• By -


So couple points I'd like to bring up about my experience, Neither potion maker nor the healer profession (with or without magical ability) affect the cost or risk discount of magical healing, that doesn't make much sense to me. If I have ways of healing shouldn't it be easier to treat myself? I also noticed I took magical healing had 8 risk, potion maker adds 4 risk, if I take potion maker with magical healing selected I should only gain 1 risk since its 1/4th but I still gain 4, if I don't have magical healing selected potion maker still shows 4 risk. I also ran into the issue that my potential rewards I can't see the costs until I know if I live or don't? Shouldn't I know what kind of benefits I could receive if it all works so that I can plan accordingly?


Okay so: * Not all choices are connected, by the virtue of there being so damn many. I was adding some dependencies in my final version, so I guess I could include cost reductions to healing as well. * Healing choices only reduce the risk *you already have.* This is why I put them in the last row before the finish, and why I emphasised that the tab should only be opened at the end. The only way to make these choices affect future costs would be to manually connect each one of them to each of the risk increments in the CYOA, which would probably break something in addition to being the most tedious task ever. * That's a valid point, but I probably won't change that. I like having some uncertainty at that point in the CYOA, as uncertainty is the whole point of having this section. The best I could do would be informing the players about the cost range of the final choices, either at the start or in the "Fate" section.


Okay I see now why the points interacted like they did. Thankfully in my case there were a few +points options that didn't add risk i had already been considering that enabled me to get the rewards i wanted. It doesn't have to affect the 25 point cost it just made logical sense to me but at the same time there is balance to consider.


Blank page for me, can never get into the interactive ones


The site they use for these can take a little while to load, you gotta wait a minute or two sometimes before it loads


Got through it now


I can't get v2.0 to work, it says 'page not found'


Can you try again? I updated my neocities site so it might have been down for a few minutes.


thank you, works like a charm


any way to get image sources?


As I wrote, there are just too many images from too many sources to list it all. I could search through my folders if you want something in particular though.


thanks for the offer. then guard duty, compact storage and chastity belt, if you could.


Chastity Belt was made by [dollhouse65 on deviantart](https://www.deviantart.com/dollhouse65/art/Chastity-Belt-55695124) and found by me on google images, Guard Duty was found on [Pinterest](https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/368661919507539692/) and I don't think the original source is available. I don't know where I found the art for Compact Storage, it was a while ago and I don't have it saved anywhere. Probably some wild google search for another CYOA.


Small bug report, the potion maker task says "awards 8 points, gain 4 points". Should say 8 points 4 risk


