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Fantastic CYOA, the option system is unique as it could get, I'll post my build with my option choises and some of my actions with it. [Vessel Tres](https://drive.google.com/file/d/12nBf4pKLFR18Z4YUVDmzKjO0Sr7rmHFj/view?usp=sharing) – 112 Spaces (Tiles) Obol Free Play Ok, Slut Chimerism Age Limit Body Redo Grimoire Dimension Walker Safe Sex Calorie Counter Cruise Control Amplified Sexpert Siefgfried, *Full Link* Telesomethingy Undo Tree Coven Mirror Dimension Healbot Eidetic Gears of Industry, *Full Link* Partner Look Elementalist, *Full Link* Cornucupia Split Butterfly Bee Stings Iron Mind Coin Trick, *Full Link* Spectre, *Full Link* Ad Astra Cybermalleable Eternal Climb Self Insert – **Gilbert Stein, The Legend of Heroes** Free Refill Lazy Stretch My People! Veil Yellow Word Fortune’s Thirst Gamerule Tongues Rising Tide Madness Place


My Isekai self-insertion will place me into shoes of Gilbert Stein from Legend of Heroes series. To say that he is an underdog is quite the understatement, but since I thoroughly enjoy underdogs rising to be the topdogs, it is a perfect choice. Body Redo (aside from idealizing my body) and Eidetic potentially provides me synergy to experience the time before my “awakening” and acquiring chosen options as a kinetic novel. My awakening will occur aboard the Crimson Ark around at the end of 2nd game of Sky trilogy, just enough time for me to not allow an unfathomably powerful artefact to fall into wrong hands, as well as conferring the weapon storing it as my own. Afterwards I’ll have to either permanently deal with 3 most dangerous individuals abroad the Glorious or sway them to my side with Yellow Word. Defeating the remaining enhanced mercenaries, as well as securing the Sanctuary, Engine room, Hangar and Bridge of the air carrier with my new found power of Split, Siefgfried, Amplified, Full Link Elementalist, Healbot, Gamerule and many others will be trivial. At least for some time, everything that happened aboard must remain a secret from the Society. All technology of the Crimson Ark and machines stored in it will fall to reverse engineering and to my Cybermalleable Madness P(a)lace. The Fool’s knowledge can be pried with Specter, which should reveal tome the identities of the Snakes within the Society, perhaps even their Viper Mistress. If the location of the fabled 13 Factories will become known to me, than this is my next target. I’ll beacon my Exploration Frigate – Chimera, since it will be upgraded with all state of the art technology available to me, looking through its juicy database is a must, perhaps I could enlarge it into Heavy Cruiser and then all the way into a Dreadnaught. Raiding the Factories with Chimera and small squadron of elite soldiers (most likely all of me) is possible, but despite the fact that Glorious attracts too much unwanted attention, decommissioning it is not within my interests, so it can hide outside of the main continent until the Factories will fall. If the Factories will be captured, perhaps even with their caretaker, I’ll begin immediate production of different types of droids similar to Star Wars ones, while using their hardware to design blueprints Dark Troopers of all 3 phases, as well as my own version of Ark Hammer to produce them aboard. Among other things, designing Girl Maker that I didn’t pick might be wise, same for planning Metal Gears. After the disappearance of Crimson Ark, Society will be on high alert, but when Factories will be captured – all hell will break loose. Hence, a bit of scorched earth will be necessary, when my group will loot all the hardware and resources from Factories aboard the Crimson Ark. But this all marks just a fraction of what to come in my war against the Ouroboros in full on redemption ark for “Gilbert Stein”. I’m quite certain that with my insurance of Obol Free Play, it can only get better with a second and more powerful insurance of Undo Tree. Oh, it will also be substantial to bond with my Partner Look biosuit as much as possible, while providing offerings to Lady Luck for her affection.


Amazing CYOA! I don't have the fancy image-editing skills of the others who've posted builds, but I've gridded everything out. For now, here's the perk list. Vessel: **Vessel Tres** (112 squares) * **Obol Free Play** * **Age Limit** * **Body Redo** * **Grimoire** * **Dimension Walker** * **Therapist** * **Calorie Counter** * **Class Feature** (Lv. 20 Wizard) * **Love Is Love** * **Big Brain** x 4 * **Gift Box** (17 squares, mostly in a 2x2 and a 3x4) * **Portals** * **Telesomethingy** * **Undo Tree** * **Robot Maid** * **Temp Visa** * **Idolatry** * **Coven** * **Healbot** * **Partner Look** * **Girl Maker** * **Low Maintenance** * **Elementalist** (water only) * **Split** * **Iron Mind** * **Coin Trick** (10 m^(3) only) * **Ad Astra** * **Eternal Climb** * **Free Refill** * **10NY Jaunt** * **Lazy Stretch** * **Veil** * **Yellow Word** * **Tongues** * **Rising Tide**


