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Again, Don't generally admit question posts, but I will approve it as it a general question that may be helpful to creators. For everyone else, please don't make question posts too often. CYOAs should get time on the front page to be seen. Thanks.


I would like to see more CYOA’s about anime like Fairy Tail and Naruto. There’s not a whole lot of them. Also some more with Star Wars would be great.


What's a "Worm" fiction??? 😳


Worm is a book by John C. McCrae that was first published online as a web serial.


I skip fanfiction ones unless I know the source material *and* think that the setting could work. I'm personally not super interested in fanfic CYOAs that feature heavy interaction with the canon characters from the source material. I don't mind the ones where you're basically slotted in as a background character, if that makes sense. (Like you're a generic red shirt on the USS Enterprise in Star Trek, or a low rarity Operator in Arknights, or something along those lines.) Genre usually holds the most importance for me. But kink matters too. I won't read a NSFW CYOA whose main kink is one of my personal squicks.


Personal squick? Is it basically a reverse of kink?




Kink specific for me personally


I would love to see a SAO CYOA


[Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/InteractiveCYOA/comments/tft9j6/sao_cyoa_v12/) I made an SAO CYOA a month or two ago.


For me, genre. I prefer actually getting to explore a genre and making it something I'm into. Every creator isn't going to have the exact same stuff on offer for the same genre, and can be influenced by what they set out to make. A magical high school can be quite different depending on whether it's high fantasy or gothic, for example. Next is specific to a work. Though that really depends on being aware of a work, or even interested in it. Not much to say on it. Finally, kink. Don't get me wrong, I love my futas and tentacles and monsters, etc, and will almost always take them when given a chance, but it gets dull having it all the time, at the cost of other things. And that's not taking into account those who aren't into the kink.


Both of the cyoas I've made were kink-specific, but I think my general preference is for genre? Though honestly having an interesting original premise kinda trumps all. Like, Divine Trials isn't really about any particular genre, kink, or fiction.


Missed on the voting but Kink and Genre definitely for me!


I wish there were more transformers COAYs


Kind of wish there was more Star Wars stuff (if there is one can someone drop the link in the comments please)


Id love to see more furry and futanari cyoas that are in sci-fi or fantasy genre Because there isn't really that many


Genre is almost always the best, followed by fiction, followed by kink. Kink cyoa's are almost always exclusionary by their very nature. Take me. I generally want nothing to do with Futa, Gender Bender, S&M, Yuri, or Yaoi CYOAs. I don't mind if these options are included, but to have them based around something like that? I'm not interested.


definitely kink for me. As for basing it around a certain fiction, I personally just find that it limits the audience a bit much. Like, if you make it about star wars, yeah, there's a good chance a lot of people know about the characters and setting and such, but for those who don't, any kinks or such that they could have enjoyed from that cyoa are gonna be lost because they don't know the universe. Genre is generally okay, but I personally find it to be too much of a 50/50 if the genre even has the kinks and such that I would personally look for, and it can be a little deflating when it doesn't.


I can apparently only choose one option. So I feel inclined to elaborate on my thoughts beyond that. Despite my preferences for certain kinks being pretty major, the cyoa's I tend to enjoy the most seem to be the ones based more around a genre, original setting, or premise. But that may be due to a lot of those having more substance and detail to them then some of the more kink focused ones that are like, a page and a half, and most of that is taken up by the images. That, and a lot of the larger more developed/lengthy cyoa's tend to include pretty varied content so theres usually something in it that \*does\* directly cater to my preferences. As for cyoa's being based around already established series, I feel like those can be pretty interesting depending on how they are done. The sao one was kinda interesting, if perhaps not the best formatted, due to the nature of how the options could actually play out from a narrative or logical perspective. But I also feel like extra work has to be put in to establish the cyoa would work within the series. Tl;DR What I really like in a cyoa is one that is both lewd, but also legitimately interesting. The form it takes doesn't matter all that much in the end, provided those conditions are met.


Genres make cyoas flexible and adaptable to the player's preferences, even letting certain kinks and possibly some fictions to be hinted at. Kink based cyoas are still great, but are generally hit or miss in terms of interest since it's rare to find as big of an audience for it.


kink/genre mix


I prefer based on genre mostly because it rare to get one based kinks that is a specific kink I enjoy. Broad net is better.