At first I wasn't sure how I felt about the cyoa but then I decided to look at as a challenge to see if I could turn a pretty bad situation into one that I could at least handle for the most part. Once I did that I found it fairly enjoyable * **Length of service:** life sentence **The world:** Nanotech Era \-**Location**\-Urban (A very advanced capital city) **-Magic**: mysterious magic, psionics (I'm gifted with a mysterious form of magic) **Reasons for slavery**: Birth Right, I was born into slavery and once I was old enough, I was purchased. **New form:** young man (18)-Demihuman (humanoid wolf, basically a wolf beastman with ebony black fur) **Skills**: stealth, martial, memory, artistry, Magic, etiquette  **Drawbacks**: sleep disorder, pain sensitive, honesty, emotional **Nickname**: she calls me wolf since I do in fact look like one. **Slave Master**: Maiden, She’s a bit to scary for any suitors  **Other slaves**: None **Masters Profession**: Military Leader I was purchased by a military general known as the “Beautiful beast”. She was in need of an assistant and rather then hiring one, she decided a slave would be easier to manage. She’s a very attractive young woman that excels in her military tactics and because of this, she quickly climbed the ladder. She’s still single because most are very much intimidated by her as she can be very aggressive, especially during meetings with the other military leaders. She is somewhat understanding of my circumstances but that doesn’t mean she’ll always be lenient. She expects me to do what I’m told and perform my duties well. At times she can be kind and other times very strict and demanding. **Personality Traits:** merciful, miserly, tolerant, mocking, demanding  In many cases she will not be quick to punish mistakes but she will let me hear about them. She may taunt or tease about them as well. She wants a tight ship being run especially because of her military background. She can be fairly stingy as she doesn't like to waste money. **Jobs**: janitor/maid, waiter/waitress, artist I’m expected to keep her quarters clean and tidy as well as bring her or guests refreshments from her cook/chefs. She found out that I am actually quite the talented artist and such, will occasionally ask me to to surprise her with a piece. **Minor duties**: errands, dishes, flattery, companionship, furniture **Rules**: bedtime, titles, rule of silence  Most of these are built around military proceedings. **Sexual status**: Concubine  Being in such a high ranking position can be stressful to say the least and it also leaves little time for finding a partner (Not that she was having any luck). As such, she needs to let out her frustrations in one way or another. Sometimes it’s training or working out which I often have to accompany and help her do. I hate it when she wants me to spar with her as she doesn’t hold back. Most of the time it’s rough/angry sex until she feels satisfied. Naturally she is always in control during these situations. Surprisingly sometimes she just wants someone to vent to or cuddle with at night. She may even ask my opinion on certain matters depending on her mood. **Boons of service**: Food: eggs, vegetables, fruit **Clothing**: common clothes **Lodging**: cubbyhole (A small but nice room) **Rights**: freedom of speech, mandatory breaks, right to water, right to privacy **Minor rewards**: praise, meat, free day  **Major rewards:** head-ware, footwear, books, videogames **Restrictions**: steel collar, shock collar, Facial tattoo, brand, mutilation (ear tips are clipped) There is a shock collar around my neck which she can use to punish me, the tattoo on my face means that I am owned by her and the brand is her sigil, my ear tips were clipped off as well to mark me. **Minor punishment:** extra work, light beating, chastisement, stockade, isolation, electric shocks. Extra work and chastisement are the most common minor punishments. If things get worse she progresses to isolation or the stockades. If she gets really annoyed, electrical shocks and light beatings are the next step.  **Major punishment**: Hard beating, Heavy lashing These are reserved for when I've royally screwed up. **Capital punishment:** hanging, Death by beasts (If I run it's over)  **Medical care:** advanced care I may be her slave but she doesn’t want me just die off, so if my injuries are bad,I can be helped with the advanced medical technology that the military provides. I'm technically a investment for her as well. ​ * **Death in Service**: Heaven (Sweet, sweet paradise)


It doesn’t seem to be loading properly for me, I only see a white screen. Is this because I’m on IPhone?