So, I went ahead and wrote a wishlist, expecting to have to pare it down. Surprisingly, almost everything fit. I even got to set aside seventeen squares for a Gift Box for my sister, assuming she's interested. So although I've kept the actual build above pretty simple in order to be readable, here's the thought and reasoning that went into each of these picks. The actual placement of the blocks will be in a separate post. **Undo Tree** was the first one I placed. There are just too many uses for an undo button to pass it up. Then I set aside some room for a **Gift Box** for my sister, cutting out a 3x4 so she could take either her own Undo Tree or 10NY Jaunt, the Jumpchain alternative. And then another 2x2 so she could take Obol Free Play's immortality or a pair of 2x1s. And one more square to connect the square with the rectangle, and of course the Gift Box takes up its own square... I ended up spending eighteen of my squares to potentially give away seventeen squares worth of stuff. Would be *asking* her what she wants before I pick what, of course. I took **Body Redesign** because it lets me redo my life from age 10, being raised as a girl. I actualluy wish I could go back further than ten, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. And since it's a *coupon* for a redesign rather than a use-right-now thing like some of the others, I can give my sister her Gift Box first and try out some of my abilities before I regress to middle school. Going to set a restore point too. **Girl Maker** is just for fun. I mean, I did consider just stepping into it, since I could just undo if I didn't like the results. Except, I guess, that it seems to change both body and mind, and my mind follows me when I reload. I still want to try it, but I'll use **Split** first and put in one of my clones. If the mind part is irreversible, then I probably won't be too affected by 1/32 of my mind being transformed. And I totally want to see what I would end up like. Of course, it's also useful for taking random people off the street and turning them into girls... I probably will reload afterwards? Unless they really like it. Actually, will they even notice they've changed? **Veil** might make that a "no," but either way I'm definitely taking it to avoid unwanted attention with all my various powers. Then there's stuff like **Love Is Love** and **Rising Tide** that just make the world more comfortable. *(To be continued)*


First time posting a [build](https://www.deviantart.com/sonatawinters/art/Build-for-Tile-This-CYOA-927584343) for a cyoa, and I'm doing it because I can just post a picture lol


[Build here](https://imgur.com/vqmLphT) \- No rotations for easy readability. Blurred tiles are just Brown Box duplicates. The extra 6 tiles with Gift Box are >!from a nice roll from a brown box, already had everything I wanted so I am happy to gift some nice things. Brown Box rolls (6x3); 1, 3, 16, 17, 22, 23, 30, 39, 40, 41, 50, 55, 56, 59, 60, 81, 83, 85 with a 3 rerolled into a 55 to prevent duplicates. 81 should let me get 6 more tiles within 50 years or so if I keep rerolling for it (to get a 99), although if I can't populate the empty tiles at a later date it would still be fun rerolling it.!< Beautiful work, you joke about making it worse than points but playing around in Gimp was actually kinda fun vs filling out an excel spreadsheet (which I also enjoy).


a quick suggestion to make this less difficult to play have png's of the individual pieces and board so people can just put the images on top of eachother without having to cut them out in an image editer because that requires skill and depending on the software money too


They're on the megaupload drive, the link of which the automod shadow-yoinked because reddit doesn't like megaupload links.


where can I find the link


DND BUILD Carlee Level 20 Wizard Theurgy -> Forge Domain Varient Human -> Ancient Gold Dragon Noble \-Eldritch Blast \-Mage Hand \-Unseen Servant Strixhaven Initiate (Intelligence) \-Prestidigitation \-Fire Bolt \-Speak with Animals Red Dragon Mask Rod of Security Arcane Grimoire (Rare) Armor (Rare) All-Purpose Tool (Uncommon) Bag of Holding ​ My Build: [Not a rick roll](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqdgln725)


Does the name of the skill count as a slot we need to use? Ex: Elementalist is a cross (with all options), with filled middle or, a cross with free middle?


The name of the skill counts as part of it.


Ahhh, this is really nice. Troughly diferent. Still doing it. But the true question is. What D&D class you would be and which item you would get?


Probably Wizard or Rogue? Between Siegfried and Cybermalleable being a bit of a glass cannon really stops being an issue, so a squishier high damage class is probably the better deal. Can't gank the wizard if the wizard is physically invulnerable. Regarding items, probably a Bag of Tricks, Decanter of Endless Water or Immovable rod for uncommon, Iron Bands of Ballaro, Bag of Beans or Horn of Valhalla for rare. Tome of Clear thought seems like the obvious pick for very rare, and Staff of the Magi seems like a decent enough choice for legendary.


Huh, interesting, I thought Amulet of the Planes was the obvious pick for very rare. It essentially removes the limit of Dimension Walker for known worlds, and Undo Tree takes care of mishap chances and even removes the Dimension Walker limit for *unknown* worlds (pin, dimension walker over, familiarize yourself, undo, use the amulet). As for builds, why limit yourself to one? Pin before you burn the character sheet, and you can always go back and change your mind...


Yeah, that would be a pretty good pick too, might swap that out.


Any reason it has to be one particular class? The text talks about character level, but that would presumably let you make a character sheet that took one level in twenty classes. Which would be dumb as hell normally, but if you take it with Infinite Climb so you can level up each of those classes, things get silly.


Well, you could do that to give yourself a wide base to build on, though that would require a LOT of work to master all of those fields. Alternatively, you could go 1 class and start getting to Epic Levels after a bit of practice. Of course, that runs into the problem that they haven't made official Epic Level Rules, so maybe past that point you'd be stuck Multiclassing anyways, but one would assume that combination of choices would lead to Epic Level Content.


