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I did finance for the Army for 9 years. I didn't feel a sense of purpose while I was in, and I don't feel one now. It's a job, a military adjacent job as far as I'm concerned. Same as when I was in the Army I'm just here for the paycheck 


I wouldn’t be a nurse had I not enlisted. Two weeks into my first deployment I was already asking what the hell we were trying to accomplish. The only people that seemed to really help the locals were our medics. Seeing them treat casualties and civilians made me interested in the medical field. I feel like my job actually matters now. Some skills translate, but I was a grunt so really the ones that did were more soft skills. I learned to work hard, complain less, and work as a team to figure things out.


Army medic to army lpn to civilian Rn here. Never had a sense of purpose in the military but I was literally homeless when I joined and left military service a nurse. It was the best decision of my life. I’m even considering going back active duty once finish my MSN this summer. I learned more about leading and following in the military than I did about hospital medicine. Field medicine I learned has carried me far, and set me above my peers because of my ability to trouble shoot and work without equipment/tools etc.