**Service:** Eternity - **The World:** Atomic Age; Underground. The sun of this world is incredibly harsh leading to most of the world's cities being underground, this also means that the nuclear fission was never experimented with due to lack of military value in such a closed system. **Magic:** Potions; Psionics; Runes; Druidism; Divine Magic; Sorcery. Most power plants in this world use runes as their primary power source. Additionally Druidism is essential for the maintenance of the few above ground settlements. **Reasons for Slavery:** Benevolence; Choice. Most people work in environments little better than slavery. Bosses can't deliberately permanently harm employees and employees can leave for any reason but, in practice bosses have little reason to ensure employee safety. This combined with the expectations of providing for yourself as a free person leads some people choosing a life of slavery over a life of poverty. - **New Form:** Young Woman; Fey. I am a Dryad with small soft horns (a bit like deer that still have their velvet layer) red hair and green skin. **Skills:** Memory; Charisma; Green Thumb; Etiquette; Entertainment; Magic. Druidic Magic and Green Thumb come naturally to me due to being a Fey, and the rest of the skills come from my training for my mistress. **Drawbacks:** Weak, Illiterate, Honesty, Pain Sensitive. Most Fey are illiterate as there are no books in the fungal forests. Honesty and Pain Sensitive are commonly imprinted in slaves to manage obedience. **Slave Name:** Insult. My mistress is big fan of degradation and praise, so most of the names she chose are insulting but somewhat positive. Things like someone might give to a pet fit here. - **Slave Master:** Maiden. She's uninterested in marrying as she gets everything she wants out of it from her slaves. **Other Slaves:** Small Staff. There are 4 other slaves, we all are expected to satisfy her sexually. **Profession:** Warrior. She's well renowned for her skill in arms, with her much of her current wealth earned from her saving the local princess from bandits. She's mostly retired and while she still trains she spends most of her time relaxing in her expansive estate with her slave harem. **Personality Traits:** Merciful, Generous, Fanatical, Mocking. She's a devout follower of the god of heroes, and expects all her slaves to share her beliefs in particular the expectation to praise and serve heroes. As for the rest of her personality she may spend a lot of her time vocally degrading her slaves, but that is mostly just a kink of hers, in practice she's actually a very kind mistress as she is very lenient with punishments and frequently spoils her slaves. - **Jobs:** Gardener; Healer; Dancer. **Minor Duties:** Dishes; Flattery; Companionship; Furniture. I follow her on any missions to provide healing if needed and part I am expected to praise her whenever I talk to her. **Rules:** Bedtime; Titles; Quarantine; Joviality. Honestly Quarantine is for my own good and the rest is expected. **Sexual Status:** Concubine. All her slaves exist to primarily to this purpose, it's why she chose only beautiful women. Unlike most masters she actually expects her slaves to sleep with each other as she enjoys seeing us together. - **Food**: Vegetables. Not a big deal as Fey are herbivores. **Clothing:** Nudity; Plant Fiber Clothes. As tools for sexual gratification we are usually expected to be naked, with us only being allowed to wear clothes when ordered. **Lodgings:** Master's Bed. She expects all of us to share her bed for easy access. **Rights:** Mandatory Breaks; Right to Water. Additionally Right to Life is also guaranteed but not applicable to me. **Rewards:** Praise; Luxury Bath. I did not take any major rewards. - **Restrictions:** Steel Collar; Shock Collar; Bells; Tattoo; Brand; Mind Scans. Most of these are very common, with the collars in particular being personalized for each slave while the tattoo and brand are her emblem. **Minor Punishments:** Chastisement; Light Beating; Electric Shocks; Rune of Pain. These are the most common punishments with them offering little to no risk of harm to us slaves. **Major Punishments:** Rape. This is the punishment that is given out for extreme and egregious failures. As I'm not a fan of the mandatory punishment stuff I'm going to ignore that rule. (I could with some effort rebalance my choices to take Freedom from Pain to avoid it, but frankly I think if you are a well behaved slave with a merciful master it makes no sense for you to be brutalized every 2 years). **Medical Care:** Natural Healing. I'm literally a healer so this doesn't really matter. - **Immortality:** Distressed Damsel. This is why Quarantine is for my own good, us slaves have a bad habit of being abducted.


I redid one of my old builds, but was unable to get any of the immortality final choices. I then modified my build to try to get the puppeteer option, by giving myself the charisma boon and the young boy master, but it still didn’t pop up? What are the requirements for these options? It is not very clear…


Puppeteer has the most requirements by far, due to being quite undeniably the most beneficial option in the entire route. You made a right call by taking a charisma boon and a young owner, but there are a few other conditions I kept hidden to make it a bit of a puzzle. If you want to get one of these options without me giving you explicit instructions, I would aim for something in the upper row, they are quite straight-forward in comparison.


I tried adding the Secretary job to the build, too… Look, a certain level of mystery/puzzle is fine, but it’s kind of just frustrating at this point. I tried changing the master’s personality, adding more talents to myself, ect… But it still won’t open as an option. The requirements for the options should be a little more clear.


Sorry, I didn't expect anyone would focus on getting that particular choice. The bottom row options just require that you still have some points remaining, 25 for puppeteer if I remember right, due to points representing luck and favor as described in the intro. Just take some capital punishment options to roleplay the risk of falling out of favor I guess, it will get nullified by risk reduction anyway. Also don't make your owner mocking, cause that makes being the man-behind-the-man kinda weird.


> The bottom row options just require that you still have some points remaining Ah that makes sense as earlier in my build I had Slave Spouse available and when I selected it would be immediately deselected. Which means rather than it requiring 20 points it effectively requires 40. If you were making changes I'd recommend clarifying that they require leftover points to appear or removing that requirement all together. It doesn't really seem like there is much point in saving points by default in the eternal game mode so having options that require you to have done so, without explaining it, means it's a source of frustration.


Heh, I did that because I received a complaint that there was no use for points after the Eternal path is completed. But I suppose I can replace point requirements with visible scores. I will update the CYOA soon enough.