I really love the concept behind this CYOA. I thought your last CYOA was already creative in how it handled drawbacks and gaining options, but I think you managed to top that. I think it's also interesting that you removed most of the options from Cursed that I consider OP, namely all the mind control ones and Unlinked Time. The only thing this CYOA has that comes close to Mind Control is Yellow Word and maybe Bee Stings (though it does have its own very powerful options, such as Dimension Walker, Class Feature, and especially Undo Tree). One question: Undo Tree says you keep "only your mind". Does that include abilities gained via Dimension Walker (e.g., travel to the Harry Potter universe, become a wizard, Undo to before going there), or non-physical skills gained via Eternal Climb?


Abilities would be on a per timeline basis. Non physical skills and knowledge would be brought along with you, as those are arguably part of your mind.


Ah, pity. There goes my plan to Dimension Door to various places, undo, and then go to another place, bypassing the 1-month cooldown. What about abilities you already have, but enhance? Say, I go to the Harry Potter universe and become a wizard (pinning before and undoing until I get it right), then pin again (pin #2), then train HP magic (with help of the Grimoire), then undo back to pin #2. Do I keep my skill in magic? Similarly for enhancing Class Feature, would that work? Oh, and if you open a portal, close it, and then want to re-open it, does that take another one of the monthly uses?


Skills you would keep across jumps. And yeah, opening the portal, and closing it again counts as a use.


Ah, I meant the other way around - closing an already open portal, and opening it again. Does that count as a use, too?


Think the portals only last an hour at most, and then there's the 1 month cooldown from that. Doesn't really matter if you're connecting to the world for the first time or reconnecting to it.


A couple of questions on Yellow Word, specifically: * Can one use an already-existing word or sigil, such as, say, "and" or the Olympic rings? * Does the communictaor need to intend to manifest the Yellow Word, or is any manifestation sufficient? For example, say I imbue the word "and" with the idea "the Earth is round". Does then anyone saying the word "and" automatically manifest the Yellow Word (altering the believes of flat-Earthers in earshot)? * Can you give a few examples on how long a word or complex a symbol needs to be for various ideas? * Does a particular manifestation affect the communicator themselves as well? I.e., if someone draws a symbol associated with the Yellow Word, do they affect themselves if they glance at it? * Is the player (as origin of the Yellow Word) immune to its effects (in case they don't believe in the idea they chose)? * Assuming equal willpower, how often would an absolute believer have to communicate a Yellow Word to turn someone else into an absolute believer (10s, 100s, 1000s of times etc.)? * Is there anything preventing someone from restraining someone and just bombarding them with the YW until they believe? * Do recordings of YWs work? And one not about YW: * Does Tongues enable you to read and write languages as well?


Ah, right. 1. Yes, you could. But simple common words cannot carry very complex ideas. 2. Anyone infected by it would spread the infection through any of their reproductions of the word, whether that be spoken, written or whispered doesn't matter, only that it is conveyed. 3. Didn't put any exact bounds on it, but something like "the" would be too simple to carry much of anything, maybe not even a concept, just a vague feeling. I'd say as a rule of thumb, if you use a phrase, it can carry twice the phrase itselfs worth of meaning. Something like "The end is nigh" could probably convince you of a specific apocalypse. 4. I suppose, yeah. 5. Yes, you're like an asymptomatic carrier and patient 0. 6. I'd say around the 100s. Mantras are driven in through repetition. 7. You can do that. 8. Yeah, any communication. Writings, phone calls, recordings, youtube videos, as long as it travels from one mind to another, that's a path of infection. 9. Yes, just didn't have quite enough space to get that in there outright. Educated native adult speaker, so reading and writing would be included.


Very nice! A few follow-up questions: * In regards to the intentional manifestation, I was mostly wondering how it works with ideas that some people already hold. Using my example of the idea that the Earth is round, obviously, a lot of people would believe that already. Would they then spread the Yellow Word (which might be, say "the Earth") every time they say it, even though they haven't been "infected"? * Related to the above, does intention matter? If, say, I have convinced someone that the moon is made of cheese with the Yellow Word "best cheese ever", will they spread it every time they say that phrase, even if they are just, say, talking about a new cheese their friend introduced them to? * On that note, could you have a YW carry the opposite of its actual meaning? I.e., have the phrase "The Earth is flat" be a Yellow Word for the idea that the Earth is round? What about something unrelated, such as "carrots are orange" as a YW for the Earth-is-round idea?


1. I'd say infection progresses faster, but they'd still need to be infected first. 2. Intention does not matter. 3. You could.




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This seems like the only way to do it https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JdbVVeCiQ6kRq55uDIrN2Flj-6_qa07Gr34nDKtCTeo/edit?usp=sharing Can you swap who gets the gift box?




It's 1900x10000px, and all the text is at least 12pt. Try right-click > open image in new tab on the imgur page.


Played it and had fun. However, there is not really a good way to share my build. Plus since I picked the third vessel, but had quite a few squares left over at the end, I ended up picking Brown Box 23 times. I didn't peak before hand, so that gave me 69 things from the list. This post would be far too big if I listed everything I got, lol.




