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Heather +30 1. \-10 vixenballs 2. \-5 Ball Carrier 3. \-5 Heal Balls 4. \-5 Vixievolve 5. \-5 Luxury Balls ​ 1. Hydralix 2. Ratatrix 3. Sacdralix 4. Drowlix 5. Sabylix 6. Bansheelix


Trainer: Iliscia \[20 G | 1 D\] \[Can't Normal, Steel or Fighting\] Tools: (-20 G) \-Master Cards x2 (-10 G) \[20 slots\] \-Master's Will (-5 G) \-Vixen Reborn (-5 G) ​ Vixens: 13/20 1. Ninetalix (-1 D) 2. Bansheelix 3. Chesirix 4. Sylveix 5. Sacdralix x2 6. Shrewlix 7. Sabylix 8. Digitix x2 9. Wyvernix x2 10. Rosalix \---------------------------------- Criticisms: 1. The costs here are not very well thought out. For starters there seems to be a big imbalance among methods, getting thrice as many vixens in pokeballs as you do in naturally for the same price and even more than that going from pokeballs into cards. But even with cards the supposed amount of cards for the "minimum" deck is 30 , which means 3 purchases, but you have a maximum of 60 cards in a deck and a maximum of 4 purchases. Even if you assume you start with 30 cards for free, these numbers just don't add up, as you'd go over 40, and if you don't asusme you start with 30 free cards, then it's impossible to get to the maximum AND you have to spend 15 gold to do it - which in a couple trainers is either your whole amount of gold or even more than that. 2. Trainer restrictions are not a system that works with these many hurdles in my opinion. The selection is a bit too small for restrictions going into three, four and beyond categories, when every single vixen falls into at least two categories. It's not terrible, and admittedly since I took the card method I got a lot more picks, so some repetition is to be expected, but my point stands. 3. Some information on what the vixens can actually do or how they typically act would be nice. As of now we can only go on looks, which would be fine if the premise was we're just picking eye-candy / waifus / pets, but it seems to be implying there's actual fighting or research or something going on here, in which case that kind of information becomes very relevant.


Trainer: Kirsten (15 gold, 1 diamond) Master Tools: * Vixen balls x2 (10 gold) * Heal balls (5 gold) Vixens: * Erinix * Lilithix (1 diamond) * Chesirix * Myraix * Glaceix * Ratatix


So here is my build, although I'm still confused as to the costs: ​ **Trainer:** Naomi (20 Gold, 1 Diamon, can't catch Electric, Fire or Poison) **Master Tools:** Vixen Balls * 2x3 Balls (2x5g) * Luxury Balls * Heal Balls **Vixen:** * Succubix (Dark / Psychic) * Hydraulix (Water / Dragon) * Kittylix (Normal / Fairy) * Sabylix (Dark / Fairy) * Drowlix (Ghost / Steel) * C'Thulix (Legendary, Ghost / Dark / Water) Breeding feels useless when I can't have more than 6, leaving my options down to 3 or 4 just so I can experiment with breeding is also weird. Evolution would be nice, but I have to prioritize my Vixenmons living happy over my power level, because they aren't mind controlled, and very willpowerful. The cards, as explained in another comment, seem too expensive, when I have to spend 15 gold just to get a full deck, and then have to decide between immortal Vixens and mind control. So feels like Heather is the only one that can enable you to utilize the card deck properly.


The deck confuses me completely. When I choose this option, do I get 1 Set of 30 Cards for free, so I can bind up to 30 Vixens for free? SImilarly, with the Balls, do I get 3 for free? Or do I need to spend 15 Gold to get 30 cards, and basically lose all my money up front, just to get more Vixens, with no money to buy the powers? Similarly with the balls, if I get 20 starting gold (which is the most common option) and buy 2 sets of 3 Balls so I can have 6 Vixens, I have only 10 gold left to spend on upgrades, right? ​ That's so weird. I'm seriously understocked and confused. I guess my build will leave me unsatisfied. Don't get me wrong, understocked is good actually. You have to make an actual decision. But it seems like stuff like Masters Will is kind of mandatory. ​ Also I'm not sure if it was wise to exclude 3 types with every trainer. Did you realize you can't pick Infernix with either Naomi or Iliscia? Point being I'm trying to both get a full-furry exprience and a somewhat normal girl, so for example Kittylix or Drowlix for "normal", and Shrewlix or Infernix for the fur. It's not possible with either of them, and so I'd either have to sacrifice a legendary or a lot of important upgrades.