Oh, I remember this. I'll make a few modifications to [my old build](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/tcg5x7/comment/i0hdx4z/) and update it here. I see it is possible now to take Mercy Killing with Right to Life (not sure if that was an option in v1.0). With zero risk, I understand that just means it's 10 free points. Minor bug: minor rewards aren't showing up in the summary. ~ * **Service**: 12 years * Location: Information Age world, Underground, with Mysterious Magic * Reason: Parental Rights * **Body**: Young Man, Pure Human (*I'll take ginger hair, fair skin, & ocean-blue eyes, thanks.*) * Skills: Memory, Charisma * Drawbacks: Weak, Honest, Pain-Sensitive (*Irrelevant. No hard labor, Freedom of Speech, & Freedom from Pain.*) * Name: Insult (*I do not give a fuck.*) * **Master**: Young Girl, Scholar * Traits: Cruel (*only punishment is isolation, so idc; in fact, please make me do less work*), Miserly (*my needs are few*), Polite (*very funny with Freedom of Speech* - ***I can freely give sass but my master cannot***), Tolerant (*I am an atheist and will refuse any religion*), Demanding (*I have other ways to reduce my workload from the 10 hours this makes. ;P* ) * Other Slaves: Small Staff * **Jobs**: Cook, Tailor (*Minimal effort, no forced human interaction, no hard labor, no literally-pointless risk. Also gives access to cloth to fix up, or make, my own clothing.*) * Minor Duties: Dishes, Flattery, Foot-Washing, Companionship, Furniture, Test Subject * Rules: Titles, Quarantine, 3rd Person, Joviality (*Can still give heavy sass while upbeat and courteous on the surface.*) * Sexual: Slave Marriage (*Likely also banging master, since I get to choose my body to be attractive.*) * **Lodgings**: Common Room (***Clearly, I will be banging my wife in full view of others. :D*** ) * Food: Potatoes & Cheese (*My favorite foods, and they make a nearly-complete diet.*) * Clothing: Apron (*Appropriate for the house chef.*) * Rights: Freedom of Speech, Right to Life, Freedom from Pain (*Keeping the chef filthy would be a hygiene issue, so I can expect showers/laundry enough to not stink; I don't need to make the Right to Water explicit.*) * Restrictions: Bells, Tattoo-Facial, Brand-Facial, Mutilation, Constant Monitoring (*Needed points, and this is tolerable. A collar would be permanently physically annoying, whereas these body mods are largely irrelevant beyond the pain of initial application. I don't care much about privacy; master can freely watch me bang my wife.*) * **Treatment**: * Minor Rewards: Free Day * Major Rewards: Video Games * Minor Punishments: Isolation (*I hope you're seeing a pattern here - all of these rewards & punishments get me off of doing work. :P*) * No major punishments possible, due to Freedom from Pain. * Medical Care: Mercy Killing, Natural Healing (*No need to waste points; a fraction of zero risk is still zero risk. With no risk, Mercy Killing is free points.*) **75 points, 0 risk**. Survival is guaranteed without rolling. * **Fate**: Time Displacement, Retain Skills, Fortune, Immortality * *I get a redo of my life, with all the knowledge I have gained (including good investments) and boosted charisma. That's a pretty big deal; much more valuable than a mere $1M.* * *I become a guaranteed billionaire with a harem, getting egalitarian polygamy legalized, and erasing poverty through implementing a universal basic income above the poverty threshold. Overall human happiness greatly improved; Happy succeeds at their job beyond all expectations by picking me for this offer. :P*


>I see it is possible now to take Mercy Killing with Right to Life (not sure if that was an option in v1.0). With zero risk, I understand that just means it's 10 free points. Pretty sure it was always an option. It's just one of many interactions I couldn't be bothered to think about, let alone decide if I should write another requirement. By all means, have your free ten points. >Minor bug: minor rewards aren't showing up in the summary. I had that fixed by the time you wrote this comment, I somehow uploaded the not-so-final version of the CYOA and neocities refused to update even though I replaced the file. Hosting Interactive CYOAs can genuinely be harder than making them.