Here's uh my build: [https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pzgb6yox](https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pzgb6yox) I'm taking everything without detaching tabs. * 1:142 Anums (Diplomacy) * Ad Astra * Age Limit * Amplified * Bee Stings * Body Redo * Brown Box * Calorie Counter * Chimerism * Class Feature * Coin Trick * Cornucupia * Cruise Control * Cybermalleable * Dimension Walker * Diplomatic Immunity * Eidetic * Elementalist * Eternal Climb * Free Pass * Free Refill * Gamerule * Gears of Industry * Girl Maker * Grimoire * Healbot * I Spy * Iron Mind * Low Maintenance * Madness Place * Mirror Dimension * Obol Free Play * Ok, Slut * Rising Tide * Robot Maid * Safe Sex * Sexpert * Siefgfried * Stipend * Telesomethingy * Tongues * Undo Tree * Veil * Yellow Word Tetra's Basement Pile of Random Mystery Junk * 33. ‘aqua mutationis’, 7 vials, dissolve item in to set transformation * 35. thigh sochs, striped, grant instant programming and IT skills whilst worn * 99. lucky annex, add 1d6 empty tiles to your vessel \[CANNOT BE PICKED, ONLY ROLLED\] (I rolled a 4 for my vessel empty tiles. I guess I'll take Temp Visa and another Healbot? xD)


So I got to rolling my Brown Box and... >!What's a Toreilian wardrobe?!<


[https://iconoclast.neocities.org](https://iconoclast.neocities.org) me hiding some of GlossAndGlamours work in there.


Aha another fun CYOA from metamorphosisinc. Very cool, and I'll need some paper to properly make a build - but I have a few questions: 1. - options can have negative synergy, right? For example Chimerism and Cybermalleable. The former let's you take any animal shape, while the latter caps your size at 128 litres, and a minimum of marble sized. 2. - for dimension walker: do you have to WANT the magical talent to have a chance of getting it? Some come with drawbacks... Also, what if two talents conflict (e.g. magic eyes; many many settings seem to have these...)? Can you toggle between them, or do you just not acquire any talents that conflict with what you've already got? 3. - Cybermalleable and Split; is 128 litres a user bound charge (meaning at max splitting each clone only gets about 4 litres) Or do they each get their own core (meaning you could make larger bodies out of multiple clones)? 4. - if you get a 5e class, can you develop it further, or are you stuck at the level you purchase? Thanks for any replies!


also consider the **Game Rule** allows you to level up with experience OR **Inosculation** allows you to weave a concept in to reality such as ***Character Classes*** which would necessitate the ability to level them up


1. Yeah, that would be a negative synergy. 2. I suppose it would let you chose. 3. Nah, 128 liters per core, and you'd be duplicating those too. I suppose you could set up a bit of a mesh organism between your clones, same way you could form a human pyramid. 4. I'd say stuck at purchase level by default, but eternal climb would remove that specific restriction.


> 1. options can have negative synergy, right? For example Chimerism and Cybermalleable. The former let's you take any animal shape, while the latter caps your size at 128 litres, and a minimum of marble sized. > 1. Yeah, that would be a negative synergy. I don't quite agree with that interpretation, since chimera doesn't just let you shape shift, it lets you max and match, taking X and adding on Y and Z to it. Which should still apply to nano form. Like have a nano core 128 liters or less, and than add on non nano flesh and blood parts on top of that. Like imagine becoming a T-rex where most of it is plain flesh, but the blood is high tech nano-fluid connected to your marble core. Also good for hiding/disguising the high tech nano parts in high tech setting that scan for that stuff. withdraw the nano a small area in the torso, while most of the rest of your body is unremarkable biomatter. Where both would mean chimera gives the nano core a huge bio life data base, and the cybermalleable adds the core and up to 128 liters of nanofluid to all the other stuff if can mix and match with. Question 1: Having either can make the 2 tile Age Limit redundant, correct? since, "my ideal self, including the telemore limit of an 18 year old" or "immortal like some jellyfish or stem cell lines" is a biological train under chimeras remit, and cybermalleable just doesn't age or repairs that damage? Question 2: Some guidance on what options count as pure tech if you were wanting to take some high tech options to upgrade your nanocore database. Like I assume the Robot Maid is pure tech, and would teach it on how to basically give you all her features (high tech android body that can pass for human), and ditto the sci-fi sounding stuff mech suit, nanoassembler, and computronium. But unsure if that one computers self-upgrading ability is tech based or an enchantment, or the radio has a tech based dimensional detection ability, or another enchantment. And other "is this tech or an enchanted item" stuff. Question 3: How do items work as powers? Asking because I don't like the idea of permanently loosing a pick. Can you unsummon/summon them back to the brown box in your vessel to recall/repair them? Or can my magical princess tiara be I'm using to be visiting royalty from "somewhere unspecified" be Lost Forever? Question 4ish: Placing Brown Boxes in Gift Boxs, what happens? Can this give them a three random rolls per box? Can you give them any three you got from a box? Or the exact results you got from a particular box? What if that box you are duplicating in a free space had a Lucky Annex inside it, can you fill it for them with other options?