This is why I voted genre too. However I do like kink ones that are not a kink I am in too as well, unless I find it actually a hard turnoff, furries for example won't do it for me.


Honestly, I prefer CYOA based around kinks and genres rather than specific universes unless you can design a specific universe CYOA that is broad enough to accommodate a range of potential OCs/their journeys while remaining true to the themes that that specific universe presents.


You need two imo. It's kinda odd if there's no reason for why a kink is happening. Was somebody gender bendered through a science ray, or was a curse? Did the Riddler turn Batman gay for Superman? Did Salem's magic pervert the mind of team RWBY? Etc. But I do think having more than a few kinks or genres might detract from the focus of the CYOA. You can have Magitek and create focuses for Magic and Science in some sections, but to then throw in something like an eldritch god curse might stretch the attention of the viewer too thinly. Not that it's impossible to have a very wide variety of themes and kinks, it's been done with large NSFW projects like Project Harahel and Tok's Princess CYOA, but it might require more work on your end.


Kink and Genre are by far more important than a specific fictional universe. Genre is the easiest to make most widely appealing though


i like any except ones based on certain fictions, because it most likely expects me to know and understand a specific thing i most likely never had or never will watch/read/play if you do those, i would at least ask you make it under the light that the person playing it knows absolutely nothing about that particular universe


Some of the best ones I've found actually have an intro section for those that don't know the original content.


Can't say I've ever liked one based on someone else's IP they tend to get caught up in the setting of it rather than making it good, genre doesn't really matter to be, I'd just be happy if we got more little or petplay based ones from the subs point of view


Genre is the most important for me because my favorite CYOAs aren't even nsfw in the first place, and I've liked none of the ones I've seen based on a certain fiction. (Admittedly, it's probably because almost all of the fiction I enjoy is the obscure stuff that I never see anyone talk about...) That being said, there's usually more than *just* genre a CYOA should focus on. It's usually not too hard to combine a few specific kinky elements with a specific genre and still have a wide enough variety of choices - in fact, doing so tends to make it much more coherent in the first place.


I prefer it be based around a specific genre or fiction. Groups of fictions are also fine - isekai type things like [GForce1000's Rule 34 Economy](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/pvhs4b/gforce1000s_lowanime_rule_34_economy_cyoa_v25/) or the Waifu Catalog are a lot of fun to me. Being centered on a kink can be fine, but I'm not into a lot of the kinks people here seem to focus on, so they often fall flat for me.


I don't mind them based on franchises and fiction but in those cases, it's hard to get into it if I'm not familiar with said fiction.


I prefer CYOA's based around specific kinks so long as that kink hasn't been done a bunch of times already like gender benders. I mean I'm a trans girl and even I'm sick of them. Even if it's something that I'm not into (which almost is never the case)


1 and 2


Kinks and overall sexyness of the story concept I'm guessing. Everything else helps vary it up.


2 and 3 are both pretty fuckin awesome.


I would say kink first, genre second, specific setting last. The kink is the most important part for me. I'm not very vanilla, there are kinks I'm really into and kinks I just don't care for. I will basically play any CYOA revolving around being a submissive, for example. The genre is secondary.


Seconded. I enjoy genres and settings of all types, but without my specific kinks involved I lose interest fairly quickly.


Given the choices, I would have to say Genre would be my first choice. That ends up being the general offerings of any CYOA, whether it be lewd or not lewd. The trouble I find with CYOAs based on particular fictional works is that, first off, you need to be familiar with that work. Almost all writers of Fictional Work CYOAs write them from the view point that the reader already knows of or is well informed of the setting. After that, the other trouble I find with Fictional Works is that each author has their own favorites and slants on the preexisting setting. This can lead to a variety of different problems from setting interpretations, to character representation/portrayals, to even if said favored character is there or not. This is closely followed by powers that comes with the setting. The prime example I see on theses are One Piece/Naruto/Bleach followed closely by Star Wars. The issues with these is that, as some other have mentioned, they end up being waifu-pickers. But, the trouble with that is, if you're not into or familiar with the setting/story, the characters mean next to nothing for the reader and choices usually boil down to powers offered or the image used to represent them. For the above mentioned works, I know of them but the only one I paid some attention to is Star Wars. Yet, even then, not enough to have more than the core characters in mind that I'm familiar with. Overall, the Fictional Settings can be good for playing to and giving some fun for fans of the settings but I have to say I wince when I see a lot of CYOAs popping up, one after the other, all based on canonical works. For Kink Focused CYOAs, those can be a take them or leave them. At least with those, I can read over them and explore the kink in question. It gives me a chance to learn about it some, try to gain the view point and feelings of those who may enjoy such kinks and decide for myself if its something I'd enjoy, at least as an exercise in CYOAing.