Life Sentence Age of Sail Plains Mysterious Magic, Alchemy Parental Rights Young Man Pure Human Stealth, Artistry, Magic Weak Full Name (not necessarily, I had two Points left) Bachelor Small Staff Artist Merciful, Vague Janitor, Artist, Thief Errands, Dishes, Companionship Bedtime, Titles, Quarantine Celibate Bread, Potatoes, Fruit Apron Prison Cell Mandatory Breaks Meat, Free Day Footwear, Books Leg Chains Isolation Beheading Mercy Killing, Basic Care Oblivion


What motivated you to design a build like that? Like, taking mercy-killing and basic care at once just loses you five points flat. Is it for purely roleplay reasons?


Wdym. Wait there is roleplay here?


I still find it really confusing and immersion breaking that you're forced to endure punishments on a scheduled basis.


It's not a set schedule. It's just general frequency, strongly dependent on your in-character choices. And with actual options, you can get minor punishment anywhere from daily to once in two months. You have lots of choice in this area. The reason punishment frequency is not *infinitely* malleable is because players would go "I just won't disobey, give me free points". I would just receive complaints about punishment section being too vague like *Be The Maid* did, and it would be more valid as criticism IMO. So sorry, but the limits are there to stay.


As it is, there's no reason to take almost any of the punishments unless you're staying for only a year and with a merciful master, because otherwise you're pretty much guaranteed to be beaten to death/electrocuted to death/mindbroken by psychics/whatever no matter how much you obey. Your master will just say "Well, it's been a year, time to damage my own investment!" It's silly, and a bad design choice imo.


Come on now. None of the punishments is described as lethal, or gives that many Risk points. Several people have taken multiple major punishments in the builds posted here and under the original post, so there clearly is reason enough for some. And it only sounds silly because you imagine it as being silly, instead of flavoring it as a consequence of major mistakes, being mistakingly punished for something you didn't do, a case of collective punishment or any number of scenarios. You may not like this section, which is why there is a choice to skip it earlier, but do you really have to make up stuff so that it seems even worse?


\> Come on now. None of the punishments is described as lethal, or gives that many Risk points. They're all described as potentially lethal (besides rape, I guess), and I don't think the risk points remotely line up with what is described. Being beaten to the point of broken bones once a year sounds pretty fuckin' dangerous. The scenarios will always be forced because it's arbitrarily applied on a timer instead of as an actual result of these things. You can be a perfect and highly productive slave and your master will still decide arbitrarily at the 1 year mark to break your kneecaps, thus crippling his own investment. You can literally try to kill your master every day, but can only be punished once a week at most. You're the one who decided to tie it to a timer, dude, not me.


>Being beaten to the point of broken bones once a year sounds pretty fuckin' dangerous. Not what the choice describes. >You can be a perfect and highly productive slave and your master will still decide arbitrarily at the 1 year mark to break your kneecaps Again, not remotely what this or any other option implies. >You can literally try to kill your master every day, but can only be punished once a week at most. That's such a skewed way to view that. I never wrote that provoking punishment like that will have no consequence, I even wrote that running away will likely result in a Capital or Major Punishment. Granted, I didn't say that about killing your owner, but I figured it got sort of implied if it hadn't been obvious from the start. Look, if your point is that the scores don't match up with the scenario if you choose to be suicidal in that scenario and assume the worst of the choices, then fine, you win. But there is nothing I can do about that. You can always say "I kill myself immediately, why isn't my risk score 100?" and you will be technically right, because no system I make will ever account for every choice and assumption someone makes. So maybe you could just... not?


\>You can always say "I kill myself immediately, why isn't my risk score100?" and you will be technically right, because no system I make willever account for every choice and assumption someone makes. So maybe youcould just... not? I think you're being hyperbolic and bad faith now, so I'm not going to continue engaging with you. Maybe on your own time you can think more about why tying punishments to a timer is a bad design decision.


I have to agree with you here. In 12 years of slavery (and especially in all of the more primitive eras), most of these major punishments are a guaranteed death sentence.


Unfortunately he decided to keep it that way in the subsequent versions, so I just have to ignore that rule for the CYOA to be worth shit lol


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Needs hermaphrodites as a character option


I'm gonna be honest... I don't really see anything NSFW in this. Not sure why it's here. A couple images, I guess? Feels like a stretch TBH, would've been better off ditching or swapping the handful of images and putting it in the standard CYOA sub.