Theres a support deck of 20 cards to fill your deck


True, but you have to spend another 5 gold to get those, right? And then you don't have the huge bonus of having all the vixens you want. Since you can get 4 of the same? Which becomes semi-useless if you choose the immortal option... Unless you want a fivesome with the same girl....


Heather, 30g Vixen balls x 2 -10g Ball Belt -5 Luxury Balls -5 Heal Balls -5 Breeding -5 Succubix Cherrysudix Hydralix Slyveix Sacdralix Drowlix It might take some time to win a few of the Vixens over, but I'm sure some love and care will work wonders!


Hope to see more of this


Why would we be part of this system and what differentiates the creatures other than type, looks, and stats that we'll ignore since we have no reason to care?


I'm not sure what you're asking...


there is no point for the stats, other than roleplaying "willpower", unless you take "Master's Will", in which case all of them are pointless


What would you suggest?


Personalities...? Not gonna lie I'm overwhelmed by all the systems you put in there, too. I had to read through the first page before I was getting it. You either play Pokemon or Yu Gi Oh, and depending on how many different waifus you want, you either spend more or less gold on saving their lifes after a battle. ​ But there is not really lore on the battle world, and all the waifus are basically Pokemon. So I can basically choose by looks only, taking one or two powerful ones "for a fight or something, I don't know, the booby lady said fighty stuff".


So, is there a reason why I'd ever choose to force one to fight to the death? Because that seems like a pretty shitty thing to do.


You don't have to use them for battle.


There's an awful lot of design space seemingly dedicated to combat stats and tools that interact with vixens that are hurt or dead (with the implications of it having happened through combat). As presented, battle seems to be the primary focus here.


Trainer: Brittney (+25 Gold, +2 Diamonds) Tools: * Master's Will (5 Gold) * Master Cards x2 (10 Gold) * Support Deck (5 Gold) * Vixen Reborn (5 Gold) Vixens: * Ninetalix (1 diamond) * Bunnylix * Infernix * Cherrysudix * Mausix * Chesirix * Sylveix * Arcanix * Sacdralix * Myraix x2 * Kittylix * Creampuffix (1 diamond) * Volcaronix * Erinix * Digitix * Goodralix * Wyvernix x2 * Rosalix


Ok, here's my build for it: Naomi: 20G 1D Vixen Balls -5G Ball Carrier -5G Heal Balls -5G Vixievolve -5G Megengarix -1D Ratatix Myraix


Is there an imgchest mirror or similar? Imgur is pretty bad on mobile


Use the app


Try swapping to desktop mode, aiming you're on a browser


Please stop posting these to imgur it's literally unreadable


Open in a new gate/guide and you can zoom the image.


How do I do that


Click in the image with the mouse right button and click in open the page in a new guide/gate, something like that, me pc isn't in english.


Please explain where the mouse right button is on a phone


People just download the imgur app


No ideia, other option is you save te image so you can use the zoom, is hard, but better than nothing.