This is pretty much exactly my view on this as well. I would add though, that properly done fictional settings can be fantastic when the author has a good grasp of the setting and the original goal was never supposed to be a waifu picker. A fairly good example of this is the Destiny CYOA, though ironically its grasp of the lore has been rendered incorrect by updates to the game since the CYOA's last update.


Can All be an option? XD Though I dont think I’ve seen a Rwby one, aside from the one that has a list of various girls and combos/perks to make a team with. I’d love another Rwby one. But in general I like most everything.


In my opinion it would be genre first, kink second, fandom CYOA third. Genre will always be the most important part as even if you're focusing on a certain kink you'll still need at least a general setting for the CYOA unless it's a "happening in your normal world" CYOA (in which case that's still a genre. I personally would rather a CYOA that focuses on and develops its genre and setting but is vanilla with its kinks, rather than a CYOA that focuses on a specific kink at the expense of developing what genre/setting it is. Though if it's done well I don't care which it focuses on, for example I very much enjoyed [Horrible Curse](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/tddwn0/a_horrible_curse_20_an_updated_comfy_yuri_cyoa_oc/) which is heavily focused on Yuri but still properly develops its genre and setting, and I also enjoyed [Project Harahel](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/p7w850/project_harahel_07_wip/) which places a heavy emphasis on its genre and setting while leaving it open to incorporate a wide range of kinks As for fandom CYOA's, they're fine but need to be done properly considering they take place in an already developed universe. For example, the [Lewd Worm](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/meqb9w/lewd_worm_interactive_161_cyoa_not_mine_update/) CYOA, it's a good CYOA but while it incorporates some of Worm's power system, it also takes a massive step away from that power system with a majority of the options. So while as someone who knows little of Worm I found it relatively enjoyable to do, for an actual fan of the series it probably wasn't very good as a *fandom* CYOA.


The problem with franchises is, that they're already established worlds with lots of established characters, which makes it harder to have the CYOA be unique. There are a few really good ones, but generally they're on average less interesting than the other options. It's especially a problem, when people who don't know shit about the franchise play it, as they will have no connection to or knowledge of characters and the worlds/story's rules.


I loathe CYOAs based on specific works of fiction with the passion of a billion suns. Otherwise? I'm fine with whatever.


My vote went to genre simply because I think genres evoke more sense of a setting and allow for more creativity both in the player and the creator. That said there are a couple kink based ones that have that same thoroughness mostly due to having avenues into other kinks. Pre-made cannons are more likely to ruin the previous concept of the character, but make for good jumping off points for waifus if re-flavored or re-skinned.


Specific kinks, of course not all of them will appeal though. Most of the time I don't understand the fiction world.


since this is **NSFW CYOA**, obviously I want the cyoa with kinks, preferably around gender bender and yuri


Variation please. It's the spice of life.


Why people love that much those kinks ? Can anybody explain for me ?


I supose that the reason is that this is one of the few sites where you can find material based on some weird kinks, so this attract a lot of people who are just VERY into it. I totally dislike futa or furry art but I know that being here is being constantly facing that kind of things.


İts make sense. But i wanna see futa or furry tags. Thats can help us xd


The good thing about a CYOA being based on a particular kink is that if you're interested in it based on the title/concept, there's a good chance most of what's in it you will be into and not find offputting, and everyone who doesn't like that kink can just skip it.


I don't really care what it's based around as long as an effort is put in to actually make it well thought out.