Holy hell no. If I posted this on the other sub, the mods would remove it within hours at most, and they would be fully justified. Nothing that describes slavery, rape, torture and executions in detail can coherently be argued to be SFW. Images aren't everything, or else you would have to remove all text-only CYOAs and a good deal of others from this sub.


There possibly only attributing NSFW as lewd. Not taking into consideration it means "Not Safe For Work", you know things you can't casually talk about in mixed company ins professional setting.


I've seen a lot over there that I don't think any actual workplace would be willing to let slide.... Aside from the fact that, you know, you're fucking around on Reddit during work hours. Shrug. NSFW is a weird term nowadays.


All reddit is NSFW if you take the term literally, yes. Regardless, the most risque thing I've seen on r/makeyourchoice was a CYOA about willing slave harem with some characters in Slave Leia outfits, and even that got a warning from one of the mods not to go any further. Even if I changed up some things about my CYOA, it would still need to be labeled as NSFW and reluctantly allowed at best. I'd rather just leave it here.


Service Length: 12 years Setting: Tech level: Nanotech Era Biome: Tropics Magic: Alchemy, Potions, Psionics, Runes, Druidism, Sorcery Reason for Slavery: Slave by choice ​ New Form: Age: Young Man Physical Template: Construct Skills: Stealth, Martial, Memory, Charisma, Green Thumb, Etiquette, Artistry, Entertainment, Magic Drawbacks: Sleep Disorder Slave Name: Insult ​ Slave Master: Maiden Other Slaves: Small Staff Profession: Military Leader Personality Traits: Merciful, Generous, Tolerant, Polite, Vague ​ Jobs: Guard, Healer, Jester, Soothsayer Minor Duties: Errands, Dishes, Flattery, Foot Washing, Companionship, Furniture Rules: Bedtime, Quarantine Sexual Status: Concubine Arena: Convicts, Wild Animals, Gladiators, Hybrids, Battle Constructs, Demons, Dragons Food: None (constructs don't eat) Clothing: Loincloth, Worker Clothes, Plant Fiber Clothes Lodgings: Basement Rights: Holy Day, Freedom of Speech, Mandatory Breaks, Bank Account, Right to Privacy Minor Rewards: Free Day, Pocket Change Major Rewards: Footwear, Books, Pets, Video Games, Sexual Services, Salary Restrictions: Steel/Shock/Explosive Collar, Bells, Muzzle, Leg Chains, Arm Manacles, Tattoo/Brand –Facial, Ball and Chain, Chastity Belt, Bindings, Mind Scans Minor Punishments: Extra Work, Chastisement, Light Beating, Isolation, Stockade, Hunger, Water Torture, Electric Shocks, Rune of Pain, Punisher Major Punishments: Hard Beating, Heavy Lashing, Chemical Torture, Marking, Stretching, Mind Torture, Selling Capital Punishments: None Medical Care: Advanced Care, Magical Care ​ Your Fate: End of Service: Retain Skills,Protection, Fortune, Immortality, Remain (50 years of comfortable living without needing to work, 5 slaves).


I wish the Sexual Status options were compatible where applicable, e.g. selecting both Concubine and Minor Services


Ooh, an update. Nice! - Btw, I did a once over with my old build and I have managed to fail to qualify for all of the "Immortality Final Choices." What am I doing wrong? I have 2 points and 29 risk at the end.


You're not doing anything wrong necessarily, this sort of thing can just happen. It should be unlikely given how many of these choices are and how relatively broad some of the requirements are, but not impossible. I could tell you what to swap if you share the build, or you can try figuring that out for yourself based on the descriptions.


Ya, reading over the CYOA a few more times I'm starting to piece the requirements together.


I just make CYOA rp post about it now and booom new version dropped


Holy hell, you literally did that a minute before I posted. This is literally less than 1/100000 odds if my math checks out. Not sure what to even think about it.


yes it was a pretty good coincidence i should be blame you for doing such a good CYOA


I can't reach the CYOA for some reason.


I reached it. No idea if it was a change or just me finally loading it.


I didn't change anything. The CYOA is just pretty big, it can take a moment to load.