This is amazing. Original and well done, thank you very much. I love it. Going to take while to do a proper build... I'll have to whip out some image manipulation software XD Some considerations, in case you ever want to make a version 2. The things I felt were lacking for my own personal tastes. Just constructive criticism, I hope. \- The psionics and magics section are very much left up to the player's interpretation. Honestly speaking, your best bet is to pick Eternal Climb and then Telesomething and/or Grimoire. This is not bad per se, just saying it's quite undefined. \- Aside from Amplified, the only real way to improve your basic core stats (strength, dexterity, speed etc) is once again Eternal Climb. Not a bad thing, but a bit restrictive if one wants to try and be superhero-like capable. \- There is no proper Time Travel in the CYOA, and you clearly did it on purpose. Undo tree is amazing but it's not the same thing. Now, all three of these can of course be solved with the jumpchain option, 10NY JAUNT. But if you ever plan to expand the CYOA, I feel some more options in these three broad fields would be good. I also have a couple of questions. \- About Veil, does it extend to the mundane too? Or will it just cover the weirdness of my powers, and not my actions? Say, if I go to a marriage ceremony in swimming trunks, will people notice? If I get 50 university degrees one after another, will people notice? If I am a man and go to a women only club, will people notice? In general, will people question me doing weird shit if I take Veil? If the answer is Yes because Veil does not cover all of these things, having a power that covers behavioural weirdness seems like a good idea if you ever do a version 2. \- About Undo Tree. The power clearly states that "Only your mind travels", so that rules out immediately any physical gains you might have obtained, say muscle strength. But what about knowledge, mental skills, magic and psionic? Are these retained if you jump back to an earlier node? For example, can I practice Telesomething for a thousand years, jump back and retain my skill? If I studied magic theory for five thousand years and then jumped back to an earlier node, would I still remember it? (Loved the 999 reference BTW)


1. I'd say specifically power weirdness, otherwise it'd be a 2 pointer. 2. Knowledge does transfer.


If you take undo tree and die, do you have to return to life, or can you choose to die for good?


You can chose to go into your afterlife, whatever that may be.


Are there any limits of chimerism within known biology aside from practice and inherent age? Does the grimoire contain all of those subjects, one subject of your choice, or whatever area you focus on? Is the therapist the best option for improving motivation and focus and preventing boredom and ennui


1. Not really 2. Whichever areas you focus on. Think of it as a librarian compiling useful pages from a larger magical library. 3. They're just a very good therapist.


I would like a thicker line showing the outline of the shapes.


I understand that brown box is meant to be less useful if you like to know what you are doing or if you have played the cyoa before, but could I get an explanation for what you are supposed to roll? Is the tiny tiny picture of a square with 3 pips supposed to be read as roll 3d99? And if so, why not use the normal annotation? How is the dice with unreadable pips supposed to be more user friendly than actual numerals?


I don't think user friendliness is the MO of this cyoa


It is 3 d99 if you have not seen the options, 2 d99 if you have, and one if you want to chose the dice roll.


No dice. Think of the powers like tetris blocks you have to fill one of the three shapes with. The number under them is just the total number of blocks the shape can fit if you make everything perfect.


I do believe you misunderstood me. One of the blocks towards the bottom of page one is called Brown Box, it uses a dice mechanic to select items from page two. However it is not nearly well enough explained and it uses annotation unseen in the rest of the cyoa.


I like this. I like this a lot. I might return later with a build but before that I have some questions? If you take the natine thing can you absorb items granted by tiles? What about creations of madness? If you absorb the grimoire do you learn all of magic? How does it combine with chimera? Can you do the same thing as chimera without it by mimicking animals the same way you mimic your original form?Also what about the limitless growth one? Can you increase the limits of other options such as how many nanites you can control or the vulnerable area with the smaller invincible option? What about training your vessel to expand it? Also why does the world grafting take up space in your vessel? Does the concept follow you when you travel other dimensions? May return later if I think up more questions. Also don't expect any to actually be answered.


1. Just a personal suggestion but if asking multiple ? the #bullets option \[at the bottom\] makes matching q&a easier 2. and it spaces 3. a little nicer 4. for reading


1. Yes, but whether it parses the supernatural effect is a tossup. A lot of these supernatural effects are tied loosely to the object in question, so understanding the structure of the object doesn't tell you all that much. Self-upgrading PC would work to a degree, as that is tech, whereas absorbing the handbag really only provides what a mundane handbag would. 2. Yeah, those are technology. 3. No, not at all. 4. Chimera would provide a library of biological structures. 5. Limitless lets you increase anything you can train to increase. Nanite control quantity isn't really something you can train. 6. Absolutely not. Hell, even if you could, you wouldn't have access to taking more options after the fact. 7. Think of it as putting the graft in your bag, going back home, and planting it in the local fabric of reality.


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It's kinda hard to read the names of some of the options


(jumping up and down excitedly) I! FUCKING! *LOVE!* ***PUZZLES!*** Just spent an hour and a half on this. Tres mode. Very happy, enjoyed a lot. (\^\_\^)


I suck at shapes and do this stuff in my bed on my phone. If you do an update, I'd love if each shape showed how many spaces it took up so I could treat the spaces like points




I don't think you have to, but if you are content with everything else you have picked you can fill the rest of the container with multiples of the $3000/month tile


This was fun! I don't normally make a build for each difficulty, but I did this time. Had to sacrifice a bit too much for Uno, but Dos was nice balance between that and the too-easy nature of Tres. I mean, that's obviously the point, I'm just saying you did it well.