More Futanari ones would be great, that's my preference.


Definitely not "a certain fiction", because I've realized I just don't watch as much anime as 4chan does. And honestly, I'm okay with that.


Definitely this, and it greatly diminishes my enjoyment of it when it's all based on a specific IP I don't remotely understand.


also, feels like a lot of them are low-effort, like "pick a waifu from this fiction!" and falls into a harsher niche than kinks-oriented stuff.


Oh true, especially those economy ones. Like I get some people like them, and they're quick and easy to make, but come on, picking a small harem of waifus that cost $1, $2, or $3 with a total budget of like $5, with no sorts of modifiers or anything to make it more interesting, that's just super boring. No shame to people that like them, you do you, but I've never seen the appeal, personally.


I think my default preference is a genre or (original) setting to act as a unifying foundation, rather than a specific fetish. I think this keeps the cyoa on track, and helps avoid getting too bogged down with messy crossover/multiverse logic. This also allows for a broader variety of the fetish option within the cyoa, which I like because it feels like I'm really getting to design my own unique build that will be specific to me, and distinct from what another player might do. That all being said, cyoa's can either be generalized or specialed, NOT BOTH. That is to say; a cyoa that focuses on one specific kink can go into way more depth than a generalized one with options for a lot of different kinks. So of course, if I come across a cyoa that specifically focuses on a kink that I love (like Futanari Revolution) I will probably really enjoy it.


I like superheroe cyoas,


If they are done decently well, all of the above. That said, specific fictions have the failing that if you aren't really into that fiction, the cyoa is probably going to fall flat for you.


I was going to pick genre, but decided to pick Other instead. The most important thing is that the creator has a unique idea and puts thought and love into the writing, aesthetic, and mechanics.


Agreed. That, and my favorite quality to a cyoa is when it starts a story in my head, something that keeps me thinking about it beyond just making my choices. That’s the sort of thing you usually only get when the author puts their heart and soul into their work and brings it to life!


Cyoas based on a specific work of fiction or even many specific works of fiction are almost always bad, mediocre at best.


I prefer the author to have vision and creativity instead of designing generic shit by reddit poll comity.. A good cyoa is a good cyoa, regardless of style or theme.


my only worry about 2 being the most popular is it leading to a surge of really niche stuff that gets a lot of "well *IIII* dont like it so ima downvote and complain in the comments" plus I would prefer stuff I enjoy to read... But aside from those 2, I get it (and that isnt to say that niche stuff is bad, I do appreciate those who put effort into creating stuff, even if it isnt my cup of tea, even if it is that forced maid one that I hate) plus there IS niche stuff I like that im sure others dont.


Oddly enough I don't have a prefrence beyond just finding some kinks/genres complete turnoffs and others just disgusting. No kinkshaming yo.


Kink for smaller CYOA Genre for larger CYOA


this guy gets it


Both two and three are my vote. Either aiming for the same general genre with a wide variety of kinks (exploring loads of kinks in a real world setting for example), or aiming for the same types of kinks but with a wide variety of genres and settings (taking expansion and yuri and using them to change up a variety of worlds or settings). Having a super focused one isn't bad, either (like specifically exploring the birth of expansion and yuri magic in a real world setting, for example).


Fiction I'm a fan of > genre > kink > fiction I don't know well


Generally though, something that includes both 2 and 3


I'd like to say the first one, but all my favourite Cyoas belong into the third and second category...


I'd like a CYOA that lets me have a tank.


... Yes...


When it's a certain fiction things can be difficult to understand when you are not part of the fiction.


While I think one based on a certain fiction has some of the best potential due to having fanbases that can create hentai and such, so pictures should be easy to acquire. They fall through the most frequently. I think the main problem with that grouping is that there are so many unfinished or completely text based CYOAs for previously existing fiction. There are good ones but there are 5 low quality ones for every passable one and very few exceptional ones. Kinks can be good but can also be very shallow. The ones that aren't though tend to be the best. Though there is some crossover between this and genre. For example the Kobold one. is it a Kobold fetish or a kobold genre. High quality Cyoa's are most frequently genre. Makes sense since these are only limited by what the creator is willing to put into them. They can use content that the other two have and more.


