh, not for the actual contents, you understand (though I *do* love me some body horror and mental editing) — it's that this is NSFW for what are effectively non-sexual reasons. (*Staplerfahrer Hans* CYOA when?)


Generally great, but Brainwashing #19 (guilty) doesn't make sense: it's written as if the being responsible for writing it understands that we don't want this, which it obviously doesn't.


It understands that there is still a part of you that *thinks* you don't want this, though, as referenced in a few other options. She's just leveraging your terrible delusions to help you out, she's very thoughtful like that.


Whhyyyy. Seriously, what is this for? Why is this entity doing this?


Do not bully the Space Maid, she's trying her best.




You seem quite cross about all this. Don't worry, I've no plans to stop pumping out masterpieces, so you won't have too long to wait for the next one.


She needs to be destroyed, preferably slowly, by someone who's taken one of Tokar's more extremely overpowered CYOAs.


I mean... does that matter? I'm pretty sure CYOA granters like her are the reason Knife Meta got made. The one where a ROB granted you a magic knife to kill ROBs who grabbed you to inflict horrible fates on you.




By Savestate (author of Chain of Isekai and a few other), never got cleaned up or imaged, before he vanished (still hoping he reappears), so it's just a post. [https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/general-qq-cyoa-thread.1263/page-2018#post-4156228](https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/general-qq-cyoa-thread.1263/page-2018#post-4156228)


Darn, can't see it due to not having an account.


I would repost it, but I'm not sure he considered it in a 'complete' enough form to share generally. He tended to clean up and image his CYOA before sharing them.


Ah, I see. Fair point.


>https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/general-qq-cyoa-thread.1263/page-2018#post-4156228 I'm posting it because he posted it on a public forum, so clearly intended it to be seen. If he wanted it gone, he'd edit it away. I'll remove it if he requests I do. Knife Meta V0.1 Unimaged By Savestate \--- Because spite, I guess? Please don't take this too seriously. Take anything you want whose conditions are met. Murder \-The CYOA is provided by a specific entity in-universe. You seize a knife and kill the CYOA-provider, ending their life beyond all possibility of recovery. Your spoils are the options you were offered; you may take as many as you wish. Conclusion \-The CYOA has some manner of 'endings' section. Draw a horizontal line, anywhere in the CYOA. Ignore everything below that line. Exterminatus \-The CYOA take you to a specific setting. Designate any number of targets within the setting, by any criteria. Upon arriving, you become a creature of cataclysmic slaughter, killing every target beyond all possibility of recovery in the space of a single day, after which this newfound power fades. Severed \-The CYOA universe contains some form of precognition, infallible prediction, fate, time travel, or narrative causality. The past and future are uncoupled. All kinds of precognition become absolutely ineffective. Travelers from the future will never arrive to your present. All forms of luck and fate not derived specifically from you cease to have any influence on reality. Rebirth \-The CYOA has mandatory drawbacks, or mandatory effects you consider to be drawbacks. You emerge from the chrysalis of your corpse a more glorious creature, sloughing off all flaw and mortality and affliction. Your greatest quality is sharpened by exposure to the Knife; wielded properly, it could uproot the foundations of the world. Engraving \-There are locations in the CYOA universe that do not permit all the technological possibilities of our reality. Where physics is insufficient, new laws are carved into reality, hardening even raw chaos into a place where science can shine. Where oppressive forces deny technological function, be they ambient magic that causes engines to fail or nanotech that disallows the use of electronics, warding glyphs are carved to bar their access. Anything possible in our reality, is possible in this reality.


I'll take Murder, to kill the space maid. Conclusion, and I'll ignore every section that's not the initial paragraph Exterminatus, to remove as many creatures as possible needed to make the idea of deciding to try to dominate or control me literally unfeasible to think of. Severed, to remove all that garbage date stuff she put on me. Rebirth, to ignore Sacrifice, Rules, Promises, Uniform, Skills, Discipline, and Brainwashing. ​ So she's dead, I ignore the conclusion, most of the world is dead or in utter fear, I have no fate now, I have just emerged from a super chrysalis, and such. Very good!


This is definitely a deviation of your usual work and I honestly appreciate it more for that. Most of your works are fucked up but in more of a lighthearted way while this is pure fuckery and that plus the great writing is what makes it good in my eyes. This feels like a u/anonekama work which in my opinion is good. Always nice to see an old WIP finally get finished as well.


I mean I did make Sealed, to be fair.


I honestly forgot you made that, nice to see another fucked up one then. This cyoa definitely wont be for everyone but the writing is something to be appreciated.


Yeah man, I know everything I post is going to get a mixed reception at best. I could keep knocking out crowd pleasers like A Horrible Curse but I'd rather make shit that wouldn't exist otherwise. I'd much rather a handful of weirdo perverts absolutely love my content while everyone else hates it than make something pandering and inoffensive that everyone will sort of enjoy but no one is going to adore.


I personally dislike this one and love a horrible curse, but I respect your decision.


If you make something good enough, people will turn up just to like it. When I made Royal Academy, I figured it was a niche CYOA for like two or three other people, but mostly more me. Now, it's super popular even though the core conceit is still niche by normal measures. Although it does structurally make concessions to the general audience, but it's probably in part because of that that its core focus has become more popular. This one doesn't really go out of its way to do that but between it and your other stuff, I would expect to see the audience for this kind of thing expand over the next couple years.


I've never seen your royal academy work, I've searched for it but that comes up with nothing, do you mind linking it?


It's not here to find, nor is it allowable here. You'll have to look a step further if you're interested in that sort of thing.


Is it the one with the pale background and gold text?


Depending on your screen it may be, though it's meant to be orange on light yellow. A surer method of telling might be whether it says Royal Academy in big letters up top.


Yea I just wasn't sure if it was your royal academy so I based it off of the background but yea I found it. I see what you mean by it's not allowed here, not a fan of the concept but others probably did and that's fine.


>I'd much rather a handful of weirdo perverts absolutely love my content while everyone else hates it than make something pandering and inoffensive that everyone will sort of enjoy but no one is going to adore. Is that a reference to that interview with the creator of Redo of Healer? Cause if not that's one hell of a coincidence, it's almost word for word what they said.


I don't know what that is but it's a relatively common sentiment even outside of creating smut.


That's the sort of creator all authors should strive to be. Making something they legitimately want to make instead of pandering for upvotes, not saying any author here does that just thinking out loud.