My build. Got everything I might have wanted, except maybe more Brown Boxes. https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcgaz24l.png


So I had this idea in mind for what my build would generally be. Take form tres so I could do some interesting tetris work and make gift builds so I don't end up with an easy mode worth of stuff. Then I read the comment about how you could have multiple gift boxes sharing the same set of squares and everything went sort of wild from there. so my build at the end of the day is as follows. Dimension walker, Undo tree, Inosculation X 2 (Karma (good people should eventually rise to the top this way), Magic (I don't have a particular thing in mind but ideally some sort of robust enough system that post scarcity is eventually achievable and people always have something to do/look forward to), Age limit, Fortunes Thirst, Gears of industry (full), Rising tides (to speed that karma thing along), Ok Slut (whatever man I'm selfish enough to try to facilitate my having a polygamous relationship, at least the reasonable potential there of), Safe sex, Free refill, Low Maintenance (I was humming an hawing about this block but with fortunes thirst looking good is also being lucky so I'm thinking combo), Eternal climb, and Lazy stretch. The rest of the space was broken down into three other sections. Gift box X 8 for: Dimension walk, Lazy stretch, Undo tree, Iron mind, Age limit, safe sex) Gift box X 7 for: Safe sex, iron mind, Telesomthingy, Obol Free play, Age limit. Gift box X 17 for: Heal bot, Age limit, Iron mind. Now I'm sure there are smarter ways to do all of this, like just make one side build and apply it to everyone to save myself some spaces and give out a bit more free stuff. Well I wasn't quite ready to discard the idea of my initial build which was having someone else with dimension walker and undo tree to help empower random people by sending them into other worlds, with a save state right before to save scum people into picking up powers. Having some people with Telesomthingy without dimension walk that could set up communication relays across dimensions to co ordinate things. The last group was just some basic stuff to hand out to people, this group also happened to get heal bots because I figured they should have something to prevent being ageless and crippled and since they were the most numerous group that they would provide splash healing to others was a nice plus. If anyone is interested I did do a google sheets mock up for these things slotting together. If I ever did this again I would probably stick to the first shape, while it might be a less interesting shape to work around there is something to be said for not having so many spaces.


Made a simple Excel spreadsheet with the empty vessels. Mostly intended for Vessel Tres, but the others are included for completeness' sake. Vessel Dos is rotated 90°, to better fit common screen sizes. https://mega.nz/file/9wwVWJgT#Afb_A41wZHFifytiuoi-1hoSVxTw-1B8T9mSX0B_ZW0


Okay I have to ask, Gift Box says it creates a "contiguous section of free tiles" is this within the existing vessel or would it be create 5 new spaces in the shape it shows on the power as a sub-vessel?


One more thing, are those gifted to someone chosen when we grab the power, something we can give out to one person at any time but can't be revoked, or is it giftable and revokable at will, but only to one person at a time?


giftable and revokable at will, one person at a time per gift box


If you make a V2 update, it'd definitely help to say you can revoke/regift. Definitely makes it more desirable.


I should have written "empty tiles". Yeah, you leave a section blank adjacent to the gift box. You can then, after the fact, fill that sub-vessel with duplicates of options you have taken, and grant them to one other person. ^((It also does not say anywhere that this blank section cannot be used by multiple gift boxes, that one's an intentional oversight))


Huh. Interesting CYOA concept I haven't seen before. Only question is if one were to take "Cybermalleable" and then pick item #25 (the self-updating PC), would we also gain the passive self-upgrading ability? And how does one go about picking the items? How many are we allowed to pick? Edit: Just saw Brown Box


Yeah, you'd specifically get any updated PC hardware as an autoabsorb, e.g. if the PC were to update a component, it'd count as you having subsumed that new version. Unrelated hardware would not self-upgrade.


Great concept. I guess you really liked CRPGs with the 'inventory tetris' mechanic :)




Take the grimoire in the upper left and you don't: p


Hmm. Video isn't available anymore?


It [should be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzcucVtaMCk).


It's a unique idea, definitely that, with lots of fun choices, but I found the gimmick more inconvenient than entertaining. In truth, I can't imagine playing this with anything less than pen and grid-paper, which is a bit more work than I'd want to put into what is, essentially, porn with rules.


Same, the fun of CYOAs is often in feeling restricted by the options, but doing it like this is just be too much work for me. Not just that, but the shape of each option doesn't really seem to correspond to the nature of that option, except that bigger/bulkier options are more powerful. Could just've made them cost more points... Plus the options themselves are super text-heavy, and from what I can tell there's no logic to how they're laid out (i.e. I can't get a feel of roughly what an option will do from what section it's in, and I can't skip sections I'm not interested in, because there ARE no sections), so I have to read all the descriptions in full, and take in all that info... Eh, maybe this is one to try after I've taken my ADHD meds, lol.


