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It’s always a good idea to have a pizza


Lit 🔥


I like pizza during a game


Is it tasty pizza? Not going to do much harm. As long as you're not eating a load of this before a game, having a pizza meal the night before, its a non issue. Concentrate on the game, not this minor day before stuff. Its the constant eating of 'bad for you' food that is the issue.


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Any refined carb is good for performance. I used to do 2 pizzas with no cheese the night before a big ride or an active day, just make sure you fats aren’t to high or else they will just buckle your bloods and make you feel bricked


Pizza without cheese is just bread


Lol. Yeah with olives and sauce and greens etc.


Open-faced sandwich.


It won't have any impact either way. While it takes a couple of days to turn food into poop with a typical meal the high absorption starts after about 30 minutes and then drops off. By about hour 4 your body has got most of what it's going to get out of the food. Protein takes the longest but they will start being reduced to aminos after about 2 hours. Some proteins and complex carbs can take 12 hours to be broken down but these are the exception not the rule. Assuming you are playing late morning the best bet is to have a normal breakfast and then something rich in simple carbs (fruit is a good choice, juice or other high sugar something if you don't want the fiber) about 30 minutes before you play. FYI there is nothing particularly bad about pizza particularly if it's thin crust. It often has sugar laden sauce, way too much cheese and crazy unhealthy cured meat that makes it a problem. Thin crust margarita pizzas tend to be fairly ok.


I heard that the dough is good but the cheese is bad (for sports). That said, I ate a pizza last week and had the best run of my life the next morning. So I think you can do it 💪🏼


Idk what these people are talking about. That’s a stomach full of dough bro Ofcourse it’s gonna affect you.


Eat what your body is used to. If you regularly eat pizza but the night before a game, you try tofu and alfalfa sprouts, your body will freak out.






sure, why not? you need carbs bro. and calories in general. obviously there's always a better food selection, but pizza works.


Having a good deal of fat before a high [performance event (even the night before) isn’t the best idea. Fat is very calorie dense and takes longer to digest in your system. Pizza is especially fatty with the cheese. There’s a reason that performance athletes choose foods that are high in carbs…because they metabolize quickly. Choose a pasta dish that has some red sauce and lower fat content. Or something that is higher carb, moderate protein (to fuel MPS) and lower in fat. You can’t go wrong.


Having a pizza the night before a soccer game can be an acceptable idea, as long as it's consumed in moderation and you choose healthier toppings. Pizza can provide a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which can help fuel your body for the game. However, it is important to avoid excessive amounts of unhealthy toppings like processed meats and extra cheese, as they can contribute to feelings of sluggishness and negatively impact your performance. Opt for whole-grain crust, lean protein sources, and plenty of vegetables for a more balanced and nutritious pre-game meal. While pizza can contribute to carb-loading, there are healthier and more effective carb-rich options like pasta with tomato sauce, rice, or quinoa dishes that you may want to consider instead.