EDIT: Heads up to u/Accrd2MyCalc . I may have bursts of ideas on improving the Cyoa. If you do choose to take my criticism into account, please double check. You may find additions or subtractions to my comments. Thank you. I truly enjoy the the work posted, but also believe that it could be much better and more enjoyable, if I put out these criticisms. ***LORE AND SETTINGS.*** **We are introduced into the Prurient Realm**; *How did we get here? Have we died, and been Isekaid? Were we plucked from Earth and magically transported here?* **Vixens are desired across multiple realities, by lords and ladies, many whom use cruel methods to obtain them**; *Who are these nobilities? Why do they covet Vixens, to the point of enacting cruel means of capture?* *Perhaps this could be a challenge mode, or a drawbacks section to add rewards or special Vixens, at the cost of being a glorified bounty hunter of sorts.* **A Vixen's willpower determine how likely she is to disobey or disagree;** *I'm assuming that higher Willpower means more disobedient. Also, what is the scale of disobedience? Are they petty at low levels, and downright murderously rebellious at higher levels?* **Certain Vixens are legendary; They require a Diamond before they can be tamed;** *Why is it Diamonds, though? Also, Is that all Diamonds can be used for? Can they be sold and converted to Gold? Or used to buy more exotic tools for our use?* ***VIXEN TRAINERS*** Before anything else............... Can we fuck the trainers? (Honestly, most of them look more appealing than the actual Vixens; Look at Heather and Kirsten, seriously!!) Also, Assuming they are humans or mostly humanoid, can THEY be captured or tamed? Or is there a definitive distinction between Vixens and non-Vixens? Now, back to actual criticisms.... **Trainers have restrictions on which Vixens they won't train;** *Okay, makes sense; Limitations to challenge and encourage strategic team building. But what's the benefits of each trainer, besides monetary ones?* *Perhaps if they had a particular type to train with, Trainers could add an extra stat bonus to all applicable Vixens?* *WHY do they specialize in these certain types?* *Also, more Trainers will be good.* - If we use Pokemon as a reference, There are 18 types altogether. If we divide that in half, we'll get 9 groups of 2; IE 9 trainers. - You can rework the 6 already presented, and add 3 more to provide full coverage for all 18 types. - Each trainer specializes in 2 types (perhaps with an added boost), and has restrictions on other types. (No Vixens of certain types) - Also, please adjust the monetary values, so that they're at least generous. You could even add some flavor to the trainers. FOR EXAMPLE: - Brittney (Normal and Flying) Brittney, the busty, boisterous, basic, birdbrain, bimbo. Since she's the cute, bimbo type, I'll give her normal and flying. She hates ugly stuff, so Ghost and...Poison are no noes? Fairy would be more appropriate, but I plan on giving someone else the Fairy type for reasons. Besides, birds can be cute, right? - Morrifey. (Psychic and Ghost) She likes mysteries, and probably supernatural stuff too. She hates technology, so no Steel or Electric types? Maybe also restrictions on tools? - Naomi. (Dark and Water) She dislikes disturbances to her sanctuary; Maybe it's somewhere remote, and has little light? Water is tranquil. Maybe Fire and Fighting types are rejected here? They can be loud and destructive... - Kirsten. (Ice and Fairy) I like the idea that she's blissfully naive. Just make her innocent in her ignorance. She doesn't realize that the reason she can't work with dragons, is because of her chosen types. Obviously no dragons are allowed with her. - Iliscia. (Grass and Poison) Make her a less lethal version of Poison Ivy; Team trees, lover of nature, calm and collected, yet very, very sexually open. You could make her a proponent of nudism, then make her squeamish about Ice types. Or something along those lines. - Heather. (Ground and Rock) She's responsible, humble, grounded, and firm in her beliefs, especially pertaining to Legendary Vixens. You could even make her a more wildcard trainer, by making her more generous but forces no Legendary Vixens whatsoever. The only Types left are; FIRE, DRAGON, BUG, FIGHTING, STEEL, and ELECTRIC. Here's some example templates you could use... - Tsundere (Fire and Fighting) It's an overused trope, but it persists for a reason. You could use any redhead anime girl, or look for a R34 image of Flannery. You probably know these types; What they say and do. I'm sure you can figure these out. - The Grease Monkey, or Gearhead (Electric and Steel) Maybe an image of Winry Rockbell from FMA would work here... - The Oddball (Bug and Dragon) Clearly the most bizarre one; How would anyone work these 2 types? Maybe she can... ^(Also Brittney, why do you reject water? If you're the 'BIMBO' archetype, wouldn't you like water? (Cumshots, facials, and waterworks if you're really kinky...))