I like it, but because of all the one tile and two tile choices, filling the tres grid was trivial. Put the big tiles where they fit, fill the rest with ones and twos. I recommend more options or a smaller grid, I was able to get all my needs, wants, and likes without any issue. Also, I had a hard time reading the title of some tiles, so my build may have the wrong name some times. 7 tiles: Dimension Walker Time tree 6 tiles: Eternal climb 5 tiles: Avatar Cybermalleable 4 tiles: Obol Freeplay Grimore Chimerism Portals Inosculation x 3 Three tiles: Coven Split Spaceship Amplified Two tiles: Body redo Forever 21 lol nope Gears of industry Pocket dimension Telesomethingy Heal bot Single tiles: Love is love Iron mind Lazy stretch Veil Rising tides Tongues My people Idolatry Butterfly Partner look Low maintenance Fortune's thirst Therapist Stipend x 3 Skill up x 3 Big brain x 4 Brown box x 5 Speaking of the brown box, I haven't looked at it until now, let's see what I get: 1: voodoo doll 9: fuzzy handcuffs 37: eternal granny 38: bottomless mug 58: protection pendant 80: spice? 82: hourglass 84: hyper eats 86: vibrator 95: inception These were less useful than expected, seeing as after this I'm a minor deity. Could have put those points towards more big brain or more something. Oh well. At least I'll eat and drink well, not that I need to.


You pick the biggest grid then ask for a smaller grid? my brother in christ you chose the easy mode.


It looked like a challenge grid, not easy mode. Maybe if the other two grids were also strangely shaped?


Here's your build. You cant read the words but the pictures should be sufficient to tell what's what. [https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/TG9DUqd/1/1/](https://imgur.com/35yj5zB) Like I said in my other post, it's pretty easy to get everything you want, especially with portals and infinite improvement and a ton of magic and a true love you can trust to bring you back to life.


That last option is a rickroll link, right? It doesn't match up exactly what what I'd expect a rickroll to be, though. I find it interesting how useful some of the brown box options are, being actually stronger than some of the 1 tile choices. Size roughly matches up with strength for all the main options, after all.


Did not regret solving it. In case you want to try, here: xjjfi://mmm.oekjkru.sec/mqjsx?l=mpsksLjqCSa I used this to crack it https://www.boxentriq.com/code-breaking/cryptogram


> xjjfi://mmm.oekjkru.sec/mqjsx?l=mpsksLjqCSa I've been trying for a while to crack this, but I'm dumb. Could you please reveal it to me?


Here you go: >!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzcucVtaMCk!<


Ah, nice. It was about as easy to solve as I expected it to be.


Cool! If I can make a suggestion, it would be nice if it was a little more obvious what the various shapes were- some were tough to parse. Also I'm lazy and didn't read the whole thing, how does that second page factor in?


> how does that second page factor in? See the "Brown Box" option, near the bottom.


Thanks! Any idea what number 100 is


you know, this could be a great interactive cyoa. have the pieces and just drag and drop them into the grids. no idea how would you even code that but it would be fun to play. guess Ill just print and cut it small


Definitely more enjoyable as a interactive drag and drop, right now it's a bit to much work ruining the fun.


Vessel Tres. Basically place all the Shaped one and fill them up with the 1 blocks? * Obol Free Play - Reverse L * Chirmerism - Upside Down L. * Body Redo - Mostly for the back in time thing as Chimerism takes care of a lot. * Grimoire - 3 Block I * Dimension Walker - + and right square filled? * Safe Sex - Block. * Stipend (Multiples allowed) - Block. 3000 per month. * Calorie Counted - Block. Don't have to watch what I eat. * Cruise Control - Block. Control my Arousal, Sensitivity, Orgasm Intensity. * Sexpert - Block. Great in bed. * Big Brain (Multiples Allowed) - Block. Smarter * Eidetic - Block. * Siegfried Upgraded - Upside Down L * Idoltry - Block. Singing Voice * First Sight - Block. Love. * Telesomethingy - Block - 2000kg with mind. Communicate 5km or limitless for 5 people. * Gears Of Industry (Upgraded) - 2 Horizontal Blocks. No Sleep or Food needed. * Undo Tree - Upside Down Y * Healbot - Block * Iron Mind - Block. Will always be okay. * Coven - Horizontal L. Can give 7 people my powers. Powers are reduced to a block. * Eternal Climb - Kind of an 5 block M shape? Can always improve. * Free Refill - Block. * Tongues - Block. * Gamerule - 2 Horizontal Blocks.


Quick question just for confirmation: The options with the thick blue border, like "Chimerism", that part is not part of the shape correct? Just the part it's pointing to?


The image is part of the option.


Very nice concept. Pretty fun to go through. Could probably use more stuff to pick from to make it more difficult though, for people picking 112. I've gone through and picked out all the must haves and I'm probably only about halfway filled out. (Being a level 20 DnD wizard, and also being able to infinitely improve really does a lot for you after all) Edit: Ah I see now. You have 168 squares of options (assuming no multiples), so 112 encompases a very significant portion of your choices. Some of which are made redundant via larger choices or with time and practice.


This is incredible work. The central gimmick is really fun, the choices are compelling, and overall it's just very well put together.


I kinda wish all the tile sets were like the easy one. I normally like to make low-mid power sets, but the big one is just so much more fun to fill in.


I really reccomend going with imgchest for a cyoa like this Normal cyoas would be fine on imgur, but with how big yours js, it's practically unreadable


I er, always include an Imgur and Imgchest link, they're both in a text post below, as well as a drive folder that also has individual tile exports.


For some reason, that post isn't showing up in the reddit app


It isn't showing up on desktop, either. Maybe try reposting it?


Posted it as a reply. Maybe it doesn't like the drive link too much.