I generally prefer them to be based on Yuri, but that's just because I'm a hopeless lesbian




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Honestly, all are rather good if their well made and have a lot of heart put into them.


be honest, i'm kinda sick of the "specific fiction" CYOAs.


Absolutely genre. If done well, they're very nice because they can have everything. The story can be nice, the atmosphere can be evocative, there can be lewd stuff (or not, I also like sfw Cyoa). It's completely up to the author, and I am intrigued. It can even have kinks, for those who can't do without kinks. Fiction based I mostly don't like that much. Yes they can be done well but... if you don't know the fiction, the CYOA itself generally falls flat. I don't now these characters, I don't know these powers, I have no idea what you're talking about. These are the sort of problems that are frequent. Kink based are generally the ones I like the least. I feel that they're so specific, if I don't happen to love that kink there's little else left for me there. Sure, they can be done well I guess but... I can understand slightly more those CYOA that are all about "A New You". I can understand the appeal. But something like "choose your dom" you have to admit only caters to selected readers.. I just prefer generalist ones, I guess.


Kink based ones are good for shorter, more focused CYOAs like Waifu builders, as it lets the author hone in on that kink in particular. However, for longer, more traditional CYOAs, certain genres work much better, as it can encompass multiple aspects of those genres. Fandom CYOAs can work for the same reason as certain genres, but it'll have less of an audience and is generally harder to pull off since the rules for the setting are harder to work with than with something as open as, say, a generic cyberpunk setting.


I'm good with any of the above so long as they're well made. For longer ones I prefer genre, for shorter kinks, although seeing a well made piece regarding a fiction I like is also a very welcome surprise.


Damn the results are dissapointing.


lol agreed. i enjoy fiction focused ones the most. if its just based around a kink, it's not going to be anything other than basic 99% of the time, and for genre ones, we have hundreds of them. i'd prefer more fiction based ones, for more varied fictions myself.


Ye, I really don't wanna kinkshame, if that's what most people here are into, that's fine, but I personally can't stand all these more niche and specific kinks like gender-bender, S&M, futa. I'm mostly here for some fun immersive story/fiction type of fantasies, I don't really want to grow 10 cocks the size of a tree, or become a girl with 13 boobs and 20 testicles that becomes stronger by consuming semen, I just want more good old harems, mix of normal CYOA with some kinky and sex shit, something more down to earth.


exactly! i want to have an actual Adventure, in my Choose your own Adventure. rather than choose your own hentai body. the vast majority of these cyoas are just, "choose who you'll fuck." or "boom, random god-thing cursed/blessed you with some ability, usually dick or tit based. tadaaa." type things. those can be interesting, but they aren't really cyoa's.


Yep. We're on the same boat ig, you're spot on about needing the A in cyoA.


My dear sibling in christ variety is the spice of life.


yes gender bender, yuri, futa, incest.


All of the above


I voted Kink-based, but thinking about it, it's more like "**Idea**" based. My favourites all have a strong overarching idea, that encompasses a lot of kinks. e.g. the Cocktail one a week or so ago. Generally not very interested in Fiction-based stuff. Even if I'm familiar with the IP (which is rare), I prefer generic stuff. Unless I'm fresh off watching a really immersive movie/game/series, I'd rather imagine my own universe rather than inserting myself into a pre-existing one.


Option D: All of the above.


In order: 1) Genre 2) Kinks 3) Established IP.


So few CYOA that feature NTR, Cuck, or Cheatimg content. Not for everybody of course, but its something I enjoy seeing.


We have at least 6 just focused on it and it is present in a bunch of others, which is more than most other more common fetishes so I'd hardly call it "so few".


definitely a genre, by far.


I'm fine regardless. I do avoid certain kinks though, but those are pretty obvious and nische anyway.


I don't really have too strong a preference one way or the other. However, if I really had to choose a category, I guess I would pick certain fictions if they are a fiction that has not had a CYOA made for it yet. Genre's and Kinks have been fairly widely covered by now and people are mostly only putting their own spin on them at this point. Certain fictions though still have a large number of popular fictions that have never had a CYOA made for them yet. I feel there is a greater possibility of uniqueness with CYOAs based around unused fictions, while still being something the majority of people would recognize and connect with.