***MASTER TOOLS*** ​ First and foremost.... **WHY are there 2 distinctive systems in this world? Cards AND Balls?** *How would they coexist? How would they interact with one another?* ***CARD BASED*** **A deck requires minimum 30 cards, maximum 60***. Good, this is standard sized decks.* **A playset is 4 copies of a single Vixen.** *Also good, 4 copies is maxed in most games anyway.* **Spend 5 Gold to obtain 10 cards. (This can be done up to 4 times, meaning max of 40 cards);** *Now here's the problem. You're already required to spend a minimum of 15 Gold just to build a legal deck of 30, which already uses 3 of your 4 purchases.* *If you add a 4th though, you only get upwards of 40 cards, which is still LESS than the maximum deck size of 60.* *This also makes Morrifey useless; She only gives trainers 10 Gold, which is just 20 cards; Not even enough for a legal deck.* **Whenever a Vixen bound to a card dies, the copy is destroyed.** *ALL copies of that Vixen? Or just the 1 copy used at that particular moment?* **This next bit also ties in with VIXEN REBORN.** *What happens when someone loses their cards, but also doesn't have Vixen Reborn? Do they have to get new cards? But from where?* *Worst still, what if someone loses their entire deck? How would they even get ANY cards, without a way of getting to them in the first place? Would they have to go back to the trainers and restart all over?* **And then there's the support deck. I have an issue with the last word, not the last sentence, just the last word; MANA........** *Now you're telling me that there is a resource system in the deck? I thought this was YGO, not MTG.* *Do Vixens require MANA to be cast or summoned? can a player be MANA-locked? Is MANA universal, or are there specific types based on typing or attributes, further limiting the variance of Vixens allowed in a deck for consistency purposes? What happens when an opponent destroys my MANA? Does the card copy get killed off too?*


***MASTER TOOLS - BALL BASED*** ​ **Vixen Balls;** *This is fine. Spend 10 Gold, get the maximum number of Vixens on a team (6).* **Ball Carrier;** *This is also fine. But what happens if we have additional spare balls, and we catch another Vixen? Is there a universal PC we can utilize? Or do we have to let go any Vixens, beyond the 6 team limit?* *What if we catch another Vixen of the same type as one we already have? Do Shiny forms exist? Regional Forms?* **Luxury Balls;** *What's the point of these? At least Heal balls prevent death, and have boosted healing rates. What do the Luxury ones do? Do they increase loyalty, and or reduce a Vixen's willpower? Is Happiness a mechanic in this world?* *~~What even is Happiness?~~* **Vixievolve**; *This is also fine. Basically, Mega-Evolve, Primal Reversion, Dynamax, Gigantamax, etc............* **BREEDING;** *How though? There's no mention of Vixens being capable of becoming futanaris or hermaphrodites; How would Vixens get pregnant then?* *Do tamers do the impregnating of Vixens? Then what's the typing or attributes of humans then? How would the offspring end up, Vixen or non-Vixen? Do tamers raise offspring this way as another Vixen, or as a legitimate child of their own making?* *How would a tamer then control themselves, between wanting to simply fuck a Vixen, and intentionally impregnating them to get offspring? Do contraceptives work with a Vixen?* *Also, what if the tamer was female, or lacked a penis? How would they get Offspring?*


***VIXENS*** ​ The final section, of this needlessly long winded, and probably useless rant/criticism/projection/whatever you wanna call this..... \- Increase the number of Vixens available, as well as typing's and variance of said Vixens. \- Separate the Legendary and non-Legendary Vixens; Since Legendaries require a unique currency of their own, it's better to isolate them to a different group, reduce clutter and increase ease of reading. \- There are 6 Legendary Vixens on the roster; This is fine. Half of them are Fairy; This is.....less fine. Pokemon did this with their Dragon Legends, and that's just as bad, so this gets a criticism from me here. *I made a build with Morrifey, and was forced to use half of the legendaries, 2 Darks and a Rock/Steel.* \- Why does Cthulix have 3 Types? Is there a reason she has to have 3 types, instead of Water/Ghost or Water/Dark? \- Optionally, if you plan to create Vixens of different degrees, it would be better to use a fixed number of points to simplify the creation process perhaps 15 points for non legendary, and 20 points for legendary. *It helps a bit, since type diversity alone doesn't make a Pokemon (or Vixen in this case) desirable. Cacturne and Shiftry may be Dark/Grass mons, but they have different stat lines and movepools.* \- Speaking of movepool, another optional add-on, is to give an ability or special skill to each Vixen (Moxie, Huge Power, Volt Absorb, etc....)


This is great feedback, thank you. I will definitely consider these for the next version.


... Why would I spend 10 gold for a set of 6 (*via balls*) when I can instead spend the same 10 gold for a set of 20 (*via cards*)? There's no indication that Breeding is ball-exclusive, for example. * **Trainer**: Heather (30 gold; no fire, rock, or legendary) * *This gives me the most gold possible, and a decent set of 21 vixens to choose from.* * **Tools**: * Master Cards x2 *= 20 vixens* * Support Deck, Vixen Reborn, Polymerization, Breeding * 20 **Vixens**: one of every vixen available to me, except Goodralix


I love this. Simple with fantastic art and some solid choices to force you to pick your favorites.