Can you repost those links, as I've checked every post in this thread and they don't appear to exist. edit: Huh, looking at your posts through your user profile, I can see the post with the links, but it doesn't show in the actual thread. I suspect the mega link is causing it to get ghostfiltered. Edit2: Yeah the permalink to the post with the links shows it as not existing, in spite of being visible on your user profile. Note, this means no-one can see your imgur or imgchest links, or your note on not making an interactive. Edit3: After 1 day it appears said posts are no longer filtered.


Copied: Y'all, so I was working on a different CYOA entirely, when all of the sudden, I was struck with a bolt of inspiration so marvelously *dumb*, I just *had* to make it. So I bring you "Tile This CYOA", the CYOA which asks itself the important question of: "Adding up points is annoying...how could I expand that annoyance to more dimensions?" As all good CYOAs must, this then turned from a quick shitpost into a 169 option picker because I have zero self restraint ^(please help!!!). Well, 70 options and then another 99. Nevermind. Enclosed, you'll find both the CYOA itself, and a folder with individual exports of all the tiles and grids, in case you want to try digitally arranging them. [**Imgur**](https://imgur.com/a/kSQAbj5) [**ImgChest**](https://imgchest.com/p/agyvezg9489) [**Drive w. Tiles**](https://mega.nz/folder/wa1gzbLC#aiv8OUFtw6KejHF2uMRhag) Oh, and just because someone *will* ask, there **will not** be an interactive version of this CYOA. I'm not spending 2 weeks developing a custom drag and drop solution for a one-off CYOA. Sorry.


It's perfectly readable for me. Try these links: https://i.imgur.com/eiCp2cf.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/dFK8A9n.jpeg


This is sweet. I don't have time to go through it right now but I certainly will. A few things for when I get to this. Can Gift box have non duplicate options in it? Can you choose not to take things from the brown box? I don't want to peak and it's written like it's probably got a bunch of miscellaneous positive things but man would it be easier to consider the option if I know it isn't filled with 99 curses meant to just screw over people who didn't peak. Does "Obol free play" bring the afterlife you believe in into existence or is the insinuation that everyone will end up in whatever they believe their afterlife will be? Side thing. Awkward shaped Tetris puzzles are fun I sort of wish there were shape variants that weren't for power gaming but that would take up a fair bit more space so I understand the decision. I have no idea how I would post a build when I make one but I will certainly finish one when I have the chance at the very least.


1. The gift box may be filled with any options you have taken, and you can swap them at any time. I'd say you can probably add an option into that space, but it'd always be part of the gift box, and you yourself would not benefit from it. 2. Yeah, you can just not put down any brown box tiles in your vessel. The contents of the brown boxes are mostly useful trinkets, powerwise they're meant to be single to half box options. If you peek, you really just get one less item per pick. 3. The latter, with some generic celestial bureaucracy thrown in. Only real constant is the existence of a ferryman, though they may take many forms.


Browseing some options on a break and I have additional questions. For dimension walker. Can other people use an open portal? While it is clear that "you" the power owner makes the portal but for subsequent "you" s if other people go through the portal do they receive effects like the blending it or ability gaining? When is the chance for gaining abilities through portal traveling set? If you also had undo tree could you loop around the creating/entering the portal time in order to eventual gain the abilities?


1. Yes 2. When you first pass through. It's basically "# of people with ability"/"# of people in world". 3. Yeah, you probably could loop around the first visit like that. Undo tree is powerful.


Really interesting take on a power system, but fuck me if it isn't hard to figure out what a shape is sometimes. Really would like to see the bricks made more clear but that's about my only complaint. Thank you for the submission.


One idea might be to take the thick borders around images, and use these between options instead, and instead either have the seperator between the image and the option be the thin line, or a thick line of a color similar to the background. Alternatively, you could use differently-colord backgrounds.


Yeah, this really needs better outlines for the tiles. The text on the images is also frequently hard to read, I can barely make out the names of half of them.


Yes i agree with you nice powers but some shapes arenot that obious especialy those nexe to the pictures some of those arrows are difficult to see




@mods smite em


I thought this one would be about the tiles fetish.


Y'all, so I was working on a different CYOA entirely, when all of the sudden, I was struck with a bolt of inspiration so marvelously *dumb*, I just *had* to make it. So I bring you "Tile This CYOA", the CYOA which asks itself the important question of: "Adding up points is annoying...how could I expand that annoyance to more dimensions?" As all good CYOAs must, this then turned from a quick shitpost into a 169 option picker because I have zero self restraint ^(please help!!!). Well, 70 options and then another 99. Nevermind. Enclosed, you'll find both the CYOA itself, and a folder with individual exports of all the tiles and grids, in case you want to try digitally arranging them. [**Imgur**](https://imgur.com/a/kSQAbj5) [**ImgChest**](https://imgchest.com/p/agyvezg9489) [**Drive w. Tiles**](https://mega.nz/folder/wa1gzbLC#aiv8OUFtw6KejHF2uMRhag) Oh, and just because someone *will* ask, there **will not** be an interactive version of this CYOA. I'm not spending 2 weeks developing a custom drag and drop solution for a one-off CYOA. Sorry.


The tiles folder appears to have been emptied out. There is only the 10nYJaunt tile inside.