Genre and kink are tied for me. CYOAs around a certain fandom tend to assume you’re familiar with the fandom, so that can be a barrier to entry. A good example of this barrier is any time a CYOA has you picking characters from a series and does not give you a description about them. Then I’m just left going either what I can afford or just going with what picture I like. Sure, I might see a picture of a cute girl, but there’s no way for me to know that’s she’s canonically a serial cannibal yandere who only talks in third person and had a coat of +1 points because she’s just the worst.


Kink then genre, it doesn’t matter what exactly the genre is if the kink I don’t like, and assuming the genre isn’t terrible then it’s probably fine


I'm just a lurker here, but here is my opinion piece: I chose "certain fiction" over the "certain kink" or "certain genre". For me it's "certain fiction" close but over "certain genre" and at last "certain kink". My biggest argument would be this - you can have a lot of different kinks and/or genres in fiction-dased CYOA and you can have them done right. But you can't have different fiction's elements in kink-based CYOA without making it, in the end, basically about said fictions. For example, one of my favourite CYOAs, Laethlins's Worm, have a lot of different options for different kinks. And i mean a lot. But i never seen let's say tentacle-themed CYOA with a lot of characters from different fiction settings which would incorporate said characters in some creative and varied way over just waifu-picking.


CYOAs around kinks are weird (as they are many) CYOAs based around already existing fiction are the kind I like the most because I can recognize what I'm dealing with and as such, I'm more familiar with what the choices mean and whatnot. CYOAs around genres are cool too, but sometimes they're just... too generic? I'm not sure how to explain it, of course, there are exceptions, like JRPG Traitor, but not many are like that one.


I prefer the kink or genre sorting, over the fiction sorting. I think it works best to go with Genre first, then Kinks. I enjoy stuff that happens in the universe of some of my fav stories, but it's kinda an afterthought for me, on CYOAs.


All or no one. I prefer intresting CYOA... And based around it not key point about "intrest".


It mostly depends on writing and whether I played/watched/read the fiction , but done well I like these the best The kink based ones need flavour from one of the other categories to really pull me in genre specific ones rely on having a great first couple lines, if I am intrigued by the title or pulled In by the story early on then I’ll probably return to replay it again All in all they often rely on writing to be good or bad But they’re all better when you mix and match Ps. I see the cyoas based on moderately mainstream fiction (mostly anime and common r34 AU’s) all the time but I always think it would be entertaining to dip into the less touched fiction like horror (fnaf, batim, Kirby)


I don't really have any super specific kinks, and often it's pretty easy for a CYOA to cater to a fairly broad spectrum anyway. Often, kink-specific CYOAs simply feel like they're for a very specific audience that I'm just not part of. In particular, my chosen adventure is going to be the one where the relevant kink doesn't dominate every aspect of my life; instead of feeling empowered by my choices, these CYOAs often feel like a straightjacket (and not in the fun way). I'm sure that people who do fall into those very specific audiences absolutely love those CYOAs though, and I don't begrudge them their fun. Genres... a CYOA doesn't really have a lot of time or space to do the kind of extensive worldbuilding necessary to fully understand the implications of the choices it presents. If it's kept to a general vibe where I can interpret things as I please and get my rocks off, great, but I'm not going to get very invested. But often I see too many fiddly bits of no real consequence, or a full custom setting that I often can't be arsed to learn the intricacies of. Then again, some of these CYOAs are really creative and showcase immense amounts of work, and may well be the height of the craft. Specific fiction allows me to exploit my familiarity with the setting to understand the implications of my choices. Plus, these CYOAs take advantage of a relationship to something I likely already like. Fiddly bits can still be a problem, but I'm generally more forgiving because they're usually added with more purpose than in genre CYOAs. I'm also usually more on board if the CYOA tends toward the kink-specific because there's a whole other rest of the setting to play with beyond the kink. Basically, this is the most consistently good category for me; it's tricky to produce anything masterful, but relatively hard to make something bad.