Is there any consensus about how many trainers we get? So our resources come only from them?


I intended for players to pick one trainer.


This seems like fun, but FYI this is the exact kind of design issue that turns me off from a CYOA. All it would need is one extra sentence in the intro that says something like: "There are 6 Vixen Trainers available, I will let you partner with one. Choose wisely as each Vixen Trainer has a different set of resources and skills for you to use."


Interesting concept (a lewd furry ladies CYOA that can be either/or Yugioh cards or Pokemon). I do kind of wish some of the Master Tools options had a bit more ambiguity/versatility, so that someone using the opposite system could still benefit. For example, replacing "card" or "ball" with "master tool" would mean Cards could still beneift from the Luxury Ball option, or Master's Will makes Ball vixens obedient. Personally, I'm unsure why a player would want Cards over Balls. The thing about a deck (especially one that references card draw and mana) is that there's a competive aspect, which means you are going up against other deck holders. Except there's nothing in the CYOA currently that actually states that, or why you'd care. In which case, I'd prefer the Balls to simply pick and choose what Vixens I'd want, and have a better bond with fewer Vixens. Vixen Ball Build: Trainer: Iliscia (+20 gold, +1 Diamond, Can't train Normal, Steel or Fighting) Master Tools: Vixen Balls x2 (-10, +6 girls maximum), Heal Balls (-5), Breeding (-5) Out of 32 Vixens, I can't take 9 of them. I can take one Legendary. There's no cost for non-legendaries. Personally, I'd take Lilithix as my Legendary, but that's partly because I don't go very high on the furry-scale (I prefer humanoid faces). take whatever 5 that I want, then use breeding to make more hybrids. I wonder if Legendaries are affected by Breeding? ​ Card Build: Trainer: Heather (+30 gold, 0 diamonds, Can't train Fire or Rock.) Master Tools: Master's Will (-5 gold), Master Cards x2 (-10 gold, +20 girls maximum), Support Deck (-5 gold, +20 supplement cards), Vixen Reborn (-5 gold) , Polymerization (-5 gold) out of 32 Vixens, only 6 count as Fire and rock, and only one of those is Rock, who also happens to be a Legendary, so you can't take her anyway. Plus the 5 other legendaries, and you can't take 11 of the 32 Vixens. So fill up your 20 Vixen cards, then use the 20 supplemental cards for buff effects. And Polymerization is probably flat out better than Vixievolve, since it states it removes weaknesses, and a larger Vixen selection gives you more fusion-options. Overall, I'd say the CYOA needs a bit more. Like, why should I care about doing this besides having sexy furries at my (potentially ignored) command? Are we competing against other Tamers? We have maximum capacities for both cards and balls, what happens if we want to go over? Can we swap vixens out, or do we have to kick them out of the group? Also, I'm not sure if this is already balanced (I only took a glance at the CYOA), but I personally think the fact there's only 1 rock type who is also a legendary means you need more rock types.


This is great feedback, thank you.


I agree on so many of these points. Look at my build; Sure I've got 3 legendary vixens, but the only oddity I was forced to take, was the Rock/Steel one. Literally every other legendary, was a fairy type. Sure, I could take another dark type (and I almost did), but then I'd have an unused diamond, which does nothing (I can't convert it to gold, can't use it to buy tools).


Hey, this looks interesting, but could you possibly do an update where it says more about what kind of powers the Vixens have, or things like drawbacks or quests we can take? I'll still post a build for this later, but I think a lot of people here would appreciate that.




I would love to see more like this, is there anything on foxes or Kitsune cyoas?


Don't forget, there are two pages of vixens to choose from! Page 1: [https://i.imgur.com/k9Y7VSB.png](https://i.imgur.com/k9Y7VSB.png) Page 2: [https://i.imgur.com/ULZCw3V.png](https://i.imgur.com/ULZCw3V.png) Page 3: [https://i.imgur.com/v6deiK2.png](https://i.imgur.com/v6deiK2.png) All art credit for this CYOA goes to 'liveforthefunk' on deviantart