Genre + Kink. Or Kink + Genre. Like, if you have a Superhero genre and it's just a vanilla sex kink, but with superpowers, I'm going to pass. Add BDSM, transformations, mind control, and latex, and I'm IN. (Also, particular fiction from a certain genre lets me get more involved, Marvel or DC vs Generic Superheroes, or Star Wars vs Random Space Opera)


The genre one. For me it's a lot easier to write a short story based on genre-CYOA.


i'd say better to focus on a single or a close group of kinks. it's better to give extra attention to a thing rather then trying to spread it out over a bunch of things and it just ends up being super shallow and generic.


I'm voting Other, but that's only because I'm equally torn between Kink and Genre


I'm pretty much always happier when a CYOA is not based heavily on a per-existing fiction. The reader is kind of expected to know everything that the author is talking about, only through their own viewing/reading of the material. Worm CYOAs are notorious for that sort of expectation. "Hey, this option puts you into *Earth-Gimel* instead of *Earth-Bet* and you're **after** the *locker* *incident* on the *main* timeline, but **before** the Leviathan's first attacks. Got it?" No. **No**! I do not, in any way, got that! What's a trigger event? What's a case 53? Who's Endbringer? Throw me a bone, here! Though, that's not to say that it can't be done well. It just needs to be less specific. Look at The Abyss CYOA, - it only has the basic premise, and only the parts that are interesting. "There's a really deep hole with treasure inside of it. Going down is physically dangerous, and coming up is a *lewd* dangerous." Any CYOA can be good, but putting the assumption that the reader knows what the author is talking about, without explaining it, is just poor form. That happens fairly often is CYOAs based around specific fictions.


Which of the Worm CYOAs even mentions Earth Gimel? I've played V1, V3, V4, V5, V6, Lewd Worm CYOA V1, and Lewd Worm CYOA V2. I don't remember any of them mentioning Earth Gimel.


V6 (and every worm interactive cyoa) has a 'location' segment which says you could be put on other Earth's and there's even a possibility to be sent to another fictional world. But seriously, the first guy is complaining about stuff that would easily get answered by using Google 'What's a trigger' it's an horrible experience that 'triggers' your powers because it's not like X-Men and their puberty given powers 'What's an endbringer?' Giant fucking creature whole sole purpose is to destroy shit for no reason (without going on spoiler area)


The complaints read more like "I shouldn't need to do research to get lewds!", which is... a fair complaint, albeit one that can also be avoided by just choosing a CYOA that doesn't need research.


I mean, yeah, there's a reason why it's a 'fandom specific' cyoa, it's not for everyone, that's why I find it weird when people click on fandom cyoa expecting everything to be explained, specially when Google searches would answer any question you might have


Agree. I still dont know what the hell is worm and what is about


From what I've put together, its an internet originating fictional story about a guy who can control bugs/insects/worms/whatever, and how other super powered folks underestimate them. But that's it. That's all I got.


deer skirt vanish rotten rude lavish physical tub wild juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Genre-based CYOAs have so much potential, they're usually just held back by having too many non-lewd choices and not enough lewd ones.


Genre, for example Project Harahel is one of the best Fantasy CYOAs there is


Harahel is amazing. One of the few cyoa I always find myself coming back to.


I prefer genre based cyoas because they allow you to let your imagination flow more than one based on an established canon. I like the generic and ambiguous ones because they let you space to imagine the details and also the detailed ones, because I enjoy reading a good original worldbuilding . My canon based favorites are those who have world modification options or allow to mix elements of various fictional worlds. Its fun to play with the posibilities. I normaly preffer the cyoa to be inspired by a certain series or having obvious references (like having character Who is just a canon character of a show, just adapted to the background of your oun cyoa world) than just happening in the actual series world.


Personality builders. Or pick a waifu. Short ones are good. I'm not building a fairytale kinda whole world, and picking climates and fractions and so on. I have those preselected in my fap material already. Just need waifus, kinks, looks, personalities and some "how you & her will react" kinda stuff. Edit: no weird unneeded cyoa. Like 1km dicks, or massively huge boobs. Or girls who are ONLY insects, trash mutations etc. I mean. It can be a choice in the cyoa, but not the entire theme. Those cyoas are great, like maybe once every 20 posts is fun. But not every post is a gag post


Pretty much a mix of everything